
Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Moodboard

Ideas Generation Chloe Kyriacou

Although during research I looked at both movie and TV title sequences, I’ve come to the decision that I’d like my final piece of work to be for a film. The following moodboards look at only my initial ideas, the style of imagery and

sound I’d like to go with. Whilst the credits we see within the sequence ensure that everyone is given praise for there involvement, it’s important that they fit in with the visual aspects based on the genre; they need to work together perfectly

whilst also standing out. Therefore I’ll be creating another set of moodboards solely looking at different styles of credits and fonts, based on the genre.

The following moodboard contains a few select images I’ve sourced online that have helped provide me with inspiration for a horror movie opening sequence. The Victorian era saw the revival of gothic architecture and thus we’ve come to know it as an infamous time in history full of ghosts, spiritualism and demons. The photos I’ve chosen reflect the conventional representation we have come to fear and associate with this period- haunted toys, demonic children, creaky mansions, marshes, graveyards etc.- and therefore I want to depict this iconography within the sequence. It should act as a homage to where ghosts stories where truly born and developed.

The opening sequence would appear as an old grainy film reel consisting of haunted Victorian era black and white photos flashing across the screen. The last reel will contain the logo/name of the movie.

In order to produce this, I’d need to carry out extensive research in order to source real seemingly haunted photos and make changes to them through photoshop in order to avoid copyright.

The background music would either be a classical piano or violin composition as these were popular instruments within this time period and are often associated with eeriness.

Although the following moodboard only consists of one image, it’s the only one required in order to represent my idea for a coming of age movie. The inspiration behind this opening sequence comes from the 2004 film napoleon dynamite; unlike my previous idea which was a film reel, I’ve chosen to go with a comical style stop motion.

Within the sequence we would see a stage set up similar to the photo; in each shot a pair of ands will be eating away at something. Fragments of the food will disappear in large chunks before revealing a name written in ketchup- director, producer, actors, set designers etc. This process will continue until the end- each time the food finishes on one plate a new one will appear.

The photos would be taken under a spotlight in order to make the set up appear more vibrant and comical. Although the images may require editing through photoshop, there is no issues with copyright as they’ll be take first hand by me.

Although I haven’t made a decision on the song I would use, I’d like it to be quite up beat. Ideally it would have a similar style to the song used in the opening sequence on Juno- ‘All I Want is You’ by Barry Louis Pollisar.

The following moodboard is yet again for a coming of age movie, however the nature and theme of the trailer have changed. Unlike my previous idea which reflects a trailer that would be suitable for a high school/chick-flick, I wanted to produce something that is slightly more personal.

The sequence would be used for a movie that centres around a set of parents and their children whilst exploring family life and daily battles- dating, alcohol, partying, homework, chores etc. Therefore, this is what I want to reflect- a representation of family and the movies values.

The sequence would be a minute long and consist of short close up shots of objects that I associate with my own home- a teddy on a bed, fire place, toys, mother playing with child's hand etc. Transitions between each shot would be cut edits whilst the actual shots will either be still or short pans of no more that 4cm-5cm across the screen.

The song I’d use is ‘Outlaws’ by David Lambert as I believe the lyrics to convey the emotional battles you face whether they’re good or bad when you’re part of a family.