Mrs. Vollmarardy Role of Nutrition Carbo’s FatsProtein Vitamins Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500...

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Transcript of Mrs. Vollmarardy Role of Nutrition Carbo’s FatsProtein Vitamins Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500...

Mrs. VollmarardyRole of

Nutrition Carbo’s Fats Protein Vitamins

Q $100

Q $200

Q $300

Q $400

Q $500

Q $100 Q $100Q $100 Q $100

Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200

Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300

Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400

Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500

Final Mrs. Vollmarady

$100 Question from Role of Nutrition

What is the primary source of fuel for the brain?

$100 Answer from Role of Nutrition


$200 Question from Role of Nutrition

Which of the following are examples of carbohydrate-rich foods?:A.Butter and Corn OilB.Beef and PorkC.Wheat and LentilsD.Bacon and Eggs

$200 Answer from Role of Nutrition

Wheat and Lentils

$300 Question from Role of Nutrition

Which of the following nutrients arethe most nutrient dense?A. CarbohydrateB. FatC. ProteinD. Vitamin

$300 Answer from Role of Nutrition

B. Fat

$400 Question from Role of NutritionThe building blocks

of proteins are called?

$400 Answer from Role of Nutrition

Amino Acids

$500 Question from Role of Nutrition

Name the 4 Fat-Soluble Vitamins

$500 Answer from Role of Nutrition

A, D, E, K

$100 Question from Carbo’s

How many calories arein one gram of carbohydrates?

$100 Answer from Carbo’s


$200 Question from Carbo’s

Name one “refined” carb?

$200 Answer from Carbo’s

Answers may include: white rice, white pasta, cake, cookies, crackers


$300 Question from Carbo’s

True or False:Carbohydrates

should make up the majority of your caloric intake?

$300 Answer from Carbo’s


$400 Question from Carbo’s

Name two examples of complex


$400 Answer from Carbo’s

Answers may include:whole grain flour,

brown rice,whole grain bread or

pasta, sweet potato etc.

$500 Question from Carbo’s

True or False:Eating too many carbohydrates

leads to diabetes.

$500 Answer from Carbo’s


$100 Question from Fats

How many calories are inone gram of fat?

$100 Answer from Fats


$200 Question from Fats

Which of the following fatty-acidsis generally solid at room temperature?A. Short-chainB. SaturatedC. MonounsaturatedD. Polyunsaturated

$200 Answer from Fats

B. Saturated

$300 Question from Fats

Salmon is an example of a food that supplies

much of what type of fat?

$300 Answer from Fats

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

$400 Question from Fats

True or False:Fat’s are essential for

your well-being

$400 Answer from Fats


$500 Question from Fats

Name one example of a “bad” fat.

$500 Answer from Fats

Answers may include:potato chips, butter,

whole fat dairy, animal products, etc.

$100 Question from Protein

True or False: Eating more

protein will “bulk” you up.

$100 Answer from Proteins


$200 Question from Proteins

Name one dietary source of protein.

$200 Answer from Proteins

Answers may include:chicken, fish, steaks, cheese

nut butters, etc.

$300 Question from Protein

How many essential amino acids are there?

$300 Answer from Proteins


$400 Question from Proteins

True or False: Eating a high protein diet such as “The Atkins Diet”

is a healthy way to lose weight.

$400 Answer from Proteins


$500 Question from Proteins

True or False: Complete proteins are

primarily found in animal sources.

$500 Answer from Protein


$100 Question from Vitamins

Name one dietary source of Vitamin-C.

$100 Answer from Vitamins

Answers may include: oranges, red peppers,

yellow peppers,asparagus, etc.

$200 Question from Vitamins

Most of the body’s Vitamin-A is stored

in the:

$200 Answer from Vitamins


$300 Question from Vitamins

The primary role of the B-Complexvitamins is to:

$300 Answer from Vitamins

Act as Co-Enzymes

$400 Question from Vitamins

What are the two categories that vitamins fall into?

$400 Answer from Vitamins

Water Soluble and Fat Soluble

$500 Question from Vitamins

Name a dietary source of Vitamin E.

$500 Answer from Vitamins

Answers may include:wheat germ, peanut butter, sunflower oil, almonds, etc.

Final Jeopardy

Describe three different tips you could begin

to follow today in order to improve your diet.

Final Jeopardy Answer

Answers may include:eat more veggies/fruits,

choose whole grains choose low-fat dairy products, eat

breakfast, etc.