News and Views - First Mennonite...

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Transcript of News and Views - First Mennonite...

In This Issue…

Announcements……………pg 2 Prayer 3 Looking Back………..……pg 3-4

News and Views

First Mennonite Church, McPherson Jan 2015

Pastoral Ponderings: Sabbatical in the frozen North & on the Prairies

It's not quite as scenic as Virginia in late spring, but the woods of Pennsylvania and sacred halls of my

alma mater in northern Indiana will do just fine for sabbatical refreshment and resourcing. For as long as I've been in ministry, I've wanted to participate in the creative Music and Worship Leaders Workshop hosted by Laurelville Mennonite Center, Mt Pleasant, PA. Now I finally get the chance. This

year's theme is “Good News: PastPresentFuture.” I look forward to hearing scripture interpreted through the creative mind and heart of Ted Swartz (of Ted & Co. Theaterworks). Many gifted

musicians will also lift my spirits January 9-11. I look forward to bringing home new worship ideas and old ones with a fresh touch. Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary hosts Pastors' Week (January 25-29) every year. This year's theme is in line with the reading I did last summer and that I will continue

this month: “Where Culture Blurs Theology: What Is an Anabaptist Christian?” Some of the questions we'll explore together, along with the plenary speakers, are:

• What do you see in Anabaptism that's needed for the church today?

• Where shall we find a vision for the Mennonite church in North America?

• What binds us together as Anabaptists?

These are crucial questions to explore as the role of the Church in society is changing. The message of Christ is unchanging, but how we engage the message of salvation hope with a culture that

doesn't necessarily see a need for it is our 21st C challenge. How can we speak and act on the saving love of Christ in today's world in ways that others can hear and want to engage with?

In between the two resourcing events, I'll be reading the rest of the books from Marlene Bogard's “Top 10 List” on becoming Church in a post-modern culture. If you want the list, I'd be delighted to share it. All books are available for checkout from the WDC Resource Library.

In the meantime, four gifted preachers will fill the pulpit and offer insights to those of us remaining on the not-quite-so-frigid prairies:

Jan 4: John Stoetz, Camp Mennoscah Development Officer, “Holistic Witness” Jan 11: Brady Peters, Mennonite Mission Network, “Mission in a Post-Modern World” Jan 18: Marlene Bogard, Western District Conference Minister for Christian Formation, “Radical

Hospitality: Re-Gifting God's Love and Grace” Jan 25: Eric Massenari, Chaplain, Kidron Bethel, “Spirituality and Aging”

Jeff Wintermote will offer pastoral care in case of emergency in consultation with our gifted deacons.

In this new year, and in this new Church Year, let us open ourselves to the voice of Christ and His way for this time and place. May God give us listening ears and hearts, as well as willing spirits to practice

what we learn.

Peace be with you.

--Pastor Kathy


Annual Reports should already be turned in, so Laura has time to put the yearbook together and have it in boxes by Jan 19. If you have not turned yours in, please do so NOW!

No First Wednesday Bible Study in January due to Pastor Kathy being on sabbatical. Please join us next month at 4:00 p.m. on the first Wednesday for a look at the

journeys of Paul. Come for Bible Study, stay for the Fellowship Meal.

First Wednesday Fellowship Meal: Jan 7, 5:00 p.m. Next month will be Feb 4. Put these

on your calendar!

Annual Congregational Meeting: Feb 1 we will have a luncheon after worship, with the annual meeting following lunch. Agenda will include approval of the

budget, affirmation of new committee members, and vote on a revised church constitution.

2015 Mennonite Church USA Convention: As planning continues, will be the one-stop-shop for all the details you’ll need to plan your participation. Bookmark it and check

back often to see promotional videos & find out the unique things being planned. Reflect on Luke 24 and prepare your hearts & minds to hear the word that God has ready for you in Kansas City.

Pennsylvania 2015 Mennonite World Conference Assembly: July 21-26, PA Farm

Show Complex & Expo Center, Harrisburg PA. Join your brothers & sisters from around the world in “Walking with God.” For more information go to Registration is now open. An MWC Assembly will likely not happen in

North America again for another 30 years, so make your plans now to attend.

News & Views Schedule: Items for the Feb newsletter must be given to Laura by Jan 9.

Prayer Requests

• Pray for planning committees and staff, as well as all members of Mennonite Church USA, as we prepare to come together to worship,

fellowship and work during KC2015. • Pray for the vision of the church; that we will look to God for how to be

mission oriented in our ministries.

• Pray for friends & neighbors to know the love of Jesus. • Pray for our shut-ins and those struggling with illness, grief or loneliness

to experience God’s love. • Luella Bartel has been placed on hospice. Pray for the family as they make decisions

regarding her care.

• Thank God for continued blessing of the ReUse it Center, so this ministry is able to bless others.

Looking Back…Looking Back…Looking Back…Looking Back…

German Supper: There were many busy hands in the weeks before the December 6

German Supper & Bake Sale. Those hands were busier as an estimated 300 guests shared food in the Fellowship Hall, plus 100 take-out meals. Comments included, “This

is the best verenike I’ve ever had” to “Can I have that borscht recipe?” to “Wow, I’ve never had bohne beroggi before. These are good!” Many thanks go to Andrea for her coordination of the event, and to all the volunteers. We couldn’t have done it

without you. Over $5000 was raised between the supper and bake sale proceeds. The Board decided to share the joy, asking that 10% of the net go to needy families in

our community through Churches United in Ministry. God is good.

Dayle shares a smile with community guests.

Our wonderful volunteers served up a delicious meal!

More German Supper pictures to come in next newsletter…

Marianne and Kathy enjoy fellowship before the food.

Christmas Banquet: December 16 was a lovely evening of crisp cold outside, and warm fellowship inside. The

Fellowship Hall rang with laughter and talk as we enjoyed catered BBQ brisket with all the trimmings, plus

a trifle which our best cooks shared. Tables were decorated festively and music by harpist RoJean Loucks added to the peaceful Christmas spirit. Thanks

to all who planned the evening.

Millie and Sammy talk of Christmases then and now.

Andrea & Karter get ready for some great BBQ and fun with friends.

RoJean plays heavenly Christmas carols.