NBSFC’s Special - ansa.karratha.comansa.karratha.com/newsletters/NBSFC newsletter March April...

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Transcript of NBSFC’s Special - ansa.karratha.comansa.karratha.com/newsletters/NBSFC newsletter March April...

March April 2016: Seventh Edition

Annual CaptureChallenge Special


“At the Nickol Bay Sportfishing Club we are

lucky to have a wide range of anglers, from those that are keen but

inexperienced through to some to the best anglers

in all Australia”.

NBSFC Weigh Master- Luke Leech.


3 KG Line Class Tournament

Sat 14 & Sun 15th May

Prizes Register Now! 0418 658 521

NBSFC’s Candace Leech

with her WORLD RECORD Golden Trevally

Captured in Dampier on 3KG line class



Ahoy there, Sportfishers! Its May already and we are almost half way through the year which means the Billfish Shootout is almost upon us! Tag Master Ryan Turner & Tiffany welcomed their best capture ever with Baby Bridie making her way into the world – congratulations. This means most of the club’s young guns have babies now so we look forward to stories of sleepless nights and missed fishing opportunities. The Mangrove Jack Tournament was a great day thanks to Carpo for organizing it. Tides made fishing challenging however it was good to see new member Casey Stocker take out the comp and also great to see our fantastic Billfish Shootout sponsors Nic & George from Retravision compete and win a few prizes. Fly and 1 &2 kg Keast Island Camping Tourny was held in perfect conditions and along with some good fishing there were some members that really celebrated the glorious weather and great company enjoying a few cool beverages well into the evening. Hammer, Trav and Deano fished on Fly with Hammer performing well considering he was fishing solo. Brett & Ralph fished line class for the first time and it was good to see them do very well and Carpo fished solo and took out HPS Queenfish – well done. Trish and James could not make it for the overnight camp but it was good to see them fish the Sunday after a cooked breakfast and some lattes aboard Gorgeous Girl (some things will never change!). I took my son out for his first overnighter on Keast Island which and he had a great time. I found fishing with a 6 year old with 1 & 2kg has its challenges. Patience has never been one of my strong points but I am keen to keep at it as he wants to fish and camp out more – cheers Deano for organising the event. 1 month to go until the BILLFISH SHOOTOUT and the Tournament is looking to be loaded with some of the best prizes ever - THANKS TO ALL OUR SPONSORS. Trav’s 3kg comp is to be held on the 14 & 15th so please save this date and we look forward to seeing you there. Looking forward to the next 4 weeks – tight lines and keep safe.

Scott (Scotty) Medling President NBSFC

El Senor’ Presidente

Pic Luke Leech


All NBSFC financial members are registered with WesTag.

Your ANSA [WesTag] log in details are available each meeting from President Scott Medling

Remember all tag data must still go to NBSFC TagMasters RT &

Bozzar otherwise it won’t count in Club Standings.



Deano’s Keast Island Fly and 1&2kg

Camping Weekend

The 1 & 2kg and Fly comp camping weekend had a good turn out and we jagged the weather. A lot of fish where caught by all anglers on Saturday, mostly Goldens, Queenies and the likes. Sunday was a different story where we all struggled to even get a bite. Could have been the beers and Kraken from Saturday night which dampened our fishing ability. Thanks to our sponsor Scott Sparnon’s Saltwater Fly Workshop and everyone that fished and made for a highly enjoyable weekend. RESULTS: •HPS fish on 1kg went vacant •HPS fish on 2kg - Carpo 2.53kg queenfish for 189.75points •HPS angler - Slater with 315.75points •HPS fish on fly - Hammer with a 2.3kg Queenfish on 2kg tippet •Longest trevally (on fly) - Hammer with a 68cm Golden • Most ANSA species (on fly ) - Trav with 4 species (Golden, GT, Queenfish and Coral Trout )

Dean Lucas

December 9th 7.00pm @ the HHBSC upstairs. Huge end of Year XMAS Quiz and Jamie Waite

ANSA West Australia will be present to explain the new ONLINE tagging system and

answer all your questions about WestTag. See you there.

Pics Dean Lucas Jacob Crowhurst



Carpo’s Mangrove Jack Tag & Release

and Bream – Lures only competition

Thanks! Alicia Perera for the great

write up

The Mangrove Jack & Bream Comp held on

Saturday 12.3.16 was a great day and enjoyed

by about 30 anglers.

The event was lure only and anglers could fish

anywhere from Hampton Harbour to the

Maitland River.

Thanks to all anglers for participating especially

our junior anglers - great work guys.


1st place overall winner: Casey Stocker:

120cm 3x Mangrove Jack

2nd place: George Levissianos:

114cm 3x Mangrove Jack

3rd place: Nicholas Levissianos:

103cm 3x Mangrove Jack.

4th place: Geoff Lovell:

102cm 3x Mangrove Jack.

James Gorham: Only size Bream captured at

300mm and four anglers that just missed by only

catching one or two fish as three fish 300mm or

above were required to be eligible.

Thanks and good fishing.


Pic Jacob Crowhurst

Pics Todd Marriott



Whether tagging and releasing or taking a fish to weigh and/or eat, the capture of any fish will vary in the level of excitement and accomplishment that an angler will feel. This will usually depend of the experience level and interests of the angler. At the Nickol Bay Sportfishing Club we are lucky enough to have a range of anglers, from the people that are keen but inexperienced through to some to the best anglers in Australia. Personally, I have been with NBSFC for about 7 Years and started as a keen but inexperienced angler. During my time with our club, my fishing has improved and so has the enjoyment I have taken from fishing. So with that, I thought I would go through some important things to know about sportfishing and share some of what I have learnt along the way. What is ANSA and how does it affect NBSFC? ANSA stands for Australian National Sportfishing Association. ANSA is the peak body for sportfishing in Australia. It has the largest record chart in the world that covers line classes from 1kg through to 60kg. There are 7 different divisions for an angler to fish within including: Sportfishing Game Fishing Land Based Game Fishing Lure Fishing Fly Fishing and Hand-lining. ANSA also has an “all tackle” length only record chart. NBSFC is an affiliated club of ANSA and therefore we fish following their rules and divisions.

The WeighMaster’s Annual Capture Challenge

Special Report

Pending GFAA

Australian Record

Luke Leech WeighMaster NBSFC 74.1kg Tiger Shark

3kg Line Class.

At just under 25 times line class and 1235 points it is the best

capture for the season!

Well done Luke

awesome capture!

By Jason Hornhardt KBGFC WeighMaster


Wayne Brown IGFA World Record

36.4kg Monster Narrow Barred Mackerel captured

on 3KG Line Class

Pic Jason Hornhardt HornhardtHornhardtur



More on the specific information on ANSA, ANSA rules for each division and ANSA National Records for all divisions can be found on their website via the link below. http://ansa.com.au Through the website, you will also be able to find a list of eligible species to capture (there are well over 50 species on the list that we can catch in our local waters). Note: this list contains many more

species than those that count for our Club’s Annual Tag & Release Challenge - Species List. Each species of fish has been allocated a “fight factor” based on their fighting ability, the higher the fight factor, the greater angling challenge in capturing the fish. This fight factor is also used to allocate points for each capture made in each division. For example, a Golden Trevally has a fight factor of 1.5. So if you were to capture a 3.5kg Golden Trevally on 3kg line class, the point’s allocation would look like this: 3.5 (KG - weight of fish) X 1.5 (fight factor) divided by 3 (line class used to capture the fish) X 100 (same for all captures) = 175 (total points allocated to your capture). As mentioned above, see the ANSA website or have a chat with another experienced club member if you need more explanation. Once you get familiar with it, it’s quite easy to understand. There are quite a few simple rules to abide by for your fish to be eligible, so visit the site and have a read through. If you have any questions on any of the ANSA rules, ask myself or another experienced club member for clarification.

The WeighMaster’s Annual Capture Challenge Special Report

NBSFC’s Unnalise Radley

Pending IGFA World Record

6.22kg Kawa Kawa 2kg Line Class

NBSFC’s Mick Grasso

IGFA World Record 27.4kg Tiger Shark

captured on 1kg Line Class

Pic Tom Radley Crowhurst



The WeighMaster’s Annual Capture Challenge Special Report

Learning the art of fishing “light line” Now I don’t claim to be any sort of “expert” when it comes to capturing fish on light line but I do enjoy the challenge it presents and therefore I have done my share of it and learnt a lot of bits and pieces along the way. So, what have I learnt, how did I learn and who did I learn it from? I have learnt a lot in the past 7 years particularly when it comes to capturing fish on light line so I’ll only mention a couple of things.

Be involved and stayed involved with your NBSF Club! The good thing about being part of a club with such experienced anglers is that they are a great source of information when you are really stuck on how to nail that one particular species of fish. You don’t need to be on the boat with them, seeing them do it to learn from their experiences, most of the anglers in our club are willing to “give you some hints or tips” along the way. In saying that, I have found that it doesn't matter if the fish you are interested in is a Barramundi, a Tiger Shark or a Batfish, the most important thing to remember, is that you will learn the most from being on the water doing it yourself. Each species of fish has its own set of challenges, such as: Where will you find them? When will you find them? (Tide, time of day, etc.) How do you hook them? How do they fight? And then how do you beat them? These are all things that make the challenge of capture (and fishing in general) so much fun! If you keep these questions in mind when you head out it will no doubt help put the pieces of the puzzle together and help you catch more fish. The last question in the list above is especially important when you are trying to capture the fish on a “lighter” line class. For me, I started by getting a 3KG rod and reel. You won't need the “top of the range” gear but the better quality you start with the less frustrating your experience will be when you start out. Ask some of the current club members for advice on what gear works for them. The benefit with starting on 3kg is that you will probably beat a lot of the fish that you hook; this will build your confidence in your gear and give you the opportunity to learn about what helps and what doesn't whilst fighting a fish.

NBSFC’s Justin Leech

ANSA National & State record

1.89 kg Blue Lined Emperor

captured on

1kg Line Class.

NBSFC’s Chloe Hornhardt with her pending

World Record Double Spot Queenfish

Pic Luke Leech



The WeighMaster’s Annual Capture Challenge Special Report

The anglers that catch amazing fish on 1 KG line had to start by learning how to catch fish on heavier line. It takes experience to learn these techniques so take the time and enjoy the challenges along the way. If you are more interested in catching higher fight factor fish (such as sharks and billfish) on slightly heavier line classes but also want to challenge yourself, I would suggest with starting with 8 or 10KG line class. This is for the same reasons as mentioned above. Once you build that level of confidence, you can start to drop your line classes to a lower breaking strain and challenge yourself further. How did I learn? Asking other anglers is an obvious strategy when it comes to finding more info on how to catch fish. Although, as mentioned previously, the best way to learn I have found is to get out there and have a go yourself. Fish with as many different people as possible but fish the majority of the time with the same 2 or 3. I believe that fishing with different people with different ideas and techniques is a good way to learn new ideas but I also found that fishing with the same 2 or 3 people consistently helped us get used to each other’s techniques and work through the problems we were having with beating a specific species of fish. Copy what you have already learnt. Although each species of fish is different, it all works the same for example: You find Blue Bone on a reef type structure You find they feed best on an incoming or high tide You use crab or crayfish for bait. Try to keep them away from the bombies once you’ve hooked them. You probably learnt this by trying the same area a number of times and worked it out through getting it right or getting it wrong. Sometimes you will learn just as much from catching nothing. If you find another reef structure, it will probably work the same way. So try the times and techniques you learnt in your other spot to see if it works the same. I learnt a lot from looking for the same “conditions” that I had found fish in previously, then trying the same technique in the new area. Who did I learn from? The short answer is - Everybody. Ultimately, everyone I have spoken to over the last 7 years have had different experiences and advice on the different species of fish and the different ways to catch fish on different line classes. There is just so much to learn and every bit of information will help and is all part of the puzzle.

Pic Unna



The WeighMaster’s Annual Capture Challenge Special Report

Attend as many club meetings and club competitions as possible. Have a chat with club members about where it went wrong or why you think you did or didn’t catch fish. They will probably have ideas on what you can do next to improve your next trip out. Like I have mentioned already a number of times, the person you will learn the most from is yourself by getting out there and trying your ideas. If it works, great, if it doesn’t then think about what went wrong and try something slightly different. Join the NBSFC Annual Capture Challenge which is a great way to test your skills. The challenge is obviously against all the anglers within the club but it is also a good way to test yourself. See how many different species you can catch and how many points you can accumulate in a season, then see how much you can improve on that score during the next season. That way it’s about competing against yourself! Hopefully along the way you’ll have a couple of really memorable captures. What to do when you capture a fish? So the next time you head out armed with your light tackle, remember to keep your leaders/double within the allowed length and try to capture one of the 50 + species available to us here. They don’t need to be monsters or records to weigh them in for club points! The minimum points required for an eligible capture under ANSA rules is 100 points for seniors and 80 points for juniors. Even if you think the fish might not quite be heavy enough to make the minimum points, don’t be shy, give the WeighMaster a call and let them know you've got something to weigh and they will organize a time to weigh the fish. The first few times you weigh a fish with NBSFC, the WeighMaster will ask you to present the rig that you have captured your fish on. Once the WeighMaster has seen a few of your rigs being within the rules of ANSA then you probably won’t have to present them for each capture. This is done to ensure all the anglers we have fishing within our Annual Capture Challenge understand the ANSA rules and divisions. It also makes sure that if a record capture happens without the angler knowing it’s a record, the leader etc. is still available to claim the record. Fish must not be frozen, mutilated [shark bite etc] or inedible when presented for weighing. If you think you may have captured a record whilst on the water, remember to cut your rig off (at least a meter above the double knot) and keep it in a safe spot until you get confirmation of the record weight on the scales. Records cannot be claimed if you don’t have the rig used to capture that fish. The WeighMaster will be able to help answer any questions you have about record claims or divisions. They will also be able to help you with preparing and submitting any record claim once confirmed as a record weight. There are plenty more details around divisions and records available on the ANSA website. Make yourself as familiar with these rules as possible; it will help avoid disappointment when you do make that once in a life time capture. How does the Annual Capture Challenge work? The main section of our Annual Capture Challenge is the overall totals. These are split into 4 different categories; they are Male, Female, Junior and Sub-Junior. The highest point scoring fish of each species weighed in that season by an angler will count towards your total score. This is regardless of what division of the ANSA rules you captured it under. For our NBSFC annual highest point scoring (HPS) prizes, we only accept fish caught under “Sportfishing” rules. We have a number of different categories split up mainly by species groups including: HPS Mackerel, Queenfish/Trevally, Cobia, Tuna, Lutjanus/Coral Trout, Shark, Sportfish Other (any species that doesn’t fit into the previously mentioned categories) and HPS Fish on Fly. We also have a category for the heaviest Mackerel weighed for the season. For this category the fish can be captured on any type of tackle. This means that if an angler catches a fish under the Game Fishing Rules, that fish will be ineligible for the HPS fish in its category but will still count towards the angler’s total score for the year. Your fish must be presented to the WeighMaster in an edible condition. There are a lot of different questions you may have about line class fishing or our Annual Capture Challenge. For any of those questions, feel free to contact myself or ask any other experienced club member for guidance.

Most importantly - get out there and have a crack!

Luke (Leechy) Leech – NBSFC WeighMaster



NBSFC Members’ IGFA* World Records


As far as records go, there are far too many ANSA National and State records held by NBSFC members to mention all of them. When you go to the record charts [link above] on the ANSA website you will see what I'm talking about! Just scroll down looking for local members or spots like Dampier, Point Samson, Delambre etc. [Editor found your name there Leechy] Based on that fact I thought I would instead go through a few of the IGFA World Records that are still standing and held by NBSFC members. This is also an impressive list!

Congratulations to the holders of these outstanding IGFA Records

Mark Cottrell

- All Tackle Chinamanfish 13.2KG

- Men’s 4kg tackle King Threadfin (salmon) 11.4kg

- Men’s 1kg Flyfishing King Threadfin (salmon) 2.84kg

Wayne Brown

- Men’s 3kg tackle Narrow Barred Mackerel 36.4kg

Mick Grasso

- Men’s 1kg tackle Tiger Shark 27.4kg

Jason Hornhardt

- All Tackle Golden Trevally 14.75kg Jack Clarke

- Male Junior All tackle Golden Trevally 9.8kg

- Men’s 3kg tackle Golden Trevally 9.8kg

Dean Lucas

- Men’s 3kg tackle King Threadfin (salmon) 9.22kg

Candace Williams

- Women's 3kg tackle Golden Trevally 9.22kg Nicole Hornhardt (Livingstone)

- Women’s 3kg tackle King Threadfin (salmon) 6.88kg

Chloe Hornhardt

- All tackle Double Spot Queenfish 1.88kg (Pending) Unnalise Radley

- Women’s 2kg tackle Kawa Kawa 6.22kg

(Pending) Apologies to anyone that currently holds an IGFA record that I have not recognized, hopefully you will let me know for future reference, there are also a heap of World and Australian records held by ex-members of our Club.

Luke (Leechy) Leech – NBSFC WeighMaster

“Team Raddler’s” Mark Cottrell



Weigh Master’s Report

The Annual Capture Challenge

9 Anglers, 8 different species! In March a month that traditionally sees the club scale collect dust, we have seen 9 Anglers present fish and claim some points!

Hornhardt Girl again captures the highlight The highlight of the captures this month was once again taken by one of the Hornhardt girls! This time it was Jessica who took the glory. Jessie captured a 5.16kg Chinaman on 3kg SF tackle to claim another 258 points for her fast growing total. With this capture, Jessica has also earned herself another ANSA Sub-Junior Australian Record! Congrats Jessica and well-done Mum and Dad. Jason and Nicky Hornhardt didn't miss out whilst Jessie was leading the way though. Nicky weighed her first capture for the year. A 1.40kg Gold Spot Trevally on 2kg SF claim Nicky 105 points to kick her tally off. Jason also had a quick shot with his 3kg to make sure everything was ok for his trip down to Exmouth for Gamex. Jason weighed a 3.60kg Kawa Kawa (Mack Tuna) on 3kg GF tackle to add another 180 points to his season score and keeping him in the top 10. Todd and Jaxon Marriott decided to have a play with the light line classes recently and got rewarded with a Talang Queenfish each. Jaxon took the better points away from the Queenfish weigh in with his 4.31kg fish on 2kg SF netting him 323 points and opening his capture account for the season. Todd’s 4.44kg Queeny on 3kg Sportfishing tackle added another 222 points to his score bring his total to 660 points and leaves him just short of joining the top 10 list.


Hornhardt’s ANSA

Sub-Junior Australian Record

Capture newbies weigh 3rd tuna for season Our Club Secretary (James Gorham) and Trish Bright were out and about on the weekend of the “Topwater Tournament”. Both Trish and James weighed in a Tuna each on 3kg Sportfishing tackle. These juvenile Tunas had me reaching for 2 different fish identification books trying to confirm which species they were. These fish were confirmed as juvenile Long Tail Tunas. FatBoy furthered his season total by 117 points to finish the month on 557 points, just behind Todd and also just outside the top ten list. Trish’s tuna was 3 points better than James’ Tuna. Trish added 120 points to the 600 points accumulated earlier in the year via her tagged Marlin. This tuna is the first fish that she has put over the scales! Congrats Trish, hopefully the first of many more to come. I snuck in a couple of extra species during Feb. I took my dog, my 1kg rod and a handful of not so secret bait down to the beach and beat a 1.39kg Diamond Scale Mullet on 1kg SF for 139 points. I also found a school of small Brassy Trevally on a trip last week that gave us a bit of fun on 1kg. The fish that came home with me weighed 1.20kg and provided me 180 points for it’s troubles. Justin Leech started the month with his incredible run of unreal upgrades. Justin upgraded the Talang Queenfish he weighed in the Dampier Classic to pile on another 19 points. This fish has also knocked off Ryan Turner in the HPS Trevally/Queenfish category for the season. Justo, not to be outdone, also went and found himself a 1.91kg Diamond Scale Mullet on 1kg for 191 points. Whilst he was there he got himself a 0.92kg Pikey Bream on 1kg to acquire 110 points and extended his overall season score to 6974 points. The Sportfishing around the islands is already heating up even with the water temp staying over 30 degrees. As mentioned during this report, even if the wind is up, try your luck at some of the land based spots around our area, you might get a surprise at what rewards and different species you might find! Good luck to all our club members heading down to Exmouth for the Gamex tournament. I hope you all smash it!

Luke (Leechy) Leech – NBSFC WeighMaster

Pic Jason Hornhardt



April has been another busy month for the club scale’s with some exceptional captures and some new members joining in on the fun. Firstly though, I have to apologize for missing a couple of the captures out of the March Weigh Report. These captures are definitely worth the mention! Hornhardt girls at it again! Chloe and Jessica Hornhardt were at it again at the end of February. Chloe put her claim on another 2 record breaking captures. The 365 point, 7.3kg Giant Trevally on 3kg Sportfishing tackle is now a pending ANSA Junior Sportfishing State record. Chloe’s Broad Barred Mackerel weighed in at 5.72kg and was also done on 3kg Sportfishing tackle. This capture earns Chloe another ANSA National and state Game Fishing Junior Record. It also upgrades her BB mackerel by another 47 points. Both great captures! Well done Chloe. Jessica also upgraded this month. Jessie weighed a 4.08kg Queenfish on 3kg Sportfishing tackle to upgrade that species by 42 points! A New World Record! As most of you would have probably seen on the NBSFC Facebook page, Unnalise Radley nailed an impressive Kawa Kawa (Mack Tuna) during April to lay claim to her first IGFA world record! Unna’s 6.22kg Mack Tuna on 2kg line class has beaten the previous women’s world record mark of 5.6kg held by Tammy Yates. Tammy’s fish was also caught of Dampier back in 1998. This is a great capture by any angler in any division and certainly deserves to be recognized as a World Record capture! Watch this space for the pending claim to be confirmed by the IGFA. Great fish Unna! Luke [Leechy] Leech NBSFC WeighMaster

WeighMaster’s Report

The Annual Capture Challenge

Pics Unna




WeighMaster’s Report

The Annual Capture Challenge

A couple less sharks in the Ocean During April we have seen 2 sharks weighed for club points. On a recent trip out with Kev Deacon we just happened to see a Tiger shark cruising around our fishing area. Conveniently, we just happened to also have a purpose built shark rig and bait ready to feed and my 3kg setup on hand to have a go. After a reasonable battle we managed to land a 74.1kg Tiger on 3kg Game fishing tackle. This capture is now a pending ANSA National GF record and has upgraded my points for Tiger Shark from 500 (for a tagged fish) to 1976 points. Thanks Kev for doing the hard work in this capture. Leading up to this, Justo had decided he needed to target a couple more species. He took his number one leader man, Ryan (Trewdy) Trewin out and he didn’t disappoint! Ryan got his hands all tangled up in the leader and helped Justin complete the capture of the 28.38kg Whaler Shark on 3kg Game fishing tackle. Another 756 points for Justin’s season tally! For anyone that has played with Whaler sharks on light tackle, they will know that this is a pretty good capture and a hard one to match! Justo also took his light tackle gear up into the creeks for a bash. He ended up capturing 2 species that day on 2kg Sportfishing tackle. The first one was a 3.03kg Threadfin Salmon which scored him 287 points for a species of fish we don’t see under the scales very often. The second fish was an impressive Barramundi! which added no capture points to his total and I can’t tell you how much it weighed… Why? Because the Barra he netted was 85cms and by fisheries rules, needed to be released…. Unlucky mate, I feel for you. That fact that both of the mentioned sharks were captured on Game Fishing tackle means that the HPS Shark section is still vacant so get out there and have a crack.

Cotty comes good! For the first time since the Dampier Classic, Mark (Cotty) Cottrell has seen his score

change on the leader board. Cotty couldn’t help

but take advantage of the 3.46kg Pickhandle Barracuda that tried to eat a bream we had hooked up to. Cotty sorted out the bream then continued onto hook and capture the Cuda on 1kg Sportfishing tackle. This capture scored 311 points for his season total and also gets Cotty a pending ANSA state sportfishing record! Good to see you troubling the club scales Mark. Hopefully this is the start of a late season run to chase down the leader. Max Grasso smashing more Sub Junior Records! Max has done it again! Max took his Dad Mick out fishing a few weeks ago to show him how to catch Queenies! Max sure showed him, weighing 2 fine fish and upgrading his point score in the process. The 4.66kg Queenfish on 3kg tackle is a pending ANSA state Sub Junior record and the 4.50kg specimen in 2kg tackle is now a pending ANSA National Sub Junior record. Great fishing Max! A new competitor in the Female section! Vicki Searle has joined in the race on the leader board. Vicki weighed 3 species on 1kg with KBGFC and nominated them for our yearly comp. Vicki weighed a Brassy Trevally for 225 points, a Golden Trevally for 402 points and a Queenfish for 276 points. This gives Vicki a good kick start with a total of 903 points pushing her straight up into second place. Watch out ladies, I can see a late run coming from Vicki! Good to see you getting amongst the action Vicki, keep them coming! Luke [Leechy] Leech NBSFC WeighMaster



Sub Junior

1 Jessica Hornhardt

4 782

2 Max Grasso 1 337

Highest Point Scoring Angler Annual Capture Challenge

Name Number Species



1 Justin Leech 20 8017

2 Luke Leech 16 7574

3 Mark Cottrell 9 3769

4 Tom Radley 7 3157

5 Ryan Turner 8 3084

6 Kevin Deacon 6 2737

7 Brenton Cartledge

3 1620

8 Travis Brinkhuis

4 1610

9 Jason Hornhardt

2 747


Wayne Summers

2 741


1 Unnalise Radley

5 2415

2 Vicki Searle 3 903

3 Trish Bright 2 720

4 Nicole Hornhardt

1 105


1 Toby Mason 13 3943

2 Tasmin Kyle 6 2147

3 Chloe Hornhardt

7 1633

Thx Heaps for your SUPPORT Shari! BFS Committee

Thx Heaps for your SUPPORT Tazzy!

@Remora Lures Australia

BFS Committee



Highest Point Scoring [HPS] and Heaviest Species Annual Capture Challenge

Angler Name Weight (kg) Line Class (kg) Points

HPS Mackerel

Todd Marriott 13.15 3 438

NB Mackerel

HPS Tuna

Ryan Turner 10.79 3 539

Long Tail Tuna

HPS Trevally/Queenfish

Justin Leech 5.13 1 769

Talang Queenfish

HPS Cobia

Luke Leech 12.56 2 942

HPS Coral Trout/Lutjanus

Toby Mason 1.35 2 94

Red Emperor

HPS Shark


HPS Fish on Fly


HPS Sportsfish other

Toby Mason 11.47 2 573

Common Shovelnose

Heaviest Mackerel

Jaxon Marriott 15.66 - -

NB Mackerel

Pic Trish Bright

Pic Tasmin Kyle



G’day Sportsfishers! The Editor here. TagMasters reports for March and April were not available at time of print. These pics will give you some idea why.

by Bozzar & RT.

Congratulations Tiffiny and Ryan on the safe arrival of your beautiful daughter

Bridie Sailor Turner From all of us here at the NBSFC

Bozzar & Katie Bourke

“Exploring Ireland and celebrating the marriage of two legends,

Trent and Trish Stanley”.



Angler NameNo.


Jaxon Marriot 13 500

Toby Mason 4 160

Hamish McLeod 5 100

Ken MacFarlane 2 80

Josh Gusthart 1 40

Gareth Evans 1 40

James Gorham 1 20

Tasmin Kyle 0 0

Tom Radley 0 0

Travis Brinkhuis 0 0

Mark Cottrell 0 0

Trish Bright 0 0

Unnalise Radley 0 0

Justin Leech 0 0

Threadfin Salmon

No. Tags


Anglers Name

Ryan Turner 1010

Annual LONGEST FISH Challenge

Mark Cottrell 1120

Mark Cottrell 1100

Mangrove Jack


Toby Mason 530

Length (MM)
















Angler NameNo.



Justin Leech 65 830

Wayne Summers 27 340

Ryan Turner 20 255

Cotty 18 215

Damon Bracknell 12 160

Kevin Deacon 12 160

Jacob Crowhurst 18 155

Scott Medling 6 115


Carpenter9 90

Dean Lucas 6 75

Mark Lucas 7 75

Luke Leech 7 65


Cartledge5 65

Steve Mason 9 55

James Gorham 6 50

Travis Brinkhuis 2 15

Jay Wheelock 1 15

Jason Hornhardt 1 10

Ken Macfarlane 1 5

Ben Robinson 0 0

Cody Carpenter 0 0


Unnalise 6 85

Mandy Mason 3 20

Trish Bright 1 5


Toby Mason 41 280

Jack Clarke 12 140

Chloe Hornhardt 2 20

Sebastian Tocus 1 15

Simon Tocus 1 15

Sub Junior


Hornhardt1 101



















Annual TAG AND RELEASE Challenge

No. Tags














NBSFC’s Unnalise Radley shares her so simple [Cotty could cook it] Chilli Crab recipe.

Thought I'd share my very easy recipe for Chilli Crab with the Pilbara Sportfisher. Blue swimmers cook and shelled. Simmer tin tomatoes, Teaspoon garlic Half onion chopped, 3 whole chillies and mix together. Pasta on the boil. When pasta has one minute to go add the crab to sauce mix and simmer. To serve place pasta in a bowl and top with crab sauce mix. Serve with crusty bread and a glass of red or a beer or three.

Pics & Recipe Unna Radley.

Chilli Crab!

Murray Cod Tagged & Recaptured

in Airport Creek!

You never know where a NBSFC Angler will cast a line next.

New NBSFC member Jacob Crowhurst files this

report from the border between Vic and NSW. For Christmas 2015 my family and I spent time on the mighty Murray River around Echuca and Moama.

Our accommodation during our time there was in the form of a 12 berth, 2 story houseboat complete with heated spa. Of course the rods and NBSFC Tag Wallet travelled across with us so we could fish 24hrs a day for the whole time onboard. The fishing was reasonably quiet during the day as we were harassed by terrorists (ski boats practicing for the Southern 80). We managed to land plenty of small cod most caught after dark. Brock landed the biggest cod of the trip at 68cm and another cod around the 75cm mark was dropped at the boat. We also

tagged 2 Cod at 51cm, one of which was recaptured recently in the same location. All in all an awesome trip, nothing better than cooking a Christmas roast while fishing for Murray Cod.

Jacob Crowhurst NBSFC

Back Beach

Ramp Closed!



NBSFC TAG & RELEASE [TR] Annual Challenge

Species List^ Valid from July 2015

Tag & Release Species List^

Club Tag & Release Points

Minimum length in mm to claim Club TR Points

Only use this type of Tag for this Species

Capture Challenge points can be claimed instead of TR points for this species. [Minimum

length 1.3m fork-lower jaw].

Marlin* 40 Not applicable


NSW-DPI Wire Billfish Tag

600 capture points

Sailfish* 20 NA 400 capture points

Barramundi 15 500

ANSA WA Tags Bluewater Magazine Tag Tips http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/448509/BW82-Tagging.pdf

NSW DPI Tagging Website http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fisheries/recreational/saltwater/gamefish-tagging/how-to-tag-gamefish WesTag [ANSA-WA] http://info-fish.net/westag/ log in here

Emperor Red 15 300

Mackerel Broad Barred

15 500

Threadfin Salmon King

15 500

Triple Tail 15 300

Black Spot Tusk Fish

10 400

Coral Trout 10 300

Emperor Spangled

10 300

Bream Finger Mark

10 300

Mackerel Narrow Barred

10 500

Black Jewfish 5 500

Emperor Blue Line

5 300

Mackerel Shark

5 500

Mangrove Jack 5 300

Threadfin Salmon Blue

5 500

Shark Tiger*

10 NA

NSW-DPI Steel Head Shark Tag


capture points

Shark Great Hammer Head*

10 NA

Cobia* 10 500

NSW-DPI Pelagic Tag

^Only Species on this list count towards the NBSFC Annual TR Challenge, this list has been adapted over time from the full ANSA Species List. The Annual TR Challenge promotes research and conservation of fish species resident in our local waters. Changes to the

Annual TR Challenge Species List and/or Annual Challenge rules are proposed & reviewed by members at the Club AGM.



NBSFC Tag & Release [TR] rules for Annual TR Challenge Club points

TAGS are a valuable Club resource, issued by the Tag Master at his/her discretion. Their correct use and recording is the responsibility of all Club members participating in the Annual TR Challenge. Club members agree that all tags issued must be accounted for and that any unused tags shall be returned immediately to the Tag Master on request, or when a Club member ceases to participate in the Annual TR Challenge. Tagging information must be submitted to the Tag Master a maximum of 30 days from date of tagging to count for Annual Tag & Release Challenge Club points. Except June tagging information which must be submitted by 1

st July.

Members who wish to claim Annual Capture Challenge [CC] Points for a tagged species instead of TR Points. Must clearly write “Capture” on the address side of the correctly completed tag card submitted to the Tag Master. Species indicated with a “*” should be tagged with NSW Department of Primary Industries [DPI - Fisheries] tags only. DO NOT use ANSA WA tags on these species. There is no restriction on gear type used to catch a fish to be tagged i.e. a 100lb hand line is acceptable for tagging, this is to promote the maximum chance of fish survival. It is recommended to tag fish under the “minimum length”, as long as the fish has a good chance of survival. The minimum length is only relevant for Annual TR Challenge Club points. Both overall & fork length must be noted on tagging sheets for Blue & King Threadfin Salmon. ++ When tagging Black Jewfish it is important that a correct identification is made. DO NOT confuse Juvenile Black Jewfish with adult “Little Jewfish” [Johnius Borrnesis] which only grow to ~60cm. Little Jewfish are not to be tagged. See detail this page.

Above: Billfish Tag Card filled in CORRECTLY Note: Lat & Long to .003 decimal places.

Below: Where to Tag these species.

Above: Tag Master Ryan Turner [RT]

shows how to support an Adult Black Jewfish to be

photographed, tagged

& released.

OFFICIAL NBSFC Measure Boards Measure it on one of these or it

DOESN’T Count! $30 @ Club Meetings

Bottom Top Left: Juvenile Black Jewfish note: spots, green shading & pointy nose. Bottom: Adult “Little Jewfish” note: no spots, small size & big rounded nose, gill plate

shape and its mouth sits underneath its nose like a threadfin salmon’s. ++DO NOT confuse Adult Little Jewfish with Juvenile Black Jewfish.

Bottom Top Right: NBSFC Aaron Piekarski’s 128cm Adult Black Jewfish.

Pics: http://fishwrecked.com



May 11th Club Meeting & Billfish Shootout Rigging Night Demo + Raffle.

May Sat 14th + Sun 15th

3kg Line Class Competition: Register with Travis Brinkhuis.

Jun 4-6th Argonaut Billfish Shootout [WA Day LWE]

Jun 8th Club Meeting 7.30pm Wednesday – BFS De-Brief.

Jun Sat 18th + Sun 19th

President’s Cup Competition: Register with Scotty

July 13th Club Meeting 7.30pm Wednesday - End of Season Quiz Night

July 23rd AGM + Awards Night HHBSC Upstairs 7pm start

2015/2016 Nickol Bay Sportsfishing Club Committee:

President: Scott Medling 0417 453 028 dsmedling@westnet.com.au Vice President: Andrew Carpenter 0417 175 327 carpo1966@gmail.com Treasurer: Hamish McLeod 0428 945 961 hamish.sharon@bigpond.com.au Web Master: Ken MacFarlane 0427 639 861 mkeneth@bigpond.com Secretary: James Gorham 0437 293 212 kingsley400@gmail.com Weigh Master: Luke Leech 0439 958 523 sweetbox4@bigpond.com Tag Masters: Brenton Cartledge 0439 914 485 b.cartledge@westnet.com.au Ryan Turner 0400 550 911 ryan.turner@woodside.com.au

+ James Dedman, Kevin Deacon, Dean Lucas, Justin Leech, Travis Brinkhuis, Justin Neil & Mark Cottrell.

2016 Billfish Shootout Committee:

James Dedman, Ken MacFarlane, Andrew Carpenter (Chair), Scott Medling, James Gorham & Hamish McLeod.


WEBSITE: Ken McFarlane. SOCIAL MEDIA: Luke Leech & James Gorham. PILBARA SPORTSFISHER: James Gorham.


www.ansa.karratha.com Rules and Species List: www.ansa.com.au

Ahoy You Scurvy Dogs, Volunteer NOW! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! That’s right step forward Lads & Lasses, be counted on July 23rd!

Your Club needs you to swab the decks by joining in or Chairing a Committee, Run a Competition, Organise a Quiz Night, Cook Burgers @ Fundraisers, Manage a FaceBook Site, Look after the Club Booty $$, File Tag Reports, Weigh Captures, Be Captain or his/her Cabin

Boy, Shanghai New Members, Run the Website, Publish the Newsletter, Present Skills Demonstrations, Show up to every meeting, Be Nice to Newbies and just Lend a BLOODY

Hand. C’mon me Hearties Hold Fast and take one for the Good Ship NBSFC!



A warm welcome to this Month’s new members!AHOY! Mark & Glenda Ryan. Alan, Gina, Benjamin & Krystal Robinson. Aubrey & Chelsea Laing & Peta Laurence. Shannen, Rebecca, Jordan &

Taylah Dremel. Nicholas Levissianos. Casey Stocker. Brian, Kail & Teegan Neill & Maria & Michael Reed. Steven & Kourtney Griffiths

1x club sticker per family