NBK Insider April May 2011 issue

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A monthly internal newsletter designed and published by Public Relations Department of NBK Holding.

Transcript of NBK Insider April May 2011 issue

Dear colleagues, We recently came upon a very interesting study by the Center for International Media Assistance on Social Media in the Arab World leading up to the uprisings in 2011 and we thought it would be very important for all of us at NBK to read some excerpts in order to broaden our understanding and per-spective of this exponentially expanding communications network and be able to objectively assess its value when it comes to freedom of speech and privacy. In this month's newsletter, you'll also see a report on Social Media prepared by our colleague Rami Mansour who was recently a panelist at the Geneva Forum On Social Change and who gave great insights into this medium. In this newsletter, you'll get your usual health dose in our healthcare section in addition to an overview of NBK's latest news and HR initiatives. There's also a little question about social media to pick your brain and a few words of wisdom and inspiration to brighten your day!

Social Media Takes the Arab World by Storm!

"From Morocco to Bahrain, the Arab world has witnessed the rise of an independent vibrant social media and steadily increasing citizen engagement on the Internet. The Arab world has experienced an awakening of free expression and has helped break down the stranglehold of state-sponsored media and information monopolies. Indeed, from Morocco to Bahrain, the Arab world has witnessed the rise of an independent vibrant social media and steadily increasing citizen engagement on the Internet that is expected to attract 100 million Arab users by 2015. These social networks inform, mobilize, entertain, create communities, increase transparency, and seek to hold governments accountable. To peruse the Arab social media sites, blogs, online videos, and other digital platforms is to witness what is arguably the most dramatic and unprecedented improvement in freedom of expression, association, and access to information in contemporary Arab history.

Social networking has changed expectations of freedom of expression and association to the degree that individual and collective capacities to communicate, mobilize, and gain technical knowledge are expected to lead to even greater voice, influence, and participation over the next 10 to 20 years. A great expression of spontaneous expression that Arabs shared with the world could be seen in the flurry of tweets sent in celebration over Doha, Qatar, being selected to host the 2022 World Cup. This has been one of the early, most influential and successful signs of social media in the Arab world! Could social media continue to manifest itself on a scale and in ways that coalesce into a form of pan-Arab unity that has so far been elusive?"

All the best,

NBK Insider Team

Insider’s Note

April –May 2011 Issue 34

NBK IN THE NEWS NBK Supports Local Talents

Our pavilion at the 2011 Qatar Career Fair witnessed immense success and traffic. Our team was sought out to give expert advice on careers and building talent and we were recognized amongst the key contributors to this initiative. On the occasion, Sheikh Nawaf Nasser Bin Khaled Al Thani, our Chair-man said: “The future of any country and organisation is in today’s youth. They are the leaders, who must guide industry and business through innovative thinking and creativity. That's why at NBK we have different enrolment and internship programmes for the Qatari youth working and the Qatar Career Fair is a great oppor-tunity to network with this segment and discuss future career opportunities that suit their talent, skills and interests and prepare them to take on one of the most important roles in their lives."

NBK championed numerous endeavors bearing the overarching message of its social responsibility flag and reaching out to young and old through education, Sports, culture and philanthropy. Previously, Nasser Bin Khaled hosted a summer programme for Qatari school students in line with the com-pany’s commitment to training the youth of the country for bright careers. Four Qatari students from leading schools took part in the

summer training and worked under NBK's different companies like NBK Automobiles, Qatar Automobiles Company, Zeibart and the HR department. NBK sees the future of any country and organization in today’s youth. The management looks at these generations as leaders who must guide industry and business through innovative thinking and creativity.

NBK is expert speaker at the Geneva Forum on Social Change

Rami Mansour proudly flies our flag!

Let us please congratulate our colleague and social media evangelist and re-searcher, Rami Mansour, for successfully flying our flag at the Geneva Forum on Social Change which was held on the 1st and 2nd of this month in Geneva

and where he served as key panelist and contributed with sig-nificant insights and information. All eyes were on Rami when he took the stage to discuss the recent changes around the region with his fellow panelists Dr Marwa Daoudy, Professor at Oxford University, Marcia Ste-panek, Author and Publisher of Cause Global: Social Media

for Social Change and Farrah Hawana, Doctorate Candidate and Research.This is a quick peak into Rami's main panel ses-sion: "The recent events in Egypt and around the Middle East have demonstrated the power of information and the potential for social media to mobilize people around the world and be a catalyst for social change. Facebook and Twitter have received a lot of attention for their role in increasing coordination and empowering those on the ground, but can such momen-tum be sustained in the face of internet blackouts? For more information, please visit, www.gfsc.ch

April –May 2011 Issue 34

NBK IN THE NEWS Safety comes first – QAC raising awareness amongst children for

more safety in traffic

70 children from Al Hamad International Developed School had gone through a basic fun-workshop on how to behave in traffic while visiting showroom of Qatar Automobiles Company (QAC) representing Mitsubishi Motors and Fuso brand. “Our aim was to align sport, health and traffic safety and pro-mote them through QAC and Mitsubishi brand we represent, as those three aspects of our lives should be practiced and observed at all times. We hope we added value and raised public aware-ness to safer and healthier Qatar society”, said Mr. Yann Las-sade.

As QAC is committed to constantly contribute and add value to Qatar society, Mr. Yann Lassade, General Manager handed over footballs to the School principal Ms. Belinda Coetser, aiming to improve health and sport spirit amongst youngsters. For half of the day, QAC showroom was turn into a school classroom and the main subject how to behave and stay safe while being in traffic. In addition to refreshing their traffic knowledge, their early perception about safety and modern vehicle’ technology and design will be part of the art competi-tion QAC is organizing with the Al Hamad school representa-tives. The same competition will be followed by art exhibition and best works awards in May/June 2011.

Sheikha Hanadi meets with

Qatar Career Fair Reps After a successful participation of NBK at Qatar Career Fair, Sheikha Hanadi threw a post-gathering with the NBK representatives. From L-R : Lance Rooney, Hanadi El- Chakif, Sajilmon Makkar,Rami Mansour, Hesham Sabri, Hussein Siddiqi, Sheikha Hanadi, Conchita Ponce, Sheikh Khaled Al-Thani, Anna Bou Diab, Zulfa Al Disi and Abed Mawass.

April –May 2011 Issue 34


The Human Resources Department (Training and Development) rolled out a series of training programs March

25th – April 21st for a total of 87 staff. These courses included the following:

• ‘Customer Service Management’ over two days, designed and delivered by Spearhead Training and attended by 12 staff.

• ‘Interpersonal and Communication Skills’ over two days, designed and delivered by one of NBK’s Certified Trainers, Conchita Ponce, also attended by 12 employees.

• Two ‘Writing Effective E-Mails’ courses over one day each, designed and delivered by Head of Training and Development, Lance Rooney, attended by 24 employees.

• ‘Office Equipment Training’ over one day also designed and delivered by another of NBK’s Certified Trainers, Mahmood Urrehman, attended by 11 employees.

• ‘Improving Your Sales Skills’ over two days designed and delivered by another of NBK’s Certified Trainers, HE General Sales Manager, Samuel Zidan, attended by 8 employees.

• ‘Business Presentation Skills’ over two days, also designed and delivered by Head of Training and Develop-ment, Lance Rooney, attended by 8 employees.

• ‘Financial Awareness for the Non-Financial Person’ also designed and delivered by Spearhead Training, and attended by 12 managers across multiple sub-divisions.

Since NBK HR Training and Development started rolling out our January – June Training Plan, four from our team of ten Certified Trainers have been ‘in action’ designing and delivering their own specialist programs. The feedback from the post-course evaluation forms completed by the attending delegates is clear evidence of their high quality training and the HR Department is extremely proud of them all for their achievement.

NBK staff completing an activity on their ‘Financial Awareness for the Non-Financial Person’ program with Spear-head Training. From L to R: Derar Adwan (MB Used Cars Sales Supervisor), Ehab Diab (MB Fleet and Class Leasing Manager), Mo-hanned Alomran (Ziebart Division Man-ager) and Ahmed Azmy (MB Marketing Executive).

NBK Staff receiving their Certificates on “Developing Effective Interpersonal and C o m m u n i c a t i o n Skills” with Conchita Ponce as Facilitator.

From L to R: Hisham Hanna, Abu Sayeed Latif, Samer Orabi, Conchita Ponce, Ahmad Khcheich, Aimee Magpines, Assem Abdelatiff, Jocelyn Zulueta, Roxanel Jingco, Lyra Bautista, Edgar Sambo and Fazeem Fuard

NBK staff sharing their thoughts during “Office Equipment Training” con-ducted by Mr. Mahmoud Urrehman (inset) .

April –May 2011 Issue 34

In The Spotlight

He knows all about today's latest buzz - social media! He's been there, done it,

spoken about it to an international audience and left his mark in it. He's our very

own social media Evangelist and this month we speak to Rami Mansour about what

got him into this social media frenzy and take a closer look at his background and

his aspirations.

Rami Mansour

Our very own

Social Media


Rami Mansour

Who is Rami Mansour?

This is a tough question to ask anyone

to define himself but simply I am just a human being on a continuous education spree about my surrounding, the World and myself trying to be a true global citizen! I was born and raised in Jordan where I come from a town in the North of it near the Syrian border named Al-Mafraq. I did Computer Science studies for two years at the University of Yar-mouk (1998 – 2000) before deciding to change my studies path to Modern Lan-guages and Communication as this was my passion. Graduated with a B.A with honors in 2004 and finishing a Maitrise in French as Foreign Language from Universite Lyon II in France upon re-ceiving a scholarship form the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs through my university in Jordan. I came to Qatar back in 2005 as I worked in translation and contracting until I joined NBK Holding as an Events Coordinator in 2007. In the same year, I started my MBA studies in Qatar University and I graduated back in July 2010 with honors.

From being Events Coordinator of PR

Department to being the CRM Pro-

ject Team leader for NBK Auto, was

there any major changes in your ca-


Of course, it was a big paradigm shift from working in public relation field to relationship and database marketing. I gained and still gaining to much experi ence in Customer Relationship Manage ment as I was responsible to establish and construct a proper CRM practice within NBK Auto starting from planning to setting up the business processes and managing the team and equipping it with the needed tools and skills to perform the job. Now we are going into a new phase as we are part of the Marketing Team in NBK Auto under Mr. Tarek Habbal who will guide us through a more specialized and strategic approach to CRM this will be a great mind-opener and huge experi ence generator for me. So basically the journey from being in an executive role to a leadership and super visory role made the big difference!

Is there something that we don’t know

about you?

I think there are are a few things that few know about me. I play bass guitar and I used to be in a band during the school and uni days. I am also doing a lot of volunteering work with DFI and social media community in Qatar and Jordan. Last thing that I speak French, Spanish and some Italian and I am an avid trav-eler.

What’s your greatest dream?

My greatest dream is to be part of a global initiative to make a difference in the World and pay back to society by social change!

You are very much engaged in social

media, what leads you to be so pas-

sionate about it?

Yes, I just love every thing social media! This goes back to the fact that I am a total geek at heart and tech enthusiast combined with my love of communica-tion. This drove me back to follow this phenomena since mIRC , ICQ, chat rooms and forums back in late 90’s and early 2000’s to the instant messengers era going through Hi5 and MySpace, until we arrived to the point where Inter-net penetration became really high and tremendous advances in technology es-pecially in web design, cloud computing and applications. Backed with the emer-gence of mobile based networking that

led to a whole new social networking sphere where all these great tools played a big part in turning our world into a small village and giving each and every-one his 15 minutes of fame and a chance to share his life in real time! Thus, I am an avid follower and practi-tioner of these tools and activities and doing a lot of research and how does it affect different areas in our lives espe-cially when it come to how businesses can use it. I did a thesis for my MBA about social media adoption by busi-nesses in Qatar and what were the major elements that affected that.

I am now a member of Doha Tweetup which is a monthly gathering for all Doha Twitteratis (Users of Twitter) and part of the organizing committee of Doha Twestival which is a global event to raise funds for local and international charities through social media. This year we successes in getting more than $25,000 that went to ROTA.

You have recently attended the Ge-

neva Forum on Social Change; can

you tell us more about it?

In fact, I was invited to be a speaker and a panelist at the Geneva Forum for So-cial Change 2011 in Switzerland (www.gfsc.ch). The topic was Social Media and Arab Revolution so I talked about hwo social media was utilized in different ways during the Arab uprisings that we are witnessing these days and that it was not a catalyst of revolution rather than a accelerator of engagement, communication and crowd sourcing. It was a great experience to be next to top-notch names in the world of social me-dia.

“My greatest dream is to be part of a global ini-

tiative to make a differ-

ence in the World and

pay back to society by

social change! ”

April –May 2011 Issue 34

What can you say about the social networking here in


For those who do not know that, Qatar is one of the top coun-tries in the terms of growth of usage of social media especially when it comes to tools like Facebook and YouTube. More than 400,000 people from Qatar are using Facebook alone. 8 out of the top 10 websites in terms of traffic from Qatar are social net-working sites.

This goes back to the fact that Qatar is one of the leading coun-tries in the World in terms of ICT readiness and extraordinary rates of both internet and mobile penetrations. You may refer to the ICT Report 2011 issued by ictQATAR to get more sights about this.

Businesses are moving heavily into the world of social media in Qatar after seeing the bog potential of these tools and that the volume to justify their investment in it is there.

Is having a social media in the workplace more of an advan-

tage or disadvantage?

As any other tool, it has both but on the other hand, it can be governed by an organization –wide social media policy. Having some disadvantages that were proven wrong along the way

(loss in productivity, security issues, privacy..etc) shouldn’t be a barrier to use these tools. Companies are moving into a more social business model rather than using it only for marketing or community building and your customers and stakeholders are already using them and maybe having conversations about you whether you like it or not! Personally, I think that companies and brands who have proven after researching and listening to conversations across the social sphere that there is potential for using social media and social networks they should dive in taking into consideration strategic approach for doing that including governance, investment, align-ment with business processes across different functions, culture change and measurement! In the same time, it should not be forgotten that the basic element for organization to be successful in social media is by being personal and natural!

Final question, what’s your status now?

We for the readers to get my status right now in real-time they

can follow me on Facebook and Twitter: @RamiMansour

The Conversation

Prism: Overview

of Social Media


April –May 2011 Issue 34

Special Report

April –May 2011 Issue 34

By: Rami Mansour

Brief overview on Social networking

Social Media or social networking are simply the online platforms and channels where people (users) can share words, photos, videos and documents via estab-lishing conversations.

In 1985, before there was a ‘World Wide Web’, a pioneering online discussion group called The Well charged users $8 a month plus $2 an hour to exchange mes-sages and discuss various topics via com-puters and telephone modems. Their sole disclaimer to users: “You own your own words”. The technology soon moved to the internet and its web but one constant has always endured – people who com-municate electronically wish to have a little piece of the online world that they can call home.

It really became more mainstream starting 2002 (Friendster) and then many plat-forms were developed and adopted. The real reason why these platforms were de-veloped is the ever-increasing internet users and the change in our social interac-tion being from real to virtual and the fact that the movement of the human factors has created the demand for a cheap and real-time ways of communication with family and friends.

Facebook which is the largest social net-work in terms of population has grown tremendously since 2005 to reach

656,105,720 users. 50% of the active

users log on to Facebook in any given day. Qatar audience in Facebook alone has 444,620 users which is almost 40% of the population and the majority of the users are between the age of 24 – 35.

Nowadays there are hundreds of social

media sites and tools that are being used

by people from all over the world and many tools are still being developed.

What the

users really


Users are looking for natural and personal con-tent, they want human and two-way conversation. The users don’t want spam mes-sages or the corporate messages and content (unless they are engaged in it). In a world where socializing became more digital, people want to have their presence there and share their experiences and daily life content with their friends and family in real-time.

Why a significant number of brands

have joined the bandwagon?

To look at this issue, we should refer to following factors: a. Content created by people on the web though these tools about the brands (criticism, feedback, review, opinion even brand addicts messages) have forced these brands to move social since conversations are taken place about their brands whether they agreed or not. So the one way (Top – Bottom) message approach days have ended. Brands are more open now to 2 way communications and engaging peo-ple in the brad to create and measure brand equity. b. Brands have seen potential for market-ing in these tools where they can engage and create space for their brands evangel-ists and ambassadors to bring more

awareness about their products / services

and to spread the news / messages / cam-paigns along their social sphere. Brands are more and more engaged now in creat-ing fan pages in Facebook and having accounts in Twitter to have a real-time access to the social sphere in their fans and addicts life to spread their messages. c. Brands have seen also a chance to be able to use these tools for customer ser-vicing (aka Social CRM) and provide real-time support for their customers. In addition to using these tools as a public relation tactic in case of crisis manage-ment and awareness campaigns. d. These tools also offers a whole new array of measurement opportunity. It is know that measuring ROI or traditional marketing activities effectiveness is still a major issue for most of the companies. Now it is easy to create KPI’s and meas-ure the effectives of your messages using these tools where most of them are pro-

vided with multiple-purpose dashboards.

April –May 2011 Issue 34

Social networking here in Qatar

Social networking sphere in Qatar is huge. Latest stats from Facebook show more than 400,000 account was created from Qatar so far. Which is a huge num-ber comparing with the population. That goes to the fact that demographic compo-sition factors such as expat community and youths who want to be in contact in a cheap way with their friends and family in their home country. Same thing with the local message boards and communities such as Qatar Living where they have more than 100,000 registered users. Flicker is used in a tremendous way espe-cially by Qatari youth who are into photo-graph. As for Twitter more that 6000 ac-counts are active from Qatar and even there is a monthly DohaTweetUp (Meeting for Doha Twitter users) that is taking place. On the business side, for my MBA Graduation thesis, I have done a study on social media adoption by businesses in Qatar with more than 300 participants from businesses across Qatar and from all sectors. The results showed that 45% of businesses are already engaged in social media and they are growing by the day. Most of the companies have presence on both Facebook and Twitter and use other platforms as well such as LinkedIn (Professional Social Networking Site), Blogs, YouTube and suing their own Intranet that can be considered as a spe-cialized social networking tool if it used for corporate blogging and knowledge sharing.

Companies here in Qatar who have

social networking sites

Some of the companies who are using

social media actively here in Qatar are

Qatar Airways, Qtel, Vodafone, Virgin

Mobile Qatar, Doha Film Institute, Qatar University, Qatar Foundation, Al-Fardan, Century 021 Qatar, QatarGas, Shell Qatar, ExxonMobil, Grow Qatar, The Pearl, UDC, Al-Mana, Al Jazeera TV , Qatar Science & Technology Park, Qatar Living, The Peninsula, Gulf Times, Ex-plore Qatar, Qatar Petroleum, Qatar Hap-pening, Qatar Law Forum, Qatar Hotels Qatar Museum Authority and Lovesac Qatar. We have seen also the power of using social media by Qatar2022Bid where they have recruited hundred of thousands of supporters and have crown-sourced for ideas, videos and messages throughout these tools. Recently, we at NBK Automobiles have started our social media plan execution and for the first phase we will be using Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn being the major active networks in Qatar and this is where most of our customers and prospected customers are really active.

The pros and the cons of having one in

the company

In fact, this question depends on two fac-tors: How the company is using it or in-tending to use it and how to control it. These two factors will answer the ques-tion. Social Media use in the workplace has become a fact of life for many employers these days. Although there are many busi-ness purposes for the use of social media, the use by employees both inside and outside the workplace remains a double edge sword for many employers. A solid first step in managing the risks is adopting an appropriate policy for social media use. Companies can refer to examples done by others to craft their social media

policy and the most comprehensive open to public policy was IBM’s where they have engaged their employees while put-ting together the social media policy. The most prominent problem that companies face when employees use social media during work hours is decreased productiv-ity, along with the legal risks that are in-herent to using web‐based applications, such as release of confidential and pro-prietary information, use of discrimina-tory comments when posting or blogging, and even criminal conduct. This is where having a good social media policy would make it clear to employees what the em-ployer expects with regard to social media us, both on and off the job. Whether companies like it or not, social media is part of your employee’s lives the same way as texting and checking per-sonal emails is. Social media is also part of your business. Just because you’re not engaging in it, doesn’t mean your brand isn’t being talked about. And just because you can (theoretically) keep employees off it during “office hours” doesn’t mean they can’t go home and get your brand/company in trouble from the safety of their home computers. It has been said that instead of completely banning social media from the work place begin to educate your staff on appropriate usage. By educating them on the PROPER use, you grow a team of knowl-edgeable employees instead of creating an environment where folks don’t hesitate tweeting about things that could get them and/or the company in trouble! You should define social media and talk about what can and cannot be discussed. Creat-ing a concise policy written with your specific industry in mind gives everyone clear expectations and boundaries to work in. The key for companies is finding the bal-ance in how much web usage is good for the company without using the web too much or not at all. Harmony can be diffi-cult to achieve but the need to find it is there.

One last point is that companies think that

they should engage in social media be-

cause it’s FREE! Well, maybe the tools

are free but you have to have someone

behind to steer them and use them for the

objective put for it and that needs employ-

ees and time, which cost money in the


April –May 2011 Issue 34

NBK Street

“Do you think that social media sites have eliminated

the notion of privacy in our lives?”

ALLAN Atelin

Accounts—Finance Department

To some people, yes it does to some extent but to majority, it doesn’t. Before the advent of social media, a lot of people willingly shares important matters of their lives, boasts of their stature or achievements, of members of the family or of friends’, even lament frustrations or just talk about anything under the sun to sometimes unwilling listeners in a limited world of neighborhood. Social media sites is just offering an opportunity to do it in a more sophisticated medium to reach a wider audience.


Executive Assistant to the DCEO

While there are many benefits in social networking, there are abuses and negative attributes that are linked to it. However, over a period of time, social networking has attracted a relative number of large undisci-plined users and they are largely to blame for the abuses. Social networks provide unprecedented opportunity for organizations and individuals to share informa-tion. At the same time they present significant challenges to privacy that left unaddressed will stifle infor-mation sharing and innovation. There is always a lot of information at risk on privacy grounds from time of inception into any site and the after-effects of certain are unrecoverable and definitely irrevocable in nature. The tagline is that the common man has become public figure with no privacy and treated like public property.


Parts Sales Supervisor— NBK Auto

The outburst of social media in the recent years has revolutionised the way we deal and interact with oth-ers. The notion of privacy is in the centre of debate when it comes to social media sites. However, it is my belief that social media can be a great tool to enhance your lifestyle and the only negative exposure from it would be dependent on the user themselves. Social media sites give us the opportunity to interact with relatives, friends and loved ones in a way that was impossible in the past especially in the ever rampant globalisation. With so many contacts and little time to spare, social media gives us an opportunity to connect and get updates on friends that was impos-sible in the past. Not only have the distances become a thing of the past, big telephone bills to catch up with friends and loved ones have also been reduced. A study , found more than half of adults who use sites such as Facebook admitted they spent more time chatting online than they did actually speaking to friends and family, thus turning Britons into introverts. Another study found Facebook use led to increased jealousy in relationships, amid greater social ex-changes with friends and previous partners. Lovers often get suspicious when their partners get hooked to the site. However, social media allows users to limit or expose what one deems suitable for sharing with each category of contacts. This helps to retain privacy as and when each user deems necessary. The sys-tem of privacy control works best dependent on the user’s desire for privacy and, therefore, it is important to educate or coach younger audiences in schools and by parents on appropriate usage of social media. As a conclusion to the argument above, social media is a tool to keep abreast of latest updates from friends and family, however, with any tool, appropriate usage must be practiced

April –May 2011 Issue 34


Ehab Diab Hayden Hamed Mena Khan Hafez Mohamed

Bassel Wazier Michael De Rosas Thomas Pedha Rolando Baltazar

Iqbal Hussain Ghazi Abbas

April –May 2011 Issue 34

Health News

5 Healthy Fats You Should Eat


They contain as much fat as a fast-food double cheeseburger, but it's mostly in the form of

good-for-you monounsaturated fat. Adding avocados to your diet can significantly lower un-

healthy LDL cholesterol and other blood fats.

Dark Chocolate

Who knew? Half the fat in chocolate comes from healthy monounsaturated fats. However,

only dark chocolate contains a high concentration of heart-healthy antioxidants, which lower

blood pressure and protect the heart in other ways.


Seafood is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are probably the best fat of all for

your cardiovascular system and all-around health. Two weekly servings of fish (preferably oily

varieties like salmon and Atlantic mackerel) can cut the risk of heart attack by up to 36 per-



Rich in monounsaturated fats, olives and olive oil -- especially the latter -- are cornerstones of

the Mediterranean diet, which many studies show protects the heart and appears to fight diabe-

tes. Canola and peanut oils are good choices, too.

Peanut Butter, Nuts, and Seeds

A daily serving of peanut butter could cut the risk for type 2 diabetes by 21 percent. Mean-

while, studies have shown that munching on nuts every day may lower the threat of heart at-

tack by an incredible 35 percent.

Source : www.rd.com/slideshows/5-healthy-fats-you-should-eat

April –May 2011 Issue 34

Get Inspired

1. He who scores first gains momentum. Have you ever heard

a coach talk about an upcoming game? Almost always the coach

declares the intention to score first, to put points on the board as

soon as possible. This is so important because it gives the scor-

ing team a psychological edge. Scoring first has the potential to

boost your confidence and deflate your opponents psyche. I

have seen many games where two teams with equal talent are

won by the team who scored first.

2. Every inch, every yard forward counts because it gets you

closer to your Goal. Most of your offensive plays gain at best

an average of a few yards, but over time, they accumulate and

contribute to forward movement. Inevitably at times you go

backwards a few yards, but if you stay focused on your Goal,

you can make up for it on the next play.

3. You cannot play defense the whole game. You cannot just

sit back in reactive mode, waiting to see what everyone else is

going to do or spend all of your energy responding to circum-

stances. You have to be proactive, play offense and move your-

self towards the Goal by making things happen through deliber-

ate thought and effort.

4. To be effective, you must manage the clock. There are four

quarters in a game and there are four quarters in one year. Care-

fully and strategically allocate your time, energy and manpower

to perform at your peak from beginning to end.

5. Take quarterly time outs to evaluate. Schedule these into

your life. Examine your stats and measurements. How are you

doing? You may need to make an adjustment in your game plan,

tactics or fine tune your game plan for better results. If you are

in need of a short break to re energize, or are off track at any

time, simply call a time out and regroup.

The Top 10 Lessons Football

Taught Me About Goal Setting

6. You need a strategic Game Plan. Before the game is ever

played, every player must know their part and be prepared to


7. You need a great Coach. Even the most gifted, talented

players need a Coach to bring out the best in them and keep

them focused on the executing the plan. A Coach has a different

perspective than the players. A great Coach brings experience

and a holistic view of the game and can see things in the big

picture that most players cannot see.

8. The greatest players in the game condition themselves

year round. Those who enjoy longevity work just as hard on

themselves outside of the game as they do in the game. They

surround themselves with positive people who support their

Goals. If luck is where preparation meets opportunity, the pre-

pared outperform those who are not conditioned every time.

9. An effective Blitz can change the momentum and turn the

game in your favor. Focusing all of your energy and attention

on one area can catapult you forward by leaps and bounds.

10. Be a Leader, be a play maker. On every team, in every

game, you know who the go to guy is who will get the job done

when the game is on the line. You know who puts in the extra

effort and that in a close game, that extra push is what makes a

winner. Be that play maker in your chosen field.

In the game of football and in the game of life, be a team player.

Be a leader and approach every important goal as if it your own

personal Superbowl.

Enjoy the game and live your dreams.

Jill Koenig

Source: http://www.TheGoalGuru.com

April –May 2011 Issue 34

Life In Motion

Our DCEO, Mr. Ayman Abbasi celebrated his birthday with his family and some NBK colleagues.

Quality Assurance Manager Zulfa Al-Disi got a surprise of her life when some NBK colleagues threw a special birthday party for her.

April –May 2011 Issue 34

Please email us with your thoughts and comments at nbkinsider@nbks.com

April –May 2011 Issue 34