My personal learning environment.

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of My personal learning environment.

Gerardo Barrios University

School of Arts and Science Foreign Language Department.

Course’s name: Ingles Aplicado a la Computación.

Assignment: Personal Learning Environment.

Student’s name: Silvia Lorena Portillo.

Professor’s name: Elmer Guardado.

My Personal Learning Environment.

I learn English with this social network when I have some homework; because I read articles in English and then I can analyze them and create my own opinion about it, and also I can know the point of view of my classmates.

This page help me a lot because I can look for some songs in English and when I don’t understand a song I read the English lyrics and I learn some vocabulary or pronunciation. This page is very important for me; because I fell this help me more than the others.

In this page I learn English in the sense what some classmates share me any information in English and I can Learn something about the thinking of my classmates.

With this social network I learn English when I see English documents that other people have tweeted, and sometimes when the people post something in English, but actually I have used it just two times.

I use this page for send documents, homework, or any information to the teacher or classmates. Nowadays this is the page that I have used more for send homework. Most of the homework that I have sent through this have been in English.

Actually this page is helping me a lot; because the whole analysis that I have done, all of them are of English documents that I have read, and I think that if I continue reading more documents I can learn more.