NicholsonSnyder Edition Comparasion

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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edition comparisons

Transcript of NicholsonSnyder Edition Comparasion

Part I: INTRODUCTION.1. Economic Models.2. Mathematics for Microeconomics.Part II: CHOICE ND DEMND.!. Preferences and Utilit".#. Utilit" Ma$imi%ation and Choice.&. Income and '()stit(tion E*ects.+. Demand Relationshi,s amon- .oods.Part III: UNCERTINT/ ND 'TRTE./.0. Uncertaint".1. .ame Theor".Part I2: PRODUCTION ND 'UPP3/.4. Prod(ction 5(nctions.16. Cost 5(nctions.11. Pro7t Ma$imi%ation.Part 2: COMPETITI2E MR8ET'.12. The Partial E9(ili)ri(m Com,etiti:e Model.1!. .eneral E9(ili)ri(m and ;elfare.Part 2I: MR8ET PO;ER.1#. Mono,ol".1&. Im,erfect Com,etition.Part 2II: PRICIN. IN INPUT MR8ET'.1+. 3a)or Mar. 'i-ni7cant re:ision of the Uncertaint" cha,terA incl(din- an e$tensi:e ne@ section on Methods for Red(cin- Uncertaint" and Ris< =incl(din- the Be$i)ilit" of o,tions>. =Ch. 0>. E$tensi:e streamlinin- of the .ame Theor" cha,terA ,ro:idin- a clearer foc(s on core to,ics. =Ch. 1>. E$,anded disc(ssion of the Nat(re of the 5irm. =Ch. 11>. Ne@ section on the Relationshi, )et@een ,ro7t ma$imi%ation and cost minimi%ation in Cost 5(nctions. =Ch. 16>. E$,anded cha,ter on the -eneral e9(ili)ri(m models that introd(ce some elementar" :ector notation. =Ch. 1!>. E$,anded cha,ter on the 3a)or Mar