MMS BUILDER - · Steps :- Go to Mms Builder -> Configuration->Manage banner...

Post on 26-Aug-2020

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Transcript of MMS BUILDER - · Steps :- Go to Mms Builder -> Configuration->Manage banner...





Developed by Master Software Solutions 














1. Go to Mms Builder -> Configuration :  1.1 Manage Configuration  1.2 Manage Banner      1.1 Manage Configuration-> Customize the extension by completing the fields listed below:    



Enable Module? Enable / disable extension for particular store 


  Backend :- Contact Information -> User can add phone number and email id from the Admin and showing in App like --



Front end:-

CMS Pages ->User can select their CMS page from the dropdown and selected pages showing on right hand Side in the App. Backend:-

Front end:- Manage Dashboard -> User can manage their dashboard from dropdown and selected options showing on Home screen of the APP. Sales products:- Go to ‘Catalog’ -> ‘Manage Products -> Add Product’ button -> Click ‘Prices’ button, situated in the left menu -> ‘Special Price’ field, enter the new sale price of a product ->click on the ‘Save’: You can also add a date range for the special price by adding the data in the fields ‘Special Price From Date’ and ‘Special Price To Date’ to save the changes. Click on the ‘Page Cache’ to clean the cache. Backend:-

Front end:-




   Payment Method 



 Go to Mms Builder -> Configuration->Manage Configuration-> Payment Methods   

  Bank Transfer Payment  Enable/Disable-> Enable/Disable payment method for App Only  

  Check / Money Order  Enable/Disable ->Enable/Disable payment method for App Only.  

     Cash On Delivery Payment   Enable/Disable -> Enable/Disable payment method for App Only      




  Note:- ALL payment methods enable for app should also be enabled for website. Steps to enable the payment method from website 

1. Go to Mms Builder -> Configuration->Manage Configuration->Sales->Payment methods: 








  1.2 Manage Banner  


  Steps:- Go to Mms Builder -> Configuration->Manage banner ->Add banner   Title:- This is the name of the banner Image size:- Banner should upload with dimension”640*320” for better quality. Order:- Here can manage the display order of the banners. Link to category:- Banner can be linked with category or also product. Category/Product ID:- Mention the category/product Id to assign the banner. Banner status:- Enable/Disable the banners for App Only.      Backend:-   













   Front end:-  












COMMON ISSUES DURING INSTALLATION & USAGE   After I Installed the Extension, the Store Gives an Error or Blank Page: 

● Change the owner of the extracted extension files to the web server user and set 775 permissions on them. 

● Clear the store cache and try again. 

  How to Clear Your Cache: 

● After installing or uninstalling extensions, it is recommended to clear your cache. It is more preferable to 



flush your Magento store cache by using below shell commands 

Shell Command :  

sudo php bin/magento cache:flush 

sudo php bin/magento cache:clean 

● You can clear it via Backend → System → Cache Management: select all cache types, then choose the 

Refresh action and click the Submit button. Don’t forget to re-login after both these procedures.  



  How to Make a Database Backup: 

1. Before you make any changes, it is recommended that you full backup your files and database first. 

In Magento, you can use a native backup tool in Admin Panel → System → Tools → Backups. 

2. Click the Database Backup button - the tool is now copying the data from your store’s database to 

your local database. 

3. The Magento backup file appears in /var/backup/ after the procedure.   




  How to Enable Error and Exception Logging in Magento: 

1. Regarding the system and exceptions logs, same issue, it's not configurable via the backend 

anymore and it's hardcoded directly in the following classes: 

-- \Magento\Framework\Logger\Handler\Debug.php when you use the debug level, logs will go to / 

var/log/debug.log  -- \Magento\Framework\Logger\Handler\Exception.php when you use the exception level, logs will  

go to /var/log/exception.log  -- \Magento\Framework\Logger\Handler\System.php when you use the system level, logs will  got to /var/log/system.log     

How to Re-Index Your Data: 1. In order to re-index product catalog data, go to System → Index Management. 

2. Select all elements, choose the Reindex Data action and click the Submit button. It is not necessary 

to re-login to complete the operation.   






 How to manage the compilation option? Run the Shell Command as follows (there are no options): : 

Go to root directory : ssh php bin/magento setup:di:compile 


     Extension Under My Configuration Section is not Shown or Having the Extension Tab Clicked I get a Blank Page, or Access Denied Error: 

1. Clear the store cache, browser cookies, and logout and login again into the Magento Admin Panel. 

 i. My configuration changes do not appear on the store: 

2. Clear the store cache, clear your browser cache, domain cookies, and refresh the page. 

3. Compilation :- Go to root directory : ssh php bin/magento setup:di:compile 

a. Clear your cache System -> Cache management 

b. Enable compilation again 





CONTACT SUPPORT  Thank you for using Mms Builder extension. If you experience any problems with installing this extension, please contact our support team. If you have a moment, please review this extension. If you would like Magento expert to install this extension, please contact our support team to receive an estimate.