Multi Space Mahua Project * English

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Transcript of Multi Space Mahua Project * English


Multi * Space Mahuá Project * University for your Soul *

A Living Space for the Expansion of Consciousness

" Nurturing the True Essence: Joy, Fairness , Compassion and Universal Love ,

in a Way of Harmony and Peace in the Middle "


Multi * Space Mahuá Project

Peace Movement City of Light

SatChitAnanda N.G.O ( ONG )


1. Who are You p.3 - 4

2. How Is Born the Multi * Space Mahua p.5

3. Missión * Visión p.5

4. MultiSpace Proposal p.6

5. What service meets p.7

6. Our Commitments p.7 - 8

7. Mahuá p.8 - 9

8. Join * In which you can collaborate p.9

9. Present * Future Projection p.10 - 11

10. Activities Undertaken p.11- 12 - 13

11. Annexes 2007 * 2013 p.14 - 35

12. Architectural Vision p.37 - 40


1. Who We Are

Peace Movement City of Light

SatChitAnanda N.G.O (ONG)

The Peace and Consciousness Movement City of Light was born in the City of Santa Fe de la Vera

Cruz and expanded into every corner of the planet. We think of ourselves as citizens of the world.

The seed vision of this movement is as old as Humankind. We just have to remember.

City of Light is a state of consciousness where the I becomes US, opening the path to a true

brotherhood, turning problems into solutions, contributing to life in harmony with every living being.

We are coming from a Spiritual Vision and from our true individual transformation.

Together we can build a society based on higher and truer values. Through sincere and selfless

service awakens an infinite creative force, expressing the human potential in all its splendor to heal

ourselves and love each other like a Great Family.

Over Easter 2010 Santa Fe saw the birth of the Manifesto of Light, conceived by a group of people

representing different views and expressing the collective dream of the Heart. It has been translated

into five languages and signed by more than 2000 people.

The Manifest of Light is the manifestation of the fundamental principles that guide us towards the

creation of a City of Light.

A deep commitment to our true essence to build the foundations of a global society that unites us as

Human Family, respecting individual and cultural diversity, recovering spiritual values.

See Annex: Manifiest of Light p.26 What is A City of Light ? p.27

Satchitananda (Truth, Knowledge and Bliss) is a Non-Governmental Non-profit organization

made up of beings of good will in civil association who, after engaging in comprehensive studies, aim

to recover the cultural heritage of humanity and integrate and adapt traditional knowledge and

philosophies, for the purpose of promoting and contributing to the expansion of the state of

collective consciousness, fueling the true essence of being: joy, equanimity, compassion and

universal love, on the path to peace and harmony with the environment.

City Light and Satchitananda N.G.O. join forces in a movement of consciousness that is born in the

heart of thousands of beings who live the Dream of Paradise on Earth.

A genuine momentum with wings and strong roots, brings us together in fraternal harmony for the

common good.

A space in the heart where the borders of separateness are diluted and we learn to live in Love ...

free from judgments and beliefs, brewing a powerful alliance to expand consciousness. A great

inspiration takes many forms uniting beings of all races, religions, political, philosophical ideologies,

and flags, sharing the same purpose of Peace, Union Among Peoples, and Love for Life.

A Collective Dream becomes reality today through Men and Women… Youth and Children of Good

Will willing to cooperate and give their best to build a Happy and Peaceful Society.

A dream come true thanks to the power of creative thinking of thousands of beings, taking shape in

different actions that multiply in many cities and countries in order to dignify the human condition

by receiving, absorbing, distributing and sowing information, teachings and practices for the

harmonious development of each being.


For this purpose, Mahua * Multi Project Space, set in a native forest of trees over 300 years-old on

the shores of Laguna del Sauce, shares and promotes the awakening of consciousness, life and

education in nature, and different activities such as retreats, gatherings, celebrations, seminars,

workshops, informational talks, lectures and courses, focused on the dissemination of leading

practices and roots of knowledge, as well as pave the way towards the paradigm shift now brewing

in all of humankind and accompanying human processes.

Regular Activities offered at Multi * Mahua Area are:

* Retreats, Meetings and Seminars

* Peace Ceremonies

* Vibrational Medicine with Sound

* Yoga and Meditation

* Conscious Birth and Diet

* Permaculture

* Education for the Soul

* Music, Dance and Circus Arts

* Painting, Mandalas

* Recreational Games

* Theory and Practice of Yoga, represented by its various traditional schools:

Ashtanga - Sivananda - Kundalini – Comprehensive Iyengar - Tibetan - Inbound

* Talks and conferences on major philosophies and thought forms:

Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shinto, Christianity, Judaism, Sufism, Sikhism, Shamanism,

Zoroastrianism, Bhajai, Confucianism, Jainism

* Meditations: Full Moon Blessings for the Earth - Of the various Schools of Traditional

Yoga - World Calls for Meditation

Further, we provide orientation to professionals in the main alternative or complementary

forms of medicine: Acupuncture - Amaterapia - Aromatherapy - Clairvoyance - Crystal

Healing - Chromotherapy - Vibrational Medicine with Sound


2. How Is Born the Multi * Space Mahua

The Multi * Space Mahua Project come up from the integration of the Peace Movement City of

Light was born in Santa Fe * Argentina and the ONG nonprofit Satchitananda N.G.O. born in Punta

Ballena * Maldonado * Uruguay.

United in Consciousness celebrating life, we decided to precipitate the Physical Plane New models of

social organization and sustainable living, materializing the creation of a prototype of a City of Light

on a small scale, a University of Life or Ashram (name given to a school in East where the art of

knowing and serving the truth is taught).

From the Individual Self * Home * School * Neighborhood * City * Country * Organizations * Planet

write a new story that invites us to be protagonists, Inspiring actions, feelings and thoughts that

help create a New Earth.

Generating networks of cooperation and solidarity that we strengthen and rise to a new State of


We choose to live in a World in Harmony with Nature, create positive actions, thoughts and pure

feelings for the good of all seeking to reflect Transparency, Clarity, Respect and Love in every action


We choose to be inspiring from the daily experiences. We're Adding Wills !!!

This great heart project requires your decision... your proposal, your donation, your Collaboration or

contribution of time, donate, Ideas, materials and/or money...

Since the fundamental principle that everything is interconnected we include all Areas of Life:

Spirituality ... Science ... Health ... Education ... Art ... Culture ... Architecture ... Economy ...

The essential requirements to be part of this dream:

Faith * Gratitude * Confidence * Total Delivery * See the light in everything and everyone * Engage

the Presence of Being in the Making ...

We are waiting for you, Join Us at Mahua MultiSpace!!!!

3. Mission * Vision

Our MISSION is to develop actions for the realization of a world in harmony with natural laws

giving priority to Community ideals above personal interests.

Create a loving action network community that inspire beauty, peace and equity in all its forms of

expression, promoting dialogues and approaches that allow to find common ground between the

different sectors of society to work together in achieving the common good, knowing that we are

socially responsible for everything we do, we think and feel.

Inspire and promote actions in ecological, environmental, educational, health, social security, art,

science. Develop a sustainable prototype small scale that is a living example for communities based

on a natural harmonic system. Promote sustainable development as a key to new forms of life


4. MultiSpace Proposal

The realization of the project MultiSpace is proposed as a goal:

- Create a University of Life based on spiritual values whose Vision is focused on the

awakening of consciousness, transformation and the change of paradigm.

- A center for research and experimentation of a paradigm based on inner freedom and the

possibility of going beyond the limits of the mind

- The practical application of new models of sustainable life at all levels committing human

beings to become aware of transformation agents.

- Becoming aware of the need to take care of the habitat where we grow by promoting the

responsible use of natural resources.

- Integration of Science, Art and Spirit to create a culture of peace, creating physical

spaces that inspire harmony from innermost to the outermost be in synchronicity with

nature areas.

- Inspire actions, feelings, thoughts that help create a new paradigm to expand the global


- Put into action an educational-Ecological system that raises a new comprehensive

development of human beings.

- Dissemination of activities and teachings invite an organic worldview thus raising

intuition, creativity, expression, perception and latent gifts that exist in the human being.

- Recognize children as bearers of a new consciousness creating spaces that allow a holistic

development through play implementing recreational and didactic methodologies designed

according to the characteristics of today's kids, conceiving connective re integral and

multicultural education as a process.

- Finding solutions to the current crisis in the different sectors of society, implementing

innovative proposals that promote life in harmony with nature, inviting every human

being to become a Guardian of the Earth.

- Encourage citizen participation to encourage cooperation highlighting the importance of

understanding the personal, group and community development are closely leagued.

The intention is to extend the operation of this Multidisciplinary Space (University of Life) nestled in

nature, where there will be retreats, seminars and oriented ecological awareness and achieving a

Culture of Peace activities will be developed.

A laboratory of innovative community projects that promote interaction among people of all ages,

offering proposals which lead them to experience the trust, confidence, clarity, acceptance and

discover the inner wisdom.

See annex: Architectural Vision p.28, 29


5. What service meets the Mahua MultiSpace

- Natural Area Reserve Flora, Fauna and Native Species.

- Honor and respect the life of the planet as the home of humanity.

- Art, science and spirit integration

- Awareness and Middle-Environmental Preservation.

- Engage the human being as an active agent in the Care of the Planet.

- Create a culture of peace, moments and spaces that will help to harmonize ourselves in

synchronicity with nature, raising our State of consciousness.

- Diffusion of Activities and lessons that enable the development of consciousness, intuition,

perception and the gifts that exist in the human being.

- Promote the use of renewable natural resources for sustainable development.

- The art as a vehicle for expansion of consciousness.

- Achieve peace and harmony from the areas most internal be up to the more external.

- Connection with the spiritual world.

- Create a University of Life * Center of inspiration and Planetary irradiation.

6. Our Commitments

- Be spiritually and socially responsible for everything we do and we think for what is reflected in

the world is multiplied for the good of all.

- Expand, disseminate, and radiate the spirit of peace and love, which nestles in the heart of

every human being, in society, in communion with the whole, transcending the form and


- Using Art and Culture to transmit Universal values as a great tool for expansion of


- Helping to tackle with the problems and current imbalances with a holistic view, transforming,

positive in every situation and/or experience that we find ourselves.

- Giving answers to a society in crisis.

- Translate concrete actions to sow the seeds of a new model of sustainable living.

- Create public spaces and free of harmony, peace and beauty for disclosure of the bases and

purposes of the Peace Movement City of Light and the ONG Satchitananda N. G. O


- Conducting training cycles in different areas for development and expansion of the principles

proposed in the Manifesto of light and ONG.

- Facilitate the realization of community projects.

- Establish a sustainable human habitats in harmony with nature forming part with animals and


- Creation of playgrounds for children.

- Prepare to host students and instructors, with its consequent infrastructure, services, and

appropriate logistics

- Making Coexistence, Meetings, Activities and sharing programs and involve the community in a

spirit of unity.

7. Mahua ( Between Lake, Field and Sea )

- The MultiSpace Mahua is being built on the shores of Sauce Lake in an area of native

forest merged with the field, close to the Km 111 of the Interbalnearia Route in the

Department of Maldonado Uruguay * in a 3.5 hectares Farm offered in love for the

manifestation of the collective dream of a New Earth.

- The land has some facilities already built a community space, a small house and a cabin

Domo "The Tree House" where we are currently living the Mahua Family and receive the

visitors and volunteers.

- There is a channel of entrance to the Sauce Lake prepared for small ships, boats and

canoes with a pier and several small islets for visit or a camp, a round pool with view to

the mountains and the Lagoon

- A native forest trees of 300 years of varied species such as logging and chal chal,

cornonilla, canelon. Over a variety of fruit trees including Araza, Butia, Guayabo of the

country, wild blackberries and other trees that provide us with lemon, lime, Orange,

Tangerine, grapefruit, apples, blackberries, figs, grapes, kumquats, bamboo rods.

- The land is about 3 kms from the sea, front the Ocean Park watering place, very warm

beaches and with very few visitors throughout the year, we invite you to enjoy the sand

and salt water from the ocean in complete silence and contemplation.

- We have a Virtual Community Online Network called the City of Light now has a platform

(Social Network) Type NING, where they interact more than 1900 members who live in

different cities and countries around the world.

So far include members from over 40 countries being the main Argentina, Spain,

Venezuela, Colombia, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Peru, Switzerland, Italy, USA and Mexico.

- Community entrepreneurship “Santa Fe Domos” who is provided with varied experience in

the creation of Geodesic spaces, Bioconstruction and a quantity of Domes of Bamboo and

wood nomads, dissectible that are used like multifunctional spaces where activities are


- Volunteer Teams in Network.

- Inspirations, Ideas, spiritual strength, creativity.

- Projects of non-formal education, ecology, and art, already implemented in different


- The manifesto of light * manifestation of fundamental principles for the creation of

communities, villages and cities of light.


- School of life, art and sound * In a natural environment where the school is manifested in

daily life

- Garden Orchard * forest of fruit * a place where living flowers, aromatic herbs, edible

plants and native species

- Renewable energies * to achieve the permanent regeneration of ecosystems.

Implementing renewable alternatives, pure energy and conscious consumption to achieve

a healthy, healthy and harmonious habitat.

- Nutrition Conscious * in the natural environment of Mahua you would contact a high

vitality that will allow you to balance, deepen and establish an integration of the new

energy dynamics.

8. Join * In which you can collaborate

- In Mahua, there are different ways of collaborating, participating in the volunteer's

activities, retreats, gatherings, join actively in the construction of the projected

community spaces or visit us to get to know the place and our family.

- Be Godfather of Maua if you feel you want to join and participate in the MultieSpace these

invited to sponsor some of the projects Mahua like Orchard, building cabins for lodging for

volunteers, or spaces below mentioned.

- We are forecasting these community spaces: Kitchen & Dining Community - Domo

multipurpose - Conference - Domes for classes, workshops and lodgings - roofed outdoor

spaces - Fitness - Bathroom and Dressing - Services - Deposits - Platforms outdoors -

Groceries Forest garden - cold Camera - Workshop - Barn - Storage of materials and

tools- Greenhouse - Composter - effluent treatment system - Installation of equipment

for renewable energy generation - seed Bank - System combined use of renewable

energy to supply continuous.

- Donating materials for building, construction and expansion project in this first stage:

Tools, new or recycled woods, paints, building materials, computer equipment, Musical

Instruments, Seedlings, Seeds, trees, equipment for working the land, shovels, axes,

rakes, desiccant, wheelbarrows, lawn mowers and tractor for mowing, transportation,

trolley car, truck, canoes, motorboats and / or boats.

- Financial support in the form of subsidies, donations from institutions, foundations, NGOs

or personal partnerships that expand and extend the facilities of MultiSpace to receive

more young people, children & / or adults, as well as activities undertaken with nonprofit.

To perform these activities in a freeway and has full time for the family of Mahua, the

volunteers s City of Light and ONG Satchitananda N.G.O.

9. Present * Future Projection of the Multispace

This project arises to be recreated, generated and manifested by the Community of City of Light, the

ONG Satchitananda N.G.O. and all beings who feel related to this collective creation opening the

possibility of expanding forming other nodes or pillars in other cities and countries.

With the multispace benefits the individual being * Home * School * Organizations * neighborhood *

City * Country * Planet, because it is inspired by the example to all with actions, feelings, thoughts

that go contagious the force for the creation of a New Earth

Thus allowing co create new models of social organization and sustainable living, based on a new

ecological awareness, unity among peoples and global peace, hope legitimate for All.

The Multispace has the ability to nurture and grow with all those offering their knowledge, skills,

attitudes, practices and wisdom.

It is especially oriented to be a space where you can express and learn freely and in nature new

generations of children and young people, as well as also providing containment of all beings who

need a rest for the soul, in the current global crisis.

It will also offer the possibility of hosting to individuals, organizations and communities who intend

to practice and learn an alternative model of community life, based on the ability of linking clear and

pure form making an insight into ourselves.


Share a physical and natural space from the heart, where human activities are integrated without

causing damage to nature by keeping vital and regenerative feedback that can be integrated and

expand into the indefinite future.

The project takes as a goal to achieve self-sustainability in different areas of daily life.

-Education: The educational project of the community is based on learning from

conception. Since the soul decides to reach Earth parents prepare themselves with

consciousness. The MultiSpace in itself is a school or University of life. It has a strong

environmental profile.

Used recreational games and different tools transpersonal inclusive be conducive to the integral development socio-emotional-spiritual baby, children, young people and adults.

There is emphasis on feeling, thinking and doing to integrate learning in a natural way.

It covers all generations and offers healthy and harmonious areas with the nature of

being always considering multiple intelligences (Pedagogy 3000) and the integration of

formal and non-formal education such as the development of innate artistic skills, intuitive

knowledge the development of perception, bioenergetics, etc.

Education will be developed thanks to the support of visionaries and voluntary members

of the community willing to create a holistic educational model allowing the child develop

his innate gifts for their self-fulfillment and that of the global community. More adults to teach will learn from children.

- Ecology: Responsible Consumption, care of the Environment, Nature Reserve and for

protection of nature, development of Permaculture, organic seed bank, development of

organic products, recovery and recycling of materials, waste treatment, creation of

community gardens.

- Energy: A modern and advanced society has a social sensitivity getting bigger towards

the environment. Therefore in the multispace promote production of clean energies to

inspire public policies in the transformation of the systems.

The Multispace intends to achieve energy independence, prompted by the discovery of

new bio-energy models of supply. Inviting the participation of individuals, professionals

and organizations committed to the development of these new forms of clean energy and


- Eco-Building: The houses and buildings are bio-sustainable and possible to build its own

inhabitants. The recovery of materials, learning new forms of natural building and

adaptation to the terrain and existing resources will be the basis of these buildings. The

predominant forms of design will geodesic domes.

One purpose of this project is to Co-Create a better world, followed by achieving a

harmonious coexistence with the Earth, respecting and caring, to create a solidarity,

compassionate and loving society.


10. Activities Undertaken

While the City of Light movement was born with the current form in the Easter of 2010, shares have

been promoting peace in the city of Santa Fe since 2000 creating a network in different cities and




We list the activities from December 2007 due to the extensive amount of material. The following

are activities that called for a significant number of people of all ages and were mostly supported by

various governmental and private organizations.


- December 8 - Performance in the show "Initiation" in Patio Catedral - involving more than

500 citizens

See Annex 2007 p.14


- September 22 - International Day of Peace Opening the Square of Peace.

See Annex 2008 p.14


- February and March - Peace Concert series at the auditorium of ATE

- March - Red Light Argentina Regional Meeting (Complex Hotel Green Line)

- April - Tour "The harmony of the One" in Brazil:

* visits children's homes in Foz, Iguazu and favelas, Rio de Janeiro.

- September - "Santa Fe radiating Peace” in the “Movie Theater Light and Force "

- September - December - Project "Rainbow Peace" in the city:

* Mural on walls that overlook the beach in Guadeloupe

* International Day of Peace

* Film Series for Awakening in ATE

* Workshop Light Brushstrokes in ATE

* Labyrinth Fire in the coastal city See Annex 2009 p.14, 15, 16, 17


– April 24 - Earth Day in the Federal Park and creation of the labyrinth of peace. Declared

day of municipal interest.

- June 19 - Hymns for Peace III at the Municipal Theater of Santa Fe

- August 1 - Day of the Pachamama with Aboriginal Peoples and Communities Mocovi Toba

in the Federal Park

- August to October - EARTH FAITH Congress of Art and Architecture - Collective Creation

held in the Ecological Reserve. Declared of municipal interest.

- October 2nd - 1st Rainbow Peace Walk from the lighthouse to the Ecological Reserve UNL

- October 2 to 10 - Ground faith. Stated Meeting of municipal interest open to the general

schools and citizenship in the Ecological Reserve of the UNL

See Annex 2010 p.17, 18, 19, 20


- March 19 to 21- 4 ° meeting national network light Argentina named of Municipal interest,

with receipt of letter from the Mayor

- Month of April - Participation and artistic activities with Nicaragua School in the Labyrinth



- July - November - Visits to schools and entertainment to promote the state of inner peace

and creativity that were preparatory for the participation to the Rainbow Peace Walk days

activities. Activity carried out in cooperation with the Education Department of the


- September 21 - The Movement of Awareness City of Light received a Diploma of

Appreciation Honorable Municipal Council for the activities carried out by the International

Day of Peace and receives letter of thanks from the mayor of the City Mario Barletta

- October 6 - Rainbow Peace Hike within the framework of Days of Peace Events Network

convened by the Council for Peace in Argentina Rep. It was in the pedestrian San Martin

with the participation of 16 schools and more than 1700 children. Activity declared of

municipal interest.

- October 11 - 13 - World Pluricultural Convention held in Daily Life and Complejo La

Redonda, Art with the participation of representatives of Indigenous Peoples. Involving

more than 13 countries and several provinces of Argentina. Meeting declared interest and

Provincial Municipal

See Annex 2011 p.21, 22, 23


- March 20 - World ceremony for harmonization of sound and circle of 8000 drums "calls

world's consciousness through sound. In the labyrinth of peace * Santa Fe * Argentina.

- May 24 to 27 - presentation of the entrepreneurship community Santa Fe domes

Expocon 2012 "Construction exhibition" held in the Belgrano station of the city of Santa

Fe * Argentina

- June 5 to 10 – Working day of Peace Events Red * ROUND OF PEACE * Build Peace with

the Environment * Called from the Peace Council of Argentina

- July 25 - Participation World Water Purification Ceremony * Masaru Emoto

- August 6 - Presentation of the Manifesto of Light in the Public Library of Gualeguay *

Argentina and Peace Concert with Harmonic Sounds

- August 24 to 26 - participation in meeting birth in 2012 "Dawn to the consciousness of

unit" * San Luis * Argentina * white bridge Cultural Center * organized by the Peace

Council of the Republic of Argentina.

- October 11 - 2nd Rainbow Peace Hike within the framework of Days of Peace Events

Network convened by the Council for Peace in Argentina Rep. It was in the pedestrian San

Martin with the participation of 10 schools and more than 700 children. Activity declared

of municipal interest.

- December 7 - Presentation of the Manifesto of light in the Senate of the city of Santa Fe *

Argentina and invitation of the Vice-Governor of the Province of Santa Fe, Jorge Henn to

participate in an Encounter of experiences of alternative methods of conflict resolution

"Convivencia", where we will share with other ONG and municipal provincial officials

See Annex 2012 p.24, 25


- January 5 - start of the project "Paint your village and paint the world"" where they

donated, built and installed 4 GEODESIC domes, a labyrinth of peace, two plazas with

games to the children in the Mocoví community "COM CAIA" of recreation * Santa Fe *


- January 28 - Living in the Community Com Caia with Mocovies brothers * Participation

Team volunteers City Light and UPF "Universal Peace Federation" come from different


- March 12 - Beautifying the Labyrinth Peace * Cleaning, painting, seedlings and flower a

Geodesic Dome wooden pergola was installed as the center of the Labyrinth.

- March 31 - Santa Fe Meditate "Participation Patio Cathedral of Santa Fe.


- May 25 and 26 - Coexistence of Full Moon in the Community Com Caia * where we

installed two domes, one of adobe for the grandmother ALI and another to a library of

the children and varied activities.

- May 1 - Meeting in Com Caia * We continue with the Community Service and

Volunteering in the Community COM CAIA.

- July 28 - Closing the Project Paint your village and paint the world in the Community

Mocovi COM CAIA for our Native brothers.

- July 30 - appointment of "Ambassadors for peace" presented by the UPF Organization *

Universal peace Federation * Bs. As. * Capital Federal * Argentina

- August 27 - celebrations of the rebirth of life * New Year Mocoví * Community COM CAIA

* Recreo * Santa Fe * Argentina

- From September, 2013 after culminating with the project It Paints Your Village in

Community Mocovi we decided to move to Uruguay orienting toward finding the physical

space to realize the MultiSpace project.

We live three months in Costa Azul Balneario in waiting of the meeting the ideal place.

- 30 December - we moved to the final location where we are shaping the MultiSpace

Mahua a 3.5-hectare farm on the shores of the Laguna del Sauce in the area of "El

Pejerrey" " * Maldonado * Uruguay. See Annex 2013 p.25, 26, 27


11. Annexes ( 2007 to 2013 )

Annex 2007:

December 8:

Performance in the show "initiation" in the

Courtyard Cathedral with the participation of more than 500 residents of Santa Fe

and the surrounding area.

The objective of this show is to create

atmospheres that allow people to enter states of inner peace.

Annex 2008:

Commemoration Ceremony -

International Day of Peace. Peace Flag

flutters in Santa Fe in the Plaza of La


Annex 2009:

February and March:

Peace concert series at the auditorium of ATE



Tour "Harmony of One" in Brazil: visit orphanages in Foz, Iguazu and

Favelas. Rio de Janeiro and Intensive seminars in Foz, Iguazu, Curitiba, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro to learn to live in harmony and peace.

September to December –

Project "Rainbow Peace” * Mural on walls in front the beaches of Guadalupe


* Santa Fe radiating Peace

Santa Fe video radiating Peace

* International Day of Peace

* Brushstrokes Light Workshop in ATE

* Labyrinth of Fire on the waterfront of the city


Annex 2010:

April 24:

Earth Day in Santa Fe Federal Park and creation of the Peace Labyrinth town.

Day declared of municipal interest.

First public presentation of the "Manifesto of Light"

With the participation of various organizations that disseminate themes regarding

the environmental care, education, food, staff welfare etc. Toured the stands more

than 1000 people

Adobe brick offered up for the community Mocovi the Day of the Earth became into

the “fundamental stone” of city of Light

Video of the program YAVAVEVO

Peace Labyrinth:

The Labyrinth Project Peace

begins with the idea of

creating spaces in cities to

help us find a way of living in

harmony with nature.

Form part of the city of light project (Multi space) beautify our cities, creating spaces

that help personal development. In our experience, we have made a number of mazes

in different spaces, which have been trodden by many people.

All very positive and enriching experiences. Since all manage to quiet your mind and

emotions. They achieve a true state of peace. Centre is symbol to the calm and inner



April 24, 2010, on the day of the Earth, took place in the federal city park the

Labyrinth of Peace. Created by members of City Light and with the support of the


During the months of February and April 2011, we conducted various activities in the

Federal Labyrinth Peace Park where the Guardians of the Earth, young and teachers’

School of Nicaragua join us as a community to enrich and embellish the rainbow trails

that invite us to experience the Road to City of Light.

It is painted the different paths of the labyrinth, with the colors of the rainbow and

strengthened with recovered material into disuse, with cement, logs, flowers and

seedlings, for which the Labyrinth is established in its place of origin...

The labyrinth of peace in the Federal Park

The Labyrinth viewed from

Google Earth

Labyrinth journeyed with community Mocovi the earth day in April 2011

Intervention public space video

June 19:

Hymns for Peace III in the theater district of Santa Fe


1 August

Day of the Pachamama with indigenous towns of the communities Mocoví and

Toba in the Federal Park

Earth faith - meeting of art and architecture

August - October:

Earth faith Meeting of Art and Architecture - Collective Creation carried out in

the Ecological Reservation.

October 2:

1st Rainbow Peace Walk from the lighthouse to the Ecological Reserve UNL.


October 2 to 10:

Earth faith, meeting of art and

architecture - collective creation took

place in the ecological reserve declared

of municipal interest.

Participation of schools and recreational

activities. They visited Earth Faith more than

2000 children from the schools learning the

meaning of a school to open sky, in direct

contact with nature. Workshops are provided free of natural building

techniques, spontaneous art, art therapy, talks of permaculture, wheels of

ancestral knowledge, natural medicine.


Annex 2011:

March 19 to 21:

4th meeting national network light Argentina named of Municipal interest, with

receipt of letter from the Mayor


Participation and artistic activities with the school Nicaragua in the labyrinth of


School Nicaragua video


Visits to schools and recreational activities to promote the State of inner

peace and creativity which were preparatory workshops for the participation

to the Rainbow of peace walk. Activity carried out in cooperation with the

Ministry of education of the municipality.


September 21

The Movement of awareness of City Light receives a Diploma of appreciation

of the Honorable City Council by the activities conducted by the international day of peace and receives thank-you letter the mayor Mario Barletta

See diploma p.23

October 6:

Rainbow Peace hike within the framework of

Days of Peace Events Network convened by the Peace Council of the Rep. Argentina. The

activity took place in the pedestrian San Martin with the participation of 16 schools and more

than 1700 children. Activity declared of municipal interest.

People and organizations signed the Act of peace at the plaza San Martin

New bronze plaques commemorating the birth of Gandhi and Peace Day


Hike rainbow video

October 11 to 13

Multicultural World convention which took place in Daily Life complex La

Redonda, Art with the participation of representatives of Indigenous town.

More than 13 countries and several provinces of Argentina participate.

Meeting declared Provincial and Municipal interest.

Multicultural Convention video

November - December:

Sonorous experience within a Geodesic construction by volunteers City of

Light. Experience with families and children in the La Redonda, Art and daily

life complex.

See video sonorous experience

Video of the Manifesto in concert Manu Chao


Annex 2012:

- May 24 to 27 -Santa Fe Community entrepreneurship domes on the Expocon 2012 " Exhibition of

Construction " performed in the Belgrano station in the city of Santa Fe * Argentina

- June 5 to 10 – working day of peace events in network * round peace * let’s

build peace with the environment * convened since the Peace Council of the

Republic of Argentina.

- August 24 to 26- participation in meeting birth in 2012

"Sunrise to the consciousness of unit" * San Luis *

Argentina * white bridge Cultural Center * organized by

the Peace Council of the Republic of Argentina.

- October 11 2nd Rainbow Peace Hike within the framework of Days of Peace Events Network

convened by the Council for Peace in Argentina Rep. It was in the pedestrian San Martin with the

participation of 10 schools and more than 700 children. Activity declared of municipal interest.


- December 7 – Presentation of the Manifesto of light in the Senate of the city of Santa Fe *


Invitation of the Vice-Governor of the Province of Santa Fe, Jorge Henn to participate in an

Encounter of experiences of alternative methods of conflict resolution "Convivencia", where we will

share with other ONG and municipal provincial officials

More pictures on Facebook of Vice-Governor


Comment on this photo: Blue Space ONG and City of Light provided a spiritual look at social issues.

The various presentations emphasized to deepen the look on everyone to accept and be in solidarity

with the other.

Annex 2013:

- January 5 - start of the project "Paint your village and paint the world"" donated, 4 domes, a

labyrinth of peace, two plaza with games in the Mocoví community "COM CAIA" * Santa Fe *




- March 12 - Beautifying the Labyrinth Peace * Cleaning, painting, seedlings and flower.

Dome wooden pergola was installed as the center of the Labyrinth.

- May 1 - Meeting in Com Caia* we continue with the Community Service and Volunteering in the

Community COM CAIA.

- May 25 and 26 - Coexistence of full moon in the Community Com Caia * Where two domes, one of

adobe for Grandma ALI and one for children library installed and performed various activities.

- July 28 - Closing the Project Paint your village and paint the world in the Community Mocovi COM

CAIA for our Native brothers.

- July 30 - appointment of "Ambassadors for peace" presented by the UPF Organization * Universal

peace Federation * Bs. As. CABA * Argentina – Annex Diploma in Peace Ambassadors p.36

- August 27 - celebrations of the rebirth of life * New Year Mocoví * Community COM CAIA * Recreo

* Santa Fe * Argentina


- From September, 2013 after culminating with the project It Paints Your Village in Community

Mocovi we decided to move to Uruguay orienting toward finding the physical space to realize the

MultiSpace project.

We live three months in Costa Azul Balneario in waiting of the meeting the ideal place.

- 30 December - we moved to the final location where we are shaping the MultiSpace Mahua a

3.5-hectare farm on the shores of the Laguna del Sauce in the area of "El Pejerrey" * Maldonado *



Letter from the Honorable Municipal Council of municipal interest by declaring the meeting of Art

and Architecture of Earth faith.

October 2 to 10, 2010


Letter to Mario Barletta, Blue Space projection by Santiago Pando film "Open Heart" during the

event of the Red Light in home Stamati 18, 19 and 20 March,


Mayor Mario Barletta letter to the International Day of Peace.

September 2011


Letter from the Honorable Municipal Council - Declaration sent together with the diploma

September 8, 2011


Diploma delivered by the Honorable Municipal Council


Videos and Albums Images City of Light

Santa Fe radiating Peace:


Peace Day - Program YAVAVEVO talking about Earth Day:


Working with the school in Nicaragua Peace Labyrinth:


Intervention public spaces:


Rainbow hike:


Convención Pluricultural de los pueblos originarios:


Sound experience in complex Round:

Manifesto of Light in the Manu Chao concert in Rosario:


Images album hike 2012:


Coexistence Conflict Resolution Methods on Facebook Vice-Governor:


Project Paint your village and paint the world Domes Com Caia Community Benefit:


Intercultural coexistence Community COM CAIA Originally Mocovi:



Light Manifest


What is a City of Light?

* A City of Light is committed by all its inhabitants to generate a vision of

respectful, creative, dynamic life in constant change and evolution for the Common Good.

* A City of Light respects all its habitants. All States providing solutions with

Universal Consciousness...

* A City of Light embraces the wisdom of Children and deeply loves his Elderly.

* A City of Light integrates all citizens and sees them as equals ... and wisely emphasizes the inner potential and reflected in demonstrations, clear and forceful


* A City of Light lives free of fear

* A City of Light has ecological awareness. It uses pure and clean energy, based on

a sustainable development of Auto Life at all levels.

* A City of Light has a culture of responsible consumption.

* A City of Light illuminates with Heart Coherence.

* A City of Light reflected Beauty and Harmony using art as the great instrument of

manifestation of the Spirit.

* A City of Light reflected the Inner Light of all its habitants.

* A City of Light is a happy city ... a city that sings ... laugh ... dance.... expressing

joy in all hearts.


- July 30 - appointment of "Ambassadors for peace" presented by the UPF Organization *

Universal peace Federation * Bs. As. CABA * Capital Federal * Argentina


Architectural Vision of the multispace project Mahua

Bio * Spaces Geodetic * Eco-constructions

The houses and buildings are sustainable bio-based on the principles of

permaculture, bio-construtions, respect for nature, and possible to build by its


The recovery of local materials, learning new forms of natural building, adaptation

to the terrain and existing resources will be the basis of these models.

The predominant forms of the designs will geodesic domes, combining the strength

of the triangle and the beauty of the sphere.

Geodesic Domes have amazed everyone for their shape, Simplicity, Strength,

Structure Solidarity, Sustainability and Beauty.

The optimization of space coincides with the principles of sustainable or sacred

geometry which in turn shows us the science of nature.

The domes of this type are considered the most strong, lightweight and efficient

structures. Combining lower costs, spaciousness and comfort.

Notably, this type of construction, uses 40% less material and has lower power

requirements by leveraging more sunlight and generate a thermal insulation

requires less heating, it is estimated that energy savings of nearly 60% with

respect to a normal housing.







For its extensive functionality are used as Eco Homes, Cabins, nursery,

greenhouses and all types of residential construction.

As well as for party room, Events, exhibition booth, conference rooms and

workshops, Natural Observatory, Solarium, Auditorium, Natural Spaces Dome,

entertainment, room for research, and/or art, tent for camping in group or


Watching the different possibilities that allows the bioconstruction can combine

countless living spaces in harmony and balance with nature, the environment and

the region.

Integrate these beautiful buildings creating opportunities for active production as

organic gardens, ponds, biodynamic agriculture, renewable energy, seed bank,

bioclimatic, recycling, waste treatment and all available knowledge based on

Permaculture and Ecology Good Living.

This small Synthesis of Architectural Project Vision allows us to discover a new way

of life based on environmental care, protection of nature and coherent coexistence

between humans, species and natural ecosystem, Gaia, the Earth create a

sustainable model or prototype of life that is an example for the entire planet.

The "Multispace Mahua" Project has installed several domes which represent the

elements of nature.

Each of these domes complies with specific functions, and organizing thematic

areas and activities the project is conducting.

Coexistence, meetings, seminars and activities for Development and Peace

Consciousness develop.

In the near future the domes will be connected by decks, galleries and corridors

which themselves are samples of art, creating an enabling environment to achieve states of relaxation, harmony and joy in nature.


Mahua Domes

Domes and its thematic


Earth Dome - Art and Creativity:

Music and dances * Paintings

Ludic games * Digital Art

Image Gallery Mandalas

Water dome - Multimedia Integration :

Movies and 3D projection

Vision and perception Integration and knowledge

Fire dome - Health and Ecology: Natural Food * Vibrational Medicine

Yoga Natural resources

Recycling and permaculture Preservation environment

Organic garden

Air Dome - Science and Education : Education in Nature

Conferences and Exhibitions Seminars and workshops

Pedagogy of Peace Quantum Physics

Free Energy


Ether Dome - Community Space : Reception and meeting center

Art Exhibition * Light Concert, sounds and geometries Projections

More Information:

City of Light:

Satchitananda N.G.O. :

Blue Space:

Community Emprendim:

Mahua Multispace :

Ph : ( 00598 ) 42559233 * Maldonado * Uruguay