Multiple intelligences.2013

Post on 28-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Multiple intelligences.2013

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Multiple Intelligences Based on Dr. Howard Gardener’s theory of Multiple Intelligence

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

There are 8 types of Multiple Intelligence

•  Word Smart (Verbal-Linguistic) •  Number-Reasoning Smart (Logical

Mathematical) •  Visual-Picture Smart (Spatial) •  Music Smart (Musical) •  Body Smart (Bodily-Kinesthetic) •  People Smart (Interpersonal) •  Self Smart (Intrapersonal) •  Nature Smart (Naturalist)

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Verbal Linguistic

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Words that are associated with verbal-linguistic

•  Illustrate •  Converse—Talk •  Compose •  Express •  Poetry •  Dramatize •  Interpret •  Debate •  Analyze •  Compose •  Communicate

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Word Smart People

Are Good at:

Reading, writing, speaking and many times good at all three, and some like foreign languages. Think of your favorite storyteller or author – they are word smart. Or think of politicians who have the gift of gab. Sometimes a person that is word smart may be able to read well, but they need help with writing or speaking skills or vice versa! Careers - writer, orator, storyteller, journalist, speech writer, librarian, salesperson, lawyer.

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Math Smart

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Words associated with logical- mathematical intelligence

•  Figure •  Classify •  Abstract •  Map •  Calculate •  Evaluate •  Number •  Order •  Estimate •  Predict

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Math Smart People - Are Good At:

Using numbers and they are usually good math students. They like puzzles like Sudoku. Some math smart people can calculate a long list of numbers in their heads. They can see patterns in things like art, ask Mrs. Garrett about the Fibonacci sequence. Mr. Minnich, Mr. Barker(s), Ms,. Seavey, Mrs. Hamlin, Mr Frost and Mrs.Garrett are math smart. Careers: scientist, mathematician, scientific research, creation and testing of mathematical theories, devising counting and classification systems, computer programming, physicians, financial analysts

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Picture Smart

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Words associated with Visual-Spatial intelligence

•  Image •  Design •  Picture •  Sketch •  Depict •  Visualize •  Diagram •  Model •  Internalize •  Construct

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Picture Smart People

Are Good At: Seeing colors, lines, shapes n, forms, space, and the

relationships that exist between these elements. A person does not have to be an “artist” to be picture smart. They may be good at creating a garden, or assembling model cars, or building a bridge using toothpicks. Like math smart people, they can see patterns. Careers: artists or architects, using or designing navigational systems, building and designing inventions, librarian, cartographer (map maker), urban planner etc.

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Body Smart

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Words to describe Bodily – Kinesthetic Intelligence

•  Exercise •  Athlete/Athletics •  Balance •  Flex •  Activate •  Bend •  Stretch •  Improvise •  Movement •  Dance

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Body Smart Are Good At: Using their body to express ideas and feelings like an actor, a mime, an athlete, or a dancer. And some are good at using their hands to make things like a craftsperson, sculptor, mechanic, or surgeon. They are the active people – the ones who like to move all the time. Careers: athletes, dancers, sculptors, artisans, choreographers, farmers, physical occupational therapists, surgeons, inventors.

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Music Smart

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Words Associated with Musical Intelligence

•  Harmonize •  Beat •  Tap •  Sound out •  Rhythm •  Listen •  Perceive •  Record •  Compose •  Pattern

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Music Smart Are Good At:

Knowing music and understanding rhythm. They can hear when the pitch is off in a singer’s voice. One does not have to be a musician to possess this kind of smart! Many music smart people tap or like to dance. On aspect of this intelligence is analytical thought – some are good at writing music. Careers: composers, musicians, conductors, studio technicians, recording artists, recording engineers, disc jockeys, music teachers etc.

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

People Smart

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Words Associated with Interpersonal Intelligence

•  Counsel •  Interview •  Join •  Associate •  Collaborate •  Mediate •  Confer •  Connect •  Teamwork •  Empathize

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

People Smart Are Good At:

Understanding moods, intentions, motivations, and feelings of other people. They are team players, and they are good at making people feel comfortable. The like to help others and help people solve conflicts. They are sometimes shy people, or they may be outgoing. Careers: counseling, psychiatry, psychotherapy, medical assistants, nurses, humans resources, politics, law, sociologists, teachers etc.

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Self Smart

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Words associated with Intrapersonal-Intelligence

•  Reflect •  Meditate •  Contemplate •  Consider •  Feel •  Self-assess •  Individualize •  Intuitive •  Daydream •  Introspect

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Self Smart Are Good At:

Having an accurate picture of oneself, they know their:

strengths, weaknesses, moods, intentions, motivations, temperaments, and desires. They have the ability of self-discipline, self-understanding, and self-esteem. They have strong values and know what they want in life. Careers: psychotherapy, counseling, religion, philosophy, creative writing, entrepreneurs (self-employed), researchers

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Nature Smart

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Words Associated with Naturalist Intelligence

•  Balance •  Preserve •  Outdoors •  Classify •  Study •  Observe •  Protect •  Nature •  Commune •  Originate

Adapted from Howard Gardner's Theory of Mulitple Intelligences

Nature Smart Are Good At:

Seeing patterns and making connections to elements in nature. They are interested in other animals, insects, or in the environment and the earth. They may like to camp, hike, scuba dive, hunt; they like to be outdoors. Children possessing this type of intelligence may have a strong connection to the outside world or to animals, and this interest often begins at an early age. Careers: Forest Ranger, Zoologist, Botanist, Farmer, Ecologist, Astronomer, Geologist, Archeologist Veterinarian, Sailor, Park Ranger, Meteorologist