News Assignment & Editorial Cartoons. Unit 1 Test Friday, September 13 – Elements of literature...

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Transcript of News Assignment & Editorial Cartoons. Unit 1 Test Friday, September 13 – Elements of literature...

News Assignment & Editorial Cartoons

Unit 1 Test

• Friday, September 13– Elements of literature– Vocabulary– Satire– “Little Red Riding Hood”– “Man, That Was Annoying”– Editorial Cartoons

Choose a Canadian News Article

• Must be from the week before your presentation

• Must be news: no movie reviews• Suggested newspapers:– The Globe and Mail– The London Free Press– Metro

Write a ReflectionSummarize the article in your own words (8-16 sentences)• What is the main idea of the article? (2-5 sentences)• What is the purpose of the article? How do you know? (2-3

sentences)– To explain a political issue– To inform the public– To criticize an idea– To share the author’s personal experiences

• Who would be interested in reading this article? Why? (2-3 sentences)

• Why is it important? (2-5 sentences)Find three new words in the article• Write the definition of each new word in your own wordsYou must hand in the news article with your reflection!


On your presentation day, you will have 5minutes to tell the class:• The title of your news article• Which newspaper it comes from• The main idea of the article• What you have learned from reading this


Editorial Cartoon

• A cartoon that has a political or social message


• An object that represents an idea


• Review: what is satire?• Editorial cartoons are often based on satire

“Calvin & Hobbes” by Bill Watterson

Write everything you know from looking at this comic

PicturesDescribe what you see. Where is the cartoon set?

WordsWhat is the title?

Are there any words that stand out?


• a boy at a desk• a book• a clock• probably in a classroom

• unknown

• no

PicturesWhat are they doing?

Are any of the objects symbols?

WordsWhat are they saying?


• sitting at a desk• possibly reading• looking at the time

• noticing that it is 11:00• time has passed quickly• “I hope the teacher didn’t say anything important”• no

Main IdeaWhat is the main issue of the cartoon?


• not paying attention in class

Why is the cartoon’s message important?


• Even though he was having a good time, he wasn’t paying attention in class• The last frame shows us that he missed important information, so we know it is important to pay attention

Why is today important?

• What happened on this day in history?• Today we will look at editorial cartoons about

September 11, 2001. Remember:– Be respectful– Analyze the message– Why do you think the artist made the cartoon?

What was 9/11?• September 11, 2001: Middle Eastern terrorists attacked the World

Trade Center in New York City by flying planes into the buildings• Another government building (the Pentagon) was also attacked• 3,000 people died

Why is this cartoon satire?• What do you see?

– Who is in it? What words stand out?

• What is the man doing?

• What is he saying?• What is the main

issue?• What message does

the cartoon give us?• Why is it satire?

What idea does the writer think is foolish?