New Age Monitor 02-1987, Vol. 1, Nos. 11-12

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Transcript of New Age Monitor 02-1987, Vol. 1, Nos. 11-12

  • CumOeM's

    NIEH RGIE MlON~iilO~


    PAT RobERTSON: LibERT)' Lobb)' ANd CRysTALs1 RussiA GoEs "NEw AqE.' ~:::;;;;;;~~JI-IE GREAT SEATTLE NEW AGE DEbATES


    VoluME l, NuMbERS 11/12, FEbRUARylMARCH, 1987

  • February, March, 1986


    We have had our Quad-Laser printer for nearly a year now . Because of soft-ware limitations we were unable to take advantage of its full capabilities for awhile. But now, as you can see, from the appear-ance of this MONITOR, this situation is changing. We are now employing the Graham Software's SC LASER PLUS program which is designed specifi-cally to take advantage of the Quadram laser printer's capabilities. We are now able to get much more copy in a MONITOR, and it should be easier for you to read. The print is also quite suitable for typeset -ting books and informa -tional pamphlets and packets.


    My David Ebaugh file temporarily vanished. This delayed my completion of the newsletter until my re-turn from North Dakota. Holly and Rebecca, my diligent secretaries relo-cated it and it was await -ing my return to Detroit. Unfortunately, I returned from North Dakota with a virus that included strep throat and "walking" pneumonia. My stamina level has been low, pre-cluding serious concentra-tion and work on the newsletter.




    David Ebaugh is a Bible teacher who is popular in certain areas of the Ohio Valley; Baltimore, Mary-land ; Pennsylvania; and the Pa-cific Northwest. I have encoun -tered people suffering from a great deal of spiritual confusion because of Ebaugh's cleverly worded teachings. He very "sub-tly" calls his class "New Age Bible Teachings." But, he has re-cently insisted he is not a " New Ager" - a t least no t in the sense of what he calls "the World ' s New Age Movement."

    ls this correct? ls David Ebaugh a misunderst ood Christian using old -time Christian terminology that the New Agers' have lately appro -priated? Or, is David Ebaugh a wolf in very poor sheep's cloth -ing? After studying Ebaugh's teachings, I conclude that they are fully "New Age" in every sense o f the word . Both h is theology and his po li ti cal a genda a re classic a l New Age - teachings that nobody at Lucis Trust would mourn over. The evidence, however, strongly suggests that Ebaugh is a full -fledged New Ager, both in terms of his theology and his political stance .

    The goals of the New Age Move -ment a re (1) a New World Order; (2) a New World Religion; and (3) a New Messiah - one they cheer -fully admit is NOT Jesus.

    Ebaugh meets every one of the above criteria - and with far less subtlety than many he would char -acterize as part of "the world's New Age Movement."

    Page l

    Ebaugh is also publicly part of the Manifest Sons of God Movement. This is a Movement I briefly dis-cussed in A PLANNED DECEPTION. I learned of the ex-istence of that group from a New Age report with the somewhat "unassuming title" of "AN EVO-LUTIONARY BASIS FOR THE REAPPEARANCE OP THE CHRIST AND HIS EXECUTIVES THE MASTERS OF WISDOM." The author, an associate Unity pastor at Unity's Founder's Church, Unity on the Plaza, Kansas City, Missouri, was inspired to write this report about how many divergent elements were coming together to aid in the "reappear-ance " o f "Maitreya the Christ." Par and away, the m ost interesting part of his report dealt with what he ter m ed "Neo - Pentecostals." The more proper name for that Movement was "Sonship" or "Overcomers" or "M a nif est Sons of God. " Their message is a lso some ti mes kn o wn as a "Kingdo m Message ." They have formed some very successful and ungodly alliances in the past few ye ars with the positive confession movement and the Dominion Theology move ment of Rush -doony and G ary North.

    The "new gospel" of the Mani -fest Sons of God is the same as that of the New Age Movement -that the Second Coming of Christ is us becoming Christi Whether it is called "The Externalisation of the Hierarchy" (Lucis Trust), "the Manifestation of the Sons of God" (Lucis Trust, Manifest Sons of God), or "the Christification of Matter" (Chardin, et al), it all refers to the same expectation in the New Age Movement - that we will all become "God-conscious" and "realize our own divinity ."

    Ebaugh arises out of that Manifest Sons of God Movement, but his talk is more blatantly New Age

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    th a n e v e n m a n y o f the others 111 that Movement.


    David Ebaugh is married and a grandfather. His literature says he is an electronic engineer by trade. He claims training from many sources including the U.S. Navy, University of Wisconsin, Purdue University, University of New York, University of Illinois. His diploma ca me from the Ins ti lute of Electronical and Electronic Engineers in New York City . He claims he made "significant in-ventions in typewriters for IBM ." He says he has been engaged ex-clusively in Bible teaching. He operates the David Ebaugh Bible School. According to Ebaugh's newsletter, this is mainly a mail-order operation.

    Ministry em pbasis

    Ebaugh says his ministry deals with the investigation of "I) SPIRIT, SOUL, BODY, 2.) NAMl!S OF GOD, 3.) LAW OR GRACE, 4 .) RE VE LATJON PROPHECY," and "5.) IMMORTALITY."

    He frankly admits this is an effort "to produce attitude changes that prepare the student for the mani-festation of the SONS OF GOD."

    His ministry circulates tape cas-settes from live teaching sessions in Hershey, Pennsylvania; Balti-more, Maryland; Westchester; and Washington, D.C.

    Ebaugh has expressed praise for Pat Robertson in past ne wsl e tiers. This contrasts sharply with his treatment of the majority of evangelical and fundamentalist preachers whom he claims to ex-cel in revelation knowledge.


    A Different gospel?

    Paul gives a solemn warning:

    "I marvel that ye arc so soon removed rrom him that called you into the grace of CILrist unto another gospel : Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and wou Id pervert the gospel of Christ. Bu l though we, or an angel rrom heaven, preach any other gospel u n Lo you, than that which we have preached unto you. let him be accursed . As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed."

    Ironically, Ebaugh uses Paul to justify the teaching of another gospel. Although in the Dible we see that Paul and Peter were sup-portive of each other's work and knew that each had, in his turn, been l:allcd by God and was being obedient lo that calling, Ebaugh hints that there may have been unresolved differences between the two. He says of the gospel we have received :

    ''Ttie present AGE contans a mixture gospel. It is called the 'gospel of the circlJTl-cision.' It is a mixture of law and grace. . .. The NEW AGE wYI, not contain the 'gospel of the circumcision.

    And of the NEW GOSPEL, Ebaugh says we have coming for the "New Age," he says:

    "Paurs gospel of the UNcirctxnCiclsion will be restored, and it will be the message of the NEW AGE. It will be a pure GRACE mes-sage. It will not contain a mixture of LAW and GRACE. .. Peter's gospel of the circumci-sion will come to disuse in the NEW AGE. NEW AGE churches will praise our God for what JESUS DID, not what WE DO (or don't do) ." MONARCH (October/November, 1 9 8 6 ) (emphasis in original. l

    Three salvations?

    Ebaugh teaches that there are sep -arate salvations for the soul, the spirit, and the body. According to David Ebaugh, our spirit is saved by faith, our soul is saved by faith and works, anti our body is saved by

    Page 2

    hope. Ebaugh says that faith in Jesus saves our spirits only!

    Don't Praise Jesus - Praise Yourself!

    Ebaugh's same October 1983 Monarch clearly denies Jesus is the Christ. Moreover, he snidely criticizes those who praise Jesus!

    " ... there is a difference between the words 'Jesus' and 'Christ.' Jesus describes a man who was born of the virgin Mary. Christ de-scribes the anolntng that came from God onto the man Jesus. But the reason the dis-tinction Is so very Important to note Is be-cause that same anointing Is prophesied to come upon the BODY OF CHRIST, a many membered group, of which you and I are a part.

    Neither THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL, Benjamin Creme, nor Pierre Teilhard de Chardin could have said it much better than that!

    A student wrote Ebaugh to praise Jesus. Ebaugh's answer to him is further suggests his New Age be-lief that Jesus is not the Christ:

    "Q. Praise God What a wonderful savior Jesus is.

    " A. Without bei1g disrespectM please allow me to point out that scripture uses the word Christ, not Jesus. As long as you use the words Jesus and Christ for the same meanhg, you will rriss knowng the many wonderful plans that GOD has made for the Body of Christ In the future. You will relate many scriptures that are about the future and the Body of Christ, mistakenly to the past, think-hg that Jesus cid it. ... The anolntng (Christ) ELOAH came from the Go(f)ead upon Jesus and and that made him JESUS CHRIST (the Messiah).

    Ebaugh compounds the heresy by saying to the next questioner:

    '' Q. I'm begimlng to see that you are em-phasi&lg (sic) the power of the Christ, aren't you?

    "A. In llis day and age we need to see what will be expected from the Body of Christ and quit relegating it to Jesus. The word ELOAH In Psalm 1 1o:1 refers to Christ. As the Christ (aolntng) ELOAH came upon Jesus, It refers to Jesus Christ. As the Christ (anoint-ing) ELOAH will come upon the many mem-

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    bered body - it refers to the Body of Christ. So it also has an application for the present as well. Structured Christianity has not yet noticed these differences, so it has been all

    rele~ted to the past.

    Ebaugh teaches we have different gods for different


    f>avid Ebaugh teaches his students that all gods descend from a god he calls "El Elyon." It is El Elyon, Ebaugh maintains who is the Most High God, the Possessor of Heaven and Earth . Melchisedec, he says, is a priest of El Elyon. This is important, be -cause Ebaugh, like millions of New Agers and other cults, claims lo be part of the "Order of Melchisedec ." French scientist, Jacques Vallee writing in his 1979 book, MESSENGERS OF DECEP-TION found this to be a common characteristic of UFO observers and occult groups around the globe .

    Reporting lo El Elyon, Ebaugh continues, is the plural godhead, "El obi m ." It is the Elohim, he says, that is the "Creator God ." We learn something very surpris-ing and "unique" from Ebaugh -Iha t the Elohim is androgynous (containing both male and fe -male)! 1f this sounds famili a r, it should. Every New Age group out there teaches the androgynous na -ture of God!

    The Elohim is further divided into three parts, according to Ebaugh: Yahweh, El Shaddai and Eloah.

    The teachings regarding Yahweh or Jehovah are some of Ebaugh's most astonishing . YHWH is, Ebaugh says, the Tetragrammaton for Jehovah or Adonai (Father). Jehovah is, he says, the masculine god who came 422 years after El Shaddai . ll was El Shaddai, he said, who formed the Levitical priesthood of Aaron . More as-



  • February, March, 1986

    as I was cirected to do. though I have later seen books about the Names of GOD. The next answer is a surprise to many people, but there is a difference between the words 'Je-sus' and 'Christ.' Jesus describes a man who was born of the virgin Mary. Christ describes the anointing that came from God onto the man Jesus. But the reason the distinction is so very important to note is because that same anointing is prophesied to come upon the BODY OF CHRIST, a many membered oroup, of which you and I are a part" MONARCt-\ Special large edition October 1983.


    Jesus said on the cross "It is finished." Ebaugh, like other Manifest Sons of God teachers maintains however that all was not finished. According lo Ebaugh neither the Feast of Tabernacles nor the Year of Jubilee has been fulfilled. In his three stages of salvation, he says:

    .. Jesus saved oar spirit al Passover. The Holy Spirit began saving oar s.001 at Pentecost. Now we're expecting the Father to in-ha bi t o ur bodies at the Feast of Tabernacles."

    This is the equivalent to what Al-ice Bailey says is the "Externali-sa lion of the Hierarchy ." She al-lernati vely calls this the "mani-festation of the Sons of God" in her book THE EXTERNALISATION OF THE HIERARCHY.

    I learned of the New Age interest in evangelical practice of the Year of Jubilee and the Feast of Tabernacles from a New Age re-port with the rather unassuming Li-lle of "An Evolutionary Basis for the Reappearance of the Christ and his Executives, the Masters of Wisdom." Jn it the writer, Ernest Ramsey, a Unity minister, explained that lhe Neo-Penlecostal (translate Manifest Sons of God; Sonship; Overcomers, etc .) equivalent of the Age of Aquarius was the


    Feast of Tabernacles and Year of Jubilee. The Year of Jubilee is, of course, the global redistri-bution of wealth our New Age, so-cialist, an

  • February, March, 1986

    Melchizidek (same as "Melchisedec" order were talk -ing, he said, of a new world order, a new world monetary system, and a new messiah.

    Of his "New World Religion," Ebaugh says:

    "THE NEW RELIGION (EL E LYON) will lead humanity to peace, following Jesus, the High Priest after lhe order of Melchisedec. It will require a separation from old religious orders."

    In turns very much reminiscent of New Age Movement rationales for a New World Religion, Ebaugh ex-plains:

    "Rejection of Judaism, Roman Cathoicism and Protestantism on the part of contem-porary society has been mostly because of the fabe of the establshed religions to bmg significant social reforms, especially, peace to men." ( pmctuatlon mai'ltaned as in original)


    In surely one of the more interest-ing experiences ever claimed by a modern religious figure, Ebaugh says th a t "On November 6, 1981 a heavenly host appeared in the sky over Balli more, Maryland with the command lo leach the dif -ferences between the Names of God.''

    Not since the angelic host ap-peared over Bethlehem to herald the birth of Christ has since a star-studdcd spectacular occurred, if Ebaugh is to believed . As I under -stand it the "host of heaven " was not to appear until Christ's second coming!

    What did Ebaugh's "host of heaven" appear to announce . They appeared to announce we will have a different name for God, with a different facet of


    God . Purther, we are to have a very new and different "New World Religi on."

    While Yahweh (Jehovah) was, Ebaugh says the God of the three re ligi ons of Judaism, Protes- tan -tism and R oman Catho li cism, Yahweh is soon to be a " has be e n." El Elyon is, he continues, the God o f the "New Religion."

    While th e Bible says "I am the Lord, L change not," Ebaugh says, by way of contradiction that "There is as much difference between the natures of GOD named YAHWEH and EL ELYON as there has been between JU -DAISM and CHRISTIANITY." (Emphasis is Ebaugh's)


    David Ebaugh clearly preaches the coming of a New Worlcl Reli -gion that radically differs from Christianity:

    ' ' Q. A preacher told me that you should never had said that the GOD of the NEW RELIGION is EL ELYON. He said it would have been better to have said, 'The GOD of the NEW MOVE Is EL EL YON.' The idea Is that Christianity could embrance [sic, should probably be "embrace") the Idea of a NEW MOVE oot the idea of a NEW RELIGION is repulsive.

    "A. I a(i5ee. I gave much concern lo what you said.

    ''The only answer I can find right now is that the message Is for the whole world. People who are dedicated to a strongly structured Christianity won't be able to embrace much of it anyway. So. perhaps if they are of-fended at the term NEW RELIGION, then it could be best tor them to hear It right away

    and not try lo cover it up.


    While C hristi a ns o ften disagree upon the liming of lhe events of l Thessalonians 4:13 -18, they usually do agree that those events will take place . That p assage reads:

    Page 5

    ''But I would not have you to be ignorant. brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not. even as others which have no hope. For If we beleve that Jesus ded and rose agah. even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God b mg with tWn. For this we say 1.W1to you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive AND remain 1.W1to the conW'lg of the Lord shall not pre-vent them which are asleep. For the Lord twnself shaH descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archange~ and the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shaU rise ftrst: Then we which are alive AND remain shaM be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord Wherelore comfort one another with these words.

    Ebaugh removes that comfort with these words:

    "To me, the beauty of the NEW AGE Blble study shows that our GOD has plans for a lot better NEW AGE here on this EARTH than Is the PRESENT AGE In which we have to live. But, to some erroneous minds, the idea of a NEW AGE HERE ON EARTH ruins their hope of a so called 'rapture' to HEAVEN. Those people don't want to think of a NEW AGE here on EARTH. Because of the tribulation of the END TIMES they want to find a fire escape to HEAVEN . .. . If Chris-tians start looking for the BIBLE'S NEW AGE, then many of them will stop lookng for the erroneous 'rapture.' ... The idea of being 'raptured' up to HEAVEN is ncompatible with the idea, of ruling and reigiing here on EARTH.

    Da vid Ebaugh, I could not have said it better myself! The iclea or being 'raptu red ' up to heaven is incompatible with the idea of rul -ing and reigning here on earth! Of cou rs e, with people the likes of Dav id Eba ugh around, it is a !so quite conceivable that we shall not avoid all tribul a ti on.

    One can argue pre - trib, mid-trib, a nd post - trib and find apparent Biblical support for th e positi o n. But when one gets into amillenial and post - milleni a l positions, such as those taken by Ebaugh, he is subscribing lo the same belief structure as th a t of the New Agers, whether one knows it or not. This position strips God of sovereignty and instead vests it in mankind . Indeed, what New Agers and Mani-

  • February, March, 1986

    fest Sons of God people and Post-millenialists all have in common is a teaching that WE - not God - bring in the kingdom. And since God has good friends like David Ebaugh saying that what they are doing is ushering in "God's New Age" - not "The World's New Age," why does God need enemies. Such "friends" are stealing God's kingship in the name of the Lordi Who should we believe, David Eba ugh or the Apostle Pa u I. I opt for the Apostle Paull I am certain that God does as well!


    The New Agers teach the doctrine of constant evolution or "pro-gressive revelation. The "Chris-tianized" version of this is called "Process Theology" in liberal Protestant and Catholic churches. ,,

    Like the New Agers, Ebaugh teaches a form of pro1re11ive revelation. One example of this appears in his October 1983 MONARCH. Ebaugh, in this case, used an article entitled "NE-HUSHT AN." This is the Hebrew word for the brazen serpent God ordered Moses to make during one of the water crises in the 40 years Israel wandered in the wilderness. After the people of God m ur-mured, an angry God sent fiery serpents as punishment. Many died . After the chastened Is-raelites begged God for forgive -ness, God instructed Moses to shape a brass serpent and put it on a pole . Those with snake bites were to look at the snake on the pole to live . Ebaugh rightfully says that this foreshadowed Jesus. However, he uses the later idolatry of Is-raelites in worshipping this brass serpent to subtly justify his doc -trines of progressive revelation:

    "We are in a difficult place be-


    cause it is the people God has most currently given new revela-tion to that ususally have the hardest time accepting further troth. History bears this out. Nearly every fifty years since Luther a new mo'f'e of God has appeared and has been perse-cuted by the move before it.' 1

    Even more significantly, he ap-pears to use such teachings to ridicule the cross. Paul said, "to them who perish, the teaching of the cross is foolishness." We were told to glory in the cross. And yet, Ebaugh says the idolatrous actions of the Israelis in worshipping the Moses-fashioned serpent consti-tuted worshipping a past move of God . "A Nehushtan is a past move of God that has become an idol," he concludes. To illustrate the point, he has one of his cute car-toon figures kneeling before a cross. Ebaugh says:

    "If you know someone who wor-1hi ps J esu1 on the cross. then it is possible for the cross to become a NEHUSHTAN for that person."

    Ebaugb's "Names of God"

    The following is from a teaching David Ebaugh gave his Bible school students on the names of God:


    FIRST RELIGION 2000 BC ABRAM (Abnha m), Melchi1edec



    Page 6

    GOD, YAHWEH 1491 BC ELOHIM said, I am YAH-WEH NEW TEMPLE (NOW) I was EL SHAD DAI to NEW LAW Abraham, Isaac & Jacob

    Moses' Law, Levite Priest-hood, Aaron

    JUDGES 1425 BC - 1120 BC


    1005 BC SOLOMON, Levite-s II Chron. 5:5. Re-trn to YAHWEH.

    JUDAH, BENJAMIN 975 BC REHOBAM 17 Chron. 16:16 RETURN TO YAH-WEH Priests Levites 11 Cbron. 11:13

    JERE BOAN, Golden Calves I K~ngs 12:28 10 tribes to idolatry

    726 BC 10 tribes to dia~pora, Sennacherib King of Assyria.

    603 BC 2 tribes to Babylon Nebuchadnezzar, Oaniel 1


    RETURN TO YAHWEH 500 BC 445 BC EZRA, NEHEMIAH 8:2 Return to reading the Law of Moses

  • February, March, 1986




    41 AD PETER, Gentiles, EL EL YON Acts 10:46, Pe-ter's trial Acts 11:18


    60 AD PAUL returned to YAHWEH, Acts 21;24



    CONSCIOUSNESS awareness, perception in-ward psychological fact inward spiritual fact intu-itively perceived lmowl-edge inw.ard awareness in-terest concern



    In conclusion, Ebaugh teaches New Age Movement doctrines of progressive revelation, a Christ other than Jesus, multiple gods other than the Trinity, and Human Potential concepts of "conscious-ness." Additionally, he teaches the coming of a New World Religion and a New World Order - this adds up to one thing and one thing only - New Agel It is fully "New Age" - both in the sense of "The World's New Age Movement" and the New Age Movement of the apostasy that has so permeated Christendom today .

    The following is a tape made by Eustace Mullins and circulated in various Identity circles about the country. I will have my re-ply to this in next month's MONITOR. Suffice it to say, I was most pleasantly surprised to learn that I make "vast amounts of money" . Friends who brought me a copy of this article reprinted in T . Tupper Saussy's MAIN STREET JOURNAL said they actually came to ask , me for a loan because Eu-stace Mullins said I made more money a year than the $375,000 he claims is the budget of Lucis Trust! If Mullins gels washed up in New Age and political circles, he has a great ca-reer facing him in com-edy!

    Until I confronted Eustace

    Page 7

    Mullins with his obvious New Age expressions of belief, he was praising my books. No doubt he was not praising them as a sincere expression of belief, but because he knew the Jew-ish community was watch -ing him I ike a ha wk, par-ticularly after his 1984 primer for the Aryan Na-tions. By praising me, he could both lull Christians to sleep on the extreme anti-Christ nature of his materials and have Jews brand my warnings against the New Age Movement as another form of anti -Semitism . In a special hard-bound presentation copy Eustace Mullins sent to a fan in Vancouver, he included the following typed note :

    "There is considerable information on Canada in THE WORLD ORDER,. Also referenced Stephen Knight's Brotherhood and Constance Cum bey's ex-cellent and timely works. Bible prophecy will be taken up in a f orthcom iog volume. There was not enough room for it in this book.''

    We just learned that Ev-erett Sileven is also mail-ing out Eustace Mullins' tapes attacking me. Addi-tionally, Sil even who has been speaking at CAUSA conventions is having Mullins to his church to speak at his conference . The tapes Sileven is circu-1 a ting are those of the foregoing transcript. In them Mullins said that his only mention of the Aquarian Age had been a


  • February, March, 1986

    negative one and denying the existence of the New Age Movement. Sileven and I have long had dif-ferences over his working the Moonies and the Iden-tity Movement. Sez newsletter

    Sil even asks the

    question "ls Constance Cumbey a hoax?" He of-fers Mullins' tape and calls it "well-documented." . Ev-idently, Everett Sileven is becoming more and not less pronouncedly militant about both his Unification church alli a nces and anti-sem i tic activities. This is highly unfortunate. At one time, I considered Pastor Sileven to be a friend .

    Eustac~ Mullins

    THE BIG LiE ,_


    by Eustace Mullins

    "When a flea or mosquito bites a human, it is more than an irritant; there is the danger of infection, such as yellow fever, bubonic plague, or AIDS. The human par-asite can be just as dangerous to your health. One year ago, under the auspices of Tupper Saussy, I made my first public appearance in many years. Doring the ensu -ing twelve months. I have reached millions of people with radio, TV and personal appearances."


    "The inevitable reaction came from the sewers of power. Viru-lent counterattacks were made by sttoges, the principal vehicle being one Constance Cumbey, a curious. nibbling type of crea -ture. I bad never heard of her, and when I read her books, I found them a strange mixture of nonsense, fantasy, delusion, and. deliberate misrepresentation of facts."

    "PLANNED DECEPTION (an apt title for any Cumbey work), 1985, contains an episode worthy of a Stephen King horror movie . On page 4, Cum bey says that when she moved out of a building, THE ELEVATOR STOPPED RUN-NING! Most of her writing attains this level, but never surpasses it."

    "On page 95, Cumbey resolves that Henry Ford is an 'occultist ' because he waws a friend of Thomas Edison, whom she claims was a Theosophist. In fact, F ord and Edison, both being very busy men, spent only a few hours to -gether in their entire lives, Edison apparently devoting this brief pe -riod, according to Cumbey, in in -doctrinating Ford with Theoso -phy."

    "Cumbey herself seems to be an 'occul list,' because she believes in 'hidden meanings.' She denounced my mentor, Ezra Pound, as a Theosophist, and when I told her that as Pound's authorized biogra -pher, l had studied all his works and never found anything promot -ing Theosophy, she declared very earnestly, 'Oh, it's in there; you have to look for it."'

    "In fact, Pound often joked to me about the Theosophists, and what he termed the ir 'spooks,' He spent years trying to dissuade William Butler Yeats from his interests in

    . " magic.

    Page 8

    "The Cumbey method is revealed on page 154 of PLANNED DE-CEPTION. she became involved in a long argument with her piano tuner about Middle C, and because he disagreed with her, she con-cluded he was a 'New Ager."'

    "Cumbey's income comes from promoting terror of what she calls the ' New Age Movement.' on which she has taken out a patent, it seems. CHRISTIANITY TODAY says that the New Age movement exists only in Cumbey's head . This dire threat to humanity apparently is centered in two personages: Benjamin Creme and Alfoe Bai -ley. In 35 years of research into the hidden powers which rule our world, l never encountered either

    " name.

    "It appears that Creme and Bailey are obscure dilettantes from the Theosophical Society (5,000 members) who operate through an outfit called the Lucis Trust. The 1987 Encyclopaedia of Associa-ti

  • February, March, 1986

    "On page 104 of HIDDEN DAN-GERS, she positively identifies Alice Bailey as the high priestess of the New Age Movement, and goes on for many pages denounc-ing the New Age as a Nazi move-ment, with Bailey as the principal propagandist for Nazi themes. Apparently, she has never read Al-ice Bailey's books."

    "In her principal work, BE -TWEEN WAR AND PEACE, pub -lished in I942 by Lucis Trust, Al -ice Bailey devotes many pages to frenetic denunciation of Hitler and the entire Nazi movement. She defines them as totally evil, enslavers of the human race, and representing the forces of evil. In fact, Bailey's book espouses many of !he same causes which Cum bey promotes: interracial understand -ing, goodwill among mankind, and brotherhood. Alice Bailey sen! out 200,000 copies of her work, the Function of the New Group, which calls for eradication of racial and class ha treds, promotion of world brotherhood and goodwill. Bailey demands that her NEW GROUP OF WORLD SERVERS eradicate racial hatreds and religious dif-ferences. Bailey's frenetic anli -Nazism and her continuous denun -ciations of Hitler would seem to disqualify her from the title which Cumbey has bestowed on her 'the high priestess of Nazism.' One can only wonder whether Cumbey actually does any research into her subject mat -ter."

    "Ever conscious of money, Cum -bey sends out continuous signals to the Zionist propagandists and hate mongers that she is with them . Her again, she engages in contra -diction. Her main thrust is her at-tack on the Theosophists, without realizing what she is doing. Spence's definitive work, THE ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF OCCULT, has this definition of KABBALA:


    'A Hebrew and Jewish system based on the Kabbala .' Another definitive work, THE OCCULT IN AMERICA, by Howard Kerr, Uni -versity of Illinois, 1983, does not mention Creme; Ilailey is men-tioned EN PASSANT on page 30 with no further comment. Cum-bey does not mention these definitive works in her bibliogra-phy."

    "We now come to Cum bey's essay in criminal libel - her newsletter, NEW AGE MONITOR, August 1986, in which she lies with mali -cious intent to injure a Christian. She refused to send me a copy, and as she only has 175 subscribers, it took me several months to locate a copy of this issue in which she libels me."

    "Its first sentence identifies Eu -stace Mullins as 'a major propa-gandist for the Christian Identity movement .' This is LIE NO. 1. In the millions of words I have pub-lished, I have never written any -thing promoting Christian Identity, as l have never researched it and do not know that much about it. LIE NO. 2: Cumbey claims that 'spokesmen for others told me Mullins plainly lied to them,' with no names given . LIE NO. 3: Cum -bey states ' Mullins openly favors the Aquarian Age.' The fact is that in 35 years, I made only one brief reference to the Aquarian Age, which was not 'favorable.' LIE NO. 4: Cumbey says that I 'fervently desire a New World Or-der.' LIE NO. 5: Ilecause she is in-capable of doing serious research, Cumbey concludes that my reve -la lions about the present world or -der identify me as an insider with this world order. She is too simple to understand that I have re-searched for 35 years into the ramifications of the present world order. LIE NO. 6: She referes to Ezra Pound as a 'lifelong Theosophist' because of thie 'hid -

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    den meanings' which she found in his work, and which remain hidden to Pound scholars. LIE NO. 7: She refers to Eustace Mullins' ex-treme occultist.' I have written millions of words about banking and politics, and in three current bestselling books, there is no ref -erence to occultistm . LIE NO. 8: Cum bey states that I openly advo -cate a cashless system. I have never written one word advocating a cashless system ; in all of my work, I defend personal funds and the right to spend them . LIE NO . 9: Cum bey refers to 'Mui Ii ns' own occult connections,' which exist only in her delusions. I have never belonged to any occult organiza-tion. "

    "Cumbey, an avaricious money -grubber, takes advantage of the credulous dupes who buy her bo o ks and tapes and attend her lectures. If people wa nt delusions, they pay for delusions. For 35 years, I have given my readers d o cumented

    fact~ and no one has ever chal -lenged my veracity . Now Cumbey commits criminal malicious libel, which she will find is an expen -sive prank."

    "Curnbey's skillful coverup of the real danger is revealed by her warning that the New Age Move -ment is the peril facing mankind , while at the same time she con -ceals from her dupes that the 'New Age' is the slogan of Freemasonry. She tells her audi -ences that the Masons have been 'persecuted' because of 'disinfor-mation.' When her readers wrote lo inquire if she knew that the Scot -tish Rite of Freemasonry has con -tinually published a magazine en -titled NEW AGE since 1904, she refused to answer them."

    "Many Masonic groups title their magazines THE NEW AGE, ikn -clu

  • February, March, 1986

    Masons tell their initiates that the goal of Freemasonry is to rebuild King Solomon's Temple, as an ori-ental rile, and there lo amass all the treasures of the world, while reducing all people of the world to slavery through their revolu-tionary activities. NEW AGE MAGAZJNE of the Washington Masons has on the cover the sym-bolic triangle with the words 'Lib -erty, Equality, and Fraternity' -buzzwords of the bloody French revolution and enforced socialism . Tell us, dear Connie, as you attack ' New Agers,' why do you conceal this information?"


    Some readers may be offended by my scrutiny of television talk-show host, would-be United Stales president Pat Robertson. Since Pat Robertson has never held public office this scrutiny is absolutely essential. He has no voting record whereby the potential sup-porter/voter can check his consis-tency . Therefore, all that remains are his words and his actions. We have found many disturbing evi-dences that he has followed a course of being "al I things to all people ." When he is called on his inconsistencies, he will usually point to a positive declaration he made on a matter at a given time, ignoring the numerous evidences of contrary stands he has taken. If these remarks were put on trial, and the contrary posi lions were pointed out, il would be the equiv -alent of "impeaching the wit -ness" in legal parlance. The judge will instruct a jury that if they found a witness lo be successfully impeached, that goes to the issue of credibility and they are free lo disregard any or all of that wit -ness' testimony .



    Pat Robertson graphically de -scribed the decor and arrangement of his old chapel on page 214 of his autobiography, SHOUT IT PROM THE HOUSETOPS:

    "Located just to the right of the front entrance, the chapel was alive with symbolic meaning. Everything in the room forced attention heavenward. A hand -carved cross was suspended in the middle of the room over an uncut boulder of white crystal rock. There was no pulpit, only three concentric rows of circular benches ringing the central point so that all who entered would know that Christ was the center, the rock upon which CBN rested."

    Again, the crystal boulder is men-tioned on the secontl to last page (254) of Robertson's book. The reference reminds one of shades of HOLY BLOOD, HOLY GRAIL:

    "Lale that evening, I sat alone in the quiet prayer chapel. My eyes moved from the dark red carpel to the uncut crystal boulder in the center of the room, lo the Bible that lay on lop of it, and on up to the suspended wooden cross. The door leading out lo the lobby was closed, and I fell the pres-ence of the Holy Spirit permeate every corner of the room. .. I slipped off the circular bench and knell before the big while and gray rock whose lousands of facets gently sparkled, reflect -ing the soft light from the ceil -ing. Over my bead was the cross, and directly in front of me was the open Bible."


    A recent New Age book, THE

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    CRYSTAL CONNF.CTION: A Guidebook. for Personal and Planetary Ascension by Randall N. Baer and Vicki Baer (New York: Harper & Row, 1986) intro-duces the subject (page 3) by say-ing:

    "Crystallinity is the code of creation . The foundational essence and structure of al 1 manifestation is its crystal 1 i ne ordering, which spans all of existence, from the subatomic microcosmic levels to the megadimensional macrocosmic levels or reality. The precise exactitude of essence and form inherent in each en-ergetic unit throughout the Universal Mind derives from, and is sustained by, causal code-patterns of Ugh t. These code patterns of Intelligence precipitate as crystallization structures as they are ex-tended into the expanses of creation, therein functioning ns templates or highly ordered stability through which their imprinted Light-blueprint is en-acted in manifestation . The entire om-niverse is founded and sustained by a network of interdimensionally intercon-nected crystalline code-patterns that function as the fundamental coordinat-ing blueprints for all vibrational inter-actions throughout the Universal Mind . This all-encompassing network is termed the Universal Energy Network (UEN> ."

    "The uncut crystal is the symbol and talisman of those in the metaphysical movement. They wear them on their fingers or slung around their necks; as ear-rings, broaches and paperweights. Channels use cr.Ystals to align themselves when going into trance; followers use them to capture the energy of the en -tity." (Quoted from Easy Reader: Reflections from The South Bay, January 22, 1987; Published weekly al 1233 Hermosa Avenue, P.O. Box 726, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254-0726.

    Now maybe we could give Pal Robertson the benefi l of the doubt and decide that maybe he just likes pretty rocks. But before we do, we should review some of his past statements regarding vibra -tional patterns and energy .

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    In 1984, before the days that I started video-taping the 700 Club, my son, my former secretary were all watching Pat Robertson's pro-gram. We were startled to hear Pat Robertson say that we were all like radio stations in that we threw out vibrations. If we were happy and thinking positive thoughts, he continued, we sent out positive vi-brations. If we were, on the other hand, thinking negatively, we sent out bad vibrations. Thal is why, he said, we shudder around some peo-ple and like to be around others -it all had to do with the vibrations they were emitting as a result of their thought patterns.

    My son, a budding stand-up come-dian brought our house down when he asked everybody gathered, "am I AM or FM?"

    Furthermore, in Robertson's 1985 book, BEYOND REASON in a chapter entitled "Who Can Con-trol the Forces of Nature?" he says:

    "Perhaps the reason so few peo-ple see miracles in their lives is their ignorance of the way power is lfCtivated in the universe. God s power underlies all reality. The material world as we see 1t consists of atoms and subatomic particles, which we further learn are composed of energy in the form of electrons and neutrons. Io other words, matter is merely a form of energy. The great para-dox is that what we perceive as real and tangible is actually an i II usioo. The rea Ii ty is energy; and behind eovrgy is the spiritual power of God. '


    If I were struggling for worcls to describe SPOTLIGHT MAGA-ZINE, LJIJERTY LOBBY, and their related operations, and wanted to do so in relatively po-lite terms, the very nicest thing I would be able to call them is "New Age" . I have learned that


    their editor, Vincent Ryan has openly and ecstatically uescribed his out- of - body experiences and belief in astral projection. He was active in Washington, D.C. holistic health circles, as well.

    The reason 1 say "New Age" is the nicest thing I can say about them is that their founder, Willis Carlo has been known to chair meetings with the Horst Wessel (Nazi marching son) playing in the background amidst a backdrop of swastikas adorning the walls. They are best known for their denials Iha l the holocaust took place. Noontide Press (also a Willis Carlo operation) appears to spe-cialize in books about what a great guy Hi lier was! Convicted members of The Order, an Aryan Nations offshoot implicated in the killing of Denver talk show host Alan Berg used a Noontide Press book for a hand book on how to stage guerilla warfare, accord-ing to the new book on the killing TALKED TO DEATH by Stephen Singular (1987). Recently, Noon-tide Press has added books by Ezra Pound (an old-time New Ager and Nazi-Fascist sympathizer), and, of course, Eustace Mullins.

    SPOTLIGHT personnel such as Tricia Kattson, their legislative were becoming very concerned about my opposition to them. Par-ticularly, they appeared to be so concerned because they have been attempting to give the impression they in the vanguard of opposition to the New World order in hopes of attracting those anti-New Age Movement activists to their camp - an even uglier division of the New Age Movement. Tricia Katt-son denied to me that the SPOT -LIGHT had ever denied the exis-tence of the Holocaust and sug-gested that if l had evidence of that type, I had a duty to present it to her. Incredulous that somebody with their organization would

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    deny a fact that obvious, I invited her to Pointe's booth at National Religious Broadcaster's to see ev-idence of ties between the New Age Movement and anti-Semitic organizations about the country . She asked for a time and I sug-gested an appointment for 4:00 p.m. on Monday, February 2, 1987. She asked if it would be alright if they sent a Mr. Cornelius Vander -breggen instead . I said that would be fine . Just as I was leaving for lunch Mr. Vanderbreggen, a very courtly, fine-appearing elderly gentleman stopped by the booth and said he would be back to meet with me at 4:00 p.m. - he just wanted to introduce himself.

    Truthfully, I forgot about the ap-pointment and ran into friends from Kansas City, joining them for coffee, I did not return to the booth until 4:15 p.m. Cornelius Vanderbreggen was there waiting for me . After the usual pleas-antries, which included showing me and Joe Carr (author of THE TWISTED CROSS who was also visiting POINTE'S BOOTH, he told me he was concerned about Pat llrooks and wanted to know what l knew about her. He quickly learned that I knew plenty . (I be-lieve Mr. Vanderbreggen was "scoping me out" as THE SPOT-LIGHT obviously supports Mrs. Pat Brooks, author of several anti-Semitic books which proclaim a belief in the content of the Theo-sophical circula led, spurious PRO-TOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OP ZION and contain representations that the holocaust never occurred and claims that Moscow is governed from Tel Aviv! He wanted to know what I knew about the Identity Move-ment. (Again, SPOTLIGHT has given obvious support to Identity personnel and organizations, and Identity groups openly advertise in THE SPOTLIGHT. I asked Van-derbreggen's opinions on THE

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    PROTOCOLS after telling him of the evidence Iha I they were put into circulation by activists in the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. l told him historian James Webb's opin-ion which was that there was some evidence that Mauame Blavatsky (founder of the Theosophical So -ciety) may have taken a personal role in their composition.

    Yanderbreggen told me he be -lieved the PROTOCOLS OF ZION were genuine and explained what had happened in the world over the past century - what he be -lieved to be a Zionist/Jewish con -spiracy!

    He then began to play both what l call mind games and word games anu l finally felt as though I had had enough. I decided that either he or I was going lo have to leave Pointe's booth, and it wasn't going to be m e because I had loo much sensitive material there I did not wish to leave for his perusal. I was starting to stand up to ask him to please leave when I had an as -tounding experience, which caused me to change my mind .

    I am not big on supernatural expe -rience. But this day, I knowingly had the closest thing I have ever had to a full - fledged vision. Just as I started to rise to ask Vander -breggen to leave our booth, l was staring at the color cover and pages - as though i I were a large cardboard blowup of Pat Robert -son's biography, SHOUT IT FROM THE HOUSETOPS. Simultaneous with that appearing to me, (1 was wide awake at the lime) Yander -breggen said that he made re-peated trips between Holland and the United States. I then immedi-ately recalled a statement a Port Townsend, Washington minister had made to me a few days that he sure wished more about Dutchman who

    he could "learn that mysterious was supposed to


    have led Pat Robertson to the Lord." Immediately upon seeing the "blown - up" book, hearing Vanderbreggen's statement about his trips to Holland, and recalling the Port Townsend , Washington re -mark, I said lo Mr. Vanderbreggen, "Your name is familiar lo me ." He said, "oh?" I continued, "I know your name from somewhere other than "SPOTLIGHT MAGA -ZINE" and Liberty Lobby."

    Again, Mr. Vanderbreggen said "oh?"

    I then asked him, "Are you, by any chance, mentioned in SHOUT lT FROM THE HOUSETOPS?" He very proudly replied "Yes, I am ." I said, "You're the Dutchman who led Pal Robertson to the Lord ."

    "Yes, I am" he replied, "but he lied about one thing - he said I was tall and handsome, but I'm not tall and handsom e."

    Joe Carr, who was silting on the edge of the booth trying to look indifferent later said he wondered what was going on. "All at once," Joe said, "you retracted your claws and turned on the charm ." Vanderbreggen knew exactly what was in Pal Robertson's book and was extremely proud of it, leaving me to believe that perhaps Pat Robertson's representation in Iha t book that be had never seen Van -derbreggen after their joint expe-rience at an lnterVarsity camp in Canada where Vanderbreggen was teaching might not be completely accura le . l had read SHOUT IT FROM THE HOUSETOPS thor -oughly in the past, but had never dwelt on Yanderbreggen's name, especially since Robertson said he ha

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    part of the lightening noose de-veloping around orthodox religious throats worldwide, as New Agers unite to "form a planet of peace."

    Those of you who read my recent article on melanin, a substance that the New Agers believe could help "inoculate the world's peo-ple against warlike tendencies" will remember seeing the name Joseph Goldin. It was Goldin who made the statement on the August 5, 1984 New Age holiday, World War JV that "there is global precedence for what we want to do. We inoculated everybody in the world against smallpox and thus eradicated that disease planet wide. How much more important would it be for us to give some-body something that would eradi-cate war planet-wide?" It could well be that melanin will be the substance of the prophesied "mark of the beast." My doctor informs me that excess melanin causes melanoma - a deadly skin cancer.

    In 1982 Jim Channon told a New York writer I spoke with that the First Earth Battalion and Task Force Delta were computer net-worked with officers behind the Iron Curtain. They were, he said, using the Esalen lnsti lute of Big Sur, California as a conduit. It ap-pears, in turn, that Goldin is a con-duit Esalen is using to reach the Soviet government. OMNI MAGA-ZINE, itself an important New Age publication says of Esalen and Goldin:

    "One reason for Esalen's success in gelling candidates like Tellington-ones into Russia is an enigmatic individual named Joseph Goldin. When Hickman [of Esalenl met Goldin, a Soviet researcher, the latter was the sci-entific secretary for the Com-mission on the Complex Study of


    Man .... Goldin had worked with a Bulgarian scientist [this must be Georgi Lozaoov, referred to kindly by Denis Waitley and the founder of the Lozaoov Learn-ing Method] whose use of music, meditation and and sleep sugges-tion for accelerated learning bas been copied worldwide .... A U.S. diplomat calls Goldin 'the mys-tery man of Moscow' because of his uncanny ability to penetrate Moscow's stonewall bureaucracy. 'I am a neutrino,' Goldin ex-plains. 'l have no weight or mass, so I can pass through walls.' lo fact, Goldin is short and stocky and deals with bureaucratic ob-stacles more like a T-34 tank than a neutrino."

    Now it appears tha l Joseph Goldin is active in another activity that closely parallels Revelation prophecy the "SPACE BRIDGE" program .


    Goldin would like to see the earth inter-linked with a series of "space bridges." Of this project, OMNI Magazine says:

    "Goldin's way to shale the earth is through a web of giant screen space-bridges linking peoples all over the world . Spacebridge stations would use al I of the consciousness- ral~i ng tech-niques of the bu man potential move-ment. Instead of small groups of people meditating for peace, Goldin envisions millions meditating together via satel-lite simulcasts, instead or cigl1t-to ten-person encounter groups . Golden talks about a planet-size encounter group united by space- based technology." (continued in April, 1987 MONI-TOR)

    UPDATE IN BRIEF Seattle New Age debate

    draws 5,000

    Interest in the New Age Movement has "broken loose" so to speak in Seattle. Coordinators and friends

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    Angie Schiermeyer, Marie Pisher, Tom Acheson and others have done a herculean task in seeing that the Seattle area was inrormed and fi-nally their efforts have borne fruit. Five thousand spectators tried to jam a hall where a New Ager challenged me to a public debate. This took place on the evening of January 22, 1987, the same week as the Shirley Maclaine mini-series. All local me-dia were in attendance, including all Seattle television stations and associ-ated press reporter. Even the New Age paper conceded we had won the debate and offered excuses why that was so. We are encouraged! As a re-sult of the widespread public re-sponse to that debate, I was asked to take part in a program that Seattle station KOMO was doing on the New Age Movement on February 15, 1982. There, I was confronted with an obvious demonic apparition - Penny Torres of Southern California chan-neling an "entity" ca ll ing itself "MAFU." Nearly 1000 jam med this ticket-only event. KOMO rented the University of Washington hall for the occasion because of the over-whelming interest in the subject. Now, thanks to God, nearly everybody in Seattle knows the issues on the New Age Movement and why it is incompatible with orthodox Chris-tianity.

    All of this came up so f asl - both the debate and the KOMO appear-ance that it did not appear on my itinerary. The travel has not helped me get the newsletters out in a timely fashion either! J am going to have to invest in a laptop computer that is truly portable to help remedy these deficiencies as it looks as though my road schedule will not slow down in the appreciable future, God willing!


    Years ago, anti-Com monist activist Fred Schwartz wrote a book which I never read, but the title intrigued and

  • February, March, 1986

    stuck with me. It was called You CAN TRUST A COMMUNIST TO Ill~ A COMMUNIST. Evidently, you can trust a non-repentant New Ager to be a New Ager as well. l have learned a valuable lesson - and I am thankful that I never went to Marilyn Fergu-son's house alone. I have seen Mari-lyn four times in my life: The first was when I went with my secretary to watch her speak at Detroit's Unity Temple shortly after l returned from taping my first Southwest Raclio Church series in June 1982. We ex-changed some relatively harsh words that evening and she followed up the occasion by surprising me with a fairly conciliatory leller. The second occasion was initialed by her then administrative assistant Anita Storey. That took place, I believe, when she spoke in Windsor in spring, 1984. A great deal of controversy had sur-rounded her visit and the WINDSOR STAR had withdrawn its sponsorship of her tour after one of its reporters spoke with me. Ten other prom inenl sponsors remained for her, including the Archdiocese of Windsor, but the damage was done as CDC invited me to do an interview on Marilyn Ferguson and the New Age Move -ment the morning of the day she was to speak. As l was leaving to go hear her, I was surprised to receive a tele -phone call from her secretary, asking if I would agree to meet with Mari -lyn while she was in the Detroit -Windsor metropolitan area.

    I dicl agree to the meeting and drove to the 8:30 breakfast meeting held in the restaurant of her hotel, the Windsor Hilton. The waitress serving our table surprised both of us by telling us that she had read and en-joyed THE HIDDEN DANGERS OF THE RAINBOW. I gained interesting insights into the New Age minclset during that meeting. There was no animosity displayed by either at that meeting, but 1 extended the same concern to her that I do to all in the New Age Movement - I tolcl her that if she knew the half of what



    she was rea l ly into, she would bo lt in horror. She expressed dismay and shock at a great deal of facts I shared with her. She had been given gorgeous roses at the event the evening before, and insisted on leav-ing them with me. I accepted the gift in the spirit in which it was given.

    The next time I was to hear from Ms. Ferguson's staff occurred in early August, 1984. I was home re -covering from a painful root canal. On Friday afternoon, August 3, 1984, my phone rang. It was Marilyn Fer-guson's sec - relary slating that the New Age planned "planetary holiday World War IV" would be celebrated at Marilyn Ferguson 's house in Los Angeles on Sunday, August 5th. Would l care to attend? She further told me that many of the person a li -ties I had written about would be there and I coulcl meet them person -ally. l told Ms. Storey that it was aw -fully short notice . I would con f er with my publisher and gel back to them . Thereafter, I laid out my little fleece for the Lord which was that if I had to pay nothing I would con-sider it a sign that He wanted me there. I called Huntington House and spoke to Bill Keith, President. He called me back, excitedly, and said that both he and co - owner Richard Trosclair thought it terribly impor-tant that I be there and they would be happy to cover my expenses and pre-pay my airline ticket. They made flight arrangements for me to leave Saturday afternoon, the fol-lowing day on Republic airlines. I thereupon callecl co - researchers, San Jose resident Sylvia Beadleston ancl Betty Willman of Palos Verdes, Cal -ifornia, a Los Angeles suburb. Both agreed to attend the event with me and Betty ancl David Will man gra -ciously housed Sylvia and l for the weekend. The afternoon of August 5th was educational to say the least. Still suffering from the root canal, I nearly forgot the pain when l en -countered a Campus Crusade for

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    Christ activist who was directed hy Marilyn Ferguson to show me about her premises. He told me that he be-lieved Buddha and Lao Tzu were "great teachers" but, of course, Jesus was the greatest! I told him that with all due respect, I believed the Apos-tle Paul was a little more on the money when he said that those who worshipped idols worshipped devils! The same man told me when l com-plained of jet lag that there were hypnosis tapes I could buy and I isten to on the plane that would eliminate that problem.

    The third (and last) time I saw Mari-lyn Ferguson, I was visiting Marilyn Bender, a Christian friend in Orange County, California. I went there to collect information on the shepherd -ing and discipleship movements and Christian networking with the Moonies in Washington, D.C. Because Marilyn Ferguson had made several telephone calls to me to make in -quiries after she read my second book, I concluded she was legiti-mately searching for the truth. Mar-ilyn Bender and I decided to call her while I was in her local area. To our surprise, she invited the two of us over lo spend an afternoon with she and her family . That event was re -counted in the last MONITOR. Their behavior was very cordial. I took Hal Lindsay's newest book, COMBAT FAITH, which discusses the New Age Movement to Marilyn Ferguson as a "hostess gift." Marilyn and her hus-band, Dr. Raymond Gottlieb asked Marilyn Bender how she became a Christian and both appeared to be very moved as she gave her testi-mony. I spent a great deal of time informing Marilyn and her husband (who is Jewish) about anti- semitic aspects of the New Age Movement. They appearecl to be seriously listen -ing.

    Now for the New Age "double -whammy". I was called by friends while I was recently speaking in Phoenix, Arizona and told I should

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    pick up the newest MAGICAi. Bt.F.ND magazine. ln an article entitled "MARILYN FERGUSON: A Tour de Force", I learned that J had done events with Marilyn in Los Angeles, had a dinner with her (there was no such dinner) and evidently was one of her closest buddies. l also learned something that she had previously denied to me - that she listens to "voices." She had expressed concern to me about other activists in the New Age Movement who did this on the day that Marilyn Bender and I were there. I called Marilyn Fergu-son upon my return from Phoenix and she tells me she was seriously misquoted - the portion where she said "she was extremely affection-ate," she said she had told the inter-viewer that she had said their parrot "Gulliver" was extremely affec-tionate to me. That would have been a true statement - their parrot did not want to leave my shoulder, but many animals behave that way with me - I sometimes seem to have better luck with animals than peo-ple! Supposedly, Marilyn Ferguson is writing MAGICAL BLEND maga-zine a letter to make them retract what she says are wrong quotes. J don't know what the truth is, but I do know that I have never felt such white-hot anger as I felt when I read the foregoing passages. I am happy I did not go to Marilyn Ferguson's home without Christian witnesses, and I suggest tha I if you meet with New Agers, you do the same, until such ti me as they do renounce and turn their back on the movement. Before people break with the New Age Movement they are under the control of what the Bible calls "se-ducing spirits" and you may rest as-sured those spirits will not be ethical, nor can the people be who are lis -tening to them:

    " nie perscr1 v.tic> o.JtMites tti> mer- lstei'lQ has tte co.rage aid tte c:.tscir:*-e to keep dci'lg ....tat Iha.mer vok:es saf to do, evai if it SOOT6 v.tecka

    Marilyn Ferguson reportedly also told the interviewer:

    . .


    "the secTet to success is attentioq to this inneT voice. 'There is not, she says emphatically, 'some e.xter-nal rule out there." '

    Now for the part of the article that upset me the most and the one that Marilyn Ferguson claims is a mis-quote:

    " ki C 80/ v.tlc> had wT1tten a bock 5a'fr19 that tte New Age Is cmgerrus to ctner. [Tlis Is a total fabri::aticr\ If she Is behg c:>ted

    accua~] Ste cane and she I-ad a good lire. [That is c:n even bigger lel - I have re\19' had ctner v.4th Mait,41 Ferg.soi aid had not sem her sh::e 11-e J.J;, 1 98 4 eYenl at iMi::h lire. I ctatted v.4111 her for approOT8~ nhJtes.] Abel.It a ITIO'lth eta- she cane to o..r ho..6e aid stayed for abcut hcus crd was edr~ affectitrate [Mait,41 99'lder aid I dd go to Mar-1 Ferg.scrls tv:use at her i"Mtatkn h 1986.) I ~ a ~ cal to Mait,41 Fer-g.soi v.tfe I was h 11-e Los ~ area - for 11-e t'rst trne sn::e fal of 1 98 4 aid st-e nAted I.Ii to her heme for Su1cily aftemom CU ds-a.ssm was rreii; a sober a-e. deahg p-obllms h the New Ar;;,J Movareit - partbJ-~ vMt, those nTdes9; lstei'lg to 'edelrel vci:esl') My l"usbaid said that hstead of catig her emsmc:e Cunbey, we shaJd cal her Ccn-smce Carty. Y w see, we reralled h cu search for tte cx:mncn gruid [tti> is a COlm0'1 New Ar;;,J rri'ldset - they bell?.le good aid eA cai be blended that we ageed v.Ath her h a bt of ....tat she was 5a'fr19 [tti> Is true, lhey appeared to be~ ageeable that c2f - c:re have ahlost ttnJglt they were closet fuic:twnlr'l-talstsl sre ttrks New Ar;;,J people are reat,t rte. abrut 11-e sweetest people h tte world [To the caitraty, I told her that If st-e kne.v rn..di of v.tet I kne.v, partbjart,t abrut New Age hft.Jences h tte Identity M018181t she waJd bolt h hcrror - allhaJgl fT9" New Arps oo appear to be vety sweet. abat n'iig.Jded peoplell What scares her Is tte true, belever,' tte rTi1cless folower of sane doctme

    [Tlis 6 true, but Mait,41 Fer9JSoo assued rre she was not c:re of those - she told rre those

    Page 15

    istei'lg to 'vdce!t scared her too - OOH I fh::I rut she herself l&teis to su::h V

  • February, March, 1986

    June 19, 1987 -David Weber, Dt. Norman Geisler; Constance Cum bey

    f.rophecy co. nf erence. -800-652-1144 . July 9, 1987 -

    Homecoming conference Neosho, Missouri. For Jrtformation write llox 279, Neosho, MO 64850 or call (417)451-4234 (B. J. Hargis)

    July 21, 1987 -Southwest Radio Church annual t>rophecy Conference, Oklahoma City, OK. 1-800-652-1144.

    September 11, 1987 -Columbus, Ohio pr9phecy conference. {918)455-2047.

    September 18, 1987 -Saginaw, Michigan prophecy conference. (918)455-2047.

    September 2_5, 1987 -Huntington, West Virginia prophecy conference. (918)455-2047~

    November 13, 1987 Houston, T exliS erophecy conference. (918)455-2047.

    ' Novembet 29, 1987 to December 6, 1987 -Jamaica prophecy cruise/ conf ere nee. Deluxe tour with all meals included $1100. For information (918)455-2047.

    ,,,. . .. ....



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    ~IEH lftlGIE MlO~~f lO~ CONTENTS

    DAvid EbAuqHs NEw AqE BibLE STudy PAT RobERTSON: LibERT)' Lobby ANd CR)'STALs1



    VoluME l. NuMbERS 11112. FEbRUARylMARCH, 1987 , ..
