NORTH AMERICA forensic investigation & failure ... - DNV GL Investigation... · forensic...

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Transcript of NORTH AMERICA forensic investigation & failure ... - DNV GL Investigation... · forensic...


forensic investigation & failure support services


DNV GL maintains a highly skilled and experienced staff of materials scientists and engineers backed by one of the premier materials and corrosion technology centers in North America.

DNV GL is a single go-to source for all aspects of component failure and failure response.

24 / 7 EmErGENcy Hot LiNE

855.DNV.cALL (368.2255)

▪ incident response

▪ Forensic investigation

▪ component failure analysis

▪ incident root cause analysis

▪ Litigation support

▪ regulatory support

▪ Laboratory testing, modeling, simulation

▪ training

DNV GL Materials & Corrosion Technology Center Columbus, Ohio

forensic investigation & failure support services


LEARN FROM ASSET FAILUREDNV GL, as an independent foundation, is highly recognized for its thorough and fully transparent failure investigations. From major breakdowns to minor damage of individual components, our advanced laboratory testing and failure investigations provide our clients with valuable insight as to how components fail, and why.

PURPOSEWhen failures occur, it is important to conduct a detailed failure analysis and obtain results in a timely manner. the results of a failure analysis can prevent repeat failures, increase safety, optimize day-to-day operations, and provide valuable input for materials selection.

BENEFITSDNV GL provides the expertise and experience you need when components fail. our expert staff utilizes cutting edge laboratory and modeling tools for determining the mechanism/mode and root cause of failures. our extensive experience includes numerous high-profile failure analyses involving state and federal jurisdictions.

▪ Fatigue / corrosion fatigue ▪ creep ▪ Environmentally assisted cracking (Scc,Hic,SSc) ▪ Localized corrosion pit ting ▪ oxygen concentration cell corrosion ▪ microbiologically influenced corrosion (mic) ▪ mechanical damage ▪ Weld defects ▪ manufacturing defects ▪ thermal and chemical degradation of

gaskets and seals ▪ Explosive decompression of gaskets and seals

OUR APPROACHin the event of failure, DNV GL can provide on-site supervision and laboratory results. our reports are of the highest quality in both description and documentation. We perform failure analyses of both metallic and non-metallic components. typical mechanisms/modes and contributing factors enountered include:

SomE oF tHE tEcHNoLoGiES AND mEtHoDoLoGiES UtiLiZED iN oUr mAtEriAL tEStiNG ▪ optical microscopy ▪ 3D microscopy and laser scanning ▪ Scanning electron microscopy (SEm) ▪ Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) ▪ X-ray diffraction (XrD) ▪ raman spectroscopy ▪ Fourier transform infrared (Ftir) spectroscopy ▪ Differential scanning calorimetry (DSc) ▪ Gas chromatography / mass spectrometry ▪ Bacterial testing (serial dilutions, epifluorescent microscopy) ▪ tensile testing ▪ charpy V-notch impact testing ▪ Burst pressure calculations (corLAS™, rStrENG™)

our systematic and detailed approach to asset failure is augmented by a full understanding and in-depth knowledge of applicable codes, standards, and regulations.










WHEN FAILURES OCCURImmediate failure response with a broad base of supporting services our expert staff is noted for its rapid response capabilities with the ability to be on location accompanied by a range of failure support services.

▪ First responder consultation ▪ onsite / in-the-ditch failure investigation ▪ Field metallography ▪ Non-destructive examination

- magnetic par ticle inspection - dye penetrant testing - ultrasonic testing - hardness testing - soil and solids/liquid collection and analysis ▪ Evidence preservaton, retention, documentation ▪ chain of custody ▪ root cause analysis (rcA)

MANAGING THE RISK OF FAILURE Litigation and Regulatory support servicesices DNV GL’s 150-year heritage as an independent foundation has garnered a reputation for its tranparency, credibility and reliability - and as a trusted 3rd party source of technical expertise.

Our forensic and materials proficiencies can be applied to a number of needs related to legal and regulatory compliance efforts:

▪ Exper t opinions / testimony ▪ corrective action order response ▪ regulatory compliance support ▪ mediation and arbitration support ▪ Product liability ▪ Forensic engineering / science

Boiler Tube Rupture

Creep Rupture of Studded Tube

24 / 7 EMERGENCY HOT LINE855.DNV.CALL (368.2255)

Pipeline Rupture

DNV GL ForENSic iNVEStiGAtioN & FAiLUrE SUPPort SErVicES (North America)

Dr. John Beavers, Director, Forensic investigation and Failure Support Services,

Greg Quickel, P.E., Deputy Director (Failure Analysis),

Dr. Kathy Buckingham, Deputy Director (root cause Analysis),

Dr. David Norfleet, P.E., Deputy Director (Litigation Support Services),

Non-emergency phone contact: 614.761.1214

DNV GL, 5777 Frantz road, Dublin, ohio 43017 USA

SomE oF tHE tEcHNoLoGiES AND mEtHoDoLoGiES UtiLiZED iN oUr mAtEriAL tEStiNG ▪ optical microscopy ▪ 3D microscopy and laser scanning ▪ Scanning electron microscopy (SEm) ▪ Energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) ▪ X-ray diffraction (XrD) ▪ raman spectroscopy ▪ Fourier transform infrared (Ftir) spectroscopy ▪ Differential scanning calorimetry (DSc) ▪ Gas chromatography / mass spectrometry ▪ Bacterial testing (serial dilutions, epifluorescent microscopy) ▪ tensile testing ▪ charpy V-notch impact testing ▪ Burst pressure calculations (corLAS™, rStrENG™)

DNV GL is a leading provider of risk management, technical advisory and technical assurance services to the oil and gas industry, specializing in challenging operating environments and mediums in both onshore and offshore (deep/ultra deep) applications. With global reach with offices in over 100 countries, DNV GL endeavors to drive the oil and gas industry to be Safer, Smarter and Greener by offering unique technical competence and innovation.

our science and engineering expertise can be applied to a wide range of disciplines related to materials / technology (testing, selection, verification), degradation, integrity management, flow optimization, forensic investigation and management systems.

BEyoND oUr NortH AmEricAN mAtEriALS AND corroSioN LABorAtory

DNV GL operates seven primary testing and laboratory facilities throughout the world. the extent of our research and

full-scale testing is un-matched in the private sector. our Spadeadam test site in northern England is the largest full-

scale test center in the world, carrying out discrete destructive and non-destructive experiments, investigative testing

and technical project work. From flammable gas dispersion and pipeline fracture tests to vapor cloud fires and hazard

awareness training, projects for pipeline operators can feature flammable or toxic gases, high pressures / temperatures,

cryogenic liquids, high explosives, and rapid data capture.



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