Mw3 vs bo2

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Mw3 vs bo2



MW3 is exactly the same as MW2. Nothing has changed. Only different maps ( bad ones at that) and different guns. oh and lets not forget the 5 million different streaks you can get.


I’ll admit that mw2 was incredible. You know why? Because it was so vastly different from cod4. they changed things up and put work into the game so they earned respect.

Then they ruined everything by releasing a game which practically changed nothing and still got the same sales because negligent people went ahead and bought it. That really turned me off Infinity Ward.



Treyarch on the other hand made every game vastly different because they actually put work into it.


Black ops 2 is actually really good. Black ops 2 wwas the last COD game to be released on the 2007 engine. So I appreciate the effort Treyarch put into squeezing every last drop of graphical enhancements out of the engine.-future setting-all new equipment and arsenal-fresh look-very full on story campaign (flying/sky diving with those wings on your arms was cool)

So if you’ve been playing MW2 and want nothing to change, then get MW3. But if you thing you’ve played enough MW2 for now and wouldn’t mind moving up a notch, then definitely get BO2.

But that’s for you to decide