My favourite scene from a movie. English project!

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of My favourite scene from a movie. English project!

Favourite Scene AnalysisZoë Palmer

The scene! “Light and Darkness”

start from 0.42

Camera Shots...

Establishing shot of Sirius and Harry in the tapestry room, long shot of Sirius at the door.

Close up of Sirius’s part of the family tree, and then to Sirius, who looks saddened that his mother hated him so much.

Close up of Harry when he is telling Sirius about the dreams and flashes of Voldemort’s mind. Here we see the effect that the torment of the visions is having on him.

Non- verbal communication from Sirius- his head is bowed and he is looking at Harry with concern, because he worries about his safety.

Body Language

Sirius puts his hands on Harry’s shoulders a few times throughout the scene, indicating that he cares for Harry and wants him to know that he’s there for him.

When Sirius and Harry hug, this tells us how close they are- Harry loves Sirius because he is the only family he has left, and Sirius sees Harry as the closest thing he will ever have to a son, and wants to look after his best friend’s child.

CostumesHarry’s clothes are suited to his character, because he is a teenage boy. The grey colour of his hoodie is also effective as it may help to convey how depressed and alone he feels.

Sirius’s clothes are suited to him also, because he is an escaped convict, so he doesn’t get to go out buying new clothes! It also shows how wealthy the family he came from was, as his attire, while old, looks very expensive and luxurious.


The music is very reflective of the moment.

It begins when Sirius starts explaining the family tree to Harry.

The use of strings and oboes creates a very loving and almost sad atmosphere. The melody becomes very minor and tense when Harry explains his troubles.

It becomes lighter when Sirius reassures him.