My Tundra Report Berding

Post on 01-Jun-2015

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Transcript of My Tundra Report Berding

My Tundra Report

By:Mary B.

The two types of Tundra are Alpine and Arctic.

Arctic Tundra is a cold desert that receives less than ten inches of rain per year. It is seventy below zero in the winter and rarely goes up in the sixty’s.

Some places where the Arctic Tundra is found in Alaska, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Greenland, some parts of Iceland, and the top parts of North America.

Alpine Tundra is cold, windy, and treeless( there are some dwarf trees and heaths) because the soil is like gravel, so the roots won’t grow through the rocks. There are only a few predators, and only some animals live there because it is so cold.

Permafrost is a layer of permanently frozen soil that can go as deep as 3000 feet. It is found in the Arctic Tundra while it is not found in the Alpine Tundra.

Some animals that live in the Arctic Tundra are Arctic Fox, Musk Ox, Snowy Owl, Lemmings, Polar Bears, the Arctic Hare and Wolves.