National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center · 10/7/2019  · 700,000 processor cores; 1.2...

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Transcript of National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center · 10/7/2019  · 700,000 processor cores; 1.2...

NERSC National Energy ResearchScientific Computing Center

Kelly L. RowlandComputer Systems EngineerNERSC Data Science Engagement Group

DOE HPC Facilities

National Nuclear Security AdministrationNNSA delivers leading-edge computer platforms, sophisticated physics and engineering codes, and uniquely qualified staff to support addressing a wide variety of stockpile issues for design, physics certification, engineering qualification, and production. Advanced technology systems are delivered to weapon physicists and engineers as tri-laboratory resources, to take on the most challenging simulation problems of the day.

Office of ScienceAdvanced Scientific Computing Research

Leadership Computing Facilities

The Leadership Computing Facilities provide the computational science community with world-class computing capability dedicated to breakthrough science and engineering. Awards of time are made through the competitive, peer-reviewed INCITE and ALCC programs and are open to all researchers.

Office of ScienceAdvanced Scientific Computing Research

NERSCNERSC provides HPC and data resources at scale for Office of Science research. Awards of time are made by DOE Office of Science program offices to support mission goals and priorities. 10% of time is awarded through the peer-reviewed ALCC program and open to all researchers.

NERSC: Primary HPC Facility for DOE Office of Science Research

Largest funder of physical science research in the U.S.

7000+ users, 800 projects, 700 codes, 50 states, 40 countries, universities & national labs

High Performance Computing Systems

Cori9,600 Intel Xeon Phi “KNL” manycore nodes2,000 Intel Xeon “Haswell” nodes700,000 processor cores; 1.2 PB memoryCray XC40 / Aries Dragonfly interconnect30 PB Lustre Cray Sonexion scratch FS1.5 PB Burst Buffer @ 1.5 TB/s

#14 on June 2019 TOP500 list

Gerty Cori in 1947 was the third woman—and first American woman—to win a Nobel Prize in science, and the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, for her role in the discovery of glycogen metabolism.

Software and Services at NERSC

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● Support for container workflows● Science gateways

○ Database provisioning● Web services● Jupyter notebooks

NERSC Supports Experimental & Observational Facilities


StarParticle Physics



Apply for Time at NERSC

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If work funded by DOE Office of Science (or research is relevant to its mission) and

needs computing and/or data at scale beyond local resources and/or

can productively take advantage of unique NERSC capabilities

• Apply at• Applications accepted throughout the year, but “ERCAP” season is

fall of each year when most awards are made• Deadline October 7, 2019

• “Startup”, or “exploratory” accounts available for up to 18 months• You can apply if not DOE-funded, but science must be relevant to

Office of Science

Apply for Time Through INCITE and ALCC

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• INCITE: Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment

•• Argonne & Oak Ridge Leadership Facilities (ALCF & OLCF)

• ALCC: ASCR Leadership Computing Challenge•• NERSC, ALCF, OLCF

User Support and Training at NERSC

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• New user training• Basics on our computational systems; accounts and allocations;

programming environment, tools, and best practices; and data ecosystem• Training events for specific tools, software, hardware• Consulting

•• Online documentation
