Mint magazine Media Kit

Post on 22-Mar-2016

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2010 Media Kit

Transcript of Mint magazine Media Kit


Unique in its own way,

Mint Magazine has come to break all the standards of the fashion industry with a new concept that combines fashion, music and lifestyles. With contributors from the most stylish places in the world such as Spain, London, New York, among others, Mint Magazine seeks to take Puerto Rican Fashion to the world and to bring the fashion tendencies of the rest of the world to Puerto Rico making the magazine a complete cultural exchange. Mint Magazine will be distributed bi-monthly through the island and other cities in the world targeting the middle and upper class modern woman, with editorial content that will cover all themes of interest such as shopping, reading, new artists, movies, home, tutorials among others. Mint Magazine will also include pull out guides with things to do for the month as well as valuable information.



Social Economic Status

Upper Class 33% of readers

Middle Class 55% of readers

Lower Class 12% of readers


Completed University 33% of readers

Age Mint Female Readers (%)

15-19 22%

20-24 38%

25-34 22%

45-54 11%

55+ 7%

Marital Status

Married/Living with a Partner 42%

Divorced/Widowed 10%

Single 48%


Working 68%

Not Working 32%


Double Page Spread $650.00

Third Page $450.00

Full Page $300.00

Half Page $150.00

Side Ad $70.00

Mini Ad $50.00

For Ad inquiries please contact us through e-mail: or by phone: 787.923.7310

File Submission Specs

File Types: PDF, TIFF & JPEG Resolution: 300dpi Mode: CMYK Advertising must be left with 5mm on outer sides for bleed

**2nd,3rd 4th, Cover Prices will vary from the standard


Editorial Content