Mid-Workout Tips for a Healthier You!

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Getting through a tough workout can be a challenge. Utilize these tips to maximize your burn during your exercise routine!

Transcript of Mid-Workout Tips for a Healthier You!

MID workout

We’re back!

For part two of:


your workout


MID workout

MID workout



stay fresh.



educate practice makes perfect.

have a plan.

practice makes perfect.

Trying exercises you aren’t exactly sure how

to do increases risk of injury.

practice without weights first.

New exercises are challenging. Take any new workout slowly… you’ll still see results.


have a plan.

maximize your time by sticking to a pre-

defined list.


inspire bring a friend,

but limit the socializing.

friends inspire & motivate.

Friends should help get you there. But!

Chatting through the whole workout means

you aren’t working hard enough.


fresh change your routine

& location frequently.

change your routine.

Try spinning, swimming, HIIT, rollerblading,

yoga, cross-fit, paddle-boarding, new sports

or hiking.

Switch it up. Try the gym, the beach, a

mountain, state park, high school track, or

local city streets.

change your location.


truth know your limits.

stop comparison.

know your limits.

Get to know yourself and what you can do. Don’t surpass your limits too quickly… it can

lead to injury.

stop comparison.

Everyone progresses at a different pace. Be

true to and proud of yourself!

and don’t forget…

water water water water

water water water water

water water water water

water water water water

water water water water

water water water water

water water water water

You finished your


Stay tuned for next

week! Featuring:

POST workout