New staff training

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of New staff training

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Over 6 Million visits last year.

About 250 people every day, say they’ve asked Jesus into their lives.

Articles on topics people care about.

Multiple ways to interact

students on your local campus

When people receive Christ…

“The Spiritual Starter Kit.”

…a 7-part email series

45% of new believers sign up for “The Spiritual Starter Kit.”

a 5-email series on the Spirit-filled life.

At the end of that series, we offer them…

A study through the Gospel of John.

“How to Talk about God”

…and finally, we offer them a series on how to tell others about Jesus.

So, we give people…

“I have enjoyed receiving each and every email from you. I eagerly await anything further you send my way. I know these steps are like that of a baby that I am taking now, but God is real. I know it with all my heart and He is directing my life now and I am so thankful.”

Jose from Australia

Maureen – Seattle, Washington

“The article ‘Knowing God Personally’ helped me receive Christ into my life.”

(Signed up for everything.)

Anto - India

Your kit helped me a lot. Thank you so much. I was just awestruck. Thank you so much.

Jade – New South Wales

Just wanted to say thank you so much for being a part of my new journey. I love how its called the Spiritual Starter Kit. I always saw myself as more of a spiritual person. Never thought I’d come to know God like I have. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


I just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your

Spiritual Starter Kit.

After each one I can't wait for the next one. They are so down to earth and right on the money. I never realized Christians

could be so cool.


The emails for the Spiritual Starter kit have been so amazing to me.

I have had so much great change in my life from the day I came to Christ….

I signed up for this mailing…it has made things so easy and interesting for me.

I am excited to get the emails and read them and learn about My God!

Moagi – South Africa

i just want to say, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the word in your skip stress series.

thank you for bringing so much peace and clarity in a life that was otherwise dominated by fear.

Now you can follow-up an unlimited number of people.

33,000 new believers in basic follow-up.

9,000 studying the Gospel of John.

5,000 in evangelism training.

Evangelistic: –



Over the past 4 years I have slowly been broken down to a level where I could no longer cope.  I developed an addiction to cannabis, (we both) started to drink heavily, I pushed my marriage to breaking point and reached a stage earlier this year where I was considering suicide as the only option left.  I was angry and confused at how I could have let my life get so far out of control….. I reached a point where I woke up each morning, watched my wife go to work, then smoked dope for hours. It was my only way of getting through the day without ending my life.  I was scared, desperate…and heavily in debt.   To put pressure on my marriage even more, I became obsessed with an attractive female neighbour.  It was one morning while surfing the web and ogling her facebook site that she announced she had become a Christian.  From that moment on, I seemed to get bombarded with Christian thoughts.  Everywhere I went, it was there.  I couldn’t turn on the TV without seeing it or open a book or read an online document without some reference to God.  I went out in a rage one morning to walk the dog and bumped into a neighbour.  During conversation he confided in me that he had become a Christian.  I was being driven mad!!!  I went home, sat down, and cried. After an hour of the most crippling emotional experience I have ever experienced, I felt a tremendous burden lifted off my shoulders.  Hard to explain, but most definitely a change.  I went to my computer and googled “starting a new life with god”.  No idea why that phrase, but it led me to your site on the first link I clicked.  I registered… and what I have read makes the most perfect sense.  In a life trampled by confusion, it seemed to offer the most ridiculously obvious clarity I have ever imagined.  Things that did not make sense to me before, now had meaning.  Areas I struggled with in the past (when I had a ‘Christian moment’) and had written off Christianity because of, now seemed so logical, I couldn’t understand how (or why) I had written them off before.  I now realise the Holy Spirit had touched my life.

 This was meant to be a few sentences, but you have offered me a gift which has changed my life.  I feel indebted to you for devoting so much of your time and energy to make the information available in a way a complete novice like me could understand.  I feel a little strange confiding to someone I have never met or spoken to, but it feels right to verbalise what troubled me for so long.  Things have not changed dramatically in everyday life.  My father still struggles with poor health.  My wife and I will not be able to have kids, nor will her mum ever return from the vegetative state.  I still have not found work and money is a serious problem for us.  But now I have hope.  I realise that God has a plan for me and just because I don’t know exactly what it is yet, doesn’t detract from its importance or its existence.  I have kicked the cannabis habit and the alcohol, but still struggle with smoking tobacco.  I’m hopeful that smoking too will lessen its grip the more I pray about it and have faith that God will strengthen me to remove it in his time. My main struggle now is the relationship with my wife.  The damage that has been done over the past few years cannot be undone.  I am praying about it daily and only hope that she will see a change in me over the months to come that could not have come about except through a personal relationship with God.  Thank you Marilyn…thank you so, so much….You don’t realise how much you have impacted my life through your belief in God. Stephen