Nørrefest Storey Stadler (1)

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Transcript of Nørrefest Storey Stadler (1)


Be Green, Keep It Clean

Strategic Communication B

Storey Stadler and Michelle Ashe

November 21, 2016



NørreFest is a music festival in Nørrebro, Copenhagen, Denmark that is held every

summer. Families and young adults from around Denmark attend the festival every year to listen

to alternative, rock, rap, and electronic music. Festival goers are also able to socialize, eat, drink

and just have a good time. It is imperative in every successful campaign to have a clear and

concise purpose. Our campaign, titled “Be Green, Keep It Clean” revolves around our main

purpose, which is to ensure the survival of NørreFest for many years to come. By defining our

purpose we established our main goal, which is to decrease waste at the NørreFest music festival

by encouraging festival goers to actively participate in and grow passionate about keeping the

festival grounds clean. The success of our campaign is essential for NørreFest’s annual

continuity. “Be Green, Keep It Clean” will mainly be facilitated through our App, titled

“NørreFest App,” and is further discussed in a later section of our paper. We are specifically

aiming to recruit waste pick up volunteers, partner with vendors, and create fun and engaging

ways for festival goers to manage their waste in order to accomplish our goal.


Holding large events such as a music festival is a great way to bring a community

together as well as support local vendors and artists. While much of the music festival is

considered a positive contribution to the community, a major issue with holding this festival is

the excessive amount of trash that is present during the concerts and also left behind afterwards.

There have been complaints from local citizens that the trash is unacceptable and must be taken

care of, or the city will withdraw their support to fund the festival in Nørrebro. We have created


a campaign with the ultimate purpose of ensuring that the festival continues to be an annual

event for years to come. The central theme of our campaign, “Be Green, Keep It Clean,” is to

encourage festival goers to become involved and passionate about keeping the festival grounds

clean. Our campaign will be executed through our phone application, social media outlets, and

advertisements. Being interactive is a large component of our campaign, it is vital for it’s

success, and it is what separates us from other campaigns. We provide an interface with the

necessary tools and even incentives for festival goers to navigate themselves and actively

participate in our campaign in an easy and fun way. Challenges that we might expect with the

campaign are recruiting festival goers to become volunteers as well as getting people to utilize

the App beyond using it to show their ticket at the entrance. The opportunities that can come by

successfully combating these challenges are that there will be optimum participation in the

proper disposal of waste at the festival. Once the festival is over, we expect for the amount of

waste to be significantly reduced, and therefore keep local citizens and public funders satisfied.

This will allow us to achieve our ultimate purpose of assuring the survival of NørreFest and it’s

return for years to come.



We are communicating mainly to different demographics of festival goers and it’s

surrounding area. These being young families who typically attend festivals during the day,

young adults who typically attend the festival at night, and vendors who are selling food and

souvenirs. These target groups were specifically chosen because we feel as though they are the

most reachable as an audience and will have the most impact on our efforts in reducing trash at

the festivals.


Young families who attend the festival during the day could presumably not be the worst

offenders in leaving trash behind at the festivals, but they do come to the festival to have fun and

to socialize. If we create a campaign that sheds light on the problem of trash at the festival, then

they could have a sense of protectiveness and a sort of duty to show their children that throwing

your trash away is good! It only seems natural to us that they not only would hope to set a good

example for their kids, but also be able to teach them habits and behaviors that they carry on for

the rest of their lives. In order to gain participation with parents and kids, the points system in the

NørreFest application will aid in involvement of families picking up trash, while also doing so in

a fun way.

Young adults are a more difficult target group to reach, as we’ve discussed in class

before, because they tend to be inebriated in one way or another at these festivals which probably

leaves them with a lesser moral compass in doing a good duty for the environment and the

neighborhood. Alas, we do feel as though they are still important to target because they are

presumably the worst offenders of our problem of excessive trash at the festivals, and it will be

our greatest challenge to change their behavior. From analyzing the street interviews we

conducted, it seems as though most young adults attend festivals to be social and have fun, and

since they pay an entrance fee they feel as though they should not have to participate in cleaning

efforts. In order to gain their attention, we have created a volunteer system that compensates for

the ticket price of the festival.

The vendors are also one of target groups because they are possibly one of the highest

producers of trash at the festivals and can be involved in the initiative towards getting festival

goers to throw their own trash away. Vendors must supply reusable cups that when used and


returned the festival goer will attain a discounted next drink. In addition, all vendors and

throughout the festival grounds will solely use Drop Buckets to brand ourselves as a festival that

cares about the environment.


Local people who live and work in the surrounding area are incredibly important

stakeholders. We rely on locals being pleased with the festival in order to gain their support

which is an essential component for public funding. If the festival goers disrespect the

neighborhood by trashing during the festival, locals will react poorly and complain. Their

opposition would force the state to withdraw their funding, and without funds the festival would

ultimately be shut down. Our campaign ensures locals that the festival is taking an environmental

initiative to protect and preserve their community and its cleanliness, which will elicit a positive

response. Our hope is to grow and maintain ours relationship with the local community so that

they welcome and support the festival in the future.


Our first objective is to recruit waste pick-up volunteers through social media and

newsletters. Each of the volunteers will have scheduled shifts that they must complete in order to

gain a pass to the festival. Once they have completed their shift they will have gained their way

to be able to attend the concert. The volunteers must collect a certain amount of trash within their

shift in order to be eligible to participate in the festivities. In addition, there will be incentives for

the volunteers to gain prizes, such as, concert gear, VIP access, food and drink stipends based on


how much they are able to pick up. All of the prizes are distributed based upon a point system. If

one picks up more trash or volunteers more hours, they are eligible for more prizes. In order to

track this, we will be developing an app for the festival. In regards to the volunteers, the app will

show how much trash they must pick up and for how long, in order to receive certain free gear.

Secondly, we will form partnerships with festival vendors so that there is less potential

waste produced and given out in the first place. For example, the vendors will have to sell their

food or drinks in recyclable or reusable plates and cups. Vendors will offer reduced prices to

customers who return with their own bottle, cup or plate. We will also create a new rule that

requires any vendor who wants to participate in the festival to use Drop Buckets for each of the

different types of waste that will be used at the festival. For example, there will be different

colored Drop Buckets for paper versus plastic, which will create an easy separation system that

also is environmentally friendly.

Our third strategy is to create fun and engaging ways to encourage all festival goers to

recycle and toss their waste. The festival goers will be able to participate in a point system game

through the NørreFest app. By doing so, people will not only participate in fun activities through

their phone to earn prizes but will also be helping with trash pick up.


After our group defined our target groups, our objectives and purpose, our next step was

to conduct preliminary research through interviews. First, we formulated a series of relevant

questions, catering them towards each of our target groups. The overall goal for our preliminary


interviews was to gain a better understanding of our target groups and their current views on and

experiences with waste management.

We formulated our research questions for locals, young parents, vendors, and young

adults. We began each interview by asking the interviewee if they had been to a festival before.

Or, in the vendor's case, if they had catered a music festival before and if they had any waste

management guidelines that they had to abide by. If our interviewees had attended a festival

before, we asked them questions regarding previous behaviors and strategies they may have

already seen. We followed with questions specifically addressing how they thought people

would be motivated to pick up after themselves or even pick up other people's trash. If they

needed help thinking of ways to promote waste management we would ask specifically about

things which we had formerly brainstormed, such as the possibility of incentives such as food

stipends, free t-shirts, vip access, meet and greets, or free access.

Our preliminary interviews gave us insight into the unique perspectives of our target

audience. We successfully interviewed a store owner in his mid-thirties, a wine store worker in

his mid- thirties, two men in their late twenties, two girls in their mid-twenties, and a host family.

Overall, we found that a few common themes were persistent throughout the interviews. The

interviews shed light on the fact that many people are more intent on enjoying the festival instead

of working one. Another common theme was that festival goers didn’t feel inclined to pick up

after themselves which was no surprise. Interviewees also expressed that reusable cups had been

an effective strategy that they had been employed in the past. Lastly, we received feedback that

an engaging slogan or game could motivate people to clean up.



The channels we will use to promote not only the application for the festival, but

additionally the festival itself are Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat. Facebook and Instagram

will mostly be used beforehand, and the Snapchat geotag will be used while the event occurs so

that the overall objective of our mission is incorporated by the festival goers. The geotag will

represent the objective of the festival, sticking to the underlying message of creating a fun

environment, while also labeling the festival as being environmentally friendly and encouraging

behavioral changes. Before and during the festival we will use social media to promote not only

the festival itself, but also how the festival is environmentally friendly and to encourage a

mentality of how cleaning can be fun too.


For the social media advertisements we worked for the various graphics to correspond

across various platforms. Our goal is to create a consistent visual for our viewers. The colors we

chose are meant to be fluorescent and eye grabbing. We chose gender neutral colors that appeal

to a young crowd, but also a young family as well. The aesthetic is meant to be fun and playful

while addressing the necessity of trash pick up throughout the festival. We will promote various

hashtags such as #keepitclean, #keepnørrefest, #cleanupfillup, and #savenørrefest.



The app will be called “Nørrefest App”. The festival ticket is going to be on the app. If

you have your ticket code from the app, you get a festival pin upon entry (the first “prize” a

festival goer can earn). We want people to take part in our campaign before the festival even

starts, and they can do so by downloading the app and having their entry ticket on their phone,

rather than printing a physical paper ticket. The idea is that the digital ticket saves paper and

causes less potential trash to clean up rather than a printed ticket. We don’t have the power to

force people to download an app to enter, but we do have the power to lead people to download

the app for a purpose that is worth their time and experience. Augmented reality is a very up and

coming technology, so we feel that including this in our app was a perfect solution to keeping

our festival clean. Augmented reality is defined as “a technology that superimposes a

computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view”.

You will be able to photograph/film yourself each time you throw a piece of trash away. Due to

the augmented reality “game” and the location beacon, you will be awarded points through the

app automatically. Each “trash disposal area” will have a location beacon on it, so that the app


knows you are physically close to the trash bin. The app won’t only be used for our trash pick up

campaign, but will also be a place where volunteers can check into the festival and alerts can be

sent out to festival goers.

Our app takes the process of throwing away trash and makes it a more fun and interactive

activity. The reward system is also in place to incentivize people to keep the festival clean so

that it can return the following year. The app will have a domino effect; once one festival goer

sees another using the app and getting a reward, others will follow. The purpose of the app is to

motivate our younger demographic to clean while having fun in the most “hip” way.


1.) Instagram Ad


Attending our festival this year? Be sure to download and use our app to document throwing away your trash! Every 10 pieces of trash YOU can earn free festival gear, food, drinks and more! #keepitclean #keepnørrefest #cleanupfillup #savenørrefest

2.) Snapchat Geotag

Note: Because we aren’t expecting our festival goers to all want to have a snapchat geotag with

trash, the filter will be motion sensored. Like other snapchat filters a notification will pop up

informing the user to raise their eyebrows. When the user does this only then will the waste fall


into the trashcan giving the user the option to photograph with or without the trash and trash can

in the photo.

3.) App for Mobile Devices

This app is necessary for entry into the festival due to the electronic ticket. Our app will have

four main options! Aside from the ticket option the other three options will correspond directly

to our platform. The camera will serve to share any photos taken at the festival with other festival


goers (who will have the app on their phones as well). Additionally this will be the means for

festival goers to show live feed of throwing away their trash, which is connected to the beacons

at the waste stations. When opening the camera a notification will pop up explaining how the

process works. The user will be able to “go live” and document throwing away a piece of trash.

Every 10 pieces of trash documented the user can receive a free gear, food, drinks, etc. The app

will track the user and tally the pieces of trash that he/she throws away. If the user clicks ‘prizes’

there will be a description of how to win the prizes and where the prizes can be collected, and if

the user clicks the trash bubble there will be an explanation of why it is so important for

individuals to pick up their trash. Both the prizes option and trash option will have an option to

redirect to the camera to document live feed of throwing away trash.


Our campaign, “Be Green, Keep it Clean” meets our overall purpose of promoting waste

management to ensure the continuation of NørreFest. Our communication efforts purposefully

create a fun and casual way for both families and young adults to participate in waste

management. We use social media as our main channel for recruiting volunteers and vendors. In

addition to social media, our application will keep concert goers actively engaged in the cleaning

process through the use of a point reward system. We believe that these strategies will

successfully create a fun and exciting environment where people are motivated to clean up after
