Post on 22-Jul-2016

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Welcome to NCS - get ready for the adventure of a lifetime...

Transcript of NCS YES! WEST


Get ready for one of the best experiences of your life. Build skills that will help to fast track your future, meet some amazing people whilst also making your mark on your local community.

This brochure is packed with information about the journey you are beginning. If you have any further questions get in touch at


PART 1get activeYou will stay away from home and enjoy instructor-led activities. You’ll bond with team-mates in an action packed week away at an outdoor activity centre tackling activities like rock climbing, hiking, canoeing and archery.

PART 2get INVOLVEDAfter a short break you’ll stay away from home with your same team in university style accommodation.

You’ll learn to budget and cook for each other as well as learn new skills regardless of whether you consider yourself to be academic, sporty or creative. You’ll meet new people from your local area and learn more about where you live.

If you have them or a spare pair of trainers

Enough for a week - there is no shop on site so consider

what you think you might need


Be sure to bring enough clothing for the duration of your

stay away from home, and swimwear

Protect yourself from the sun!

E.g. A small rucksack

Stay hydrated!

SAFETY AND WELFAREWe take the safety of participants very seriously on NCS. All outdoor activities will be carried out under the supervision of qualified and experienced instructors. Risk assessments will be performed at all accommodation venues.

Throughout the programme participants will be placed into groups of 15 and each group will be supported by 3 members of staff. Each member of staff will receive thorough training and will have had to undergo a DBS Check to ensure they are safe to work with young people.

Does NCS cater for participants with additional needs?We are committed to making the NCS inclusive for all young people. If participants have additional needs we will make every effort, where possible, to ensure additional support is put into place which will allow young people to benefit and take part in the programme. As a parent/guardian we would encourage you to discuss any additional needs with your local delivery provider so that they can plan appropriately.

Examples of additional needs might include learning difficulties, disabilities, emotional/behavioural needs, medical needs and young carers.

What about participants with medical /health requirements?As part of the sign up process for the programme we will ask you to provide information of any specific medical/health needs. We will use this information to ensure careful planning of the programme and all staff working directly with participants will have access and knowledge of any medical/health information. If you are a parent/guardian and have any concerns regarding health/medical needs please discuss this directly with your local NCS provider.

Will participants be expected to share bedrooms?This will depend on the layout of the accommodation venue. However, in most cases the accommodation used will require participants to sleep in shared bedrooms. Male and female accommodation will always be kept separate and there will be strict rules about access to bedrooms. Young people are encouraged to speak to staff if sleeping arrangements are of a concern to them.


What about mobile phones /MP3’s/tablets?These are allowed, however young people should be aware that use of these items should be kept to a minimum. For example young people will be encouraged to use their phones only during breaks or in their free time. During activities young people may be asked to leave their phones at base or they may be collected in by a staff member to prevent loss or damage, and also to ensure we have young people’s full attention. The use of mobile phones in bedrooms will be discouraged and participants will be expected to respect each other’s privacy and avoid inappropriate use of mobile phones or recording equipment. We understand that young people will want to contact home during the residentials, however, as NCS is about gaining independence staff will encourage this to be kept to a minimum. Parents/guardians will be provided with emergency contact details closer to the time and so will always be able to get in touch with someone during the residentials if necessary.

What meals are provided?During the residentials all meals will be provided and there may also be opportunities for young people to learn new skills by cooking their own meals with the support of staff. During the sign up process you will be asked to provide details of any specific dietary requirements, so that this can be passed onto the residential venues. If you are concerned about dietary requirements then please speak directly to your local NCS provider.

What about transport?Transport will be provided to all of our residentials. We will however require participants to make their own way to the central meeting location before we set off. During the social action projects, participants will be expected to find their own way to various meeting points and venues, in order to complete the activities.

We aim to cater for all religious and cultural beliefs. Please notify the us at in advance if your teen has any specific requirements or needs.