Nine frame analysis

Post on 16-May-2015

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Transcript of Nine frame analysis

Nine Frame AnalysisThe Mothman Prophecies

1. This first frame is a shot of the film’s title ‘The Mothman Prophecies’. The choice of colour used emphasizes the mysteriousness that the film is to offer through the

contrast of the dark background against the fluorescent white lighting. The bright neon lights are angled towards the sides of the frame which could imply that there is

someone looking up at the lights, perhaps from a hospital bed. This shot also emphasizes that the film is about a moth as they are attracted to bright light, this is

indicated through the lights.

2. This shot is of an angel and has been taken at a low angle which portrays significance in terms of authority or danger. This is because of the effect of

the angel looking down on an audience creates a sense of unease. As a result, it highlights the film’s genre of a supernatural thriller. The colour

choice creates a contrast in terms of the green portraying safety and the red portraying danger. However, the red light seems bigger and bolder compared

to the green which suggests that there is a lot more danger than safety apparent.

3. This frame shows a zoomed image of a television screen. The screen reads ‘breaking news’ which suggests that something significant has happened, however,

the audience never find out what the news is which creates uncertainty and mystery. As the camera zooms in on the television, the colouring of the shot begins

to change to a ‘sepia’ colour. The colour ‘sepia’ has connotations with old which could convey the idea of death or danger. The shot of the TV has also been taken

at a slanted angle which highlights the idea of uneasiness.

4. This image connotes the idea of darkness and suspicion due to the choice of setting. The image shows an empty open space shown in the snow at night time. This presents the idea of eeriness because it is almost as if the park is forbidden.

The choice of lighting used in this shot also connotes the idea of supernatural as a result of the glowing purple/blue lights. Similarly to the first frame, the bright lights emphasize the film’s title because moth’s are attracted to bright light.

Overall, the chosen setting portrays the idea that the ‘mothman’ is attracted to bright lights in empty and dark locations.

5. The main focus of this shot is of the clock. A clock connotes the idea of time and change which could perhaps be a regular theme throughout the film. The

time reference could also help an audience in terms of having a clearer understanding as to what the time is when the film starts. Furthermore, the lights in the background are recognizable because they have been shown in previous shots. The fact that these lights have been used in previous shots

highlights there significance to the film.

6. This shot shows a bathroom sink with toiletries and make up cluttered around the edges of it. These objects suggest that they are owned by a women.

However, the fact that there are two toothbrushes hints the idea that she has a partner that she shares a home with. This shot cleverly leaves an audience

guessing as to what the film might be about due to its contrast with some of the previous, more thrilling and supernatural frames.

7. The main focus of this frame is of the bright red, purple, and blue spotlights that are contrasted against the dark background. The colour red connotes danger and death,

whilst the blue connotes purity, tranquility, and the mind, body, and soul. The fact that there are so many contrasts in this shot suggests that there are many contrasts in the film. However, there are more red spotlights than blue which suggests that there is a

lot more danger apparent throughout the film.

8. This frame shows a woman in a dark room. The shot suggests that the woman could be a main protagonist in this film, this helps an audience to have a better understanding of the story. The dark lighting that has been used creates a sense

of mystery and confusion which could indicate the woman’s emotions.

9. This last frame is very significant in terms of how it effects an audience. The main focus of the shot is of the bedroom window where a body appears to be looking out at

something. The bedroom window and the body are out of focus which cleverly creates uneasiness and suspicion amongst an audience. The effect that the out of focus shot has on an audience would be very significant, an audience would wonder what the person would be looking at and who they might be. The shot of the bedroom window has also been taken at a low angle which, as a result, creates intimidation. Furthermore, the fact

that it is dark outside creates eeriness as it suggests that there is something lurking outside in the darkness, perhaps in the trees due to the tree branches being very much in focus.