New Event Management for 3hd Media Costing and Analysis

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Transcript of New Event Management for 3hd Media Costing and Analysis

















BATCH : 2011-2013 ROLL NO : 112


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This is to certify that Mr. Abhirup Krishna Ubale has successfully completed the

project work as a part of academic fulfillment of Masters of Management Studies

(M.M.S.) semester IV examination.

Mrs. Shalini Talwar

Date : _________________



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I, Abhirup Krishna Ubale of Master of Management Studies Semester III of

Sinhgad Institute of Business Management (SIBM), hereby declare that I

have successfully completed this Project on New Event Management for

3HD Media: Costing and Analysis in the academic year 2012 – 13.The

information incorporated in this project is true and original to the best of my




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Sports events have evolved from the polite gatherings of the early twentieth century to

become major ventures in their own right. Leaving aside mega‐events: the Olympic

Summer and Winter Games, FIFA World Cup and UEFA Euro events, there are a large

number of mid‐level events requiring investment of money and expertise and involving

large numbers of people. It is for organisers of these events that this report has been

written. They are required to be experts in a large number of disciplines and to bring off a

show on a specific date with no second chances. They have a huge number of

stakeholders depending on them from sports federations and athletes to sponsors,

broadcasters, crowds and not forgetting the community hosting the event.

They have to contend with moving financial goalposts, press scrutiny and a bewildering

number of moving parts to keep an eye on. They will often need to recruit and lead a

large team or, possibly more difficult, select an external provider who will deliver the

event on their behalf. They will often have to pledge large sums of money or promise a

return to rights‐holders against uncertain outcomes only some of which are in their


Finally event organisers face an increasing possibility that their event will be disrupted by

scandal or terror turning their hard work to dust overnight. It is the best job in the world

and one which some people put themselves through willingly again and again. But, at

times it is a thankless and lonely task with the event organiser in the position of whipping

boy being attacked from all sides. This report will not give all the answers, but it will

provide a sympathetic and practical guide to some of the main issues that will occupy

most organisers. It has been written by many with personal experience of the stresses and

strains; the highs and the lows.

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Part One: Getting it Right from the Start

Many of the problems that event organisers face late on in the process of delivering the

show have their roots back at the inception and early stages of event planning. So, it is

without apology that we devote part one to the processes of setting things up to ensure a

greater likelihood of success. To do that we first set out a typology of events and deal

with some definitions. One of the frustrations often voiced by professionals in this field

concerns the constant reinvention of what should by now be standard processes. There

are differences between events, but they are often far fewer than most organisers realise.

Part of the problem stems from an absence of standard terminology with which to

describe activities and roles and we hold out some possible ways this can be tackled.

The Evolution and Project Journey of an Event

Although organisers will often think of their event as unique, it is likely to follow a pretty

standard journey which many have travelled before. Where the idea or impetus for an

event comes from tends to set it on a track which has a disproportionate impact on its

progress. We demonstrate a pragmatic approach to treating all types of event from PR

activity, to a “pure”sporting occasion in a similar way. This approach results in fewer

hostages to fortune and a greater possibility that an event will meet expectations.

Sports events are often sub‐optimal either in terms of how much they cost or what they

deliver. Event potential is thus missed and many of those involved are left ruing what

might have been. A disciplined and ordered approach to the early stages are much more

likely to lead to a success on everyone’s terms.

Feasibility, Development and Planning

Often a stage which is skipped, feasibility identifies the essential risk and success factors

for an event and asks a lot of the vital questions. Effective feasibility is carried out before

large sums and lots of political capital is committed and will always result in a better

plan. Although not all the information is known at the feasibility stage, most cost

elements and the range of variances likely to be experienced can be calculated. This

enables organisers to set a budget and contingency fund and ensure the money is there to

get the project off the ground.

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Development and planning is a combination of creative and very practical tasks which set

out the routemap for all of those involved to follow. Whether these are people directly

employed by the organising committee or by the range of external delivery partners that

are likely to be part of the event, each will need to be clear on the purpose and plan for

their activity. This enables the right team or agencies to be selected and parameters set as

to how they will all work together. There is no standard approach to planning but there

are a few different ways that many with experience have found to be successful. We

present these ways of thinking about structure, relationships and contracts to get the event

off to a flying start.

The Winning Team

The people and organisations involved in a large‐scale event multiply with the amounts

of money involved and the different outcomes required. The event organiser has to as

much diplomat as dictator; to be decisive and inclusive. We examine first the role of the

leader and the skills and style that sit best with this important role. Sitting below the

leader will be the immediate team charged with the delivery. Where this team

comes from and how they are managed can mean the difference between smooth running

success and an acrimonious failure. Hovering around the edges will be the paymasters

and the politicians, the commercial partners and the community, the sporting authorities

and the suppliers. Cohering these stakeholders around a common purpose is a difficult

challenge. However, it is all worthwhile to get agreement and make progress and

contributes overwhelmingly to a positive legacy.

Procurement and Contracting

However well managed relationships are the process of selecting and securing the

services of suppliers is a technical one. This is the area where the largest proportion of

the event organiser’s budget will be spent so has the most potential to derail or delivery

the budgeted event. Judging at what point to bring in external providers is not a

straightforward decision. Outsourcing a project entirely is likely to be more expensive on

the face of it, but blundering around with an inexperienced in‐house team is likely to cost

more overall both in budget and time.

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Inevitably, suppliers will need to be contracted at some stage and some kind of tender

process will normally be required. There are several ways of ensuring the best supplier is

selected and the best value obtained and we review them here.


The law touches major events in so many ways that this is a vital chapter. Whilst not

advocating immediate recourse to lawyers this section does demonstrate the legal

implications of the many decisions event organisers make. This starts with understanding

the legal status of the event itself and feeds through to many of the other commercial

arrangements. We examine the legal basis of agreements with rights‐holders, athletes and

teams, sponsors, broadcasters and suppliers to offer clear practical advice on what to

expect. Finally we examine the area of risk and offer some ways in which the law can

help reduce if not the risks themselves, then at least the consequences.

Part two: Optimising Major Event Revenues

For event organisers, one of the biggest headaches and areas of uncertainty may be

around money. Where part one looked at ways to keep costs under control, part two

covers the major revenue streams and how to optimise them.

Developing a Media‐Rights Strategy

For many sports the money from broadcasters for the right to show television footage of

their events has become a very significant income stream. For this reason many will have

long‐standing arrangements with broadcasters which cover events over several iterations.

This is not always the case and many event organisers will have the discretion and indeed

be expected to make local arrangements for delivery to television audience. This is, of

course, vital to rights‐holders who want to drive interest in their events and to sponsors

whose investment is thereby multiplied. This section provides some guidelines on how to

take a strategic approach to media rights and looks in‐depth at case examples from the

IAAF, UEFA and the English Football Association

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Sponsorship is another are where global rights may already have been sold by rights‐holders but it is likely that event organisers will have the opportunity to raise money from

their domestic brands. This section provides a clear, eight‐step approach to getting the

most out of this opportunity. We follow a path from packaging up rights to identifying

and approaching sponsors, negotiating win‐win deals and delivering what sponsors

require. Event organisers will be expected to work with both local and global sponsors

and this can often requires a specific team in itself. Finally, everyone will want to know

what the results were and we offer some advice on evaluating the effectiveness of the


Ticketing and Hospitality

Some of the most important decisions an event organiser will take will be around ticket

sales. Priced too low and vital money will be lost, priced too high and the take‐up among

the local community will fall short leading to embarrassingly empty venues.

Having set prices and created packages to suit all expected visitors, event organisers will

need to consider whether to sell tickets directly or share the load with a ticketing agency.

And, once tickets are sold they will need to look at the secondary market as that is where

the hottest tickets may end up. Many rights‐holders and sponsors will have an allocation

of premium seats but that should not rule out the possibility of selling hospitality

packages. This section reviews how this market has changed, offers advice on what

constitutes an attractive VIP product and how these can be sold.

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Licensing and Merchandising

Beyond the ticket itself, many fans value the chance to demonstrate their allegiance

during the event. Flags, scarves, hats, shirts and even horns build atmosphere in the

stadium and provide a significant income stream. Fans will often purchase other

programmes, souvenirs and other memorabilia of their experience and event branded

goods can be a way for a local community to show their support for an event in a

practical way. This section looks at the different income streams from merchandised

goods can be exploited and the ways event organisers can use logos and mascots to

generate revenues.

Part three: Event Delivery and Measurement

If the planning and preparation are done well and the revenue streams are secure, then


delivery should proceed without a hitch. As the clock ticks down to the event, however,

there is less

time to deal with the inevitable challenges as they arise.

Recruiting and Managing Volunteers

Volunteers are a common part of most major games and many event organisers will see

this as very positive thing. Using volunteers will not necessarily be lower cost but it will

engage the community, deliver a positive welcome to visitors and contribute to the all‐important legacy. A successful volunteer programme will not just happen. Using

volunteers needs to be taken as seriously as any other component. Careful planning,

recruitment, training and communication can ensure both volunteers and visitors have a

great experience. We take a case example from the Melbourne Commonwealth Games to

show how a successful programme can work in practice.

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Event Media Management

The media can be a blessing and a curse but no event organiser can operate without

giving them full consideration. Managed well, the media can help build a narrative

around an event and generate the excitement needed to deliver sell‐out crowds. If they are

abused they will report negatively and this kind of coverage can cast a dark shadow over

the event. Media accommodation is one of the fine judgements that organisers have to

make. Over specifying the press centre will be a costly waste of money but cramped and

inadequate accommodation will inevitably result in sub‐optimal results. This section

shows how to engage positively with the media and to give them what they need to do

their job effectively. We look at accreditation, practical facilities, access and information

that the press will need in this era of 24/7 digital reporting.

Safety and Security

The instances of major sporting events being targeted by terrorists have multiplied to

make this area a serious concern for event organisers. Awareness of potential problems

has also led to both athletes and audiences to think twice before committing to attend. All

groups involved need to know that security is being managed effectively.

In fact, the far bigger risk in terms of likelihood is one of safety. Large crowds unfamiliar

with their surroundings need to be managed to ensure events pass off without incident.

Not every risk can be eliminated but most can be reduced, transferred or mitigated

against leading to far fewer sleepless nights for event organisers.


Every human activity has an environmental impact but the high profile and somewhat

transient nature of sports events puts the question of sustainability high in the minds of

commentators and activists. Better event management will allow for more reuse of

equipment and a permanently used legacy. Approaches throughout the supply chain of

preparation for major events and particularly during proceedings can also reduce overall

waste and emissions. The profile of major events also gives an opportunity for rights‐holders, organisers and sponsors to influence the habits of large numbers of people. How

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these messages are communicated also requires careful thought to avoid public fatigue

and accusations of greenwashing.

Measurement and Evaluation

It is only once an event is over that a final assessment of its value can be arrived at. Many

budget items will not be fully known until a late stage and some legacy deliverables will

not be apparent for months or even years. Most organisers will try to put a single figure

on economic impact but this is far from being a straightforward task. Even for simple

measures such as visitors, hotel rooms and spending they will need to consider whether

new money was brought in from outside the community and the effect of those who

would otherwise have visited but were put‐off by the prospect of crowds. There are also a

range of softer measures which are important for the event organiser and his team,

the rights‐holder and future event hosts and the commercial partners of events.

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“Mini Marathon”:-You should be able to organize a “Mini Marathon” in the city that you

are doing your course.


Prepare a Proposal Letter and PPT for the event.

Organize publicity for the event like local Newspapers, Radio, TV stations,

Hoardings etc.

Organize a minimum crowd of 500 people to participate.

Organize local celebs to take part in the “Mini Marathon”.


Organize at least four local sponsors from the city where the event will take place

and you are expected to think of other innovative idea for branding.

Sponsors will be taken only to cover the basic cost of the event.

Planning the budget for the event, so it fits the sponsors limit.

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Miles for hope with 3HD MEDIA is one event especially for the people with disabilities

to encourage their performance in all aspects of life. The Marathon will be for children

from special schools all over MUMBAI.

Our main objective was to successfully organize a mini marathon with 3HDMedia in the

formulated budget and spread awareness about the cause for which it was being held.

Apply Event budgeting techniques to estimate the costs of event so as to set goals for

project. Our goal was to successfully organize an event for 3HD Media and market both

the event as well as company by arranging the required event costs from sponsors.


To raise hope and awareness that even physically and mentally challenged people can

perform in all aspects of life.


To attract many people towards helping and congratulating the disabled on their spirit to

live and perform in life.

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The need of the project is to study and analyses certain issues in event marketing and

event management, which need further attention. And some suggestions have been given

to make the Event Marketing and event management industry more effective in order to

utilize its full potential and serve the objective of an event and be mutually beneficial for

the Event agency, the Corporate and the customer.


1. To understanding the short coming of event marketing and event management.

2. How these are perceived today.

3. Problems faced by Indian event agencies.

4. Understand and manage the event in the best and effective way.

The few reasons for choosing event marketing as a promotion tool are as follows:

1. To accelerate your product into new markets.

2. To judge your products against the competition.

3. To launch new products/services.

4. To appeal to special customer interests.

5. To make more sales calls in a shorter time cycle.

6. To meet potential customers for new applications.

7. To change or improve the perception of your product.

8. To network with customers not normally called upon.

9. To present your products to buyers face-to-face.

10. To promote positive product trends.

11. To reposition your company in a market.

12. To select a new approach to marketing your product.

13. To target markets by types of visitors.

14. To understand customer attitudes.

15. To invite special customers to increase business

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The methodology followed for the research:

Primary research detailed discussions with event management firms and the corporate

clients. A general survey conducted with a sample size of 100 respondents was also done.

Subsequent additions were made to the interview schedule to suit the specific events

under study.

The secondary information was gathered from various books on event marketing, sales

promotions and publicity.

The information gathered was studied and analyzed. It revealed certain issues in event

marketing which need further attention and some suggestions have been given to make

the Event Marketing industry more effective in order to utilize its full potential and be

mutually beneficial for the Event Marketing agency, the Corporate and the customer.

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What are Events?

An event can be described as a public assembly for the purpose of celebration ,

education,marketing or reunion.

Events can be classified on the basis of their size,type and context.

Event management is the application of project management to the creation and

development of festivals,events and conferences.

The recent growth of festivals and events as an industry around the world means that the

management can no longer be ad hoc.


Social/life-cycle events

Events like birthday party, hen/stag party, graduation party, bachelors party,

engagement ,wedding, anniversary, retirement day, funeral etc

Educational and career events

Events like education fair, job fair, workshop, seminar, debate, contest,

completion etc

Sports events

Events like Olympics, world cup, marathons, wrestling matches etc

Entertainment events

Events like music concerts, fairs, festivals, fashion shows, celebrity nights, award

functions, beauty, peagents, flash mob, jewellery shows, stage shows etc

Political events

Events like political procession, demonstration, rally, political functions etc

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Corporate events

Events like mice (meetings, conferences, exhibition),product launches, road

shows, buyer-seller meet etc

Religious events

Events like religious festivals/fairs, religious procession, katha, pravachan, diwali

fair etc

Fund raising /cause related events

Any event can be turned into a fund raising or cause related event eg auctions

What is Event Management

Event management, the most profound form of advertising and marketing, is a glamorous

and thrilling profession. It provides an opportunity for unleashing one's creative potential

to a very high degree. Event management is a process of organizing a professional and

focused event, for a particular target audience. It involves visualising concepts, planning,

budgeting, organizing and executing events such as fashion shows, musical concerts,

corporate seminars, exhibitions, wedding celebrations, theme parties product launching

etc. It is a good career option which does not require much investment and offers a lot of

independence and flexibility.

Event management is considered one of the strategic marketing and communication tools

by companies of all sizes. From product launches to press conferences, companies create

promotional events to help them communicate with clients and potential clients. They

might target their audience by using the news media, hoping to generate media coverage

which will reach thousands or millions of people.

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Event management is the application of project management to the creation and

development of festivals, events and conferences.

Event management involves studying the intricacies of the brand, identifying the target

audience, devising the event concept, planning the logistics and coordinating the

technical aspects before actually executing the modalities of the proposed event. Post-

event analysis and ensuring a return on investment have become significant drivers for

the event industry.

The recent growth of festivals and events as an industry around the world means that the

management can no longer be ad hoc. Events and festivals, such as the Asian Games,

have a large impact on their communities and, in some cases, the whole country.

The industry now includes events of all sizes from the Olympics down to a breakfast

meeting for ten business people. Many industries, charitable organizations, and interest

groups will hold events of some size in order to market themselves, build business

relationships, raise money or celebrate

Events Definition In-Short

This is a diagrammatic representation of the above definition. From the model it is evident that an event is a package so organized has to provide, reach and live interaction between the target audience and the client to achieve the desired impact.

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Right Communicati

on from the



Live AudienCECEc






Marketing tool

Event management is considered one of the strategic marketing and communication tools

by companies of all sizes. From product launches to press conferences, companies create

promotional events to help them communicate with clients and potential clients. They

might target their audience by using the news media, hoping to generate media coverage

which will reach thousands or millions of people. They can also invite their audience to

their events and reach them at the actual event.


Event management companies and organizations service a variety of areas including

corporate events , marketing programs (road shows, grand opening events), and special

corporate hospitality events like concerts, award ceremonies, film premieres,

launch/release parties, fashion shows, commercial events, private (personal) events such

as weddings and bar mitzvahs.

Clients hire event management companies to handle a specific scope of services for the

given event, which at its maximum may include all creative, technical and logistical

elements of the event.


Sustainable event management (also known as event greening) is the process used to

produce an event with particular concern for environmental, economic and social issues.

Sustainability in event management incorporates socially and environmentally

responsible decision making into the planning, organization and implementation of, and

participation in, an event. It involves including sustainable development principles and

practices in all levels of event organization, and aims to ensure that an event is hosted

responsibly. It represents the total package of interventions at an event, and needs to be

done in an integrated manner. Event greening should start at the inception of the project,

and should involve all the key role players, such as clients, organizers, venues, sub-

contractors and suppliers.

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Event management software companies provide event planners with software tools to

handle many common activities such as delegate registration, hotel booking, travel

booking or allocation of exhibition floor space.


There are an increasing number of universities which offer courses in event management,

including diplomas and graduate degrees. In addition to these academic courses, there are

many associations and societies that provide courses on the various aspects of the


Career opportunities are in the following Industries:

Event Management

Hotel, travel and hospitality Industries

Advertising Agencies

Public Relations Firms

News Media

Non-profit organization

Event Budgeting and Accounting

Categories of events

Events can be classified into four broad categories based on their purpose and objective:

Leisure events e.g. leisure sport, music, recreation.

Cultural events e.g. ceremonial, religious, art, heritage, and folklore.

Personal events e.g. weddings, birthdays, anniversaries.

Organizational events e.g. commercial, political, charitable, sales, product launch,


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1. Conceptualization of the creative idea/ambience

2. Costing involves calculation of the cost of production and safety margins

3. Canvassing for sponsors, customers and networking components

4. Customization of the event according to brand personality, budgets, etc

5. Carrying-out involves execution of the event according to the final concept

Event Designing Concept

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Final Concept




Many corporates were approached with the initial concept to sponsor the event. The leads

generated through canvassing for sponsors and negotiation with venue owners gave a

strong impetus and indication of success for a particular variation. A leading soft drinks

company could be persuaded to fully sponsor the event.


The target audience of the soft drink company was pre-dominantly was fun-seeking

youth. The initial concept needed to be changed from a family oriented event to a

youthful event. The budget was needed to be drastically reduced to Rs. 2lakhs per center

and the event was to be simultaneously conducted in 5 locations spread across the


Final Concept and Carrying Out

Constraint of budget and specific requirement of the client changed the initial concept of

a two day program to a 3 hour forenoon program titled “HOLI GYRATIONS 2000”. The

program essentially revolved around a color rain dance and color blast for young people

with coverage on a popular youth oriented music channel on the television. It was also

decided to use the event coverage as software for future use by the channel. Now the

event was fully sponsored show for a single sponsor with invitations to a limited no. of

participants. The show was fully customized to give pre-dominant importance to the

sponsors’ colors viz. red and blue. The carry out stage involved being exceptionally

careful and prepared for eventualities such as hazards of drunken misbehavior of the

youth even though liquor was not allowed inside the venue. The interaction revolved

around a popular VJ anchoring the show and except for dancing, there would be hardly

anything else actually happening. The carry out stage gets completely taken over by the

music channel.

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3HD Media is a rich digital media agency offering an endless list of digital services all

aimed at engaging the customer on one single touch point that the customer never fails to

carry along and that is their mobile phone. Entertainment giants are re-editing shows and

creating new content for small screen, these are the BIG BUCKS in selling Television on

the go…

3HD Media has absorbed the best technological brains in the country and bought them

under one roof so that both advertisers and brand could benefit from the latest digital

media technologies. It’s an effort of the experts who have strived hard to develop various

mobile applications, one of them being Mobile Video Streaming that allows you an

instant access to a particular content in a usable and appropriate format on any mobile


Our team possesses extensive intellectual technologies across the entire digital services

like Mobile Video Streaming, Location Based Advertising (LBA)/ Marketing(LBM)

Bluetooth Advertising, Internet Advertising, Video SMS , Video Emails, WiFi

Advertising, Product Launches and Social Media.

We are also the pioneers and the only organization owning the software for Mobile Video

Streaming for transmitting TV on Mobile and that too on a 2G network delivering 18

frames per second(as good as normal television) using just 60 kbps of bandwidth.

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It is crucial in this ever-changing global business landscape to have the right technology

& knowledge hence 3HD Media focuses on; delivering the technology & knowledge that

companies not only want, but the critical insights on how to ensure success on their

marketing plans.

Who would not want to be the first to witness an electrifying product launch live on their

mobile phone/computer, 3HD Media brings together the latest footage on the most

portable screen irrespective of your target audience being at home, work or traveling, we

promise they won’t miss it !!!!!!

Mobile Phone is believed to be the third screen for viewers after Television and

Computers, it’s like a wildfire waiting to set blaze so now one can have the latest per

minute shows and sports action just within a time it takes for the eye to blink or the heart

to beat. 

3HD Media integrates all the various digital touch points of a customer on a single

platform and uses the latest analytic tools to create an unmatchable ROI for the product.

The company envisions being the definitive market leader on the Digital Media landscape

of India. So now come give us a chance to serve you so that we could create a win-win

situation on the most promising medium for the two of us.

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3HD Media Internship Programmes:


Today India is the youngest country in the world with 50% of the population below the

age of 25. So just imagine which ever domains you belong to the online medium will rule

and that’s the place you should be in. Just imagine today facebook is the third largest

country in the world with the highest per capita income can you afford to miss living in

such a country? Today 3hdmedia is offering you that opportunity to live in that country

which is full of dreams and helps you to create a great future for yourself.


Today, the internet is responsible for constantly changing our markets that includes the

medium we use to market our products. Consumer behaviour changes constantly and

through this internship pogramme you can complement your skills with new dimensions

which are taking shape in our life on a day to day basis. By conducting an event we

intend to use this latest communication medium to promote a social cause. 

Ten Basic Skills that will be closely monitored by us during the event: 





Coaching and Development 






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Why events: 

» During the event that is being conducted we will also merge the events with a Digital

Media campaign and this will act as an eye opener to the young candidates.

» The basic skills in the candidate will help us to judge the leadership and innovative

qualities in a candidate after the event is complete.

Mission Statement

“Enriching Rich Media”


Mobile Video Streaming

Location Based Advertising

Bluetooth Advertising

Internet Advertising

Video SMS

Video Emails

WiFi Advertising

Product Launches

Regional Voice SMS

Mobile Video Training

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Mobile Video Streaming

3HDMediaprovides a unique mobile video streaming technology on the 2G & 3G

networks that streams up to 18 FPS (Frames per second which is as good as a normal

television) by using only 60 kbps of bandwidth. 3HDMediawith its latest video

streaming- proprietary compression technology built by our team of IT professionals can

deliver the smoothest video, clearest audio and richest multimedia experience which no

other company can provide that too both on the 2G & 3G networks.

3HDMedia’s end-to-end solution enables mobile video streaming from any mobile

handset right from the high end to the low end devices. We will help your brand reach its

right audience & keep you updated with the ever evolving demography.

According to this Streaming Media post, the H1 2011 Allot Mobile Trends Report found

a 93 percent increase in mobile video streaming during the first half of 2011. This growth

accounts for 39 percent of all mobile bandwidth, and makes video the largest single

consumer of the available mobile bandwidth & 3HDMediais very much aware of this


Unify and expand your organization’s mobile video communications today with the help

of 3HDMedia!

Location Based Advertising

3HD Media provides the "PUSH" technology wherein you can send any content to a

wireless mobile device at any time even without the subscriber's request. In push LBA,

advertising messages are sent to a consumer's cell phone (or mobile device) based on a

particular consumer's location and previously stated product preference.

3HD Media also offers "PULL" technology wherein users can interact with our mobile

applications and the offers are presented in a standard pull advertising model (specially

designed by 3HD Media). Through this medium we provide advertisements specific to

the location of the consumer delivered to the mobile device only when it is explicitly

requested for. In this type of LBA, the consumer initiates the request for advertising or

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promotions for preferred product categories close to his/her location.

With 3HD Media's LBA technology you can capture your target easily, increase

impulsive buying, develop stronger one-to-one relationship marketing, and boost

psychological nurturing thus increasing your ROI.

Bluetooth Advertising

Do you want to outwit your competition, increase brand awareness or improve customer

relationship, then leverage on the latest technology of Bluetooth Advertising provided by

3HD Media to WOW your customers and be ahead of the game.

We will help you achieve this goal by offering superior technology in

Broadcast location-based coupons.

Contextual advertising.

Localized information.

Gaming and music.

Content on demand.

Specific and targeted campaign.

It's a breakthrough in technology which 3HD Media has developed wherein one could

communicate through Bluetooth for a distance of up to 250 meters.

According to the latest numbers, mobile telephony is expanding at the rate of 20 million

customers a month and there are currently 23 mobiles for every landline phone. Taking

this into consideration

3HD Media, with the help of Bluetooth advertising, can help you develop Business

Opportunities in restaurants & cafes, bars & nightclubs, cinemas & theatres, offices

schools, colleges, & universities, retail outlets & shopping malls, banks, exhibitions &

events, public places, airports & train stations

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Internet Advertising

3HD Media helps in creating high-conversion, interactive direct marketing services to

help brands succeed in the online marketplace. Through the medium of internet

advertising we help you in immediate publishing of content that is not restricted by place

or time.

In India, Internet users will more than double to 237 million by 2015 from the current

figure of around 100 million. At 3HD Media we do it for you!

Our dynamic internet advertising solutions include:

Pay Per click Management (PPC)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Contextual/Display Advertising

Landing Page Optimization

Web Design & Development

Online Video Marketing

Internet Marketing Consulting

Strategy Development

Online Marketing Audits

Affiliate Marketing

Custom, Proprietary Internet Marketing Technology

3HD Media provides you with all these solutions under one roof & boosts your brand

value in this competitive & dynamic market thus differentiating you from the rest.

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Video SMS

Video has an inherent appeal to audiences. Most of us want to "see" something before we

"read" something. In the context of internet marketing, 3HD Media brings to you video

messaging which can be used to enhance the consumer experience by educating the

viewer about the product or services, creating an image and building the brand.

3HD Media has made a breakthrough in the video messaging arena by bringing in the

unique compression technology which means greater flexibility & more data can be

handled in a small space. By means of 2G & 3G networks we enable video service that

allows users to make a video call, record video and send it to any other subscriber.

Voice or Video SMSes are fast ways to send short messages to any mobile subscriber. If

you're tired of typing a message, now you can simply record it! 3HD Media offers you a

non-intrusive and expressive way of communication to your target audience thus bringing

easier and faster communication to reality.

"Picture speaks a thousand words & videos a million" & therefore we introduce you to

our Video sms technology for

A truly personalized communication with customers

Shortens your time to market considerably & allows the transmission of time-

sensitive information

Enables you to effectively target both new and existing customers

Maximize cost-effectiveness and returns for all we know it is GREEN!!!!!

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Video Emails

3HD Media has streamlined the video email process to the point where the whole

recording, linking and sending process is done within our secure 3HD Media


We also allow you to record evergreen (reusable) videos ready to go at the push

of a button. These are often used as a follow up to a phone or email enquiry, and

are an effective first-step in the relationship building process. Our team at 3HD

Media offers unprecedented level of coaching and support that teaches businesses

to put the human element back into their communications.

3HD Media offers ground-breaking video compatibility with almost all handset

devices & with our video email compression technology we assure a revolution in

the video email marketing technology space.

With video email marketing techniques, 3HD Media offers a significant


When you use web video, you not only refine the process, you enhance it. Plain

text can only say so much.  Video takes your processes via your message to the

next level


SUCCESS & FAILURE OF a BRAND incorporating video email, and web video,

into your marketing efforts will increase the impact of your copy

exponentially. With video email marketing technology we allow you to fix your

hard costs, regardless of the number of videos you send out.

WiFi Advertising

Traditional marketing tactics have to be reinvented to keep up with technology and the

ever evolving demography.  3HD Media creates a direct response marketing opportunity

that will give you information that has not been available through traditional means with

the help of WIFI advertising.

"The bottom line is that WiFi puts butts in seats," Our brand of WIFI technology is

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designed to build a stronger one-on-one connection with your desired target audience.

3HD Media's WIFI advertising system can be used to:

Pre-qualify leads for your business by determining which users are meeting your

specific prequalification metrics.

Provide valuable product feedback directly from your consumers.

Provide the multiple branding opportunities necessary to convert potential


3HD Media, through its WIFI advertising system attracts what you are looking for. We

have created a unique branding and data collection opportunity for advertisers wanting to

reach their target audience. Our software delivers targeted advertising campaigns and

collects the data for you in an easy-to-use and download interface.

 Our unique opportunity and proven technology will advance your marketing effort

Product Launches

The business world today is witnessing cut-throat competition, not just due to the race to

increase the revenues, but also since all the brands are offering a wide array of products.

"Launching a product is similar to launching a rocket – you have to break the tremendous

inertia that is holding the body at rest"

We can bring a perfect storm in making your product ready, your partners screaming at

you to ship and your buyers foaming at the mouth in anticipation. 3HD Media helps you

differentiate your brand from the rest and swoop on the handsets of your potential

customers, you can now:

Demonstrate use of a new product

Train your business partners almost anytime and anywhere

Send latest updates on the critical attributes of your product

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So what are you waiting for, when you can reach your customers/agents at just one click?

Thus being precisely cost-effective with the power of mobile video streaming you can get

the world out quicker, build your customer base faster and generate more revenue.

Regional Voice SMS

India is a land of regional diversity with more than 22 languages and thousands of

dialects. In India there are more than 850 million mobile phone users and only 10% of

these users speaks English. Inspite of this most of the interactions on the mobile phone

takes place in English. It would be any marketers dream come true if he could

communicate to rural India in their own language through the mobile phone

Regional voice based SMS services enhances the quality of your communication by

making interactions more meaningful.

Don't just convey but stay connected with your customers through voice SMS

Features & Benefits of Voice SMS

Broadcast in all Regional languages

A Mechanism for inbuilt feedback

Immediate call connect

Instant MIS

Emotional Appeal

So what are you waiting for call 3HDMedia and take advantage of technology at its best

in this fast changing world.

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Mobile Video Training

3HD Media initiates an exclusive video compressed technology which is able to present

large amounts of detailed information in a finite, condensed form wherein enterprises can

easily speedup training time taken for educating and guiding new workers or employees

including agents/distributors at their convenience, newsletters, e-mailers can be designed

in the form of video and target its direct audience within no time.

Consistency of content is another major benefit that 3HD Media provides with video

training rest assured that all viewers receive the same content. Not to forget the retention

of video content is far more effective than any traditional training method.

3HD Media with the aid of mobile video training allows the training facilitator to travel

to different locations and quickly set up and break down equipment, or convert any place

into an instant training facility. It's the most inexpensive way to train, develop, and

motivate your employees, for any workplace.

With most enterprises wanting to employ solutions that can offer best ways of cutting

down cost, we at 3HD Media introduce Video Training like an optimized solution that

can solve all training woes.

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Miles For Hope

On 3rd June, 2012

Venue: Samaj Sevika Savitri bai Phule Maiden – Chandivali

Timing: 7.00am to 12.00am

Miles for hope with 3HD MEDIA is one event especially for the people with disabilities

to encourage their performance in all aspects of life. The Marathon will be for children

from special schools all over MUMBAI.


To raise hope and awareness that even physically and mentally challenged people can

perform in all aspects of life.


To attract many people towards helping and congratulating the disabled on their spirit to

live and perform in life.

Every runner will be awarded participation ribbon.

Winner will be awarded.

Participants and Spectators will be treated with breakfast.

More than 40 children from special schools for physically and mentally challenged in and

around Mumbai are participating in this event. Expected audience of around 50-100

localities and other followers expected.

The event will be covered by DD networks (and radio).Print advertisements, pamphlets in

local newspapers shall bear a list of sponsors.

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In a business organization, a budget represents an estimate of future costs and revenues.

Budgets may be divided into two basic classes: Capital Budgets and Operating Budgets.

Capital budgets are directed towards proposed expenditures for new projects and often

require special financing. The operating budgets are directed towards achieving short

term operational goals of the organization, for instance, production or profit goals in a

business firm. Operating budgets may be sub-divided into various departmental

of functional budgets. No system of planning can be successful without having an

effective and efficient system of control. Budgeting is closely connected with control.

The exercise of control in the organization with the help of budgets is known as

budgetary control.

The process of budgetary control includes:

1. Preparation of various budgets.

2. Continuous comparison of actual performance with budgetary performance.

3. Revision of budgets in the light of changed circumstances.

A system of budgetary control should not become rigid. There should be enough scope of

flexibility to provide for individual initiative and drive. Budgetary control is an important

device for making the organization. It is an important tool for controlling costs and

achieving the overall objectives

Cost Plans and Budgets

Depending on the policies of your company, you may be involved with developing the

cost plan and maintaining the event’s budget. Often the client has been given a quote

before the show, which typically includes expenses such as pre-planning, travel,

subrentals, and other variable costs. It’s the responsibility of the AV technician to

monitor the budget during the event. There are a variety of budgets, all created to track

and categorize every dollar.

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As an AV technician, you will have the greatest impact on two types of budgets:

• Event budgets or event cost plans

• Company budgets

It is easy to get these two types of budgets confused. Due to their close relationship, they

share several standard accounting characteristics.

Examples of a rental company’s finances (Figure A) and the budget breakdown of an

event (Figure B) are on the next page. These are great examples of the blocks of financial

data that are organized and analyzed by the accounting department to forecast the

Financial standing of the company. Notice that both tables track similar data such as

income, revenue, and expenses; except an event’s budget is focused on financial details

of a single event rather than the impact of many events.

When it comes to individual shows, the cost structure changes in comparison to the

company’s overall picture. An event that uses minimal outside resources will appear to

be more profitable.

Key Financial Factors During an Event

Making good decisions during crisis situations can be a daunting task. You must use your

knowledge of the show’s budget, the client’s temperament, and your company’s

resources to come up with viable solutions. One resource that you can use to make

informed decisions is the employee time log. This will help you know the status of each


Before you make a decision look at the key factors to consider during a crisis:

• Fixed labor

• Unreimbursed (you cannot charge your client) overtime

• Unreimbursed (you cannot charge your client) supplies

• Unnecessary sub-rentals

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Allocating Resources During an Event

There are many decisions to make during an event. When you are new to managing

events, it is often difficult to know what decisions to make. Unfortunately, there is no list

of right and wrong answers, when it comes to these decisions. You must learn about

the common mistakes made during the event and do your best to avoid making similar


Each company has a different process for approving changes to the budget or schedule.

These processes can often require an AV technician to contact several people before

making a change. It is a best practice for a company to provide its technicians with

contact information for everyone who must approve a change, and the procedure

involved with making that change.

Budgets and financial management

Good financial management is fundamental to the delivery of successful events. Our

advice is simple: plan ahead, be realistic, keep on top of your budget and implement

control systems that work for you.

Right from the start, ensure that you set a realistic budget with inbuilt flexibility and

Identified contingencies. If you are looking to raise public funds or sponsorship, don’t

Approach a potential funder until you are able to present a realistic outline budget.

Remember, you need to convince yourself of the event’s financial viability before you

can convince others.

Preparing your Budget

Your event budget is basically a projection of all income and expenditure relating to the

development and delivery of the event. To help you manage event finances effectively

it’s a good approach to keep a ‘live budget’ on your computer – i.e. a spreadsheet that

you update on a regular (daily/weekly) basis. Set up your budget in a package such as

Microsoft Excel so that you have numeric functions to help you manage the financial


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Davies and Brown (2000) write that “festivals and events are special times in people’s

lives, they give us the opportunity to go outside normal experiences for a cultural, social

or leisure experience” (p.169). The public use of the word ‘event’ does not necessarily

concur with the scientific use of it (Loos, Hermes, & Thomas, 2008). The literature

available is mostly not concerned about defining the word event prior to undertaking

research in the field, which leads to communication gaps and misunderstandings.

To prevent common misunderstandings this literature review defines, discusses and

structures the comparatively young industry of event management. It starts with the

origin of the word ‘event’ and the industry of event management, followed by the

importance, the influencing factors and the skills of people within the industry. The last

part of the literature review is devoted to a framework of best practices in event

management. The outcome of the literature review is a base to work from throughout the

thesis and beyond.

Sports Participation and Development Studies

In conducting this research we were looking for previous studies which

assessed the impact on levels of participation in sport following major events.

We were also concerned to look at the development of new facilities as part of

staging sporting events and their usage since.

General Trends

Considerable research exists on the general trends in sports

participation and this provides useful baseline information - a context within

which the assessment of the impact of Manchester 2002 must be placed -

about what we might expect from sport development impact of a major event

(including Manchester 2002).

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Gratton and Tice (1994) used the General Household Survey (GHS) to

analyse trends in sports participation between 1977 and 1987. Their results


· that indoor sport has increased the most rapidly (60% increase in

comparison to 13% increase in outdoor sports)

· the average age of participants increased across all groups

· a higher number of those retired from employment were participating in

sport and the number of females participating in sport increased.

· the most popular outdoor activity was walking (19.1% participation rate)

· the next most popular outdoor activity being football (2.7%)

· swimming (indoors) was the second most popular activity overall with a

participation rate of 9.5%.

They concluded that growing number of those taking part in indoor

sports can be attributed to massive public investment in new indoor facilities

over the 1970s and 1980s. Gratton and Tice conclude that their statistical

analysis indicates that age is less of a barrier to sports participation than in

earlier years. The older sports participants also had a much wider range of

non-sport leisure interests than non-participants suggesting that they have a

rich and varied leisure lifestyle (1994: 66). They recommend that provision of

publicly provided indoor facilities may prove to be an important policy for

preventive health care for an ageing population.

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Costing and Cost Accounting:

Costing or cost accounting is a branch of accounting which deals with recording

classifying and appropriate allocation of expenditure to determine the cost of product and

services.  After determining the cost one can fix the profit margin and also the fix the

selling price.  In this complex and competitive market scenario, it is essential to

determine the cost of products and services.  It also help the management to take an

informed decision to reduce cost and increase the profit, reduce the manufacturing cost,

whereby reducing the selling price.  To sustain in this competitive market, producers

needs to reduce the selling price and increase the quality.

Definition of Costing.

According to Harold J Wheldon "Costing is the classifying, recording and appropriate

allocation of expenditure for the determination of the costs of products or services; and

for the presentation suitably of arranged data for purposes of control and guidance of


The term "Costing" and "Cost Accounting" are used interchangeably.  However, Costing

refers to the technique and process of ascertaining costs.  There are specified rules and

principles which are used to determine the cost of products and services.  Whereas the

term Cost Accounting refers the process of finding out the cost.  

According to the Institute of Cost and Management Account "Cost accounting is that part

of management accounting which establishes budgets and standard costs and actual costs

of operations, processes, departments or products and the analysis of variances,

profitability or social use of funds."

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Use of costing

Every economic activity such as production and services involves some expenses.  These

expenses may be of raw materials, labour cost or other direct and indirect expenses.  The

purpose of production or services is that to earn profit.  Cost accounting serves the

purpose of identifying the expenses and cost and the profit margin of the product.  For

example a cloth factory launches a new shirt.  It has to incure $30 for material $ 20 for

labor and $ 25 for other overheads.  The selling price fixed as $ 100.  The cost of the shirt

is $ 75 (30+20+25) Profit is $ 25 (100-75).  

Every manufacturer requires such information for the purpose of planning, decision

making and cost control.  Most of the time it is difficult to extract such information from

the financial accounting.  A new system of accounting is developed to cater the

requirement of the management to control the cost.  Various limitations and deficiencies

of financial accounting gave rise to the need of cost accounting.

Costing provides the following benefits:

1. Fast Decisions: Costing help the management to take fast and informed decision on

the basis of data provided by the Cost Accounting.

2. Optimum Profit: Costing help the organization to maximize the profit by exercising

efficient control in personal, financial, production and marketing activities.

3. Maximum utilization of Limited Resources: By minimizing the wastage, once can

minimize the wastage and maximize the utilization of resources.

4. Maintain Social Responsibility: Social responsibility in terms of regular supply,

reasonable price, proper quality can be attain by effectively utilizing the cost accounting.

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5. Effective Management: In large manufacturing plants requires special attention in

every stage and process of the manufacturing. Cost accounting help the management to

easily control every stage of the manufacturing process efficiently. It'll help the

management to identify the inefficient department or process and address the issue and

correct it.

6. Help the organization Globally competitive: In this ever changing global market

stringent control over costs can help the organization to compete globally with other


Due to the many advantages, many companies are opting the help of costing to control

the cost. It is now a widely recognized branch of accounting and generating employment

for people who are specialized in Cost accounting. Costing helps in checking of wastage,

pricing, control of resources, management of process, discharge of social obligations,

flow of data for decision making and provides opportunity for profit growth in the


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Cash From sponsors 2300


Less:- Operating Expenses

Ground rent 500

Printing pamphlets 250

Pamphlets distribution in newspaper 200

Printing banners and certificate 1450

Printing Stickers 500

Plastic glass charges 300

Bus charges 3500

Awards 300

Parle G 500

Tea & Coffee 900

Felicitation expenses 350

Decorator and DJ 13200

Preliminary expenses 550 22500

Profit 500

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SPONSORSHIP LIST:-Company Cash\Kind Contribution

Ribbons & Balloons Cash 5000

Mauli Travels Cash 6000

Prime Holidays Cash 12000

Total 23000

Domino's Kind Pizzas & Soft drinks

Jindal Steel & Water Kind T-Shirts & Caps

SIBM CollegeKind Parking lot, Water & Wash rooms

Dr.Reddy Kind First Aid & Emergency Handling

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Plan For the event:

One of the most important things to think about when organizing a race is setting

realistic goals.

Both types of races have their advantages, as long as expectations have been set


“Don’t think you’re going to be the boss of the marathon at your first go,” noted

Camire. “If you set a goal of 25,000 and get 25 people, you’ll be disappointed.

If you set a goal of 25 people and get 25 people, you’ve met your goal. “

How to determine which expectations are reasonable?

You need to determine resources to make this thing happen. If you have a whole

committee of people, a major company or major cause behind you, then

significant expectations might be reasonable

All you really need is two people to compete. Two people and it’s a race. You’re

up and running

If you can get 200 people to your first event, that’s a pretty good goal. But

remember, a race is a race. “All you really need is two people to compete. Two

people and it’s a race. You’re up and running,” said Camire

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Safety First:

“The first important lesson I learned about racing over the years, is to make sure

no one dies,” chuckled Camire. “Clean and simple. Safety is No. 1.”

Here are a few pointers to make sure you’re prepared to keep everyone at your

event safe and sound:

Make sure there is plenty of water on the course

Make sure traffic control is present so no one gets hit by a vehicle

Use volunteers and make signs to make sure people stay on correct course

Make sure you have medical presence

“You probably want to have an ambulance or EMT present. But it may be as

simple as educating your volunteers to not hesitate to call 911 immediately in the

event of an emergency,” Camire said. “The point is: be prepared for everything. If

everyone makes it to the finish line safely, it’s a successful event. Safety is the

most important thing.”

Plan the Logistics:

There are lots of odds and ends associated with a race besides the actual race.

Here’s a list things first-time race directors might forget to have on their to-do


Race-day checklist

Accurately marked course

Accurately measured course

Well-run registration to ensure all participants registered properly

Awards / Ceremony


Medical presence

Water stops

Post-race music and food

Goodie bags / T-shirts

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Get Permission:

“If you don’t have permission, you can’t do your event,” said McGillivray. “Once

you decide where you want to conduct the event, you have to go to the permitting

authorities and get permission.

Sunstrides was co-organizing an event with another organization that was

responsible for getting the permit when, two months before the event, she was

informed by the city that they had no awareness of the event.

By this time, it was too late to get approval for that date so they rescheduled the

date and tried to rush the permit through. “We delayed promotions until too close

to the event and eventually had to cancel. It was a huge waste of time and energy

that we wouldn’t have wasted if I had a permit in my hands from the get-go.”

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प्रती� मा�नन�य सहा�यक अभि य�ती� एल वा�र्ड� क� ल�� मा��बई माहा�नगर पा�लिलक� मा��बई - ४०० ०७०  

वि�षय: अपा�ग मा�ल��स�ठी� धा�वाणे" स्पधा�� घे"ण्य�स�ठी� पारवा�नग� मिमाळण्य�ब�बती…… माहा(दय स�हा"ब, मा� प्रतितीतिनधा� कर�ती असल"ल्य� प्र �ग क्रमा��क १५० माधा� रहा"जा� तिवाहा�र, चां��दिदवाल� य"थी�ल माहा�नगरपा�लिलक� मा3द�न इथी" सिंस6हागर्ड स�स्था� माधा�ल तिवाद्या�थी9 आभिणे ३ हाद मा"तिर्डय� मा�र्फ� ती अपा�ग मा�ल��स�ठी� क्र=र्ड� क�य�क्रमा ( धा�वाणे" स्पधा�� ) आय(जिजाती कर�ती आहा". तीर� त्य� अपा�ग मा�ल��स�ठी� हा� क�य�क्रमा घे"ण्य�स�ठी� आपाणे पारवा�नग� द्या�वा� हा� नम्र तिवान�ती�.वा"ळ: सक�ळA ७.०० ती" दुपा�र� १२.०० पायDती दिदन��क: ३ जाEन २०१२ रतिवावा�र   

आपाल� नम्र

Ms. Romila MachadoHR Manager

Page | 52

PERMISSION LETTER FROM POLICE (NOC)  To,The Inspector In Charge,Chandivali,Mumbai- 400076


Respected Sir,

With due respect, I would like to inform you on behalf of Miles For Hope – 3HDMEDIA that on 3rd June,2012 we are going to organize Mini Marathon from Samaj Sevika Savitri bai Phule Maidan - Chandivali. Timing 6am to 12pm. Participates expected 75 plus. For this purpose we need your permission to organise this event and also support of yours to organise this event in a Hassel free manner without having any social trouble.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully,

 Ms. Romila MachadoHR Manager

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Dear Sir,

Kindly go through our sponsorship proposal below…

Miles For Hope

On 3rd June, 2012

Venue: Samaj Sevika Savitri bai Phule Maidan - Chandivali

Timing: 7.00am to 12.00am

Miles for hope with 3HD MEDIA is one event especially for the people with

disabilities to encourage their performance in all aspects of life. The Marathon

will be for children from special schools all over MUMBAI.


To raise hope and awareness that even physically and mentally challenged people

can perform in all aspects of life.


To attract many people towards helping and congratulating the disabled on their

spirit to live and perform in life.


Every runner will be awarded participation ribbon.

Winner will be awarded.

Participants and Spectators will be treated with breakfast.

Page | 54

More than 20 schools in and around Mumbai from special schools for physically

and mentally challenged children are participating in this event. Expected

audience of around 50-100 localities and other followers expected.

The event will be covered by DD networks (and radio).Print adverstisements,

pamphlets in local newspapers shall bear a list of sponsors.

The event is basically organised for a good cause. For physically challenged

children so a greater media interest is anticipated.

Sponsorship can be cash/cheque. A minimum of rs.10000 and we will be

advertising in our pamphlets. And banners shall be put up on the day of the event

on the venue. Regular announcements of our official sponsors on the day of the



Page | 55


Miles for hope

Invites you to a mini marathon

On 3rdJune,2012

Venue :Samaj-sevikaSavitribaiphulemaidaan,


Timing:7.00am to 10.00am

Miles for hope with 3hdmedia is one event specially for the people with

disabilities to encourage their performance in all aspects of life. The marathon

will be for children from special schools all over mumbai.

Every runner will be awarded participation certificates.


Powered by:

Sinhgad Institute of Business Management

Domino's                     Ribbons&Balloons              

Jindal Steel       Prime Holiday  


Mauli Travels

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