Nine frame structure analysis1




Transcript of Nine frame structure analysis1

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By Claudia Miguel

Page 2: Nine frame structure analysis1

In the first frame, the shot is in fact of a family with a little girl circled in red. This

connotes to the views that there girl has a significant role in the narrative of the

story. This particular girl’s NVC stand out compared to the rest of her family

members. Her NVC connote unhappiness as she has her arms crossed and is

frowning unlike the rest of her family who are all happy and smiling, this particular

feature makes her stand out from the rest of her family. In addition, this shot does in

fact introduce both the setting and the narrative to the audience, giving them an

insight of how things were before, equilibrium.


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In the second frame, the audience are shown the house that the new family is

in fact moving into which can be identified thought the props of the

moving van and boxes. This shot in fact connotes a sense of new starts and

beginning to the views, this is because a new family is moving into a new

house, which according to the female voice over on the trailer, which appears

to be a new reporter, was previously the home of a family which there murder took place in. This again

introduces the setting for the audience, however this time the trailer shows

aspects of previous events.


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In this third frame, we come across the most significant shot in the trailer in my

opinion. The frame is of a black box alone, which is located in an empty attic. This

connotes to the audience that something is about to be found and in turn changed.

At this specific the non-diegetic sound has stopped to show that something is about

to happen and that this is the tuning point in both the trailer and at this point in the

film and empathizes on the seriousness of this point. The low key lighting also

connotes that something bad is in the attic and as the box is the only thing

there, it must be the box. However, in contrast the natural lighting that makes it

was into the frame also highlights the significance of the box.


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The forth frame I have chosen, is one that is a shocking quick cut and wide

shot of what appears to be dangling legs, as people are in fact being hanged from

a tree. This particular shot only shows half of the family’s body dangling from

the waist/hip down. Along with the dramatic quick cut the sound effect of screams that is used is also dramatic.

The sound effect causes fear among the audience causing them to be shocked

and at unease. At this specific time the audience start to link back to the family they saw at the beginning of the trailer,

with the family that used to live at the house that the new family have just

moved into. The audience of the trailer may also start to question who it is that

murder the family that is seen at the start of the trailer in such a ghastly way.


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The fifth frame of the trailer I have chosen, is a high angle shot/birds eye view of someone or something that is

unknown and walking under water in a swimming pool. The use of a high angle

shot/birds eye view usually portrays something/someone to look small and be

inferior. However in this case is does in fact to the exact opposite, it in fact

highlight the characters significant art of the narrative and its power. Due to the lack of lighting and the use of low key

lighting, its seems that the object in the pool is a dark figure wearing black with pale white skin which is not commonly

found in humans. This in one way connotes that the character is

supernatural as it is walking underwater. The NVC of this character makes him look

malicious and therefore feared by the audience.


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The next frame I have chosen, is a wide shot of the family’s garden outside of the

house, where we find the evil character. The sound effect that is used at this point is again another scream, causing the view to jump and again create fear among the

audience. At this point of the trailer the evil entity appears amongst the bushes and

the disappears straight away. This does in fact reveal to the audience that the evil character isn’t human as not only is he

able to walk under water, but also has the ability to appear and disappear quickly. In addition to the voiceover, we are told that

the character can move through image, which is what happened here in this shot.

The main character of the film (protagonist) has a similar picture to the frame that we see here and places it in front of the window, then takes it away,

which is when the evil entity appears.


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The next frame I have chosen for frame number 7 is the main antagonist of the film siting beside his laptop. The frame captures the movement, which is being

zoomed in onto he character that is in the picture on the laptop. This again

creates both fear and tension amongst the audience. This is because they

realize how serious that situation that the antagonist is being faced with is. The NVC of the antagonist suggests

again that something bad is happening or about to happen, this is due to his facial gestures and also the way that

the main protagonist due to the smug face on is face.


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The next frame I have chosen is a quick shot and close up that presents

the fact of the protagonist. This is in fact from the view of the main

character, the antagonist. By the look of this shot, the audience can clearly

establish that this is the character that can be seen in some of the frames

previously mentioned. The audience can see that the character is evil as

both its mouth and eyes are nonexistent, which again connotes that

he is not human and therefore supernatural. This again creates fear

amongst the audience as he does not look ‘normal’. There is further suspense

created by the silence leading up to this particular shot, which builds up the scare amongst the audience as the evil

character has in fact appear unexpectedly.

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This final shot of this horror trailer I have chosen to use is the titles of the

film ‘Sinister’ which therefore allows the audience of recognize the film when it

is released. The title represents the overall film. It is shown on a grey to

white gradient and cracked wall effect background, with the title ‘Sinister’ in slim smudged font. The color scheme

used correlates with the theme and genre of the film.