Newsletters 2007 - AVT

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  • 8/3/2019 Newsletters 2007 - AVT


    Tuition Training & Translations

    Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


    Newsletter 2007

    01-2007CONFUSABLE WORDS : excuse - forgiveIf you excuse someone or excuse their behaviour, you provide reasons or a justificationfor what they have done in order to make it seem less bad, especially when other peopledisapprove of it. Excuse is a verb and is pronounced /ikskju:z/. Can we excuse her by saying she was a victim of events? He wrote humble letters in which he tried to excuse his actions.If you forgive someone or forgive them for something that they have done, you decidenot to punish them and not to continue feeling angry or upset. The Head of a Departmentmay appoint a member of his staff as tutor to individual students. Though she hade eventually agreed toforgive him, the damage had been done. Dont do it. Youll never forgive yourself.

    Ill never forgive you for this never. Diaghilev asked me to change the ending. I refused, of course, and he neverforgave me.Occasionally, in fairly normal English, the meaning of the verb excuse can overlap withthe meaning of forgive. I could never excuse him for being so rude.When excuse is used with a similar meaning to forgive, it con have two objects. I excused him much of his prejudice because I liked him.Excuse can also be used as a noun. An excuse is a reason that you give in order toexplain why something has been done, has not been done, or will not be done. Note thatthe noun is pronounced /iksju:s/. Thats a classic excuse for spending more than you earn. It might be used as an excuse for evading our responsibilities.

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    FreeMind 0.8.0 ( MapaConceptualFreeMind es una excelente herramienta diseada para crear mapas conceptuales quepuede resultarte de gran utilidad a la hora de disear proyectos, estructurar apuntes o,simplemente, para ayudarte a plasmar de alguna manera alguna idea interesante queronde por tu cabeza.El programa, de cdigo abierto, est desarrollado en Java, y funciona mediante lainsercin de nodos expandibles que pueden alcanzar tantos niveles como seannecesarios.Partiendo de un punto central, gracias a FreeMind podrs ir aadiendo y desarrollandocada guin pertinente en un nodo distinto, mantenindolos separados en la estructurapero siendo perfectamente localizables.Con FreeMind puedes relacionar temas con extrema sencillez, enlazar contenidos apginas Web o adaptar el aspecto visual a tu gusto, aadiendo iconos, colores, enlacesgrficos, etc. Todo lo que necesitas para plasmar y desarrollar tus proyectos personaleso profesionales.Es muy til para realizar tormenta de ideas, ayudando a organizar los pensamientos

    rpidamente. Es posible resumir y comprender ideas extradas de la informacin
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletters 2007 - AVT


    Tuition Training & Translations

    Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


    obtenida.Es una utilidad gratuita que te permitir "liberar tu mente" de proyectos, ideas, y tareasde cualquier ndole plasmndolas en un bonito y claro mapa conceptual. Permite usar

    colores, iconos, diferentes bordes y lneas, etctera. Adems cuenta con marcacionespredeterminadas para diferentes estados y tipos tales como: abierto, preguntas abiertas,detalles, carpetas, requiere accin, requiere cdigo, etctera.

    Translation ExerciseHow would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre: Vocabulario deExportacin - Importacin1 to articulate : 1 articular (una palabra). 2 expresar (una idea, un sentimiento).2 to import goods from : importar bienes de, pero to export goods to/into, exportarbienes hacia.3 commodity: producto, artculo, mercanca, commodity.4 goods (siempre en plural): 1 productos, artculos: goods train, tren de mercancas.2 (jur.) bienes, efectos. no= merchandise (se usa siempre en singular), la (las)mercanca (s) = a piece of goods, (a veces) a good.5 to state: 1 indicar, plantear (mat., fs.). 2 declarar (aduana). 3 exponer.6 to balance: equilibrar; balance: 1 equilibrio 2- saldo: credit balance, saldo acreedor,activo.7 account: 1 cuenta (bancaria) 2 cuenta (contabilidad): invisible account, cuenta deoperaciones invisibles.8 to offset sth with sth: compensar algo con la ayuda de algo; to offset sth against sth,compensar algo en relacin con algo, compensar una cosa con otra.9 currency: 1 moneda de curso legal: the world currency markets, los mercadosmonetarios internacionales 2 divisas: foreign currency, divisas extranjeras.10 Commerce Department (EU): Board of Trade (GB). En el texto se le considera unconjunto de personas, de all el uso del pronombre who.11 - comprehensive: completo, exhaustivo (lista), vasto (saber), global (planificacin).12 information: informacin o informes: a piece of information, un informe..13 Foreign Credit Insurance Association (FCIA) (Asociacin de seguros para crditosde exportacin) en los Estados Unidos.14 organization: 1 organizacin (poltica, econmica, etc.) 2 empresa. No confundircon organism, organismo (biolgico).


    CONFUSABLE WORDS: another other othersAnother thing or person of a particular kind means one more thing or person of that kind.Another is usually followed by a singular count noun or the pronoun one.

    Rick pulled out another camera. I imagine somebody like you could have easily foundanother job. She had one plateful and then went back foranother one.You can use another with few or a number that is larger than one. Within another few minutes reports of attacks began to come in. The woman lived for another ten days. They raised another $ 15.000 for Roskill.Another thing or person also means a different thing or person from the one you havebeen talking about. It all happened in another country. He mentioned the work of another colleague, John Lyons.Another can also be used as a pronoun.

    * She ate in one place, and I ate in another.

  • 8/3/2019 Newsletters 2007 - AVT


    Tuition Training & Translations

    Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


    one tin of pink paint and another of brown.When you want to refer to more than one type of person or thing, you useother. Other isfollowed by a plural count noun, or occasionally by an uncount noun.

    Other boys were appearing now. There was certainly other evidence.When you are talking about two people or things and have already referred to one ofthem, you refer to the second one as the other or the otherone. They had two little daughters, one a baby, theother a girl of twelve. He blew out one of his candles and moved theother one.When you are talking about several people or things and have already referred to one ormore of them, you usually refer to the remaining ones as the others. Jack and the others paid no attention. First, concentrate on the important tasks, then move on to theothers.When you have been talking about some people or things of a particular type, you referto more people or things of this type as others. Some writers are greater than others.

    One policeman was stabbed and three others received minor injuries.Other is also used after determiners such as the, some, or any followed by asingular or plural count noun. He was stopped by a policeman who had posted himself on theother side of thedoor to our room. Chris is crying hard and people look over from theother tables. I love my son like any other mother does. The Hogans were there, and three others couples all from the English Department.

    URLs Recomendados: Todo corazn y En el interior del cuerpo humanoTodo corazn: que estudia el corazn y su relacin con el sistema circulatorio tanto en

    vertebrados, invertebrados y seres humanos. Se complementa lo aprendido mediantetests, crucigramas, diccionarios, varios juegos interactivos y todo tipo de recursos,biografas e historias relacionadas. Increble!En el interior del cuerpo humano: diario El Mundo publica un monogrfico repleto de imgenes a alta resolucin en elque nos ofrece una perspectiva diferente del cuerpo humano.

    Translation ExerciseHow would you translate the following paragraphs ? Voc. Sobre: Fases iniciales deExportacin - ImportacinBeyond Domestic Markets

    For a firm that successfully satisfies the needs of its domestic market, a decision toexport can improve its sales figure, increase its productive and innovative capacity andlead to new jobs. Nevertheless, a firm considering such a strategic move will have tobear in mind the following: the necessity for sound internal management, thecompetition, the appropriateness of the product(s), the price for the new customers,media choice, changes in distribution channels, and the rules and regulations governinginternational trade.At the same time, it may be advisable for management to reorganize the firm around itsexport activity. In its simplest form, this may lead to the creation of an exportdepartment, or the establishment of a branch office in the foreign market through whichthe firms products are sold. In its most complete form, the firm can provide directforeign investment to set up subsidiaries with both production and marketingcapabilities.
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletters 2007 - AVT


    Tuition Training & Translations

    Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


    Ms all de los mercados domsticosPara una empresa que satisface eficazmente las necesidades de su mercado local, ladecisin de exportar puede mejorar sus ventas, aumentar su capacidad productiva y de

    innovacin, y conducir a la creacin de empleos. Sin embargo, una empresa queconsidere este tipo de edicin estratgica deber tener en cuenta los siguientesfactores: la necesidad de una administracin interna sana, la competencia, la adecuacindel (de los) producto(s), el precio para los nuevos clientes, la eleccin de los mediospara exportar, los cambios en los canales de distribucin, y las reglas yreglamentaciones que rigen el comercio internacional.Al mismo tiempo, puede ser recomendable que la administracin reorganice la empresaen funcin de su actividad exportadora. La manera ms sencilla de lograr este propsitoconsiste en la creacin de un departamento de exportacin o el establecimiento de unasucursal en el mercado extranjero, a travs de de la cual se vendern los productos dela empresa. En su forma ms completa, la empresa puede proveer inversin extranjeradirecta con el fin de establecer filiales en el extranjero con capacidad de produccin yde comercializacin.


    CONFUSABLE WORDS: contest competitionA contest is a struggle to win power or control, especially in politics. the contest for the deputy leadership of the Labour Party.A contest or competition is an event in which people take part in order to find out who isthe best at something, especially in order to win a prize. They usually involve test ofknowledge, speed, skill, or talent. The local radio station was sponsoring acontest to find the most popular highschool athlete. Her insurance company employers held sales contests for its staff, with

    merchandise prizes. She won several competitions for rock-and- roll dancing. a magazine full of competitions and activities.If only two people are involved, you usually use contest. For example, if you are talkingabout an event in a sport such as boxing or wrestling, you refer to it as acontest. the heavyweight contest between Muhammad Ali and the Canadian championTrevor Berbick.A competition is more serious than a contest, with more complicated rules or morecomplicated things to do. It may take place over a longer period of time, and the entrantsmay have to do several different things. the 1981 Lorry Driver of the Year competition.His greatest disappointment was that he didnt win the competition to do the Byronmemorial in Hyde Park.

    GrammarContest is also a verb. If you contest something such as a decision or a will, you objectto it formally and oppose it, sometimes aggressively. I am going to contest the will.* We would hotly contest this idea.

    If parliamentary candidates contest a seat, they try and win it. There was a by-election contested by six candidates.Competition is used most commonly as an uncount noun to describe a situation in whichtwo or more people or organizations are trying to get something that only one of themcan have. When they are in this situation, you can say that they are in competition. As the population expanded, so did thecompetition for land. Searle is likely to face some stiff competition from Tate & Lyle. The two parties were not in competition with each other.

    Note that contest is not used in this way.

  • 8/3/2019 Newsletters 2007 - AVT


    Tuition Training & Translations

    Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


    URLs Recomendados: ECONOMICS SITESEconomics is the study of how people and countries choose to spend money and usescarce resources. At the individual level (microeconomics) we might choose between

    saving for an iPod, or spending on a movie, while governments decide(macroeconomics) how much to spend on space exploration and medical research.EconEdLink National Council on Economic Education is a nationwide network promotingeconomic literacy for students and teachers. EconEdLink (just one of their sites) is arepository of nearly 500 online K-12 economics lessons. My favorite sections are CurrentEvents (news headlines paired with lesson plans) and Data Links (current leadingeconomic indicators paired with case studies.)Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco: Student Activities! The multimedia economics activities from the Federal Reserve Bank of SanFrancisco are terrific. The Chairman Game lets you control the Federal Reserve, where itis your job to keep inflation low, and unemployment in check. Fedville is a role-playing

    game for grades 3 to 6 where you can open a bank account, spend pocket money, or geta job. Ask Dr. Econ is a Federal Reserve economist answering your questions, along withan archive of past answers. There is also an interactive economics crossword puzzle,and a Fed Facts Power Point about money and monetary policy.Introduction to Economic Analysis R. Preston McAfee, from the California Institute of Technology, has written atextbook for college economics, and placed it online under a Creative Commons License(which means you are free to download it for personal use.) Although this is a college-level course, I thought it would be helpful for high school students, especially thosetaking Advanced Placement Economics. Of his work, McAfee says "There are lots ofmodels and equations and no pictures of economists."

    Translation Exercise

    How would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre: Fases iniciales deExportacin - ImportacinIncotermsThirteen basics Incoterms describe the responsibilities of Buyers and Sellers withrespect to the price quoted for a particular shipment. In all cases, the point of destination(or departure) is agreed upon before shipment. The most frequently used Incotermsinclude:1. Free Carrier (FCA) (named point). The Seller pars all carriage and handling chargesto get the goods loaded onto the train or truck.2. Free alongside ship (FAS). The Seller pays all carriage and handling charges tobring the goods to the ships side.3. Free on Board (FOB). The Seller pays all carriage and handling charges up to andincluding the loading of the goods actually onto the ship.

    4. Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF). The Seller, in addition to FOB charges, pays the costof insurance and freight.Of these, the principal terms are FOB and CIF.Trece Incoterms bsicos describen las responsabilidades de los compradores y losvendedores con respecto al precio cotizado para un envo especfico. En todos los casosse acuerda el punto de llegada (o el de salida) antes del envo. Los Incoterms que seusan con mayor frecuencia son:1. Libre transportista (punto designado). El vendedor cubre todos losgastos de transporte y manejo para que la mercanca sea cargada en entren o en elcamin, segn sea el caso.2. Libre y al costado del buque (franco en muelle). El vendedor cubretodos los gastos de trasporte y manejo que sean necesarios para que la mercadera seatransportada hasta el muelle.
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletters 2007 - AVT


    Tuition Training & Translations

    Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


    3. Libre a bordo. El vendedor cubre todos los gastos de transporte ymanejo, incluyendo los gastos conexos con la carga efectiva de la mercanca dentro delbarco.

    4. Costo, seguro y flete. El vendedor, adems de los costos de libre abordo, cubre los gastos de seguros y de fletes.Las condiciones ms comunes son libre a bordo (FOB) y costo, seguro y flete (CIF)*

    Con frecuencia se emplean las siglas en ingls de estos Incoterms.04-2007

    CONFUSABLE WORDS: toilet lavatory loo WC bathroomIn English, there is a wide range of words that refer to the bowl used by people whenthey want to get rid of waste from their bodies. The same words are used to refer to theroom that contains the bowl.The most widely used words in ordinary English are toilet and lavatory. Lavatory isslightly more formal. He asked to go to the toilet. To a child, the toilet is the most interesting room in any house. Have you been to the lavatory?, said my wife as we set off for BuckinghamPalace. The lavatories are through that door over there.In conversation, many British speakers use the word loo. The houses on the estate were clean, centrally heated, with indoorloos. He absolutely refused (and still does) to clean the loo.The term WC is used mainly in writing when referring to a toilet as a facility, for examplein advertisements for houses or hotels. WC stands for water closet. All rooms have an en-suite bathroom with WC, wash-basin and bath or shower. one cold water tap outside; outside WC leaks.A bathroom is a room with a bath, washbasin, and often a toilet, but many speakers,especially Americans, talk about going to the bathroom to refer to going to the toilet. One of the girls left to go to the bathroom.* The kids had to go to the bathroom you know how it is with kids.Other wordsIn some public buildings, the toilets are called the cloakrooms. We went along together to the cloakroom, where there were still two or three girlspowdering their noses. the Staff Cloakroom.

    URLs Recomendados: El curpo humano

    Cmo funciona el cuerpo humano? Interesante introduccin sobre el cuerpo humanopara nuestros alumnos , donde podrn escuchar el latido del corazn, hacer un viaje porlos msculos, entrar en un odo, escuchar toses, estornudos, hipos, y las causas., escuchar y oler el mundo pgina con mucha informacin y grficos sobre elfuncionamiento del cerebro y en especial los sentidos.

    Translation ExerciseHow would you translate the following vocabulary? Voc. Sobre: Llamar y adjudicarlicitaciones1. to purchase sth brom sb: comprarle algo a alguien; a purchase: una compra(objeto); purchase order, orden de compra.
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletters 2007 - AVT


    Tuition Training & Translations

    Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


    2. bid (US)/tender (GB): oferta, licitacin (viene de to bid, ofrecer, licitar); to submit/make/ put in/ send in a tender for a project, presenter una icitacin, y tambin to tenderfor sth.

    3. product: producto (resultado de un proceso de fabricacin) distinto de produce(sustantivo singular con significado plural), productos agrcolas o tropicales.4. to invite bids/tenders = to ask for tenders, to make an appeal /a call for tenders:llamar a licitacin, pero to invite firms to submit tenders, convocar o inviter a empresaspara que presenten licitaciones.5. bidder (US)/ tenderer (GB): licitador, licitante; persons/ firms tendering, laspersonas/ empresas invitadas a presentar licitaciones.

    El adjudicatario o contratista es el licitador que obtiene el pedido para el que eladjudicador llam a licitacin. La adjudicacin es una manera de concluir contratospblicos adjudicando el contrato a quien ofrezca el menor precio.6. operation: 1. operacin (mat., com., etc.) 2. funcionamiento: to be in full operation,estar en plena actividad. 3. unidad de produccin: a farming operation, una empresaagrcola.

    7. to consist in/of + gerundio: consistir en (hacer algo) distinto de to consist of +sustantivo, estar compuesto de.8. prospective: 1. futuro, inminente: prospective loss, prdida inminente. 2. posible,potencial: prospective customer, cliente potencial.9. status: situacin, posicin, condicin, estado. 2. situacin financiera. 3. prestigio,reputacin.10. criteria (pl.): sg. = criterion [ver phenomenon (sg.), phenomena (pl.)].11. to solicit sb for sth o to solicit sth from sb: solicitor algo de alguien.12. to file: archivar, clasificar (documentos). 2. presenter (documento, reclamacin). 3.comunicar (reportaje).13. to keep abreast of: (p. por p.) mantenerse al tanto de, mantenerse a la altura de;abreast (adv.), de frente, lado a lado.

    Articulo Recomendado :Primeros diplomas del SICELE, entregados al Presidente de Colombia y los Reyes deEspaa.APROBADO EL SICELEContamos desde ya con un valioso instrumento que permitir asegurar que todos losextranjeros portadores de un certificado de conocimiento del espaol son capaces derealizar las mismas actividades con el idioma, sin importar el lugar o la institucin dondelo hayan obtenido, dijo el Director del Instituto Cervantes en la clausura de la Asambleade Rectores que aprob el SICELE.

    MEDELLN, 25 DE MARZO DE 2007.

    Con el objetivo de ratificar el Sistema Internacional de Certificacin del Espaol comoLengua Extranjera SICELE-, los rectores de ms de cien universidades iberoamericanassesionaron desde el mircoles 22 de marzo en Medelln, Colombia.La Asamblea de Rectores fue clausurada el sbado 24 en la Universidad EAFIT, con lapresencia de los Reyes de Espaa Juan Carlos I de Borbn y Sofa de Grecia, y elPresidente de la Repblica de Colombia lvaro Uribe Vlez, a quienes en ceremoniaprotocolaria les fueron entregados los primeros diplomas del SICELE.
  • 8/3/2019 Newsletters 2007 - AVT


    Tuition Training & Translations

    Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


    Ms de cien universidades y el Instituto Cervantes aprobaron elSistema Internacional de Certificacin del Espaol como Lengua Extranjera -SICELE-, con el que se le da la bienvenidaal mayor referente para la calificacin idiomtica de no-hispanohablantes.

    El siguiente es el texto ntegro de la intervencin de Csar Antonio Molina, director delInstituto Cervantes -institucin que lidera el sistema de certificacin- en el acto declausura :Desde hace algo ms de un par de aos, delegados de sesenta y cuatro universidadesde todos los pases de Hispanoamrica y de Espaa, as como del Instituto Cervantes (alos que se siguen sumando ms instituciones hasta alcanzar ya casi el centenar),venimos trabajando en la concertacin de los niveles de conocimiento y de los criteriosque permiten dispensar los diplomas de espaol como lengua extranjera. Tanto laSecretara Ejecutiva que, en su da, se eligi en un encuentro celebrado en laUniversidad de Salamanca, como la Comisin Acadmica compuesta por unrepresentante de cada pas, han llevado a cabo una detenida y meritoria labor quecondujo a que hoy, al fin, Majestades, Seor Presidente, estamos en condiciones dedecir que hemos logrado plenamente el objetivo.Se trata de un acuerdo muy importante no logrado en otras lenguas de granpresencia que tendr sin duda consecuencias trascendentes, tanto en lo que se refiere

    a la enseanza del espaol como por lo que respecta a la preservacin de los caracteresesenciales y comunes del idioma, sin por ello dejar de respetar las particularidadeslingsticas que permiten a los hablantes sentirse como pertenecientes a un lugar y aunos hbitos diarios.Durante este tiempo, el Instituto Cervantes cuyas actividades Sus Majestades tan bienconocen y apoyan tuvo la satisfaccin de promover las reuniones que condujeron alacuerdo y ha visto enriquecerse el proyecto inicial con los aportes hechos por lasdistintas instituciones de enseanza superior hispanoamericanas, siendo de justiciacitar la dedicacin de los especialistas de la Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico,con amplia experiencia en este campo, sin olvidar, claro es, por ello la decididaparticipacin de todas las instituciones que acudieron a la llamada, desde el Ro Grandea la Tierra de Fuego y de toda Espaa. Es de justicia expresar aqu nuestroagradecimiento a los Rectores de las universidades, que siempre creyeron y apoyaron el

    proyecto.Quiero, Seor Presidente de quien es conocida su preocupacin por el correcto usodel idioma, en la mejor tradicin de Colombia, destacar el entusiasmo de lasUniversidades de este gran pas, encabezada por su asociacin ASCUN, porqueconstituyeron con entusiasmo grupos de trabajo que han despertado, ms si cabe, elinters por la lengua espaola y por su enseanza.Aunque todos tenemos que seguir trabajando, pues este acto tan significativo es, msque un testimonio de final, un empuje definitivo, contamos desde ya con un valiosoinstrumento que permitir asegurar que todos los extranjeros portadores de uncertificado de conocimiento del espaol son capaces de realizar las mismas actividadescon el idioma, sin importar el lugar o la institucin donde lo hayan obtenido. Seagilizarn as las inscripciones en nuestros centros docentes o las contrataciones en lasempresas pero, adems, se ofrece una referencia a todas las dems entidades pblicas o

    privadas que se dedican a ensear el idioma.

  • 8/3/2019 Newsletters 2007 - AVT


    Tuition Training & Translations

    Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


    El sentimiento de confianza en nuestra lengua comn que va a desprenderse de estaevidencia de unidad fortalecer, sin duda, el uso del espaol en el mundo, y estamosseguros de que repercutir en el prestigio de nuestros proyectos educativos y de

    nuestra cultura, tan variada y, a la vez, tan compartida.Majestades, Seor Presidente, me siento honrado de presentarles en nombre de todaslas universidades y agrupaciones de universidades de Hispanoamrica y de Espaa, ascomo en nombre del Instituto Cervantes que queremos y sabemos de todos nosotros,este Sistema Internacional de Certificacin del Espaol como Lengua Extranjera. Sepone en marcha con los mejores augurios ya que cuenta con los mejores padrinos."O hacemos el SICELE o nos lo hacen". Nota del 21 de marzo.IV Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Espaola. Cartagena de Indias,


    CONFUSABLE WORDS: history storyHistory is the events of the past, either in the world as a whole or in particular countries,especially when they are seen as a process which leads up to the present. In the whole of history, there had been a situation quite like this. Poverty, hunger, plagues, disease: they were the background ofhistory right up tothe end of the nineteenth century.History is also the study of history. Between 10 and 20 per cent thought history, art and handicraft and current affairsuseless and boring.If you write a history of a country or a subject, you write a book about what happened inthat country or subject in the past. She published a history of the Womens Institute movement of England and Wales.A story is a description of a series of events that happened to a person or group of

    people. These events may really have happened, or they may be the product ofsomeones imagination. Its a very long story about the mule I rode from West Point to Newburgh. We had succeeded in selling the story of the expedition to the Daily Express. She never read stories to me at night before I went to bed.

    URLs Recomendados:FIND MASHUPS AT MAPSHARK Useful Maps - http://mapshark.comThe word "mashup", which always sounds vaguely sinister to me (or something you dowith potatoes) actually means a Web site or Web application that combines content frommore than one source. You'll find a very useful index to mashups atMapshark ( ). Mapshark searches mashups of online maps, which are sites thatuse the latest online mapmaking technology and information from search engines like

    Google, Yahoo, and others to make custom maps on just about any keyword you type in.Let's say you're looking for a hotel in Paris, France. Type in "Paris France hotels" andyou'll get a list of sites with various types of maps showing Parisian hotels. If you type in"Dallas" you'll get a list of maps with the location of Dallas banquet halls, homes for sale,restaurants, home values and selling prices, and more. It's fun to browse this site andsee what kind of maps you can find.THE 10-20-30 RULE OF POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS by Guy Kawasaki : PowerPoint presentation should have ten slides, last no more than twenty minutes,and contain no font smaller than thirty points.This rule is applicable for any presentationto reach agreement: for example, raising capital, making a sale, forming a partnership,etc. Ten is the optimal number of slides in a PowerPoint presentation because a normalhuman being cannot comprehend more than ten concepts in a meeting. If you must use

    more than ten slides to explain your business, you probably don?t have a business.

  • 8/3/2019 Newsletters 2007 - AVT


    Tuition Training & Translations

    Tuition Huergo 349 Piso 3 B C1426BQE Buenos AiresTel.: 00-54-11- 4771-4386 / 4772-0769 / Contctenos en:


    Translation ExerciseHow would you translate the following vocabulary? Voc. Sobre: Llamar y adjudicarlicitaciones - Awarding of Bids

    In the case of open competitive bidding, how are the successful bidders selected?Assuming that the bidders have followed the rules and regulations set out by the publicagency concerned which invited bids, their sealed bids will be held until thepreappointed time for opening them. Then, in a meeting where both the bidders and thepublic are invited to attend, the envelopes are opened and bids awarded, based primarilyon the lowest bid and on non-price factors like the dependability of the firm or thelikelihood that the firm will be able to fulfill the terms of the contract.

    Good practice requires the open meeting format, especially in potentiallycontroversial contracts, to ensure that collusion has not taken place on the part of thebidding firms and that the government or local authorities have not shown favoritism inthe award. Moreover, it confirms the integrity of the process and guarantees that thecompetition has been fair.

    En el caso de una licitacin competitiva abierta, cmo se selecciona a los

    adjudicatarios? Suponiendo que los licitadores han respetado las reglas y condicionesfijadas por los gestores pblicos que llevaron a cabo la convocatoria, sus sobrescerrados se conservarn hasta el momento previsto para su apertura. Entonces, en unajunta a la que se invita a los licitadores y al pblico en general los sobres se abren y laslicitaciones son adjudicadas, basndose en primer lugar en la licitacin ms econmicay en otros factores ajenos al precio ofrecido, tales como la confiabilidad de la empresa ola probabilidad de que pueda cumplir con las condiciones del contrato.

    Convocar a una reunin pblica es el procedimiento recomendado por la buenaprctica, sobre todo cuando se trata de contratos que pueden prestarse a polmicas.Permite asegurar que no hubo colusin de parte de las empresas licitadoras y que elgobierno o las autoridades locales no dieron muestras de favorecer a nadie en laadjudicacin del contrato. Adems, esta prctica confirma la integridad delprocedimiento y garantiza que la competencia haya sido limpia.

    Articulo Recomendado:Como el ingls, el estudio del espaol tendr un certificado de validez mundial.La iniciativa, impulsada por el Instituto Cervantes, empezara a regir antes de julio de2007.Con 14 millones de estudiantes de espaol como lengua extranjera en el mundo y unsistema unificado de certificacin que se presentar oficialmente en marzo prximo enMedelln, Colombia, el idioma de Cervantes marcha hacia la meta de incrementarexponencialmente el nmero de hablantes en todo el mundo. El Sistema Internacional deCertificacin del Espaol como Lengua Extranjera (Sicele), que se conocer das antesde la apertura del IV Congreso Internacional de la Lengua en Cartagena de Indias,

    comenzara a funcionar en el primer semestre de 2007.El dato, brindado por el Instituto Cervantes de Madrid, se complementa con otrosguarismos. Son seis millones los estudiantes de castellano en los Estados Unidos, unmilln en el Reino Unido, dos millones en Francia y medio milln en Alemania, entre otropases. En Africa, segn la fuente espaola, ms de medio milln de personas aprendelengua y cultura en espaol en pases tan remotos como Burkina Faso y Tanzania. EnSenegal hay ms de 100.000 estudiantes, y en Costa de Marfil, 235.000.Otros datos que lindan con la ancdota exhiben tambin el crecimiento sin pausa que elcastellano tiene en Asia. En la India, donde se abrir prximamente una sede delInstituto Cervantes en su capital, Nueva Delhi, la reciente seleccin de estudiantes deespaol se vio limitada a las 100 plazas por falta de profesores. Ello provoc unamanifestacin masiva de los que quedaron fuera de la seleccin.En marzo prximo, en Medelln, las academias de la lengua espaola, junto con la Real

    Academia Espaola (RAE), presentarn adems la primera gramtica panhispnica que

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    sigue el camino abierto por el Diccionario Panhispnico de Dudas (DPD), surgido de unconsenso entre academias.Cada vez ms estudiantes:

    En ese congreso, el Instituto Cervantes presentar el Sicele, una certificacin unificada,consensuada con universidades espaolas y latinoamericanas que, en los hechos,procurar ser en espaol el equivalente del reconocido certificado Toefl, que se concedepara certificar el nivel de conocimiento en ingls americano como lengua extranjera, y elFirst Certificate, que rinde para igual propsito en ingls britnico.Durante su fugaz paso por Buenos Aires, donde mantuvo una serie de reunionespreparatorias del encuentro de Medelln, al que asistirn los reyes de Espaa, el directorgeneral del Instituto Cervantes, Csar Antonio Molina, dijo a LA NACION: "El espaol estan exitoso en el mundo que el problema es cmo afrontar los miles y miles deestudiantes que demandan profesores. No tenemos que ir a la caza de estudiantes, sinoevaluar cmo afrontamos esa demanda todos juntos".El Sicele se pondr en funcionamiento en el primer semestre de 2007 e involucra a unas50 universidades pblicas de Espaa y aproximadamente 80 de Amrica latina, que son

    las fundadoras del sistema. A ellas pueden adherir todas las universidades del mundohispanohablante que no estn incluidas hasta la reunin que en enero prximo cerrarlos encuentros preparatorios, en Costa Rica. As lo coment Molina a LA NACION.El mayor inters del Cervantes est puesto en sumar voluntades universitarias, dejclaro Molina. Hasta el presente, el informe que recoge los requisitos, programas ynormas que pondrn en marcha el Sicele ha corrido por cuenta de dos comits: unoejecutivo y otro acadmico. En ambos han intervenido representacioneshispanoamericanas, como llama Molina a las instituciones firmantes de Amrica latina yEspaa, que fijaron por consenso los contenidos de la enseanza del espaol paraacceder al Sicele.Dificultades y ventajas:Moderado y cauto al expresarse, Molina no quiso precisar qu pases latinoamericanosse integraron ms rpido a la propuesta del Cervantes. Sin embargo, por la dimensin de

    las universidades fundadoras del sistema unificado, queda claro que Mxico y Colombiaestn a la cabeza. En la Argentina, segn fuentes propias de LA NACION, el tema no halogrado consenso en el seno de la UBA, aunque s en universidades de relevancia comoLa Plata, Rosario y Cuyo, as como otras casas de estudios estatales.Si se tiene en cuenta que el Cervantes cuenta con una infraestructura amplsima yrecursos muy importantes para asignar a la difusin del espaol -su funcin principal enel mundo-, la pregunta que cabe es: cules son los riesgos y ventajas de integrarse alSicele? Molina dice que no hay riesgos sino ventajas, porque la enseanza del espaolbajo el paraguas del Sicele procurar a las universidades pblicas una fuente importantede ingresos. "No es lo mismo tener un ttulo o un certificado que slo valga en un pasque uno que valga en todo el mundo", subray.Y agreg: "Cada pas, cada universidad, puede tener su diploma, como en Espaatenemos el DELE. Nosotros no vamos a prescindir del nuestro, pero sta ser la

    superestructura que unir a todos esos diplomas que acreditan que la enseanza quehacemos en el mundo tiene unos criterios y unas exigencias comunes. Es unacertificacin en espaol en la que estaremos de acuerdo, pero con las caractersticas decada lugar", subraya Molina.En una primera fase, universidades latinoamericanas y espaolas con larga tradicinfilolgica estn entre las fundadoras del sistema. "En una segunda fase se sumar el80% o el 90%, estimamos. Si hoy viene un nmero equis de estudiantes a vuestrospases, el Sicele atraer a miles ms. As como las personas van a Nueva Zelanda,Australia, Inglaterra o Estados Unidos para estudiar ingls, nuestra lengua -la segundade comunicacin en el mundo- tendr una proyeccin gigantesca", subray Molina.Susana Reinoso (Link permanente:
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    CONFUSABLE WORDS: cancel postpone delayIf you cancel an arrangement or an appointment, you stop it from happening. You usuallydo not make any new arrangements. The airport closed again. All flights were cancelled to and from Glasgow. The performances were cancelled because the leading man was ill.If you postpone an arrangement or an appointment, you make new arrangements for it tohappen at a later time. The flight has been postponed until eleven o clock. Could you postpone your departure for five minutes?If you delay something that has been arranged, you make it happen later than planned. Try and persuade them to delay some of the changes. The flight had been delayed one hour, due to weather conditions.If something delays you, you start or finish something later than you planned. Suppose there is some accident which delays you. Im afraid I was slightly delayed.Other words:English also uses a number of phrasal verbs to express the idea of doing things at a latertime or not at all. For example, if you cancel a meeting, you put it off. If you cancel ameeting, you can also say that you call it off. If you postpone a meeting, you put it off.If a meeting is delayed, it is held up. Phrasal verbs are more common in speech than inwritten English.

    URLs Recomendados:Weather Info & Earth CalendarWeather Classroom: educational weather site,created by The Weather Channel, to provide teachers, students, and parents with

    lessons, information, and interactive activities dealing with all aspects of weather,climate, and meteorology. Glossary on line, encyclopedia!! No tiene desperdicio.Earth Calendar: Earth Calendar is a daybook of holidays and celebrations around the world. Muyutil!!!

    Translation ExerciseHow would you translate the following sentences? Voc. Sobre: Llamar y adjudicarlicitaciones - Inviting and Awarding of Bids (Comments and Additional vocabulary)1. to assume: 1. suponer (mat.), asumir: lets assume that, supongamos que 2. asumir(responsabilidad), tomar (control).2. rules and regulations: reglas / normas y reglamentos; expresin formada por dostrminos, muchas veces fija, como law and order, el orden pblico.

    3. to set out: 1. salir (for a place, hacia algn lugar) 2. empezar, emprender: he set outto explain the figures, inici la explicacin de las cifras 3. exponer, establecer = to setforth, to state.4. dependability: confiabilidad de (una mquina), seriedad de (una persona): todepend on sb, contar con / confiar en alguien.5. terms: condiciones, clusulas, contenido (contrato): the terms and conditions of acontract, las condiciones y los trminos de un contrato.6. contract: contrato, acuerdo 2. trato, transaccin.7. to ensure: 1. asegurar que 2. garantizar (ingreso, seguridad) no = to insure:asegurar (un auto), to be insured against fire, estar asegurado contra incendios 2.protegerse contra 3. (US) asegurar que no = to assure: afirmar, certificar 2. garantizar(xito).8. specification: 1. indicacin especfica 2. (en pl.) presupuesto descriptivo, conjunto
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    de condiciones, especificaciones.9. to brand: marcar con hierro candente (ganado), tildar de (a alguien: to brand sb as ).10. to outline sth: 1. perfilar, bosquejar, esbozar 2. trazar los lineamientos generales de

    algo.11. design: bosquejo 2. dibujo 3. intencin 1. concepcin, estilo: computer aided design,diseo asistido por computadora.12. the above (s-e mentioned products ): los productos arriba mencionados = theaforementioned / aforesaid.13. joint venture: negocio conjunto, empresa de participacin conjunta, filial; asociacinentre varias personas o sociedades que puede revestir diversas formas jurdicas, parallevar a cabo un proyecto comn. En particular, se dice de la alianza que realizan dos oms empresas para crear una filial explotada en comn.14. to comply with, cumplir con, acatar; in the scope of the works, en el marco de laobra.

    Articulo Recomendado:Bebes BilingesInteresante artculo publicado en El pas. Quien tiene un beb y lo quiere bilinge,debera hablarle en el otro idioma ya desde antes de nacer:MNICA L. FERRADO - Barcelona - 25/05/2007 bebs entre cuatro y seis meses son capaces de distinguir visualmente entre dosidiomas con tan slo observar los gestos faciales de su interlocutor. A partir de los seismeses, slo los bebs que viven en un entorno en el que se hablan dos lenguasmantienen esta habilidad, porque se ven obligados a estar ms atentos. Son losresultados de una investigacin realizada por cientficos espaoles y canadiensespublicada hoy en Science.Qu importancia tiene la percepcin visual en el beb y su comprensin del mundo alque acaba de llegar? Se sabe que son capaces de distinguir caras y que, adems,pueden apreciar en ellas el enfado o la alegra. Ahora, una nueva investigacin muestraque, con tan slo mirar los gestos del rostro de su interlocutor, un beb puede distinguirsi se le habla en un idioma o en otro. La investigacin, realizada por el Grupo deInvestigacin en Neurociencia Cognitiva (GRNC) de la Universidad de Barcelona(adscrito al Parque Cientfico de Barcelona) y la Universidad British of Columbia deVancouver (Canad) aparece en la edicin de hoy de la revista Science.Segn Nria Sebastin, investigadora del GRNC, esta habilidad "forma parte delconjunto de capacidades que tiene el nio al nacer". Esta capacidad perceptiva lesaporta "una informacin ms, que utilizan para complementar la informacin auditiva",explica. "Para comprender el nuevo mundo en el que les ha tocado vivir, los bebsutilizan todos los recursos cognitivos que pueden".Hasta el momento, se crea que la informacin visual tena un papel irrelevante. Estudiosanteriores se haban centrado en las habilidades auditivas del beb. "Al nacer, un bebya puede distinguir fonemas, los haya odo o no", explica Sebastin. Ya se haban hechoinvestigaciones en las que se ha comprobado que, de odo, pueden distinguir entre doslenguas. Concretamente, los bebs saben diferenciar si se les habla en espaol o eningls, en francs o en ruso, en francs o en ingls y en holands o en japons.En esta nueva investigacin han participado 12 bebs monolinges de cuatro y seismeses, y 12 bilinges de ocho meses, cuyas familias hablaban francs e ingls. A todosellos se les mostr una serie de videoclips mudos, en los que slo podan ver las carasde diversos interlocutores, recitando frases del cuento El pequeo prncipe, primeroen un idioma, y luego en otro.Cuando el beb ya no mostraba inters, se le cambiada por la imagen muda de la mismapersona, pero recitando en otro idioma. "El beb mira ms, nota que ha pasado algo, yvuelve a prestar atencin", explica la investigadora. Se midieron los tiempos de atencinde cada nio, que eran significativamente ms altos que antes del cambio.
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    Sin embargo, esta capacidad para distinguir visualmente las lenguas cambia con eltiempo y con el hecho de que el beb viva en un entorno de una o dos lenguas. Losbebs mayores, de ocho meses y monolinges, no prestaron ningn inters ante el

    cambio de lengua, mientras que los bilinges s. "A los seis u ocho meses, seguramenteel beb monolinge ya tiene todos los elementos que requiere para entender la lenguamaterna", interpreta Sebastin, "la lengua que desconoce es irrelevante, ya no capta suatencin". El inters del bilinge tambin tendra explicacin: "No es extrao que el bebbilinge contine aprovechando esta informacin extra, porque ha de diferenciar las doslenguas".Los resultados demuestran que la experiencia modifica el cerebro. Segn Sebastin,"todava queda mucho por conocer sobre el cerebro del beb y sobre la adquisicin dellenguaje".


    CONFUSABLE WORDS: see watch look at regard

    When you see someone or something, you notice them with your eyes. You may examinethem closely or you may pat very little attention to them. He saw Karen standing rather meekly in the doorway. I poked my head out of the tent to see a sky, velvet black, studded with stars. Hes got a paper hat stuck over his eyes and he cant see a thing.When you go to the theatre or cinema, you say that you see a play or film. You do not uselookat or watch . I saw Dear Brutus on its first night in 1917. We saw Greta Garbo in Queen Christina.When you watch someone or something, you notice what is happening with your eyes,paying a lot of attention. Often what you are watching is moving or is about to move. From the window he watched Louison cycle down the broad path that led towardsthe gates. It was terrible. My every move was being watched. Outdoors, they are delighted to watch leaves and shadows. He watched and listened. There was no movement and no sound.Both see and watch are used when you are talking about television or sport.You say that someone watches television, but that they watch or see a particularprogramme. He spends several hours watching television. She went home to watch Alien. I saw it on television after the news.Similarly, you say that someone watches a sport such as football, but that theywatch orsee a particular match. More people are watching cricket than ever before. Id sooner go out with a gun than watch a football match. those of us who saw Englands defeat at Wrexham.If you look at someone r something, you deliberately direct your eyes so that you canseewhat they are like or what is happening. The person or thing may or may not be movingas you look at them. He looked at her across the table, chewing his parsnips slowly. Henri! Everyone is looking at you! At 2, 3 and 4 months, they enjoy looking at bright coloured things and things thatmove.You do nor use regard to talk about noticing things with your eyes. You use regard totalk about how you think of them with your mind. If youregard something as important,you think it is important. Some women in this situation regard the journey to work as their only time in theday for relaxation.

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    Ive never tried to resist what I regarded as inevitable. We regard such visits an important.Other words

    English also uses a number of phrasal verbs to express the idea of doing things at a latertime or not at all. For example, if you cancel a meeting, you put it off. If you cancel ameeting, you can also say that you call it off. If you postpone a meeting, you put it off.If a meeting is delayed, it is held up. Phrasal verbs are more common in speech than inwritten English.

    URLs Recomendados: Einstein The great relativity show.Imperdible al teoria de la relatividad explicada para legos!

    Translation ExerciseHow would you translate the following words? Voc. Sobre: Ofertas espontneas-Unsolicited offers1. process: proceso (biolgico, sociolgico, etc.), proceso (administrativo) 2.procedimiento, mtodo 3. (jur.) proceso.2. to be composed of: estar compuesto de (comit, elemento qumico, mquina, etc.).Note la preposicin of.3. current: corriente, general, en curso, actual no = actual: verdadero, real, the actualresults, los resultados reales.

    4. sales setter: sales se mantiene en plural aunque est en posicin de determinante(p. ej. a salesman ).5. customer: cliente (alguien que compra, sobre todo en una tienda) no = client(cliente regular o en el mbito de los servicios), patron (tienda, cine, hotelera).6. enquiry / inquiry: 1. solicitud de informacin: to make an enquiry about sb / sth,informarse sobre alguien o algo 2. encuesta, investigacin: to set up an inquiry into sth,lanzar una encuesta sobre algo. Enquiry se usa ms frecuentemente con el sentido 1., einquiry se usa sobre todo con el sentido 2.7. to spell: 1.deletrear, escribir (se) 2. representar, tener como consecuencia: Thatwould spell disaster for him, eso sera un desastre para l.8. effective: 1. eficaz (tratamiento, poltica) 2.efectivo, real: to become effective from,entrar en vigor a partir de (ley, reglamentacin, contrato) no = efficient, eficaz, eficiente(objetos y tambin personas).

    9. waste (adj.): no utilizado, perdido, de desecho.10. to arouse: 1. despertar (a alguien) 2. suscitar, despertar (inters) 3. irritar no = toarise.11. over: comparado con (para indicar una mejora): an increase of 10 % over last yearsfigures, un aumento del 10 % con relacin a las cifras del ao pasado.12. to highlight: 1. hacer resaltar 2. subrayar (con un marcador).13. conveniente: comodidad, conveniencia; convenient, cmodo, prctico, no =inconvenient, poco prctico, incmodo, inoportuno.14. further (adv.): adems, ms all.15. guarantee: 1. promesa, garanta 2. garanta (com.) 3. (jur.) fianza, garanta.
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    mercancas por el valor de 15. equipment (colectivo sg. con significado pl.): equipo, material; a piece, an item ofequipment, una mquina.


    CONFUSABLE WORDS: food meal dishFood is what people and animals eat to keep them alive and to allow them to remainhealthy. You can refer to a particular type of food as a food. Bring enough food and water for the trip. Babies are meant to spend their first year getting hungry, demanding food,enjoying it. Salmon was once a commonplace food in Scotland.A dish is food specially prepared in a particular way. It may involve just one type of food,for example scrambled eggs, or it may involve several combined together, as in a stew,and it may be cooked or not cooked. She could make a new dish without referring to any cookery book. The vegetables are served as an accompaniment, not very often as a dish on theirown.A meal is an occasion when food is eaten, such as breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Severaldishes may be served during a meal. Its sensible to avoid sweets between meals. On top of the normal work, you had to wash up after every meal of the day.A meal is also the food that is eaten on one of these occasions. a simple meal of bread and cheese.* Most restaurants now include the tip in the price of the meal.

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    Diccionario Industria del Mueble y Repertorio de ExpresionesUEA Diccionario multilinge para la industria del mueble (DE-EN-ES-FR-IT-NL-NO-RO)Este Diccionario compilado por el UEA, Unin Europea del Amueblamiento, la federacinque representa la industria del mueble al nivel europeo, cubre todo el lenguaje de estesector: los diferentes muebles, los productos, las mquinas y los materiales utilizadosen la fabricacin.Repertorio Trilinge de Expresiones de Significado Equivalente (EN-ES-FR)Un sitio interactivo que propone ms de 1000 expresiones idiomticas que tienen elmismo sentido en francs, en ingls y en espaol, pero que no se pueden traducirpalabra por palabra. Diferentes criterios de bsqueda son posibles: por palabra oexpresin, por categora (ej. anatoma, naturaleza, alimento etc.) o insertando los dos.Cada expresione est integrada en un corto texto para facilitar la comprensin de susentido. Este texto est tambin disponible en audio (MP3).

    Translation ExerciseHow would you translate the following words? Voc. Sobre: Ofertas espontneas -Unsolicited offers.A. Fill in the Blanks1. One type of unsolicited setter is an offer of and .2. A sales letter is often called mail.3. An letter is a request for information made to an individual or firm.4. Customers are often called the of a business.B. Multiple Choice1. The AIDA model stands for:a) Attention, Information, Desire, Actionb) Awareness, Interest, Desire, Adoption

    c) Attention, Interest, Desire, Action
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    d) Appearance, Information, Development, Affluencee) Action, Interest, Desire, Adoption2. Enquiry letters should request all of the following except:

    a) a catalogue b) a price listc) information about discounts d) method of paymente) technical specifications3. Using which of the following will attract a readers attention:a) direct sentence b) humorous tonec) arousing curiosity d) a & c onlye) all the above4. A good way to persuade a customer is to:a) use a free sample b) offer a guaranteec) provide a phone number to call d) a & b onlye) all the aboveC. Translate1. Va (usted) a recibir el pedido?

    2. Mndeles una oferta de servicios y de productos.3. Tiro a la basura toda la publicidad (anuncios publicitarios) que recibo.4. Haga un esfuerzo mximo por llamar la atencin de los clientes potenciales.5. Vi ese anuncio (publicitario) en el peridico.Answers to ExercisesA. 1. goods, services2. direct3. enquiry4. lifebloodB. 1. c2. e3. d4. d

    C. 1. Will you get the order?2. Send them an offer of goods and services.3. I throw all the sales letters I receive into the waste paper basket.4. Make any effort to get the target customers attention.5. I saw that advertisement in the newspaper.

    Reportaje: El 'BOOM' del espaol - Hablas rioplatense? Aires est de moda. Miles de estudiantes viajan cada ao a la capital argentinapara aprender castellano. La clave del xito: precios asequibles y clasescomplementarias de tangoJORGE MARIRRODRIGA 19/08/2007 - El pais .

    Cristopher es un profesor irlands que se maneja perfectamente en la suavidad delacento argentino -oficialmente llamado variante rioplatense del castellano- y para quienpalabras como remera, boliche o bondi son ya familiares. Su primer asalto al castellanolo realiz hace dos aos en la espaola Cceres y de all sali contento con la gente perodesilusionado con el idioma. "Era un acento muy cerrado. No entenda nada". Ahora hacruzado el Atlntico para aprender espaol, al igual que otros miles de personas que, enlos ltimos aos, estn convirtiendo la capital argentina en uno de los focos deenseanza de la lengua de Cervantes.A pesar de que queda a unas ocho horas de avin desde Estados Unidos y a, al menos,doce desde Europa, jvenes y mayores de ambas regiones del mundo eligen cadaverano Buenos Aires para aprender espaol. "El boom del espaol es mundial. Pero acvivimos uno doble, ya que Argentina est de moda, y esto explica el crecimientosostenido de turismo idiomtico. Del 2004 al 2006 creci en un 60%", apunta Marcelo
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    Garca, Presidente de la Asociacin De Centros de Idiomas, la nica existente enAmrica Latina. Una de las principales razones de este crecimiento es el precio por elque se puede aprender la lengua que ya hablan 400 millones de personas en el mundo.

    Un curso intensivo de dos semanas, con cinco horas de clase diarias ms actividadescomplementarias, como lecciones de tango, excursiones y conversaciones sobrecostumbres argentinas sale por 200 euros, es decir a unos cinco euros la hora de claseen grupos que nunca sobrepasan los siete alumnos."La mayora de los estudiantes tiene entre 20 y 35 aos y hay de todo. Algunos vienensolos, otros en pareja e incluso hay grupos de amigos que deciden aprender un poco deespaol antes de viajar por Latinoamrica", indica Cleia Sartori, directora delInternational Bureau of Language, una escuela de idiomas situada en pleno centro deBuenos Aires, en cuyos pasillos se cruzan, adems de brasileos -cuyo pas al fin y alcabo hace frontera con Argentina-, estadounidenses, australianos, italianos, franceses ybritnicos, entre otras nacionalidades.Simon es un fisioterapeuta australiano nacido en Melbourne que aprende espaol antesde dirigirse a su prximo destino: Bolivia. "La verdad es que en Buenos Aires se

    aprende espaol, pero se duerme poco", reconoce mientras, a su lado, Francesco, unestudiante romano de letras, asiente. Su palabra favorita es "boliche", esto es: discoteca.Niega con vehemencia que los precios bajos sean un motivo determinante a la hora deelegir Argentina como destino para aprender espaol. "Tambin conozco Ibiza",argumenta. "La explosin de la enseanza del espaol fue despus de 2002. Claro quetiene que ver con el tipo de cambio, pero no es el motivo fundamental por el cual losestudiantes eligen Buenos Aires. Un 34% de los estudiantes dice que el precio no esdeterminante. Uno de los atractivos principales es el tango y muchos tambin eligen alpas para hacer turismo aventura", subraya Marcelo Garca.Ocio y aventura al margen, el estudio del espaol en Argentina tambin tiene una va dereconocimiento oficial en Europa. El Instituto Cervantes, a travs de la Fundacin Ortegay Gasset Argentina expide a los alumnos que pasan sus exmenes el Diploma deEspaol de Lengua Extranjera, un titulo oficial espaol que el ao pasado fue obtenido

    por ms de un centenar de alumnos.El crecimiento de estudiantes de espaol en Argentina ha dado pie al llamado "turismoidiomtico", un sector sobre el que han puesto sus ojos los empresarios argentinos. Ylas razones son claras. Cuando se habla de estudiantes se piensa en un menor poderadquisitivo, pero la mayora de estos turistas son personas con ingresos, como Alexis,una neoyorkina de 28 aos que trabaja en una consultora o Sebastien, un parisienselicenciado en Historia. Permanecen ms tiempo que los turistas normales en el pas,entre cuatro y seis semanas. Y si su experiencia tiene xito tienden a repetir y arecomendarlo a sus amigos. "El boca a oreja es ms eficaz que Internet", asegura CleiaSartori.Tal vez sea otro peldao en la historia del idioma, pero Latinoamrica ya ensea a hablara espaol a miles de europeos.


    CONFUSABLE WORDS: rule regulation - lawRules, regulations and laws tell people what they are allowed to do and what they mustnot to do in particular places and particular circumstances.Regulations are made by an official organization or authority and are written down. Theyare intended to control the way people behave or how things are done. For example, thearmys regulations say what a soldiers duties are and the things a soldier must not do.Planning regulations control the construction of new buildings and the sort of buildingswhich are acceptable in particular places. I asked my secretary to get copies of all the relevant prison regulations. This regulation does not apply to graduate students.

    The Council points out that planningregulations have been altered to favour

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    developers.If you are speaking or writing less formally, you can use rule instead of regulations There are strict rules governing the killing and cooking of kangaroo.

    One important rule is that the au pairs working day should last no more than fivehours.Your use rule when talking about games such as chess. the rules of chess. You dont need to know the rules of the game to enjoy it.Rules do not have to be written down. They can be an informal agreement about howsomething should be done. Rules about bedtime are made by vote. He lives as someone in another pretend family, with its ownrules about washingand mealtimes.Laws are made by governments and rulers. They are written down and apply to all thepeople in a country. They say what is and what is not a crime and how citizens arerequired to act in their dealings with each other.

    We shall need more stringent laws against pollution Health and safety laws are enforced by inspectors.Certain sports also call their ruleslaws the Rugby Unions laws

    URLs Recomendados: Teachade - The experiMENTALSTeachade - site that takes advantage of the newer Web technologies to allow a community ofteachers to share their resources, create online learning communities, add colleagues totheir list, easily host a Web-based calendar, and other tools to encourage collaborationand communication; free, but you must register.

    The experiMENTALS - of the stars from this show was the closing keynote at ACEC06 in Australia; this isa great science site that makes science fun and interesting as well as providing supportmaterials (chose to "change player settings" to choose your local media player andInternet speed) .

    Translation ExerciseHow would you translate the following vocabulary? Voc. Sobre: Documentosrelacionados con la venta Documents in Connection with sales.1. Outcome: salida, resultado, consecuencia.2. to handle: 1. manejar, manipular: Handle with care Fragil 2.tratar (un problema),manejar (un negocio) 3. tener: We dont handle that type of product, no tenemos esetipo de producto

    3. incoming : que entra, entrante # outgoing, que sale, saliente (funcionario), que debeser enviado (correo).4. paperwork (siempre en singular): escrituras, puesta al da de captulos 2. documentos,papeleo.5. to process: transformar (materia prima), tratar (fruta, informacin), revelar (fotografa),tratar, procesar (solicitud); tambin to execute/fulfill (US: fill) an order, procesar unpedido.6. payment: 1 (no contable) pago 2. (contable) cantidad ingresada, abono.7. to fill out (U.S.) = to fill in/fill up/complete an order form/order sheet, llenar una formade pedido8. to check something against: cotejar con (against: sentido de comparacion). To offsetsth with sth: compensar algo con la ayuda de algo. To offset sth against sth: compensaralgo en relacin con algo, compensar una cosa con otra.

    9. to mail (US) = to send, to post.$I/ks101$I/ks101
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    10. seller: 1. vendedor (persona o empresa) = vendor (EU y GB) supplier(EU); 2. proveedor # salesman: 1. vendedor (detrs de un mostrador) 2. representante decomercio 3. (EU) toda persona que colabora en la promocin de su empresa.

    11. to itemize: detallar; an item: 1, artculo. 2 rubro, punto (reunin), partida partida(cont.)12. to ship: 1. enviar (todos los modos de transporte. 2) embarcar (un cargamento).Shipment: embarque 2. envo (todos los medios de transporte).13. to set forth: to set out: 1. salir (for a place, hacia algn lugar) 2. empezar, emprender:He set out to explain the figures, inici la explicacin de las cifras. 3.Exponer,establecer = to set forth, to state.14. packing: (material de) embalaje # packaging: embalaje, presentacion de un producto.15. discount: 1. descuento: cash discount, descuento en efectivo 2. remesa: tradediscount, descuento commercial. Compare con rebate: 1. deduccin 2. reembolso.16. En el dorso o a un lado tambin se define la responsabilidad durante el transporte yel lugar de jurisdiccin en caso de litigio.17. Regulation: 1. afinacin (mquina) = tuning 2. reglamentacin (uso de colorants, etc.)

    3. reglamento: safety, regulations, reglas de seguridad, in accordance with theregulations, conforme con el reglamento, reglamentario.18. mandatory: obligatorio (pago), (jur.) imperative: mandatory provisions, disposicionesimperativas.

    The 10 Commandments of Press Releases - By Bill Stoller, Publisher (c) 2007In baseball, it's said that you know an umpire is top-notch when you nevr notice hispresence. If he's doing his job, he won't call attention to himself in any way. It's much thesame for the writer of a press release. When the recipient of a release focuses only on itscontent -- and not on its creation -- the writer has succeeded. With that in mind, here'sThe 10 Commandments of Press Releases:1. Thou Shalt Be Professional.No goofy fonts, rainbow paper or silly gimmicks. Even lighthearted press releases

    represent a communication between one professional and another.2. Thou Shalt Not Be Promotional.If you can't get enough objective distance from your company to write a press releasethat's not filled with hype and puffery, hire someone to write it for you.3. Thou Shalt Not Be Boring.Even the driest subject matter allows for some sparks of creativity. Journalists likeknowing that there's a human being communicating with them, not some corporaterobot.4. Thou Shalt Be Brief.Learn to cut out extraneous words. Keep your sentences short. Include only the pointsnecessary to sell the story. The well-crafted one page press release is a thing of beauty.5. Thou Shalt Know Thy Recipient.A features or lifestyle editor is a very different creature from a city desk editor. If you're

    promoting the opening of a new winery, the food and wine editor may be interested in allthe details about what kind of aging process and wine press you're using. The city deskeditor just wants to know when the grand opening is and what's going to happen there.6. Thou Shalt Use The Proper Tense.When writing a hard news release -- a contract signing, a stck split, a majorannouncement, etc.) use the past tense (Acme Industries has changed its name toAcmeCo, the company announced today...) When writing a soft news release -- a trendstory, a personal profile, etc. -- use the present tense (Jane Smith is one of the bestmarathon runners over 40. She's also blind. Thanks to new technology from AcmeCo,Jane is able to...).7. Thou Shalt Think Visually.A press release is more than words -- it's a visual document that will first be assessed byhow it looks.

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    I'm referring to more than font size or letterhead. I'm talking about the actual layout of thewords. Whether received by mail, fax or e-mail, a journalist -- often unconsciously -- willmake decisions about whether to read the release based on how the release is laid out.

    Big blocks of text and long paragraphs are daunting and uninviting. Short paragraphsand sentences make for a much more visually inviting look.When writing a non-hard news release, I often use a simple formula -- the lead paragraphshould be one or two sentences at most. The next paragraph should be very, very short.Like this.8. Thou Shalt Tell A Story.How to arrange the facts of a hard news release is pretty much cut and dried. The old"who, what, when, where and how" lead and "inverted pyramid" concepts still hold.(Rather than engage you in a course in basic newswriting, I'll direct you to a really gooddiscussion of what the inverted pyramid is.Chck out: let's focus on a soft news release. The trend story, the feel-good company story, the"gee-whiz, I didn't know anyone was doing that!" release. The difference between these

    releases and the hard news release is simply a mirror of the difference between a featurestory in, say, the entertainment section of your newspaper and the breaking news reporton page one. The hard news story is about cold, hard facts (A mudslide closed portionsof Interstate 70 last night, causing massive delays). A feature article about the guy whospends all day looking at seismograph readouts trying to predict where the nextmudslide will occur will be very different. It's likely to be in present tense, it won't load allthe facts upfront and it will be designed to draw the reader deep into the text. It is, inshort, all about storytelling.

    Here's the formula I use for these kinds of releases. I call it the 3S approach --Situation/Surprise/ Support.The first paragraph sets up the situation. The second paragraph reveals the surprise. Thethird paragraph supports the claim made in the second paragraph.

    One very typical 3S is discussing a common problem in the first paragraph (Forcenturies, people have accepted memory loss as an inevitable result of aging.) The"surprise" paragraph announces the solution to the problem (But one local man sayshe's ready to prove the medical establishment wrong.) The "support" paragraph thentells the story. (John Smith, an Anytown entrepreneur, says he's found the key toretaining a strong memory function far into old age. His "Memory Maker" software isbased on ancient Chinese texts that were used more than 2000 years ago to...)Another 3S -- let's revisit our mudslide watching friend. How would you start his storyusing this method?While John Smith's colleagues at the National Atmospheric Center are watching theskies for signs of lightning and tornadoes, his attention is focused elsewhere.John Smith is listening to the mud.As the Chief Mudslide Analyst at the NAC, Smith spends his days glued to a

    seismograph, eyes and ears peeled for the telltale signs on an impending slide.Along with the 3S in action, I also followed the 7th Commandment. That really shortsecond paragraph is a visual grabber, and will keep the journalist reading right into themeat of the release.9. Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.This may seem an obvious point, but it always bears repeating.Tell the truth.Don't inflate, don't confabulate, don't exaggerate. Don't twist facts, don't make upnumbers, don't make unsubstantiated claims. Any decent journalist will be able to seeright through this. If you're lucky, your release will just get tossed out. If you're unlucky,you'll be exposed.It's a chance not at all worth taking. Make sure every release you write is honest and onthe level.
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    10. Thou Shalt Know Thy Limitations.Not everyone can write a press release. A good feature release, in particular, isn't aneasy thing to craft. If you just don't feel like you have the chops to get the job done, hire

    a professional.One last tip: right before you start writing your release, spend an hour or two readingyour daily paper, paying special attention to stories similar in feel to yours. Immerseyourself in how the pros do it and you'll be in the right frame of mind to tackle the job! Toview professional press releases updated daily, go and clck onthe "Press Release Gallery"About The Author: Bill Stoller, the "Publicity Insider", has spent two decades as one ofAmerica's top publicists. Now, through his website, eZine and subscription newsletter,Free Publicity: The Newsletter for PR-Hungry Businesses he's sharing -- for the very firsttime -- his secrets of scoring big publicity. For fre articles, killer publicity tips and much,much more, visit Bill's exclusive new site:


    CONFUSABLE WORDS: assent consentIf you give your assent to something that has been proposed, or if a proposal has yourassent, you agree to it. Haldane acted in these talks with the full assent of Grey and the Foreign Office. Cocoa all round. People murmuredassent. There is at least grudging assent to this rule.If you give your consent to something, you give the permission that is needed for it tohappen or be done. I have to ring the education office to get officialconsent. They ask for no-ones consent to come, they just arrive. Have you the husbands consent to take this child out of the country?

    Your can also say that when a number of people all agree that something is the case, orthat something should be done, they do it byconsent. The question of whether ordinary people can govern by themselves byconsent isstill on trial. By common consent they stoppedGrammarAssent and consent can also be used as verbs. They all assented to the proposition. If he and Belinda were to run away together, her father wouldconsent to themarriage in order to avoid a scandal.

    URLs Recomendados: La tecnologa con que vivimos imperdible!The Machine is Us/ing Us :

    Information R/evolution:

    Translation ExerciseHow would you translate the following vocabulary? Voc. Sobre: Documentosrelacionados con la venta Documents in Connection with sales.

    1. to comprise: 1. comprender, constar de: The council comprised/was comprisedof 101 members. El consejo constaba de 101 miembros. 2. constituir: Farmerscomprise 2% of the population. Los agricultores constituyen el 2% de lapoblacin.

    2. demand: 1. exigencia, reclamacin. 2. La demanda (econ.): supply and demand,la oferta y la demanda.
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    3. currency: moneda nacional: the world currency markets, los mercadosmonetarios internacionales. 2. divisas: foreign currency, divisas extranjeras.

    4. to swear: 1. jurar, echar votos o reniegos (decir groseras). 2. jurar, declarar bajo

    juramento. 3. tomar juramento a.5. to demand that it accompany (US): empleo del subjuntivo despus del verbo to

    demand (no hay s en la tercera personal del sg. en accompany o uso de should+ infinitivo sin to (GB). Se construyen de esta manera: to order (ordenar), tocommand (mandar), to request (pedir) to require (exigir).

    6. consular fee= consular charges, consulage.7. current account: 1. cuenta (bancaria) 2. cuenta (contabilidad): invisible account,

    cuenta de operaciones invisibles.8. to balance an account: saldar/equilibrar una cuenta. To balance:: equilibrar;

    balance: equilibrio, balanza: balance of visible trade, balanza comercial visible 2.saldo: credit balance, saldo acreedor activo.

    9. Normalmente, una cuenta de ventas viene con el importe que se adeuda (theamount due), que se salda con una letra a la vista (a sight draft).

    10. account, sales: no omita la coma que marca claramente la diferencia con el ordendeterminante/determinado (ver sales account, reporte de ventas.)

    11. Tambin se denomina the gross proceeds, el producto bruto.12. Costos de desembarque y de almacenamiento, p.ej.13. Tambin se le llama the net proceeds, el producto neto.14. to undercharge sb. by: cobrar menos a alguien (por), contrario de overcharge

    sb. for sth, cobrar de ms a alguien por algo. Viene de: to charge sbfor sth,cobrarle a alguien por algo.

    15. to settle (v.t) 1. ubicar, instalar 2. pagar (cuenta) 3. solucionar (problema, asunto)4. (jur.) asignar (una anualidad).

    16.cancel an order, anular un pedido; to book an order, registrar un pedido; thebreakdown of an invoice, el detalle de una factura.

    La modernez de la Academia - Miguel Molina -BBC MundoYa se puede decir con toda confianza y plena autoridad que alguien baja algo de lainternet o lo sube, y que alguien ms usa bluyines y bebe jaiboles mientras espera asu fisio antes de que le d la neura. Es la modernez.Es que la Real Academia Espaola y las 22 ramas de la Asociacin de Academias dela Lengua que la integran dieron a conocer esta semana ms de 4.600 adiciones,supresiones y enmiendas que ha experimentado el castellano entre 2004 y 2006.Segn una lista de ejemplos que hizo circular la Academia, en el campo de lainformtica ya son de uso comn vocablos como "bajar", "bus" (en el sentido deconductor que permite distribuir informacin), "descargar", "navegador" y "subir" o"colgar".En la seccin del lxico legal, la Academia consigna el incmodo vocablo "inadmitir"(rechazar una demanda, recurso o peticin por motivos formales), y el cacofnico"publificar" (dar carcter pblico o social a algo individual o privado).Pero la modernizacin de la Real Academia no se limita a lo lexicogrfico. Desde2001, cuando se public la XXI edicin del diccionario, las Academias hanincorporado ms de 17.000 modificaciones a su sitio de internet.Nuevas palabras viejasEs verdad que algunas de las nuevas acepciones ya son viejas, como"anfetamnico", "colonoscopia" o "fototerapia" en el campo mdico.En materia de imprenta hay vocablos recin llegados que ya dejaron de usarseporque la tcnica ya cay en desuso, como "fotolitografa" y sus tres derivados.Las ciencias fsicas y qumicas ya pueden usar sin titubeos "fotoconductividad","ionizar" y "pesado" (un tomo cuyo ncleo tiene un elevado nmero de nucleones,como el uranio), pero tambin "interfase", "fotocatlisis" y "lisrgico" si es

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    necesario.Hay varias expresiones particularmente espaolas, como "perder aceite" (que enEspaa se usa para referirse a quien muestra maneras de homosexual), "airbag",

    "canguro" (persona que cuida nios), "costo" (hachs), "de culo" (que es como caequien cae hacia atrs), y "deportivas" (zapatillas de deporte, sic).Palabras americanasEl continente americano tambin aporta ejemplos que algunos encontrarndivertidos, extraos y aun anacrnicos.Est "aeromozo" (un azafato de aviacin), "blumer" y "panty" (braga, y mejor dicho"calzn"), pero tambin estn "jonrn" y "nocaut".Tambin hay voces coloquiales como "animal de bellota" (que es lo que se le dice auna persona ruda y de poco entendimiento), "cobardica", "fisio" (que es comoalgunos llaman al fisioterapeuta pero no quieren o no pueden decir la palabracompleta).Siguen "modernez", "neura", y "paganini" (que desde que el mundo era joven servapara designar a quien terminaba pagando una cuenta, sobre todo ajena).

    Y hay voces cultas. "Ftum", "iridiscencia", "promisor" (que antes se decapromisorio), "reminiscente" (que siempre se ha dicho as, pero slo por escrito), y"sapiente" (que como todos sabemos, es alguien que sabe, pero ms).Las 1.331 adiciones y las 2.937 enmiendas (menos las 350 supresiones) que haexperimentado el diccionario de la Academia desde junio de 2004 a diciembre de2006 estn disponibles en la pgina de internet de la institucin, que recibe alrededorde 750.000 visitas diarias.


    CONFUSABLE WORDS: dinner - lunch tea supperThe meal eaten in the middle of the day is called dinner by some people and lunch by

    others. Lunch can be either a main cooked meal or a snack. Dinner is usually acooked meal, and is the main meal of the day. At one oclock he went down the hall to the kitchen for lunch. It is difficult to provide a rest-time after school dinner for these really smallchildren.The light meal or snack hat some people have in the afternoon is called tea. Usually itconsists of cakes or biscuits with tea to drink It is sometimes called afternoontea incafs, restaurants and hotels. High tea is a larger meal served on special occasionsor as an early evening meal. Madelaine took tea with Madame. He crept into the dining room, where the table was laid for high tea.The main meal of the evening is called dinner, tea, or supper by different people.People who call their midday meal dinner usually call their main evening meal tea

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    and serve it early in the evening. People who call their midday meallunch may calltheir main evening meal tea, supper, or dinner. Dinner may be a more formal mealthan tea or supper.

    Run out into the yard and let your father finish his tea in peace. I wondered if youd like to go into town with me for supper tonight. Id like to ask you round for dinner one evening. There were only the three of us at dinner at Sissinghurst that night, myparents and myself.Some people have a late evening snack which they call supper. Supper consisted of a large jug of tea and a plate of cakes.

    URLs Recomendados:

    Fill in the Blanks - ExerciseFill in the Blanks.. are usually placed by filling out or..pre-printed form.Order forms are most often printed additional document that can be requested of a supplier is a Pro Forma.A Consular Invoice states the.. of the goods.Multiple Choice1. Order Forms typically provide space for all the following except:a) description of the product

    b) shipping arrangementsc) unit priced) total price2. A commercial invoice or bill contains which of the following:a) excise and customs dutiesb) state and local taxesc) warehouse feesd) a & b onlye) all the above3. Which of the following are NOT part of a Pro Forma Invoice?a) a quantity of goods orderedb) shipping and packing chargesc) price of the goods

    d) terms and method of paymente) insurance expenses4) It is customary to send a customer who has been undercharges a(n)a) Debit Noteb) Credit Notec) Receiptd) Sales Lettere) Advice NoteC. Translate1. Acabamos de colocar un pedido de 50 camiones con la empresa Ford.2. Llene este formulario.3. Usted tendr que enviarle por correo un acuse de recibo a este cliente.4. Una factura pro forma no es una solicitud de pago.

    5. Usted debi haber devuelto la mercanca que se da durante el transporte.