National cons and bylaws v1 4 post 4th nga

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Transcript of National cons and bylaws v1 4 post 4th nga

IFMSA-Jordan’s Constitution and Bylaws

October 1

2013 This document is the First amended copy of IFMSA-Jordan’s Constitution and bylaws prepared by the Constitution and Elections Taskforces of IFMSA-Jordan and amended at the 4th NGA. This has been prepared by Abdulrahman Nofal, Zaid Imam, Raed Qarajeh and Zuhdi Al Nabulsi under the supervision of the National EB (Owais Al Srouji, Ibraheem Malkawi and Fuad Habash)


IFMSA-Jordan Constitution

1. Name/Seat

2. Affiliation

3. Nature

4. Principles

5. Objectives

6. Members

7. National General


8. Executive Board

9. Supervising Council

10. Standing

committees and

support divisions

11. Team of Officials

12. Finances

13. Amendments to

the Constitution

14. Bylaws

15. Dissolution

IFMSA-Jordan Bylaws

1. General Regulation

2. Members

3. Team of Officials

4. Executive Board

5. Standing Committees

6. Taskforces

7. National General


8. Procedures at National

General Assemblies

9. Policy Statements

10. Support Divisions

11. Supervising


12. Projects

13. Amendments to

the Constitution and


14. International


15. Finances

16. Partnerships

IFMSA-Jordan Constitution

1. Name/Seat

1.1. The official name of the organization is International Federation of

Medical Students’ Associations – Jordan

1.2. The organization is hereinafter referred to as: the national federation,

abbreviated as IFMSA-Jo

2. Affiliation

2.1. IFMSA-Jo is part of the International Federation of Medical Students’

Associations, abbreviated as IFMSA

2.2. IFMSA is hereinafter referred to as the federation.

3. Nature

3.1. The national federation is an independent federation of medical

students committees in Jordan

4. Principles

4.1. The national federation pursues its aims without political, religious, social, racial, national, or any other discrimination.

4.2. The national federation promotes humanitarian ideals among medical students and so seeks to contribute to the creation of responsible future physicians.

4.3. The national federation respects the autonomy of its members. 4.4. All activities of IFMSA-Jo will be based on the values of IFMSA-Jo which

are: a. Honesty b. Transparency c. Mutual Respect d. Equity e. Cooperation

5. Objectives

5.1. The goal of the national federation is to serve society and medical

students in Jordan through its members by:

a. Empowering medical students in using their knowledge and capacities for

the benefit of society.

b. Participating in forums for medical students throughout the world to

discuss topics related to individual and community health, education and

science and to formulate policies from such discussions.

c. Promoting and facilitating professional and scientific exchanges as well as

projects and extracurricular training for medical students, thereby exposing

them to other cultures and societies and their health problems.

d. Providing a link between members, medical students’ associations and

international organizations, and to encourage the cooperation between

them for the ultimate benefit of society.

e. Aims to exchange ideas and knowledge to improve and evaluate work and

personal skills.

6. Members

6.1. The national federation is composed of local committees which are

referred to as: full members

6.2. The local committee should be affiliated to a medical school and

recognized by its faculty’s administration

6.3. Incorporation of new members is decided upon by the National General


6.4. All of the local committees must abide by the Constitution and Bylaws of

IFMSA-Jo and shall fulfill their obligations towards the national


7. National General Assembly(NGA)

7.1. The National General Assembly (NGA) is composed of all members of

the national federation. The National General Assembly is the highest

authority and decision making body of IFMSA-Jo. Every full member

(local committee) has 5 votes at the NGA. Observers aren’t allowed

voting rights at the NGA.

7.2. The NGA shall be convened two times a year, once in March after the

March International General Assembly and once in September after the

August International General Assembly

7.3. The constitution of IFMSA-Jo can’t be suspended at any time even by

the National General Assembly

8. Executive Board

8.1. The federation shall be managed by the executive board who are

elected for a one year period by the National General Assembly.

8.2. The executive board shall be at least three persons holding the positions

of President, Treasurer and Secretary General and are elected by the


8.3. The executive board is entitled to the official representation of the


8.4. The executive board can choose to delegate tasks to other individuals

but will remain responsible for those tasks at any time

8.5. An EB member will cease to hold office:

a. At the end of his term.

b. By written resignation.

c. By his death.

d. By removal from office by a decision of the National General Assembly

9. Supervising Council

9.1. The supervising council shall consist of 3 members and will operate

according to the guidelines in section 11 of the bylaws

10. Standing Committees, and support divisions

10.1. Standing Committees and Support divisions can be formed by the

National General Assembly

10.2. An IFMSA-Jo Official will be elected by the NGA to coordinate the work

of the Standing Committee/Support division

11. Team of Officials

11.1. The IFMSA-Jo team of officials is to include people elected by the NGA to

manage an aspect of work of IFMSA-Jo

11.2. All officials must abide by the constitution and bylaws of IFMSA-Jo

11.3. All officials must provide an activity report to the NGA

11.4. An IFMSA-Jo official will cease to hold office:

a. At the end of his term.

b. By written resignation.

c. By his death.

d. By removal from office by a decision of the National General Assembly

11.5. The team of officials must meet at least 3 times during the year. The

meeting is to follow the procedure stated in the bylaws.

12. Finances

12.1. IFMSA-Jordan is a non-profit organization with its income consisting of

membership fees, partnerships, subsidies, gifts and other contributions

12.2. Membership fees are decided by the National General Assembly during

the September National General Assembly

12.3. The financial year of the national federation starts on the 1st of October

and ends on the 30th of September of each year

12.4. Finances of the federation are managed by the National Treasurer

13. Amendments to the constitution

13.1. Amendments to the constitution have to be decided upon by an two-

thirds majority vote by the NGA

13.2. Further details about the amendments of the constitution are found in

section 13 of the bylaws

14. Bylaws

14.1. To regulate detailed managements issues of IFMSA-Jo, the bylaws of

IFMSA-Jo exist. The bylaws must at all times comply with the

constitution of IFMSA-Jo. Amendments to the bylaws have also to be

decided upon by the NGA.

15. Dissolution

15.1. The dissolution of IFMSA-Jo shall be decided upon by an absolute

majority vote of the National General Assembly. A proposal for

dissolution has to be sent a month at least prior to the upcoming

National General Assembly. In the case of the dissolution, any residual

funds or resources shall be given to an institution of general benefit in

accordance with the objectives of IFMSA-Jo.

IFMSA-Jordan Bylaws

1. General Regulation

1.1. Name of the organization

1.1.1. The name of the organization is “International Federation Of Medical

Students Associations’-Jordan”

1.1.2. The only officially recognized abbreviation is IFMSA-Jo

1.1.3. Recognized Arabic translation will be الطب طلبة لجمعيات العالمي االتحاد-


1.2. Language

1.2.1. The official language of IFMSA-Jo is English

1.2.2. Use of Arabic in official communication and documents of IFMSA-Jo

is accepted

1.3. Status

1.3.1. IFMSA-Jo currently operates as a student organization with its

subsidiaries also known as the local committees affiliated with

medical faculties in Jordan

1.4. Mission Statement

1.4.1. IFMSA-Jo’s mission is to develop a student body in Jordan that would

offer the physicians of tomorrow an introduction into global and

national health issues and arm them with the skills that will allow

them to shape healthcare and medical education systems in their

societies in the future

1.5. Constitution and Bylaws

1.5.1. IFMSA-Jo shall be governed by the Constitution and Bylaws

1.5.2. The constitution is the highest law of IFMSA-Jo. It shall never be


1.5.3. The bylaws shall regulate the practical internal management of


1.6. Corporate identity

1.6.1. The corporate identity of IFMSA-Jo is defined by the official IFMSA-Jo

logo and the official templates for letters, certificates and


1.6.2. The corporate identity of IFMSA-Jo can only be used by IFMSA-Jo

officials and Local Committees of IFMSA-Jo

1.6.3. Only the official corporate identity can be used for official

documents/presentations, certificates and letters

1.6.4. The Vice President On External Affairs must present an updated

corporate identity to the September National General Assembly of

the year for adoption by the National General Assembly

1.7. Publications

1.7.1. All publications of IFMSA-Jo shall be the responsibility of the

publications support division director

1.7.2. The publications support division director must acquire the approval

of the Vice President On External Affairs before distributing any of

the materials

2. Members

2.1. Procedure for obtaining membership of IFMSA-Jo 2.1.1. For a local committee to apply to become a member of IFMSA-Jo, it : a. Must be part of a recognized medical faculty in Jordan

b. Has set up a database for registered members

c. There should be no other member affiliated with IFMSA-Jo from the

same faculty

d. Must have carried out at least 3 events in 3 different Standing

Committees during the last 6 months before its application to become a


e. Must have a structure of an Executive Board and Local Officers in the

active Standing Committees

f. Must have a written form of regulations for the local committee which

must include at least:

(i) Basic Regulations

(ii) Elections Procedures

(iii) Financial Regulations

g. Must pay the annual registration fees to IFMSA-Jo

h. All medical students in the faculty can apply to be members of the local


2.1.2. All applications for membership in IFMSA-Jo must be submitted at

least 2 weeks prior to the NGA to the National Executive Board for


2.1.3. In the case that the application is approved, the local committee is

given ten minutes during the upcoming National General Assembly to

submit its candidature followed by five minutes of questions.

2.1.4. The incorporation of members is voted upon by a simple majority

vote by the National General Assembly.

2.2. Procedure for maintaining membership in IFMSA-Jo

2.2.1. To maintain membership in IFMSA-Jo the local committee must:

a. Submit the half-annual reports one week before each National General

Assembly at latest. The content of the report shall be specified by the

National Executive Board but must contain:

(i) Activity Report in each active standing committee

(ii) Elections Report

b. Pay the membership fees to the National Treasurer at least one week

before the second National General Assembly of the year.

c. Send a delegation to both National General Assemblies of IFMSA-Jo

2.3. Losing Membership

2.3.1. A local committee will lose membership of IFMSA-Jo in the following


a. Failure to submit two complete consecutive Local Reports to the National

Board will result in an immediate membership loss.

b. Failure to pay the membership fees to the National Treasurer within

deadlines for two consecutive assemblies will result in immediate loss of


c. Upon official request by the local committee, signed by its president and

its executive board members which will result in an immediate membership

loss. The local committee will be required to present the reasons for their

membership withdrawal to the team of officials.

d. Failure to send a delegation to two consecutive National General

Assemblies will result in an immediate loss of membership status

e. Working in violation of the Constitution and Bylaws of IFMSA-Jordan. In this

case an investigating taskforce shall be formed and shall report its findings

to the Executive Board. If the claim is sincere the membership can be

terminated by a simple majority vote of the National General Assembly

2.4. The following privileges are granted to the members(Local Committees)

of IFMSA-Jordan

a. Utilize the name of IFMSA-Jordan in its activities and projects

b. Participate in the IFMSA professional and research exchange program as

seen appropriate by the National Exchange Officer(NEO) and National

Officer on Research Exchange (NORE) respectively

c. Send delegates to international IFMSA meetings

d. Have voting right at the NGA provided that they have submitted all

required documents and have no penalties

e. Submit candidatures from any of its members for the national elections.

3. Team of Officials (TO)

3.1. General Regulation

3.1.1. The IFMSA-Jo Team of Officials members are responsible for the

operations of IFMSA-Jo during their term.

3.1.2. The IFMSA-Jo Team of Officials is elected for a year by the National

General Assembly and consists of the following:

a. National Executive Board

b. Standing Committee Directors

c. Support Division Directors

3.1.3. The official term of the IFMSA-Jo Team of Officials starts fifteen days

after the National General Assembly during which they are elected

and ends fifteen days after the National General Assembly where

their term ends

3.1.4. Each member of the Team of Officials is entitled to officially

represent IFMSA-Jo in his/her field of work.

3.1.5. Candidature procedure for the Team of Officials positions is found in

the elections guidelines handbook.

3.1.6. A team of officials member must:

a. Abide by the constitution and bylaws of IFMSA-Jo

b. Work in the best of interests of IFMSA-Jo and its members

c. Fulfill all of the tasks assigned to him/her as stated in the bylaws of


d. Work according to an action plan developed using strategic planning,

and high quality of evaluation and monitoring techniques

e. Maintain contact with the remaining team of officials and local


f. Support the local committees and keep following up on their activities in

his/her own field of work

g. Attend at least 2 out of 3 team of official meetings during his/her term

h. Attend both of National General Assemblies of IFMSA-Jo during his/her

term provided that he/she is within the country (Jordan). Attending 1

National General Assembly during the term is obligatory

i. Send activity reports to the Secretary General before TOMs and National

General Assemblies for adoption

j. Try his/her best to attend International meetings or equip attendees of

the international meetings with information to insure a high level of

external representation.

k. Assist the NMO president in filling their respective parts of the NMO

report by providing him/her with the information required

3.2. Regulations for Team of Officials meetings(TOM)

3.2.1. The team of officials shall meet at least 3 times a year, where at least

2 of these meetings should be in person.

3.2.2. The quorum for a TOM will be 2/3 of the Team of Officials provided

that the President and Secretary General are present

3.2.3. The TOM shall be called for by the President at least 2 weeks before

the meeting where the time and date of the TOM shall be decided by

a simple majority vote of the TO.

3.2.4. All TO members have speaking, proposing and voting rights at the

TOM, where each TO member has a single vote.

3.2.5. The TOM agenda shall be sent to the TO members by the secretary

general at least 1 week and to the local presidents 3 days before the

meeting and must include:

(i) Financial Report adoption

(ii) Activity Report adoption

3.2.6. The TO members must submit activity reports to the Secretary

general at least 4 days before the meeting itself

3.2.7. Decisions of TOM shall be passed by simple majority

3.2.8. The meeting minutes shall be kept by the Secretary General if he is

present or by someone chosen by the TO among themselves in case

of his absence. Meeting minutes must be sent within 4 days at most

after the TOM and adoption of the minutes shall be voted upon

online and is passed by a simple majority vote as well.

3.2.9. The minutes shall be sent after adoption to the local presidents no

later than 1 week after the meeting itself.

3.3. Suspension and removal of Team of Official Members

3.3.1. Team of official members can be suspended/removed in one of the

following cases:

(i) Fraud

(ii) Working directly against IFMSA-Jo or one of its subsidiaries

(iii) Criminal or legal offence

(iv) Not fulfilling the duties of the position held

(v) Violating IFMSA-Jo constitution and bylaws

(vi) Abusing his/her authority

(vii) Refusing to report/communicate

(viii) Not attending the required number of TOM or National General

Assemblies in his term

3.3.2. The procedure for suspension of TOM will be as follows In case of any of the violations in section 3.3.1. is reported, the

supervising council shall investigate the claims being made If the claim has been found to be true, the TO member shall be

suspended by a decision of the Supervising council until the

upcoming National General Assembly where a vote will be

carried out concerning the suspension requiring an absolute

majority vote If a suspension is approved by the National General Assembly,

the suspended person shall never be able to candidate for an

IFMSA-Jo TO position again If the suspension isn’t approved by the National General

Assembly, the suspended TO member shall resume his duties

after the National General Assembly Vacancies created by suspensions shall be filled according to

section 4 of the bylaws.

3.4. Resignation of TO members

3.4.1. In the case of a written resignation submitted by one of the TO

members to the Executive Board, the executive board shall call for a

meeting with the resigning member of the TO within a week of his

resignation to discuss the reasons for the resignation. If the TO

member doesn’t show up to the meeting, his resignation is accepted


3.4.2. The Executive Board must notify all other members of the TO and

local committees about the resigning official within 3 days of the

acceptance of the resignation.

3.5. Vacancies and replacements

3.5.1. Vacancies in the executive board shall be replaced as stated in

section 4 of the bylaws.

3.5.2. In the case of any other vacancy arising, the team of officials is

entitled to re-distribute the tasks among themselves or select a

person to act as an interim official for that period. This decision can

only be made in a TOM.

3.5.3. The TO is entitled to select a person to carry out the tasks of the

resigning official until the elections arrive, whereby the person is

given the title of the resigning TO member-Interim.

3.5.4. In the case of any vacancy arising within the team of officials due to

suspension, removal or resignation. The executive board must

contact any external the removed TO member has been in contact

with during the period before his resignation introducing the new

person to maintain that contact with the external.

3.6. Handover

3.6.1. Handover of the Team of Officials positions shall start after the last

National General Assembly of the term and should be completed

within 15 days of the end of the National General Assembly

3.6.2. The handover process must include:

a. Passing any official documentation and information required for the

operation of IFMSA-Jo

b. Passing the official electronic communication tools including official

email addresses, social media pages, YouTube channels, website access


c. Passing the stamps of IFMSA-Jo to the new Team of Officials members if


d. Handing in the bank accounts and all other finances of IFMSA-Jo

e. Handing in all assets of IFMSA-Jo to the new TO

3.6.3. An official consent form that the handover has been completed must

be signed by both the new and old TO members when the handover

is completed.

3.6.4. In the case of no handover being done, a taskforce will be formed to

investigate the claim. In the case that the claim is correct, the

outgoing TO member shall have his membership terminated from

IFMSA-Jo and his local committee permanently

4. Executive Board

4.1. General Regulation

4.1.1. The executive board shall be composed of at least 3 members and a

maximum of 5 members who are:

a. President (Essential position)

b. Secretary General (Essential position)

c. Treasurer (Essential position)

d. Vice President on Internal Affairs

e. Vice President on External Affairs

4.1.2. Executive Board members aren’t allowed to hold any other

concurrent posts within the team of officials of IFMSA-Jo

4.1.3. All official contracts, grant requests or partnerships must be

approved by the executive board before they are signed/applied for.

4.1.4. The executive board shall take decisions by simple majority voting in

Executive Board meetings that are held either in person or online.

4.2. Tasks

4.2.1. President

a. Coordinating the activity of the Team of Officials

b. Maintaining official contact with other NMOs through the IFMSA-NMOs


c. Submitting the IFMSA-Jo NMO report and updating the IFMSA-Jo

information online within deadlines to maintain voting right of IFMSA-Jo

in International meetings.

d. Representing IFMSA-Jo to externals with the help of the Vice President

on External affairs.

e. Heading the IFMSA-Jo delegation to international meetings or assigning

a head of delegation for the NMO. The President has the right to vote

during plenary session at the International General Assemblies or to

delegate the voting process to a representative on his behalf.

f. Calling for Team of Officials meetings, Executive Board meetings and

National General Assemblies

g. Assist the local committees during his/her term

h. Assist the treasurer in fundraising by developing strategies for

establishing and maintaining contact with externals.

i. Setting a short and long term strategy for the development of the NMO

with the help of the rest of the TO each in his own field.

j. Work with the different support division directors to set plans for the


4.2.2. Secretary General

a. Be responsible for the documentation and archives of IFMSA-Jo

b. Maintaining the activity of the electronic tools of IFMSA-Jo with the help

of the New Technologies Support Division Director including

(i) IFMSA-Jo’s official website

(ii) IFMSA-Jo’s social media pages and groups

(iii) IFMSA-Jo’s YouTube channel

c. Make sure that Local Committees are submitting their bi-annual reports

within deadlines

d. Keeping meeting minutes during Executive Board meetings, TOM, and

National General Assemblies and make sure they are shared with

respective parties as stated in sections of the bylaws.

e. Make sure the Constitution and bylaws of IFMSA-Jordan are up to date

and the latest versions are available to the local committees and the

team of officials

f. Sending official announcements of the Executive Board and the Team of

Officials to concerned parties

g. Maintaining IFMSA-Jo’s National Dropbox account in order and updating

it with relevant documentation

h. Remind the Team of Officials members to submit their activity reports

within deadlines

i. Maintain an archive of decisions made by the Executive Board and TO


4.2.3. Treasurer

a. Be responsible for the finances and book-keeping of IFMSA-Jo

b. Be responsible for the official bank account of IFMSA-Jo along with the


c. Remind the local committees to pay their registration fees within


d. Present adequate financial reports as decided by the Executive Board at

every Executive Board meetings

e. Present a financial report to the National General Assembly for adoption

f. Propose the budget for the financial year

g. Assist the VPE in fundraising by setting and implementing fundraising

strategies for the NMO

h. Review the financial reports of National General Assembly Organizing


i. Review the budget of IFMSA-Jordan’s National Projects and events

j. Keep in contact with partners and sponsors of IFMSA-Jo with the help of

the VPE

k. Insure that the new treasurer and president have access to the bank


l. Raise funds for IFMSA along with the VPE

4.2.4. Vice President for Internal Affairs (VPI)

a. Be responsible for the development of the Local Committees and

supporting them

b. Make sure that the local committees have applied internal operating

guidelines that aren’t in conflict with IFMSA-Jordan’s Constitution and


c. Open the calls for amendments for the Constitution and Bylaws of

IFMSA-Jordan as in sections 13 of the bylaws

d. Be responsible for the contact between the local committees and the

executive board

e. Try to recruit additional local committees into IFMSA-Jordan

f. Assess the needs of the local committees prior to each National General


4.2.5. Vice President for External Affairs (VPE)

a. Maintain contact with partners of IFMSA-Jo along with the treasurer

b. Develop and implement fundraising strategies along with the treasurer

c. The Vice President On External Affairs must present an updated

corporate identity to the first National General Assembly of his term for

adoption by the National General Assembly

d. Maintain contact with externals including mass media, faculty

administrations, and other NGOs

e. Approve the publications of IFMSA-Jordan

f. Raise funds for IFMSA

4.2.6. The executive board can delegate tasks to any other person of

IFMSA-Jo. The executive board needs the approval of the other

members before implementing his decision. The EB member

however, shall remain responsible for the task itself.

4.3. Regulations for Executive Board meetings

4.3.1. The executive board shall meet at least once every two months (6

annual meetings) provided that at least 4 of these are in person

4.3.2. The quorum for the EB meeting shall be the number of the EB less 1

4.3.3. The meetings shall be called for by the President at least 5 days prior

to the meeting

4.3.4. The meeting agenda must be sent by the Secretary General no later

than 3 days before the meeting

4.3.5. Each member has one vote at the Executive board meeting

4.3.6. Decisions shall be passed forward by a simple majority vote

4.3.7. The meeting minutes shall be kept by the Secretary General if he is

present or by someone chosen by the EB among them in case of his

absence. Meeting minutes must be sent within 4 days at most after

the meeting and adoption of the minutes shall be voted upon online

and is passed by a simple majority vote as well.

4.3.8. The minutes shall be sent after adoption to the TO members no later

than 1 week after the meeting itself.

4.3.9. Meeting minutes should incorporate at least decisions taken, reports

presented and issues discussed

4.3.10. Observers can be allowed by a simple majority vote of the

Executive Board

4.3.11. Observers have no speaking or proposing rights unless given by

the EB

4.3.12. Observers can be

(i) Members of IFMSA-Jordan

(ii) Medical Students

(iii) Representatives of Externals

5. Standing Committees

5.1. General

5.1.1. A Standing Committee works to benefit a specific field of interest.

The activities of a Standing Committee shall be continuous.

5.1.2. A Standing Committee consists of the national officer and the

medical students working in the fields of interest related to the

standing committee.

5.1.3. IFMSA-Jordan Standing Committees are:

a. The Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH)

b. The Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME)

c. The Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE)

d. The Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE)

e. The Standing Committee on human Rights and Peace (SCORP)

f. The Standing Committee on Reproductive health and AIDS (SCORA)

5.1.4. In order to regulate their practical internal management, a Standing

Committee can have internal Standing Committee Guidelines

5.1.5. The Standing Committee Guidelines must

(i) Comply with the Constitution and Bylaws of IFMSA-Jordan

(ii) Be decided upon by the local officers of the Local Committees participating in the respective Standing Committee along with the National Officer.

(iii) These bylaws must be approved by the National General Assembly to be active.

(iv) The file containing the latest version of the internal Standing Committee Guidelines shall be made available to all members of that standing committee and shall be attached to IFMSA-Jordan’s bylaws

5.2. Creation, changes and dissolution 5.2.1. To create a Standing Committee of IFMSA-Jordan, a proposal to

establish a Standing Committee must be written. At least Two Members must announce, in this proposal, their interest and active participation in the Standing Committee in question.

5.2.2. The General Assembly will decide about this proposal with a two-thirds majority.

5.2.3. The General Assembly can decide to dissolve, change the activities, or change the name of a Standing Committee. Such a decision needs at least two-thirds majority

5.3. Standing Committee National Officers 5.3.1. The National Officer of a Standing Committee has speaking and

proposing rights during National General Assembly Meetings and speaking, proposing and voting rights at Team of Officials meetings

5.3.2. The National Officers are responsible for ensuring the ongoing management and operation of the standing committees on the national level.

5.3.3. The standing committee Officers shall: i. Represent IFMSA-Jordan in the corresponding committee’s field of

work on a national, regional & international level. ii. Represent the corresponding committee on the different electronic

mailing lists. The officer is the official NMO representative & everyone should ask him/her before sending any official information/documentation concerning the NMO on the international mailing list.

iii. Motivate members on the national level & monitor their works without interference on the local level.

iv. Must inform the Team of Officials and the General Assembly of any updates related to their standing committee.

v. The officer supervises the national Coordinators of any running projects within the committee

vi. The Standing Committee officer should be able to create a solid team for his committee & make sure that the experience gained is being passed from more experienced members to others and to guarantee a competent second line in the committee

vii. Coordinate the work of local officers and project managers of their respective committee to see to the proper functioning of the committee

viii. Ensure, in collaboration with the Vice President of Internal Affairs, the promotion of the activities of their committee with members of the Federation and seek the recruitment of members to their respective committees

ix. Meet with local officers at least once every two months and invite the Vice President of Internal Affairs to discuss the progress and the ongoing work of the Standing Committee

x. Provide the minutes of meetings to the National Executive Board

xi. To establish at the beginning of his/her term in collaboration with the treasurer a budget for his/her committee for the next year

xii. Search, together with the Vice-Presidents of External Affairs and treasurer for financial partners who can assist in financing activities of the committee

xiii. Ensure the development and maintenance, together with the Vice-President External of external partnerships relevant to the committee (not necessary financial partners)

xiv. Ensure the external representation of their committee activities with external organizations related to the field of work of the standing committee.

xv. During the first Standing Committee meeting in the term, a general plan of activities for the whole term should be prepared and adopted by the Local officers; this plan should be compatible with the strategic plan of the committee.

xvi. To produce and submit a mid and end of term for their respective committees before every National General Assembly

xvii. Must attend all IFMSA-Jordan National General assemblies and be responsible for the Standing Committee sessions at the assemblies.

xviii. Should make an effort to attend one of the IFMSA GAs/regional meetings (EMR) during his/her term

5.4. Standing Committee Meetings

5.4.1. The Standing Committee meets at least 2 times during the year which will be during the National General Assemblies

5.4.2. The Standing Committee meeting is the decision making body of the respective Standing Committee

5.4.3. Standing Committee meeting minutes must be sent to the local committee officers 2 weeks after the meeting and are to be shared with the members of the standing committee

5.4.4. The objectives of a Standing Committee meeting are: a. To run activities with concrete plans of action, co-ordination and

working strategies. b. To formulate policies by resolutions and declarations to be

incorporated in the policy statements of IFMSA-Jordan after decision by the General Assembly.

c. To report their activities back to the Local Committees 5.5. Standing Committee Assistant

5.5.1. An assistant could be assigned by the national officer pending the approval of the Executive Board. The local officers should be notified after the assignment of the assistant.

5.5.2. Responsibilities of the Assistant are to be decided by the national officer.

5.5.3. The National Officer can delegate any task for the assistant except for representing him during the Team of Officials meetings.

6. Taskforces 6.1. General

6.1.1. A taskforce is a group that has been formed to work on a specific task for a specific period of time

6.1.2. Motions for forming taskforces can be called for by the Team of Officials during a Team of Officials meeting or by the National General Assembly.

6.1.3. The motion to form a taskforce must include a presentation of: (i) The problem present and the need for the taskforce (ii) The time-lined objectives of the taskforce (iii) The composition of the taskforce

6.2. Activities and Operation 6.2.1. A director/coordinator for the taskforce is appointed by a decision

of the Team of Officials at a TOM or by the National General Assembly once a decision to form the taskforce is approved

6.2.2. The director of the taskforce must open a call for members from the local committees to join the taskforce if they are interested. Selection will be based on the following criteria:

(i) IFMSA experience (ii) Other related experience to the work of the taskforce (iii) Any other criteria seen fit by the director

6.2.3. The taskforce is authorized to use IFMSA-Jordan’s corporate identity and resources in formulating proposals and contacting externals provided that the Executive Board grants this right

6.2.4. A taskforce can include externals who are experts on the task provided that the externals are approved by the Executive Board prior to including them in the taskforce.

6.2.5. A taskforce shall supply a report with its activities at each National General Assembly at least one week prior to the National General Assembly.

6.2.6. The taskforce will be given speaking rights at the National General Assembly.

6.3. Dissolution 6.3.1. A taskforce is dissolved once the task is completed or no solution

for the task is formed. 6.3.2. A taskforce can work no longer than the period of 2 National

General Assemblies unless an extension has been called for it at the National General Assembly.

6.3.3. Upon dissolution of the taskforce, a complete report of the taskforces findings and outcomes must be presented to the National General Assembly.

7. National General Assemblies 7.1. General

7.1.1 The National General Assembly is the highest authority and decision making body of IFMSA-Jo. It is concerned with the internal and external decision making of IFMSA-Jo

7.1.2 The National General Assembly must be convened at least 2 times a year once in March and once in September, where at least one of the National General Assemblies must be a 2 day Assembly. The decision to make the other National General Assembly of the year a 2-day event will be that of the Organizing Committee.

7.1.3 Plenary sessions are to be held during both National General Assemblies of IFMSA-Jordan.

7.2. Hosting of the next NGA 7.2.1. The hosting Local Committee of the next National General

Assembly shall be decided upon during the preceding National General Assembly

7.2.2. The hosting of the National General Assembly will be in the following sequence: HU LC followed by UJ LC followed by JUST LC

7.2.3. The hosting local committee will be asked to carry out a 3 minute presentation during the upcoming NGA

7.2.4. In the condition that the Local Committee who’s turn is due isn’t able to hold the National General Assembly, the local committee

president must submit full report to the NMO president at least 1 month prior to the upcoming National General Assembly providing full details about reasons justifying inability to host the NGA. The EB will review the local committee’s report and in the case that it is approved the hosting task will be passed on to the next LC in sequence.

7.2.5. If the report isn’t approved by the Executive Board, the local committee will lose voting rights in the upcoming NGA

7.2.6. The hosting Local committee must present a complete NGA proposal to the executive board for review and approval no later than 3 months prior to the date of the NGA itself.

7.2.7. The proposal must include: a. Proposed venue that will allow for the holding of all standing

committee sessions, presidential sessions, plenary and training sessions.

b. Registration fees and registration procedure c. Proposed date for the National General Assembly d. Proposed agenda for the National General Assembly which must

include: (i) Opening Ceremony (ii) Standing Committee sessions (iii) Presidents/EB session (iv) Plenary (v) Closing Ceremony e. Proposed theme for the event f. Proposed budget g. Social events if any h. Proposed number of seats and seat allocation

7.2.8. The proposal for the two day meetings must also include (i) Training Sessions (ii) Theme Event

7.3. Agenda of the Plenary Session(s)

7.3.1. The National General Assembly Plenary agenda shall include: a. Opening b. Election of the Chair c. Adoption of the agenda.

d. Introduction of IFMSA-Jordan Team of Officials and National General Assembly’s Head of the Organizing Committee

e. Adoption of the Local Committee reports. f. Adoption of all reports of IFMSA Jordan Team of Officials and IFMSA-

Jordan Projects. g. Adoption of the report of the Supervising Council. h. Presentation of Local Committees applying for membership (if any

exists) i. Adoption of membership of new applying local committees (if any

exists) j. Presentation of the report of the financial committee on the previous

National General Assembly k. Adoption of the financial report of the previous National General

Assembly Organizing Committee l. Adoption of the financial report of the Executive Board m. Amendments/Suspensions to the Constitution and Bylaws. n. Adoption and changes to the IFMSA-Jordan Policy Statements. o. Changes to the status (opening and closing) of the Standing

Committees, Support Divisions and Task Forces. p. Adoption of the reports of the IFMSA-Jordan Task Forces. q. Presentations of the candidate for hosting next National General

Assembly Meeting. r. Any other business s. Closure of the meeting

7.3.2. The September meeting plenary agenda must also include: a. Adoption of the Corporate Identity of IFMSA-Jordan for the upcoming

year b. Adoption of next year’s budget c. Presentation of Candidates for the IFMSA-Jo Team of Officials

Positions d. Election of Candidates for the IFMSA-Jo Team of Officials

7.4. Emergency National General Assembly 7.4.1. In the case the need arises for an emergency National General

Assembly, the Executive Board shall notify the local committees with the reasons for the National General Assembly and ask for their approval to hold the emergency National General Assembly at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the Emergency NGA.

7.4.2. The Emergency NGA shall contain only plenary sessions which will be held in accordance to section 8 of the bylaws

7.4.3. The executive board shall be the ones responsible for organizing the emergency NGA

7.5. Reporting 7.5.1. The Organizing Committee (OC) of the National General Assembly

shall send a report with an update on the NGA’s organizing status every two months to the Secretary General from the date of the previous National General Assembly

7.5.2. The report shall include: a. General Status Update on logistics b. Financial Update

7.5.3. The organizing committee of the National General Assembly is required to submit a full financial report to the National Treasurer no later than one month after the National General Assembly for adoption during the plenary of the next National General Assembly

7.5.4. The financial report is to be reviewed by a financial committee consisting of 3 members (including the National Treasurer). The committee shall be formed by the National Treasurer

7.5.5. The financial committee will produce a recommendation to the National General Assembly whether to accept or refuse the financial report of the Organizing Committee

7.5.6. In the case that the full financial report isn’t adopted, the local committee will lose voting rights at the upcoming NGA and residual assets of that NGA shall be seized by the executive board

7.6. National General Assembly Financials 7.6.1. Registration Fees The OC must fundraise by all means for the NGA even if its costs are covered by the registration fees Fees must follow the following regulations a. Maximum fee for a 2-day NGA ---- 10JDs b. Maximum fee for a 1-day NGA ---- 8 JDs

7.6.2. Organizing Committee’s Shortage of money The head of OC should show a detailed financial account for

the incomes and expenditure and show the real deficit to the EB. Full documented details will be required The EB will review the situation and will decide on one of the following procedures

a. The EB will be offering help to the OC through contacts and sponsors

b. The EB will try to decrease the expenditure to decrease the amount that needs to be fundraised

c. The EB will be offering help by paying from National Treasury. In this case only minimal funds to allow the holding of the NGA will be offered.

8. Procedures at National General Assemblies 8.1. General

8.1.1. Quorum: 5 representatives from each of the local committees with voting rights. The representatives are the Executive Board members of the local committees.

8.1.2. In case a local executive board member is unable to attend, he is to delegate the task to another delegate approved by his local committee executive board. Documented proof of the approval (where all EB members sign) must be submitted.

8.1.3. Language: The official working languages during National General Assembly Meetings are English and Arabic.

8.1.4. Breaks: There will be breaks upon request of the Chair or a member with voting rights. Such a request must be followed by the agreement of the majority of participants.

8.2. Participants and Observers 8.2.1. Participants in National General Assembly Meetings are: a. IFMSA-Jordan Team of Officials b. The Chairpersons of National General Assembly Meeting c. Local Committee representatives

8.2.2. Observers in National General Assembly Meetings are: a. Any medical student b. Invited guests c. Delegates of organizations in official relationship with IFMSA-Jo d. External advisor(s)

8.2.3. The participation of any individuals under section 8.2.2 (c and d) must be approved beforehand by the Executive Board.

8.2.4. Speaking and proposing rights: Only participants have speaking and proposing rights during National General Assembly Meetings.

8.3. Chair 8.3.1. A call for the application for the Chairpersons shall be opened by the

Executive Board at least 2 days prior to the National General Assembly.

8.3.2. Chairpersons applying must be members of IFMSA-Jo 8.3.3. Until the Chairperson is elected, the Executive Board has the

responsibility to Chair the National General Assembly Meeting. The Vice President On Internal Affairs shall be assigned as the chairperson in this temporary chair.

8.3.4. The Chair is composed of a Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson, a Secretary and helpers

8.3.5. The Chairperson and the Vice-Chairperson must have participated in at least one previous National General Assembly Meeting.

8.3.6. The Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson will be elected during the first plenary by the local committee representatives that have voting rights

8.3.7. The Chairperson is responsible for the conduct of the meeting and for interpreting and giving his/her ruling on all matters of procedure, order, competency and relevancy, as stated in the Constitution and the Bylaws.

8.3.8. The Chair is responsible to inform the local committee presidents about the motions that will be presented in the plenary at the National General Assembly Meeting before the plenary where the motion is to be presented starts

Explanation: Before election of the Chair, the EB will be chairing the NGA and so they will be responsible to inform everyone of the motions and will be responsible to receive the motions before the election of the Chair. 8.3.9. The Chair can decide the following procedures. To do so, he/she

needs an oral agreement from the plenary; a. Consideration of present motion to be postponed. b. To open a list of speakers on a motion and in the end. c. The speakers list to be reopened. d. Observers must leave the room.

If the Chair decides he/she has reached an oral agreement about procedure but a member wishes to contest, the member can ask for a vote with a 2/3 majority during the 10 seconds following the Chairs result announcement. 8.3.10. The Vice-Chairperson shall assist the Chairperson in his/her

work. The Vice-Chairperson shall take the Chair a. when requested by the Chairperson, b. when the Chairperson is absent at the appointed time for the opening

of the meeting, c. when the Chairperson is involved in the topic under discussion, d. during the elections in which the Chairperson is a candidate, e. When the Chairperson is removed through a “vote of no confidence”.

8.3.11. In the event that both the Chairperson and the Vice- Chairperson are absent by the appointed time for the opening of the meeting, one Executive Board Member shall take the Chair. This temporary Chairperson shall act until the Chairperson, the Vice-Chairperson or both arrive at the meeting and take over the Chair.

8.3.12. To overrule a decision of the Chairperson a procedural motion to “Overrule the decision of the Chairperson” has to be passed. When the motion passes, the Chairperson shall reverse the ruling in question.

8.3.13. To remove the Chairperson a procedural motion of “No confidence in the Chair” has to be passed. When the motion passes the Chairperson shall immediately leave the Chair. In this case the Vice-Chairperson will become the Chairperson and a new Vice- Chairperson has to be elected.

8.3.14. Secretary: The Chairperson can appoint a secretary. The secretary will take minutes of the meeting.

8.3.15. Helper(s): These will assist during voting through handing out and collecting ballot papers and by counting votes.

8.4. Voting Rights 8.4.1. Members can obtain voting rights during National General Assembly

Meetings. 8.4.2. Each local committee is granted 5 votes during the National General

Assembly whereby each vote is cast independently by a representative of the local committee

8.4.3. To obtain voting rights during National General Assembly Meetings, Local committees must:

a. Submit a Local committee report as dictated by section 2.2 of the bylaws

b. Pay the fees as dictated by section 2.2 of the bylaws c. Have representatives at the National General Assembly d. Have no penalties that cause the local committee to lose its voting right

as dictated by the bylaws e. Submit the names of the members of the delegation who are eligible to

partake in the voting process to the chair prior to the start of the first plenary session.

With this data the VPI will produce a list of all local committees who have voting rights during the National General Assembly

8.4.4. Until the report of the VPI has been adopted, voting will be done by the members(local committees) who had voting rights during the last National General Assembly Meeting.

8.5. Roll Call and Voting 8.5.1. At the start of each session, the Chair must do a roll call. All

representatives with voting rights will be called to see if they are present. Official voting cards will be handed out to the representatives that are present. The results of the roll call will be recorded and incorporated in the minutes.

8.5.2. All delegations’ representatives shall be seated along the front rows. 8.5.3. If any representative subsequently joins or leaves the session, they

have to inform the Chair who will hand out or take back the voting card. At the end of all plenary sessions, the delegations have to return their voting cards to the Chair.

8.5.4. The official voting cards shall indicate the name of the local committee

8.5.5. Representatives which fail to return their voting cards before leaving the session will lose their voting right for the rest of that plenary session.

8.6. Motion and Debate 8.6.1. Any Local Committee representative who is mentioned on the form

supplied to the chair can speak on behalf of the delegation. 8.6.2. A written motion must be tabled before debate is undertaken on a

subject. Motions must be given to the Chair at least 2 hours before

the session in which the motion will be discussed. This is the deadline for submitting motions.

8.6.3. All motions or alternative motions will be evaluated by the Chair to ensure that the motions do not contradict the Constitution or Bylaws. If any contradiction is found, the motion will fail immediately. A procedural motion to override the decision of the Chair will be needed to override the decision of the chair

8.6.4. An implicit or explicit series of independent resolutions included in one single motion has to be divided into two or more independent motions upon request of any member with voting rights (e.g. adoption of several reports at the same time).

8.6.5. The Chair shall decide when a tabled motion will be discussed. The Chair shall conduct the debate and decide upon the limitation of the discussion.

8.6.6. When a relevant motion is tabled, the Chair shall read the motion. The proposer may briefly explain the purpose of the motion.

8.6.7. All motions, including the alternative motions, need a seconder. Any delegate with voting rights other than the proposer can second a motion. If no seconder is specified in the motion, the Chair shall ask for a seconder after the proposer explained the motion. If there is no seconder, the motion fails immediately.

8.6.8. The Chair shall ask if there are any questions to the proposer. If there are questions, the Chair shall make a speaker’s list and the discussion on the motion shall be opened. The proposer of the motion shall have the right to speak last before the closure of the discussion.

8.6.9. During the debate the speakers shall address the Chair. The Chair shall decide when a speaker gets the floor.

8.6.10. A motion or an alternative motion can only be withdrawn with the consent of both the proposer and the seconder. If only the proposer withdraws, the seconder automatically becomes proposer of the motion and another seconder needs to be found. In case that the proposer and the seconder withdraw at the same time the motion or the alternative motion fails immediately. In case the proposer withdraws before a seconder is found, then the motion or the alternative motion fails. From the time a seconder is found for an alternative motion then the alternative motion stands even in the case the original motion is withdrawn. After the discussions have

been closed and the Chair has announced to proceed to the vote, a motion can no longer be withdrawn.

8.6.11. After the discussion is closed, the Chair shall ask for amendments. An amendment can be submitted at this point regardless of the deadline for motions. In the case an amendment is proposed, the proposer of the amendment may briefly explain the amendment.

a. After this, the proposer of the original motion shall be asked if he/she accepts the amendment. If the proposer of the original motion accepts the amendment, then the seconder of the original motion shall be asked if he/she accepts the amendment. If both the proposer and seconder of the original motion accept the amendment, it shall be incorporated in the original motion.

b. If the seconder of the original motion does not accept the amendment, a new seconder has to be found. If a new seconder for the amended motion is not found, then the amended motion fails immediately.

c. After this the Chair shall ask if there are questions. If there are questions, the Chair shall make a speakers´ list and the discussion on the amended motion shall be opened. The proposer of the original motion shall have the right to speak last before the closure of the debate.

8.6.12. In the event of no or no further amendments, the Chairperson shall call for any direct negatives to the motion. Should no delegates give a direct negative to the motion, the motion passes nemo contra without further debate.

8.6.13. If there is a direct negative, the Chairperson shall call for an alternative motion. An alternative motion can be submitted at this point regardless of the deadline for motions. The proposer of such an alternative motion shall speak before any discussion may begin. An alternative motion needs a seconder. If a seconder for the alternative motion is not found, the alternative motion fails immediately.

8.6.14. After the closure of debate, no withdrawal of motions is acceptable.

8.6.15. The Chairperson shall call the meeting to vote on the motion and the alternative motion.

8.6.16. A motion passes if: a. No voter gives a direct negative to the motion

b. It reaches a simple majority of votes c. It reaches a relative majority of votes in case there is an alternative

motion. 8.6.17. If a motion has not been seconded or has been defeated after

voting, it shall not be reintroduced unless there is a procedural motion “The debate on a motion to be reopened”.

8.7. Point of Order 8.7.1. A point of order shall be concerned with the enforcement of

interpretations of the Constitution, Bylaws and policy statements of IFMSA-Jordan.

8.7.2. A point of order shall take precedence over all other terms of address to the Chair and shall require the Chair immediately to allow the delegate to make his/her point of order.

8.7.3. In the event of any delegate using the point of order to make statements, which are not directly related to the defined concern, he/she shall be called to order by the Chairperson. In the event of a delegate being so warned on three occasions during a National General Assembly Meeting his/her entire delegation shall lose the right to use the point of order for the rest of that Plenary Session.

8.8. Point of Information 8.8.1. A point of information to somebody shall be a brief fact that is of

value and relevance at this moment to the current speaker or to the meeting as a whole. It can in no case be used to express a personal point of view.

8.8.2. A point of information from somebody serves to put a brief question to the current speaker or the meeting at large, which is relevant to the particular debate.

8.8.3. When a point of information is indicated to the Chairperson while a speaker is speaking, the Chairperson will ask the speaker whether he/she will accept the point of information. In the event of the speaker refusing it, the Chairperson must make it as soon as the speaker has finished.

8.8.4. In the event of any delegate using the point of information to make statements that are not directly related to the defined concern of it, he/she shall be called to order by the Chairperson. In the event of a delegate being so warned on three occasions during a National General Assembly Meeting his/her entire delegation shall lose the

right to use the point of information for the rest of that Plenary Session.

8.9. Procedural Motion 8.9.1. A procedural motion shall take precedence over all terms of address

to the Chair apart from points of order, but shall not carry the right of interrupting the current speaker or a voting procedure.

8.9.2. A procedural motion can be submitted at any time during a session. In the event of a procedural motion being proposed, the Chairperson shall after a brief introduction by the proposer ask for a seconder. If the motion is seconded, the Chairperson shall immediately put the procedural motion to a vote.

8.9.3. All procedural motions require a two-thirds majority. 8.9.4. In the event of a procedural motion being carried it shall be put into

effect immediately. 8.9.5. The following motions shall constitute procedural motions: a. To change the agenda. b. The meeting to be adjourned. c. The meeting to proceed immediately to a vote. d. The meeting to proceed to the next business. e. Consideration of present motion to be postponed. f. The debate on a motion to be reopened. g. The speakers’ list to be reopened. h. Candidates for election leave the hall during preliminary discussion. i. To suspend a bylaw until the end of the National General Assembly

Meeting or until it will be resumed by the National General Assembly. j. To resume a bylaw that has been suspended. k. A discussion not to be recorded in the minutes. l. Overrule the decision the Chairperson. m. No confidence in the Chair. n. Overrule the decisions of the Constitution Credential Committee. o. Observers must leave the room.

8.10. Voting 8.10.1. Decisions will be taken with a simple majority in cases of a

single motion and relative majority in case of several motions, unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or Bylaws.

8.10.2. Majorities will be defined as follows:

Comment [T1]: To be removed

a. Simple Majority: more votes IN FAVOUR than AGAINST. ABSTENTIONS do not count.

b. Absolute Majority: more than 50% of all the votes IN FAVOUR. ABSTENTIONS do count.

c. Relative Majority: the proposal receiving the most votes carries. ABSTENTIONS do not count. In case there are more votes AGAINST than for any of the proposals, all proposals fail.

d. Two-thirds majority: The number of votes IN FAVOUR is at least the double of the number of votes AGAINST. ABSTENTIONS do not count.

8.10.3. The Voting is done by raising the voting card or by ballot. The Chairperson will take the decision after consulting with the Local Committee delegates.

8.10.4. The Chair will call all delegations with voting rights and ask for their vote:

a. If using the voting card system: When called, the delegation has to clearly raise their voting card for the time necessary for the Chair to count all votes.

b. If using papers: When called, the delegation has to mark the option in the ballot paper and wait for the helper to pick all the ballot papers up.

c. After having called for the votes on every option available to vote upon, the Chair shall match the results with the registered number of delegations present at the Plenary Session.

8.10.5. Voting during elections will be done by ballot, except for the election of the Chair, and the Constitution Credential Committee, and In addition, voting by ballot shall take place if requested by a delegate of a member with voting rights and is generally approved by the others

8.10.6. In case of voting by ballot papers, the ballot papers should be signed by the Chair or an Executive Board member. The Chair and the Returning Officers will hand out the ballots to the delegates of members with voting rights. They have to write their vote on the ballot paper after which it has to be returned to the Chair. The Chair and the Returning Officers will count the votes. During the voting by ballot no delegate with voting rights will be allowed to enter or leave the room. After the votes have been counted and before the results are announced delegates with voting rights will be allowed to enter/leave the room

8.10.7. Ballots must always contain an option to vote for an ABSTENTION, and also an option to vote AGAINST all of the other options.

8.10.8. All ballot papers must be kept for archiving until the minutes of the General Assembly Meeting have been adopted

8.10.9. In case of suspected fraud or mistakes, the Chair shall call for a re-vote.

8.10.10. The IFMSA-Jo Executive Board may call for an online voting in the period between two General Assemblies, in order to vote on emergency decisions or to resolve important issues arising from unpredictable circumstances. Each local committee with voting rights during the last General Assembly will receive an email with instructions on how to access the voting system. The rules of majority will be those defined by the Bylaws concerning the matter voted upon.

8.11. Elections 8.11.1. Elections for the Team of Officials and Supervising Council

positions of IFMSA-Jo shall be held during the September National Assembly of the year

8.11.2. A candidate for the team of officials can only be a medical student or has been a graduate for less than 6 months at the time of the elections..

8.11.3. A candidate for the supervising council can only be a medical student or has been a graduate for less than 6 months at the time of the elections.

8.11.4. Elections will take place in the plenary sessions only. 8.11.5. Deadline for candidatures shall be set by the executive board

but shall be no later than two week before the first day of the National General assembly

8.11.6. If no candidatures for a position are submitted. The NMO EB may reopen the candidature for that position.

8.11.7. No applications can be submitted 3 days prior to the NGA. This is to allow review of the applications.

8.11.8. A candidate running for a national executive board position must not be in a local executive board position at the same time**.

8.11.9. There can be no multiple candidatures for the same person (running for more than one position) at the same National General Assembly.

8.11.10. Elections shall follow the procedure mentioned in the elections guideline handbook

8.11.11. Candidates are elected by a simple majority vote. In case more than one candidate exists for the same position, the candidates are elected by relative majority. In case no relative majority is achieved, the election moves to the a re-vote. If the re-vote yields the same result the elections moves to the third round which is settled by lottery (flip a coin).

8.11.12. In case of 3 candidates existing for the same position, the lottery will eliminate one of the candidates and another round of elections is carried out as in 8.11.11. **For the upcoming September NGA, any applying members who are already holding a local position will be requested to submit a disclaimer that they will resign from their local positions if they are elected as candidates on the national level.

8.12. Minutes

8.12.1. The plenary minutes should be kept by the secretary 8.12.2. The plenary minutes are to be sent to the local committees no

later than 2 weeks following the National General Assembly 8.12.3. The plenary minutes must include a. Motions Tabled b. Decision taken c. Any procedural motions carried out d. Voting results e. Any other major events during the plenary

9. Policy Statements 9.1. A policy statement is a statement of IFMSA-Jordan beliefs regarding a

particular issue. The belief must be kept within IFMSA-Jordan’s mission and objectives and bound by its Constitution and Bylaws.

9.2. Proposing IFMSA Policy Statements 9.2.1. Policy Statements must be proposed by at least two LCs or by an

IFMSA-Jo Official

9.2.2. Policy Statements must be submitted in the template provided by the IFMSA-Jordan Secretary General to the Secretary General at least 2 weeks before the NGA. The Secretary General should announce the received policy statement proposals to the LCs and the NMO EB at least 1 week before the NGA

9.3. Urgency Policy Statements 9.3.1. Policy statements can also be submitted as urgency policy

statements during the General Assembly itself. Urgency policies should arise as an outcome of working group discussions of the National General Assembly. The proposer of an urgency policy should be prepared to justify why their policy should be considered immediately, and not deferred until the following meeting. An urgency policy statement must be proposed by at least 2 representatives from at least two LCs.

9.3.2. Urgency policy statements must be submitted to the plenary team at least 1 hour before the plenary session itself and are tabled as a motion by the chair

9.4. Presentation and adoption of policy statements during an IFMSA-Jordan National General Assembly

9.4.1. Policy statements must be presented to the voting parties during the plenary sessions

9.4.2. Policy Statements are voted upon during plenaries and should pass by having two-thirds' majority

9.5. Content and form of the policy statements 9.5.1. Policy statements, which do not contain references for facts or

information, used in that statement should be deemed invalid by the Chair.

9.6. Expiry and revision 9.6.1. Policy Statements that don’t have an expiry date will expire after 3

years unless revised and re-proposed by the Executive Board at a NGA Meeting.

9.6.2. The Secretary General should announce the EB revision report at least 1 week before the NGA. The EB revision report should contain the rational for not re-proposing policy statements and the rational for re-proposing expired ones.

9.7. Dissemination and follow up of the policy statements is the task of the IFMSA-Jordan Team of Officials. Policy statements should be

disseminated to IFMSA-Jordan related external partners by the IFMSA-Jordan President and the VPE. Internal dissemination of the Policy statements should be the responsibility of the IFMSA-Jordan team of Officials in coordination with the LC presidents.

10. Support Divisions 10.1. Support divisions are groups designed to carry out a task of permanent

importance to the practical management of IFMSA-Jordan 10.2. IFMSA-Jordan’s support divisions are: a. Training Support Division b. Publications Support Division c. New Technologies support division 10.3. A support division director is elected by the National General Assembly

and is part of the IFMSA-Jordan Team of Officials. The director of the training support division must be a certified IFMSA trainer.

10.4. The Director of a Support Division shall a. Co-ordinate the activities of IFMSA-Jo within his/her specific field b. Collect relevant information c. Inform and support the local committees, and Officials on issues related to

his/her activities d. Keep in contact and support the local support division in each local

committee if present 10.5. The New Technologies Support Division(NTSD)

10.5.1. The new technologies support division shall be responsible for the maintenance and updating of the following online portals of IFMSA-Jordan:

a. IFMSA-Jordan’s official website ( b. IFMSA-Jordan’s YouTube channel c. IFMSA-Jordan’s Facebook official page

10.5.2. The NTSD is open to all IFMSA-Jordan members 10.6. The Training Support division

10.6.1. Only certified IFMSA trainers can be part of the Training Support Division

10.6.2. Tasks a. Coordinate the trainings at National General Assembly meetings b. Provide trainings upon request from local committees c. Make an effort to keep in contact with the international Training

Support Division of IFMSA and contribute to its growth

10.7. Publications Support Division (PSD) 10.7.1. The PSD shall be responsible for the IFMSA-Jordan

publications. All publications shall follow section 1.7. of the bylaws 10.7.2. Publications of IFMSA-Jordan shall include but are not limited

to: a. The IFMSA-Jordan magazine b. Specific logos or designs asked for by the Executive Board of IFMSA-


11. Supervising Council 11.1. Members 11.1.1. The Supervising Council shall consist of three members 11.1.2. The Supervising Council shall consist of:

a. Any IFMSA Jordan member (Current or old) who have at some point held a position among the IFMSA-Jordan Team of Officials. Or

b. Any Member of IFMSA-Jordan (current or old) who has held a position as an LC Executive Board member

11.1.3. Each LC can never be represented by more than two people in the Supervising Council

11.1.4. A member of the Supervising Council must be a medical student or hasn’t graduated for more than six months at the time of elections

11.2. Election of Members 11.2.1. The candidates for the Supervising Council shall be proposed by a Local

Committee or the Executive Board. 11.2.2. Candidatures have to be sent to the Secretary General at least one

week prior to the NGA, if no candidatures are received for a certain post in the Supervising Council; it will be possible to candidate for this position until three days before the day of the elections by sending that candidature to the Secretary General.

11.2.3. All members of the Supervising Council are elected for a period of one year

11.2.4. Elections of the Supervising Council members will be held at the September Meeting after the election of all Officials

11.3. Duties of the Supervising Council 11.3.1. The Supervising Council shall be responsible for overseeing the actions

and decisions made by the Executive Board and Officials of IFMSA-

Jordan. It shall be an active resource body to assist and advise the Officials in case necessary. Advice from the Supervising Council is not binding.

11.3.2. Members of the Supervising Council will decide amongst themselves on a group of officials to follow throughout the year .For each group there will:

a. Discuss with the officials their individual strategic plan of the year. b. Follow along with the same officials throughout the year and offer

advice as necessary. c. Be impartial and objective in all their decisions.

11.3.3. In addition to the tasks defined by the constitution and the Bylaws the Supervising Council can on request investigate and decide on any issue which can be of harm to IFMSA-Jordan both internally and externally. Any decision made by the Supervising Council in accordance with this bylaw has to be presented at the next National General Assembly Meeting. The National General Assembly has to approve the decision with an absolute majority

11.3.4. Supervising Council members will receive a copy of all Executive Board meeting minutes at the latest three weeks after the meetings and will be responsible for review. Each member shall post a copy of the minutes with any comments to the Security General within two weeks of receiving the minutes.

11.3.5. The Supervising Council is responsible for submitting a written report at the first day of the National Assembly Meetings. Their report has to be presented orally and tabled for adoption before the adoption of the reports of IFMSA-Jordan Officials.

11.3.6. The Supervising Council will have the authority to temporarily suspend any Executive Board member or IFMSA-Jordan Official for the important reasons detailed in section 3.3 of the bylaws

11.3.7. Any member of IFMSA-Jordan or any IFMSA-Jordan Official may request the Supervising Council to investigate the actions of an Executive Board member or IFMSA-Jordan Official

11.3.8. In the event that the Supervising Council determines that an Executive Board member or other IFMSA-Jordan Official has not acted in accordance with their duties and responsibilities (section 3 and 4 of the bylaws) the Supervising Council must notify all Officials and LC Presidents of their findings within one week.

11.3.9. The Supervising Council has the authority to stop and suspend any financial transaction that is not made in the best interest of IFMSA-Jordan and its LCs, or contradicts the Constitution and Bylaws of IFMSA-Jordan. This transaction must be documented and represented to the National General Assembly during the next NGA.

11.3.10. All decisions made by the Supervising Council shall require simple majority

11.3.11. Any decision made by the Supervising Council to suspend a member of the Executive Board or another IFMSA-Jordan Official has to be presented at the next National General Assembly Meeting. The National General Assembly has to approve the suspension with an absolute majority. In case the National General Assembly approves the suspension, the suspended Official will be removed from office. In case the suspension is not approved the Official will resume the position.

11.4. Working methods 11.4.1. After the election of the members of the Supervising Council, they will

be in contact and decide who will deal with Constitutional matters and be the observer and advisor of the Chair during the next two National General Assembly Meetings.

11.4.2. After the election of the members of the Supervising Council, they will be in contact and decide upon one person who is responsible for the communication within the Supervising Council and the reports to the National General Assembly. All members of the Supervising Council are responsible for the communication with the Local Committees’ Executive Boards

12. Projects 12.1. IFMSA-Jo Projects

12.1.1. The term Projects refers to activities in any field of interest of medical students within IFMSA-Jo principles, aims and policy statements. This includes Projects, Events, Workshops, Surveys, Networks and Campaigns.

12.1.2. IFMSA-Jo has four categories for projects: a. IFMSA-Jo Endorsed Projects b. IFMSA Transnational Projects c. IFMSA-Jo Initiatives d. IFMSA-Jo National Projects

12.1.3. Projects in all three categories must comply with the Constitution and Bylaws of IFMSA-Jo.

12.1.4. All IFMSA-Jo projects must be listed on the IFMSA-Jo website within one month of being recognized or endorsed.

12.1.5. IFMSA-Transnational project and IFMSA-Jo national projects should involve cooperation between at least two IFMSA-Jo Local Committees and preferably the cooperation between all IFMSA-Jo Local Committees.

12.2. IFMSA Endorsed Projects

12.2.1. Any organization in an official relation with IFMSA-Jo can propose a project as candidate for IFMSA-Jo Endorsed Project.

12.2.2. Candidature a. The candidature may be sent to the Executive Board by email at any

time of the year. b. The candidature must include a scanned completed candidature form

signed and stamped by the officials representing the organization seeking the endorsement and a proposal with the responsible organization(s), the name of the Coordinator, executive summary, project objectives and methods.

12.2.3. The Executive Board will review the project Proposals, gain advice from the EBs of IFMSA-Jo Local Committees prior to deciding upon acceptance/rejection of the project by a simple majority vote of the Executive board

12.2.4. The project gaining the endorsement will receive a letter of recommendation from the Executive Board and can use the text "endorsed by IFMSA-Jo" in their project material. This letter must be sent within a month of the endorsement by the Executive Board.

12.2.5. In case endorsement isn’t received the officials who have presented the project will be notified by the EB

12.2.6. The Executive Board or the National General Assembly can decide to remove the endorsement from a project by a proposal of any Local Committee or IFMSA-Jordan Team of Officials member.

12.3. IFMSA Transnational Projects participation

12.3.1. IFMSA Transnational Projects are projects, which involve more than one NMO and should abide IFMSA General Regulations.

12.3.2. The candidature to apply for being part of a transnational project must be sent to the IFMSA-Jo Secretary General, should be reviewed by the Executive Board, gain advice from the National Officer(s) of the standing committee(s) involved in the project and is voted upon by the Executive Board by a simple majority vote

12.3.3. The candidature must contain: a. A written project proposal b. Name of coordinators of the project with complete contact information

12.3.4. The recognition will be automatically removed if the project Coordinator fails to deliver within six months from the recognition a half-year report.

12.4. IFMSA-Jordan Initiatives 12.4.1. An IFMSA-Jordan Initiative is a project or series of projects centrally co-

coordinated under the responsibility of the IFMSA-Jo Executive Board 12.4.2. The Executive Board can propose a project or projects as candidate for

IFMSA-Jo Initiative. The Executive Board should inform the Local Committees of all proposals for IFMSA Initiative. The announcement must also include the arguments for proposing and not proposing a project to candidate for IFMSA-Jo Initiative.

12.4.3. The candidature must be sent to the Local Secretaries where it should be discussed locally.

12.4.4. The Recognition of IFMSA-Jo Initiatives is decided by the Local Committees, one vote per each and requires at least simple majority to pass.

12.4.5. The candidature must contain: a. A written Project Proposal. Additional to the other requirements, the

Project Proposal must include a definition of the tasks of the Initiative Coordinator.

12.4.6. After the Initiative is approved, the Executive Board will appoint the Initiative Coordinator.

12.4.7. The term of office of the initiative project coordinator is one year. If the project lasts longer, The Executive Board can extend the coordinator term if approved by the local Executive Boards. Decision or they may choose new coordinator based on an open recruitment and EB vote.

12.4.8. The Initiative Coordinator must provide a complete required presentation of the project for IFMSA-Jordan Projects Database, a report to the Executive Board and present a half-year report to National General Assembly.

12.4.9. The National General Assembly can decide to remove recognition from an Initiative by simple majority.

12.5. National Projects

12.5.1. National Projects of IFMSA-Jo are projects proposed by IFMSA-Jo Local Committees

12.5.2. Any Local Committees member has the right to propose a National Project through his/ her Local Committee Executive Board.

12.5.3. The Local President should send the Proposal to IFMSA-Jo EB

12.5.4. The Project Leader may be asked to present his project at an executive board meeting

12.5.5. Projects are approved by the Executive Board by a simple majority vote

after receiving input from the National Officer

12.5.6. IFMSA-Jo should announce the recognition of IFMSA-Jo national projects through the website no later than one week from recognition

12.5.7. The approved Project should have a core team in addition to its leader.

12.5.8. The National Officer of the related Committee should send recruitment

letters for core team members to IFMSA-Jo LC secretaries where they should pass it to the LCs members.

12.5.9. The Recruitment Form should include: a. IFMSA related CV b. Work related CV c. Any other criteria the Leader would suggest adding

12.5.10. Core Team members are chosen by the National Officer and the

Project leader.

12.5.11. The Leader should send detailed report to the National Officer which

should be passed to the EB before two weeks of the next NGA. The recognition will be automatically removed if the project Leader fails to deliver this half-year report.

12.6. Regulations for the project proposal 12.6.1. These items must be considered in the written project proposal for new

projects and events. They should be explained as clearly as possible: a. Name of the project or event b. Name of Responsible National Member Organization c. Names of the project Local Committee & Standing Committee d. Name and address of Organizing Committee or project leader e. Details of any participating organizations f. Background and identification of a problem, baseline survey, reasons

and aims of the project g. Methods of aim conducting h. Expected outcome i. Description of the evaluation procedures j. Duration of project k. General plan of action l. Detailed plan of action for the coming year m. Involvement and role of the target group n. Tasks of participating students o. Description of the management and Organization of the project p. Tasks of Organizing Committee/project Coordinator q. Description of how information will reach international students r. Tentative deadlines for application s. Description of selection criteria t. Description of how the results of the selection will reach the applicants u. Application form v. General budget in JD w. Detailed budget for the in JD & Feasibility study x. A written permission from the Local Committee Executive Board. y. Description of contacts taken with senior organizations and

professional supervisors. z. Evaluation and dissemination plan

12.7. Reporting

12.7.1. All reports have to be sent to the General Secretariat in electronic format. Only in the case that project Coordinator has difficulties with electronic communication, the Coordinator can ask permission from the Executive Board to submit reports on paper attached with a soft copy to the General Secretariat.

12.7.2. All IFMSA-Jo projects have to submit a half-year report to the General Secretariat and the National Standing Committee officer, the half-year report must be submitted each NGA.

12.7.3. The half-year report for IFMSA-Jo Projects must include: a. Activities conducted after previous report b. General financial status and an updated general budget. c. Plan of action for the next half a year d. Coordinator’s description of the status of the project. e. An evaluation (e.g. a comparison with the plan of action, summary of

student reports). f. A detailed budget for the coming half-year. g. Furthermore, the half-year report must include Reports from partner

organizations if any. 12.7.4. The Project will automatically be canceled if the project’s coordinator

fails to deliver a half-year report one month after the deadline as written in the bylaws.

12.8. Project Promotion 12.8.1. The Executive Board and the Team of Officials, particularly the

President, the Vice Presidents for Internal and External Affairs, in addition to the National and Local Officers shall make the necessary efforts to promote the IFMSA official projects.

12.8.2. There will be a designated space on IFMSA-Jo website available for the promotion of all IFMSA-Jo official projects. This web space is designed to house the websites for the IFMSA-Jo official Projects. Projects are allowed to have their own individual websites, but are encouraged to use the designated web space on the IFMSA-Jo website.

12.8.3. IFMSA-Jo Transnational and Initiative projects shall submit their data for the website to the Director of the New Technologies Support Division, who is responsible for keeping this information at up to date.

12.8.4. The Projects' Coordinators shall submit the following to the the Director of the New Technologies Support Division:

a. A one-page summary fact sheet b. A one-page narrative executive summary

12.8.5. The Projects' Coordinators shall check before each National General Assembly whether the summary fact sheet and executive summary of their respective project are still up to date. If this is not the case, they shall submit an updated version of the summary fact sheet and/or an executive summary of their respective project within one month prior to the National General Assembly to the Director of the New Technology Support Division. The Director of the New Technology Support Division shall upload these updated documents to the IFMSA-Jo projects' web page at the latest two weeks after he/she received them.

13. Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws 13.1. Any amendments to the constitution and bylaws can be submitted by an

IFMSA-Jordan TO member, or a local committee 13.2. Amendments to the constitution and bylaws must be submitted at least 3

weeks before the upcoming National General Assembly 13.3. The amendments shall be discussed under the agenda item “Amendments

to the constitution and bylaws” and can’t be reopened during the National General Assembly

13.4. The amendments shall take effect immediately after the NGA unless specified otherwise

13.5. Amendments to the constitution require a two-thirds majority vote to pass 13.6. Amendments to the bylaws require a simple majority vote to pass 13.7. An updated version of the constitution and bylaws will be distributed by

the secretary general within 2 weeks of the conclusion of the National General Assembly

13.8. Any grammatical/typing errors can be corrected by the Secretary General between assemblies provided that he keeps note of all the changes made and communicates them to the local committees and the team of officials.

14. International Representation 14.1. General Regulation

14.1.1. The IFMSA-Jordan Team of Officials is the body entitled to represent the members of IFMSA-Jordan in front of IFMSA

14.1.2. Any official communication concerning IFMSA-Jo with the IFMSA team of officials should be carried out through the respective IFMSA-Jordan Team of Officials members

14.1.3. Delegation of the communication can be carried out after a written timed approval is voted upon in an online vote or during a Team of Officials meeting

14.2. Yahoo mailing lists 14.2.1. IFMSA-Jordan’s TO is responsible for representing their relevant

standing committees on international mailing lists as follows: a. NPO: IFMSA-SCOPH b. NORP: IFMSA-SCORP c. NORA: IFMSA-SCORA d. NOME: IFMSA-SCOME e. NORE : IFMSA-SCORE f. NEO: IFMSA-SCOPE g. Training Support Division Director : IFMSA-Trainings h. Vice Presidents: IFMSA-VPE officer in addition to IFMSA-NMOs as

observer i. Secretary General: all servers in coordination with the responsible

officer j. President: IFMSA-NMOs, IFMSA-General

14.2.2. Announcements: a. IFMSA-Jordan officers are responsible for forwarding the relevant

opportunities announced on the international servers to the local committees Secretary Generals

b. LCs are not allowed to announce their local activities individually on the international servers and are subject to penalization if they do so

14.3. Candidatures to the international team of officials 14.3.1. Any member applying to a position on the international team of

officials must notify the Executive Board prior to submitting his candidature

14.3.2. The executive board has no rights to refuse the member’s candidature unless the member has had penalties attached to his career with IFMSA-Jordan (e.g. has been suspended from his local committee or a national position)

14.3.3. The executive board are required to assist the candidate by providing him with required papers from IFMSA-Jo (e.g. signed credentials form)

14.4. Small working groups and taskforces 14.4.1. Participation in any international SWG/Taskforce is open to all

individuals who are members of one of IFMSA-Jordan Local Committees

14.4.2. The respective Standing Committee Officer must be informed of the person’s application to the SWG/TF

14.5. IFMSA-Jordan’s Delegations to General Assemblies/Regional Meetings 14.5.1. A call should be sent by the Secretary General to the Presidents and

Secretary Generals of the local committees at least 2 months in advance of the GA/RM

14.5.2. An online application form needs to be filled in by applicants and should include a motivation letter

14.5.3. IFMSA-Jo’s President shall head the delegation to the GA/RM and will be entitled to the voting rights of IFMSA-Jordan during plenaries. In the case that IFMSA-Jo’s President is not travelling to the GA/RM, a head of the delegation must be selected by the IFMSA-Jordan Executive Board.

14.5.4. Local committees are responsible for orientation of their applicants into the nature of GAs/RMs

14.5.5. Delegation Spots The Delegation spots are divided as follows:

a. President b. Vice President for External Affairs c. Vice President for Internal Affairs d. Treasurer e. Secretary General f. NEO g. NORE h. NORP i. NORA j. NPO k. NOME l. Training Support Division Director m. Any other team of officials member n. Applicant o. Applicant p. Applicant In case that any of the Team of Officials members isn’t going to attend the GA/RM his spot is replaced by that of an applicant The IFMSA-Jordan Executive Board is entitled to select the applicants who fill the spots n-p and any other vacancies. The selection should involve use of the motivation letter in the process. In case of a limited number of seats at the GA/RM the priority will be set as follows for the delegation positions: 1. President 2. NEO


14.5.6. Penal Code National Officers not attending the GA/RM must make sure applicants

are provided with maximal help during and prior to the General Assembly. All IFMSA-Jordan delegates to GAs/RMs should provide a written report on the sessions they have attended within 1 week of returning from the GA/RM to the Secretary General. Failing to do so will ban the applicant from applying to the next GA/RM Any issues/problems during the GA/RM must be reported to the head of delegation immediately. These issues shall be reported by the head of delegation and investigated by the Executive Board members after the GA/RM.

15. Financials 15.1. General

15.1.1. The official currency of IFMSA-Jordan shall be the Jordanian Dinar(JOD) 15.1.2. Finances of IFMSA-Jordan shall be maintained in a joint current non-

savings bank account between the treasurer and the president. 15.1.3. Other materials/resources must be maintained by the treasurer in an

easily accessible location in case need arises for their use 15.1.4. The financial year of IFMSA-Jordan starts on the 1st of October and ends

on the 30th of September of the next year 15.2. IFMSA-Jordan’s Annual Budget

15.2.1. The IFMSA-Jordan’s Annual Budget includes all projected incomes/expenditures of IFMSA-Jordan for the upcoming financial year

15.2.2. The IFMSA-Jordan’s Annual Budget is prepared and presented by the treasurer at the September National General Assembly of the term for

adoption. The budget must be sent to the local committees no later than 1 week prior to the National General Assembly.

15.2.3. Any amendments to the budget can be carried out at National General Assemblies and require a two thirds majority to pass

15.2.4. The IFMSA-Jordan’s Budget must include: Incomes: (i) Membership fees (ii) Incomes from partnerships (if any) (iii) Any other income (e.g. NGA residual money)

Expenditures (i) NMO registration fees (ii) IFMSA-Jordan’s annual operating costs (e.g. website) (iii) Managerial expenses (iv) International Representation costs (v) Delegate Support to International/Regional meetings (vi) Money available for project support (vii) Other expenses

15.2.5. Once the budget is adopted, expenditure on delegate support to GAs/RMs must never exceed the specified amount

15.2.6. Only if the presence of IFMSA-Jordan is threatened, the EB may exceed the expenditures on the budget by 20% after notifying all Local Committees of the decision.

15.2.7. Overspending on any part of the budget can’t exceed more than 20% of the specified amounts

15.2.8. Under-spending on a specific part of the operating budget (e.g. no need for delegate support), will allow the Executive Board to reallocate that amount of money to other expenditures after notifying LC Presidents of the reallocation.

15.3. Reserve Fund

15.3.1. The reserve fund shall be allocated at 10% of the total budget each year. Decisions to remove money from the reserve fund shall be voted upon by the National General Assembly

15.4. Delegate Support to International/Regional meetings

15.4.1. Financial Support to a delegate can be provided in the following cases if requested:

a. If he is the sole representative of the IFMSA-Jordan delegation during the GA/RM

b. If the delegate is required to perform a task not otherwise efficiently carried out by other members of the delegation (e.g. Supporting the NEO to sign exchange contracts or the President to vote at plenaries)

15.4.2. The decision to support a delegate to an international/regional meeting shall be decided upon by the National Executive Board.

15.4.3. A supported delegate can be any member of IFMSA-Jordan 15.4.4. The financial support shall be provided to the delegate within one week

of his report approval by the Executive Board. The supported delegate is required to adhere to regulations stated in section 14.5. Lack of submission of his/her report will make him lose the support immediately

15.5. National General Assembly Finances 15.5.1. Regulations in section 7.6. must be followed concerning NGA finances 15.5.2. The OC’s treasurer shall keep in contact with the national treasurer at

all times a. After all expenditures have been managed, residual money shall be split

in the following manner: b. If <1000 JDs have remained as residual money the national treasury

shall receive 20% of the residual money c. If >1000 JDs have remained as residual money the national treasury

shall receive 25% of the residual money 15.5.3. The local committee shall receive the remaining percentage of the

residual money after the national treasury’s share has been deducted 15.6. Project financials

15.6.1. All project finances including fundraising of IFMSA-Jordan shall be managed by the organizing committees of the respective projects.

15.6.2. The Organizing Committees are nevertheless required to maintain contact with the national treasurer and provide updates whenever requested

15.6.3. The Organizing Committee of a project can seek financial support by contacting the treasurer and providing a full financial report on the status and the sum of money required.

Comment [T2]: Bylaw suspended until the 29th of October 2013

15.6.4. It is the decision of the Executive Board to supply financial support to the project from the part of the budget termed ‘Money available for project support’ as seen appropriate after gaining the treasurer’s opinion concerning the issue.

16. Partnerships 16.1. All official partnership agreements of IFMSA-Jordan must be maintained in

the form of a written agreement between a member(s) of the Executive Board of IFMSA-Jordan and the other party.

16.2. Partnership agreements shall at no time be violating to the Constitution and Bylaws of IFMSA-Jordan

16.3. The Vice President on External Affairs is responsible for maintaining contact with external partners of IFMSA-Jordan