MIII-U1 Actividad 2. Health problems.docx

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Transcript of MIII-U1 Actividad 2. Health problems.docx

Ingls I

Ingls IMIII-U1 Actividad 2. Health problems.

Lilia Sofa Benavides Rodrguez

Matrcula: A07076002

Tutor: Daniela de la Fuente

Fecha de entrega: 04/06/15

Ahora que has repasado esta informacin, responde los siguientes ejercicios en un documento de Word:Task 1:Complete using the verb be in the following sentences:Completa los enunciados utilizando el verbo have:

Examples:a headache I have a headache.a toothache She has a toothache.

A stomachache I have a stomachacheA sore throat she has a sore throatA sprained ankle He has a sprained ankleA cold I have a coldA runny nose my mom has a runny noseA fever my sister has a feverA broken arm my father has a broken armA broken leg she has a broken legA backache I have a backacheA broken rib He has a broken rib

Task 2:Write a brief paragraph of about 50 to 80 words. Explain your teacher that you are sick and cannot present your exam. Ask him/her if you can complete it some other day. You may use the note above as a model. Escribe un breve prrafo de 50 a 80 palabras. Explica a tu profesor que ests enfermo y que no podrs presentar tu examen. Pregntale que si lo puedes presentar otro da. Puedes utilizar la nota de arriba como gua.

Dear Tutor Daniela,Hello tutor, I hope you are well, I meant that I could not take the test because I have walked very sick and right now I have a high fever. So I wanted to ask if, you could give me another day to take the test or what you could do in this case?Thank you very much for understanding.Regards Lilia Benavides.