Nexus 1703 - new times magazine

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Nexus 1703 - new times magazine

Transcript of Nexus 1703 - new times magazine

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 1


VVoolluummee 1177,, NNuummbbeerr 33 AAPPRRIILL -- MMAAYY 22001100PPOO BBooxx 3300,, MMaapplleettoonn QQlldd 44556600,, AAuussttrraalliiaa WWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

CCOONNTTEENNTTSSCCOONNTTEENNTTSSLLEETTTTEERRSS TTOO TTHHEE EEDDIITTOORR..................................................................................................44Readers comment on such diverse subjects as the plight ofimprisoned economist Martin Armstrong, the Freeman onthe Land concept, the cover-up on vaccine risks, a Brown'sGas project, UFO reporting by iPhone, and more.

GGLLOOBBAALL NNEEWWSS........................................................................................................................................66We report on toxic effects of nanoparticles, a proposedasteroid defence system, weather modification in China,flawed DNA analysis, the CIA's LSD experiment in Francein 1951, America's unmanned drone wars, and more.

RRIISSKKSS FFRROOMM CCOORRNN AANNDD AAGGAAVVEE SSWWEEEETTEENNEERRSS......................1111By Sally Fallon Morell & Ramiel Nagel. Recent studiesshow that refined sweeteners like high-fructose cornsyrup and agave "nectar" are neither safe nor natural andare more damaging to our health than is ordinary sugar.

TTHHEE HHUUMMAANN MMIICCRROOCCHHIIPPPPIINNGG AAGGEENNDDAA..........................................1177By Gregory Nikolettos & Timothy Wiseman. Big Brothercorporations have already developed implantablemicrochips for humans and are conditioning the public toaccept that being chipped is inevitable and desirable.

IIMMMMOORRTTAALL HHEELLAA CCEELLLLSS AANNDD VVIIRRAALL VVOOOODDOOOO..................2255By Dr Alan Cantwell. Cancer cells taken from HenriettaLacks nearly 60 years ago have contaminated hundredsof human tissue cell culture lines and ruined decades ofexperimental research at enormous cost.

EEAARRTTHH EEXXPPAANNSSIIOONN TTEECCTTOONNIICCSS——PPaarrtt 11............................................3333By Dr James Maxlow. As shown in the magnetic stripingand age-dating of oceanic bedrock, the Earth's radius hasbeen growing throughout its geological history. Thetheory of Plate Tectonics is overdue for review.

EESSPP IINNDDUUCCTTIIOONN TTHHRROOUUGGHH SSEELLFF--HHYYPPNNOOSSIISS............................4411By Richard Alan Miller. The determined and patientstudent of paraphysics can draw on this theoretical modeland practical, tried-and-tested self-hypnosis technique forinducing extrasensory perception.

SSCCIIEENNCCEE NNEEWWSS..................................................................................................................................4499This edition we give an overview of Steorn Limited's over-unity demonstrations in Ireland, and Silicon Valley–basedBloom Energy Corporation's launch of an advanced,energy-saving fuel cell technology.

JJOOUURRNNEEYY TTHHRROOUUGGHH TTHHEE LLIIGGHHTT AANNDD BBAACCKK..........................5533By Mellen-Thomas Benedict. This account of a profoundlife-after-death-and-return experience inspires us torealise that we are all one with the universal Source andhave the power to allow it to expand itself through us.

TTHHEE MMAARRIINNEE LLIIGGHHTTWWHHEEEELL PPHHEENNOOMMEENNOONN............................5599By Kris Sherwood. In April 2009, a US Navy ship's crewwitnessed an astonishing light show at sea, featuringbioluminescent organisms that responded to energydischarges appearing as spiralling vortices.

TTHHEE TTWWIILLIIGGHHTT ZZOONNEE..........................................................................................................6655We reprint a summary of amazing coincidences from the19th century to recent years, covering the simultaneousdeaths of twins, Edgar Allan Poe's prophetic maritimenovel, historical synchronicities and more.

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——BBooookkss..............................................................................................................................6699"Dark Intrusions" by Louis Proud"Sounding the Mind of God" by Lyz Cooper"The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy" by Nenah Sylver, PhD"Cancer is Not a Disease..." by Andreas Moritz"Contactees: A History..." by Nick Redfern"Yetis, Sasquatch & Hairy Giants" by David Hatcher Childress"The 8 Calendars of the Maya" by Hunbatz Men"2012: Science or Superstition" by Alexandra Bruce"ESP Induction through...Self-Hypnosis" by Richard Alan Miller"Patterns of Eternity" by Malcolm Stewart"Shadow Masters" by Daniel Estulin"Spontaneous Evolution" by Bruce Lipton, PhD, & Steve Bhaerman"Global Warming False Alarm" by Ralph B. Alexander"The Real Global Warming Disaster" by Christopher Booker

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——DDVVDDss..............................................................................................................................7766"Architects of Control" by Michael Tsarion and Blue Fire Film"Crossing the Event Horizon" by Nassim Haramein

RREEVVIIEEWWSS——MMuussiicc..............................................................................................................................7777"Le Marigot Club Dakar" by Daby Balde"Fela: The Best of The Black President" by Fela Kuti"Fanfare Ciocarlia Live" by Fanfare Ciocarlia"Songhai Blues: Homage to Ali Farka Touré", by Samba Touré

NNEEXXUUSS BBOOOOKKSS,, VVIIDDEEOOSS,, AADDSS,, SSUUBBSS................................................8877––9966

2 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010


Wow, 2010 is already screeching towards 2011 at full speed. Surely it isnot just me? Time itself seems to be getting faster. But what is"time"? We are told by the new religion on the block (science) that

we exist within a space-time continuum, inside which a Big Bang occurred along time ago. We are told that first there was "nothing"; then that "nothing"exploded and formed tiny particles of "something", which we call "matter".

Next we are told that these tiny, inanimate particles became attracted toeach other due to gravity, and that these clumps formed suns and thenplanets. We are then told, in another extraordinary leap of faith, that someof these inanimate particles suddenly decided that they wanted toreproduce. Yes, folks; after all this pure science, suddenly a bunch of atomsand molecules, with not a care in the world (save for various of Newton'slaws), suddenly decided to become complex cellular life-forms so that theycould reproduce.

So, if you are a rational, logical person who believes that life is the productof scientific laws in a mechanistic universe with no meaning—which is whatthey teach you to think in Western schools—you believe essentially thateverything you see around you created itself out of nothing for no reason!Think about that for a minute... Apart from being scientifically illogical, whata bleak and miserable concept for immortal spiritual beings to submitthemselves to!

And since I am running out of both time and space for this editorial, I hadbetter move right along...

On the health front, we have an important article exposing the health risksof high-fructose corn syrup as well as agave "nectar", which is marketed tohealth-conscious consumers as a safe sweetener. Plus, we have a fascinatingpaper about the "immortal" human cancer cells that have contaminatedhundreds of cell lines in cancer and vaccine labs around the world.

Do we all have psychic powers? Physicist Richard Alan Miller says we do,and in his article he explains how we can develop these innate ESP abilities.

We also have an update on the Expanding Earth hypothesis. I like thisidea because it overcomes many inconsistencies in Plate Tectonics theory.And as more scientific measurements come in regarding the ages of rocksand ocean beds, the more this Expansion Tectonics theory is the only one toaccount for how the continents got to be where they are now. If you areinterested in lost continents of the past or in Earth changes in the future, Isuggest you examine the Expanding Earth hypothesis.

The article on an extraordinary near-death experience was selected forseveral reasons. First, it is positive. Second, it reminds us not to becomeoverwhelmed by toxic information that makes us depressed or feel disdainor hatred for mankind. Third, because many of our regular readers die eachedition, I thought it might be of some comfort to those about to make thetransition or who are left behind. Fourth, it has the same basic message thatmost near-death experiences have, so we should take heed.

On a final note, we are holding our NEXUS Conference in Australia on24–25–26 July at the Novotel Twin Waters Resort on the beautiful SunshineCoast, southeast Queensland. See our website and ads in this issue and thenext for more details. I hope to see and meet as many of you there aspossible. Until then, expand your horizons with this latest NEXUS offering.




NEXUS Magazine Pty Ltd, ABN 80 003 611 434








Gregory Nikolettos and Timothy Wiseman;Alan Cantwell, MD; James Maxlow, PhD;

Richard Alan Miller; Mellen-Thomas Benedict;Kris Sherwood



PPRRIINNTTIINNGGBeaudesert Times, Queensland, Australia


HHEEAADD OOFFFFIICCEE –– AAllll CCoorrrreessppoonnddeenncceePO Box 30, Mapleton, Qld 4560, Australia.Tel: (07) 5442 9280; Fax: (07) 5442 9381WWeebbssiittee:: hhttttpp::////wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

NNZZ OOFFFFIICCEE:: RD 2, Kaeo, Northland. Tel: +64 (0)9405 1963; Email:

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EEUURROOPPEE OOFFFFIICCEE:: Postbus 10681, 1001 ERAmsterdam, The Netherlands. Email:

SSTTAATTEEMMEENNTT OOFF PPUURRPPOOSSEENEXUS recognises that humanity is undergoing amassive transformation. With this in mind, NEXUSseeks to provide 'hard-to-get' information so as toassist people through these changes. NEXUS is notlinked to any religious, philosophical or politicalideology or organisation.

PPEERRMMIISSSSIIOONN--TTOO--RREEPPRROODDUUCCEE PPOOLLIICCYYWhile reproduction and dissemination of theinformation in NEXUS is actively encouraged, anyonecaught making a buck out of it, without our expresspermission, will be in trouble when we catch them!

WWAARRRRAANNTTYY AANNDD IINNDDEEMMNNIITTYYAdvertisers upon and by lodging material with the Publisher for publication or authorising or approving of the publication of any material INDEMNIFY thePublisher and its servants and agents against all liability claims or proceedings whatsoever arising from the publication and without limiting the generality of theforegoing to indemnify each of them in relation to defamation, slander of title, breach of copyright, infringement of trademarks or names of publication titles,unfair competition or trade practices, royalties or violation of rights or privacy AND WARRANT that the material complies with all relevant laws and regulationsand that its publication will not give rise to any rights against or liabilities in the Publisher, its servants or agents and in particular that nothing therein is capable ofbeing misleading or deceptive or otherwise in breach of the Part V of the Trade Practices Act 1974. All expressions of opinion are published on the basis that theyare not to be regarded as expressing the opinion of the Publisher or its servants or agents. Editorial advice is not specific and readers are advised to seek profes-sional help for individual problems. The publisher reserves the right to refuse any advertising material for any reason. © NEXUS New Times 1987–2010

SSppoonnssoorreedd bbyy:: BBiioonniicc PPrroodduuccttss—mmaannuuffaaccttuurreerr ooff tthhee EEllaannrraa TThheerraappeeuuttiicc IIoonniisseerrCo-sponsors: IInnnneerr GGllooww HHeeaalltthh PPrroodduuccttss;; RRaaddiioo OOuutt TThheerree;; JJoosshhuuaa BBooookkss;; NNeeww DDaawwnn MMaaggaazziinnee


SSaattuurrddaayy 2244tthh—SSuunnddaayy 2255tthh—MMoonnddaayy 2266tthh JJuullyy 22001100NNoovvootteell TTwwiinn WWaatteerrss RReessoorrtt,, SSuunnsshhiinnee CCooaasstt,, QQlldd,, AAuussttrraalliiaa

IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn && AAnnaallyyssiiss oonn::IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn && AAnnaallyyssiiss oonn::•• tthhee ttrruuee ssttrruuccttuurree ooff tthhee EEaarrtthh:: hhooww iitt eexxppaannddss,,

aanndd wwhhaatt wwee ccaann eexxppeecctt iinn tthhee ffuuttuurree

•• tthhee eelleeccttrriiccaall nnaattuurree ooff tthhee ccoossmmooss:: hhooww tthhiiss hheellppss uuss uunnddeerrssttaanndd tthhee ssoollaarr ssyysstteemm,,

aanncciieenntt ccaattaaccllyyssmmss aanndd ssoollaarr cchhaannggeess

•• tthhee hhiiddddeenn aanncciieenntt hhiissttoorryy ooff tthhee EEaarrtthh aanndd iittssvvaanniisshheedd cciivviilliissaattiioonnss:: ssttrraannggee pprreehhiissttoorriicc aarrtteeffaaccttss

tthhaatt ssuuggggeesstt aaddvvaanncceedd tteecchhnnoollooggiieess

•• rroooottss ooff CChhrriissttiiaanniittyy:: lliieess iinn tthhee wwrriitttteenn wwoorrdd,,ccoorrrruuppttiioonn ooff tthhee hhiieerraarrcchhyy,, ccoonnttrrooll ooff tthhee mmaasssseess

•• UUFFOOss,, EETTss aanndd tthhee ffuuttuurree:: eeffffoorrttss ttoo eennccoouurraaggee ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt ddiisscclloossuurree

•• ssaaccrreedd ggeeoommeettrryy,, qquuaannttuumm pphhyyssiiccss,, ccoonnsscciioouussnneessss aanndd tthhee ffaabbrriicc ooff rreeaalliittyy

•• ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonn wwiitthh aanniimmaallss:: hhooww yyoouu ccaann lleeaarrnn

•• vviibbrraattiioonnaall hheeaalliinngg aanndd rreejjuuvveennaattiioonn tteecchhnnoollooggyy

•• ssoolluuttiioonnss ffoorr eexxppoossuurree ttoo EEMM ffiieellddss aanndd ddiirrttyy eelleeccttrriicciittyy;; hhooww ttoo bbaallaannccee oouurr ppHH lleevveellss

•• 99//1111,, WWoorrlldd WWaarr IIIIII,, sseeccrreett ccoonnttrrooll ggrroouuppss aanndd wwoorrlldd ggoovveerrnnmmeenntt aaggeennddaass

++ ssoo mmuucchh mmoorree......++ ddoozzeennss ooff nneeww eexxhhiibbiittss && ssttaallllss++ ddoozzeennss ooff nneeww eexxhhiibbiittss && ssttaallllss

++ qquuaalliittyy ttiimmee ttoo mmeeeett eeaacchh ootthheerr aanndd tthhee ssppeeaakkeerrss,,++ qquuaalliittyy ttiimmee ttoo mmeeeett eeaacchh ootthheerr aanndd tthhee ssppeeaakkeerrss,,aallll aatt aa bbeeaauuttiiffuull bbeeaacchhssiiddee rreessoorrtt aallll aatt aa bbeeaauuttiiffuull bbeeaacchhssiiddee rreessoorrtt

oonn tthhee SSuunnsshhiinnee CCooaasstt!!oonn tthhee SSuunnsshhiinnee CCooaasstt!!

CCoonnffiirrmmeedd PPrreesseenntteerrss::CCoonnffiirrmmeedd PPrreesseenntteerrss::

JJiimm MMaarrrrss ((UUSSAA)):: Award-winning author andinvestigative journalist in the fields of UFOs, JFK, 9/11,remote viewing and secret control groups.

SStteepphheenn BBaasssseetttt ((UUSSAA)):: Leading advocate for endinggovernment secrecy about an extraterrestrial presenceengaging the human race.

KKllaauuss DDoonnaa ((AAuussttrriiaa)):: Art exhibition curator whotravels the world in search of unusual artefacts,evidence that proves mankind’s true heritage.

DDrr KKaatthhyy FFoorrttii ((UUSSAA)):: Came back from a near-deathexperience with the blueprint for a new technology.

NNaassssiimm HHaarraammeeiinn ((UUSSAA)):: Physicist presenting newconcepts of information linking Einstein’s fieldequations with quantum physics and consciousness.

TTrriisshhaa MMccCCaagghh ((AAuussttrraalliiaa)):: Animal communicationexpert on how to interact intuitively with our pets.

IIaann RRoossss VVaayyrroo ((AAuussttrraalliiaa)):: Author of God Save UsFrom Religion, They Lied to Us in Sunday School andTears in Heaven.

DDoonnnnaa FFiisshheerr ((AAuussttrraalliiaa)):: Author and investigator ofthe links between ill health, EMFs and dirty electricity.

JJaammeess MMaaxxllooww ((AAuussttrraalliiaa)):: Geologist and leadingadvocate of the Expanding Earth hypothesis.

WWaall TThhoorrnnhhiillll ((AAuussttrraalliiaa)):: Key researcher and lectureron the electric nature of the cosmos.

SShheerrrriillll SSeellllmmaann ((UUSSAA)):: Author and researcher whospecialises in the role of hormones in our health.

+ more speakers to be announced...

IIff tthheerree iiss nnoo iinnsseerrtt iinn tthhiiss mmaaggaazziinnee,, oorr ffoorr mmoorree iinnffoo,, ccaallll oorr wwrriittee:: NNEEXXUUSS MMAAGGAAZZIINNEE

PPOO BBooxx 3300,, MMaapplleettoonn QQlldd 44556600 TTeell:: ((0077)) 55444422 99228800 FFaaxx:: ((0077)) 55444422 99338811oorr vviissiitt oouurr wweebbssiittee:: wwwwww..nneexxuussmmaaggaazziinnee..ccoomm

4 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

MMaarrttiinn AArrmmssttrroonngg''ss PPlliigghhttHi Duncan: I am a first-

time writer but have enjoyedyour magazine since themid-1990s.

The reason I have decidedto write is to bring yourattention to the plight of MrMartin Armstrong. Aneconomics expert, he iscurrently incarcerated in theUS without charge or fairtrial. Apparently Martindeveloped a softwareprogram called the Pi CycleEconomics ConfidenceModel, which is able toaccurately predict economictrends from real estate andcommodity prices rightdown to trends in individualcountries. Having refusedto surrender the source codeto the CIA, he was deniedhis constitutional rights andlocked up.

Now I cannot verify thevalidity of these claims but,if they're true, this may bethe biggest cover-up sinceRoswell. Maybe even bigger.Martin may have discoveredan algorithm that candecode almost anything, ormaybe even the holy grail ofscience—the true unifiedfield formula.

I know this is the kind ofstory that NEXUS readerslove, and hopefully we canget some support for Martinfrom your US readers.

For more information,please visit the

Kiwiboy, New Zealand[Dear Kiwiboy: Several issues

ago (16/06) we ran a letter aboutMartin Armstrong by Mike N. ofthe USA. We thought we'dpublish yours because it coversadditional points and it's a timelyreminder about Martin, his workand his plight. Ed.]

EETT DDiisscclloossuurree IIssssuueeI see there is another

article concerning thegovernment unveiling thesecrets of extraterrestrialvisitation [17/01]. Whatmakes anyone believe, afterso many years of cover-ups,lies and disinformation, thatthe information releasedwould not be lies also?

It is just as easy to forgelies that appear as truth as itis to completely mislead.And as a matter of fact, howwould anyone know whatthe complete truth is?

I absolutely enjoy thismagazine and read as muchas I can to try to draw my ownconclusions. You have alwaystried to give unbiased,intelligent articles to yourreading public, but I trulybelieve the ET issue issomething that cannot andwill not be solved by releasinggovernment papers.

Reka, USA

UUFFOO SSiigghhttiinngg CCooiinncciiddeenncceeHi! The reason for this

letter comes through myown experience of what Ibelieve to be a UFO sightingover the city of NewPlymouth, where I live inNew Zealand.

This took place during theweek leading up to and onChristmas Day 2009. Thesighting made front-pagenews in the local newspaper.

I am 52 years old, havefour children and work in thedairy industry here in theprovince of Taranaki, and Iwould like to say that it haschanged my life somewhat.

A friend at work gave me abook to read relating to thesightings I had seen; thatbook is Harmonic 33 byCaptain Bruce Cathie. Whatintrigues me in the book is

the sighting witnessed bypeople in various locationsaround New Zealand onenight in 1968: mostimportantly, the sightingviewed off New Plymouthwas at 9.45 pm—exactly thesame time as my sighting afew weeks ago, only 42 yearslater.

Regards, Matt C., New Plymouth,

New Zealand

AA FFrreeeemmaann oonn tthhee LLaannddA recent Letter to the

Editor (vol. 17, no. 1),"Freedom From Taxation",opens up a conversation onthe Freeman on the Landconcept.

Having been increasinglyinterested in this conceptfor a number of years now,I'd like to express myinterest in seeing morecoverage of this topic infuture issues of NEXUS.

I was initially introducedto this topic through aMelbourne organisationcalled Upmart, with whichyou and many of yourreaders will be familiar.

We, in this country, seemto be increasingly taxed todeath. The relationshipbetween taxation andrepresentation seems to beincreasingly inverse, i.e.,more tax, fewer rights andless representation.

Aaron B., Wavell Heights,Queensland, Australia

BBlloooomm EEnneerrggyy BBooxxDear Duncan: I would like

to bring news of the BloomBox to your attention, as itmay be of interest to youand your readers.

It is capable of poweringan average home 24 hours aday, 365 days a year. It's asmall device that could

easily be incorporated intoour homes, and at present isbeing used by corporationssuch as eBay, FedEx, Coca-Cola, San Francisco Airport,Wal-Mart, Google and more.It is reported to cost onlyUS$3,000 per box.

What I would like to knowis: why can't the Australianfederal government consideradopting this new technologyin our businesses, homes,schools, etc., as it is alreadybeing used by some of thebiggest corporations in theworld? All Australians couldhave access to this veryaffordable, clean technology.

I am definitely going tolook into it...even if it meansgetting it from the US. I mayhave to save a few penniesfor a long while, but it'sworth it.

Cheers,Meegan N., Hidden Valley,

Victoria, Australia[Dear Meegan: You make

some good points, and thanks forbringing attention to BloomEnergy's technologies. We havean item about them in this issue'sScience News. Ed.]

CCoovveerr--uupp oonn VVaacccciinnee RRiisskkssDear Duncan: It's not

surprising to find that sixmembers of the WorldHealth Organization'svaccine advisory panel arecurrently under investigationfor financial ties to thepharmaceutical industries.

Well-known vaccineresearcher Dr Gary Null wasshocked to find that therehas not been a single studyon the dangers of combiningvaccines!

An article in the June 2000Rolling Stone magazine, byRobert F. Kennedy, Jr, exposedUS government scientists,health professionals, CDC

Letters to the Editor ...

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 5

officials, the FDA, WHOvaccine experts and reps fromevery major pharmaceuticalcompany for hiding thedangers of and links betweenthimerosal (mercury) inchildhood vaccines andautism.

This group stated that theoriginal data had been lost,and they handed over theirremaining data to a privatecompany which excludedthe public from accessing itvia the Freedom ofInformation Act.

They still believe it's a"coincidence" that theAmish, who refuse allvaccinations, have zeroautism rates.

The swine flu vaccinecontains squalene. Yourbody recognises squalene asa molecule native to thebody and found throughoutthe nervous system andbrain.

Yours truly, Jovan, Broken Hill, NSW,


BBrroowwnn''ss GGaass RReevviissiitteedd Dear Duncan: I have been

a reader of NEXUS since itsearliest days. I congratulateyou on the part you haveplayed in highlighting themany interesting storiesthat would not otherwisehave seen the light of day.

In particular, I complimentyou on the part you haveplayed in nurturing little-known inventors the worldover. Without the spotlightyou have shone on them,these deserving individualswould have remainedunknown, their workforgotten.

With the above commentsin mind, may I recommendthe website of an Irishinventor whom I have

recently come across?George Wiseman is anelectrician of some 30 years'standing. His inventionseems to make novel use ofBrown's Gas.

As you know, GeorgeWiseman gave a talk on thisenigmatic gas at one of theNEXUS conferences a fewyears ago. He has put thetechnical drawings andmeasurements on hiswebsite,

With best wishes,Liam M., Ireland[Dear Liam: Thanks for the

heads-up on the SU92 website.For your info, George Wisemangave his presentation at the 2007NEXUS Conference on theSunshine Coast, Queensland,Australia. Ed.]

DDaa VViinnccii PPrroopphheecciieess Dear Duncan: I am a fan

of your fantastic magazine,as are all my family, too.You have great courage togo against the mainstreamtrend and proposealternative views.

The reason I write is alsothat I would like to havemore information on theLeonardo da Vinciprophecies [NEXUS 16/05].The article seems to bemissing the website whereyou can find more about it.

Also, in the article where itreads "The dead will be seencarrying the alive ones, incars and boats in manyplaces", this possibly meanscars and boats driven byrobots, in the sense that therobots will be made to looklike people—and, forLeonardo da Vinci, they willbe "dead people".

Kind regards,Silvia[Dear Silvia: Thanks for

pointing out the missing website.

Unfortunately, on some editions,the line with the website addressdropped off. The website Ed.]

UUFFOO RReeppoorrttiinngg bbyy iiPPhhoonneeA friend of mine, Jason

Martell, just released an appfor the iPhone that allowsyou to record a UFO sighting(or paranormal event) in realtime. With a large enoughuser base, it could be a veryuseful verification tool.Here is how it works...

If you spot a UFO, youreport it on your iPhone. Allsuch reports show up asdata points on a map onyour phone and on thewebsite. If the map showsonly one data point (you),then you do not haveverification. If the mapshows multiple data pointsfor the surrounding area,then the sighting has beenverified.

There are still a few bugsto be worked out, but here isthe website


""MMaann iinn BBllaacckk"" iiss BBaacckk!!I read your latest issue

with some interest. Youpublished a letter I wroteseveral years ago about myparticipation in what Ibelieved to be the MIBprogram, if that is what itwas [see "Testimony from a'Man in Black'", TwilightZone, 17/01].

In the unedited letter, Iwrote of being an insuranceagent in New Mexico as wellas the fact that the 533iBMW was burgundy incolour, not black (as in youredited version). Makes a bitof a better story being black,but I was trying to give youguys the real story, as

straight as I could recall it. I also forgot to mention

that they gave me a bunch ofblack Montblanc pens touse, as well—again, with noexplanation.

The reason I am writing isbecause of some stuff,ancillary to the story. I didnot turn in all the photos Itook. I turned in all the stuffI shot for them, but I tooksome shots of my own, aswell. There is somestrangeness in thosephotos. They have neverbeen published anywhereor seen by anyone else (thatI am aware of).

The photos don't prove theexistence of [extra]terrestrialvisitors, although in mydeclining years I have cometo believe that such aliensexisted. Whether they arehere now is still up in the air.

Twal Dad (The Woods AreLovely, Dark and Deep)

SSoollaarr CCeellllss aanndd EEMMFFssHi Duncan: I must first

thank you for suchinteresting articles thatstimulate the imaginationand help make some sort ofsense of all the madnessthat seems to be around usat this point in time.

I am thinking of gettingsolar panels in the future torun the lights and powerpoints. I have read articlesabout electromagneticfrequency, etc. and I can'thelp but wonder if havingthese solar cells on the roofcould be harmful tohealth/well-being also. Doyou have any informationaround this?

Thanks,Deb[Dear Deb: For a start, you

could check the Discussion Forumat Ed.]

... more Letters to the Editor NB: Please keep letters toapprox. 150 to 250 words in

length. Ed.

6 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010


In a Purdue University study,nanosilver suspended in

solution was tested on fatheadminnows (an organism oftenused to test the effects oftoxicity on aquatic life) andproved toxic and even lethal tothe minnows. When thenanosilver was allowed tosettle, the solution becameseveral times less toxic butstill caused malformations inthe minnows.

"Silver nitrate is a lot moretoxic than nanosilver, butwhen nanosilver wassonicated, or suspended, itstoxicity increased tenfold,"said Maria Sepúlveda, an assistantprofessor of forestry and naturalresources whose findings have beenpublished in Ecotoxicology [2010;19(1):185]. "There is reason to beconcerned."

Using electron microscopy,Sepúlveda was able to detectnanosilver particles measuring 30nanometres or less inside minnowembryos. Thirty nanometres is morethan 3,000 times smaller than thediameter of a human hair.

"These nanosilver particles are so

small they are able to cross the eggmembranes and move into the fishembryos in less than a day,"Sepúlveda said.

Nanosilver is growing in popularityas a component of many products. Itis used to kill bacteria in productssuch as odour-control clothing,countertops, cutting boards anddetergents. Currently, there are fewregulations for nanosilver'sapplications in products.(Source:, 5 March 2010,


AUS National ResearchCouncil panel has

recommended setting up aninternational body thatwould be prepared to springinto action and defend theplanet if an asteroid werediscovered on a likelyimpact course.

There are huge numbersof asteroids that come closeto Earth's orbit, called near-Earth asteroids (NEAs).Millions of them are largeenough to do seriousdamage in an impact,including the asteroid

Apophis, which has a small chanceof hitting Earth in 2036.

The international body would be"composed of representatives ofnations concerned with thisproblem and willing to invest inpreparedness for a damagingcollision," the panel's report states.

The report also found that existingsurveys are incapable of finding 90per cent of near-Earth asteroids thatare 140 metres across or larger by2020, a goal set by Congress in 2005.(Source: New Scientist, 10 January 2010,


China will step up weathermodification in key regions to

help relieve drought, the director ofthe China MeteorologicalAdministration has said.

As drought and hailstorms posesevere threats to rural income andfood supply, there is a rising demandfor technology to cushion the impact,Zheng Guoguang told China Daily.

Modifying weather involvesseeding clouds with grains of dry ice(frozen carbon dioxide) or tinyparticles of silver iodide to stimulaterainfall or dissipate clouds. It is alsoused to help prevent or control

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 7

forest fires and ease acute watershortages in some areas, he said.

The annual grain output is around500 million tons. Zheng said heexpects weather modificationprojects will contribute to thecountry's efforts to increase grainproduction capacity by 50 milliontons annually.

Last year, officials used artillery,rockets or planes to induceprecipitation for wheat-producingareas and some other regions.

In all, a record 840 flights weremade to increase rain last year forareas spanning 3.6 million squarekilometres, or roughly one-third ofChina's territory. At least 116,000rockets and 890,000 artillery shellswere fired to alter atmosphericphenomena.

Nationwide, weather modificationprojects cost 910 million yuan in2009 but helped generate output 30times that amount, according tostatistics from the administration'sWeather Modification Center.

The technology was used toensure clear skies for the grandparade of the National Daycelebration last year, when thecountry marked the 60th anniversaryof the founding of New China. Italso was used to ensure rainlessdays for the opening and closingceremonies of the 2008 BeijingOlympic Games, Zheng said.

The China MeteorologicalAdministration is gearing up forweather services for the ShanghaiWorld Expo, which opens in May,and for November's Asian Games inGuangzhou, he said. The Shanghaievent will be a challenge, as it lasts184 days and may be affected bymonsoons and high temperatures.

Weather manipulation is still adeveloping discipline that holdsgreat potential, Zheng said. Chinabegan modifying the weather on alocal or regional scale in 1958.(Source: China Daily, 4 March 2010, viaBlacklisted News,


Anew revelation casts doubt oncertain verdicts in the US justice

system delivered since the mid-1990s. It stems from an importantfinding made by a team co-led byNickolas Papadopoulos, a JohnsHopkins University geneticist.

The team discovered that DNAfrom tiny symbiotic bacterialdescendants called mitochondria,which live in our cells and givethem energy, varies from tissue totissue in the human body.

The finding is significant, asmitochondrial DNA analysis wasconsidered a proven enoughtechnique that US law enforcementhas been using it as a tool to identifycriminals since the mid-1990s.

The new results, set to bepublished in the 4 March edition ofthe prestigious journal Nature ,indicate that the possibility of falsenegatives might be much higherthan previously thought.Furthermore, the chance of twopeople having the samemitochondrial DNA goes up as well.

If the results are validated, thiscould lead to a major shake-up inthe field of forensics.(Source:, 4 March 2010,


The former managing director ofMonsanto India, Tiruvadi

Jagadisan, is the latest to join thecritics of Bt brinjal and perhaps isthe first industry insider to do so.

Bt brinjal is a transgenic eggplantwhich has the gene from the soilbacterium Bacil lus thuringiensisinserted into it.

Jagadisan, who worked withMonsanto for nearly two decades,including eight years as themanaging director of Indiaoperations, spoke against the newvariety, and later he elaborated bysaying that the company "used tofake scientific data" submitted togovernment regulatory agencies toget commercial approvals for itsproducts in India.

The former Monsanto boss saidgovernment regulatory agencieswhich the company used to dealwith in the 1980s simply dependedon data supplied by the companywhile giving approvals to herbicides.

On 9 February 2010, the IndianEnvironment Minister, JairamRamesh, imposed a moratorium onthe cultivation of Bt brinjal. (Source: India Today, 9 February 2010,


8 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010


Dr Scott S. Reuben, a formermember of Pfizer Inc.'s speakers'

bureau accused last year ofperpetrating one of the biggestresearch frauds in medical history,was charged in a federal court inBoston with falsifying medicalresearch studies.

Reuben, formerly chief of acutepain at Baystate Medical Center inSpringfield, Massachusetts, faces upto 10 years in prison and aUS$250,000 fine.

US attorney Carmen M. Ortizaccused Reuben of accepting a$75,000 grant from Pfizer to researchthe effectiveness of pain medicationCelebrex® for a 2005 study in whichno patients were actually enrolled.

Prosecutors allege that Reubenmade up the data, which hesubsequently had published in themedical journal Anesthesia &Analgesia.

The journal later had to retract 10papers written by Reuben, andmedical experts at the time said thatat least 21 journal articles by theanaesthesiologist appeared to befabricated.(Source:, 15 January 2010,; also seeGlobal News, NEXUS 16/04)


Telecommunications researchersin Japan are attempting to create

electronic sensors that can not onlyreceive information from the brain,but could manipulate our neuralpathways. The new sensors, builtusing nanotechnology, could readand write information directly intothe brain.

While the concept might conjureimages of half-human, half-machinecyborgs, Dr Keiichi Torimitsu ofNippon Telegraph and Telephone(NTT) said the research is morelikely to help sufferers of Parkinson'sdisease and stroke.

Torimitsu presented his team'swork on the development of bionic,or biomimetic, brain sensors at thisweek's International Conference onNanoscience and Nanotechnology(ICONN) in Sydney.

"To develop some kind of devicesor interfaces with the brain thatwould make it possible to transmitour information, sending it throughthe telecommunication pathways toanother person or device such as acomputer—that is the goal," saidTorimitsu, who heads NTT'sMolecular and Bioscience Group.(Source:, 25 February 2010,


Arecent poll has revealed thatnearly one in four Germans

would be happy to have a microchipimplanted in their body.

The survey, by German IT industrylobby group BITKOM, was intendedto show how the division betweenreal life and the virtual world isincreasingly coming down.

In all, 23 per cent of around 1,000respondents in the survey said theywould be prepared to have a chipinserted under their skin "for certainbenefits".(Source: Sydney Morning Herald, 2March 2010, bq9s62)


On 16 August 1951, theinhabitants of Pont-Saint-Esprit,

a quiet, picturesque village in theGard region of southeastern France,were suddenly racked with frightfulhallucinations of terrifying beastsand fire. At least five people died,dozens were interned in asylumsand hundreds were afflicted.

For decades it was assumed thatthe local bread had been unwittinglypoisoned with a psychedelic mould.

Now, however, the Americaninvestigative journalist H. P. Albarelli,Jr, has uncovered evidence suggestingthat the US Central IntelligenceAgency (CIA) peppered local foodwith the hallucinogenic drug LSD aspart of a mind-control experiment atthe height of the Cold War.

One man tried to drown himself,screaming that his belly was beingeaten by snakes. An 11-year-old triedto strangle his grandmother. Anotherman shouted "I am a plane" beforejumping out of a second-floorwindow, breaking his legs; he thengot up and carried on for 50 yards[~46 metres]. Another saw his heartescaping through his feet, andbegged a doctor to put it back. Manywere taken to the local asylum instraitjackets.


"Just not quite the same since they digitised sunsets."

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 9

...... GGLLOOBBAALL NNEEWWSS ......TIME magazine wrote at the time:

"Among the stricken, delirium rose:patients thrashed wildly on theirbeds, screaming that red flowerswere blossoming from their bodies,that their heads had turned tomolten lead."

Albarelli claims that the outbreakresulted from a covert experimentdirected by the CIA and the USArmy's top-secret Special OperationsDivision (SOD) at Fort Detrick,Maryland.

He came across CIA documentswhile investigating the suspicioussuicide of Frank Olson, a biochemistworking for the SOD who fell from a13th-floor window two years afterthe "Cursed Bread" (Le Pain Maudit)incident. One note transcribes aconversation between a CIA agentand a Sandoz official who mentionsthe "secret of Pont-Saint-Esprit" andexplains that it was not "at all"caused by mould but bydiethylamide, the D in LSD.

While compiling his book, A TerribleMistake: The Murder of Frank Olson andthe CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments,Albarelli spoke to former colleaguesof Olson, two of whom told him thatthe Pont-Saint-Esprit incident waspart of a mind-control experimentrun by the CIA and the US Army.Scientists at Fort Detrick told himthat agents had sprayed LSD intothe air and also contaminated "localfoot products".

Albarelli said that the real"smoking gun" was a White Housedocument sent to members of the1975 Rockefeller Commission,formed to investigate CIA abuses. Itcontained the names of a number ofFrench nationals who had beensecretly employed by the CIA, and itmade direct reference to the "Pont-Saint-Esprit incident".

In its quest to research LSD as anoffensive weapon, Albarelli claims,the US Army also drugged over 5,700unwitting American servicemenbetween 1953 and 1965.(Source: The Telegraph, UK, 11 March2010,


The year 2010 marks the 10th consecutive year of the United States' warin Afghanistan and in the 15-nation area of responsibility subsumedunder Operation Enduring Freedom. It is also the 10th and deadliest year

in Washington's use of unmanned aerial vehicles (drones) for targetedassassinations and untargeted "collateral damage".

Originally designed for battlefield surveillance and reconnaissance, albeitoften to call in lethal military strikes, drones have been employed by the USsince 2001 to identify and kill human targets. The Predator and itssuccessor, the Reaper, capable of carrying 15 times more weaponry andflying at three times the speed, have been used for deadly attacks inAfghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia and with particularly murderous effect inPakistan since the autumn of 2008. They are equipped with camerasconnected by satellite links to bases in the United States. US drone missilestrikes on both sides of the Afghanistan–Pakistan border have beenincreased by 50 per cent since the Obama administration took over theWhite House on 20 January 2009.

Pakistan's influential news service published an account ofwhat that policy has meant to Pakistanis. In the 2 January 2010 article titled"Over 700 killed in 44 drone strikes in 2009", the source, quoting Pakistanigovernment statistics, wrote: "Of the 44 Predator strikes carried out by USdrones in the tribal areas of Pakistan over the past 12 months, only fivewere able to hit their actual targets, killing five key Al-Qaeda and Talibanleaders, but at the cost of over 700 innocent civilians." For each alleged Al-Qaeda and Taliban member killed by missiles fired from US drones, "140innocent Pakistanis also had to die".

Drone missile attacks are increasingly becoming the weapon of choice ofthe US Central Intelligence Agency (as in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq),the Joint Special Operations Command (in Yemen) and the Air Force, whichas of last year had 195 Predators and 28 Reapers. All indications are thatthey will soon have more. This year, the Obama administration has soughtfrom Congress $33 billion more for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq "on topof a record request for $708 billion for the Defense Department next year"[Associated Press, 12 January 2010].

The US conducted 11 deadly Predator attacks on Iraq in April 2008. USAToday [29 April 2008] reported at the time: "Commanders are expected torely more on unmanned systems as 30,000 US troops sent last year arewithdrawn. The military has dozens of Predators in Iraq and Afghanistan.In all, it operates 5,000 drones, 25 times more than it had in 2001."

In December 2009, the government of Venezuela called on the worldcommunity to condemn incursions into its airspace by US military dronesoperating from Aruba and from Curaçao in the Netherlands Antilles. Thetypes of drones that flew for several days over Venezuelan territory weren'tspecified, but under both bilateral and NATO military obligations theNetherlands would not refuse the US the right to station Predator andReaper drones on bases in their Caribbean island colonies.

The United States has not only increased its arsenal of unmanned aerialvehicles by 25 times over the past decade, it has massively increased therange and lethality of its hunter-killer drones.

A recent report on [5 January 2010] disclosed that, in 2008, theAir Force Research Laboratory started to "build the ultimate assassinationrobot", described as "a tiny, armed drone for US special forces to employ interminating 'high-value targets'".(Source: By Rick Rozoff, Stop NATO, 9 March 2010,

10 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

To order, visit

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 11

TThhee LLoowwddoowwnn oonn HHiigghh--FFrruuccttoossee CCoorrnn SSyyrruupp

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) entered the marketplace in the early1970s and within 20 years accounted for over half the refinedsweeteners used in the US food supply. Produced mainly by thetwo food-processing giants Archer Daniels Midland and Cargill, it is

the main sweetener in soft drinks and is increasingly replacing sugar inbaked goods, bread, cereals, canned fruits, jams and jellies, dairy dessertsand flavoured yoghurts. Sweeter and less expensive than sugar, HFCSrepresents the major change in the American diet over the last 40 years.Although the food industry made this change very quietly, consumers arebeginning to ask a lot of loud questions about this sweetener as researchaccumulates to indicate that it is much worse for us than we thought.

Although the corn industry claims that HFCS received GRAS (GenerallyRecognized as Safe) status when it filed for it in 1983, the US Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) did not grant GRAS status until 1996 after considerablepressure from the industry, which was becoming nervous with the publicationof negative research findings described in the first anti-HFCS articles.1

Growing consumer resistance to HFCS is the likely explanation for a recentindustry campaign to put the new sweetener in a favourable light. Ads run ontelevision and in popular magazines portray HFCS as benign and its critics asbossy, overbearing, unqualified and misinformed. For example, a full-page adin Better Homes and Gardens portrays a man and a woman engaged in thefollowing conversation. He states: "My dry cleaner says high fructose cornsyrup is loaded with calories." Her reply: "A registered dietitian presses yourshirts?" Then comes the official statement: "There's a lot of misinformationout there about sugars made from corn. Truth is, high fructose corn syrup isnutritionally the same as table sugar. The same number of calories, too. Asregistered dietitians recommend, keep enjoying the foods you love, just do itin moderation. We welcome a healthy discussion. Get the facts. You're in fora sweet surprise."2

On the surface, the official statement is true. Both HFCS and sugar, whichare refined carbohydrates, have approximately the same number of calories,and both are virtually devoid of vitamins and minerals. For this latter reasonalone, HFCS should be strictly avoided. Since refined carbohydrates, sugarand HFCS included, tend to be addictive, it is difficult to follow theplatitudinous advice of registered dietitians who urge us to consume themin moderation. In fact, the entire food industry has succeeded very well overthe past 30 years in getting Americans to consume far more than moderateamounts of refined sweeteners, particularly high-fructose corn syrup.Between 1970 and 2000, the per-capita consumption of HFCS in the USincreased from less than one pound [0.45 kilograms] per person to over 60pounds [27 kg] yearly.3

There can be no debate about the fact that both sugar and HFCS, with



RReecceenntt ssttuuddiieess sshhooww tthhaatt rreeffiinneeddsswweeeetteenneerrss lliikkee hhiigghh--ffrruuccttoossee ccoorrnn ssyyrruuppaanndd aaggaavvee ""nneeccttaarr""aarree nneeiitthheerr ssaaffee nnoorrnnaattuurraall aalltteerrnnaattiivveess ttoooorrddiinnaarryy ssuuggaarr aannddaarree mmoorree ddaammaaggiinnggttoo yyoouurr hheeaalltthh..

bbyy SSaallllyy FFaalllloonn MMoorreellll aanndd RRaammiieell NNaaggeell

© 30 April 2009

Web page:


their empty, depleting, addictive calories, are bad foryou. But the real question is whether HFCS is actuallyworse for you—more depleting and more damaging—than ordinary sugar. The research indicates that it is.

TThhee OObbeessiittyy DDeebbaatteeThe public became aware of the possible downside of

HFCS with the publication of a paper in the April 2004edition of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.4 AuthorsBray and others noted the parallel increase in obesityand HFCS consumption in the US, and a number ofcolumnists publicised his theory that, calorie for calorie,HFCS is more likely to cause weight gain than sugar.

The Bray paper provides an explanation for themechanism whereby fructose would be more fattening.Sugar is a disaccharide that breaks down into twomonosaccharides—glucose and fructose—in theintestinal tract. After absorption, fructose must passthrough the liver. Smallamounts of fructose added toglucose in the diet increase theproduction of glycogen (storedsugar) and reduce the release ofglucose into the bloodstream,an outcome that is theoreticallyhelpful to those suffering fromtype 2 diabetes. However, largeamounts of fructose in the dietrapidly turn into fatty acids—aprocess called de novolipogenesis—which are thenstored as fat or released into thebloodstream as triglycerides.

Small amounts of L-fructose—the type of fructosethat human beings have traditionally consumed infruit—can actually be beneficial to diabetics because L-fructose does not stimulate insulin secretion. However,research indicates that insulin concentrations in thecentral nervous system have a direct inhibitory effect onfood intake: when insulin secretions increase, foodconsumption declines. Furthermore, insulin increasesthe release of leptin, a hormone that also inhibits foodintake. Individuals who are genetically unable toproduce leptin are massively obese; low leptinconcentrations are associated with increased hungerand gains in body fat.

Thus, to the extent that fructose inhibits insulin andleptin levels, one would expect an increase in foodintake in a diet that includes HFCS. Bray et al. cite a2002 study by Teff and others, published in Diabetes, inwhich consumption of high-fructose meals reduced 24-hour plasma insulin and leptin concentrations andincreased triglyceride levels in women.5 (Althoughpublished in a major medical journal, this study doesnot appear in a MEDLINE search.) According to theBray paper: "Because insulin and leptin act as keyafferent signals in the regulation of food intake and

body weight, this suggests that dietary fructose maycontribute to increased energy intake and weight gain."6

There is another difference between fructose andglucose metabolism: glucose enters the cells through theaction of insulin; fructose enters the cells through theaction of something called a GLUT5 transporter, whichdoes not depend on insulin. This transporter is absentfrom pancreatic B-cells and the brain, which indicateslimited entry of fructose into these tissues. Glucoseprovides "satiety" signals to the brain that fructose cannotprovide because it is not transported into the brain. Onceinside the cells, fructose facilitates the formation oftriglycerides more efficiently than does glucose.

The Bray paper references a study by Bantle and othersin which a diet containing 17 per cent fructose (verytypical of today's consumer) caused a highly significantincrease of 32 per cent triglyceride levels in the blood inmale subjects, although not in female subjects.7 The

paper also discusses the fact thatsweetened beverages in general,as compared to sweetenersadded to solid foods, have agreater tendency to cause weightgain, citing a randomised,double-blind European study byRabin and others which foundthat drinking caloricallysweetened beverages resulted ingreater weight gain over the 10-week study than did drinking dietdrinks.8 Since the beverages inthis study were sweetened withsucrose, Bray et al. called for a

second randomised controlled study to compare sucrose-and HFCS-sweetened beverages.

IInndduussttrryy RReessppoonnsseeBut instead of providing support for such a study, the

industry responded with a wallop of damage control in theform of a report by the University of Maryland's Center forFood, Nutrition and Agriculture Policy (CFNAP),9 aided bya gift from British sweetener company Tate & Lyle PLC.

The magnitude of the deleterious effects of fructosevaries depending on such factors as age, sex, baselineglucose, insulin and triglyceride concentrations, thepresence of insulin resistance and the amount of dietaryfructose consumed.10 Some are more sensitive tofructose than others: people who are hypertensive,hyperinsulinaemic or hypertriglyceridaemic; non-insulindependent diabetics; people with functional boweldisease; and postmenopausal women.11 The CFNAPexpert panel was able to confuse the issue by citingstudies carried out with individuals known to be lesssensitive to fructose. Conspicuously absent in its revieware the Teff, Bantle and Rabin studies cited by Bray andothers. The report dismisses both the epidemiologicalcorrelation and the large amount of research showing

12 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

TThhuuss,, ttoo tthhee eexxtteenntt tthhaattffrruuccttoossee iinnhhiibbiittss iinnssuulliinn aanndd

lleeppttiinn lleevveellss,, oonnee wwoouullddeexxppeecctt aann iinnccrreeaassee iinn ffoooodd

iinnttaakkee iinn aa ddiieett tthhaattiinncclluuddeess HHFFCCSS..

that HFCS is metabolised differently from sucrose. Italso dismisses the fact that US fructose consumptionhas increased over 30 per cent since 1970, claiminginstead that the fructose to glucose ratio (F:G) in the USfood supply has not appreciably changed since theintroduction of HFCS in the 1960s—an amazing claim,given that the HFCS used in sodas has an F:G ratio of55:45 and the HFCS in diet foods has a F:G ratio of 90:10.

While admitting that "studies analyzing thedifferences between HFCS and sucrose consumptionand their contributions to weight gain do not exist", theauthors do not join Bray et al. in calling for such a study.Instead, they conclude that HFCS "does not appear tocontribute to overweight and obesity any differentlythan do other energy sources".

TThhee BBiigg DDiirrttyy SSeeccrreett AAbboouutt HHFFCCSSMany researchers have pointed out

that the fructose in HFCS is free,unbound fructose, which is not thesame as the fructose in fruit, which isbound to other sugars and is part of acomplex that includes fibre, fattyacids, vitamins and minerals.

Leaving this obvious differenceaside, the industry would have thepublic believe that the fructose in fruitand in HFCS are chemically identical.However, most of the fructose in fruitis in the form of L-fructose orlevulose, but the fructose in HFCSis a different isomer, D-fructose.Small amounts of D-fructose dooccur in fruit, but the D-fructosein HFCS has the reversedisomerisation and polarity of arefined fructose molecule.12

As explained by Russ Bianchi,Managing Director and CEO ofAdept Solutions, Inc., a globallyrecognised food and beveragedevelopment company, thefructose in HFCS is therefore notrecognised in the human Krebs cycle for primaryconversion to blood glucose in any significant quantity,and therefore cannot be used for energy utilisation.13

Instead, these refined fructose sweeteners are primarilyconverted into triglycerides and adipose tissue (body fat).In fact, a recent study by Teff and others, published in TheJournal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism (2009;94[5]:1562-69), found that obese people who drank afructose-sweetened beverage with a meal had triglyceridelevels almost 200 per cent higher than obese people whodrank a glucose-sweetened beverage with a meal.14

Chronic high-triglyceride levels translate intoincreased insulin resistance, inflammation and heartdisease. Thus, according to Bianchi, HFCS is a recipe

for obesity, lack of energy and metabolic syndrome—thevery portrait of the modern American addicted to a dietof HFCS-sweetened sodas.

AAggaavvee ""NNeeccttaarr"" ttoo tthhee RReessccuuee??As the educated public has shied away from foods

containing HFCS, the industry has brought a newsweetener onto the scene—one used especially in foodsaimed at the health-conscious consumer: agave"nectar". Agave nectar is advertised as a "diabeticfriendly", "raw" and "100% natural sweetener". Yet it isnone of these. Agave nectar is found on the shelves ofhealth food stores primarily under the labels "AgaveNectar 100% Natural Sweetener" and "Organic Raw BlueAgave Nectar". It can also be found in foods labelled as

organic or raw, including ketchup, icecream, chocolate and health food bars.

Its name, along with the picturesand descriptions on the productlabels, creates the impression thatagave is an unrefined sweetener thathas been used for millennia by nativepeople in central Mexico. "Forthousands of years, natives to centralMexico used different species of agaveplants for medicine, as well as forbuilding shelter." Thus reads the copyon an agave package. And it is truethat natives would also allow the

sweet sap or liquid of one speciesof agave to ferment naturally,which created a mildly alcoholicbeverage with a very pungentflavour, known as pulque. Theyalso made a traditionalsweetener, called miel de agave,from the agave sap or juice bysimply boiling it for severalhours. But, as one agave sellerexplains, the agave nectarpurchased in stores is neither ofthese traditional foods: "Agavenectar is a newly created

sweetener, having been developed during the 1990s."33

TThhee BBiigg DDiirrttyy SSeeccrreett AAbboouutt AAggaavveeIn spite of manufacturers' claims, agave "nectar" is not

made from the sap of the agave or yucca plant but fromthe starch of its giant pineapple-shaped root bulb. Theprincipal constituents of the agave root are starch,similar to the starch in corn or rice, and a complexcarbohydrate called inulin, which is made up of chains offructose molecules. Technically, this highly indigestiblefibre, inulin, which does not taste sweet, comprisesabout half the carbohydrate content of agave.34

The process by which agave glucose and inulin areconverted into "nectar" is similar to the process by

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 13

IInn ssppiittee ooffmmaannuuffaaccttuurreerrss''ccllaaiimmss,, aaggaavvee""nneeccttaarr"" iiss nnoott

mmaaddee ffrroomm tthhee ssaappooff tthhee aaggaavvee oorryyuuccccaa ppllaanntt bbuuttffrroomm tthhee ssttaarrcchh

ooff iittss ggiiaannttppiinneeaappppllee--sshhaappeedd

rroooott bbuullbb..

which corn starch is converted into HFCS.35 The agavestarch is subjected to an enzymatic and chemicalprocess that converts the starch into a fructose-richsyrup—anywhere from 70 per cent fructose and higher,according to the agave nectar chemical profiles postedon agave nectar websites.36 (One agave manufacturerclaims that his product is made with "natural" enzymes.)That's right; the refined fructose in agave nectar is muchmore concentrated than the fructose in HFCS. Forcomparison, the high-fructose corn syrup used in sodasis 55 per cent refined fructose. (A natural agave productdoes exist in Mexico: a molasses-type syrup fromconcentrated plant nectar, but its availability is limitedand it is expensive to produce.)

According to Bianchi, agave "nectar" and HFCS "...areindeed made the same way, using a highly chemicalprocess with genetically modified enzymes. They arealso using caustic acids, clarifiers, filtration chemicalsand so forth in the conversion of agave starches." Theresult is a high level of highly refined fructose in theremaining syrup, along withsome remaining inulin.

In a confidential letter dated15 May 2000, Dr MartinStutsman of the FDA explainedthe FDA's food labelling codesrelating to HFCS and agavenectar: corn syrup treated withenzymes to enhance thefructose levels should belabelled as "high fructose cornsyrup", and agave sweetenerrequires the label "hydrolyzedinulin syrup".37 Even though,like corn, agave is a starch and fibre food processed withenzymes, it does not have to be labelled as "highfructose agave syrup", which would make it clearer forconsumers. "Agave nectar" is a misnomer; at the veryleast, it should be labelled "agave syrup".

Agave syrup comes in two colours: clear or light, andamber. What is this difference? Russ Bianchi explains:"Due to poor quality control in the agave processingplants in Mexico, sometimes the fructose gets burnedafter being heated above 140 degrees Fahrenheit, thuscreating a darker, or amber color." However, the labelscreate the impression of an artisan product—like lightor amber beer. As consumers are learning aboutproblems with agave syrup, the label "chicory syrup" isbeginning to appear as a non-conforming word for theproduct. Consumers beware!

TThhee SSaappoonniinnss PPrroobblleemmYucca species are known to contain large quantities of

saponins. The industry describes saponins in agavesyrup as beneficial: "Agave's rich density of saponinsincreases hydration as the soapy, surfactant nature ofsaponins change[s] the wetting angle of water it

contacts. This eases and accelerates cellular wateruptake, especially when used with a high-quality salt."38

However, the truth is that the saponins found in manyvarieties of agave plants are toxic steroid derivatives,capable of disrupting red blood cells and producingdiarrhoea and vomiting.39 They are to be avoided duringpregnancy or breastfeeding because they might cause orcontribute to miscarriage by stimulating blood flow tothe uterus.40 At the very least, agave products shouldcarry a warning label indicating that the product maycause miscarriage.

JJuusstt SSaayy NNoo ttoo AAggaavveeSince the FDA makes no effort to enforce food-labelling

laws, consumers cannot be certain that what they areeating is what the label says it is. New sweeteners likeagave syrup were introduced into the market to make aprofit, not to make consumers healthy. Clever marketinghas led many consumers to believe that the high level offructose in agave syrup makes it a safe and a natural

sweetener. Agave syrup labels donot conform to FDA labellingrequirements, thus deepeningthe false illusion of anunprocessed product. As wehave demonstrated here, if asweetener contains manufacturedfructose, it is neither safe nornatural, especially at levels up to70 per cent.

Agave syrup is a man-madesweetener which has beenthrough a complicatedchemical refining process of

enzymatic digestion that converts the starch and fibreinto the unbound, man-made chemical, fructose. Whilehigh-fructose agave syrup won't spike your bloodglucose levels, the fructose in it may cause mineraldepletion, liver inflammation, hardening of the arteries,insulin resistance leading to diabetes, high bloodpressure, cardiovascular disease and obesity.

If you want something sweet, eat a piece of fruit, not acandy bar labelled as a "health food". If you want tocreate something sweet, use sweeteners that are knownto be safer. For uncooked dishes, unheated raw honeyand dates work well. For cooked dishes or sweet drinks,a good organic maple syrup or even freshly juiced appleor orange juice can provide delicious and relatively safesweetness; dehydrated cane sugar juice or maple sugarmay be used in moderation in cookies and desserts thatcontain nutritious ingredients and good fats such asbutter, egg yolks and nuts.

However, to be healthy, you cannot eat sugar all day, nomatter how natural the form. You should limit totalsweetener consumption to less than five per cent of daily

14 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 7799

TThhee aaggaavvee ssttaarrcchh iiss ssuubbjjeecctteedd ttoo aann eennzzyymmaattiiccaanndd cchheemmiiccaall pprroocceessss tthhaattccoonnvveerrttss tthhee ssttaarrcchh iinnttoo aa

ffrruuccttoossee--rriicchh ssyyrruupp——aannyywwhheerree ffrroomm 7700 ppeerr cceenntt

ffrruuccttoossee aanndd hhiigghheerr......

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 15

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16 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 17

People have very busy lives these days, working extra hard to keep roofsover their heads and food on their tables. And those are the lucky ones, orso we are led to believe. This anti-human system we collectively chooseto maintain focuses on the perpetual need for money so as to avoid

becoming homeless and destitute, rather than working for humanity andfocusing on the ability of human beings to work together for the benefit of all,great or small.

It also tolerates the kind of doublethink foreseen by George Orwell wherebyliars and criminals in government can ignore public opinion and keepsecrets—for the sake of "national security", apparently—whilst makingoutrageous claims about openness and honesty, and patting themselves onthe back for the wonderful service they are doing humanity by exporting"democracy" to the Middle East. And we ain't seen nothing yet.

TThhee NNeeww WWoorrlldd OOrrddeerr aanndd GGlloobbaall CCoonnttrroollUnfortunately, people who have been misleadingly labelled "conspiracy

theorists" for the last few decades as a reflex response to their warnings aboutthe upcoming New World Order were right. Even Fox News Channel had amomentarily lapse of purpose and admitted as much,1 as the politicians andtechnocrats openly use the term New World Order.2

Nowadays, the term is being used so regularly and so brazenly that one hasto question the sanity of people who still refuse to believe that anunprecedented global system of control—or New World Order—has beenplanned for us all.

An obvious question that springs to the mind of a concerned human beingis: what are the differences between systems of control in the 21st century andsystems of control in previous centuries? One obvious difference is thetechnology available to the controllers, which is far superior today—not thatthe technological capabilities of previous centuries were not sufficient tofacilitate the most heinous crimes. It might surprise some to hear that in the20th century there were approximately 262 million cases of what Professor R. J.Rummel of the University of Hawaii calls "democide", i.e., the killing of peopleby their own government. The countries in which these killings were carriedout had widely different cultures, languages and geography, but Rummelfound that they all shared one common feature: excessive government power.6

Incidentally, despite the fact that the theory of man-made global warming—or "climate change", as it must now be called—has been proven to be AConvenient Non-truth, word got out that there existed an agenda to create aworld government out of the recent United Nations conference on climatechange in Copenhagen, justified by the hysterical catastrophism surroundingthe discredited theory. The recent "Climategate" scandal proved that"scientists" promoting the theory of man-made global warming—a worldwideconfidence trick—are more than willing to fudge their data and even to



BBiigg BBrrootthheerrccoorrppoorraattiioonnss hhaavveeaallrreeaaddyy ddeevveellooppeedd

iimmppllaannttaabbllee mmiiccrroocchhiipptteecchhnnoollooggyy ffoorrhhuummaannss aanndd aarreettrryyiinngg hhaarrdd ttoo

ccoonnddiittiioonn tthhee ppuubblliicc ttoo aacccceepptt tthhaatt bbeeiinnggmmiiccrroocchhiippppeedd iiss bbootthh iinneevviittaabbllee aanndd ddeessiirraabbllee..

bbyy GGrreeggoorryy NNiikkoolleettttooss aannddTTiimmootthhyy WWiisseemmaann

© 2010


prevent genuine scientists with legitimate Freedom ofInformation requests from checking the data or observingany information that might challenge the new religion.We cannot accurately call it science if scientists aredenied access to the scientific data. But even morerevealing is the fact that international think-tank the Clubof Rome admitted in its book The First Global Revolution(1993) that this gigantic global scam is its own invention:"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we suggestedthat pollution, the threat of global warming, watershortages, famine and the like would fit the bill."8

EEyyee--BBeeaammOne company commands more than a passing mention

in any discussion of technology as a means to controlpeople (and infinitely worse)—namely, InternationalBusiness Machines Corporation, or IBM. Its Hollerithpunch card enabled a quick and easy large-scaleinformation collection process.Individuals could be associatedwith cross-tabulated informationabout their background,profession, religion,membership of organisations,etc.—basically, anything forwhich data could be collected.Information could be stored inthe holes that were punchedinto rows and columns by anIBM punch-card system. Thenthe card passed through a readerwhich found the informationencoded therein.9 This could be done at the rate of64,000 cards per hour, quickly identifying and locatingpeople who fell into one or more specific categories,whatever they may be.

IBM technology was used to organise nearly everythingin Nazi Germany and then Europe, from the identificationof the Jews in censuses, registrations and ancestraltracing programs to the running of railway lines and theorganisation of concentration camp slave labour.10

CChhiippppiinngg AAwwaayy AAtt OOuurr FFrreeeeddoommToday IBM is closely associated with the implantable

microchip company VeriChip Corporation, or, as it's nowcalling itself, PositiveID—an inspired piece of marketinggenius which cunningly removes the possibility ofassociating the company with any kind of negativity.9

Not content with playing Big Brother to the con-artistformerly known as VeriChip by writing off a loan of US $60million, IBM is also intent on playing Big Brother to therest of us by promoting its dream of a global "smartsystem" of total and constant surveillance of everythingand everybody, expertly marketed as harmless über-efficiency, as one would expect.11 In reality, what littleremains of our freedom is under attack here.

Interestingly, the "contest-ants" on the Spanish version

of the "reality" television "program" Big Brother were calledon to promote the introduction in March 2004 of the VIPVeriChip at Barcelona's Baja Beach Club.12 The idea isthat once have a microchip implanted in your arm, youcan access the VIP area and never again will you bedragged down to the level of having to deal with themonstrous inconvenience of carrying around money or acredit card. People, nay VIPs, can choose to pay for theirdrinks with implanted microchips instead. There isanother Baja Beach Club in Rotterdam, the Netherlands,playing the same fiddle. Managing director Jo van Galensaid he believes that in 20 years' time it will be normal tobe chipped at birth.14 Conrad Chase, owner of the BajaBeach Clubs, allegedly worked for the US NationalSecurity Agency for years,15 but that little snippet doesn'tmake it into the promotional TV specials.

It seems that many people are more interested in thelatest gadget or fashion accessory than their rights and

their freedom. The vision of thearchitects of the New WorldOrder doesn't involve leaving usalone to get on with our lives.It's about dictating to us what isno longer permissible, i.e., howwe will be allowed to live ourlives and, eventually, whether wewill be allowed to live our livesat all.16

The right to walk aroundwithout a microchip implantseems pretty safe right now, butwould that still be the case if

people without implants somehow came to be in theminority, or if the infrastructure of the entire planet evercame to be based on the assumption that people do havemicrochip implants?

Indeed, that seems to be the direction in which KevinHaggerty, writing for the Toronto Sun (10 December 2006),sees the system moving. Haggerty explained how hebelieves the microchipping agenda will unfold, predictinga number of interesting scenarios—one of which is that"having a chip will be a precondition for engaging in themain dynamics of modern life, such as shopping, voting,and driving".17

It would be prudent to introduce preventive legislation,worldwide, to avoid ever being obliged to accept amicrochip implant.

""TTiimmee IIss OOnn MMyy SSiiddee,, YYeess IItt IIss""VeriChip Corporation, or PositiveID, has been known to

be less than honest in its relatively short history,9, 18 butCEO Scott Silverman dabbled in a bit of truth in thefollowing exchange from an appearance on NBC News:19

News anchor Lester Holt: "You hear the sound of thebackground, people saying 'Big Brother, too muchinformation, a little scary'. How do you respond to that?"

Scott Silverman: "Well, you know, it's interesting; I

18 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

......IIBBMM iiss aallssoo iinntteenntt oonnppllaayyiinngg BBiigg BBrrootthheerr ttoo tthheerreesstt ooff uuss bbyy pprroommoottiinngg

iittss ddrreeaamm ooff aa gglloobbaall ""ssmmaarrtt ssyysstteemm"" ooff ttoottaall aanndd

ccoonnssttaanntt ssuurrvveeiillllaannccee......

used to get that question a lot two years ago. Today,we've gotten it a lot less. In fact, the Attorney General ofMexico and some of his staff have received this chip forsecurity purposes. And when the acceptance rate of theproduct goes up significantly like it has, some of theprivacy concerns go down. But to answer your questiondirectly, Lester, what most people are concerned with isthe invasiveness of this; that it goes in your body. And aswe know with pacemakers and other medical devices,that when people accept it for its applications and for itsability is when it'll work its way into society. It won't betomorrow, it won't be next week. But two, three, fiveyears from now, slowly but surely it'll work its way intothe mainstream."

In this fine-tuned performance, Silverman is talkingabout gradualism. He is revealing astrategy of long-term thinking basedupon achieving the gradualnormalisation of what at first appears,correctly, to be a diabolical attempt toreduce each and every human being toa "component in a massive humaninventory"17—a mere vessel for theVeriChip, to be used in conjunctionwith an anti-human global "smartsystem" from Nazi war-crime facilitatorIBM.

The bad news is that the process of"slowly but surely working its way intothe mainstream" took a big steprecently, as the implantable chipswere marketed as a one-size-fits-all solution to a hypotheticalproblem involving some sort ofinability to access medicalinformation sans implant.20 Therecent activity of VeriChip/PositiveID seems to reveal anambition far beyond that whichSilverman is willing to admit topublicly (consistently, that is):

• The acquisitions of Steel VaultCorporation (to form PositiveID Corporation) provide the company with aconnection to the worlds of identity theft and creditmonitoring.

• Links to Google Health and Microsoft HealthVaultconnect the company to electronic health records.

• The company's development partner RECEPTORSLLC—which manufactures a Virus Triage DetectionSystem for the H1N1 virus—connects the company to theWorld Health Organization's recent flu "pandemic"performance, and potentially to similar incidents in thefuture.

• The expansion of the company's HealthID divisionwith a range of products—including an implantable RFID(radio-frequency identification) microchip in phase-two

development which can detect glucose levels in thebody—connects the company to healthcare in generaland specifically to diabetic patients.

• The company announced it is working closely withHealthScreenDirect, which offers screening for diabetesand high cholesterol. If there were to be a cholesterolsensor announcement via the VeriChip/RECEPTORSalliance, as predicts,this could encourage the company to see dollar signs inthe bodies of the 106 million Americans who suffer fromhigh cholesterol.

• The company formed VeriGreen Energy Corporationto invest in the clean and alternative energy sector.Following the recently signed stimulus package, whichinvested $79 billion in renewable energy, the company

has created a synergy between theirnew marketing company Gibraltar, thestimulus bill, cap and trade, the globalwarming agenda and the humanimplantable microchip.

All of this is in addition to existingrelationships between the companycorporation and ELCAN (RaytheonMicroelectronics España), the fifth-largest defence government contractorand manufacturer of the VeriChip/PositiveID chip. And of course,Verichip/PositiveID includes theVeriPay System which is designed to be

used as a swipe-and-go paymentmethod for cash and credit-cardtransactions. This links "scan andgo" electronic payments with theimplantable microchip.

So we can see that the companyhas fingers in lots of pies, andvarious different branches allseem to be converging, heading inone direction: offering microchipimplants as the solution to life'sproblems.

Nevertheless, in December2009, CEO Scott Silverman assured the public: "Usingthe chip to relate to the credit-reporting services, or even using it for financialtransactions...has not been a part of our business modelfor five years or more, since Sullivan's been gone, and isnot part of our business model moving forward". (Thisrefers to Richard Sullivan, former CEO of Applied Digital,which then owned VeriChip.) Silverman went on toannounce: "I can tell you that...putting [the chips] intochildren and immigrants for identification purposes, orputting them into people, especially unwillingly, forfinancial transactions, has [not] been and never will bethe intent of this company as long I'm the chairman andCEO." (See interview at

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 19

TThhee bbaadd nneewwss iisstthhaatt tthhee pprroocceessss ooff ""sslloowwllyy bbuutt

ssuurreellyy wwoorrkkiinngg iittsswwaayy iinnttoo tthheemmaaiinnssttrreeaamm""

ttooookk aa bbiigg sstteepprreecceennttllyy,, aass tthhee

iimmppllaannttaabbllee cchhiippsswweerree mmaarrkkeetteedd aassaa oonnee--ssiizzee--ffiittss--aallll


However, in 2004, Silverman told the Broward–PalmBeach New Times that the VeriChip could be used as acredit card in the near future. And in 2006, he appearedon Fox & friends, promoting the chipping of immigrantguest workers to track them and monitor their taxrecords. Given the discrepancies with Silverman's morerecent assurances, whenever we hear such denials fromthis man—or from any other spokesperson for thiscompany—we know that we can never be sure that we arebeing told the truth.

CCaappttaaiinn CCyybboorrggMeanwhile, on the other side of the Pond lives

Professor Kevin Warwick, of The University of Reading inEngland. Warwick often appears on TV or in thenewspapers promoting himself and hisbeloved microchip implants.21 He eventurns up in the extra features of a DoctorWho DVD, promoting the idea of aworld inhabited by cyborgs22—aninteresting avenue of self-promotion,given the evil nature of the Doctor Whobaddies known as the Cybermen.

Longing to be perceived as acourageous pioneer of biblicalimportance, Warwick seemsdangerously keen on using his ownwork with microchip implants as astepping stone to a national, nayinternational, chipping program.

Indeed, in the UK in 2002,electronics expert BernardAlbrecht felt compelled to reportWarwick to the General MedicalCouncil, the local social servicesand the police,23 arguing that therewas a possible case for assault inthe event of an operation "withoutmedical basis" being carried outon a child, i.e., implanting amicrochip. But such problemstend to disappear for those peoplewhose work is in perfect alignmentwith pre-existing agendas of the "powers that be".

Warwick went on to appear in a Channel 4 documentaryin the UK in April 2008, openly encouraging a frightenedyoung mother to chip her children.21 The woman hadbeen terrified by the unprecedented mainstream mediacoverage of the search for poor little Madeleine McCann.The young mother's enthusiasm for Professor Warwick'sscript was such that we were left with the impression thatshe might have kept her little girl locked up in a darkenedroom until the age of twenty-one if a man with a suitablyimpressive job title had suggested it.

It was also noticeable that Professor Warwick chose notto share with the little girl's mother the fact thatmicrochip implants have been linked to tumours in

research animals. Parents who want to know more aboutthe potential risks that such implants would pose to theirchildren, and to themselves, can start by looking at DrKatherine Albrecht's websites.25

TThhee PPuubblliicc AArree TToolldd WWhhaatt TThheeyy WWaanntt As we have already seen, there is a disturbing move

towards chipping the population—fronted largely by acouple of prominent mouthpieces, so far. There is afascinating interview with the late filmmaker AaronRusso, in which he discusses the friendship he once hadwith Nicholas Rockefeller of the banking dynasty. Amongseveral astonishing revelations is the admission byRockefeller, according to Russo, that "the ultimate goal isto get everybody in this world chipped with an RFID chip,

and have all money be on those chipsand everything on those chips, and ifanybody wants to protest what we door violate what we want, we just turnoff their chip".26

So that's where they want to take us.The question is, how do they intend totake us there? The answer is simple:propaganda. There are variousdifferent kinds of propaganda comingat us from all angles: in movies, in TVshows, in the adverts between the TVshows, in books and magazines, inmusic, in fashion—basically, in everycorner of what Oscar-winning actress

Susan Sarandon once referred toas the "culture creation industry".27

Edward Bernays, the nephew ofSigmund Freud, was a giantamongst propagandists.

This was a man who, forexample, helped the AmericanTobacco Corporation turn theexisting social norms of the 1920supside-down by tempting womento believe that smoking cigaretteswas a sign of their independenceand their move away from being

perceived as second-class citizens.28 In his 1928 bookentitled Propaganda, Bernays wrote:

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of theorganized habits and opinions of the masses is animportant element in democratic society. Those whomanipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitutean invisible government, which is the true ruling power ofour country... We are governed, our minds are molded,our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by menthat we have never heard of...we are dominated by therelatively small number of persons...who understand themental processes and social patterns of the masses. It isthey who pull the wires which control the public mind,who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to

20 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

IItt wwaass aallssoonnoottiicceeaabbllee tthhaatt

PPrrooffeessssoorrWWaarrwwiicckk cchhoossee

nnoott ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthhtthhee lliittttllee ggiirrll''ss

mmootthheerr tthhee ffaacctttthhaatt mmiiccrroocchhiipp

iimmppllaannttss hhaavvee bbeeeenn lliinnkkeedd

ttoo ttuummoouurrss iinnrreesseeaarrcchh aanniimmaallss..

bind and guide the world."30

Keep in mind that we're not talking about marketingcigarettes here, or increasing the sales of a particularbrand of washing powder. This is about persuading thepublic to accept the idea of sticking a microchip insidetheir bodies, indefinitely. And ideally—from theperspective of the propagandists (and their masters)—the public will be made to want to be chipped. That is ahuge task even for the Bernays and co. of this generation.That would require long-term strategies. Minds wouldhave to be prepared for that, well in advance.

PPrreeddiiccttiivvee PPrrooggrraammmmiinnggWhen it comes to such preparation of the mind, one

important technique is to influence how people perceivethe future, and thus what they expect from the future andhow they will think and behavein that future. It's calledpredictive programming.

Basically, a fictional story setin the future (or perhaps in agalaxy far, far away) incorporatesideas and/or technologies thatare actually planned to takeplace in reality—by the peoplewho plan these things—so thatin real life when these events areclose to transpiring, it all seemsfamiliar to the programmedaudience. There is a feeling ofinevitability that would not haveexisted had it not been for the predictive programming.The victims feel less inclined to object because it'sdesigned to appear as though it's all unfolding naturally,uncoordinated and unscripted. This manipulation of themind is carried out by the best perception-builders thatmoney can buy.

As Alan Watt of www.cuttingthroughthematrix.comexplains, we are effectively being farmed:

"First of all, they know where they want to grow in thisfield, the crop they want to grow, and how high, and howmany. And they first prepare the land. They cut thebrush. They plough it. They harrow it. They do all thenecessary groundwork. And then they sow the seed andwatch it grow...and cultivate it.

"Well that's what they do with your mind, inpreparation for every major event that will happen in yourlife. You'll see it all through movies, especially in this dayand age... In the 20th century it was primarily novels,stage plays and music halls, etc., but today it's ineverybody's TV... They program it right into you forentertainment, and then you see it happening in your lifeand you think 'I guess that's okay; it's sort of natural, isn'tit', and you don't think any more beyond that. Where didthe idea come from in the first place? It's marketed toyou through entertainment, and that's the prime reasonfor entertainment."31

This technique of predictive programming is being usedto condition us to accept the idea of microchip implantsas inevitable, even desirable, and it has been going on fordecades.

There are many examples of predictive programmingfor the microchip implant agenda, some more subtlethan others. If you watch movies at all, it is likely thatyou've been exposed to some predictive programmingyourself. Here are a few examples:

• The opening scene of Logan's Run (1976) shows anewborn baby with a crystal implant in the palm of hishand. Later in the movie, the implant begins to flashwhen somebody reaches the age of thirty, when it is timefor their "renewal". Incidentally, a re-make of this movieis scheduled for release in 2012.

• In Fortress (1992), each prisoner has an "intestinator"implanted—a device designedto inflict severe pain or death forany violation of the prison rules.An article from May 2009carrying the headline "Saudi'Killer Chip' Implant WouldTrack, Eliminate Undesirables"suggests that the intestinator ishere.32

• In Demolition Man (1993) "SanAngeles" 2032 is a highlyordered society in whicheverything that has beencategorised as bad for you (e.g.,salt, smoking cigarettes) has

become illegal. Every citizen has a microchip implant,including the freshly thawed John Spartan (SylvesterStallone) who had been frozen and reprogrammed in acryogenic prison.33

• In the BBC drama The Last Enemy (2008), the BritishHome Secretary reveals her own microchip implant: "[I]tscontent and function can be adapted to suit my needs. Itcan be my credit card, it can be door key, my car keys—I'llnever lose them again. Eventually it will becomeuniversal. Starting at school age, a tag for life."35 Anothernotable sound bite is the assertion that the microchipimplant will "give back to the honest ordinary citizenfreedom of movement", i.e., this particular freedom hadpreviously been taken away.

• In the opening scene of Conspiracy Theory (1997), taxi-driver Jerry Fletcher (Mel Gibson) talks to his passengersabout various conspiracies and happens to include amention of George H. W. Bush's famous New World Orderspeech. At one point, he is talking to a lady with a dogabout the chipping of pets for identification and trackingpurposes. He goes on to make the point: "I mean, it'sonly a small logical step till they start putting it in us andour children. And then before we know it, my God!They'll probably come with the pretext..." It cuts toanother conversation with a different passenger beforethat particular sentence is completed.

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 21

TThhiiss tteecchhnniiqquuee ooffpprreeddiiccttiivvee pprrooggrraammmmiinngg

iiss bbeeiinngg uusseedd ttoo ccoonnddiittiioonnuuss ttoo aacccceepptt tthhee iiddeeaa ooffmmiiccrroocchhiipp iimmppllaannttss aass

iinneevviittaabbllee,, eevveenn ddeessiirraabbllee......

In the movie, Fletcher is made out to be a kook in anumber of ways, despite the fact that he is actually avictim of a (very real) CIA mind-control program calledMK-ULTRA.39 Perhaps the most obvious tactic used tomake the lead character appear kooky is the title of themovie itself—a derogatory label repeatedly used by themedia to describe (and hence to ridicule) any hypothesiswhich contradicts the authorised version of events,whether or not the authorised version has been proven tobe false, and whether or not the alternative hypothesis isbased on verifiable facts.

WWhhaatt HHaappppeennss NNeexxtt??The list of examples of mind-farming given above is not

exhaustive. It doesn't include the various TV news items,for example, which are essentially advertisementsdisguised as pseudo-debate on behalf of the viewer/consumer. We can expect more of the same from anincreasing number of sources asthe invisible governmentattempts to persuade us firstthat being chipped is desirable,and then "normal". This wouldalso increasingly imply that notto be chipped is to beabnormal, which can beunbearable for some people.

The more that people agree tobe chipped, the more likely it isthat the economic andtechnological infrastructure ofthe world will eventuallyoperate on the assumption thatcitizens are chipped. At the time of writing, people cango to certain clubs and pay for things with an implantedchip, which is the first step. The obvious next step issimply a gradual increase in the number of places thataccept this method of payment, and then we arepotentially moving towards the troubling situation of onlyhaving the option of using an implanted chip to pay forgoods and services.

The introduction of a cashless society would clearly beanother unwelcome milestone to look out for, and somerecent articles from different countries suggest that itcould well be on its way.46

PPoowweerr TToo TThhee PPeeoopplleeWe have all managed to land in a critical period in

history, and our actions will affect the outcome. It can beeasy to forget that all of us do actually have power, whenwe are constantly reminded that we have no say in themachinations of the New World Order. But we do. Thisagenda is not my agenda and it is not your agenda. Infact, almost everybody who could be affected by thisagenda will never meet the people who are responsiblefor it, or even know their names. But to pull off thisagenda, they need us to go along with it.

The successful implementation of the humanmicrochipping agenda—like every other aspect of ourincreasingly apparent enslavement—necessitates theacquiescence of the majority. The powers-that-be needthe people to comply. And legally speaking, silenceconnotes consent. We must not be silent. Every one ofus has an individual voice to claim back and to utilise.

As political activist Mario Savio said on the Sproul Hallsteps at the University of California, Berkeley, on 2December 1964:

"There's a time when the operation of the machinebecomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that youcan't take part. You can't even passively take part. You'vegot to put your bodies upon the gears and upon thewheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, andyou've got to make it stop. And you've got to indicate tothe people who run it, to the people who own it, thatunless you're free, the machine will be prevented from

working at all."47 ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorrss::• GGrreeggoorryy NNiikkoolleettttooss is thefounder of the We The PeopleWil l Not Be Chippedorganisation, an internationalmovement dedicated tointroducing preventive human-chipping legislation worldwide.A successful entrepreneur, Greghas a background in informationtechnology. Having worked forFortune 500 companies includingApple and Xerox, he has a keen

understanding of technology and how it relates to theglobal human-microchipping agenda. Based in Australia,Greg is a contributor to the worldwide alternative newspress and a guest on radio programs in the UK and USA.

• TTiimmootthhyy WWiisseemmaann completed a degree in psychology atthe time he began researching various agendas of the so-called New World Order—including the plan to microchiphumans, which he strongly opposes. Through hismembership of the We The People Will Not Be Chippedmovement, he contributes to raising awareness of andopposition to this very serious agenda. Tim is based inthe UK. • To contact the authors and for more information, visit

EEddiittoorr''ss NNoottee::Unfortunately, because of space constraints, we are unableto publish the complete text of this article, originally titled"The New World Order and the Human MicrochipAgenda". To download the full article and access theendnotes, go to the authors ' web page

22 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

TThhee oobbvviioouuss nneexxtt sstteepp iissssiimmppllyy aa ggrraadduuaall iinnccrreeaassee iinn tthhee nnuummbbeerr ooff ppllaacceesstthhaatt aacccceepptt tthhiiss mmeetthhoodd

ooff ppaayymmeenntt......

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 23

24 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 25

TThhee nneeww mmiiccrroobbiioollooggyy ooff tthhee hhuummaann bbooddyy

One of the most remarkable recent discoveries about the humanbody is that most of our cells are not human cells, but germ cells.Unbelievably, there are 10 times as many bacterial cells in the bodyas there are human cells. In addition, much of our DNA is

composed of viral remnants, as reported by New Scientist writer Frank Ryan in"I, virus: Why you're only half human" (29 January 2010).

In health, the relationship between microbes and the body is symbiotic (thatis, microbial and human cells benignly co-existing for the benefit of both).However, when the delicate balance between microbes and man becomesdisturbed, illness may result. There is also growing evidence that the germswe carry may be implicated in cancer and chronic diseases. Despite all thisnew research, most physicians don't believe that symbiotic bacteria play anyrole in the development of chronic disease and cancer.

What has all this to do with cancer and vaccine research conducted overthe last half-century? The answer is a series of questions. Could cancervirus and vaccine experimentation, which utilises live cells of human andanimal origin, be spreading viruses and bacteria between various species?Could such experimentation be related to new, emerging diseases andviruses that are erupting in man? Or to the increasing concern andcontroversy over vaccine-induced human illness? Or to contamination with"HeLa" (pronounced "hee-lah") cells, the widely used experimental cancercells that grow in cancer and vaccine laboratories like weeds?

TThhee ""wwiittcchh''ss bbrreeww"" oorriiggiinn ooff ""iimmmmoorrttaall"" HHeeLLaa cceellllssThe history of human tissue cell culture began with Henrietta Lacks, a

young black woman from Baltimore who died in 1951 from a highlymalignant cervical cancer. Despite radiation and surgery, her tumour spreadrapidly. Within eight months she was dead, at age thirty-one. But part ofHenrietta's cancer remained alive. A few pieces of her tumour were takenduring surgery and subsequently were donated to a laboratory specialisingin tissue cell culture. In those days, this was a frustrating business. Mostattempts to grow human cells outside the body failed. Rarely, a few cellswould thrive for a while and then die off.

Henrietta's cells were kept alive by being fed with a concoction more like a"witch's brew" than a lab recipe for cell culture. Nevertheless, the success ofthe recipe heralded a new age of modern virology. As chronicled by MichaelGold in A Conspiracy of Cells (1986), the laboratory concoction consisted of:

1. Blood from a human placenta. (The placenta, which nurtures thedeveloping foetus, contains powerful hormones and a host of viruses andbacteria as yet not fully investigated.)

2. Beef cattle embryo extract (the ground-up remains of a three-week-oldunborn cattle embryo).



CCaanncceerr cceellllss ttaakkeennffrroomm HHeennrriieettttaa LLaacckkssnneeaarrllyy 6600 yyeeaarrss aaggooaanndd ddiissttrriibbuutteedd ttooccaanncceerr aanndd vvaacccciinneellaabboorraattoorriieess aarroouunnddtthhee wwoorrlldd hhaavveeccoonnttaammiinnaatteedd

hhuunnddrreeddss ooff hhuummaannttiissssuuee cceellll ccuullttuurree lliinneessaanndd rruuiinneedd ddeeccaaddeess ooffeexxppeerriimmeennttaall rreesseeaarrcchhaatt eennoorrmmoouuss ccoosstt..

bbyy AAllaann CCaannttwweellll,, MMDD ©© 22001100


3. Fresh chicken plasma obtained from the blood of alive chicken heart.

For some unknown reason, Henrietta's cancer cellscontinued to grow vigorously. The cells did not age.Instead, if fed properly, they could live and multiplyindefinitely. Amazingly, her new tissue culture "cell line"proved to be "immortal". These malignant cells becamethe first successful human tissue culture cell line inmedical history—the now famous HeLa cell linecommemorating the legendary HEnrietta LAcks.

Gold claims that the cell line brought revolutionarychanges (as well as havoc) intothe field of cancer virusresearch. Viruses could now beseeded onto glass tubescontaining sheets of live cells,and for the first time virologistscould directly observe theeffects of viral infection onliving cells.

But what about all thoseknown and unknown virusesand bacteria that wereincorporated into Henrietta'scells by the chicken, beef andhuman blood and tissue mix that fed her cells and madethem immortal? And what about the human papillomavirus contained in her cancer cells, which in the 1950swas not accepted as a cause of cervical cancer?Apparently there was no scientific concern about any ofthis contamination.

TThhee HHeeLLaa cceellll ccoonnttaammiinnaattiioonn pprroobblleemmHeLa cells proved so hardy that, when passed around

the world to various laboratories over the next fewdecades, the immortal cells frequently contaminated

other tissue culture cell lines used in cancer and cancervirus research.

In 1974, cell culture expert Walter Nelson-Rees, PhD,discovered widespread contamination of cell lines withHeLa, using a light microscope and a special Giemsacell stain which revealed the distinctive chromosomalaberrations typical of HeLa. As a whistleblower, he blewthe lid off cancer research. Forty different human cellculture lines, used extensively in labs worldwide, werecontaminated with HeLa. Millions of dollars' worth ofpublished cancer research experiments were ruined.

"Liver cells" and "monkey cells"used in cancer experimentsturned out to be Henrietta'scervical cancer cells in disguise.Benign cells which"spontaneously transformed"into malignant cells wereretrospectively found to be cellcultures which had beeninadvertently contaminatedwith HeLa.

Even the iconic Dr Jonas Salk,who developed the Salk poliovaccine, was fooled when HeLa

cells contaminated his animal cell lines. Salk usedHeLa cells to grow the polio virus and he tested thevaccine on HeLa cells before it was first used onhumans in 1955. Years later, in 1978, before a stunnedaudience of cell biologists and vaccine-makers, hespoke about experiments he'd performed in the late1950s on dying cancer patients. Salk injected thesepatients with a cell line of monkey heart tissue—thesame cell line he used to harvest polio virus for hisfamous vaccine. He hoped the monkey cell injectionswould stimulate the immune system to fight cancer.

However, when abscesses developedat the site of injections, Salk beganto suspect that he might be injectingHeLa cells rather than monkey cellsand so he stopped the experiment.

Nelson-Rees, who also attendedthe 1978 conference, offered to testSalk's line if it was still available.Salk graciously agreed, and themonkey cells indeed proved to beHeLa cells which had invaded andtaken over the monkey cell line.According to author Gold, Salkthought there were adequate ways toseparate viruses from the tissue celllines, so that it really didn't matterwhat kind of cells were used. Even ifthe vaccines weren't filtered, andeven if whole cancer cells wereinjected directly into a human, Salkbelieved they would be rejected by

26 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

......tthhee iimmmmoorrttaall cceellllssffrreeqquueennttllyy ccoonnttaammiinnaatteeddootthheerr ttiissssuuee ccuullttuurree cceelllllliinneess uusseedd iinn ccaanncceerr aannddccaanncceerr vviirruuss rreesseeaarrcchh..

Divide and conquer: A HeLa cell splitting into two new cells. The green spots are chromosomes. (Image courtesy of Paul D. Andrews,

from the Popular Science website,

the body and cause no harm. In those days, doctorsdidn't much believe in cancer-causing viruses.Nowadays, no researcher would dare try injecting cancercells into a human being. But in the 1950s, Salk haddone it accidentally. He had injected cancerous HeLacells into a few dozen patients and it hadn't botheredhim a bit.

Nelson-Rees and his co-authors, in the paper "HenriettaLacks, HeLa Cells, and Cell Culture Contamination"(Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, September 2009),concluded: "Despite the passing of nearly 50 years sincethe problem first surfaced of HeLa cell contamination oftissue cultures and despite the explosive advances inmolecular biology, cell culture contamination remains animportant issue for the scientific community. Theproblem extends far beyond HeLa cells,although they remain a culprit. In onestudy, 45 of 252 human cell lines (18%)supplied by 27 of 93 originators (29%)were contaminated... Fortunately, therewas recently a call to action onpreventing contaminated cell lines."

Wikipedia currently provides a long"List of contaminated cell lines".

CCoonnttiinnuuiinngg cceellll lliinnee ccoonnttaammiinnaattiioonn iinntthhee 2211sstt cceennttuurryy

On 15 January 2010, BBC Newsreported that cell contamination isstill a problem in cancer researchand that dozens of cancer studiesmay be thrown into doubt by thediscovery that researchers haveinadvertently used the wrongtype of cancer cells. The celllines, according to a paper in theJournal of the National Cancer Institute(epub 14 January 2010), weresupplied as samples ofoesophageal cancer. However,tests show that they containedother types of tumour, includinglung and bowel. The paper'sauthors, from the University Medical Centre inRotterdam, noted that this could put major trials ofdrugs in doubt. They wrote: "Experimental resultsbased on these contaminated cell lines have led toongoing clinical trials recruiting patients, to more than100 scientific publications, and to at least three cancerresearch grants and 11 US patents—which emphasisesthe importance of our findings." Widespread use ofthese cell lines could threaten the development of newtreatments, they said.

On 31 January 2010, ABC News (USA) issued a glowingreport on "How one woman's cells changed medicine".Microbiology professor Vincent Racaniello of ColumbiaUniversity claimed that HeLa cells have led to some of

the greatest medical breakthroughs of the last 100 years.ABC reminds us that these immortal cells, trillions upontrillions of them, were first used in research that led tothe polio vaccine; they helped in the development ofmedicines to fight cancer, influenza and Parkinson'sdisease and in the research that led to gene mappingand cloning. They were also used to test the effects ofatomic radiation and were sent into outer space. "Ithink we owe a lot of gratitude for what Henriettaprovided," Racaniello said. "There's absolutely nodoubt about that."

On 5 February 2010, Popular Science Online declaredHenrietta Lacks to be "the Most Important Woman inMedical History".

CCaanncceerr--ccaauussiinngg mmoonnkkeeyy vviirruusseess aannddtthhee ppoolliioo vvaacccciinnee

Scientists tell us that HIV is the firstmonkey virus to "jump species",causing the pandemic of AIDS. Therarely publicised truth is that acancer-causing monkey virus jumpedspecies into man more than a half-century ago when contaminated poliovaccines were given to millions ofpeople in the 1950s, including half theUS population of that era.

In the early 1960s, it was discoveredthat some lots of polio vaccines

manufactured on rhesus monkeykidney tissue during the period1955 to 1963 were contaminatedwith a monkey virus calledSimian virus 40 (SV40). Thisprimate virus was quickly provedto cause various cancers inexperimental animals. However,to this day, government healthofficials still insist there is noabsolute proof that SV40 causescancer in humans.

Despite the denial, genetic andimmunologic studies by

independent researchers over the past decade indicatethat SV40 is clearly associated with certain cancers, suchas rapidly fatal cancers of the lung (mesothelioma),bone marrow cancer (multiple myeloma) and braintumours in children.

According to a Washington Times report (21 September2003): "Some of the polio vaccine given to millions ofAmerican children from 1962 until 2000 could have beencontaminated with a monkey virus that shows up insome cancers, according to documents and testimonyto be delivered to a House committee [on] Wednesday.The vaccine manufacturer said such claims 'don't haveany validity', and the Centers for Disease Control andPrevention (CDC) agrees."

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 27

TThhee rraarreellyyppuubblliicciisseedd ttrruutthh iiss tthhaatt aa ccaanncceerr--ccaauussiinngg mmoonnkkeeyy

vviirruuss jjuummppeeddssppeecciieess iinnttoo mmaannmmoorree tthhaann aa hhaallff--cceennttuurryy aaggoo wwhheenn

ccoonnttaammiinnaatteeddppoolliioo vvaacccciinneesswweerree ggiivveenn ttoo

mmiilllliioonnss ooff ppeeoopplleeiinn tthhee 11995500ss......

More information on polio vaccine litigation and SV40contamination can be found at

For anyone who still thinks that vaccine-makers andgovernment health officials are always your friends, Iwould highly recommend The Virus and the Vaccine: TheTrue Story of a Cancer-Causing Monkey Virus, ContaminatedPolio Vaccine, and the Millions of Americans Exposed (2004), byDebbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher. The bookexplores the history of the polio vaccine, thecontamination problems with SV40, the ensuingvaccine-related cancer problems and the government'scover-up of the problem.

Few people realise how dangerous vaccines can beand how complicated the process of vaccinemanufacture really is, particularlywhen vaccines are made on livinganimal or human cells.Contamination with bacteria,mycoplasma and viruses and theirelimination from the final product areconstant problems during thedevelopment process. There are alsosuspicions that laboratory mediaused to feed cell cultures can be asource of contamination. For furtherdetails on the dangers of vaccines,see my article "Are Vaccines CausingMore Diseases Than They AreCuring?", freely available on theInternet.

TThhee vvaacccciinnee ccoonnnneeccttiioonn ttoo tthheeoorriiggiinn ooff tthhee AAIIDDSS eeppiiddeemmiicc

In my admittedly controversialview, HIV/AIDS is a man-madedisease that was initially seededexclusively into the US gaycommunity via contaminatedexperimental hepatitis B vaccineprograms conducted in the late1970s. The details and evidenceof the close relationship betweenthe vaccine and the outbreak of the first AIDS cases in1979 are explored in my books AIDS and the Doctors ofDeath and Queer Blood. One can easily Google "man-made AIDS" for numerous Internet articles on this taboosubject.

Since the publication of these books, a video hassurfaced on featuring Maurice Hilleman,PhD, one of the world's leading vaccine experts. Hebecame famous at Merck pharmaceutical company forimproving the Salk polio vaccine and for insisting thatmacaque kidney cells not be used to produce the vaccinebecause they were known to cause cancer in hamsters.His crowning achievement came in 1971 when hedeveloped the MMR vaccine, the universally usedmeasles, mumps and rubella vaccine that is the

cornerstone of paediatric health in the United States.Dr Hilleman then turned his attention to the

development of the hepatitis B vaccine. A series ofexperimental vaccine trials using gay men as guineapigs took place in Manhattan, New York City, in 1978—and the first cases of AIDS were reported there a fewmonths after the injections began.

In the video segment Merck Chief Brings HIV/AIDS toAmerica, Hilleman is heard speaking with colleagues. Hedeclares: "I brought African greens [monkeys] in. Ididn't know we were importing AIDS virus at the time[i.e., between 1970 and 1974]." His colleagues are heardlaughing. A male voice says: "It was you whointroduced AIDS virus in the country." And a woman's

voice giggles: "Now we know."This stunning interview, conducted

by Dr Edward Shorter for WGBHpublic television and BlackwellScience, was cut from thedocumentary The Health Century due toliability issues: no doubt it wouldhave reflected poorly on Merck, whichdeveloped the vaccine that wasinjected into gay men. We areindebted to Leonard G. Horowitz,DMD, one of a handful of healthprofessionals who is a whistlebloweron man-made AIDS and vaccineissues, for uncovering and freely

distributing this video segment.As is often the fate of

whistleblowers, Walter Nelson-Rees was driven out of his lab bypowerful members of thescientific establishment,undoubtedly angered by thedisruption to cancer research andall the money lost because ofcontaminating HeLa cells.

In 1999, British journalistEdward Hooper wrote a massivetome called The River, in which he

theorises that polio vaccines grown on primate tissuecould have been contaminated with monkey viruses,thus giving rise to the outbreak of AIDS in Africa. Thistheory was uniformly rejected by scientists whoattended the September 2000 "Origin of AIDS"conference in London. Hooper continues to allege thatthere's a conspiracy to silence all aspects of hishypothesis.

In the early part of 2000, Nelson-Rees, who was openlygay, took an avid interest in Hooper's extensive AIDSresearch. Along with Hooper, he spoke at the Londonconference where the polio vaccine connection to AIDSwas rejected. Although retired from science, Nelson-Rees was still highly respected and was allowed topresent his views.

28 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

AAss iiss oofftteenn tthhee ffaatteeooff wwhhiissttlleebblloowweerrss,,

WWaalltteerr NNeellssoonn--RReeeess wwaass ddrriivveennoouutt ooff hhiiss llaabb bbyy

ppoowweerrffuull mmeemmbbeerrssooff tthhee sscciieennttiiffiicceessttaabblliisshhmmeenntt,,uunnddoouubbtteeddllyy

aannggeerreedd bbyy tthheeddiissrruuppttiioonn ttoo

ccaanncceerr rreesseeaarrcchh......

When Walter Nelson-Rees died in January 2009 at ageeighty, Hooper wrote a moving obituary entitled "TheDeath of an American Hero" (available Hooper recalls: "Walterdelivered an understated and yet powerful speechentitled 'Responsibility for Truth in Research', whichpointed out that further cases of lab cross-contamination were still occurring, and went on to statethat in his opinion there was no logical reason whychimp cells could not have been used to make theCongo vaccine, 'given the availability of these normalnon-human cells and the prevailing custom in the 1950sof using cells about which little or nothing was knownexcept that they could optimally support the growth of agiven virus'."

The idea of man-made AIDS and contaminatedvaccines is so explosive that it is routinely dismissed bythe major media as "conspiracy theory". But the theoryalmost destroyed BarackObama's bid for the WhiteHouse in the 2008 election.

A Wikipedia entry on DrLeonard Horowitz states: "OnApril 27, 2008, Barack Obama'sformer pastor, Jeremiah Wright,during questions and answersat the National Press Club inconnection with the generalcontroversy over his opinions,was asked by a moderator, 'Inyour sermon, you said thegovernment lied aboutinventing the HIV virus as ameans of genocide against people of color. So I ask you:Do you honestly believe your statement and thosewords?' Wright responded, 'Have you read Horowitz'sbook, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola ... whoever wrotethat question?... I read different things. As I said to mymembers, if you haven't read things, then you can't ...based on this Tuskegee experiment and based on whathas happened to Africans in this country, I believe ourgovernment is capable of doing anything."

For more discussion, view my article "Rev. Wright isright about man-made AIDS".

TThhee ccrreeaattiioonn ooff aa nneeww ssppeecciieessDue to their ability to replicate indefinitely (provided

they are fed properly) and the development of a non-human number of chromosomes, immortal HeLa cellsare now considered by some geneticists to be acontemporary creation of a new species. (A human cellhas 46 chromosomes; a HeLa cell has a chromosomalnumber of 82.) The proposed name is Helacyton gartleri,in honour of geneticist Stanley Gartler, PhD, who, alongwith Nelson-Rees, called attention to the worldwidecontamination of tissue cell cultures with HeLa.

Transformed by the cervical cancer–causing human

papilloma virus 18 and more than 50 years of continuingculture, the various strains of Henrietta's cellsreproduce and spread on their own. Growing like weedsin many labs, they now appear more like amoeba-typecells than cells derived from a human. Amoebae areone-celled protozoa. There are several varieties foundin humans that are not considered to be diseaseproducers.

Twenty years ago, in The Cancer Microbe, I wrote aboutWilhelm Reich, MD, the unfairly maligned andpersecuted cancer researcher who was sentenced to aFederal penitentiary in February 1957...and was founddead in his cell on 3 November that year. He firmlybelieved that cancer is intimately associated withbacteria, which he called "T-bacilli". In cancer tumoursartificially produced in animals, Reich observed theanimal's cancer cells transforming into monster cellsthat greatly resemble tiny protozoa and amoebae.

Reich, in his time, was widelyperceived as a menace and acrackpot. However, I'm sure hewould not be surprised to learnthat Henrietta's cancer cellshave taken on a life of theirown, much like the amoebaethat he studied extensively.

The lab creation of new formsof life has not escaped theattention of the military, alwayson the lookout for potentialagents useful for biologicalwarfare development. TheDefense Advanced Research

Projects Agency (DARPA) is an arm of the USDepartment of Defense. On 5 February 2010, KatieDrummond of reported: "The Pentagon'smad science arm may have come up with its mostradical project yet. Darpa is looking to re-write the lawsof evolution to the military's advantage by creating'synthetic organisms' that can live forever...

"...The plan would assemble the latest bio-techknowledge to come up with living, breathing creaturesthat are genetically engineered to 'produce the intendedbiological effect'. Darpa wants the organisms to befortified with molecules that bolster cell resistance todeath, so that the lab-monsters can 'ultimately beprogrammed to live indefinitely'."

HHeennrriieettttaa LLaacckkss:: ""TThhee GGooddmmootthheerr ooff VViirroollooggyy""At the end of January 2010, reviews began to appear of

a new book entitled The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks, byRebecca Skloot. The author spent 10 years researchingthe billion-dollar industry surrounding HeLa cells andextensively interviewed surviving family members.Lacks's family did not learn of Henrietta's "immortality"until more than 20 years after her death, when scientistsinvestigating HeLa began using her husband and

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 29

DDuuee ttoo tthheeiirr aabbiilliittyy ttoorreepplliiccaattee iinnddeeffiinniitteellyy......

iimmmmoorrttaall HHeeLLaa cceellllss aarreennooww ccoonnssiiddeerreedd bbyy ssoommee

ggeenneettiicciissttss ttoo bbee aaccoonntteemmppoorraarryy ccrreeaattiioonn

ooff aa nneeww ssppeecciieess..

children in research without informed consent. Andthough the cells have launched a multibillion-dollarindustry that sells human biological materials, herfamily never saw any of the profits.

Eric Roston, reviewer for the Washington Post (31January 2010), noted: "Nearly 60 years later, Lacks'stissue has yielded an estimated 50 million metric tonsof HeLa cells. Scientific and medical researchers addabout 300 HeLa-related studies a month to the libraryof 60,000 studies. Lacks's surviving family membershave learned what was going on—and have becomesubjects of interest for researchers, too."

In a New York Times review (5 February 2010), LisaMargonelli wrote: "After Henrietta Lacks's death, HeLawent viral, so to speak, becoming the godmother ofvirology and then biotech, benefiting practically anyonewho's ever taken a pill stronger than aspirin... HeLa hashelped build thousands of careers, not to mention morethan 60,000 scientific studies, with nearly 10 more beingpublished every day, revealingthe secrets of everything fromaging and cancer to mosquitomating and the cellular effectsof working in sewers. "Deborah[Henrietta's daughter] becomesthe book's driving force, asSkloot joins her in her 'lifelongstruggle to make peace with theexistence of those cells, and thescience that made thempossible'. To find the mothershe never got to know, she readhundreds of articles aboutHeLa research, which led her to believe that her motherwas 'eternally suffering' from all the experimentsperformed on her cells."

HHoorriizzoonnttaall ggeennee ttrraannssffeerr:: ggeennee sswwaappppiinngg aammoonngg lliiffee--ffoorrmmss

While HeLa cells were spreading around the worldand contaminating cell cultures, there was littleappreciation of how life-forms related to one another.Scientists now have a better knowledge of how virusescan "recombine" with other viruses. Viruses can alsoinfect bacteria as well as human cells.

Over the past two decades, molecular scientists havebecome more and more aware of the back and forthgene-swapping between and among various species oflife, from the smallest forms up to the largest. Theprocess is known as "horizontal gene transfer". We arefamiliar with "vertical gene transfer", whereby theoffspring of an organism inherits genes from its parent.

Horizontal gene transfer in cancer and vaccineresearch is a serious hazard because geneticengineering experiments allow the spread of dangeroustransgenic DNA from species to species. This hastremendous implications for theories of evolution, as

well as for cancer virus research when viruses are movedbetween various species of animals and sometimesadapted to human cells. This is basically whatscientists were doing in the War on Cancer throughoutthe 1970s, the period right before the AIDS epidemicerupted in 1981 (see my book AIDS and the Doctors ofDeath). For more information, simply Google the keywords "dangerous lateral gene transfer".

HHeeLLaa cceellll rreesseeaarrcchh:: sscciieennccee oorr sscciieennttiiffiicc mmaaddnneessss??Having graduated from medical school a half-century

ago, I am disillusioned with my chosen profession. Ispent 40 years researching the bacterial cause of cancerand showing bacteria in cancer tissue, where, accordingto the cancer experts, there aren't supposed to be any.This research sparked little, if any, interest among mycolleagues. I spent a quarter-century trying to alertpeople to the evidence that AIDS is a man-madedisease, with no response from the AIDS experts who

educate people about HIVcoming out of the African jungleto cause AIDS.

What do I really think aboutHeLa cells? HeLa cells arecancerous cells (infected with aknown cancer-causingpapilloma virus) to which wasadded the blood from a humanplacenta, ground-up beef cattleembryo and chicken plasmaextracted from the blood of alive chicken heart. This is aconcoction that I would expect

from someone practising witchcraft, not good science.To use HeLa cells as a foundation, a cornerstone, atemplate, upon which to base viral studies strikes me asviral voodoo.

How can an infected cell culture like HeLa possiblyhelp in cancer and vaccine research? Except to spreadthe known and unknown viruses, mycoplasma, bacteriaand God only knows what other potentially infectiousagents are contained within Henrietta's cells and thenew species Helacyton gartleri.

TThhee lleeggaaccyy ooff HHeennrriieettttaa LLaacckkssIn all my research for this article, the one bit of

reading that made more sense to me than any other wasprovided by an anonymous blogger who postedcomments on the Baltimore Sun website (1 February2010; reproduced here with minor editing) regardingRebecca Skloot's new book:

"A complete and total injustice was done to her familyto obtain these cells, and now some crazy cancer cellsthat KILLED her are IN US ALL. That's right: if you haveever gotten a vaccine, you got a little HeLa in you.

30 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

TToo uussee HHeeLLaa cceellllss aass aaffoouunnddaattiioonn,, aa ccoorrnneerrssttoonnee,,

aa tteemmppllaattee,, uuppoonn wwhhiicchh ttoo bbaassee vviirraall ssttuuddiieess ssttrriikkeess

mmee aass vviirraall vvooooddoooo..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8800

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 31

To order,

TTHHEE HHOOLLLLOOWW EEAARRTTHH((wwiitthh aa nneeww iinnttrroodduuccttiioonn bbyy

DDaavviidd HHaattcchheerr CChhiillddrreessss))

bbyy DDrr.. RRaayymmoonndd BBeerrnnaarrdd

Yes, this classic book is back in print! Researcher andauthor David Hatcher Childress adds a lengthy but

informative introduction, which basically reveals whoRaymond Bernard (a pseudonym for Dr. WalterSiegmeister) really was, and how he came about to writingthis infamous book. Dr Bernard believed that in thehollow interior of the Earth lives a super-race which wantsnothing to do with man on the surface. This mysteriousrace only launched their flying saucers after mankindstarted using A-bombs.

**NNEEWW:: HHoollllooww EEaarrtthh CCllaassssiicc **NNEEWW:: HHoollllooww EEaarrtthh CCllaassssiicc -- bbaacckk iinn pprriinntt ---- bbaacckk iinn pprriinntt --

To order,


bbyy JJoosseepphh PP.. FFaarrrreellll

This is physicist Joseph Farrell’s amazing book on the secrets of theGreat Pyramid of Giza. Topics discussed: An Archaeology of

Mass Destruction, Thoth and Theories; The Machine Hypothesis;Pythagoras, Plato, Planck, and the Pyramid; The WeaponHypothesis; Encoded Harmonics of the Planck Units in the GreatPyramid; The Grand Gallery and its Crystals: Gravito-acousticResonators; The Other Two Large Pyramids, the “Causeways,” andthe “Temples.” Also: • A Phase Conjugate Howitzer • Evidence ofthe Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction in Ancient Times • HighFrequency Direct Current “Impulse” Technology • How the GizaDeath Star worked - and more.


To order,


ZZeerroo--PPooiinntt EEnneerrggyy && PPuullsseedd PPllaassmmaa PPhhyyssiiccss

bbyy MMoorraayy BB.. KKiinngg

In the 1920s T. Henry Moray invented a “free energy” device thatreportedly output 50 kilowatts of electricity. It could not be

explained by standard science at that time. The electricity exhibited astrange “cold current” characteristic where thin wires could conductappreciable power without heating. Moray suffered ruthlesssuppression, and in 1939 the device was destroyed. Frontier sciencelecturer and author Moray B. King explains the invention with today’sscience: Modern physics recognizes the vacuum contains tremendousenergy called the zero-point energy. The purpose of this book is toinspire engineers and inventors so that a new energy source canbecome available to mankind.


To order,



bbyy JJiimm KKeeiitthh

Conspiracy expert Keith's final book on mind control, ProjectMonarch, and mass manipulation. Keith says that here stands the

New Man. From the first stirrings of the psychological andtechnological control of humanity at the turn of this century, to thecreation of an education system intended to dumb students downrather than teach them. From the creation of the CIA and secretsocieties of the elite, to mass drugging of the population. From theuse of subliminal persuasion, to the creation of cults of control.Finally, to the invention of top secret mind control devices withcapabilities far beyond anything that the media has ever revealed to anunsuspecting public.


32 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 33



EEvviiddeennccee ffrroommmmaaggnneettiicc ssttrriippiinngg aannddaaggee--ddaattiinngg ooff oocceeaanniiccbbeeddrroocckk ssuuggggeessttss tthhaatttthhee EEaarrtthh hhaass bbeeeenn

eexxppaannddiinngg tthhrroouugghhoouuttiittss ggeeoollooggiiccaall hhiissttoorryy..TThhee tthheeoorryy ooff PPllaatteeTTeeccttoonniiccss mmuusstt nnoowwbbee rree--eexxaammiinneedd..

PPaarrtt 11 ooff 22

bbyy JJaammeess MMaaxxllooww,, PPhhDD ©© 22001100


When I first started researching Expansion Tectonics, (the late)Professor Sam Warren Carey (Emeritus Professor of Geology,University of Tasmania) stated profoundly to me: "If 50 millionbelieve in a fallacy, it is still a fallacy." The point he was making is

that the validity of any theory does not depend upon the number of peoplebelieving it; hence, an accepted theory may still be fundamentally wrongregardless of how many people believe it is correct.

For instance, the Plate Tectonics interpretation of global data is based onthe fundamental premise that the Earth's radius has remained constant, ornear constant, throughout history. As will be outlined in this paper, thiscontrasts with an Expansion Tectonics interpretation of the same global datawhich is based on the fundamental premise that the Earth's radius has beensteadily increasing throughout Earth history.

It should be appreciated from this statement that all modern andhistorical global data used to substantiate both Plate Tectonics andExpansion Tectonics theories are in fact identical. The only reason why PlateTectonics theory won acceptance 50 years ago is because debate on whetheror not the Earth's radius does or does not change with time was largelyhypothetical, since it couldn't be convincingly verified or measured.

Since then, there has been a quantum leap in technology—fromdevelopments in computers, data-gathering and processing capabilities toadvances in software, satellite technologies and media presentation—aswell as in peoples' understanding of our physical Earth and global tectonicsprinciples.

The timing of my initial research into Expansion Tectonics was bothfortunate and critical. Completion of the published bedrock Geological Mapof the World used in my model studies (figure 2) coincided withcommencement of my research. Without this world mapping, ExpansionTectonics would have continued to remain in the dark ages. In addition,computer hardware and software technology has caught up with the need topresent Expansion Tectonics Earth models and supporting time-constraineddata on spherical Earth globes.

These are most important outcomes of my Expansion Tectonics researchto date:

• Modelling of continental plate assemblages has now been completed for100 per cent of Earth's geological history, ranging from the early ArchaeanAeon to the present day. These assemblages have demonstrated a highdegree of crustal-fit accuracy—most notably without the need to arbitrarilyfragment continents or dispose of pre-existing crusts by subduction.

• A formula for the rate of change in Earth's radius has been establishedand modelling of physical data completed. This mathematical modellingdemonstrates that Earth's radius has been increasing exponentiallythroughout time to a current rate of 22 millimetres per year.

• Ancient magnetic poles plus equators have beenaccurately located on all models constructed. Bothpoles plot as diametrically opposed north and southpoles, enabling the ancient equators and climate zonesto be established precisely.

• Geological, geographical and geophysical data havebeen investigated on all models. These data are shownto coincide precisely with expected polar and equatorialclimatic and biotic constraints.

• Models have been animated in four dimensions,showing the increase in Earth radius throughout timealong with global distribution of selected data sets.

GGEEOOLLOOGGYY AANNDD TTHHEE RROOCCKK RREECCOORRDD Geology (from the Greek gê, "Earth", and logos, "speech")

literally means to talk about the Earth, and it is defined asthe science and study of the solid matter that constitutesthe Earth. To me, this definition must go a step furtherand acknowledge that the rocksmaking up the Earth are in fact arecord of the physical processesaffecting the Earth throughout itsentire history. It is like an openbook waiting to be read. Tounderstand and talk about the"rock record" preserved in rocks,you therefore need tounderstand the language ofgeology.

James Hutton is often viewedas the first modern geologist.In 1785, he presented a paper tothe Royal Society of Edinburghwhich was published in 1788 as "Theory of the Earth". Inthis paper he suggested that the Earth must be mucholder than previously supposed in order to allowenough time for mountains to be eroded and forsediments to form new rocks at the bottom of the sea,which in turn were raised up to become dry land. In1795, Hutton published a two-volume version of hisideas.

Since then, our knowledge of geology has extendedworldwide, with a vast amount of global geological,geographical and geophysical data stored andpublished for all to use and interpret. The primaryconcern during my early research into ExpansionTectonics was that this modern data had never beentested on models of an expanding Earth. Ourperception of global tectonics principles was, and stillis, severely biased towards Plate Tectonics at theexpense of alternative theories.


millennia, in particular after the science of geology wasformally recognised. The Flat Earth theory, popular inancient times, is now largely historical but serves as a

useful starting point in understanding the progressionof our knowledge about the Earth through history. Thisconcept stems from the limited knowledge of the sizeand configuration of the Earth in ancient times and, ofcourse, from the limited number of "scientists" orphilosophers capable of gathering enough informationto make meaningful sense of the knowledge available.

The suggestion that continents have not always beenat their present positions was introduced as early as1596 by the Flemish map-maker Abraham Ortelius. Hesuggested that, based on the symmetrical outlines ofthe Atlantic coastlines, the Americas, Eurasia and Africawere once joined and have since drifted apart "byearthquakes and floods", creating the modern AtlanticOcean. As evidence, he wrote: "The vestiges of therupture reveal themselves, if someone brings forward amap of the world and considers carefully the coasts ofthe three continents."

By 1915, Alfred Wegener waspresenting serious argumentsfor the idea of "continentaldrift" in the first edition of hisbook The Origin of Continents andOceans. He noted how the eastcoast of South America and thewest coast of Africa look as ifthey were once attached. WhileWegener wasn't the first to notethis, he was the first to gathersignificant fossil and geologicalevidence to support this simpleobservation. His ideas,however, were not taken

seriously by most geologists of that period, who pointedout that there was no apparent mechanism for"continental drift", as it was then called. Specifically,they did not see how continental rock could possiblyplough through the much denser rock that makes upoceanic crust.

It is interesting to note that for his presentation "TheTectonic Approach to Continental Drift" at a 1958University of Tasmania symposium, Professor Sam Careymade scale models of the Earth. He demonstrated that"if all the continents were reassembled into a Pangaeanconfiguration on a model representing the Earth'smodern dimensions, the fit was reasonably precise atthe centre of the reassembly and along the commonmargins of Northwest Africa and the United States eastcoast embayment, but became progressively imperfectaway from these areas". Carey concluded from thisresearch that the fit of these ancient continents "couldbe made much more precise in these areas if thediameter of the Earth was smaller at the time ofPangaea". With the acceptance of Plate Tectonics,Carey's basic physical observations and conclusionshave been totally ignored.

During this same time, there were a number of

34 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

TThhiiss mmaatthheemmaattiiccaallmmooddeelllliinngg ddeemmoonnssttrraatteess

tthhaatt EEaarrtthh''ss rraaddiiuuss hhaass bbeeeenniinnccrreeaassiinngg eexxppoonneennttiiaallllyy

tthhrroouugghhoouutt ttiimmee,,iinnccrreeaassiinngg ttoo aa ccuurrrreenntt rraatteeooff 2222 mmiilllliimmeettrreess ppeerr yyeeaarr..

independent thinkers who instead considered that theopening of the oceans could be attributed to anincrease in the Earth's radius. Roberto Mantovani, in1889 and again in 1909, published a theory of "Earthexpansion and continental drift". In this theory, heconsidered that a closed continent covered the entiresurface on a smaller Earth. He suggested that thermalexpansion led to volcanic activity, which broke the landmass into smaller continents. These continents thendrifted away from each other because of furtherexpansion at the "rip-zones", where oceans currently lie.This theory was followed by the pioneering work andpublications of B. Lindemann in 1927, Ott ChristopheHilgenberg in the 1930s, ProfessorSam Carey during the 1950s to late1990s, Jan Kozier during the 1980s,and Klaus Vogel in the 1980s and1990s.

These researchers all showed that ifeach of the continents were physicallyfitted together, they would neatlyenvelop the Earth with continentalcrust on a small Earth globe some 55to 60 per cent of its present size. Thiscoincidence led Hilgenberg, Carey andVogel in particular to conclude thatterrestrial expansion brought aboutthe splitting and gradual dispersal ofcontinents as they moved radiallyoutwards during geological time.

The perceived failings andshortfalls of each of these theories,however, eventually led to theacceptance of Plate Tectonics theoryin the 1960s. This theory is nowcredited to have arisen out of thehypothesis of continental drift, asfirst proposed by Alfred Wegener.

Most of us are now reasonablyfamiliar with the concept of Plate Tectonics, whereby theEarth's outer crust is said to be made up of a series oflarge, rigid, plate-like crusts that randomly move overthe Earth's surface under the influence of mantleconvection currents. In the process of randommigration, the crustal plates are said to rift, slide pastone another and/or periodically collide to formmountains and subduct beneath continental crusts.The primary assumption and absolute basis of PlateTectonics is that the radius of the Earth has remainedconstant, or near constant, throughout its 4,500-million-year life span.


In 1947, a team of scientists led by Maurice Ewing,utilising the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution'sresearch vessel Atlantis, confirmed the existence of a rise

in the level of the sea floor in the central Atlantic Ocean;this rise is now known as the "mid-ocean ridge". Theyalso found that the floor of the seabed beneath the layerof sediments consisted of basalt—not granite, aspreviously assumed, which is one of the mainconstituents of continents. In addition, they foundoceanic crust to be much thinner than continental crust.

All of these new findings raised important andintriguing questions about the way we perceive oceaniccrust. The most important of these is that the ocean isnot simply "oceanised" continental crust covered by seawater, as previously thought.

Beginning in the 1950s, scientists using magnetic

instruments (magneto-meters), adapted from airbornedevices developed during World War II to detectsubmarines, also began recognising odd magneticpatterns across the ocean floor. This finding, thoughunexpected, was not entirely surprising because it wasknown that basalt, the iron-rich volcanic rock making upthe ocean floor, contains a strongly magnetic mineralcalled magnetite, which can cause local distortions incompass readings. More importantly, because thepresence of magnetite gives the basalt measurablemagnetic properties, these newly discovered magneticsea floor patterns provided an important means tostudy the distribution of volcanic rocks throughout eachof the ocean floors.

As more and more of the sea floor was mapped duringthe 1950s, it was discovered that the magnetic patternswere not random or isolated occurrences; instead, theyrevealed recognisable zebra-like stripes which were

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 35

Figure 1: Symmetrical magnetic striping across part of the Atlantic Ocean mid-ocean ridge (Source:


symmetrical about the mid-ocean ridges. Alternatingstripes of rock were shown to be laid out in parallel rowson either side of the mid-ocean ridge, one stripe withnormal polarity and the adjoining stripe with reversedpolarity. The overall pattern, defined by thesealternating bands of normally and reversely polarisedrock, became known as "magnetic striping".

The discovery of this symmetrical magnetic stripingpattern suggested a close relationship between the mid-ocean ridges and the stripes. In 1961, scientists (mostnotably the American geologist Harry Hess) began totheorise that the mid-ocean ridges mark structurallyweak zones where the ocean floor is being ripped apartlengthwise along the mid-ocean-ridge crest. It wassuggested that new volcanic magma from deep withinthe Earth must rise through these weak zones andeventually erupt along the crest of the ridges to createnew oceanic crust. This process, later called "sea floorspreading", operates over many millions of years andcontinues to form new ocean floor all along the 60,000-kilometre-long system of mid-ocean ridges now knownto be present in all of the oceans.

This hypothesis is supported by several lines ofevidence. At or near the crest of the mid-ocean ridges,the rocks are very young and they become progressivelyolder away from the ridge crest. The youngest rocks at

the ridge crest always have present-day (normal)polarity. Stripes of rock parallel to the ridge crest wereshown to have alternated in magnetic polarity(normal–reversed–normal, etc.), suggesting that theEarth's magnetic field has reversed many timesthroughout the planet's history.

By explaining both the zebra-like magnetic stripingand the construction of the mid-ocean-ridge system, thesea floor spreading hypothesis quickly gained converts.Furthermore, the oceanic crust now came to beuniversally appreciated as a natural "tape recording" ofthe history of the reversals in the Earth's magnetic field.

Subsequent work by the Commission for theGeological Map of the World and UNESCO during the1980s led to the publication in 1990 of the bedrockGeological Map of the World (figure 2). In this globalmap, the magnetic striping discussed above was taken astep further. By dating the ages of the ocean floorbedrock at regular intervals throughout each of theoceans and comparing these ages with the magneticstriping, scientists were able to display ocean floor crustaccording to the ages of the rocks.

What this means is that the yellow stripes in figure 2,for instance, located between the younger red stripesand the older orange stripes, represent volcanic rocksthat erupted along the ancient mid-ocean ridges during

36 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

Figure 2: Geological Map of the World (Commission for the Geological Map of the World and UNESCO, 1990)

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 37

the Miocene Epoch, extending from six to 23 millionyears ago. At that time, the younger red and pink rocksdid not exist and the two yellow Miocene stripes werejoined together along their common mid-ocean ridge.

IIMMPPOORRTTAANNTT CCOONNSSIIDDEERRAATTIIOONNSSAt this stage, there are a number of very important

considerations about the crustal mapping shown in theabove figures that must be fully appreciated.

• First, the striping shown in figure 2 shows that eachof the oceans contain a mid-ocean ridge (currentlycentred below the pink stripes) and each ocean isincreasing its surface area with time.This increase in surface area is shownto be symmetrical within each ocean.The maximum age of exposed oceanfloor crust is Early Jurassic—about165 million years old (pale blueareas).

• Second, if it were possible tomove back in time, each of the stripesshown in figures 1 and 2 must besuccessively removed and thecorresponding edges of each colouredstripe must be moved closer togetheras we move back in time; that is, thevolcanic rocks (and similarly theocean waters) within each stripemust be returned to the mantlefrom where they originally came.

• Third, as we move back intime, each of the continents mustmove closer together in strictaccordance with the stripingevidence recorded on the map infigure 2, regardless of whichtectonics theory is adhered to.

• Fourth, subduction of crustsbeneath continents is an artefactof the basic Plate Tectonicsrequirement for a constant Earth radius. Thesymmetrical striping evidence shown does not supportsubduction, and subduction is not required if the Earthis increasing its radius.

It should also be appreciated that none, or very little,of this magnetic striping and age-dating evidence wasavailable when Plate Tectonics theory was firstproposed. The global distribution of the magneticstriping and age-dating was in fact completed later inorder to quantify the plate motion history and thereforethe Plate Tectonics history of each ocean.


geographical and geophysical evidence used to quantifyboth Plate Tectonics and Expansion Tectonics theoriesis identical. The difference between each theory simply

boils down to whether or not the presumed need for aconstant Earth radius premise is true or false.

In Plate Tectonics theory, it is presumed that theradius of the Earth has remained essentially constantwith time. As new volcanic rocks are injected along themid-ocean-ridge spreading axes, the ocean floors widenallowing newer oceanic crust to form. To maintain atheoretical constant-radius Earth, an equal amount ofpre-existing oceanic or continental crust must then bedisposed of elsewhere and returned to the mantle by atheorised process called "subduction". This subductionprocess forms the basis for Plate Tectonics theory and

consequently is essential formaintaining a static- radius Earthpremise.

Alternatively, for an ExpansionTectonics Earth, the very samevolcanic rocks injected along the mid-ocean-ridge spreading axes againwiden and add to the surface area ofocean floor. For an ExpansionTectonics Earth, this increase insurface area of all ocean floors is areflection of an increase in Earthradius, and therefore there is norequirement for any net disposal ofexcess crust by subduction processes.

For an Expansion TectonicsEarth, prior to about 200 millionyears ago the modern ocean basinsdid not exist. At that time, allcontinental crust was united toform a single supercontinent calledPangaea, enclosing the entireancient Earth at about 52 per centof the present Earth radius.Instead of the modern oceans, anetwork of relatively shallow seascovered low-lying parts of thePangaean supercontinent. All of

the relatively young ocean-floor volcanic crusts, as well asmuch of the ocean waters and atmosphere, were retainedwithin the mantle where they originated.

While arguments can be given for and against boththeories, it is emphasised that the exact same crustalfragments making up both the ancient supercontinentsand the modern continents can be fitted togetherprecisely, somewhat like a spherical jigsaw, on asmaller-radius Earth to form a single supercontinent.This is the question that must then be answered: is thisempirical phenomenon fact or mere coincidence?


tectonics process is currently envisaged by manyresearchers to be thwarted by major obstacles whichsupposedly "outnumber the evidence in favour".

AAtt tthhaatt ttiimmee,, aallll ccoonnttiinneennttaall

ccrruusstt wwaass uunniitteedd ttoo ffoorrmm aa ssiinngglleessuuppeerrccoonnttiinneennttccaalllleedd PPaannggaaeeaa,,eenncclloossiinngg tthheeeennttiirree aanncciieennttEEaarrtthh aatt aabboouutt 5522 ppeerr cceenntt ooff

tthhee pprreesseenntt EEaarrtthh rraaddiiuuss..

These opinions are based on very outdated andarguably emotive and opinionated research carried outduring the 1950s to 1970s, well before the advent ofmodern Plate Tectonics, computer technology, globaldata- gathering capabilities and multimediacommunication. Unfortunately, these same outdatedopinions are being carried through to recent literaturewithout proper scientific investigation, regardless ofnew advances made in Expansion Tectonics research.

Expansion Tectonics theory simply removes oneprimary premise from current tectonics theory: namely,the assumption that the Earth's radius is constant. Byremoving this premise, we are then in a position toapply correct scientific principles to test whether theglobal data are in fact better explained on an Earthundergoing an increase in radius with time.

The completion of oceanic magnetic mapping andage-dating of the crust beneath all of the Earth's majoroceans (figure 2) has provided a very important tool toquantify Expansion Tectonics. This ocean floor mappinghas placed finite time constraints on the plate motionhistory shown in all the oceans extending back to before

the Early Jurassic Period (i.e., to about 200 million yearsago). This mapping is used in Expansion Tectonics toquantify both plate reconstruction and the rate ofcrustal generation on small Earth models.

Four views of a set of 11 spherical models, extendingfrom the Early Jurassic Period to the present, are shownin figure 3 below. These models have since beenextended back in time to the early Archaean Aeon(about 4,500 million years ago), and one model hasbeen projected to five million years into the future (notshown here).

To construct each of the models, successively oldergeological time stripes paralleling the mid-oceanspreading ridges (figure 2) are simply removed. Eachcrustal plate is then restored to a pre-spreading or pre-extension configuration at a reduced Earth radius alongtheir common plate or continental margin respectively.By successively removing young oceanic crust andreuniting the continental and oceanic plates along theircommon mid-ocean ridges, each of the models shownin figure 3 demonstrates a better than 99 per cent platefit-together.

38 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

Figure 3: Spherical Early Jurassic to Present-day Expansion Tectonics models. Models show the relative increase in Earth radii during Earth history, and include basic continents plus oceanic geology.

(Geology after the CGMW and UNESCO Geological Map of the World, 1990)

On these models, during the Triassic Period (the timeperiod before the Jurassic) continental crust as well assediments deposited around the continental marginsare then shown to envelop the Earth as a completecontinental shell at about 52 per cent of the presentEarth radius. At that time, the sediments along thecontinental margins (shown as white in figure 3) formeda global network, representing the location of shallowseas surrounding and on-lapping the ancientcontinental lands.

This unique fit-together of the lands and ancient seasdemonstrates that Expansion Tectonics is indeed aviable process. Modelling oceanic and continentalcrusts on a reduced-radius Earth model effectivelyremoves the need to arbitrarily fragment continents tomaintain a constant Earth radius. It also removes theneed to dispose of excess oceanic crust by subductionwhen opening each of the modern oceans.


All rocks contain an immenseamount of geological,geographical and geophysicalevidence which, to the trainedeye, has a complex but variablehistory of formation,metamorphic change, chemicaland erosive weathering, climaticinfluence, biotic activity andmetallic worth to tell us. Usingthe models shown in figure 3,we now have a platform onwhich we can piece togetherthis physical evidence so as to locate the ancient polesand equators, distributions of exposed lands,mountains, ice-caps, seas and shorelines, thedistribution, dispersal patterns and extinction historiesof flora and fauna, the ancient climatic zones rangingfrom polar ice-caps to equatorial zones, and theformation and distribution of metallic and hydrocarbonresources.

AAnncciieenntt MMaaggnneettiicc PPoolleessThe published ancient magnetic pole information (the

location of ancient magnetic poles established frommeasuring the remnant magnetism in iron-rich rocks) inparticular provides conclusive evidence in support ofExpansion Tectonics. When this magnetic pole data isplotted on Expansion Tectonics models, itdemonstrates that all pole data plot as diametricallyopposed north and south poles for each model.

These models show that the ancient North Pole waslocated in eastern Mongolia–China throughout thePrecambrian Superaeon and the Palaeozoic Era. As thecontinents slowly migrated south during subsequentincrease in the Earth's radius, there was an apparent

northward polar wander through Siberia to the NorthPole's present location within the Arctic Ocean.Similarly, the ancient Precambrian and Palaeozoic SouthPole was located in western Central Africa, and as thecontinents slowly migrated north there was an apparentsouthward polar wander along the South American andWest African coastlines to the South Pole's presentlocation in Antarctica.

The locations of these magnetic poles, as well as thederived ancient equators, independently confirm themodel reconstructions shown in figure 3 and againsuggest that Expansion Tectonics is indeed a viableprocess.

AAnncciieenntt GGeeooggrraapphhyyThe ancient geography of the Earth forms the basis for

defining the interrelationships of exposed continents,intervening seaways, mountains and crustalmovements, and it enables the conventional Pangaea,Gondwana, Laurentia, Baltica, Laurussia and Rodinia

supercontinents to bequantified on an ExpansionTectonics Earth.

The ancient coastlines, whenplotted on Expansion Tectonicsmodels, show that the largePanthalassa, Tethys and Iapetusoceans are not required duringreconstruction. This is becauseon an Expansion TectonicsEarth, all modern oceans areremoved and continents areassembled as a singlecontinental crust. These

inferred oceans are instead replaced by smallerPanthalassa, Tethys and Iapetus seas located on orbetween the ancient continents.

The early Panthalassa and Iapetus seas developedduring the Early Permian to Early Jurassic periods (260to 165 million years ago) as shallow sedimentary basinswithin the present western North Pacific Ocean andNorth Atlantic Ocean regions respectively. These thenprogressively opened and extended throughout theMesozoic and Cenozoic eras to become the modernPacific and Atlantic oceans. In contrast, the Tethys Seahad its origin during the early Precambrian Superaeonas a continental sea located within what is now Europeand Asia. This sea then progressively enlarged andextended in area during the Precambrian and thePalaeozoic and Mesozoic eras during crustal extensionand subsequent opening of the modern oceans.

Changes in sea level on an Expansion Tectonics Earthare then shown to occur in response to climatic changeas well as a shift in the distribution of continental seas,and to crustal movements, mountain building, erosion,

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 39

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8811

TThhiiss uunniiqquuee ffiitt--ttooggeetthheerr ooff tthhee llaannddss aanndd aanncciieennttsseeaass ddeemmoonnssttrraatteess tthhaattEExxppaannssiioonn TTeeccttoonniiccss iissiinnddeeeedd aa vviiaabbllee pprroocceessss..

40 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

Ancient Roots,Modern Shoots

Reconnecting toNature Through

Spiritual Permaculture

Creating Your Space of Love:The Road Home

The School:Humanity’s New

FutureRecreating AGarden Planet

The EternalCycle

The Return ofAnastasia

“Seeing Your NaturalEnvironment as an

Extension of Your Self”.Presentation by LeonidSharashkin, editor ofThe Ringing Cedars

Series of books.

At this school, the childrenhave designed, built and

decorated their own campus.

Fertility and Birth inNature and Human

Experience. Presentedby Leonid Sharashkin.

Psychology ofHumanity-Earth

Co-evolution. Presentedby Leonid Sharashkin.

This presentation byLeonid Sharashkin

reveals the potential ofRussia’s permaculturegardening movementto change our world.

Family domain andeco-village planning,presented by Leonid

Sharashkin as part of atwo-day intensive

workshop in Byron Bay.

Leonid Sharashkinexplains the spiritual,cultural and economic

significance of theRussian dacha

gardening movement.

NNEEWW RRIINNGGIINNGG CCEEDDAARRSS DDVVDDss ((ggrreeaatt ggiifftt iiddeeaa))


Order online at

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 41

Working with current definitions of self-hypnosis, I have developedseveral postulates toward relating hypnosis to extrasensoryperception (ESP). These include a mathematical formula on howto induce ESP via forms of self-hypnosis. A technique or method

of induction is proposed which was challenged in a national tournament ofexperts; the results overwhelmed the competition by two orders ofmagnitude.

SSttuuddiieess iinn PPaarraannoorrmmaall FFiieellddssIn the late Fall of 1971, I was contacted by Ted Krueger of Seal Corporation

in Amherst, Massachusetts. Seal Corp. was very interested in the ESP workbeing done by our Organization for the Advancement of Knowledge, Inc.(OAK, Inc.). By 1970, OAK had already developed into a "think-tank" forBoeing (also to include Battelle Pacific Northwest and Douglas UnitedNuclear). By 1972, it had grown into a large research group as a result of theParaphysics (Natural Sciences) course I'd taught within the ExperimentalCollege at the University of Washington. OAK, Inc. developed out of that setof classes, with more than 450 people taking the Paraphysics course over a12-week period. Other schools then offered this very popular course,including Evergreen Experimental College and three regional communitycolleges. From there, a number of the students wanted to go further and dosome actual study in the paranormal field. Most of the members weregraduate students or part of other think-tanks prior to OAK's invitation. By1973, more than 25 scientists and six graduate students were working onvarious projects, primarily involving ESP and biofeedback studies.

So, Seal Corp. wanted to develop supermen with skills verging on theparanormal. Its first ESP project was to create a subjective screeningquestionnaire geared toward those whose ability with guessing (ESP) wasbeyond normal inference. (Also known as standard deviation, normalinference is defined as 50 per cent for guessing the flip of a coin.) Thequestionnaire was designed to help identify those individuals in the top twoper cent (over normal inference) and worthy of possible further training.

The amount of data needed to confirm a strongly subjective questionnairemeant testing a tremendous number of subjects. The Good SamaritanChurch of Seattle in the Highline District came to the rescue. More than 50members (mostly housewives) helped test more than 25,000 individuals(mostly college students) during a one-year study. That group later becameknown as Sam-Psych, and it still exists as a study group in Seattle. Iteventually helped develop other programs.

One of these later programs was Project Parafile, an artificially intelligentcomputer database on an IBM 360, developed for Mankind ResearchUnlimited (MRU). MRU was a front organisation for naval intelligenceagencies in producing controversial research through think-tanks, grant-



AAnnyy ssttuuddeenntt ooffppaarraapphhyyssiiccss wwhhoo iissddeetteerrmmiinneedd,,

ddiisscciipplliinneedd aanndd ppaattiieennttccaann ddrraaww oonn tthhiisstthheeoorreettiiccaall mmooddeell aanndd pprraaccttiiccaall,, ttrriieedd--aanndd--tteesstteedd sseellff--hhyyppnnoossiiss

tteecchhnniiqquuee ffoorr iinndduucciinnggeexxttrraasseennssoorryyppeerrcceeppttiioonn..

bbyy RRiicchhaarrdd AAllaann MMiilllleerr ©© 22001100

Northwest Botanicals, Inc.1212 SW 5th Street

Grants Pass, OR 97528, USAEmail:



making and other efforts. OAK's next assignment forSeal Corp. (which later evolved into the US Navy SEALsprogram) was to develop a model which could be usedto train the top two per cent of individuals, discoveredthrough the subjective questionnaire, and then fine-tune their abilities in guessing.

Around the same time, in 1973, because of OAK'songoing work with ESP, Dr Milan Rýzl was brought intomy home in Seattle for interviews and debriefing on hisESP work. Dr Rýzl was a biochemist at the Institute ofBiology of the Czechoslovak Academy of Science inPrague and a pioneer in Czech paraphysics before hedefected in 1967 to the United States. During thatperiod of the Cold War, the Soviet Union supported anddeveloped paraphysical research, seeking a newdirection in weaponry that would exploit anomaloushuman potential.

In the late 1960s, a series of papers (including for theJournal of Paraphysics, publishedby the Paraphysical Laboratoryin Downton, England) wasbeing prepared on the state ofparaphysics in the Iron Curtaincountries of Europe. This serieswas part of the Symposium ofPsychotronics, whose editorialboard in those early yearsincluded such luminaries as B.Herbert (1967–70), ZdenekRejdak (1971) and VictorAdamenko (1972). Thesepapers comprised hundreds ofpages and discussed such topicsas telepathy, telekinesis and precognition as well asother areas commonly referred to as extrasensoryphenomena (ESP for "inside the body" and PK, orpsychokinesis, for "outside the body"). These papers canbe viewed at under the "Mind/BrainEffects" section. Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroederreviewed these studies in their classic 1971 book PsychicDiscoveries behind the Iron Curtain.

During the 1950s, Dr Rýzl tried to interest theCommunist-ruled Czech government in supportingpsychic research, and so, by the early 1960s, interest inparapsychology was at least tolerated. Dr Rýzl's studiesinvolved hypnotic techniques for developing ESPsubjects. To demonstrate these techniques, Rýzl usedhis psychic subjects to predict the winning numbers inthe Czech public lottery; they were successful for threeweeks in a row. The 1973 Seattle interviews with Dr Rýzleventually led to the development of a series ofprotocols on how to fine-tune ESP ability to more than400 times over natural inference.

In 1975, I received a challenge from Duke University'sFoundation for Research on the Nature of Man inDurham, North Carolina, to demonstrate theseprotocols in a formal study.

The challenge was to be called the World's FirstPsychic Tournament. Llewellyn Publications, a notedpublisher of occult books, sponsored this event, held on21 September 1975 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, as partof its 5th Annual Gnosticon Festival. The Tournamentwas co-sponsored by the Foundation, which wasoriginally set up to continue the pioneering ESP work ofDr J. B. Rhine at Duke University (it's now known as theRhine Research Center Institute for Parapsychology).More than 20 well-known psychics participated in thisevent, including Jeane Dixon, Sybil Leek and JohnPierrakos as well as James Hurtak (a recent contributorto NEXUS).

I was also invited to test the proposed models forinducing ESP ability using forms of self-hypnosis. Iwas/am relatively unknown for having any abilities inthis ESP field, so it therefore seemed to hold somepotential as a valid first study.

The clairvoyance test involvedthe use of 20 cards randomlypulled from 10 poker decks.Each participant had to guessthe suit of each card. With onechance in four of guessing thecorrect suit, the average scorefor a run of 20 cards by someonewith no ESP ability was five.Each participant was given fivedifferent runs. A final scoredetermined the winner, with atotal of 25 representing thenorm (normal inference).

What happened is nowhistory. More than 50 per cent of those participatingshowed normal scores ranging from 22 to 27 out of apossible 100, as would be expected in the generalpopulation. Most of the more well-known psychicsshowed some seemingly paranormal ability inclairvoyance, as expected, with total scores averagingbetween eight and 12 correct answers out of 20. Onewell-known psychic even had a score as high as 61 outof a possible total of 100.

Using my technique of ESP induction through formsof self-hypnosis, however, I did not have a single runless than 16 out of 20. My total score was 83 out of 100.This was more than two orders of magnitude greaterprobability than the scores of nationally recognisedpsychics. That first-place certificate still hangs on thewall in my home office.

So, just how did I wind up beating the best psychics inthe nation at their own game? And, more importantly,how can you increase your own "Psi-Q"? I developed aset of self-consistent definitions and postulates relatingself-hypnosis to ESP, both in theory and practice. Theywork so well that they were used for all Navy SEALtraining, but they also work for anyone willing to putsome effort into study and discipline.

42 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

TThhiiss wwaass mmoorree tthhaann ttwwoooorrddeerrss ooff mmaaggnniittuuddee

ggrreeaatteerr pprroobbaabbiilliittyy tthhaann tthhee ssccoorreess ooff nnaattiioonnaallllyy

rreeccooggnniisseedd ppssyycchhiiccss..

DDeeffiinniittiioonnss aanndd PPoossttuullaatteess The standard definitions claim that hypnosis is a

borderline state between sleeping and waking. But anystate characterised by an intense concentration ofattention in one area, accompanied by a profound lackof attention in other areas, may also be considered tobe hypnosis. According to this definition, everyone canbe considered to be continuously in a light state ofhypnosis.

The depth of hypnosis, which is an implied issue inthis definition, may be defined as the difference betweenthe intensity of concentration in one sphere or area andthe depth of inhibition in others. Attention focused inone area creates a corresponding lacuna, or lack ofattention, in other areas of the brain. Deeper states ofhypnosis are created by centring theattention for prolonged periods.

With these technical definitions ofhypnosis, a useful scientific model forrelating hypnosis to extrasensoryperception is now possible.

• Postulate I: Focused attention/intensity. The conscious experience isassociated with the nervous processeswhich take place outside of a certaincritical level of awareness/alertness. Thisfunction, defined as I(c), or intensity ofconcentration, varies considerably in astate of hypnosis where attention isfocused.• Postulate II: Energy. Psienergy, arbitrarily defined asE(psi), is an equivalent in the fieldof extrasensory phenomena of what,in our three-dimensional world, iscalled energy.Correlate A: E(psi) is notlimited by time.Correlate B: E(psi) cannot betransformed into other knownphysical energies (for example, heatinto light).Correlate C: E(psi) operates bymanipulating the transformation of physical energies.• Postulate III: Psi energy is responsible for extrasensoryperception and psychokinetic (PK) phenomena.• Postulate IV: Psi energy is the product of some aspect ofthe metabolic processes.(Physical data regarding the relationship between

metabolic processes and extrasensory perception canbe found in the book Beyond Telepathy by AndrijaPuharich.)

• Postulate V: The generation of psi energy rapidlydecreases the level of alertness. This immediately explains: 1) why each conscious act has a limited duration; 2) why we experience a permanent train of changing thoughts;and

3) why our attention permanently shifts from one object to thenext.When we think, psi energy is created. The psi energy

automatically decreases the level of alertness so thatour attention shifts to something else.

• Postulate VI: The intensity of conscious experience, I(c),depends on the time rate of the generation of psi energy.Mathematically, this is described as:

dE(psi) / dt = A(e) x I(c)What this means is that the rate of change of E(psi) as

a function of time [dE(psi) / dt] is equal to somegeographical constant, A(e), times the intensity ofconcentration, I(c).

More simply stated, psi energy, E(psi), is equal to ageographical constant, A(e), times the intensity of

concentration, I(c), times the amountof time, t, that the thought is held:

E(psi) = A(e) x I(c) x tIf we cannot make any particular

thought last long enough, it should besufficient to repeat it again and againuntil the values of the individual briefperiods add up to a sufficient value.The equation now becomes:

E(psi) = A(e) x I(c) x [t(1) + t(2) + t(3) + ...]

Extrasensory perception is oftenobserved in hypnosis, a statecharacterised by a single intensive

thought. Recurrent cases ofpsychokinetic phenomena, suchas the haunted-house variety, areoften reported to be connectedwith previous tragic eventsassociated with intensity ofconcentration, I(c). The frequentlyreported cases of crisistelepathy—ESP contact betweentwo persons, one of whom isdying or in grave danger—arenecessarily associated withintense thought or concentration.The length of time experienced

depends entirely upon the circumstances.The discovery of mental impregnation, known in the

literature as psychometry, gave evidence that repeatedidentical thoughts increase the expected psychic effect.Wearing a ring for a long time will "imprint" memory ofthe wearer onto the ring, but just slipping a ring on andthen off and handing it to a psychometrist will notgenerally reveal any memory of the wearer.

Religious tradition asserts that repeated prayers aremore effective than a single one. In other words, themore you repeat the same prayer or the more you do asingle ritual, the greater the effect. Along these lines,"tithing" might be seen as giving your time or attention,rather than the traditional meaning of giving money to

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 43

IIff wwee ccaannnnoott mmaakkeeaannyy ppaarrttiiccuullaarr

tthhoouugghhtt llaasstt lloonnggeennoouugghh,, iitt sshhoouullddbbee ssuuffffiicciieenntt ttoorreeppeeaatt iitt aaggaaiinn aanndd aaggaaiinn uunnttiill

tthhee vvaalluueess ooff tthheeiinnddiivviidduuaall bbrriieeff

ppeerriiooddss aadddd uupp ttoo aassuuffffiicciieenntt vvaalluuee..

the Church. Many eastern religions, for example,require more than 10 per cent of your life (2.5 hourseach day) spent in meditation.

• Postulate VII: The formation of psi energy, which iscreated by a mental act, preserves the semantic content of thethought which created it. In essence, your thought is uniquely distinct. If you

deviate from your thought slightly, it is a differentthought-form.

The stimulating action of psi formation on the brainmay account for memory and, more particularly, activerecollection. The influence of psi formation increasesthe level of awareness of the neurological patternscorresponding to the thought to be remembered. Thiscorresponding semantic content is then consciously re-experienced.

MMeetthhoodd ooff EESSPP IInndduuccttiioonnWhen questioning or desirous thoughts are intense

enough, last long enough or are repeated frequentlyenough, a unit of psi energy or thought-form [dE(psi) / dt]is produced in sufficientintensity and structure to beable to produce a detectableeffect in the physical world.This may occur in hypnoticstates, in states of elated orfearful emotions, or wheninterest, motivation or desire isstrongly increased.

Therefore, the ideal process ofextrasensory perception worksin this manner. We begin with asimple chart, with Level ofAwareness plotted against Levelof Alertness (figure 1). Anything below this line is notrealised as a conscious thought, while everything abovethe line is consciously experienced.

We then form an intense desire or question in ourconscious mind which we wish to occur, happen or know(that is, be given an answer to). This must first comeinto being as a normal, but intense, thought-form or

question. This is the individual confronting thecontinuum. It is this question or thought that creates aunit of psi energy (figure 2).

This can be described as a "lump" of information.Figure 2 shows that "lump" to be about a third of a unitof time. If the thought can be held for a more prolongedperiod, this will increase the intensity of concentration,

I(c), making the "lump" broader(more area under the curve)and, most importantly, above acritical level of awareness.

The sharpness of this thoughtis depicted by a square-edged"lump". This is where onethought-form varies fromanother. It also defines theprecision of your request, or thedifference between one set ofpsi energy production andanother.

Consciousness is thendropped into a "blank mind" state (figure 3). Note thatthere is no conscious awareness in this state of mind. Itis unique and quite different from the one used tocreate a unit of psi energy.

The actual visualisation aspect is to see this event asa "switch", going from the idea or the question itself to aspecific void state. What eventually occurs is that this

44 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

WWee tthheenn ffoorrmm aann iinntteennsseeddeessiirree oorr qquueessttiioonn iinn oouurrccoonnsscciioouuss mmiinndd wwhhiicchh

wwee wwiisshh ttoo ooccccuurr,, hhaappppeennoorr kknnooww ((tthhaatt iiss,, bbee ggiivveenn

aann aannsswweerr ttoo))..

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

information is impressed onto consciousness as avision or an event occurrence (figure 4).

This event, to the thinker, is independent of bothspace and time. The usual length of time for this tobecome clear and brought to awareness can be upwardof two minutes or more, depending mostly on how cleanthe "blank mind" state is held.

In actuality, however, whatoccurs is that the questionbeing asked is not intenseenough to impress itself ontothe unconscious mind (figure5).

Lacking in intensity, the blockof energy or, more precisely, theblock of information that iscreated is small. Thus the psienergy output is minimal, ifthere's any at all (figure 6).

When you drop yourself into atrance state, you are generallynot in a "blank mind" state. There are manysubconscious thoughts going on, even as you are goingdown into the trance state.

All of these subconscious thoughts are on asubliminal level, not experienced in a conscious form.You may not even be aware of them, since most of ushave no training or discipline to be able to hold onto

the "blank mind" state for any length of time. This is theZen form of the "no mind" state. This is a place wheremost meditation, as a discipline, attempts to go.

The best way to begin to do this is by visualising a"white light" at the third eye (centre of the forehead).What happens next is that thoughts begin to disappearand a calming feeling sweeps over the body, not unlike

day-dreaming. One is notconscious of thoughts or forms.This state is often associatedwith light alpha brainwaves.Consequently, the informationpath becomes distorted and aweird pattern emerges.

This vision of information orevent experience is distorted(figure 7).

Prototaxic or trance modes ofconsciousness are characterisedby loss of ego. This egolessstate is considered to be the

lowest state of awareness, as most who go into thisplace usually do not remember their experiences. It isoften associated with shamanistic forms ofconsciousness. Deeper discussion of this subject canbe found in my book ESP Induction through Forms of Self-Hypnosis and its sequel, Power Tools for the 21st Century (tobe published in mid-2010).

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 45

HHiigghheerr ffoorrmmss ooff tthheettrraannccee ssttaattee iinncclluuddee

tthhee aarrttiissttiicc oorr ppaarraattaaxxiiccmmooddee aanndd tthhee ccrreeaattiivvee

oorr ssyynnttaaxxiicc mmooddee..

Figure 4 Figure 6

Figure 5 Figure 7

Higher forms of the trance state include the artistic orparataxic mode and the creative or syntaxic mode.Parataxic experience consists of relationships withimages whose meanings remain on the symbolic level.Syntaxic experience occurs when the conscious egocooperates willingly with the subconscious. CharlesHonorton's term for this state was "syntactic", but JohnCurtis Gowan's ontology of mystical states ofconsciousness is more complete. Here, meaning is fullycognised with minimal distortion in the production ofpsi energy.

Older magical ceremonies such as the BanishingRitual and the Middle Pillar Exercise can be seen asdesigned to facilitate higher forms of concentration (i.e.,syntaxic mode). Other ways of attaining this stateinclude biofeedback, meditation, peak experience, thehigher Jhana (Gowan's term) states of yoga, and so on.The Banishing Ritual provides protection from invadingthoughts and distractions. Concentration during thisform of ritual purification is intense, structured andprolonged. The magical concept of energisedenthusiasm—arousing oneself emotionally—seems tobe pertinent to facilitating telepathic reception.

Puharich believed that reception is improved byparasympathetic activation, in which there is anincrease in the release of the brain neurotransmitteracetylcholine. He also held that the telepathic sendingof information is easier when there is an increasedamount of adrenaline in the system.

These metabolic processes need not be viewed as"causal" but as simultaneous or synchronous with theESP experience. This way of viewing the bodymetaphorically is the basis for modern alchemy—theprocess of personal transformation. Psi meaning comesthrough intense visual, auditory and kinestheticpsychosensory experiences.

DDoo--IItt--YYoouurrsseellff EESSPPA simple method for inducing extrasensory perception

through forms of self-hypnosis is now given as follows:1) Formulate the question.2) Hold that thought for as long as possible.3) Assume that the event has occurred.4) Drop into a "blank mind" state and wait.When questioning or desirous thoughts are intense

enough, last long enough or are repeated frequentlyenough, psi is produced in sufficient intensity andstructure to be detectable in the physical world. Thismay occur in hypnotic states, in states of intentionality,with elated or traumatic emotions, or when interest,motivation or desire is strongly increased.

The individual confronts the continuum with desireand prolonged concentration. The question being askedmust be intense enough to impress itself on theunconscious. Lacking intensity, the signal will not beperceived. One's intent strengthens the signal path.

Consciousness is then dropped into a "blank" state,an empty state or a "beginner's mind". The actualvisualisation is a switch from the concentrated point tothe void. When this occurs, the information isimpressed onto the consciousness, resulting in apsychophysical perceptual event which is independentof both space and time.

When you spontaneously fall into a trance state, youare generally not in a "blank mind" state of expectantemptiness. There is the chatter of subconsciousthoughts going on, even as the process deepens towardsleep.

These thoughts are generated and go on automaticallyat a subliminal level, often without awareness.Consequently, the information or signal path becomesdistorted and weird patterns emerge, much like thoseexperienced in dreams. In a waking dream, distorted

signals may be perceived as "spirit guides" orexpressed as automatic handwriting or otherautonomous related phenomena of trancestates.

This research into ESP has yielded incredibleresults and has offered conclusions that aremore far-reaching than might first be realised.It may well be that man is not looking into thefuture (via ESP) but, rather, is creating it withhis own belief systems and values. To suggestthat one could predict something 400 timesbeyond normal inference is also to suggest amore fundamental possibility.

The brain itself can be seen as a four-dimensional hologram of five-space. Thisconcept is part of a holographic model of theuniverse and may suggest a non-local mindaspect not yet described in the literature.Rather than seeing the universe as quantised,we may in fact regard it as being aboutinformation and the resolution of information.

46 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

"Sir, the good news is that the last adult citizen in the country has been successfully secretly microchipped. The bad news is

that Microsoft just changed the software and they're all obsolete..."

This is how a holographic universe might beconstructed.

If we could determine what part of the brain is beingused for conscious awareness, we might then find a wayto gain access to other realities. By changing what partof the brain is being used at any given moment, thismight allow a different "movie" to be experienced asreal. The intensity of concentration and "blank mind"states suggest the possibility of a broader definition of"mind".

If we could understand how other states ofconsciousness could offer access to other realities, wemight have a valuable tool toward the evolution ofconsciousness. The study of ESP is just a briefbeginning journey toward the development of simpletools for the true transformationand evolution of humanconsciousness. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Richard Alan Miller is a physicistand herbalist with expertise ingrowing and marketingbotanicals. He is the author ofdiverse papers and books onmetaphysics, parapsychology andalternative agriculture. His mostrecent book, ESP Inductionthrough Forms of Self-Hypnosis(reviewed in this edition; see the Earthpulse Press website, is part of a three-part seriestitled Toward the Evolution of Consciousness; it includesPower Tools for the 21st Century (due for release in mid-2010) and The Non-Local Mind in a Holographic Universe(available in late 2010).

Miller has contributed several articles to NEXUS (co-written with Iona Miller): "The Schumann's Resonancesand Human Psychobiology" (10/03), "HAARP's Threat tothe 'Voice of the Planet'" (10/04) and "From Helix toHologram" (10/05). His most recent article, "TheCordyceps sinensis Medicinal Mushroom", was published inNEXUS 16/03. He was a speaker at NEXUS Conferencesin Brisbane (2004) and Amsterdam (2005).

Richard Alan Miller can be contacted by email For more information, visit hiswebsites http://www.richardalanmil andhttp://www.

RReeffeerreenncceess • Erickson, Milton H. and Rossi, Ernest L. & Rossi, Sheila I.,Hypnotic Realities, Irvington Publishers, New York, 1976• Gowan, John Curtis, Development of the Psychedelic Individual,California State University, Northridge, CA, privately printedfor the Creative Education Foundation, State UniversityCollege, Buffalo, New York, for the 20th Annual CreativeProblem Solving Institute, June 1974• Gowan, John Curtis, Trance, Art, and Creativity, California

State University, Northridge, CA, privately printed for theCreative Education Foundation, State University College,Buffalo, New York, for the 21st Annual Creative ProblemSolving Institute, June 1975,• Honorton, Charles, "Creativity and precognition scoringlevel", J. Parapsychology 1966; 31:29-42• Honorton, Charles, "A combination of techniques forseparation of high- and low-scoring ESP subjects", Psych.Abs. 1969; 43:08881• Krippner, Stanley, "An experimental study in hypnosis andtelepathy", Am. J. Clin. Hypnosis 1968; 11(1):45-54• Krippner, Stanley (ed.), Advances in Parapsychological Research,Plenum Press, New York, vols I and II, 1977 and 1978• Miller, Richard Alan (Director, Organization for the

Advancement of Knowledge, Inc.,Seattle, Washington), "The SealReports", 12 updates and filesfrom various ongoing ESP andBiofeedback studies for SealCorp. (Amherst, Massachusetts)• Miller, Richard Alan (NorthwestRegional Director, MRU, Inc.,Seattle, Washington), "MankindResearch Unlimited, Inc. files,1974–79" • Miller, R.A., Webb, B.,"Embryonic Holography",presented at the Omniversal

Symposium, California State College at Sonoma, September29, 1973; in: Stanley Krippner (ed.), Psychoenergetic Systems,Gordon & Breach, 1979; reprinted in: Tom Lyttle (ed.),Psychedelic Monographs and Essays, Boynton Beach, Florida,1993; 6:137-156 • Miller, R.A., Webb, B., Dickson, D., "A Holographic Conceptof Reality", Psychoenergetic Systems Journal, Gordon & Breach,1975; 1:55-62; reprinted in: Stanley Krippner (ed.),Psychoenergetic Systems, Gordon & Breach, 1979, pp. 231-237;reprinted in: Tom Lyttle (ed.), Psychedelic Monographs andEssays, Boynton Beach, Florida, 1992; 5:93-111 • Ostrander, Sheila and Schroeder, Lynn, Psychic Discoveriesbehind the Iron Curtain, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1971• Pang, Henry and Frost, Linda, "Relatedness of Creativity,Values, and ESP", Perceptual and Motor Skills 1967 Apr; 24:650• Puharich, Andrija, Beyond Telepathy, Doubleday, New York,1961• Radin, Dean, The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth ofPsychic Phenomena, HarperCollins, New York, 1997 • Rýzl, Milan, Parapsychology: A Scientific Approach, HawthorneBooks, New York, 1970, with the private unpublishedinterviews and debriefings in Seattle, Washington, 1973 • Stanford, R.G. and Lovin, C.R., "EEG Alpha Activity andESP Performance", J. Am. Soc. Psychical Research 1970; 64:375-384• Ullman, M. and Krippner, S. with Vaughan, A., DreamTelepathy: Experiments in Nocturnal ESP, Macmillan, New York,1973

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 47

TThhee iinntteennssiittyy ooffccoonncceennttrraattiioonn aanndd ""bbllaannkkmmiinndd"" ssttaatteess ssuuggggeesstt tthheeppoossssiibbiilliittyy ooff aa bbrrooaaddeerrddeeffiinniittiioonn ooff ""mmiinndd""..

48 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010


Steorn Ltd conducted an "over-unity demo" of its e-Orbo®technology on 30 January 2010

at the Waterways Ireland VisitorCentre in Dublin, Ireland, where it'shad several copies of itselectromagnetic devices on displaysince 15 December 2009 (minus aChristmas and New Year break).

Steorn CEO Sean McCarthysummarised the tests that have beendone until now and then gave a finalpiece of evidence, live.

If Steorn's technology is what theysay it is, it could provide a new, cleanenergy source that is affordable,available 24/7/365 and scalable towhatever size is needed, large orsmall, pulling inexhaustible energyfrom the environment.

One of the attributes McCarthyreviewed was the absence of backelectromagnetic flux (BEMF) in thecoils. This he illustrated with avideotaped presentation comparingthe e-Orbo with a pulse motor of amore conventional arrangement, andthen by presenting the oscilloscopereadings that show the absence ofBEMF in the e-Orbo and the existenceof BEMF, as would be expected, in theconventional pulse motor.

McCarthy also reviewed a test thathad just been completed, spanningthe past week (live on streamingcameras), in which the gauss(magnetic field strength) of all themagnets was measured before andthen measured again at the end ofthe week to show that there hadbeen no degradation in the magnets.This was to show that the energymanifesting in the system was not afunction of the components of thedevice giving up their energy andbeing degraded in the process.

Then McCarthy showed a scopeshot comparing the electrical inputenergy to the electrical outputenergy, demonstrating a net gain ininductance or gain in energy(harvested from the environmentsomehow, in the tradition of NikolaTesla). One curve represented thegain in output energy after eachpulse, rising from left to right; andthe other curve represented the sumof input energy during the sameperiod. That curve was shown to bewell below the output curve, henceyielding the conclusion of "over-unity".

McCarthy said that the data theyhad recently collected showed 327%more electrical energy beingproduced compared to the electricalenergy being input. That numberdoes not take into considerationother factors such as bearing and airfriction as well as heat. He said thatthis data would be posted onSteorn's website ( review.

Meanwhile, in the first week of

February, Steorn is to open the SKDB(Steorn Knowledge DevelopmentBase) initiative for educatinglicensing parties in beginning thedevelopment process.

The presentation lasted about halfan hour, with over 900 peoplewatching live by the end of thewebcast and probably at least 100present at the Waterways building.McCarthy said there have beenaround 2,500 visitors so far since the15 December demo launch.

The purpose of these e-Orbodemonstrations has been to interestdevelopment groups to get involved,under licence, to develop thetechnology for its myriadapplications. McCarthy said thatSteorn has made the licence fees lowto encourage more development—with the hope that the more peoplewho get involved in development,the faster the technology will arrivein the marketplace in practicalembodiments. (Source: Pure Energy Systems News, 30January 2010,




APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 49

Steorn CEO Sean McCarthy, during the January 30 2010 demonstration


Bloom Energy Corporation, aSilicon Valley–based company,announced recently the

availability of the Bloom EnergyServer™, a patented solid oxide fuelcell (SOFC) technology that providesa cleaner, more reliable and moreaffordable alternative to today’selectric grid as well as traditionalrenewable energy sources. TheBloom Energy Server providesdistributed power generation,allowing customers to create theirown electricity onsite efficiently.

Built using abundant andaffordable materials, Bloom’s fuelcell technology is fundamentallydifferent from the hydrogen fuel cellsthat most people are familiar with.The Bloom Energy Server is distinctin four primary ways: it uses lower-cost materials, provides unmatchedefficiency in converting fuel toelectricity, has the ability to run on awide range of renewable ortraditional fuels, and is more easilydeployed and maintained. Unliketraditional renewable energytechnologies like solar and wind,which are intermittent, Bloom’stechnology can provide renewablepower 24/7.

Each Bloom Energy Serverprovides 100 kilowatts (kW) of power

in roughly the footprint of a parkingspace. Each system generatesenough power to meet the needs ofapproximately 100 average UShomes or a small office building. Formore power, customers simplydeploy multiple Energy Servers sideby side. The modular architectureallows customers to start small and"pay as they grow".

Customers announced at thelaunch include Bank of America, TheCoca-Cola Company, Cox Enterprises,eBay, FedEx, Google and Walmart.

"Bloom Energy is dedicated tomaking clean, reliable energyaffordable for everyone in the world,"said Dr K. R. Sridhar, principal co-founder and CEO of Bloom Energy."We believe that we can have thesame kind of impact on energy thatthe mobile phone had oncommunications. Just as cellphonescircumvented landlines to proliferatetelephony, Bloom Energy will enablethe adoption of distributed power asa smarter, localized energy source."

SSoolliidd OOxxiiddee FFuueell CCeellllssFor decades, experts have agreed

that solid oxide fuel cells hold thegreatest potential of any fuel celltechnology. With low-cost ceramicmaterials and extremely highelectrical efficiencies, SOFCs candeliver attractive economics without

relying on combined heat and powerschemes. But until now, there weresignificant technical challengesinhibiting the commercialisation ofthis promising new technology.Bloom has solved these engineeringchallenges with breakthroughs inmaterials science and revolutionarynew designs.

FFrroomm PPoowwddeerr ttoo PPoowweerrFounded in 2001, Bloom Energy

can trace its roots to the NASA Marsspace program. For NASA, Sridharand his team were charged withbuilding technology to help sustainlife on Mars using solar energy andwater to produce air to breathe andfuel for transportation.

They soon realised that theirtechnology could have an evengreater impact here on Earth andbegan work on what would becomethe Bloom Energy Server.

The Bloom Energy Server convertsair and nearly any fuel source—ranging from natural gas to a widerange of biogases—into electricityvia a clean electrochemical processrather than dirty combustion. Evenrunning on a fossil fuel, the systemsare approximately 67% cleaner thana typical coal-fired power plant.When powered by a renewable fuel,they can be 100% cleaner.

Each Energy Server consists ofthousands of Bloom's fuel cells—flat, solid ceramic squares madefrom a common sand-like "powder".

"Today we are witnessingsomething special," said John Doerr,partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield &Byers and a Bloom Energy boardmember.

"This is a new kind of productannouncement... For years, therehave been promises of new energysolutions that are clean, distributed,affordable, and reliable; today welearn that Bloom, formerly in stealth,has actually delivered..." (Source: Bloom Energy press release, 24February 2010, plus Products section,


50 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

Two 100-kilowatt Bloom Energy Servers, as the company calls them, at a site in California.

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 51

52 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 53

In 1982, I died from terminal cancer. The condition I had was inoperable,and any kind of chemotherapy they could give me would just have mademe more of a vegetable. I was given six to eight months to live.

I had been an information freak in the 1970s, and I had become increasinglydespondent over the nuclear crisis, the ecology crisis, and so forth. So, since Idid not have a spiritual basis, I began to believe that nature had made amistake and that we were probably a cancerous organism on the planet. I sawno way that we could get out from all the problems we had created forourselves and the planet. I perceived all humans as cancer, and that is what Igot. That is what killed me.

Be careful what your world view is. It can feed back on you, especially if it isa negative world view. I had a seriously negative one. That is what led me intomy death. I tried all sorts of alternative healing methods, but nothing helped.

So I determined that this was really just between me and God. I had neverreally faced God before, or even dealt with God. I was not into any kind ofspirituality at the time, but I began a journey into learning about spiritualityand alternative healing. I set out to do all the reading I could and bone up onthe subject, because I did not want to be surprised on the other side. So Istarted reading on various religions and philosophies. They were all veryinteresting, and gave hope that there was something on the other side. Iended up in hospice care.

I remember waking up one morning at home about 4.30 am, and I just knewthat this was it. This was the day I was going to die. So I called a few friendsand said goodbye. I woke up my hospice caretaker and told her. I had aprivate agreement with her that she would leave my dead body alone for sixhours, since I had read that all kinds of interesting things happen when youdie. I went back to sleep.

The next thing I remember is the beginning of a typical near-deathexperience. Suddenly I was fully aware and I was standing up, but my bodywas in the bed. There was this darkness around me. Being out of my bodywas even more vivid than ordinary experience. It was so vivid that I could seeevery room in the house, I could see the top of the house, I could see aroundthe house, I could see under the house.

There was this Light shining. I turned toward the Light. The Light was verysimilar to what many other people have described in their near-deathexperiences. It was so magnificent. It is tangible; you can feel it. It is alluring;you want to go to it like you would want to go to your ideal mother's or father'sarms. As I began to move toward the Light, I knew intuitively that if I went tothe Light I would be dead. So as I was moving toward the Light I said: "Pleasewait a minute, just hold on a second here. I want to think about this; I wouldlike to talk to you before I go." To my surprise, the entire experience halted atthat point. You are in control of your life-after-death experience. You are noton a roller-coaster ride.



TThhiiss aaccccoouunntt ooff aann eexxttrraaoorrddiinnaarryy lliiffee--aafftteerr--ddeeaatthheexxppeerriieennccee ggiivveess uussiinnssppiirraattiioonn ttoo lliivvee iinntthhee kknnoowwlleeddggee tthhaattwwee aarree oonnee wwiitthh tthheeuunniivveerrssaall SSoouurrccee aannddaarree ccoo--ccrreeaattoorrss oonn oouurr eexxpplloorraattiioonnsstthhrroouugghh LLiiffee..

bbyy MMeelllleenn--TThhoommaass BBeenneeddiicctt ©© 22001100

Post Office Box 1898Soquel, CA 95073, USA


From the web page:


So my request was honoured and I had someconversations with the Light. The Light kept changinginto different figures, like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna,mandalas, archetypal images and signs. I asked theLight: "What is going on here? Please, Light, clarifyyourself for me. I really want to know the reality of thesituation." I cannot really say the exact words, because itwas sort of telepathy.

The Light responded. The information transferred tome was that during your life-after-death experience yourbeliefs shape the kind of feedback you are getting beforethe Light. If you were a Buddhist or a Catholic or aFundamentalist, you'd get afeedback loop of your own stuff.You have a chance to look at itand examine it, but most peopledo not.

As the Light revealed itself tome, I became aware that what Iwas really seeing was our HigherSelf Matrix.

We all have a Higher Self, oran oversoul part of our being. Itrevealed itself to me in its truestenergy form. The only way I canreally describe it is that thebeing of the Higher Self is more like a conduit. It did notlook like that, but it is a direct connection to the Sourcethat each and every one of us has. We are directlyconnected to the Source. So the Light was showing methe Higher Self Matrix. I was not committed to oneparticular religion. So that is what was being fed back tome during my life-after-death experience.

As I asked the Light to keep clearing for me, to keepexplaining, I understood what the Higher Self Matrix is.We have a grid around the planet where all the HigherSelves are connected. This is like a great company, a nextsubtle level of energy around us—the spirit level, youmight say.

Then, after a couple of minutes, I asked for moreclarification. I really wanted to know what the Universe isabout, and I was ready to go at that time. I said: "I amready; take me."

Then the Light turned into the most beautiful thingthat I have ever seen: a mandala of human souls on thisplanet. Now I came to this with my negative view of whatwas happening on the planet. So as I asked the Light tokeep clarifying for me, I saw in this magnificent mandalahow beautiful we all are in our essence, our core. We arethe most beautiful creations.

The human soul, the human matrix that we all maketogether, is absolutely fantastic,elegant, exotic, everything. I justcannot say enough about how itchanged my opinion of humanbeings in that instant. I said:"Oh, God, I did not know howbeautiful we are." At any level,high or low, in whatever shapeyou are in, you are the mostbeautiful creation, you are.

The revelations coming fromthe Light seemed to go on andon. Then I asked the Light:"Does this mean that mankind

will be saved?" Then, like a trumpet blast with a showerof spiralling lights, the Great Light spoke, saying:"Remember this and never forget: you save, redeem andheal yourself. You always have. You always will. Youwere created with the power to do so from before thebeginning of the world."

In that instant, I realised even more. I realised that wehave already been saved, and we saved ourselves because wewere designed to self-correct like the rest of God'sUniverse. This is what the Second Coming is about. Ithanked the Light of God with all my heart. The bestthing I could come up with were these simple words oftotal appreciation: "Oh dear God, dear Universe, dear

Great Self, I Love My Life."The Light seemed to breathe me in

even more deeply. It was as if theLight was completely absorbing me.The Love Light is, to this day,indescribable. I entered into anotherrealm, more profound than the last,and became aware of somethingmore, much more. It was anenormous stream of Light, vast andfull, deep in the Heart of Life. I askedwhat this was.

The Light responded: "This is theRiver of Life. Drink of this mannawater to your heart's content."

So I did. I took one big drink andthen another. To drink of Life Itself! Iwas in ecstasy.

54 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

AAss tthhee LLiigghhtt rreevveeaalleedd iittsseellff ttoo mmee,, II bbeeccaammeeaawwaarree tthhaatt wwhhaatt II wwaassrreeaallllyy sseeeeiinngg wwaass oouurrHHiigghheerr SSeellff MMaattrriixx..

Then the Light said: "You have a desire." The Lightknew all about me, everything past, present and future."Yes!" I whispered.

I asked to see the rest of the Universe—beyond oursolar system, beyond all human illusion. The Light thentold me that I could go with the Stream. I did, and wascarried through the Light at the End of the Tunnel. I feltand heard a series of very soft sonic booms. What a rush!Suddenly I seemed to be rocketing away from the planeton this stream of Life. I saw the Earth fly away. The solarsystem, in all its splendour, whizzed by and disappeared.At faster-than-light speed, I flew through the centre of thegalaxy, absorbing more knowledge as I went. I learnedthat this galaxy, and all of the Universe,is bursting with many differentvarieties of Life. I saw many worlds.The good news is that we are not alonein this Universe!

As I rode this Stream ofConsciousness through the centre ofthe galaxy, the stream was expandingin awesome fractal waves of energy.The superclusters of galaxies with alltheir ancient wisdom flew by. At first Ithought I was going somewhere;actually travelling. But then I realisedthat, as the Stream was expanding, myown consciousness was alsoexpanding to take in everything inthe Universe! All creation passedby me. It was an unimaginablewonder! I truly was a WonderChild, a babe in Wonderland!

IInnttoo tthhee VVooiiddAt this point, I found myself in a

profound stillness, beyond allsilence. I could see or perceiveForever, beyond Infinity. I was inthe Void. I was in pre-creation,before the Big Bang. I had crossedover the beginning of time/the First Word/the FirstVibration. I was in the Eye of Creation. I felt as if I wastouching the Face of God. It was not a religious feeling.Simply, I was at one with Absolute Life andConsciousness.

When I say that I could see or perceive forever, I meanthat I could experience all of creation generating itself. Itwas without beginning and without end. That's a mind-expanding thought, isn't it?

Scientists perceive the Big Bang as a single event whichcreated the Universe. I saw during my life-after-deathexperience that the Big Bang is only one of an infinitenumber of Big Bangs creating Universes endlessly andsimultaneously. The only images that even come close inhuman terms would be those created by supercomputersusing fractal geometry equations.

The ancients knew of this. They said God hadperiodically created new Universes by breathing out, andrecreated other Universes by breathing in. These epochsare called Yugas. Modern science calls this the Big Bang.I was in absolute, pure consciousness. I could see orperceive all the Big Bangs or Yugas creating andrecreating themselves. Instantly I entered into them allsimultaneously. I saw that each and every little piece ofcreation has the power to create. It is very difficult to tryto explain this. I am still speechless about this.

It took me years after I returned from my near-deathexperience to assimilate any words at all for the Voidexperience. I can tell you this now: the Void is less than

nothing, yet more than everything thatis! The Void is absolute zero; chaosforming all possibilities. It is AbsoluteConsciousness; much more than evenUniversal Intelligence.

The Void is the vacuum ornothingness between all physicalmanifestations. It is the space betweenatoms and their components. Modernscience has begun to study this spacebetween everything. They call it zeropoint. Whenever they try to measure it,their instruments go off the scale...orto infinity, so to speak. They have no

way, as of yet, to measure infinityaccurately. There is more of thezero space in your own body andthe Universe than anything else!

What mystics call the Void isnot a void. It is so full of energy, adifferent kind of energy that hascreated everything that we are.Everything since the Big Bang isvibration, from the first Word,which is the first vibration. Thebiblical "I am" really has aquestion mark after it. "I am—what am I?" So, creation is God

exploring God's Self through every way imaginable, in anongoing infinite exploration through every one of us.

I began to see during my near-death experience thateverything that is, is the Self, literally; your Self, my Self.Everything is the Great Self. That is why God knows evenwhen a leaf falls. That is possible because wherever youare is the centre of the Universe. Wherever any atom is,that is the centre of the Universe. There is God in that,and God in the Void.

As I was exploring the Void during my life-after-deathexperience and all the Yugas or creations, I wascompletely out of time and space as we know it. In thisexpanded state, I discovered that creation is aboutAbsolute Pure Consciousness, or God, coming into theExperience of Life as we know it. The Void itself is devoidof experience. It is pre-Life, before the first vibration.

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 55

TThhee LLiigghhtt tthheennttoolldd mmee tthhaatt II

ccoouulldd ggoo wwiitthh tthheeSSttrreeaamm.. II ddiidd,,

aanndd wwaass ccaarrrriieeddtthhrroouugghh tthhee LLiigghhttaatt tthhee EEnndd ooff tthheeTTuunnnneell.. II ffeelltt aanndd

hheeaarrdd aa sseerriieess ooff vveerryy ssoofftt

ssoonniicc bboooommss..WWhhaatt aa rruusshh!!

Godhead is about more than Life and Death. Therefore,there is even more than Life and Death to experience inthe Universe! When I realised this, I was finished with theVoid and wanted to return to this creation, or Yuga. Itjust seemed like the natural thing to do.

GGeettttiinngg BBaacckk HHoommeeThen I suddenly came back through the second Light,

or the Big Bang, hearing several more velvet booms. Irode the Stream of Consciousness back through all ofcreation, and what a ride it was! The superclusters ofgalaxies came through me with even more insights. Ipassed through the centre of our galaxy, which is a blackhole. Black holes are the great processors or recyclers ofthe Universe.

Do you know what is on the otherside of a black hole? We are; ourgalaxy, which has been reprocessedfrom another Universe. In its totalenergy configuration, the galaxy lookedlike a fantastic city of lights. All energythis side of the Big Bang is light. Everysub-atom, atom, star, planet, evenconsciousness itself is made of lightand has a frequency and/or particle.Light is living stuff. Everything is madeof light, even stones. So everything isalive. Everything is made from theLight of God; everything is veryintelligent.

As I rode the stream on and on, Icould eventually see a huge Lightcoming. I knew it was the FirstLight, the Higher Self Light Matrixof our solar system. Then theentire solar system appeared inthe Light, accompanied by one ofthose velvet booms. I could seeall the energy that this solarsystem generates, and it is anincredible light show! I could hearthe Music of the Spheres. Oursolar system, as do all celestialbodies, generates a unique matrix of light, sound andvibratory energies. Advanced civilisations from other starsystems can spot Life as we know it in the Universe bythe vibratory or energy matrix imprint. It is child's play.The Earth's Wonder Children (human beings) make anabundance of sound right now, like children playing inthe backyard of the Universe.

The Light explained to me that there is no death. Weare immortal beings. We have already been alive forever!I realised that we are part of a natural living system thatrecycles itself endlessly. I was never told that I had tocome back. I just knew that I would. It was only natural,from what I had seen during my life-after-deathexperience.

I don't know how long I was with the Light, in humantime. But there came a moment when I realised that allmy questions had been answered and my return wasnear. When I say that all my questions were answered onthe other side, I mean to say just that. All my questionshave been answered. Every human has a different lifeand set of questions to explore. Some of our questionsare universal, but each of us is exploring this thing we callLife in our own unique way. So is every other form ofLife, from mountains to every leaf on every tree. And thatis very important to the rest of us in this Universe.Because it all contributes to the Big Picture, the fullnessof Life. We are literally God exploring God's Self in aninfinite Dance of Life. Your uniqueness enhances all ofLife.

As I began my return to the life cycle,it never crossed my mind, nor was Itold, that I would return to the samebody. It just did not matter. I hadcomplete trust in the Light and theLife process. As the Stream mergedwith the Great Light, I asked never toforget the revelations and the feelingsof what I had learned on the otherside. There was a "Yes". It felt like akiss to my soul.

Then I was taken back through theLight into the vibratory realm again.The whole process reversed, with evenmore information being given to me. I

came back home, and I was givenlessons from my near-deathexperience on the mechanics ofreincarnation. I was given answersto all those little questions I had:"How does this work? How doesthat work?" I knew that I would bereincarnated.

The Earth is a great processor ofenergy, and individualconsciousness evolves out of thatinto each one of us. I thought ofmyself as a human for the first

time, and I was happy to be that. From what I have seen,I would be happy to be an atom in this Universe. Anatom. So to be the human part of God...this is the mostfantastic blessing. It is a blessing beyond our wildestestimation of what blessing can be. For each and everyone of us to be the human part of this experience isawesome, and magnificent. Each and every one of us, nomatter where we are, screwed up or not, is a blessing tothe planet, right where we are.

I went through the reincarnation process expecting tobe a baby somewhere. But I was given a lesson on howindividual identity and consciousness evolve. I was sosurprised when I opened my eyes. I do not know why,because I understood it, but it was still such a surprise to

56 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

AAss tthhee SSttrreeaammmmeerrggeedd wwiitthh tthhee

GGrreeaatt LLiigghhtt,, II aasskkeedd nneevveerr ttoo

ffoorrggeett tthheerreevveellaattiioonnss aanndd tthhee ffeeeelliinnggss ooff

wwhhaatt II hhaadd lleeaarrnneeddoonn tthhee ootthheerr ssiiddee..TThheerree wwaass aa ""YYeess""..

IItt ffeelltt lliikkee aa kkiissss ttoo mmyy ssoouull..

be back in this body, back in my room with someonelooking over me crying her eyes out. It was my hospicecaretaker. She had given up an hour and a half afterfinding me dead. My body was stiff and inflexible. Shewent into the other room. Then I awakened and saw thelight outside. I tried to get up to go to it, but I fell out ofthe bed. She heard a loud "clunk", ran in and found meon the floor.

MMiirraacclleess aanndd MMeemmoorriieessWhen I recovered, I was very surprised and yet very

awed about what had happened to me during my near-death experience. At first, all the memory of the trip thatI have now was not there. I kept slipping out of this worldand kept asking, "Am I alive?" This world seemed morelike a dream than that one.

Within three days I was feeling normal again, clearer,yet different than I had ever felt in my life. My memory ofmy near-death experience came back later. I could seenothing wrong with any human being I had ever seen.Before that, I was really judgemental. I thought a lot ofpeople were really screwed up; infact, I thought that everybodywas screwed up but me. But Igot clear on all that.

About three months later, afriend said I should get tested,so I went and got the scans andso forth. I really felt good, so Iwas afraid of getting bad news. Iremember the doctor at theclinic looking at the before andafter scans, saying: "Well, thereis nothing here now." I said:"Really, it must be a miracle."He said: "No, these things happen; they are calledspontaneous remission." He acted very unimpressed.But here was a miracle, and I was impressed, even if noone else was.

During my near-death experience I had a descent intowhat you might call Hell, and it was very surprising. I didnot see Satan or evil. My descent into Hell was a descentinto each person's customised human misery, ignoranceand darkness of not knowing. It seemed like a miserableeternity. Yet each of the millions of souls around me hada little star of Light always available, but no one seemedto pay attention to it.

They were so consumed with their own grief, traumaand misery. But, after what seemed an eternity, I startedcalling out to that Light, like a child calling to a parent forhelp.

Then the Light opened up and formed a tunnel thatcame right to me and insulated me from all that fear andpain—which is what Hell really is. So what we are doingis learning to hold hands, to come together. The doors ofHell are open now. We are going to link up, hold handsand walk out of Hell together. The Light came to me and

turned into a huge golden angel. I said: "Are you theangel of death?" It expressed to me that it was myoversoul, my Higher Self Matrix, a super ancient part ofourselves. Then I was taken to the Light.

SScciieennccee aanndd SSppiirriittSoon our science will quantify spirit. Isn't that going to

be wonderful? We are coming up with devices now thatare sensitive to subtle energy or spirit energy. Physicistsuse these atomic colliders to smash atoms to see whatthey are made of. They have got it down to quarks andcharm, and all that. Well, one day they are going to comedown to the little thing that holds it all together, and theyare going to have to call that...God. We are justbeginning to understand that we are creating, too, as wego along. As I saw Forever, I came to a realm during mynear-death experience in which there is a point where wepass all knowledge and begin creating the next fractal,the next level. We have that power to create as weexplore. And that is God expanding itself through us.

Since my return, I have experienced the Lightspontaneously, and I havelearned how to get to that spacealmost any time in mymeditation. Each one of youcan do this. You do not have todie or have a near-deathexperience to do this. It iswithin your equipment; you arewired for it already. The body isthe most magnificent LightBeing there is. The body is aUniverse of incredible Light.Spirit is not pushing us todissolve this body. That is not

what is happening. Stop trying to become God; God isbecoming you. Here.

I asked God: " What is the best religion on the planet?Which one is right?" And Godhead said, with great love:"I don't care." That was incredible grace. When Godheadsaid, "I don't care," I immediately understood that it is forus to care about. It is important, because we are thecaring beings. It matters to us and that is where it isimportant. What you have is the energy equation inspirituality. Ultimate Godhead does not care if you areProtestant, Buddhist or whatever. It is all a bloomingfacet of the whole. I wish that all religions would realiseit and let each other be. It is not the end of each religion,but we are talking about the same God. Live and let live.Each has a different view. And it all adds up to the BigPicture; it is all important.

I went over to the other side during my near-deathexperience with a lot of fears about toxic waste, nuclearmissiles, the population explosion, the rainforests.

I came back loving every single problem. I love nuclear

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 57

YYeett eeaacchh ooff tthhee mmiilllliioonnss ooff ssoouullss aarroouunndd mmee

hhaadd aa lliittttllee ssttaarr ooff LLiigghhtt aallwwaayyss aavvaaiillaabbllee,,

bbuutt nnoo oonnee sseeeemmeedd ttoo ppaayy aatttteennttiioonn ttoo iitt..

CCoonnttiinnuueedd oonn ppaaggee 8822

58 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 59

AAwweessoommee EEyyeewwiittnneessss RReeppoorrttss ffrroomm tthhee UUSSSS MMiilliiuuss iinn tthhee AArraabbiiaann GGuullff

On the morning of 12 April 2009, I was amazed to receive thefollowing email from the Commander of the US guided missiledestroyer USS Milius (see figure 1), on deployment in the ArabianGulf (also known as the Persian Gulf):

”Hello, ”I am the Commanding Officer of a US Navy ship currently deployed in the

Arabian Gulf. On the 11th of April, 2009, we witnessed the Lightwheelphenomena [sic]. It was incredible! In our efforts to figure out what wewitnessed, one of our sailors located your report on the Internet. Thanks!”

The Commander went on to say that 50 of his crew had been astoundedand stunned to witness an ”incredible”, enormous and lengthy occurrence ofthe Marine Lightwheel phenomenon,1, 2, 3, 4 though at the time they hadn'trealised what it was that they were seeing.

This report came to me under nearly the same circumstances as anotherspectacular sighting of this same phenomenon—one that is little-known, butis ”mythic” among those who have heard of it. This sighting, in May 2007 inthe Strait of Hormuz, was from another US Navy ship. Several astonishedcrewmembers did Internet searches immediately after their experiences,attempting to learn the nature of the incredible geometric ”light show”they'd witnessed which spanned the sea to the horizon. They found myarticles and email address and then contacted me to report the event. Soonafterwards, I wrote and tried to disseminate an article documenting thissighting.5

On the morning of 12 April 2009, as had been the case in May 2007, one ofthe crew of the USS Milius searched the Internet, found my publishedwritings on the Marine Lightwheel phenomenon and emailed me. Thecrewmember said that my articles describe exactly what they had seen, andthat they then understood that an incredible Marine Lightwheel event waswhat they had witnessed. The ship's Commander sent the first enquiringemail, which I immediately replied to, and that was followed shortlyafterwards with his and other witnesses' accounts, including a full report ofthe event by the ship's Navigator.

The first article that I wrote about this exotic phenomenon was publishedin NEXUS in 1997 [vol. 4, no. 3], and since then I've received a handful ofadditional sightings reports that were not in the records when I firstresearched and wrote about the subject. Some reports were actually broughtto my attention as a result of the article's publication, and some followed mydiscussing the subject on widely broadcast radio programs on which myhusband and research partner, Ed Sherwood, were guests. Some of thesesightings are documented in my previous articles (see endnotes) and aremainly from single or double witnesses. None of those few sightings hadoccurred more recently than 1997. However, never before have so many



IInn AApprriill 22000099,, ffiiffttyy ccrreewwmmeemmbbeerrss ooff aa UUSS NNaavvyy sshhiippwwiittnneesssseedd aa

ssppeeccttaaccuullaarr lliigghhtt sshhoowwaatt sseeaa iinnvvoollvviinnggbbiioolluummiinneesscceenntt

oorrggaanniissmmss aaggiittaatteedd iinnrreessppoonnssee ttoo eenneerrggyyddiisscchhaarrggeess tthhaatt

aappppeeaarreedd aass ssppiirraalllliinnggeelleeccttrroommaaggnneettiicc


bbyy KKrriiss SShheerrwwoooodd ©© 22000099

Millennium ResearchPost Office Box 2084

Santa Monica, CA 90406, USAEmail:


credible witnesses reported encountering thisphenomenon so spectacularly and under suchcompelling circumstances as they did in 2009.

The witnesses include the then Commander of theUSS Milius, CDR Kendall Gennick, his Executive Officerand his Navigator, along with around 50 of his crew. Thesenior officers provided riveting eyewitnessdocumentation and impressively solid evidence of aphenomenon that is still largely unexplained and isgenerally unrecognised by the scientific community.

I hope this new evidence speaks for itself in furtherdocumenting the mysterious reality of this long-toldwonder that historically has been dismissed as merely a”wild sailors' tale”.

BBiioolluummiinneesscceennccee aanndd SSppiirraalllliinngg EEnneerrggyy DDiisscchhaarrggeess I have described the Marine Lightwheel phenomenon

in detail in previous articles [see endnotes], so I'll onlybriefly outline it here for those who haven't read orheard of it and because the excellent eyewitnessaccounts of the Milius crew provide a vivid description.Basically, it seems to bea nearly unbelievablesight to witness,according to thosewho've been fortunateenough to haveexperienced it.

It is a rarephenomenon that canonly be seen in watersrich in bioluminescentplankton-type organismsthat are apparentlyagitated in a massivearea of the water by an

electromagnetically related planetaryforce that discharges as far as theeye can see in geometricallyconfigured shapes, such as hugerimless rotating wheels, expandingand imploding concentric rings andspinning spirals.

The electromagnetic energy of asource, which is open to speculation,causes the bioluminescentorganisms to fluoresce with a light-greenish-blue glow, revealing therapidly moving shapes of thevortically spinning energy systemsthat are agitating them to fluoresce.The displays can ”stretch to thehorizon”, moving like ”an underwaterdisco light show” at speeds ”close tothe speed of sound”—all madevisible by the agitated bio-luminescent micro-organisms that

fill the water where the what-would-otherwise-be-invisible, seemingly electromagnetic and wide-ranging”energy discharges” occur (see figure 2).

There is evidence to support my suspicion that thephenomenon may ultimately be found to be associatedwith fluctuations in local geomagnetic activity and alsoconnected to solar activity and related geophysicalforces and their interactions.6

MMiillkkyy SSeeaass OObbsseerrvvaattiioonnssThere is another enigmatic, long-reported—and until

only recently called ”mysterious”—phenomenon knownas Milky Seas. The strange, white, glowing waters ofMilky Seas have been seen in some areas whereLightwheels have also been consistently observed, andthese reports go back many centuries as well. They arenot at all the same phenomenon, though both areassociated with the presence of high levels of certain,but different, bioluminescent organisms that can befound at varying times and in varying densities in thewaters where both phenomena have been reported.

60 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

Figure 1: USS Milius (DDG69) at sea, displaying battle ensign. (Source: Publicdomain image from USS Milius website,

Figure 2: Marine Lightwheel illustration based on earlier reports. (Source: by Ed Sherwood © 1997)

Milky Seas were presumably first photographed fromspace in 2005 off the upper east coast of Somalia in theArabian Sea, but the only on-site accounts of directobservations of Milky Seas in the same area as the 2005image are from a 1995 ship's report.7

I am not fully convinced that it couldn't have been aLightwheel occurrence that was captured from space in2005, given the lack of direct evidence and the fact that Ithink it possible that, considering the reported near-speed-of-sound motion of the massive geometricLightwheel displays, both phenomena might possiblyappear similar from space in an extended timeexposure. Even the Milky Seas experts have said it'sonly their speculation that the Milky Seas phenomenonis what is seen in the 2005 satellite images. The 11 April2009 sighting occurred in approximately the centre ofthe Arabian/Persian Gulf, above the Strait of Hormuz(see figures 3 and 4).

TTeessttiimmoonnyy ffrroomm UUSSSS MMiilliiuuss CCrreewwFollowing are the amazing

eyewitness accounts, vividly told bythe USS Milius Commander and twoof his crew, of their 11 April 2009Marine Lightwheel sighting.8

•• TThhee CCoommmmaannddeerrCommander Kendall Gennick

provided the following details aboutthe conditions at the time of thesighting, as well as his personaldescription which he'd sent home tofamily members before the crewfound my article and discoveredwhat it was that they had seen.

CCOONNDDIITTIIOONNSSTime: 2030-2130 D April 11, 2009Position: 26 59.4N 051 39.5E in theCentral Arabian GulfWind: 22 KTS from 081 degreestrueTemperature: 72 F/ 22 CSea Temp: 75 F/ 24 CPressure: 29.76Cloud Cover: 3/8Moonrise: 2051 DIllumination: 95%** Actual visible illumination wasmuch less due to cloud cover.

Commander Gennick continuedwith this:

”My description to my family: ”'Imagine standing on the bridge

wing of a ship on a dark moonlessovercast night, looking down at the

water from a height of about 50 feet [15.24 m]. Justabove the surface of the sea appears to be waves ofwhite light (low intensity) pulsating out of nowhere witha synchronized rhythm. Outward-expanding circles,inward-imploding circles, waves, moving snakes andboomerangs!

”The waves of light appear to be traveling at or nearthe speed of sound and reach as far out on the horizonas the eye can see. With each pulse, the sea explodeswith millions of tiny green lights that appear asemeralds on the surface of the water (bioluminescent).It was incredible and almost unbelievable.

”It would be hard for me to believe if I had not seen itmyself. The light show continued for about 40 minutesbefore we steamed out of the area and it faded in ourwake.

”'It is something I will remember the rest of my life!'”

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 61

Figure 3: Map of the Arabian Gulf (Persian Gulf) (Source: Wikipedia)

Figure 4: Arabian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz (Satellite image courtesy of NASA)

•• TThhee EExxeeccuuttiivvee OOffffiicceerrThe Executive Officer of the USS Milius wrote the

following description to his family:”Last night the ship passed through a bizarre natural

phenomenon. Don't know what it was and have neverread about anything like it. There was energy hoveringand spinning just above the water. It was pulsating. Alittle like glowing mist but it spun and moved fasterthan the waves and made circles and other patterns. Itsped out as far as you could see and lasted over 20minutes.

”Like the northern lights but on the surface of thewater and not in the sky. There was also lightning in theair and tons of fluorescent plankton in the water, andmaybe that had something to do with it but not reallysure. It was definitely something likeSt Elmo's fire or ball lightning, and Isuspect I will never see it again.”

•• TThhee NNaavviiggaattoorrThis detailed report is from the

ship's Navigator, who witnessed theentire event:

”I assumed the watch as Officer ofthe Deck with all conditions normal.As the ship's Navigator, I hadpreviously plotted a track that wouldtake us from a day- time operatingarea to our assigned night area.Tankers, dhows and other seatraffic made it apparent that wewould have a much easier transitby altering course to the north,maintaining a comfortabledistance from a previouslydiscovered uncharted oilplatform and eventuallymaneuvering to the west toassume our new station. After aquick call to the Captain, ourplans had been changed to dojust that.

”At approximately 2030, just asI [was] passing the closest point of approach with theoil platform, I glanced out to the starboard bridge wingand noticed what appeared to be strong waves hittingus directly on our beam. The ship had less than a singledegree of list and virtually no roll, so I went out on thebridge wing for a closer look. The first look at this lightdid not indicate that any swirls or circles were involved.Just long straight waves traveling from the horizon,spanning out to the left and right as far as the eye couldsee. I was very impressed by the speed and consistencyof the waves. The distance between the waves wasabout the same width as the waves themselves (on theorder of ten to twenty feet [~3.5 to 6.1 m]), but it wasvery difficult to measure the size or the speed.

”I pointed them out to the other bridge watchstandersand we stood there in awe. Theories and possibleexplanations started immediately...could it be ourradars?

”It became obvious that I would need to call theCaptain; what was not obvious was exactly what to tellhim. Obviously the USN does not have a standardreport format for this situation. 'Captain, this is theOfficer of the Deck. We have a...strange lightphenomenon occurring up here that I can't reallyexplain. It's...', as I remember it. His response: 'I'll beright up!'

”When the Captain arrived on the bridge, the lightpatterns had begun to change. One of the most difficultthings for me to determine was whether the patterns

themselves were shifting or if we weresimply driving into a different sectionof the phenomenon.

”As we progressed toward what Ibelieve was near the center, I distinctlyremember seeing central points thatcircles of light originated at and grewin 360 degrees. This reminded me ofthe impact of a drop of water hittingthe surface of a calm body of water,except that this wave traveled muchfaster.

”My scientific side kicked in. I didsuspect that bioluminescence was at

least partially responsible for thelight show at hand. Generally thisis caused when the ship's wakedisturbs species. It tends to glowin a bright green color, much likethat of a phosphorescent lightstick. It usually splits like a giantV from the ship's hull as we passthrough the water. If somethingbiological was being disturbed,then what was causing it?Looking at the speed andpattern...I assumed that it wassound. It was obviously slower

than light but much quicker than anything that I hadever seen caused by wind or waves.

”That theory was quickly put to rest when the spiralsbegan. It wasn't as if something was producing the lightat the center and it was following the spiral by growing.More like if you had a giant light that had a spiral cutoutblocking part of it and then rotated it. Like somethingthat belonged on a dance floor. The centers of thesespirals passed directly down our ship's beam. Youcould pinpoint the exact center. I couldn't believe orbegin to explain what I was seeing.

”The Captain had me call the Executive Officer and hesoon after invited the crew to the bridge. Hisdescription to the crew was similar to the one I had

62 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

""LLooookkiinngg aatt tthhee ssppeeeedd aanndd

ppaatttteerrnn......II aassssuummeeddtthhaatt iitt wwaass ssoouunndd..IItt wwaass oobbvviioouussllyysslloowweerr tthhaann lliigghhttbbuutt mmuucchh qquuiicckkeerrtthhaann aannyytthhiinngg tthhaatt

II hhaadd eevveerr sseeeennccaauusseedd bbyy wwiinndd

oorr wwaavveess..""

previously given the Captain. About fifty of ourcrewmembers began filing into the pilot house. Theirreaction and the environment it created reminded me ofwatching a fireworks display on the fourth of July...forthe first time. Very fun and exciting, certainly not what Ihad expected for my after-dinner watch.

”As we transited at about seven knots, the light beganto fade. I thought that maybe it was over. The Captainhad us turn to a reciprocal course and after a fewminutes of back-tracking the light was back. This washappening in an area that I believe was only a few milesin diameter.

”Having the deck, I didn't have a chance to grab myown camera, and, as far as I know, none of the picturestaken actually display what we were seeing. TheExecutive Officer thought that maybe it was St Elmo'sfire. A quick Internet searchdisproved that theory whensomeone discovered the

”The description of theMarine Lightwheels was spoton. The only difference that Imight point out between thesketches and what I witnessedwas that I didn't see thepatterns overlap at any point.

”I'm left with a mixed offeeling of being happy that Iwas lucky enough to see thisand a real confusion about the'force' that activates the light.The closest comparison that Ican draw is to magnetism. But even lines of flux do nottake on such perfect symmetry. I truly hope butsomehow doubt that I will witness this again.”

•• TThhee CCoommmmaannddeerr CDR Gennick added the following note:”Other observations: The light waves were unaffected

by wind. They traveled at the same speed upwind anddownwind. The further the light waves got from theship, they began to appear as just waves [versus]geometric designs. There was thunderstorm andlightning activity in the region that night.”

SSiigghhttiinnggss CCoonnffiirrmm RReeaalliittyy ooff MMaarriinnee LLiigghhttwwhheeeellss I cannot adequately express my amazement and elation

at having learned of this highly significant event, nor mygratitude to these dedicated US Navy officers who sharedtheir extraordinary experiences and observations withme—someone who has long sought to document thismysterious Marine Lightwheel phenomenon and helpbring it into the light of serious scientific inquiry andultimately, hopefully, to recognition of its reality and amuch wider understanding.

This amazing 2009 sighting together with the

spectacular sighting by 30 crewmembers of another USNavy ship in the Strait of Hormuz, as documented in my2007 article, means that an unprecedented total of 80naval personnel in two years have witnessed suchawesome performances of this particular type of Earth's”natural magic”. The sightings provide intenselycompelling and highly credible evidence of the reality ofa long-told-of marine phenomenon, thought by most tobe an outlandish maritime legend. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Kris Sherwood is the co-founder, along with her husbandand research partner Ed Sherwood, of MillenniumResearch, a multimedia project created to archive andshare their more than 40 combined years of research intocrop circles and related phenomena. Her article ”Marine

Lightwheels: Crop Circles ofthe Sea?” was published in 1997in NEXUS 4/03. She can becontacted by emai l the Sherwoods' website

EEnnddnnootteess1. Thayer, TIffany (ed.), TheBooks of Charles Fort, Henry Holt& Company, New York, 19412. Corliss, William R.,Handbook of Unusual NaturalPhenomena, Crown Publishing,New York, 1986 (firstpublished by Sourcebook

Project, 1977)3. Sanderson, Ivan T., Invisible Residents, World PublishingCo., 19704. Sherwood, Kris (1997), ”Marine Lightwheels: CropCircles of the Sea?”, NEXUS, vol. 4, no. 3, 1997, availableonline at Sherwood, Kris (2007), ”Spectacular MarineLightwheel Display Witnessed by Navy Crew in theStraits of Hormuz, May 19, 2007”, available online at ibid.7. Miller, S.D., S.H.D. Haddock, C.D. Elvidge, T.F. Lee(2005), ”Detection of a bioluminescent milky sea fromspace”, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 102:14181-184, availableonline at, and at Original comments and observations of MarineLightwheel event of 11 April 2009 as told by USS MiliusCDR Kendall Gennick (CDR of the Milius, 30 May 2008 to5 November 2009), the XO/LCDR and the Navigator(names not included).

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 63

""TThhee ffuurrtthheerr tthhee lliigghhtt wwaavveessggoott ffrroomm tthhee sshhiipp,, tthheeyy

bbeeggaann ttoo aappppeeaarr aass jjuusstt wwaavveess [[vveerrssuuss]]ggeeoommeettrriicc ddeessiiggnnss..""

64 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

TTHHEE HHAARRMMOONNIICC CCOODDEE::TTHHEE HHAARRMMOONNIICC CCOODDEE::UFOs, Antigravity & the Energy GridIn this documentary DVD, UFO/antigravityresearcher and author Bruce L. Cathie explainsthe unknown secrets of our reality in thisexclusive documentary into his life and research.

Discover the truth about matter and antimatter;time travel; UFO sightings; Earth's energy grid;harmonic mathematics; and the connectionbetween atomic bomb tests and volcanicactivity.

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Popular Lost Cities author David Hatcher Childress takes to theroad again in search of lost cities and ancient mysteries. This

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AA GGuuiiddee ttoo tthhee EEnndd ooff tthhee WWoorrlldd

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Many people in the ancient world saw human life as deeplyconnected with the great cycles of nature: the rising and

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APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 65


Life is full of coincidences, somevery minor but occasionallyextraordinary. Following is a

list of 15 of the more extraordinarycoincidences.

CChhiillddhhoooodd BBooookk DDiissccoovveerryyWhile American novelist Anne

Parrish was browsingbookstores in Paris in the1920s, she came upon a bookthat was one of her childhoodfavourites: Jack Frost and OtherStories. She picked up the oldbook and showed it to herhusband, telling him of thebook she fondly remembered asa child. Her husband took thebook, opened it, and on theflyleaf he found the inscription:"Anne Parrish, 209 N. Weber Street,Colorado Springs". It was Anne'svery own book.

PPookkeerr LLuucckkIn 1858, Robert Fallon was shot

dead—an act of vengeance by thosewith whom he was playing poker.Fallon, they claimed, had won the

$600 pot through cheating. WithFallon's seat empty and none of theother players willing to take the now-unlucky $600, they found a newplayer to take Fallon's place andstaked him with the dead man's $600.

By the time the police arrived to

investigate the killing, the new playerhad turned the $600 into $2,200 inwinnings. The police demanded theoriginal $600 to pass on to Fallon'snext of kin—only to discover that thenew player turned out to be Fallon'sson, who had not seen his father inseven years!

TTwwiinn DDeeaatthhssIn 2002, seventy-year-old twin

brothers died within hours of oneanother after separate accidents onthe same road in northern Finland.

The first of the twins died when hewas hit by a lorry while riding his

bike in Raahe, 600 kilometresnorth of the capital, Helsinki.He died just 1.5 km from thespot where his brother waskilled.

"This is simply a historiccoincidence. Although the roadis a busy one, accidents don'toccur every day," police officerMarja-Leena Huhtala toldReuters. "It made my hair standon end when I heard the twowere brothers, and identicaltwins at that. It came to mind

that perhaps someone from upstairshad a say in this," she said.

PPooee CCooiinncciiddeenncceeIn 1838, the famous horror writer

Edgar Allan Poe had his only novelpublished: The Narrative of ArthurGordon Pym of Nantucket. It was aboutfour survivors of a shipwreck who

""IItt mmaaddee mmyy hhaaiirr ssttaanndd oonn eenndd wwhheenn II hheeaarrdd tthheettwwoo wweerree bbrrootthheerrss,, aannddiiddeennttiiccaall ttwwiinnss aatt tthhaatt.. IItt ccaammee ttoo mmiinndd tthhaatt

ppeerrhhaappss ssoommeeoonnee ffrroommuuppssttaaiirrss hhaadd aa ssaayy iinn tthhiiss..""

66 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

were in an open boat for many daysbefore they decided to kill and eatthe cabin boy whose name wasRichard Parker.

Some years later, in 1884, the yawlMignonette foundered with only foursurvivors, who were in an open boatfor many days. Eventully, the threesenior members of the crew killedand ate the cabin boy. The name ofthe cabin boy was Richard Parker.

RRooyyaall CCooiinncciiddeenncceeIn Monza, Italy, King Umberto I

went to a small restaurant for dinner,accompanied by his aide-de-camp,General Emilio Ponzia-Vaglia. Whenthe owner took King Umberto'sorder, the king noticed that he andthe restaurant owner were virtualdoubles in face and in build. Bothmen began discussing the strikingresemblances between each otherand found many more similarities.

1. Both men were born on thesame day of the same year, 14 March1844.

2. Both men were born in thesame town.

3. Both men married a womanwith same name, Margherita.

4. The restaurateur opened hisrestaurant on the same day that KingUmberto I was crowned King of Italy.

5. On 29 July 1900, King Umbertowas informed that the restaurateurhad died that day in a mysteriousshooting accident, and as heexpressed his regret he was thenassassinated by an anarchist in thecrowd.

FFaalllliinngg BBaabbyy iinn LLuucckkIn 1930s Detroit, a man named

Joseph Figlock was to become anamazing figure in a young (and,apparently, incredibly careless)mother's life.

As Figlock was walking down thestreet, the mother's baby fell from ahigh window onto Figlock. Thebaby's fall was broken and Figlockand the baby were unharmed.

A year later, the selfsame baby fellfrom the selfsame window, againfalling onto Mr Figlock as he waspassing beneath. Once again, bothof them survived the event.

MMyysstteerriioouuss MMoonnkkIn 19th-century Austria, a near-

famous painter named Joseph Aignera t t e m p t e dsuicide ons e v e r a lo c c a s i o n s .During his firstattempt tohang himselfat the age ofe i g h t e e n ,Aigner wasinterrupted bya mysteriousC a p u c h i nmonk. Andagain, at agetwenty-two, hewas preventedfrom hanginghimself by thevery samemonk. Eightyears later, he

was sentenced to the gallows for hispolitical activities. But again, his lifewas saved by the intervention of thesame monk.

At age sixty-eight, Joseph Aignerfinally succeeded in suicide, using apistol to shoot himself. Notsurprisingly, his funeral ceremonywas conducted by the very sameCapuchin monk—a man whosename Aigner never even knew.

PPhhoottooggrraapphhiicc CCooiinncciiddeenncceeA German mother who

photographed her infant son in 1914left the film to be developed at astore in Strasbourg. In those days,some film plates were soldindividually. World War I broke outand, unable to return to Strasbourg,the woman gave up the picture forlost.

Two years later, she bought a filmplate in Frankfurt, over 100 milesaway, to take a picture of hernewborn daughter. When developed,the film turned out to be a doubleexposure, with the picture of herdaughter superimposed on theearlier picture of her son.

Through some incredible twist offate, her original film, neverdeveloped, had been mislabelled asunused and was eventually resold toher.

UUnneexxppeecctteedd BBooookk FFiinnddIn 1973, actor Anthony Hopkins

agreed to appear in the film The Girlfrom Petrovka, based on the novel byGeorge Feifer. Unable to find a copyof the book anywhere in London,Hopkins was surprised to discoverone lying on a bench in a trainstation.

It turned out to be George Feifer'sown annotated copy, which Feiferhad lent to a friend and which hadbeen stolen from his friend's car.

LLiivveess ooff TTwwiinnss Twin brothers, Jim Lewis and Jim

Springer, were separated at birth and


"There's a new series starting tonight: a female vampiremeets a wolfman on an island, they marry, then tour the

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APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 67

adopted by different families.Unknown to each other, both familiesnamed the boys James. BothJameses grew up not knowing of theother, yet both of them sought law-enforcement training, had abilities inmechanical drawing and carpentry,and married women named Linda.

Both of them had sons, one ofwhom was named James Alan andthe other named James Allan. Thetwin brothers also divorced theirwives and married other women—both named Betty. And they eachowned dogs which they named Toy.

RReevveennggee KKiilllliinnggIn 1883, Henry Ziegland broke off a

relationship with his girlfriend whothen, out of distress, committedsuicide. The girl's enraged brotherhunted down Ziegland and shot him.Believing he had killed Ziegland, thebrother then took his own life. Infact, however, Ziegland had not beenkilled. The bullet had only grazed hisface, lodging into a tree. It was anarrow escape.

Years later, in 1913, Ziegland decidedto cut down the same tree, which stillhad the bullet in it. The huge treeseemed so formidable that he decidedto blow it up with dynamite. Theexplosion propelled the bullet intoZiegland's head, killing him.

GGoollddeenn SSccaarraabb DDrreeaammFrom Carl Jung's The Structure and

Dynamics of the Psyche: "A young woman I was treating

had, at a critical moment, a dream inwhich she was given a golden scarab.While she was telling me this dream,I sat with my back to the closedwindow.

"Suddenly I heard a noise behindme, like a gentle tapping. I turnedround and saw a flying insectknocking against the window panefrom outside. I opened the windowand caught the creature in the air asit flew in. It was the nearest analogyto the golden scarab that one finds

in our latitudes, a scarabaeid beetle,the common rose-chafer (Cetoniaaurata), which contrary to its usualhabits had evidently felt an urge toget into a dark room at thisparticular moment.

"I must admit that nothing like itever happened to me before or since,and that the dream of the patient hasremained unique in my experience."

TTaaxxii DDeeaatthhssIn 1975, while riding a moped in

Bermuda, a man was accidentallystruck and killed by a taxi.

One year later, this man's brotherwas killed in the very same way. Infact, he was riding the very samemoped. And to stretch the oddseven further, he was struck by thevery same taxi driven by the samedriver—and even carrying the verysame passenger!

HHootteell DDiissccoovveerriieessIn 1953, American newspaper

columnist and TV reporter IrvKupcinet was in London to cover thecoronation ofQueen ElizabethII. In one of thedrawers in hisroom at theSavoy, he foundsome items thatby theirident i f i cat ionbelonged to aman namedHarry Hannin.Coincidentally,Harry Hannin—a basketball starwith the famedH a r l e mGlobetrotters—was a goodfriend ofKupcinet.

But the storyhas yet anothertwist. Just twodays later, and

before he could tell Hannin of hislucky discovery, Kupcinet received aletter from Hannin. In the letter,Hannin told Kucinet that, whilestaying at Hôtel Le Meurice in Paris,he found in a drawer a tie—withKupcinet's name on it.

HHiissttoorriiccaall CCooiinncciiddeenncceeThe lives of Thomas Jefferson and

John Adams, two of America'sfounding fathers, had someinteresting connections. Jeffersoncrafted the Declaration ofIndependence, showing drafts of it toAdams who (with Benjamin Franklin)helped to edit and hone it. Thedocument was approved by theContinental Congress on 4 July 1776.

Surprisingly, both Jefferson andAdams died on the same day, 4 July1826, exactly 50 years after thesigning of the Declaration ofIndependence. ∞

(Sources: Ripley's Believe It or Not!,Reuters and BBC, New Scientist, postedon Listverse,


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APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 69

DDAARRKK IINNTTRRUUSSIIOONNSSbbyy LLoouuiiss PPrroouuddAnomalist Books, Texas, USA, 2009ISBN 978-1-9336654-4-3 (278pp tpb)Available:

This is a gripping book about sleepparalysis (SP), a phenomenon

which affects 25–40% of people atleast once, and around 1% regularly,and has no cultural barriers.

Louis Proud (author of theLightning article last edition) was anongoing sufferer of SP from 2001when he was seventeen. After yearsas a victim as well as a keenresearcher of the subject, Proudrealised he had to do more to ridhimself of the incorporeal entitiesthat would visit him during these SPstates—entities that ranged from theharmless and the mischievous to thedownright dangerous if not evil. Hewas not alone in his experiences, andin his book he relates stories frommany sources as well as his own.

It was a revelation to Proud whenhe discovered his soul through thisSP phenomenon and realised that hecould explore the spirit realm first-hand. In recent years, he has usedthe SP experience as a portal to

paranormal realms by inducing luciddreaming and out-of-body states.

Proud reflects on cultural andhistorical contexts and his ownexperiences in the light of spiritism,channelling, shamanism, alienabductions and more. He broadensthe astral landscape with reference tothe work of Stan Gooch on thehypnagogic state, Dion Fortune onpsychic attack, Robert Monroe onOBEs and Trevor James Constable onetheric organisms in the sky.

A profound book by a youngresearcher wise beyond his years.

SSOOUUNNDDIINNGG TTHHEE MMIINNDD OOFF GGOODDbbyy LLyyzz CCooooppeerrO Books, Ropley, Hants, UK, 2009ISBN 978-1-84694-211-2 (190pp tpb)Available:

The mind of God is Sound, and weneed to align all levels of Self—

physical, emotional, mental andspiritual—with this Source if we're tohave good health and well-being,says sound healer Lyz Cooper in herpractical, holistic guidebook.

Cooper began investigating soundtherapy in the early 1990s when shefound that certain sounds had abeneficial effect on a debilitatingillness afflicting her, and by 1997 shehad started her own Soundworksoutfit, sharing her therapeutic

techniques with other healers as wellas patients. By 2000 she had formedthe British Academy of SoundTherapy, the first school in the UK tooffer professional training courses.

Cooper takes us through exercisesto aid alignment by working withsympathetic resonance andentrainment, identifying expansionand contraction, feeling the aura andchakras, and much more. Next, sheexplores sound as a means for self-healing and personal transmutation,via the voice as well as instrumentssuch as singing bowls and drums.

Her guidelines help us to designour own sounding sessions and opencommunication channels betweenSelf and Source. The exercisesexpand the energy field and kindleour life-transforming potential.


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Richard Sauder, Ph.D.

There are moreunderground bases thanyou think, and there'smore going on than justplanning to keep theGovernment alive duringa nuclear war. Workingfrom public documentsand corporate records,this book digs below thesurface of thegovernment's super-secret underground!

UUnnddeerrwwaatteerr BBaasseessUUnnddeerrwwaatteerr BBaasseess

70 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

TTHHEE RRIIFFEE HHAANNDDBBOOOOKK OOFF FFRREEQQUUEENNCCYY TTHHEERRAAPPYY wwiitthh aaHHoolliissttiicc HHeeaalltthh PPrriimmeerrbbyy NNeennaahh SSyyllvveerr,, PPhhDDO Books, Ropley, Hants, UK, 2009ISBN 978-1-84694-211-2 (190pp tp)Available:

As Dr Nenah Sylver acknowledgesin the introduction to the second

edition of her Rife Handbook, peopleare hungry for information aboutRoyal R. Rife's groundbreaking anti-cancer technology of the 1920s–30sand the frequencies it employed.

Since the first edition in 2002 (seereview in 9/05), Dr Sylver has hadconsiderable input from "Rifers"working in diverse fields—physics,microbiology, naturopathy,chiropractic, medical practice andmore—and so her voluminous newedition adds to the knowledge base.

Starting off with the politics ofmedicine and natural health, DrSylver gives an overview of thehistory of pleomorphism and Rife'sinventions and then proceeds with acomprehensive section on therapiesthat promote holistic health. Shealso includes a detailed frequencydirectory for specific diseaseconditions. Moreover, everythingyou've ever wanted to know aboutRife equipment and therapy sessionsis answered herein.

In closing, Dr Sylver considersalternative approaches to living anddying that could create "a betterworld, inside and out". Theappendices include resources andinformation on legal implications aswell as electromedicine and soundtherapies. A must-have book forpractitioners and the public alike.

CCAANNCCEERR IISS NNOOTT AA DDIISSEEAASSEE:: IITT''SS AA SSUURRVVIIVVAALL MMEECCHHAANNIISSMMbbyy AAnnddrreeaass MMoorriittzzEner-Chi Wellness, USA, 2009, 3rd ed.ISBN 978-0-976794424-X (231pp tpb)Available:

After receiving feedback from manyof our readers, we obtained a

copy of Cancer is Not a Disease forreview. The author, Andreas Moritz,is a medical intuitive and practitionerof Ayurvedic medicine who hasdeveloped an approach called SacredSantémony, which helps transmutethe emotional, psychological andspiritual causes of ill health.

It is Moritz's contention that canceris not an actual disease but is part ofthe body's complex survivalresponses, a desperate final attemptby the body to stay alive for as longas circumstances allow. To treatcancer successfully requires healingits root causes, and that meansrestoring the person's well-being on

all levels. It does not mean usingtreatments like chemotherapy andradiotherapy, which destroy healthycells and in any case have very poorsuccess rates. Moritz maintains thatcancer does not arise unless there isa strong undercurrent of emotionaluneasiness and deep-seatedfrustration; when it does, it's a sign ofunresolved inner conflict.

Moritz explains that we need totake a quantum physics perspective:that we, as consciousness, soul orspirit, are the only true source of theenergy and information that run thebody. What we do, eat, drink, feeland think determines how well ourgenes can control and sustain ourphysical existence. His approachencourages us to trust in the body'sinnate wisdom and intelligence.


APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 71

CCOONNTTAACCTTEEEESS:: AA HHiissttoorryy ooff AAlliieenn--HHuummaann IInntteerraaccttiioonnbbyy NNiicckk RReeddffeerrnnNew Page Books, NH, USA, 2010ISBN 978-1-60163-096-4 (248pp tpb)Available:

Bound up in the history of the UFOphenomenon in the early years of

the modern era are the stories ofpeople who claimed to have madecontact with extraterrestrial beingsand even to have been invited aboardtheir spaceships. Well informed togive a perspective on this period isUS-based British researcher/authorNick Redfern (Strange Secrets, 11/01).

The most famous "contactees" ofthis 1950s–60s heyday includeGeorge Adamski, George HuntWilliamson, George van Tassel andGeorge King (what is it about allthese Georges, eh?), and theirencounters often featured Venusians.As Redfern explains, many of themdeveloped cult followings but most oftheir members drifted away in time,disillusioned with the lack of realevidence for alien visitations.

Many of these contactees claimedto be passing on messages from theSpace Brothers and Sisters about theimportance of living in peace and thedangers of nuclear power/warfare, butRedfern wonders whether they merelylatched onto a new way of expressing

dire warnings for humanity. Particularly fascinating are the FBI

files on Adamski and van Tassel, whowere regarded as security risks forpromoting the idea of "CommunistETs", among other things. And thenthere are the tales of sexualencounters with irresistible Blondalien females...and more besides.

Redfern includes interestingcontextual asides in his narrative,such as comments on this period byveteran ufological observer JimMoseley of Saucer Smear fame.

This is essential background forhoning your understanding of theUFO phenomenon and its history.

YYEETTIISS,, SSAASSQQUUAATTCCHH && HHAAIIRRYYGGIIAANNTTSSbbyy DDaavviidd HHaattcchheerr CChhiillddrreessssAUP, Kempton, IL, USA, 2010ISBN 978-1-931882-98-9 (384pp tpb)Avail:

Recent eyewitness accounts andphotographs of yetis in the

Himalayas and "Bigfoot", sasquatchand "skunk apes" in North Americasuggest these phenomenal creaturesare not just the stuff of legend.

First off, though, in his new book,David Childress focuses on the giantsof yore, quoting from Old Testamentand Greek writings about Titans andCyclopean giants and recounting

reports from European explorers infar-flung places like Patagonia. Hesearches for giant skeletons in NorthAmerican caves and relates stories of"hairy wildmen" who featured inmediaeval tales and drawings. Heasks us to ponder whether a "giant"genetic heritage is alive in us today.

Childress has amassed numerousphotos and interviews here, and hecan speak of many people who havenot gone public with reports ofencounters with anomalous beastslest they be ridiculed. All he asks ofthe reader is to keep an open mind.Yet he acknowledges that there havebeen too many reports for them all tobe hoaxes or misidentifications.

If he's right, we can take heart thatthere are still mysteries in our world.It's up to us to keep up our curiosity.


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72 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

TTHHEE 88 CCAALLEENNDDAARRSS OOFF TTHHEEMMAAYYAA:: TThhee PPlleeiiaaddiiaann CCyyccllee aanndd tthheeKKeeyy ttoo DDeessttiinnyybbyy HHuunnbbaattzz MMeennBear & Company, Rochester, VT, 2010ISBN 978-1-59143-105-3 (119pp tpb)Available:

Who better than an indigenousMayan daykeeper to teach us the

purpose and meaning of the Mayancalendars? Hunbatz Men is a Mayanceremonial leader and an authorityon Maya chronology. His 1983 book,originally published in Spanish, hasbeen updated and expanded for this2010 English-language edition.

The ancient Maya developed manycalendars, each marking cycles ofvarious systems in the cosmos andserving to synchronise human liveswith cosmic rhythms. Among themare the four seasons calendarincorporated into the Pyramid ofKukulcán, the 52-year Tunben K'ak'calendar, and the K'altun calendar of13 cycles of 20 years, or 260 years.Each has an intimate connection withthe Pleiades—the seven-star systemthat's at the core of Mayancosmology. The calendar that mostoccupies Hunbatz Men's attention isthe Tzek'eb, which marks a great cycleof 26,000 years—the time it takes forthe Sun to revolve around Alcyone,the central star of the Pleiades.

The Maya also tracked time throughtheir pyramids, designed to transformenergy in line with the cosmic cycles,Hunbatz says. In explaining the fourPleaidian eras, or suns, he reminds usthat this knowledge is sacred and

asks that the calendars be respectedand used for the benefit of all.

22001122:: SSCCIIEENNCCEE OORR SSUUPPEERRSSTTIITTIIOONNbbyy AAlleexxaannddrraa BBrruucceeThe Disinformation Co., NY, 2009ISBN 978-1-934708-28-6 (334pp tpb)Available:;

In the last few years, such a plethoraof books about 2012 and the end of

the Mayan Long Count calendar havebeen published that it's hard to sortthe wheat from the chaff. AlexandraBruce has come to the rescue in heranalytical overview of the researchand opinions out there, and shesmashes a few myths in the process.

It's the companion book to thesame-named documentary filmproduced by The Disinformation New York City. Prominentresearchers of this doomsday-or-notscenario are highlighted in the film,and their viewpoints and those ofmany others are expanded upon inthe book. The studies of John MajorJenkins, Graham Hancock, DanielPinchbeck, Michael Cremo, CarlosBarrios, Paul LaViolette, AnthonyAveni, Carl Johan Calleman, GreggBraden and many more are covered.

Bruce puts forth detaileddescriptions of Mayan cosmology, theprecession of the equinoxes, "worldages" doctrines from diverse cultures,apocalypse science, the history of the"2012 meme" itself, and ancient andmodern prophecies about so-called"end times". Her conclusion is that2012 is not about the Mayan LongCount calendar: the meme hasevolved beyond debate about thecalendar's relevance and is reallyabout us on planet Earth now—a timewhen our sense of urgency about ourunsustainable way of life is coming tothe fore on many levels.

Readers who are "awakening to theimmanence that's all around us andwithin us" should find the extensiveglossary, resources and bibliographysection extremely useful for research.

Bruce proposes that 2012 couldwell bring a new awakening of humanconsciousness—if we want it to.


APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 73

RREEVVIIEEWWSSEESSPP IINNDDUUCCTTIIOONN TTHHRROOUUGGHHFFOORRMMSS OOFF SSEELLFF--HHYYPPNNOOSSIISSbbyy RRiicchhaarrdd AAllaann MMiilllleerrEarthpulse Press, Alaska, USA, 2009ISBN 978-1-890693-30-5 (207pp tpb)Available:

Richard Alan Miller is an unsungpioneer whose name should be

writ large in the annals ofmetaphysical and paranormalexploration. He deserves enormouscredit for his part in developing theholographic universe theory thatcame to the fore in the early 1970s.And, as readers will discover in hisarticle in this edition, he's alsoresponsible for helping USgovernment intelligence agenciesdevelop protocols for trainingpersonnel to utilise extrasensoryperception (ESP)—having beeninvolved in intel ops during the1960s. He's dedicated his workinglife to understanding the occult worldfrom a scientific perspective as wellas to developing alternativeagriculture pursuits, proving hisinventiveness here as well.

Miller, a perceptive soul with aneccentric bent, introduces us to theworld of ESP with a new take onreality. In his latest book, he reprintshis famous questionnaire thatscreens for ESP ability, and he givesspecific details on tests for inducingESP via self-hypnosis. He instructson biofeedback, dreamscaping,grounding and relaxation techniques,remote viewing, belief systems,trance states and more.

Above all, Miller entices us into a

world where we can discover ourlatent intuitive abilities andtransform ourselves as part of thenext evolutionary step for humanity.

PPAATTTTEERRNNSS OOFF EETTEERRNNIITTYY:: SSaaccrreeddGGeeoommeettrryy aanndd tthhee SSttaarrccuutt DDiiaaggrraammbbyy MMaallccoollmm SStteewwaarrttFloris Books, Edinburgh, UK, 2009ISBN 978-086315-712-7 (279pp tpb)Available:

Our understanding of sacredgeometry takes a new leap with

Malcolm Stewart's analysis of the so-called Starcut diagram in hislandmark book Patterns of Eternity.This diagram as well as designs likethe Tetraktys, the Tree of Life of theKabbalists and the mandalas of theBuddhists are not just beautifulpatterns; they are mnemonics—memory aids that encode informationfor their viewers on the path tospiritual enlightenment. Thatinformation can include keys tolanguage, logic, number, geometry,music, harmony, astronomy and,indeed, to the cosmos itself, asdemonstrated even in the simplest ofthe Platonic solids, the tetrahedron.

Stewart, a stained glass designer,geometer, lecturer and former priest,is informed in his approach by hisdetailed study of the geometry andproportion encoded in ancient andRenaissance structures, artefacts andsymbols as well as in the humanform. Here he presents many of hisfindings, richly illustrated with colourphotographs and diagrams. Hespeculates that the Starcut diagram,set up on a 60 x 60 grid with nodesgoverning direct vertical andhorizontal divisions by 3, 4 and 5,contains within its measures theancient sexagesimal number systemthat was used in architecture andconstruction in antiquity.

With acknowledgement to theauthor Hermann Hesse, Stewart hascome up with his own Starcut GlassBead Game which he describes in theappendix. Euclid, Plato andPythagoras would surely approve ofStewart's profound and original work.

SSHHAADDOOWW MMAASSTTEERRSSbbyy DDaanniieell EEssttuulliinnTrine Day LLC, Walterville, OR, 2010ISBN 978-0-979988615 (357pp tpb)Available:

An astute observer of Bilderbergactivities for many years, Daniel

Estulin goes deeper into the club'smachinations in Shadow Masters,following on from his best-sellingbook The True Story of the BilderbergGroup (reviewed in 15/04; see articlesin 12/05 and 14/05). Estulin applieshis gift for dogged research andconnecting the dots, and utilises hismany contacts behind the scenes forthis gripping exposé of the shadowyplayers that pull the strings ofnation-states worldwide to gain evermore power and profit.

Estulin is a conspiracy realist whogets to the nitty-gritty of globaltrafficking in drugs, diamonds, gunsand enriched uranium, moneylaundering by bankers and mafiosi,political assassinations, media spin-doctoring, links between intelligence/security agencies and terrorists,covert funding of wars and theoverthrowing of governments.

He focuses on specific cases, fromthe killing of former Russian KGBagent Alexander Litvinenko and themanipulation of Russia's economy byglobalist interests to the support ofKosovo as a drug-trafficking routeand the farcical trial of arms traffickerVictor "Merchant of Death" Bout inThailand. He reveals a mind-boggling web of intrigue, corruptionand deception that is subverting

justice and freedom. Among theshocking revelations is that mini-nukes have been used at least 50times since the end of World War II.

Estulin provides extensivereferences and documentation tosupport his claims in this importantwork of investigative journalism.

SSPPOONNTTAANNEEOOUUSS EEVVOOLLUUTTIIOONN::OOUURR PPOOSSIITTIIVVEE FFUUTTUURREEbbyy BBrruuccee HH.. LLiippttoonn,, PPhhDD,, aanndd SStteevveeBBhhaaeerrmmaannHay House, London, UK, 2009ISBN 978-1-4019-2580-2 (402pp hc)Available:

This is a powerful, wise and wittycollaboraton. Cell biologist Dr

Bruce Lipton (The Biology of Belief; see12/04 and article in 13/02) contributesknowledge of the new biology, whilesocial activist Steve Bhaerman (akaSwami Beyondananda, the "cosmiccomic") brings experience of the bodypolitic. They propose that humanityis on the verge of a great evolutionaryadvance, but first we must reassesswho we are and where we're going asindividuals and adopt new ways ofseeing, believing and reasoning.

Just as medical patients can have"spontaneous remissions" of disease,so too can we "humanifest" a"spontaneous re-mission" of societywhere we focus on the survival of ourspecies. The problems that we faceas a collective are not being solvedby current belief systems andoutmoded ways of thinking. Bycombining frontier science conceptswith a true love for ourselves andhumanity, we have the means to stepinto new evolutionary possibilities.Everything is interconnected, just asthe quantum physicists say, and bybecoming "planetary stem cells" wecan support the health and growth ofour world and everyone in it.

Lipton and Bhaerman suggest "weare the leaders we've been waitingfor". We are cellular souls who, onceawakened, can create a "coherentloving field" that empowers the voiceof the human superorganism. It's allone big love song, folks!

74 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010


APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 75

RREEVVIIEEWWSSGGLLOOBBAALL WWAARRMMIINNGG FFAALLSSEEAALLAARRMMbbyy RRaallpphh BB.. AAlleexxaannddeerrCanterbury Publishing, USA, 2009ISBN 978-0-9840989-0-3 (178pp tpb)Avail: Canterbury Publishing, PO Box1731, Royal Oak, MI 48068-1731, USA

Carbon dioxide has little to do withglobal warming, according to US-

based physicist and environmentalmarket analyst Dr Ralph Alexander.The UN IPCC's assertion that man-made CO2 emissions are causingglobal warming is based on deceptivemanipulation of climate data andflawed computer modelling, he says.Dr Alexander's intention in his bookis to highlight the science over thepolitics, and to defend the "honour ofscience" as well as the climateresearchers who really are trying tomake sense of the Earth's climate.

Dr Alexander exposes temperaturedata fudging with the "hockey stick"graph and IPCC "dirty tricks". Heanalyses failed models of Arctic andAntarctic ice melting as well as ofatmospheric and sea surfacewarming. He also explains what'swrong with the man-made globalwarming hypothesis, and looks at therole of the Sun in natural climatecycles and at the action of the PacificDecadal Oscillation. In addition, heconsiders the evidence for globalcooling, a trend that's been evidentsince 2002, and he warns that theIPCC and other alarmists may becrying wolf over the much-hypedprojected rise in sea levels. Finally,he points out that with all this bad

science, the carbon-cap initiativesthat governments want to enact willbe prohibitively costly and will donothing to affect any global warming.

Dr Alexander writes with clarity in away that laypersons, scientists andpolicy-makers can understand.

TTHHEE RREEAALL GGLLOOBBAALL WWAARRMMIINNGGDDIISSAASSTTEERRbbyy CChhrriissttoopphheerr BBooookkeerrContinuum, London & NY, 2009ISBN 978-1-4411-1052-7 (368pp hc)Available:

The promotion of man-made globalwarming scenarios is based more

on bad politics than good science,says commentator and UK SundayTelegraph columnist ChristopherBooker. In his book Scared to Death(see 15/03), he and co-author DrRichard North devoted a substantialchapter to the anthropogenic globalwarming "consensus" and how itshistory has echoed a pattern as seenwith other scares such as BSE, birdflu and the Millennium Bug. In TheReal Global Warming Disaster, Bookerexpands on this pattern.

Although his book went to pressbefore the "Climategate" scandal ofNovember 2009 (see our article lastissue), Booker exposes muchmanipulation that was already goingon in data-collecting centres such asthe Climate Research Unit at theUniversity of East Anglia. Amazingly,some key historical data had alreadybeen "lost" prior to the scandal.

Booker documents the "consensus-forging" years from 1972 to 1997 andthe arrival of the UN IPCC on thescene. Next, he examines the periodto 2007 with reference to the now-debunked "hockey-stick" graph and AlGore–led hysteria. He then coversthe start of the crumbling consensusfrom 2007 to 2009 as temperaturesplummeted in the worst northern-hemisphere winters in decades.

In the lengthy epilogue, rich inhistorical context and revelations ofcorruption, Booker asks who reallybenefits from perpetuating the man-made global warming agenda.

76 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

AARRCCHHIITTEECCTTSS OOFF CCOONNTTRROOLLPPrrooggrraamm OOnnee:: MMaassss CCoonnttrrooll && TThheeFFuuttuurree ooff MMaannkkiinnddMichael Tsarion, Blue Fire Film © 2008Avail:

Program One of Architects of Controlexplores humankind's

future and the post-humanworld. Will the "perfect"human be a dumbed-down,regimented inhabitant of acyber-purgatory created byunseen elites? Will thechildren of tomorrow besmiling depressives of atechnocratic dystopia?

These questions arethoroughly explored withconversational commentaryinterspersed with well-chosen clips and examples.Some great archival footageis included.

Issues of control and manipulationof the masses via subliminals, mindcontrol, advertising, religion andbeliefs are at the core of this film.The "architects" understand us betterthan we understand ourselves, henceit becomes essential to reconnect towho we are in order to change.

CCRROOSSSSIINNGG TTHHEE EEVVEENNTT HHOORRIIZZOONN::RRiissee ttoo tthhee EEqquuaattiioonn AA wwoorrkksshhoopp ssyymmppoossiiuumm wwiitthhsscciieennttiisstt NNaassssiimm HHaarraammeeiinnCrossing The Event Horizon © 2007 (4-DVD set, 6 hours)Available: The Resonance ProjectFoundation, PO Box 764, Holualoa, HI96725, USA, tel (808) 325 0070,

Nassim Haramein's lifelongjourney into the geometry of

space-time has led to a coherentunderstanding of the fundamentalstructure of the Universe.

In this four-DVD presentation,Nassim takes us on a journey throughour evolution, exposing the changesnecessary to produce an all-encompassing unified physics that

takes in not only the four forces ofnature but also evolution and the riseof consciousness.

Demonstrating parallels betweenthis theory and ancient codes foundin documents and monuments,Nassim weaves a tale which couldprove to be one of the mostimportant discoveries of our time.

Are you curious about the mysteriesof ancient Egypt? Whatabout the mystery of cropcircles? These DVDs exploreall of the above and more.The coverage includes:

• DVD 1: Search for theFundamental PatternDimensions of Geometry,Chemistry, Scaling Law,Biology, Principle ofUnification and Pyramids;

• DVD 2: From Micro toMacro: Unifying the FieldGeometry; Structure of theVacuum; Crop Circles;

• DVD 3: Everything is aBlack "Whole" Ancient Egypt;Archaeology; Black Wholes/WhiteWholes;

• DVD 4: Unlocking the Mystery;Arc of the Covenant; Knights Templar;Kabbalah: Tree of Life Decoded.

Each disc has a series of specialfeatures to expand understanding ofthis impressive body of work.


CCoommppiilleedd bbyy DDuunnccaann RRooaaddss

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 77

RREEVVIIEEWWSSLLEE MMAARRIIGGOOTT CCLLUUBB DDAAKKAARR bbyy DDaabbyy BBaallddee Riverboat Records/World MusicNetwork, UK, 2009 (59mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany; UUKK——World Music Network,

Daby Balde is from southernSenegal and his musical style is

based on the Fula traditions. In 1994he started performing with the KoldaRegional Orchestra as lead vocalist.Appearing at the Flanders EthnoFestival in Belgium in 1995 broughthim to European notice. In 2005 hereleased his first solo album, and in2006 and 2007 he performed atWOMAD and other festivals and clubsin the UK. The sounds of Daby Baldeare smoothly hypnotic and are backedby kora, balafon and acoustic guitar.

SSOONNGGHHAAII BBLLUUEESS:: HHoommaaggee ttoo AAlliiFFaarrkkaa TToouurréé bbyy SSaammbbaa TToouurréé Riverboat/WMN, UK, 2009 (68mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany; UUKK——World Music Network,

Ali Farka Touré was one the finestguitarists of all time and a

musical/cultural ambassador forAfrica. He gave Samba Touré anopportunity to join his band for a1997 tour, and this solidified theyoung guitarist's passion to continue

his mentor's mission. Ali FarkaTouré's legacy is cemented throughSamba's tribute, cycling throughsongs from Malian and other Africantraditions. Samba Touré's Niger Riverblues guitar blends with traditionalinstruments to speak of the bonds offamily and community. This is musicwith a message. Recommended.

FFEELLAA:: TThhee BBeesstt ooff TThhee BBllaacckkPPrreessiiddeenntt bbyy FFeellaa KKuuttii Kalakuta Sunrise/Knitting FactoryRecords, USA, 2009 (2CDs, 156mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——The PlanetCompany; UUSSAA——Knitting FactoryRecords,

Fela Kuti (1938–1997) was Africa'srevolutionary genius and musical

pioneer. Afrobeat, his gift to theworld, is a modern form of danceablemusic that's a crossbreeding of funk,jazz, salsa and calypso with juju,highlife and other African percussivepatterns. It was a political weaponfor Fela, as it confronts complacencyand calls for transformation. Aninspiring album that's the first in aseries of long-awaited reissues.

FFAANNFFAARREE CCIIOOCCAARRLLIIAA LLIIVVEEbbyy FFaannffaarree CCiiooccaarrlliiaa Asphalt Tango Records, Germany,2009 (CD/DVD, 50/150mins)Distributors: AAuussttrraalliiaa——Fuse Music, tel(02) 9699 7555; GGeerrmmaannyy——AsphaltTango Records, tel +49 (0)30 2858528,

Fanfare Ciocarlia is the "fastest,zaniest and most endearing brass

band" in town—the Gypsy village ofZece Prajini ("Ten Fields"), wherethey've played at weddings, funerals,christenings and whatever otherexcuse for a party that came up. Ifyou've seen the movie Borat, FanfareCiocarlia is the brass band that torethrough "Born to be Wild" on thesoundtrack. This a two-disc CD/DVDpackage with footage of early concertsand the film Iag Bari ("Brass on Fire").Wild Romanian gypsy sounds.

MM UU SS II CCMM UU SS II CCRReevviieewweedd bbyy RRiicchhaarrdd GGiilleess

78 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 79

calories. For a diet of 2,500 caloriesper day, that's less than threetablespoons of honey, maple syrup ordehydrated cane sugar juice or severalpieces of fruit. And many people dobest by avoiding sweetenerscompletely.

The lack of standards in the healthfood world comes as depressingnews; but let this news encourageyou to consume more pure andunrefined foods and sweetenersources. Good health depends onwise food choices, and wise foodchoices depend on constantvigilance. ∞

AAuutthhoorrss'' NNoottee::The authors are grateful for the informationprovided by Russ Bianchi, ManagingDirector and CEO of Adept Solutions, Inc.,a global product creation, development,conversion and stabilisation company basedin Soquel, California, USA.

This article first appeared in the Spring

2009 edition of Wise Traditions in Food,Farming, and the Healing Arts, the quarterlymagazine of The Weston A. PriceFoundation.

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorrss::• SSaallllyy FFaalllloonn MMoorreellll is the author ofNourishing Traditions: The Cookbook thatChallenges Politically Correct Nutrition andthe Diet Dictocrats (with Mary G. Enig, PhD),a guide to traditional foods with a startlingmessage: animal fats and cholesterol are notvillains but vital factors in the diet, necessaryfor normal growth, proper function of thebrain and nervous system, protection fromdisease and optimum energy levels. Shejoined forces with Dr Enig again to write EatFat, Lose Fat, and has authored numerousarticles on the subject of diet and health(including with Dr Enig in NEXUS 6/01-02,7/03 and 9/05).

The President of The Weston A. PriceFoundation and founder of A Campaign forReal Milk, Sally Fallon Morell is also ajournalist, chef, nutrition researcher,community activist and homemaker. Sheraised her four healthy children on whole

foods including butter, cream, eggs andmeat. • RRaammiieell NNaaggeell is a father who cares aboutthe way we affect each other, our childrenand our planet through our lifestyle choices.His health background is in hands-on energyhealing, Hatha and Bhakti yoga, andPathwork. He is the author of severalwebsite health resources:,, His article "HealingTooth Decay with Natural Nutrition" waspublished in NEXUS 15/03, and his bookCure Tooth Decay was reviewed in the sameedition. • The authors can be contacted about thisarticle via The Weston A. Price Foundation'swebsite,

EEddiittoorr''ss NNoottee::Because of space constraints, we areunable to publish the references andsidebars accompanying this article. Toview these, go to the web page

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 1144

TThhee HHeeaalltthh RRiisskkss ffrroomm CCoorrnn aanndd AAggaavvee SSwweeeetteenneerrss



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80 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

"The cancer killed her, and, anyway,these are not normal cells, they areCANCER CELLS; and if you ask ascience dude HOW OR WHY her cellsare STILL ALIVE, they don't know,but they kept it a secret because atthe time whites would have objectedto having cancer cells that killed ablack woman INJECTED INTO THEIRCHILDREN'S BODIES. I am anAfrican-American; to me, her story isfascinating and tragic, like manystories of people who have beenripped off.

"Look at it this way: if her familyhad to be paid every time her cellswere used, there would be somerecord of who got them. The ratesfor cancer have gone through theroof in the last 40 years; her cellshave been found in places where itwas impossible for them to havebeen—and still the scientists do notknow why her cells are 'Immortal'...

"If her family had been informed,

possibly more care would have beentaken with these cells that KILLEDTHEIR MOTHER, and, for all weknow, could be killing people nowbecause we don't know how theywork."

PPoossttssccrriippttThere is an excellent free video

available on the Internet entitled TheWay of All Flesh, produced by Britishtelevision documentarian AdamCurtis. It tells the story of HenriettaLacks as the "woman who will neverdie".

The film received the Golden GateAward at the 1997 San FranciscoInternational Film Festival.

HeLa cell research helpedinfluence and originate US PresidentRichard Nixon's War on Cancer,eventually causing chaos betweenAmerican and Russian virologistsduring the Cold War in the 1970swhen widespread laboratorycontamination with HeLa wasdiscovered.

The video is available at the webpage ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Alan Cantwell, MD, is a retireddermatologist and a cancer and AIDSresearcher. His books include: TheCancer Microbe: The Hidden Killer inCancer, AIDS, and other ImmuneDiseases; Four Women Against Cancer;AIDS and The Doctors of Death; andQueer Blood (all available from, and Book ClearingHouse [tel 1800 431 1579] in the USA).

Dr Cantwell's previous articles inNEXUS are "Bacteria in Stroke andHeart Disease" (vol. 16, no. 5; also seeLetters in vol. 17, no. 2), "The ProstateCancer Bacterial Connection" (vol. 16,no. 3) and "Do Tuberculosis-TypeBacteria Cause AIDS?" (vol. 15, no. 5).

Dr Cantwell can be contacted byemail at alancantwell@sbcglobal.netand via his website

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 3300

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APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 81

and opening of the post-Permianmodern oceans and production ofnew water at the mid-ocean ridges.These changes all modified theancient coastal outlines and resultedin a change in the exposedcontinental land areas. This isconfirmed by the distribution ofclimate-dependent sedimentaryrocks such as limestone reefs and ofclimate-dependent marine andterrestrial fossil species.

Reconstructions of theconventional Pangaea, Gondwanaand Rodinia supercontinents andsmaller sub-continents on anExpansion Tectonics Earthdemonstrate that, instead of beingthe result of random dispersion–amalgamation or collision events,each continental assemblage isprogressive and represents anevolutionary crust-forming process.The distinguishing feature ofcontinents constructed on each

Expansion Tectonics model is theinterrelationship of continentalsedimentary basins, the network ofcontinental seas and the network ofcrustal movements. The variation ofeach of these in time has resulted inchanges to the distribution ofexposed continental land.Supercontinent configuration is thendefined by a progressive extension ofcontinental sedimentary basins, byongoing crustal movements and bychanges in sea levels as the modernoceans opened and rapidly increasedin area to the present day.

CCoonnttiinnuueedd nneexxtt eeddiittiioonn......

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Dr James Maxlow was born in Englandin 1949 and migrated to Australia in1953. He has a degree in geology (1971)from Royal Melbourne Institute ofTechnology and a Master's degree ingeology (1995) followed by a PhD ingeology, specialising in global tectonics(2002), from Curtin University of

Technology, Perth, Western Australia.He has over 25 years' experienceworking as an exploration and minegeologist throughout much of Australia.Since his academic studies, Dr Maxlowhas been actively involved in spreadingthe merits of Earth Expansion, withconferences in Japan, Greece andAustralia to his credit. He is involvedwith production of software and DVDsto promote Earth Expansion Tectonicsas a viable alternative to currentlyaccepted Plate Tectonics theory.

Dr Maxlow has contributed severalarticles to NEXUS (see 7/06, 8/03,13/01). He is the author of the bookTerra Non Firma Earth (see review in13/01; book available for purchase, and e-book from He was a speaker atthe 2005 NEXUS Conference inBrisbane.

Dr Maxlow can be emailed For moreinformation, visit his website

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 3399

AAnn OOvveerrvviieeww ooff EEaarrtthh EExxppaannssiioonn TTeeccttoonniiccss

To order,


NNaazzii SSeeccrreett WWeeaappoonnss && tthheeCCoolldd WWaarr AAlllliieedd LLeeggeenndd

bbyy JJoosseepphh PP.. FFaarrrreellll

Why were the Allies worried about an atom bomb attack by theGermans in 1944? Why did Hitler in 1945 insist that holding

Prague could win the war for the Third Reich? Why did US GeneralGeorge Patton's Third Army race for the Skoda works at Pilsen inCzechoslovakia instead of Berlin? Why did the US Army not test theuranium atom bomb it dropped on Hiroshima? Why did theLuftwaffe fly a non-stop round trip mission to within twenty miles ofNew York City in 1944? Arguing that Nazi Germany actually won therace for the atom bomb in late 1944, this book explores the evenmore secretive research the Nazis were conducting into the occult,alternative physics and new energy sources.


82 • NEXUS APRIL – MAY 2010

waste. I love the mushroom cloud;this is the holiest mandala that wehave manifested to date, as anarchetype. It, more than any religionor philosophy on Earth, brought ustogether all of a sudden, to a newlevel of consciousness. Knowing thatmaybe we can blow up the planet 50times, or 500 times, we finally realisethat maybe we are all here togethernow.

For a period, they had to keepsetting off more bombs to get it intous. Then we started saying: "We donot need this any more." Now we areactually in a safer world than we haveever been in, and it is going to getsafer.

So I came back from my near-deathexperience loving toxic waste,because it brought us together.These things are so big. As [futurist]Peter Russell might say, theseproblems are now "soul size". Do wehave soul-size answers? Yes!

The clearing of the rainforests willslow down, and in 50 years' timethere will be more trees on the planetthan in a long time. If you are intoecology, go for it; you are that part ofthe system that is becoming aware.Go for it with all your might, but donot be depressed. It is part of a largerthing.

Earth is in the process ofdomesticating itself. It is never againgoing to be as wild a place as it oncewas. There will be great wild places,reserves where nature thrives.Gardening and reserves will be thething in the future.

Population increase is getting veryclose to the optimal range of energyto cause a shift in consciousness.That shift in consciousness willchange politics, money, energy.

After dying, going through my near-death experience and coming back, Ireally respect life and death. In ourDNA experiments, we may haveopened the door to a great secret.Soon we will be able to live as long as

we want to live in this body.After living 150 years or so, there

will be an intuitive soul sense thatyou will want to change channels.Living forever in one body is not ascreative as reincarnation, astransferring energy in this fantasticvortex of energy that we are in. Weare actually going to see the wisdomof life and death, and enjoy it. As it isnow, we have already been aliveforever.

This body, that you are in, has beenalive forever. It comes from anunending Stream of Life, going backto the Big Bang and beyond.

This body gives life to the next life,in dense and subtle energy. Thisbody has been alive forever already. ∞

AAbboouutt tthhee AAuutthhoorr::Mellen-Thomas Benedict's two booksJourney Through The Light and Back andThe Hitchhiker's Guide to The Other Sideare soon to be published. For moreinformation, visit the author's website

CCoonnttiinnuueedd ffrroomm ppaaggee 5577

JJoouurrnneeyy tthhrroouugghh tthhee LLiigghhtt aanndd BBaacckk

APRIL – MAY 2010 NEXUS • 83



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