Newsletters a-powerful-lead-nurturing-tool

Post on 01-Nov-2014

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Most organizations have a newsletter, but many don't think of it as a lead nurturing tool. Learn how you can turn this regular piece of content into something that helps you stay top-of-mind with existing customers and future prospects.

Transcript of Newsletters a-powerful-lead-nurturing-tool

Newsletters: A Powerful Lead Nurturing Tool

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Newsletters are an extremely effective way to disseminate new content and create an opportunity for dialogue between you and

your prospects.


Newsletters are the easiest (and cheapest) way to establish brand recognition and

communicate with a large group of prospects and clients.

Give enough detail to let people know what your team has been working on, but be

realistic about length.

E-newsletters are the third most popular B2B content marketing tactic used (78%). The most

popular is social media at 87%.

-MarketingProfs 2013 B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends

29%E-newsletters make up the greatest number of emails in consumer inboxes at 29 percent.

-Return Path Email Intelligence Report Q3 2012

Reach out to your current clients. It is vital to customer loyalty to keep them engaged with

your content after you have sold them.


oh, hey.

Use your newsletter to let them know what’s new with the organization and your product

or services.

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“Build trust with your most valued clients by providing free, valuable, specialized information through a newsletter.”

- Keith Shapiro of Exodus Marketing

Give enough information to make people interested, and share personal AND business



contactscontactscontactscontactscontactscontactscontactsNewsletters often have higher open rates than normal marketing campaigns because they are sent to a much larger and more interested

group of contacts.

“Now, if you are just starting to send email newsletters, you may find that at first you’ll have an amazing open rate, but as you send more email newsletters, your open rate will probably drop. Keep an eye on this — this is the number that tells you that people actually

care about your emails.”


Marketing emails such as newsletters and promotional contents

follow specific rules so the Open rate is classified differently. A good range of “Open”

rate for this type is 15% to 25%.


15% to 25%

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“Really, there is no typical open rate. The rate obtained for any list, or group of lists will

depend on how it was measured, when it was sent, the size of the list and a zillion other

potential variables.”



So how do I measure the ROI of my newsletter?

The newsletter isn’t your blog, it’s an opportunity for you to foster a dialogue with

subscribers and offer some informal information that humanizes your company.

Use your newsletter as an opportunity to show current clients public recognition and love. Include a monthly partner interview to help

build a community of clients.

Send your newsletter to anyone you consider a marketing qualified lead. Lead nurturing should include targeted content for your buyer personas, a newsletter is a broader way to reach ALL of your prospects with very little


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“There is nothing more powerful than knowledge. While this adage can take us in many different directions, we know that by sharing your knowledge, along with a little bit of yourself, you can maintain and build lasting

trust with your most valued clients.”


Your time is your money. Get the most out of it. Nurture a larger audience of your prospects

and clients with a monthly newsletter.
