Missouri Government. History Missouri admitted to Union in 1821 MO’s only President- Harry Truman...

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Transcript of Missouri Government. History Missouri admitted to Union in 1821 MO’s only President- Harry Truman...

Missouri Government


Missouri admitted to Union in 1821 MO’s only President- Harry Truman Capital City- Jefferson City Constitution written-1945

Legislative Branch

Known as the General Assembly Legislative sessions last from Jan.-May MO House/Senate districts based on

population Boundaries/seats are reapportioned after


MO Senate

Presiding officer: Lt. Governor 34 Members 4-year terms/limit of 2 terms President Pro Tempore-assigns bills to

committee Requirements:

-30 yrs of age

-MO voter 3 yrs

-District resident for one year

House of Representatives

Presiding Member: Speaker of House 163 members 2-year terms/limit of 4 terms Requirements:

-24 years of age

-MO voter 2 years

-District resident 1 year

Bill Becomes Law

Process:1. Bill introduced-15,000 annually/10-15% pass2. Committee3. Hearings-changes made4. Debate-Filibuster possible in Senate5. Vote6. To Governor

-Sign-Veto or Line Item Veto-Both houses can override with

2/3 vote-Not sign & 15 days becomes law

Missouri Voting and Election Info.

General elections held in Nov. every 2 years-Fill offices

Primary elections allow parties to select candidates to run in general elections

Voting Requirements:-18 yr. old (can register at 17 ½)-Live in state/district-Registered to vote

(Motor Voter Law ’95-allows citizens to register at DMV)

MO Law & Amendment

Initiative-voters can place an item on the ballot– Requires signatures on a petition– If passed by the voters it becomes a law without the General

Assembly Referendum-law that originates in legislature but then must

be put to popular vote– Usual done when the issue is controversial– EX: Cigarette Tax increase last election

Voters approve all amendments to MO Constitution with 2/3 vote

Recall- voters can petition to have a member of the government removed mid-term…requires a vote

Executive Branch Offices

Attorney General- Chief legal officer of state Treasurer-Receives & pays out state $$$$ Auditor-Audits state agencies Sec. of State- Publishes state

laws/documents Voters- Elect each of these offices



-4 years/2 term limit Qualifications:

-30 yrs. old

-US citizen 15 yrs.

-Live in MO 10 yrs.

Governor’s Basic Powers

Judicial Powers: grants pardons, reprieves, and commutations

State Commander-in-Chief: National Guard Chief Legislator: suggesting bills, signs/vetoes bills,

calls special session of General Assembly Chief Executive: enforces laws Chief Administrator: Line-item veto- strike out a portion

of a revenue bill and presents budget to General Assembly

Chief of State: ceremonial head of state

Lieutenant Governor

Peter Kinder TERMS:

-4 years/2 terms QUALIFICATIONS:

-30 years old-U.S. citizen for 15 years-Live in state 10 years

Duties:-President of the Senate-Acting Gov. if needed-Breaks tie in Senate-Ombudsman

Secretary of State

Robin Carnahan Terms:

-4 years/2 terms Qualifications:

-25 years old-U.S. Citizen-Live in state 1 year

Duties:-Non-financial record keeper-Prepare ballots-Certify elections

Attorney General


-4 years/2 terms Qualifications:

-30 years old-U.S. Citizen-Live in state 1 year

Duties:-Chief Legal Officer -Prosecute and defend state cases-Give advisory opinions


Clint Zweifel Terms:

-4 years/2 terms Qualifications:

-25 years old-U.S. Citizen-Live in state 1 year

Duties:-Chief financial officer-Care for & invest state funds

State Auditor

Susan Montee Terms:

-4 years/2 terms Qualifications:

-30 years old-U.S. Citizen 15 years-Live in state 10 years

Duties:-Check collection & spending of money by state agencies-set up accounting system for state and local government

Order of Succession


Lt. Governor

President Pro Tempore of Senate

Speaker of House

Sec. of State


OCTOBER, 2000: Governor Mel Carnahan died in a plane crash.

NOVEMBER, 2000: Governor Mel Carnahan was on the ballot to become a US Senator and won.

NOVEMBER, 2000: Gubernatorial Succession occurred to fill the seat of Governor until the newly elected Governor would be inaugurated in January.

JANUARY, 2001: New Governor was inaugurated and the US Senate seat vacancy from Missouri was filled by gubernatorial appointment.

The Judicial Branch

MO Supreme Court

MO Court of Appeals

MO Circuit Court

MO Municipal Courts

Missouri Supreme Court

Highest court Original & appellate jurisdiction

– Usually concerned with determining whether someone got a fair trial.

7 judges 12 year terms Decisions here are final

(Unless appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court)

MO Court of Appeals

2nd highest court Appellate jurisdiction Divided into 3 districts

-Eastern District

-Western District

-Southern District

MO Circuit Courts

Circuit-name for regional units into which MO courts are divided.

Original jurisdiction-most cases begin here Felonies, misdemeanors, civil cases, juvenile


MO Municipal Courts

Original jurisdiction for misdemeanors, violations

Small Claims-min. of $3,000 w/o lawyer– Money may be awarded for damages


How Judges Are Selected

Missouri Non-Partisan Plan

-SC & Appellate judges nominated by judicial commission

-3 nominees given to Gov. to appoint 1

-After serving 1 year, judge must be voted in

-In not voted in, process starts over JUDGES MUST RETIRE AT AGE 70