Nicola Dowson: Ref2014 and beyond

Post on 04-Dec-2014

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Presentation from Referencing Reboot: Tools, Tech and Twinkle on 4 June 2014 (English Faculty, University of Cambridge). Nicola works at the Open University.

Transcript of Nicola Dowson: Ref2014 and beyond

REF2014 and beyond

Nicola Dowson, Open University Library

Session outline• Overview of the REF• Systems used for the publications submission• Library role• Reflections• Next REF

The assessment framework

Overall quality


Maximum of 4 per researcher


Impact template and case studies


Environment data and template

65% 20% 15%


Publications overview• Assesses all types of research outputs in terms of their

‘originality, significance and rigour’• Expert sub panels for each 36 (subject based) Units of

Assessment • Publication period 1st Jan 2008 – 31st Dec 2013• Citation data used in some panels to ‘inform the


Assessment criteriaThe criteria for assessing the quality of publications are

originality, significance and rigour*

Four star Quality that is world-leading in terms of originality, significance and rigour

Three starQuality that is internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour but which falls short of the highest standards of excellence

Two star Quality that is recognised internationally in terms of originality, significance and rigour

One star Quality that is recognised nationally in terms of originality, significance and rigour

UnclassifiedQuality that falls below the standard of nationally recognised work. Or work which does not meet the published definition of research for the purposes of this assessment

* Each main panel provides descriptive account of the criteria


REF Systems• Research Profile System – all elements of the REF

submission• Research Profile Form – publications selected for

submission• Eprints plugin on ORO (OU’s institutional repository)• REF submission system

Library role• Managing publications submission:

–Scoping and planning–Technical phase–Testing and evaluation–Quality assurance–Communication – within and outside the OU–Validating citation data–Scanning and print submission


Beyond REF2014• Consultation in 2013• HEFCE policy for journal articles and conference

proceedings published in March 2014• For publications accepted after 1st April 2016:

– Open access - deposit of the ‘authors accepted manuscript in a repository’

– Deposit of metadata completed no longer than 3 months after acceptance with an extra month to deposit the full-text if there is no publisher embargo

Beyond REF2014 (continued) • Full-text embargoes – panel A&B (Science, Technology,

Medicine) no longer than 12 months, C&D no longer 24 months, full-text must be available within one month after the end of the embargo period

• Exceptions will be allowed• Must enable machine readable discovery and access• Data and text mining• HEFCE are working with Jisc to support repositories in

implementing this policy • HEFCE consultation out on the role of metrics in the next


Nicola DowsonLibrary ServicesThe Open UniversityWalton HallMilton KeynesMK7