Module 1 - How to Build Your Platform: Build Your List...

Post on 13-Sep-2020

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Transcript of Module 1 - How to Build Your Platform: Build Your List...

Module 1 - How to Build Your Platform:

Build Your List, Rock Social Media & Attract The Tribe That Will Help You

Amplify Your Message


Let’s start at the beginning…

Who are YOU?

Who are you here to SERVE?

Give Your Ideal Client a Name & Story

Now it’s time to attract your tribe (AKA list building!)

The simple thing that quadrupled Lissa’s newsletter subscriber list

in 1 month.... A GREAT OPT-IN FORM AND GIFT!

How to pick the right opt-in

Sell them what they want, give them what they need

The golden ticket Amy used to attract over 8,000 people to her

newsletter list almost overnight = TELE-SUMMITS & TELE-SEMINARS!

Create a list building, high content call with a partner.

Create a 28-40 Day Challenge

Gather awesome teachers and share them with your audience via teleseminars, telesummits,

webinars, Skype calls, live streaming video, Google hangouts

The surefire way to train people to NOT buy from you=

Teach Your Tribe To Expect

Everything Free!

One gigantic mistake I made is that I spent two years offering my

audience TONS of content without ever once asking them to pay for it.

Wisdom Spotlight:

Give away LOTS of free stuff but make sure you sell something ASAP

Why e-zines could be costing you thousands:

Because giving people too many choices can make or break a sale

Wisdom Spotlight:

Know the purpose of your emails. When you give people too many choices, they often will do nothing. Give people only

one click choice if you want to drive traffic somewhere.

The most important secret you MUST, MUST, MUST embrace in

order to attract your tribe....

you must be authentic!

Transparency engenders intimacy, loyalty, and sales!

It’s a fine line between being authentic and being a train wreck!

Don't lie.

Embrace the Paradox!

Wisdom Spotlight:

Tell the truth even if it’s “unprofessional.” If you’re teaching

something you have yet to heal, teach as the student.

Let’s talk Twitter!

Tweet from your real name, not your brand

Do not auto-DM!

The winning Twitter formula Lissa

paid $5000 to learn…

For every 10 tweets, tweet like this…

The #1 most important thing to do on Twitter is ENGAGE YOUR


DON’T only tweet quotes or self-

promotional tweets

Tweet 1: Something relevant you did that day

Tweet 2: Share something you think your audience will appreciate

Tweet 3: Retweet someone else (ideally one of your followers)

to lift them up

Tweet 4: An inspiring quote from you or someone else

Tweet 5: Something to engage your audience

(like a question, contest, dare)

Tweet 6: A self-promotional tweet

Tweets 7-10 Respond to @messages (engage your community!)

If nobody is messaging you personally, post questions to

encourage dialogue.

Don’t go a week without tweeting.

Use Hootsuite, Tweetdeck, or to schedule tweets

Make Twitter lists.

Social Media is the Law of Attraction in Action!

Be fearless.

Leave room to retweet. Give stuff away.

Have fun! Have a Twitter party!

Get creative- Use Instagram,, Twitpic,

YouTube, etc.

Let’s Talk

The two mistakes Amy and Lissa made on Facebook that you’ll want

to be sure to avoid

Facebook Mistake #1: Avoid letting your personal page

become professional without understanding the pros and cons

Facebook Mistake #2: Don’t hesitate to get a fan page for

your business PRONTO!

Keep abreast of Facebook rules.

Facebook converts.

Post at least once or twice a day on Facebook, but make it count.

What kind of content is likely to get shared for your audience?

Think multi-media.

Facebook parties & creativity.

Facebook Groups

Other things you might be inspired to use:

INSTAGRAM - link to Twitter

YOUTUBE VINE- YOUTUBE for the ADD crowd, 6 second

looping videos Pinterest

Stay up to date!

The best way to drive traffic and list

build =


How do you communicate best?

Writing, video, podcast, radio show

Blog or Vlog so you can build your community and make Google happy.

Blog or Vlog about trending current events.

Play nice in the sandbox with other


Use social media to attract your tribe to your blog

Engage your readers in the comments section

Play nice in the sandbox with other bloggers

Unleash your heart

Create a community forum where your tribe gathers.

Syndicate content on other

blog sites.

Wisdom Spotlight:

Drive people to your website by

Blogging/Vlogging with fresh, unique content

INSPIRED ACTION 1: Put up your freebie opt-in

INSPIRED ACTION 2: Figure out who you might

collaborate with & schedule a teleseminar/ webinar/ one off call

INSPIRED ACTION 3: Start selling something - anything

INSPIRED ACTION 4: Revamp your newsletter so people

only have 1 click choice

INSPIRED ACTION 5: Get a Facebook fan page NOW!

Inspired Action Meditation:

What have you received today that feels inspired. What gives you a full

body yes? What feels delicious?