Mystik way magazine 34

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The Mystik Way Magazine is a monthly read, produced by an open spiritual group centered in, but not limited to Portsmouth England/Avalon and focuses on the development of the human spirit towards enlightened living experience. The path of the Mystik Masters.

Transcript of Mystik way magazine 34

The Temple of the Tree of Life - Part 2

We are the Gods- Acceptance

inspired writing, Totems, Tarot, Artwork, herbs, Enlightened Living & eating and more...

Ostara - Spring Equinox

Going within and trusting your own


Tarot - The Tree of Life Spread

A Glastonbury Tor Meditation


Contents3 Welcome to issue thirtyfour

4 Project Avalon

5 Muse Meanderings & Wanderings

6 Ostara - Spring Equinox

8 We are the Gods

10 A Glastonbury Tor Meditation

13 Mystik Way Healing Link

14 The Temple of the Tree of Life - 2

18 Sign of the month - Pisces

19 Inspired writing - Growth and Expansion

20 Tarot - The Tree of Life Spread Part1

22 Card of the Month - Ace of Swords

24 Poem - Swirling about

27 Rashmi Kilnani - Shiva Speaks

28 Going within and trusting your own intuition

30 Animal and Plant of the month

32 Witchy Stuff

34 Magical Herbs - Saffron

35 Artwork by Christine Carlson

36 Enlightened Living and Eating

39 Poem - I have written you a thought cloud

EDITOR Ed Mystikmaster | DESIGN Simone Schreck

ADVERTISING Ed Mystikmaster WEBSITE Simone Schreck

CONTRIBUTIONS: Ed Mystikmaster, James Middleditch, Richard Hayes, Sue Hayes, Alma Delacruz Gossman, Peta Panos, Jennifer Adele, Rachel Patterson, Wil Snider, Christine Carlson, Amaritday, Charlie Garland

The Temple of the Tree of Life | 14

Magical Herbs - Saffron | 34

If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way Magazine, please consider a small donation of $1 or £1 to help us with our running costs.

Cover: Donella Arts


Welcome to issue 34 -March 2014

The wonderful smell of spring is starting to drift towards us here in the northern hemisphere as the floods & gales begin to subside, the evenings grow ever lighter each day….spring flowers are in abundance, a time to start putting into action those plans made over the warm fires shared with friends over the long dark winter months of which I & the mystik way have many.

As the magazine grows we are finding we are totally blessed with the amount of wonderful people who are always ready with articles of which they give their advice & wisdom freely to help others. Over the summer months there are several new articles & innovations that are being worked on…Watch this space.

We can now look forward to Ostara here and Mabon in the southern hemisphere, but wherever you dwell on this magikal planet enjoy the celebrations and change of the seasons because they each have their own relevance and beauty.

Alas it appears that Gaia, mother earth our home is undergoing some dramatic changes, quite painful ones of which I will discuss further in the pages of the magazine. I would love to hear your views on this subject so please email us.

Wherever you are, whatever the weather make the most of this wonderful adventure we call life…celebrate each & every moment. Tread gently upon the earth as she is your mother. Listen to the trees for they are your teachers, treat the animals as brothers & sisters, admire the birds as they can see & reach places that we can only dream of, therefore all command our respect.

Blessings on your Magikal journey.



Project AvalonTo refresh everyone’s memory, project Avalon is about turning my courtyard into a Herb, Fruit &Vegetable Mystikal Haven, not only organic but planted & tended by the Moon phase’s as well as the Sun’s. Complemented by Rituals, Meditations, Music & Mantra…to be true to the ways of the Old Path.

Alas not a great deal has been done due to the month long gales & heavy flooding in England. In between rain & high winds there have been the odd few hours when I was able to light a fire and perform a ritual in the garden, so have been keeping the energies flowing.

I moved a Sage…Rosemary and Catnip plant into the house, mainly to protect them from too much water and being destroyed by the fierce gales, to which they are really flourishing….As I am writing this I am burning a Sage smudge stick made during last summer, a truly magikal aroma.

Aloe Vera plants just keep on growing and the large one is just about to flower again. This year I intend to make juice…tea….and ointment from them as there are now sixteen plants

which have virtually taking over the house. (There are many websites on the internet to find recipes etc)

The wine has all been tasted & passed with fly-ing colours, it’s a very powerful and energised experience drinking good natural wine that you have harvested, brewed and nurtured your-self….perfectly pure….organic and full of mother nature’s energies. This year I intend to experi-ment with herbs in the wine making process….most certainly a Meade and elderflower mixed & a Meade with perhaps oregano or rosemary….we can but try.

I do hope you feel encouraged to grow your own vegetables, herbs etc as it brings great pleasure…healing energy as well as knowing

what you are eating is not contaminated.





Muses, meanderings & wanderings

Conversations with Mother EarthIt would appear that nature in general remains totally unimpressed with all the inane & stupid excuses put forward by so called experts governments and the people themselves with refer-ence to climate change.

Everything that exists & or does not exist yet is connected to a greater or lesser degree, the actions of one thing will effect another thing & furthermore the biggest effect comes from thought and feelings/emotion. On a mass conscious level over the entire population of a given country, alas most of the mass conscious thought across the globe is one of fear & hate which in its self is enough to affect nature in a negative way. Most of what is occurring today weath-er wise is down to bad vibes (for want of a better word ) & until we raise our vibrations on a mass conscious level mother nature will continue to re balance herself possibly with devastat-ing effects…

It’s time to wake up as the popular saying goes at the moment to realise that human life on this planet is about more than just survival, comfort, over feeding, working to amass great wealth at the expense of others wellbeing. The inhuman treatment dealt out to the animal kingdom leaves a great black cloud of negative energy which returns to us as this energy per-vades the very space we live in.

Maybe now it is time to take a long hard look at the monster that has been created…….




Spring Equinox 20th March

Ostara is a celebration of spring as she finally arrives here in the northern hemisphere (Mabon the Autumn equinox in the southern hemisphere) after the long dark days of winter. the animals are waking up & the light has returned. It is a time of fertility a time to awaken & put those plans made in the dark winter months into action…to feel in all senses the sap rising within the body and the soul just as the sap rises within the trees and plants forcing the buds to open and blossom….a time of great beauty…a time of hope of the wonderful summer and times yet to come.

As I always advocate, time to hold a ritual party celebration, invite friends & hold a feast of fine wine and food…make the food of the fresh variety. Make an Altar with bright flowers, daffodils, bluebells, hyacinth all of which bring a vibrant energy, burn light aromatic incense & light yellow & green candles…try and go for a walk in the countryside beforehand to prepare yourself & fill up with mother nature’s pure energies. Then all you have to do is enjoy it all…blessings.

Of course in the southern hemisphere it is Mabon, the Autumn equinox and the celebrations will be one of the harvest, a drawing in & enjoying the fruits of the summers labours. Invite friends for a thanksgiving party, use Autumn coloured candles, gold…red & burn sandlewood incense on your altar….eat, drink and enjoy as you remember all the wonderful times that have passed your way during the year,

Many Blessings wherever you are & whatever path you walk.




We are The Gods Acceptance

Once we have realised our divinity as I discussed in the previous issue, comes the need for the acceptance of that fact. Somehow & for some perverse reason very few people will accept this,

mainly due to not accepting their personal responsibility and refusing to let go of their security blanket. Far too much emphasis is placed on the need to be advised & guided by what people believe is a more learned authority, ie society & government plus self styled spiritual or religious teachers.

Once we accept the fact that these so called authorities have no more wisdom or knowledge than ourselves & are merely controlling us for their own selfish purposes, we can then move forward and away from the need to be propped up thereby taking control of our own destiny and life.

Acceptance is the key & the most difficult thing to deal with, because as I stated earlier we have been put down, belittled & told we are unworthy therefore after many millennia firmly believe it to be so.

We are an exact replica of everything which is contained within & without the universe, pure vibrating energy, indeed we are anything but solid matter as we have been led to believe. What most people see & experience is exactly what they have been programmed to do so, therefore we must shake off the chains the bind our minds, remove the scales from our eyes & learn to think for ourselves debunking the old ways and systems that imprison us. We live in a very dark dark world because we have allowed the light to be hidden from us. Listen to your inner voice, your conscience, your sense of love & compassion, speaking always the truth as you know it, this will connect you to the source of all wisdom & knowledge that exists throughout the universe. It will draw to you peace and harmony, a sense of purpose and the realization of the divine powers that lay dormant within you.

Realize that everything you read or see is not always the truth, question everything….learn to be impartial & not follow the opinion of the masses. Spend more time in solitude and alone with only your own company & thoughts, not being afraid of what you feel, see or think. Clear out those old thoughts & emotions that have been passed on to you by others & society. Accept the fact that you are a free thinking individual & therefore different not a small minded cloned bigot as present government & society would have you be.

The only thing that is preventing us becoming as Gods is not so much the fear as is the fact we feel unworthy…it is not the dark that we are frightened of but the light & accepting personal responsibility. Step forward onto the path, rewrite your life & yourself, accept who & what you are…good and bad points alike…remember you are not here to just exist & go through the motions of day to day life. You are not meant to live just three score years & ten, you are not meant to be ill and suffer dis-ease or missed-fortune, these are all myths.

Next issue I will discuss ways of clearing the past, rewriting the hard drive of your mind & remembering who you are and why you are here.





“There is more than one Tower on the Tor.”

- Message received during Tor Meditation


Since its inception three years ago, one iconic image keeps appearing on The Mystik Way in its various forms – the Magazine, the Facebook group and page. It stands like a cyberspace beacon, calling people of a likemind from across the world, communicating more quickly the spirit of the group than any words or descriptions. To those who have seen it in reality, it rises from the otherwise flat Somerset landscape, indicating the way to the centre of spiritual pilgrimage that is Glastonbury. To many people, the shape of that tower on the unusually conic hill feels half-recognised, half-familiar, as if we have been there in dreams if not in reality - a beacon on the ethereal, spiritual landscape perhaps, as well as in other ways.

If Glastonbury Tor exists in this different state,

then we can of course visit it whenever we want, wherever we want, simply by closing our eyes. Physical distance is no object, and nor are physical laws – we don’t have to just climb the hill and share the space with others, we can make it as we wish, and see it from any perspective, from ground level, or above, within or without, and beyond.

This article describes a guided meditation that makes use of the image of the Tower on the Tor, developed over a number of weeks and used in our Meditation group. As with all meditations, it can be followed exactly, or adapted to suit you. You may find that it takes on a life of its own even without intent, such is its imaginative nature. No matter how many times you have seen Glastonbury Tor in reality or in photographs, prepare to see it as you never have before…

The Meditation

You are climbing the steep hill towards the Tower on Glastonbury Tor. It is twilight, and there is a Full Moon low on the horizon, just risen. The air is fresh this high up, and the ordinary, everyday

A Glastonbury Tor Meditation

by James Middleditch


world is fading as you climb. A low mist is covering the ground far below, bringing not only peace of mind but a change in the landscape. Water is rolling in as time changes; Glastonbury is returning to its legendary state of the Isle of Avalon, and the concerns and limitations of the physical world are being left behind.

You reach the top of the hill and walk towards the Tower. You may be alone, or there may be other figures up there with you; allow your mind to relax and decide who should be there, if anyone. Walk around the top of the hill, around the base of the Tower, feeling its presence, not just as a physical building but as a spiritual form. You find pieces of wood on the ground, which you collect. As you pick each one up, ponder how this place can help you in your life at the moment. Each piece of wood can represent a wish or a situation that needs to be explored or resolved.

The time soon comes to enter the Tower, carrying your wood. As you step inside, you feel the presence of the place enclose you, as the outside world becomes even further away. This is a place of shelter, or sanctuary, where nothing can hurt you and the Universe only wants the best for you. The breeze passes gently through the archways on either side. You place your pieces of wood in a pile in the centre of the Tower, and set them alight. They catch easily;

this is a spiritual fire which obeys the instruction of your mind. You settle down in a comfortable posture and watch the fire.

As you do so, you start to feel a transformation. Just as this place exists on the spiritual plane as well as the physical one, so do you; you are melting into your spiritual form, letting your physical body rest and recuperate while your mind and spirit take over. The fire blazes brighter, warm, but not hot. Your spirit self is drawn to it, becoming one with it. The Tower’s strong, cool walls rise around you, protecting you and guiding your journey from here. You become one with the fire, feeling it cleanse your spirit of all negativity and worry. Once free of these, your spirit becomes lighter and lighter; so light that it starts to drift upwards with the smoke, upwards between the high walls of the Tower towards the open space at the top.

This is where your own mind and spirit must decide what happens. Remember that the wood you collected to build the fire represents wishes you want to realise, or problems you wish to solve. In this state, drifting on its smoke upwards through the Tower and out into the Universe, trust that your mind will show you what it needs to. Let the images unfold, and take gentle note of them so that you can bring them back from your subconscious to your conscious living world when you return.


After a while, when you have seen the things you need to see and heard the messages that may help you, it is time to return. But before you do, you feel a rush of pure energy, to strengthen and inspire you upon your return to the physical world. This energy also alters your perception, and allows you to see the Tower in a new way. Look down upon it from your vantage point above; drift around it and see it from all angles. It may look the same as in the physical world – tall, ancient and proud. It may look different; its walls may change shape or colour or size. Here, you can observe the Tower in all its possible forms, and it can change just for you, at this time when you have visited it in its spiritual form. Any changes may be a reflection of something you need. You may not consciously understand why it appears in this way just yet, but your unconscious, spiritual self will do, and that is enough.

When you are ready, drift back to the space above the top of the Tower, and sink gently downwards on the smoke towards the fire. Feel yourself returning to your body sitting next to the fire in the Tower. Start to become aware of your physical form, and watch the fire die down, leaving the Tower in quiet, cool peace. You rise to your feet and step outside, enjoying the fresh night air. Take a few last looks at the Tower, now back in its usual physical form. Start to walk away, back down the hill. As you gaze out

at the view, you see the waters recede and the mists rise, and the twinkling lights of the ordinary world appear. You are returning to the physical world, and it is returning to meet you.


Since starting this meditation on a regular basis, it has become a much looked forward to and loved experience. As with many guided meditations, it feels familiar, and I know instinctively that many others through time and across the world have had similar meditations. I hope that even more people now start to do so – as time goes on, it seems that the Tor is becoming an even more important and powerful beacon. Times are changing, and while it has already stood above the land for centuries, I feel that the Tor’s true nature is still unfolding. Perhaps we will discover this mystery together; perhaps we will see each other in that place when we visit it within our closed eyes and open minds.

Based on a Guided Meditation by the MystikMaster.

Photos © BBC, from Neil Oliver’s Wonders of the Sacred World


MYSTIK WAY HEALING LINKEvery evening at 9pm GMT (UK time) we hold a Global healing link where spent a few moments or more sending out LIGHT and healing thoughts around the world and to the various trouble spots. We are joined by several other groups and individuals from facebook with numbers well over the thousand mark. Join us when you are able and add your light and energy. “WHERE YOUR THOUGHT GOES YOUR ENERGY FLOWS”

The Universe is pure energy and is continuously flowing, it is manipulated by thought….the vibrations of our feelings and thoughts become reality according to the power of them. By sheer number we can effect change in the situations with the influence of all thinking exactly the same thing.

Light a candle send your thoughts out on the flame around the world and join over a thousand people seeking peace, abundance and happiness for everyone including all creatures and mother earth.

We must give healing to the sick…. comfort to the weary…. solace to the bereaved….knowledge to the ignorant……illumination to all those that engulfed in the darkness….and break the chains that bind their minds…their bodies….and their souls.

This is our mission….our work.





by Richard Hayes (Warlockway)

In the first part of this article which was in last month’s magazine, I described the Tree of Life as a Temple of Creation, the Cosmos and Planet Earth. In this article I will describe the Tree of Life as it relates to the Temple of the Human Form. The Human Form is placed with its back against the tree, with its right arm related to the left-hand column of male evolution, and its left arm related to the right-hand column of female evolution. The human figure as shown in the diagram is in the form of a cross, with its arms outstretched, linking the Spheres of Hessod and Geburar, its feet in the Sphere of Malkut and its head above the Abyss in the Spiritual (Supernal) Triangle.

As explained in the last article, the spheres of the Tree of Life are linked by paths of spiritual evolution and development. These paths are shown as coloured lines in the diagram linking the spheres, and each path has its own set of symbols, based on colour, tarot card, Hebrew letter, astrological association and archangel.

Divine consciousness flows down the tree from Keter to Malkut, and the Aspirant starts his journey of spiritual development at the base of the tree at the Temple of Malkut. At the base of the tree, the Aspirant has a choice of three paths, which lead them to the three columns of spiritual development, (see previous article), which form the left-hand, central and right-hand paths. The paths of the Tree of Life are explored in meditation, and each path is entered through a doorway which is formed by the card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot that is associated with that path. As explained in the

previous article, I consider the Tree of Life to be fundamentally a structure of equilibrium at each level, and consequently I have allocated the tarot cards on that basis, to form a balanced structure to the Tree. These positions now vary from their traditional placement, but I feel that they provide a better understanding of the structure of the Tree and the meaning of the paths they are associated with.


Beginning the Journey up the Tree

In starting the climb up the Tree of Life, we first choose one of the three paths which leave the Temple of Malkut. The Left-hand Path, which is associated with male development, climbs the tree to the Temple of Hod, via the 1st path which is associated with the CHARIOT. This card is associated with positive male energy and adventure, and it leads the Aspirant up the male side of the tree to Hod, and then on to the 8th path which is associated with the EMPEROR, which leads the Aspirant to the Temple of Geburar. This path is at the base of the Column of Severity on the male side of the tree, and the Emperor represents the virtues of a mature male who has authority and powers of leadership. These are the paths of development of the confident, competent male in society, who is only interested in material things.

The equivalent path of development on the right side of the tree starts with the 3rd path of female development which is associated with

Tree of Life



the LOVERS, and leads the Aspirant to the female Temple of Netzak. This card is related to the emotions and the use of the intuition, and reflects the sensitive, artistic side of life. From Netzak, the Aspirant starts to rise up the right-hand Column of Mercy on the 11th path which is ruled by the EMPRESS, and which leads the Aspirant to the female Temple of Hesed. The Empress is the complement of the Emperor on the left-hand path, and is associated with female maturity and authority in the physical world. These are the two paths of development taken by the mature female, who is confident in society, and is primarily concerned with the practical aspects of their physical life.

The central path leaving the Temple of Malkut is the second path of psychic development, which is the beginning of the central pillar of Mysticism which leads to the highest sphere of the Tree of Life (Keter). This lowest path of the central pillar leads to the psychic Temple of Yesod, which is ruled by the Moon and is the path we must travel if we are to start our spiritual development and develop our psychic abilities. It’s associated card is the MOON which is female, and encourages us to use our intuition and psychic abilities, and be in tune with our emotions and feelings. Having reached the Temple of Yesod, the Aspirant climbs the 5th path of spiritual development to the Temple of Tifaret in the centre of the tree. Tifaret is ruled by the Sun which is male, and the SUN card is associated with this path. These two paths lead the Spiritual Aspirant directly up the tree towards the path of Mysticism, and these people are not concerned with the material world, only with their spiritual development.

The Paths of Magical Development

Progress on the magical paths first requires the Aspirant to leave Malkut by the central pillar of psychic development, aqcuire its skills, and proceed up the tree to the sphere of Yesod. The Magical Aspirant can then choose whether to turn towards the male side of the tree - the 4th path, or turn towards the female side of the tree on the 6th path. The 4th path from

Yesod to Hod links the psychic sphere of Yesod with the intellectual male powers of Hod. This path is ruled by the HIGH PRIEST and is the path of Ceremonial Magic. The 6th path from Yesod to Netzak links the psychic powers of Yesod to the intuitive female energies of Netzak. This path is ruled by the HIGH PRIESTRESS and is the path of Natural Magic. These two paths can then be linked to the paths of the EMPEROR and the EMPRESS and the practice of Ritual Magic.

The Paths of Equilibrium

The four paths radiating from Tifaret to Hod, Geburar, Hesed and Netzak are represented by the Virtue Cards of the Tarot, as they emphasize the spiritual nature of Tifaret, the central sphere of the Tree of Life. These cards – the HERIT, JUSTICE, TEMPERANCE and STRENGTH represent the spiritual virtues of Reflection, Fairness, Balance and Self-control, which the Aspirant must acquire as part of their spiritual development.

The two horizontal paths of the lower tree from Hod to Netzak, and Geburar to Hesed, tie the tree together and provide equilibrium. The lower 7th path is associated with the card of FORTUNE which governs fate in the everyday world, and the upper 14th path is associated with the card of JUDGEMENT which provides the ethical values associated with Tifaret, by linking the attributes of Severity and Mercy to form the basis of Spiritual Justice.


The Paths that Cross the Abyss

Having progressed up the tree by one of the main three paths to arrive at either Geburar, Tifaret or Hesed, the Aspirant has to be prepared for spiritual transformation, as he is about to Cross the Abyss to reach the Supernal Triangle which crowns the Tree of Life. He leaves the security of the physical world and travels in his spirit body up the tree. The Paths of


the Abyss break down the consciousness of the Aspirant, and are associated with the four most difficult cards of the Tarot. Only the central path of Mysticism, which ascends through Dart and is ruled by the STAR, holds any hope of an easy transformation.

The worldly Aspirant who has climbed the male side of the tree to Geburar, now has to ascend the 15th path which is ruled by the DEVIL, who breaks down all their inhibitions so that they can embrace the female values of Binar. The worldly Aspirant who has climbed the female side of the tree to Hesed, must now ascend the 19th path which is ruled by DEATH, which breaks down all existing worldly values to embrace the male powers of Hokmar.

The spiritual Aspirant who has climbed the tree by the central column, having learnt the female lessons and psychic awareness of Yesod and the male lessons and spiritual awareness of Tifaret, arrives at the centre of the tree and can choose to cross the Abyss by one of three paths. They either take the 16th path ruled by the HANGED MAN of Spiritual Sacrifice to embrace the centre of female spirituality at Binar, or take the 18th path ruled by the TOWER of Destruction and Rebirth to embrace the centre of male spirituality at Hokmar. The alternative is to take the central 17th path, and proceed through Dart to Keter, the sphere of sexual integration and unified spirituality. This is the path of Mysticism, and it is illuminated by the STAR, which is only open to the advanced adept who has practiced many spiritual experiences, and who can Astral Travel in their Spirit Body, for the outcome of this central path is Final Union with the Divine.

Paths of the Supernal (Spiritual) Triangle

The three spiritual spheres at the top of the tree are linked by three paths. The 21st path of female ascent, linking Binar to Keter, is ruled by the MAGICIAN, the complete Adept who has acquired extensive spiritual and magical knowledge. The 22nd path is the path of male ascent which links Hokmar to Keter and which is

ruled by the FOOL, the enlightened Adept who continually explores his innate spirituality. The 20th path which crosses the Tree, unites Binar to Hokmar and is ruled by the WORLD card, which represents Spiritual Completion and the balance of spirituality with material existence. The Aspirant steps off on the descent of the tree as the FOOL, and returns as the Evolved Adept – the MAGICIAN. This is the cycle of the Major Arcana of the Tarot, which is continually experienced in spiritual development, and is the Ancient Wisdom contained at Dart.


Kabbalists use the Tarot Cards and the other symbols of the paths, to form meditations which link the Aspirant to the energies of each path. Through development they climb the tree, rising through the various grades of Spiritual Attainment, to embrace higher levels of Spiritual Awareness, thus becoming the Enlightened Adept.

The Tree of Life is both the Macrocosm (Creation) and the Divine Being, and also the Microcosm (Mankind) and each Human Being. The old Hermetic Maxim (As Above, So Below) informs us that both these forms are of the same essence, as Godhead descends to Humanity, and Humanity ascends to Godhead, to create one Unified Spiritual Creation.



PISCES (20TH February to 20TH March)

Pisces is a receptive, mutable Water sign. As a receptive mutable sign, it is adaptable and able to adjust to different circumstances. In the element of Water, it is connected to the emotions and intuition, and is sensitive to the feelings of others.

The symbol associated with Pisces is Two Fishes, each swimming in opposite directions, as this sign is naturally changeable, and they can easily alter their opinion to suit different circumstances. They are artistic and sensitive, expressing themselves through Art, Music, Dance and Drama, and they often have compassion for others. They are the dreamers of the Zodiac, easily distracted, and can be deluded by fanciful ideas. Pisceans can by hypersensitive, compassionate, psychic, imaginative and self-sacrificing, but they can also be indecisive, vague and illusive. They have a flexible attitude to life, are creative thinkers and have concern for the needs of others.

The planet which rules Pisces is Neptune, the artistic planet of creativity and poetic expression. This give Pisceans a creative imagination and they often dress in pale colours with artistic flare, and can blend into the background. Their natural psychic awareness enables them to link with other levels of consciousness, and they can communicate their experiences in a poetic way.

Pisces rules the 12th House of the Subconscious and the hidden aspects of our character, and consequently Pisceans are in touch with their dreams and deeper feelings, and their sensitivity may enable them to help other people explore their hidden selves.

Pisceans will find it easy to relate to the other water signs – (Cancer and Scorpio) who also use their emotions to explore themselves and others. They will however feel challenged by the practical, analytical nature of Virgo, their opposite sign, which views the world from a material perspective rather than from an emotional one.

In the family of the zodiac, Pisceans are the Dreamers, seen symbolically as the Elderly Person at the conclusion of life, half in this world and half in the next. They are compassionate and can understand other people’s problems and try to help them in any way they can. They are creative and use their intuition rather than their intellect, and they can also be indecisive and detached from reality. They are at their best when they can relax, enjoy a drink or two and allow their imagination to run free to entertain others with their stories. They then have the confidence to share the many benefits of their sensitive nature with others in society.

The Key Word for Pisces is Sensitivity.


Growth and Expansion

You can all see that from birth to old age, your physical body grows, develops and changes. You nurture the body by feeding it well and by physical activity. You constantly learn new skills by practicing them and becoming more proficient at them, and thus you can become a competent physical being able to do practical things.

Your mind is encouraged to grow and expand, to learn to read and write by attending school and being encouraged to expand your knowledge base. By nurturing the mind, you learn to think for yourself, learn to solve problems and become more creative in your thinking. You come to realize that everyone is an individual with their own ideas, ways of thinking and doing things.

Emotionally you are able to grow and expand depending on how well you were nurtured, protected and encouraged as a child. You have to learn to interact with others at home, at school, in your community and in the outer world of work and the rest of the world. You learn to relate closely to a few special

people – physically, mentally and emotionally.

But how much effort is put into the growth and expansion of your spiritual self? For many, it takes a while to recognize this aspect of your being, which is the pure essence of your being. Once accepted that the spirit is the most important part of you, housed in a physical body while on earth, regulated by your thinking and emotional expression, you begin to wonder about the reason for you living life on earth. What is the purpose? What particular abilities have you that you can you share with others and what do you have to experience and learn to expand your spiritual being? You realize that the spirit needs to be nurtured too, not only by reading and understanding, but by contact with those in the realms of spirit – your true home. Your loved ones, your guides and helpers, and the angelic beings who bring the divine light and love to surround you and nurture you, encourage you to become the channel for this love in all that you do – physically, mentally and emotionally.

I am a Spiritualist Medium who tunes into the world of spirit asking for communication and guidance, which I receive and write down. I hope you find this helpful too.



In the last two issues of the Mystik Way Magazine I have been explaining the structure and meaning of the Tree of Life. With this in mind, I will introduce you to a Tarot Spread based on the layout of the Eleven Spheres of the Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life Spread is used to explore our nature and innate spirituality, and I have chosen to use the Major Arcana of the Tarot, as these represent key spiritual archetypes.

Take your pack or Major Archana, shuffle the cards, cut the pack three times with your left hand, and then deal out Eleven cards in order. Using the first Five cards, lay them out in order as described below.

PART ONE – The Lower Tree of the Everyday World

The cards are laid out to form the pattern of the spheres of the Tree of Life as follows.

Meaning of the Positions of the Cards in this Spread

CARD 1 (Malkut) – This card is placed at the base of the spread, and represents our present life and circumstances.

CARD 2 (Yessod) – This card is placed above Card 1, and represents out emotions and psychic abilities.

CARD 3 (Hod) – This card is placed to the left,

and above Card 2, and represents our intellect and how we use our mind to make sense of our lives.

CARD 4 (Netzak) – This card is placed to the right and above Card 2, in line with Card 3, and shows how we use our intuition, and the role that love plays in our life.

CARD 5 (Tifaret) – This card is placed in the centre above Cards 3 and 4, and is the card which represents our spirituality, and the way we think seriously about life.

The cards of the Lower Tree from 1-5 relate to our everyday life, as normal human consciousness can only ascend the Tree as far as Tifaret, and these Five Cards are read first, to give a picture of our personality and our innate abilities.

As an example, I have chosen to draw a spread for a young woman who has been studying various spiritual traditions for a number of years, and who wishes to find out how she has progressed with her spiritual development and her future potential.

Example Reading Part 1 (Everyday Consciousness)

CARD 1 (LOVERS) – You easily form relationships in your life, and probably have a regular partner. As you get on well with people, you have many friends and your emotional life is the basis of your physical existence. This same energy can be put to use in your Magical Practice,


and you would work well with an appropriate magical partner, as you realize the importance of male and female energies in creation, and the need to balance these in your own development.

CARD 2 (MAGICIAN) – With this card in the Psychic Sphere of Yessod, you are probably already accomplished in Magical Ritual and have developed many psychic abilities. You have a strong will and sense of self-worth, and can use your power of will to organize the pattern of your life. You have already developed the ability to work on the Astral Plane, and you are well prepared to explore the higher spheres of the Tree of Life.

CARD 3 (TEMPERANCE) – You tend to work intuitively rather than intellectually, and have an evolved spiritual consciousness. You may have an interest in the Angelic Worlds and be able to make contact with Higher Beings. You also use your intuition to guide the pattern of both your physical and spiritual life.

CARD 4 (WORLD) – You have achieved

a balance between the physical and spiritual aspects of your personality and have concerns for others, the planet and the natural world. Having had a number of successful relationships you are now in a position to explore Magical Practice, working with another magician to use your psychic abilities to their full potential.

CARD 5 (FOOL) – You have explored many aspects of human existence and are now ready to step forward into a new phase of your spiritual journey. You have confidence, and are prepared to take on new adventures as part of your spiritual development, allowing your spirituality to progress more fully.


You have made great progress with your spiritual development, and have developed many magical and psychic abilities. You are now well equipped to explore the Upper Level of the Tree of Life, and expand your Magical Practice and spiritual abilities to their full potential.




Tarot Card of the Month

The Ace of Swords

The powers of Air. The mighty sword of clear thought, precise action, cutting away the dead wood, the thoughts/emotions & things that no longer serve us. The aces nearly always herald a new start, the idea that is in the mind and the planning stage ready to be put into action.

The swords pertain to all forms of mental thought & activity…..clear and pre-cise communication…..taking action….seeking advice….many associate the Ace of swords with the Arch Angel Raphael the guardian of the powers of Air forming from the east & when seeing this card in a reading will call upon the assistance of Raphael.

In summary…clear thought…put ideas into action….cut away old outdated ideas….communicate clearly & precisely…healing of the mind & spirit.


Card is from the Thoth Tarot Deck by A.Crowley


Swirling About Sailing in a flurry, spinning all around Seeking understanding, far more confused Choosing which direction creates turmoil Far or near the answers are just not clear Whirling in a frenzy, losing control Trying to find my bearings--where to go I suppose all part of the journey, no? At least I am moving, on the go Just like a boat race on a crazy course Not knowing where the finish line might be Everyone competes with no end in mind A wild world we all live in if you ask me I’m not exactly fond of competing I have learned the hard way, trust me on this If you stick your neck out, you’re the target Now I’ve learned, to enjoy--swirling about. . . . Alma De La Cruz (c) February 16, 2014


Shiva SpeaksBy Rashmi Khilnani

The third in a series, by the author of the Divine Mother Speaks. Essential reading for those on the awakening spiritual pathway, communications with the higher conscious by Rashmi leads us to understand who, why and what we are, how to deal with situations that may occur along our quest for enlightenment. It is also the type of book that can be referenced as and when advice or guidance is sought, true wisdom at the highest level.

I highly recommend this book along with the previous two…..The Divine Mother speaks & Buddha speaks. All three can be at Amazon & next issue I will publish some quotes from the book to give you a much clearer picture of what the book holds and the truths it reveals.

You can also contact & find out more.



Going within and trusting your own intuition

by Peta Panos

Our intuition is our inner guide and the voice of our heart. It is based in

feeling energy (picking up the vibration) and is way stronger than our intellect. The key to accessing our intuition is to free ourselves from the fears that come up and to it helps to name our fears consciously so they dissipate.

To some extent, we can all acknowledge our intuition as a fleeting insight -perhaps it’s knowing who is calling when the phone rings or picking up intuitively that a child or friend is in trouble. We have all had a “gut feel”, a metal image flashing through our minds or a strong knowing, especially in hindsight, and yet when it comes to making decisions about real issues in our own lives, these intuitive moments often elude us. Very often, the more we

mulch on an issue or decision, the more confused, uncertain and stuck we become, resulting in being frozen in fear with the inability to move forward. Many of us will gather other people’s opinions and if we act at all, in the most part, our decision would have been outsourced.

There are, however, ways to train yourself to connect to your higher self and your intuition when it really counts. To empower you to step into your own truth, live joyously from the heart and welcome new opportunities every day. All of the answers are within us and the more we acknowledge our own intuition, the stronger and more accurate it gets. There are many effective processes to calm the mind and get clarity and once we have moved out of the uncomfortable phase


of trying to make a decision, we know what action to take.

The following process will assist you to connect to your higher self:

Sit comfortably with your back straight. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths (in through your nose and out through your mouth) and ground yourself. Bend your arms at the elbow and hold your hands in front of you, palms up. Now imagine that your higher self (your soul) is sitting in front of you and places his/her hands on top of yours, palm to palm. Breathe deeply and imagine their subtle touch. Connect to your higher self who is looking at you with so much love and no judgment. Your higher self knows everything about you and accepts you exactly as you are. Feel the love, encouragement, and acknowledgement radiating from your higher self until you feel their empowerment and are cocooned in their love. You may also receive a telepathic message from your higher self. Thank your higher self and know that they are with you always.

Making decisions and welcoming new opportunities:

Now that you are in soul energy, set the intention to make the decision from your heart (and not your head) Ask yourself “What do I KNOW about this situation?” makes notes until the answer presents itself.

If you find that you still move into fear and confusion, then you may need to identify the actual issue. This can only be done when you discount the story or drama of the issue and the core of the actual issue often lies in your thinking around the issue (limited beliefs; not being good enough; overwhelm; fear etc) Ask yourself what is limiting you from moving forward and what action you can take to release it (there are a few release processes in my eBook

Transformational Discoveries, available for free when you sign up to my free newsletter). Once you have identified and released the fears and limiting beliefs, you are free to move forward and often the right decision will seem more obvious.

Another brilliant technique is to identify how your body feels when a choice is good or bad for you (your body always knows). To check how your body reacts, come up with 2 different scenarios that you know with certainty are right and wrong for you. Write down the two scenarios or if you are visual like me, then imagine each scenario in isolation.

Once you are in soul energy, read (or get some-one to read it out loud to you) or visualise the scenario and notice how your body feels. If the option is a negative choice for you, your body could feel heavy and you may feel a knot in your stomach. If the option is a positive choice for you, your body may feel lighter and you feel joy or excitement in your heart area. Once you have identified how your body reacts to right and wrong choices, you can repeat the exercise using the actual choices ahead of you.

Here is an example to illustrate the exercise – Lets say you are deciding on whether to accept a new job or stay in your old one, there could be 3 different scenarios:

1. You stay in your current job

2. You move to the new job

3. You stay in your current job and wait for the next opportunity.

Keep your scenarios simple and don’t let your mind chatter complicate things. Your mind won’t know the bigger picture but


your higher self and your body does.

Imagine that it is year down the line and you are still in your current job – how does it feel? Do you get a feeling of dread or a feeling of contentment knowing that you are where you are meant to be?

Imagine you have accepted the new job and it’s a year down the line, you have settled in to the new routine – how do you feel? Light, fulfilled and happy or anxious, heavy and overwhelmed?

Imagine you have turned down the present offer and a new offer is on its way to you (don’t debate this, just know that it is) – Visualise a year down the line and how does it feel? Right that you waited, comfortable and peaceful or heavy and a feeling of being stuck?

Make your decision based on what feels right and resonates with you. Let you body be your guide!

You can also use this process to identify the truth. See how your body reacts to the following statements:

1. You are completely alone; you have no support and deserve nothing.

2. You are a child of the universe, connected to all things within the universe. You are loved, cherished and more powerful than you can ever imagine.

If you are present, grounded and in soul energy – your body will always respond better to option 2. You can use this process for any aspect of your life.

I wish you all the courage to go within and trust your own intuition. Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words and your faith stronger than your feelings.

Where will you be going in 2014? We have an exciting range of Spiritual Quest Journeys to Sacred Sites and magical places all around the world. For more information and an overview of the journeys on offer, please click here

Written by: Peta Panos – Spiritual Quest Journeys


Website: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Facebook: Spiritual Quest Journeys

Twitter: questjourneys


If you enjoy reading the Mystik Way magazine, please give consideration to making a small donation towards the running costs. Although Ed and Simi give their time freely, it is only right that they should be reimbursed for their out-of-pocket expenses. If you can help, please donate to ‘Mystik Way’ by using the Donate Button.

Many thanks to those who have contributed in the past, we appreciate your generostiy.

Warlockway – Treasurer to Mystik Way.


Animal and plant of the month with Jennifer Adele

Cougar The cougar has many names and is also known as the puma, mountain lion, panther, cat con-color, or catamount... to name but a few. It is a large cat of the family Felidae native to the Americas. Its range, from the Canadian Yukon to the southern Andes of South America, is the greatest of any large wild terrestrial mammal in the Western Hemisphere. An adaptable, gener-alist species, the cougar is found in every major American habitat type. Solitary by nature and nocturnal, the cougar is most closely related to smaller felines and is nearer genetically to the domestic cat, and surprisingly cheetahs, than true lions.

An excellent stalk-and-ambush predator, the cougar pursues a wide variety of prey. Primary food sources include ungulates such as deer, elk, moose, and bighorn sheep, as well as do-mestic cattle, horses and sheep, particularly in the northern part of its range. It will also hunt species as small as insects and rodents! This cat is very, very adaptable. This cat also tends to prefer habitats with dense underbrush and rocky areas for stalking, but can live well in open ranges. The cougar is territorial and survives at low population densities. Individual territory sizes depend on terrain, vegetation, and abun-dance of prey. While large, it is not always the apex predator in its range, yielding to the jaguar, grey wolf, American black bear, and grizzly bear. It is reclusive and usually avoids people. Fatal attacks on humans are rare, but have been trending upward in recent years as more people enter their territory.

As for symbolic interpretations, it is said that the medicine of this animal involves lessons on the use of power in regards to leadership, and as spring is sprung we tend to grow into these roles annually more and more. It is ultimately the ability to lead without insisting that others follow that the cougar brings. It is the under-standing that all beings are potential leaders in their own way, and that you should have the strength to at least lead yourself, if nothing and no one else. The use and abuse of power in a position of influence are part of this great cat’s medicine. It teaches how not to be abusive but

also how to be firm with your boundaries. By observing the graceful pounce of the cougar, you will learn how to balance power, intention, phys-ical strength, and grace. This relates in human terms, to the balance of body, mind, and spirit. The giant feline never wastes anything. It only kills what it needs for survival. And, the female cougar is the hunter who graces her table in a style akin to great mother earth energy.

Symbolism: personal power, passion, secrecy, solitary endeavors, predatory nature, ascension, courage, strength, well developed capabilities, nocturnal energy cycles, mother earth energy.


ForsythiaForsythia is a genus of flowering plants in the family Oleaceae (olive family). There are about 11 species, mostly native to eastern Asia, but one native to southeastern Europe. The common name is also Forsythia; the genus is named after William Forsyth.

These early bloomers sport the vibrant yel-low flowers that have become a fixture of our springtime dreams, and their flowers precede their leaves. Border forsythias are fast-growing shrubs with an upright and arching form. “Sun-rise” forsythia, a slightly different strain, is more compact than many forsythia shrubs and is often used near a structure.

Although its medicinal use is not well known in the United States, it is highly esteemed in Tradi-tional Chinese Medicine. Chinese practitioners use the powdered fruit of the forsythia in herbal remedies for a variety of ailments, including colds and bronchitis. It is best known as a blood purifier.

Symbolism: good nature, innocence, anticipa-tion, purification, and the spring season.

By Jennifer Adele. Think of the Paws-Abilities!!!

Author of “Spellbound” and “The Haunting of Willow Tree Court” ... Novels of magic and mystery.

See Jennifer’s Animal and Plant Totems every day on facebook


March from a Witch’s point of view…

March heralds the arrival of spring and the celebration of Ostara, the Spring Equinox and let’s hope it also heralds the end to this persistent rain we have been having. Dark and light are equal on the equinox so it always represents a time of finding balance for me.

And of course with Ostara being in March we get to celebrate new life and new beginnings in the form of chocolate...who could argue with that? Mother Earth is awakening and feeling the first joys of spring, join in the celebrations and revel in the new and exciting energy. It is a time to plant new seeds, not just in the garden but within your life as well, a time to bring in the inspiration and make wonderful plans for new schemes and adventures.

I know you don’t really want to hear this but…think ‘spring cleaning’ too, not just the house but a whole magical spring clean that includes clearing out old habits and past worries too. Write down any bad habit or niggling worry that you want to be rid of, empty your head of all those issues and jot them on a piece of paper. Light a candle (I like to work with a green, yellow or white candle for this but go with what works for you) and set the paper alight

then drop it into a fire proof container to burn out, let the flames burn away the bad vibes. Bury the ashes or allow them to be taken away in the breeze. Then sit quietly and watch the flame of the candle … take a few moments to visualise positive energy coming into your life, see yourself as you want to be and bringing new adventures into your life. Allow the candle to burn out safely.

As you do the mundane housework (yep I know it’s boring but it has to be done, lots of dust and clutter can interfere with the flow of positive energy) visualise clearing out the negative energy at the same time. As you hoover visualise it sucking up all the stale energy, as you dust do the same, wiping away the negative vibes. Then go around the house… dance and sing if you want (the neighbours won’t mind) bringing happy and positive energy into the house.

And of course with Ostara being in March we get to celebrate new life and new beginnings in the form of chocolate...who could argue with that? Mother Earth is awakening and feeling the first joys of spring, join in the celebrations and revel in the new and exciting energy.

Magical workings for this month are; new

Witchy Wonderingsby Rachel Patterson


beginnings, rebirth, renewal, new life, growth, balance and fertility – not just of the baby kind but new projects and ideas as well.

If you happen to find a dandelion head don’t forget to make a wish, call upon the four quarters to bless you and then blow…

You can make yourself an easy egg protection charm: Take a fresh egg and empty out the insides by making a small hole at each end and blowing out the egg yolk & white (you also get breakfast as well) then you can very carefully push some herbs into the centre of the egg shell, go with what feels right for you and what you have to hand but basil, fennel, garlic,

mugwort, rosemary or bay would all work well. When you have added the herbs just pop a small piece of tape across each hole. You can paint the egg or decorate it in any way you like, maybe with protection symbols and runes.

If you want to work with deities that are associated with the month of March you could try; Vesta, Juno Lucina, Ceadda, Aegir, Rhiannon, Isis, Mars, Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes, Artemis, Cybele, Rhea, Ostara, Dionysis, Bacchus, Pan, Dagda, Astarte, Sheela-na-gig, Minerva, Iduna and Ishtar. You might like to set up an altar to them or make an incense in their honour and meditate, see what messages and guidance they have for you.

Totem animal energies that are particularly associated with this month are wolf, cougar, whale, hawk, falcon, buffalo, frog, eagle, snake, rabbit, chicks, unicorns and merpeople and with all the rain we have had lately I suspect the merpeople will be out in force ;-) Call upon their individual and magical energies to help you and guide you through this month, meditate upon them or pop a photo of the particular totem on your altar or mantelpiece.

Veggies that are in season during March in the

UK are; artichokes, purple sprouting, brussel sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celeriac, chichory, chard, endive, spring & winter greens, kale, leeks, lettuce, onions, parsnips, potatoes, rocket, sorrel, swede and watercress. Seasonal fruit is a bit sparse but apples and forced rhu-barb are good.

If you fancy a bit of foraging (please make sure you have identified the plants correctly before eating!) then you might find these during March; alexanders, chickweed, dandelions, fat hen, nettles, sorrel, watercress, wild rocket, chives, cow parsley, meadowsweet, wild garlic and primroses.

If you like working with the energy of crystals then a few suggestions to work with that corre-spond to the month of March are aquamarine, bloodstone, hematite, imperial topaz and ruby. I love to meditate with crystals. Make your-self comfortable somewhere that you won’t be disturbed and hold the crystal in your hand, look into it, deep into it, study all the facets and any imperfections then take yourself down into the crystal itself and explore…

Making a loose incense or an essential oil blend to help you connect with the flavour of March is always fun, you could use lotus, magnolia, ginger, jasmine, rose, sage, lavender, narcis-sus, African violet, broom and strawberry as any of those would be perfect for this month, but go with your own instinct and make a blend that speaks to you.

Make every day full of the joys of spring…

Rachel Patterson




Saffronthe Philadelphia commodities exchange, saffron was to equal the price of gold.

The culinary uses are said to be best with sea-food dishes. Another, is for tomato based dishes. Steep the saffron in hot, not boiling, water to get the best use of it properties and sweet grassy flavor.

Some of the medicinal uses attributed to saf-fron over the many millennia are: melancholy, perfumes for spirit, as an anti-cancer agent, an anti-oxidant, help in macular degeneration. Alexander the Great, used saffron in his baths to

treat battle wounds. The Ancient Chinese make reference to it in their ancient texts on herbalism and various uses. There is so much to this spice, a minimum of 2 articles could be written. I en-courage more research on your own.,

By Wil Snider

Saffron ~ The World’s Most Expensive Spice

Saffron has been around for over 4,000 years. Wild saffron, said to have originated on the island of Crete, is the precursor to what we use and know to-day. It has been noted and recognized in paintings and dyes over 50,000 years ago. It is native to the Mediterranean area.

What we traditionally use today has been cultivat-ed and bred to grow the longer stigmas we use in cooking, dyes, perfumes, and various other noted uses. It is male sterile so basically is cloned via the corms of the plant. However, the first known reference is in the 7th century BC in an Assyrian botanical guide assembled under Ashurbanipal.

The Assyrians, Persians, Chinese, Phoenicians, Greeks, and Romans have all used it for its honey sweet and hay like smell and taste in foods. Saffron has been used medicinally for over 90 document-ed illnesses in its long and illustrious man-made lifetime.

Saffron grows 8-12 inches in height and bears up to 4 flowers. Each flower contains 3 stigmas. This means it takes approximately 50,000 to 75,000 flowers just to yield 1 pound of dry saffron. This is why an “International Organization for Standard-ization” was begun to regulate the purity of the spice. The redder the saffron the purer its content. Anyone caught adulterating the spice from its pure form or deviations from the rating which the batch was given were put to death under the “Sa-franschou” code. Wars have been fought over this valuable commodity. At one time, a stipulation on

by Wil Snider


Artwork by Christine Carlson “The God Goddess”


Enlightened Living & Eatingby Amaritday


Hola and Welcome Beloved Enlightened Readers! Amaritday - The Sacred Health Doula here to share what is in my heart. Loving the life you live - Holistically Aesthetically Sacred. Know and trust that Mother Nature HAS a remedy! As we get into the swing of the New Year, let’s try to operate from a place of mindfulness that will help you to honor and nourish the god or goddess within.

Depending on where you are it may not seem like it but rest assured she is on her way. Here in New York we have been having am super intense winter with lots of snow and no grass is in site but if you walk up the trees and look closely you will see the signs. Small buds are starting to peek through and are getting ready to produce there medicine for our use and healing. The equinox is upon us and Ostara will bring blessings of renewed energy and vigor, new beginnings, growth, prosperity, and exploration. Illusions will be broken, balance with be restored and truth will be illuminated for you, no matter how painful.

I do temple hygiene weekly but around the sabbats and equinoxes, I like to start with a fresh house to honor our deities and the attributes they imbue us with, ancestors and traditions that nourish us. Deities that come to mind are Black Isis, Hecate, Cybele, Athena,

Artemis and Luna. So remember them in your celebration, if it is so fitting for you. Removing the negativity and asking that your home be a safe sacred space is imperative to remain shielded and clear of negativity. Our homes are to be a sanctuary, a place of solace; a safe haven.

We can achieve this by doing a thorough cleaning (I always clean in a clockwise motion from my front door). As you go through the home - reclaim your home and state the way you would like to feel within your home and asked that your home be protected. Once the house is clean then I use my sage blend to clean the house and also some incense. You can use these herbs to make sacred Ostara blends – ginger, jasmine, mugwort, sage, nutmeg, vervain, rose, magnolia, violet, orange peel and willow. You can also use oils like hyacinth, lily, rose, violet, strawberry, lotus, myrrh, elder, ginger, geranium, patchouli, chamomile, cedarwood, and broom.

You can also decorate your temple with the symbols and colors of Ostara, such as, plate green, violet and also pastel colors like, blue, yellow, pink, green, and white, spring flowers,


hares, chicks, eggs and the Green Man. On your altar for Ostara, have candle colors in yellows, purples, pinks and greens, crystals of the same color, A representation of the fertility of Spring, such as eggs, seeds, or a small statue of a hare. You could also have a statue of the Gods and Goddesses. Some simple decorations can be:

Egg Candles – you will need uncooked eggs, wax beads, birthday candles, and knife. Make a hole in the top of the egg (pointed end) so the raw egg can be tipped out. Gently chip away about a quarter of the eggshell. rinse empty eggshell with warm warm, set aside to dry. Fill ¾ of the way with wax, place birthday candle in the center you may have to it down some.Set in an egg cup or candle holder.

Home-Dyed Eggs - you will need a pan of water, eggs, vinegar, natural ingredients to make the colors. Start pan with tsp of vinegar and bring to a boil, add three to four eggs at time making sure they are covered. Add one of the following ingredients to the pan. Different timing in the pan will result in lighter or darker shades. Once you achieve the color of your choice take them out and store appropriately.

Red/Pink – paprika, pomegranate or cranberry juice, beets or red onion skins

Purple – grape juice

Orange – onion skins

Yellow – lemon or orange peel, carrots or cumin

Brown – coffee or black walnut shells

Yellow/green – apple peel

Now that our space has been blessed and is ready for a celebration befitting the Gods and goddesses we are, we now have a place in which to prepare the sacred feast for the nourishment of our minds bodies and spirits as well to thank those before us, around us, above us and bless those whom are lost in the nethers…

The herbs and foods sacred to Ostara are:

Broom, ginger, jasmine, mugwort, sage, st john’s wort and vervain, eggs, fish, hot cross buns, green vegetables, honey, lamb, dandelions, nettles, dairy, sweets, edible flowers and one of my favs chocolate.

Raspberry Wine 2 1/2-pint baskets fresh raspberries 2 tbsp sugar 1/2 cup plus 2 tbsp raspberry liqueur 1/4 cup cognac or other brandy 1 750-ml bottle white wine Combine 2 baskets raspberries and 2 tbsp sugar in medium bowl. Mash berries lightly with fork. Let stand 15 minutes. Mix in liqueur and brandy. Pour into jar. Cover and let stand in dark cupboard 3 days. Strain raspberry mixture, pressing on solids with spoon to extract as much liquid as possible. (Can be made 1 month ahead. Cover; chill.)

Ostara Honey Cakes recipe 1/2 cup Riesling wine (German white wine) 1 egg 2/3 cup flour 1 cup honey 2 tbs sugar 1/8 tsp cinnamon 1/8 tsp nutmeg Dash of salt Beat the egg together with the wine. In another mixing bowl, sift together the flour, cinnamon, sugar and salt. Add the flour mixture to the egg mixture. Stir until blended through. Allow to sit for 30 minutes. In another small bowl, mix the honey and


nutmeg. In a skillet, heat up about a 1/2 inch of oil. Drop a tablespoon of batter into the oil and fry until golden brown. Drain off the oil, and dip into the honey mixture.

Click for more Ostara yumminess

Activities that we share with our tribe-

Consider building an Ostara fire on the beach, forest or other place sacred to you. Gather three pieces of nine different woods, if you can. Dance wildly, with wanton abandon, around this fire, either skyclad (nude) or clothed, in pure celebration of the Vernal Equinox.

Start a garden

Make and eat braided sweet bread

Make and eat chocolate eggs

Make a new broom, if you are a woman

Make a new staff/wand, if you are a man

Decorate with baskets of flowers

Go out before sunrise on the Equinox (or Easter Sunday) and draw water from a running stream. Water gathered in this way is said to be especially holy and healing.

Go to a field and randomly collect wildflowers (thank the flowers for their sacrifice before picking them).

Plan a walk (or a ride) through gardens, a park, woodlands, forest and other green places. This is not simply exercise, and you should be on no other mission. It isn’t even just an appreciation of Nature. Make your walk celebratory, a ritual for Nature itself.

Always remember - Life is about being in the now, knowing who has your back, learning who doesn’t and knowing when it time to say good bye and start anew! Every day week month hyear we have a chance to start fresh and be learned in the ways of living. What will you do new this year?

Lots of love to you each and every day. Wishing you bright beautiful bountiful blessings!

Love and Light,


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Skincare: http://aestheticwellness.




It took an immensity of courage to arrive at this place And a density of dogged determination to scale the cliff face My feet are torn open with festering sores The hands of deliverance are seared red raw. The

hair on my scalp has been shaved by the winds And the lashes of vanity have looked to the sun and become singed No shoes remain on these soiled blistered feet Nor a coat on the back of my burden blasted by sleet The shawl of uncertainty flew off with a dark cloud of crow My medicine pouch was lifted by the maid milking her cow The twist in my tale turned a corner towards frost And precipitated change from the land of the lost. In my right hand a staff but it was rooted at the base In my left hand was victory in my sight now erased All the lines on my timeline were ley down far below Where I left my doubting mainstream with the company of crow. An arduous task and a path leading nowhere safe I was stripped of all weapons and rendered wretched, a waif. Arriving at the summit the forces of a gale were daggers through my pomposity as I bowed to the hail. What I found in the portal of my mirrored clumsy world was a person I had scarcely known standing where the clouds unfurled. This stranger in a changeling land was a visitor from my past At this place where hearts meet each other and their allegiance hands in fast It was at that hour when I saw myself standing in the landscape I had inherit That I knew all I needed to live was the light inside of spirit xxx

By Charlie Garland

I have written you a thought cloud…..


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Special offer for Mystik Way readers - Get one custom made!


Spiritual inspired Shop selling various spiritual stock at rear of our coffee shop - chi coffee. Tarot readings and healing also available; Workshops and events planned. Large room available for hire.

We are the twist that you will find at the back of our shop - Chi Coffee. Selling drums, crystals, wood art work, spiritual inspired paintings, tarot /psychic cards, and more... Tarot readings and healing also available. We will be arranging various events and workshops, please keep posted for updates on these. We have use of a large space for anyone interest in hosting events, please see management for enquires. We hope you enjoy our shop as much as we do and look forward to meeting you soon.

After a great magical mystery tour before our Autumn Equinox ritual & party, myself James, Kirsty & Mark….alias the motley crew dropped into the Spiritual Chi coffee

shop….where we found some great relaxed energies & a warm welcome….we also noted there is always something going on such as workshops, readings and healing most days of the week…there are items for sale such as incense, books, tarot cards & crystals at reason-able prices….so do look in as you will love it and pick up some wonderful calm energies…


Mystik Way visits the CHI COFFEE VENUE


...Issue 35 will be out in April 2014

Thank you for reading the Mystik Way Magazine!

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