MicroRNA-138 Modulates DNA Damage Response by...

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Transcript of MicroRNA-138 Modulates DNA Damage Response by...

DNA Damage and Cellular Stress Responses

MicroRNA-138 Modulates DNA Damage Response byRepressing Histone H2AX Expression

Yemin Wang1,2,3, Jen-Wei Huang1,2,3,6, Ming Li7, Webster K. Cavenee7, Patrick S. Mitchell1,4,6,Xiaofeng Zhou8, Muneesh Tewari2,3,5, Frank B. Furnari7, and Toshiyasu Taniguchi1,2,3

AbstractPrecise regulation of DNA damage response is crucial for cellular survival after DNA damage, and its abrogation

often results in genomic instability in cancer. Phosphorylated histone H2AX (gH2AX) forms nuclear foci at sitesof DNA damage and facilitates DNA damage response and repair. MicroRNAs (miRNA) are short, nonprotein-encoding RNA molecules, which posttranscriptionally regulate gene expression by repressing translation ofand/or degrading mRNA. How miRNAs modulate DNA damage response is largely unknown. In this study, wedeveloped a cell-based screening assay using ionizing radiation (IR)-induced gH2AX foci formation in a humanosteosarcoma cell line, U2OS, as the readout. By screening a library of human miRNA mimics, we identifiedseveral miRNAs that inhibited gH2AX foci formation. Among them, miR-138 directly targeted the histoneH2AX 30-untranslated region, reduced histone H2AX expression, and induced chromosomal instability afterDNA damage. Overexpression of miR-138 inhibited homologous recombination and enhanced cellular sensitivityto multiple DNA-damaging agents (cisplatin, camptothecin, and IR). Reintroduction of histone H2AX in miR-138 overexpressing cells attenuated miR-138–mediated sensitization to cisplatin and camptothecin. Our studysuggests that miR-138 is an important regulator of genomic stability and a potential therapeutic agent to improvethe efficacy of radiotherapy and chemotherapy with DNA-damaging agents. Mol Cancer Res; 9(8); 1100–11.�2011 AACR.


DNA damage response pathways are composed of sensorsthat sense damaged DNA, mediators or transducers thatamplify signals, and effectors that determine the fate of cellsby modulating gene expression or inducing cell-cycle arrest,DNA repair, apoptosis or senescence (1). DNA double-strand breaks can be generated by various endogenous andexogenous stresses, such as replication fork collapse and anexposure to ionizing radiation (IR; ref. 2). MRE11-RAD50-NBS1 (MRN) complex detects double-strand breaks,recruits ATM kinase and triggers phosphorylation of his-

tone H2AX at Serine 139 (gH2AX) by ATM kinase (3, 4).Subsequently, numerous signaling and repair proteins, suchas MDC1 and 53BP1, accumulate at DNA breaks to formdiscrete foci. Among these proteins, MDC1 interactsdirectly with gH2AX and recruits more MRN-boundATM kinase to phosphorylate histone H2AX moleculessurrounding the DNA breaks (5–7). This positive feedbackleads to augmentation of the gH2AX signaling, which canbe spread to 1 to 2 Mega bases away from DNA lesions (8).Therefore, by recruiting DNA damage signaling and repairproteins, gH2AX plays an important role in the repair ofDNA lesions. H2AX-deficient cells are sensitive to IR andexhibit genomic instability, double-strand breaks repairdefects and mild DNA damage checkpoint dysfunction(9, 10).MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small nonprotein-encoding

RNAs that posttranscriptionally regulate gene expression.They originate from longer primary miRNA transcripts thatare processed through 2 steps of cleavage mediated by theendonucleases Drosha and Dicer (11). The mature miRNAis incorporated into an RNA-induced silencing complex(RISC) and directs RISC to the 30-untranslated region(UTR) of its targets through complementarity to the seedregion of the miRNA (i.e., nucleotides 2–8), leading totranslational inhibition and/or degradation of mRNA tar-gets (11). Aberrant expression of miRNAs is often seen incancer (12), where specific miRNAs function as tumorsuppressors or oncogenes and modulate many aspects of

Authors' Affiliations: 1Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Divisions of2Human Biology; 3Public Health Sciences; 4Basic Sciences; and 5ClinicalResearch, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; 6Molecular & Cel-lular Biology Program, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington;7Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of California at SanDiego, La Jolla, California; and 8Center for Molecular Biology of OralDiseases, College of Dentistry, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago,Illinois

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Molecular CancerResearch Online (http://mcr.aacrjournals.org/).

Corresponding Author: Toshiyasu Taniguchi, Divisions of Human Biologyand Public Health Sciences, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,1100 Fairview Ave. N., C1-015, Seattle, WA 98109. Phone: 206-667-7283;Fax: 206-667-5815; E-mail: ttaniguc@fhcrc.org

doi: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-11-0007

�2011 American Association for Cancer Research.



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Published OnlineFirst June 21, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-11-0007

carcinogenesis (13). These miRNAs may have diagnostic orprognostic value and are also potential therapeutic targets inthe treatment of specific types of cancer.Several recent studies support the notion that miRNAs

play important roles in DNA damage response and DNArepair (14–17). These miRNA-mediated regulations ofDNA damage response have the potential to improve theefficacy of cancer therapies such as chemotherapy andradiotherapy which rely on the induction of DNA damage.However, understanding of the role of miRNAs in DNAdamage response is incomplete. To further understand therole of miRNAs in the regulation of DNA damage response,we conducted a cell-based miRNA library screen using IR-induced gH2AX foci formation as the readout. Among thehits from the screen, we focused on miR-138, which wefound to directly downregulate histone H2AX expression.

Materials and Methods

Cell linesU2OS, HeLa, U87, LN-229, MDA-MB-231, and

M059J were purchased from the American Type CultureCollections. SiHa and normal human foreskin fibroblastswere provided by the Galloway lab (Fred Hutchison CancerResearch Center). All cell lines were grown in Dulbecco'smodified Eagle's medium with 10% FBS, 2 mmol/LL-glutamine and 100 units/mL penicilin and 100 mg/mLstreptomycin in a humidified 5% CO2 containing atmo-sphere at 37�C.

Glioblastoma tissue samplesGlioblastoma samples, kindly provided by Dr. Ryo

Nishikawa (Department of Neuro-Oncology, InternationalMedical Center, Saitama Medical University, Japan) andDr. David James (Department of Neurological Surgery,University of California, San Francisco) were obtained frompatients undergoing surgical treatment after writteninformed consents. RNA was isolated from frozen tumorsamples using Trizol (Invitrogen) following the man-ufacturer's instructions. The use of glioma clinical samplesin this study was approved by the Institutional ReviewBoard of the University of California at San Diego.

Plasmids, siRNAs, miRNA mimics/inhibitors, and virusproduction30-UTR of H2AX (position �19–1,046) was amplified

by PCR and cloned into pGL3-control (Promega) to obtainpGL3-H2AX 30UTR WT plasmid. A putative binding siteof miR-138 in H2AX 30-UTR was mutated using theQuikChange site-direct mutagenesis kit (Stratagene).H2AX coding sequence without 30-UTR was PCR ampli-fied and cloned into pMMPpuro vector and the FLAGsignal was added to the N-terminus of H2AX to obtainpMMP-Flag-H2AX plasmid. To obtain constructs expres-sing miR-138 precursors, miR-138-1, and miR-138-2 andthe spanning sequences (150 bp on each end) were ampli-fied by PCR and inserted into either pSM30-GFP (a gift ofDr. Guangwei Du) or pLemiR (Open Biosystems) vectors.

Plasmids were delivered into cells using TransIT-LT-1reagent (Mirus). Specific siRNAs were used to knock downH2AX (50-AACAACAAGAAGACGCGAATC-30) andBRCA2 (50-AACAACAATTACGAACCAAAC-30; ref.18; Qiagen). Transfection of siRNAs or miRNA mimics(Dharmacon) was done at 20 nmol/L using HiPerFect(Qiagen). miRNA mimic negative control (miR-neg, Dhar-macon) or nontargeting siRNA (siCtrl, 50-AATTCTCC-GAACGTGTCACGT-30; Qiagen) were used as negativecontrols. Locked nucleic acid (LNA)-based negative or miR-138 inhibitor (Exiqon) were transfected with Lipofectamine2000 (Invitrogen) at 100 nmol/L. To produce retrovirusgenerating H2AX, pMMP-Flag-H2AX was cotransfectedwith the packaging plasmid Ampo-V into HEK293T cells.Supernatants were collected at 48 hours and 72 hours aftertransfection for retrovirus preparation. To produce lenti-virus expressing miR-138, pLemiR-138-1 was cotransfectedwith packaging plasmids psPAX2 and pMD2.G intoHEK293T cells. Supernatants were collected at 72 hoursfor lentivirus preparation.

Immunofluorescence microscopyCells were grown on coverslips and treated with IR using

a JL Shepherd Mark I Cesium Irradiator (JL Shepherd &Associates). Cells were simultaneously fixed and permeabi-lized with 1% paraformaldehyde containing 0.5% TritonX-100 in PBS for 30 minutes, blocked with 3% bovineserum albumin containing 0.1% Tween-20 for 30 minutes,and incubated with antibodies against gH2AX (#05-636,1:2,000; Millipore) and 53BP1 (NB100-134, 1:2,000;Novus Biologicals) for 2 hours at room temperatureor overnight at 4�C. Then, cells were incubated withspecies-specific Alexa488 or Alexa594-conjugated second-ary antibodies (1:2,000; Invitrogen) for 1 hour at roomtemperature. Nuclei were counterstained with 40,6-diami-dino-2-phenylindole (DAPI, 1 mg/mL). Coverslips weremounted on slides in Vectashield (Vector Laboratories).Two-dimensional acquisitions were made with a micro-scope (TE2000, Nikon) equipped with a 40� immersionobjective (1.3 numerical aperture) and a CCD camera(CoolSNAP ES, Photometrics). Images were acquired withMetaVue (Universal Imaging) and analyzed using ImageJ(NIH). At least 200 cells per experimental point were scoredfor presence of foci, and each experiment was repeated atleast 3 times independently.

miRNA mimic library screeningHuman miRIDIAN miRNA mimic library (v10.1) was

purchased from Dharmacon. U2OS cells were reverselytransfected with 20 nmol/L miRNAmimics in glass-bottom96-well plates (#655892, Greiner Bio-One) using HiPer-Fect transfection reagent (Qiagen). After incubation for 2days, cells were subjected to ionizing irradiation at 2 Gy, andprocessed as described above for immunofluorescent stain-ing with mouse anti-gH2AX 1 hour following irradiation.Images were captured with the automated Cellomics ArrayScan microscope (Thermo Scientific) and processed forthresholding, background correction, and segmentation.

miR-138 in DNA Damage Response

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Published OnlineFirst June 21, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-11-0007

DAPI staining was used to define the nucleus. Averagenumber of gH2AX foci per nucleus was counted using theautomated counter. The Z-score value was calculated basedon the formula Z ¼ (X-mnc)/s, where X was the score ofindividual sample, mnc was the mean of negative controls ineach plate and s was the SD of the whole population. Thescreening was done 3 times. Average Z-scores from 3independent screens were calculated. Z-scores below �2or above 2 were considered significantly decreasing orincreasing gH2AX foci, respectively.

Western blot analysisWhole-cell extracts were obtained by direct lysis of cells in

lysis buffer (0.05 mol/L Tris-HCl (pH 6.8), 2% SDS, 6%b-mercaptoethanol) boiled for 5 minutes. SDS-PAGEelectrophoresis was done using NuPAGE 3% to 8%Tris-acetate or NuPAGE 4% to 12% Tris-glycine gels(Invitrogen), and proteins were transferred on nitrocellulosemembranes. Mouse antibodies against gH2AX (1:2,000),pATM1981 (#4526S, 1:2,000, Cell Signaling), BRCA2(Ab-1, 1:500, Calbiochem), Vinculin (V9131, 1:20,000;Sigma), rabbit antibodies against histone H2AX (#07-627,1:2,000; Millipore), histone H3 (ab12079, 1:20,000;Abcam), DNA-PK (ab32566, 1:2,000; Abcam), ATM(#17995, 1:4,000, GeneTex), pChk2 (#2661, 1:1,000;Cell Signaling), Chk2 (#07-057, 1:500; Upstate), Actin(Sc-1616-R, 1:10,000; Santa Cruz), and horseradish per-oxidase-conjugated anti-mouse and anti-rabbit IgG(1:5,000; Amersham) were used. Chemiluminescence wasused for detection (Perkin–Elmer Life Sciences). Films weredigitalized using a standard scanner and images were pro-cessed using Photoshop CS (Adobe Systems, Inc.).

Real-time RT-PCRTotal RNAs were extracted using Trizol reagent (Invitro-

gen), chloroform extraction and isopropanol precipitation.Ten nanograms of RNA were reverse transcribed using theTaqman miRNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Applied Bio-systems) with a miRNA-specific primer. For H2AX geneexpression, 100 ng of total RNA were reverse transcribedwith random hexamer. The Taqman miRNA Assay Kit orGene Expression Kit (Applied Biosystems) was used forquantitative PCR reaction on the AB-Prism 7900 (AppliedBiosystems) in a 96-well plate according to the man-ufacturer's instruction. The comparative Ct value wasemployed for quantification of transcripts. miR-138 expres-sion was normalized to the values of RNU24. H2AXexpression was normalized to the values of 18S rRNA.

Luciferase assayU2OS cells in 24-well plates were cotransfected with

miR-neg or miR-138 and pGL3-control firefly luciferasevectors containing empty, wild-type or mutant H2AX 30-UTR sequence. pRL-TK Renilla plasmid was also cotrans-fected as an internal control for transfection efficiency. Twodays posttransfection, Firefly and Renilla luciferase activitieswere measured using the Dual-Luciferase Assay Kit (Pro-mega) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Rela-

tive luciferase activity was calculated by normalizing theratio of firefly and Renilla luciferase to that of negativecontrol–transfected cells.

Chromosomal breakage assayCells, at the density of 60% to 80%, were irradiated with

2 Gy IR and then cultured for 15 hour. After furtherincubation with 0.1 mg/mL colcemid (Sigma) for 3 hours,cells were trypsinized and collected for metaphase chromo-some preparation as described (19). Thirty microliter of thechromosome preparation was dropped on a prechilledmicroslide and let spread by gravity. Slides were stainedby 1 mg/mL DAPI and mounted. Metaphase chromosomeimages were acquired using MetaVue software under amicroscope (TE2000, Nikon) with a 100� oil immersionlens and a CCD camera (CoolSNAP ES, Photometrics).Seventy-five metaphase spreads from 3 independentexperiments were analyzed for chromosome breaks,dicentric chromosomes, radial chromosomes, and otherabnormalities.

Homologous recombination assayA U2OS cell clone stably expressing homologous recom-

bination (HR) reporter direct repeat of green fluorescentprotein (DR-GFP) was a gift fromDrs. Maria Jasin and KojiNakanishi (20). This reporter consists of 2 differentiallymutated GFP genes oriented as direct repeats. Expression ofI-SceI endonuclease will generate a site-specific double-strand breaks within one of the mutated GFP genes, which,when repaired by gene conversion, will result in a functionalGFP gene. Briefly, U2OS DR-GFP cells were sequentiallytransfected with siRNAs or miRNA mimics and pCBASce(a HA-tagged I-SceI expression vector). Two days later, cellswere harvested, fixed in 2% paraformadehyde, and sub-jected to sequential immunostaining with mouse anti-HA(Covance) and Allophycocyanin donkey anti-mouse anti-bodies (Jackson ImmunoResearch). Flow cytometry analy-sis was conducted in a Benchtop FACS Calibur Analyzer todetermine the percentages of GFP-positive cells in HA-positive population, which resulted fromHR repair inducedby double-strand breaks.

Cell-cycle analysisCells were pulse labeled with 30 mmol/L 5-bromo-20-

deoxyuridine (BrdU, Sigma) for 15 minutes, washed twicewith PBS, and fixed with 70% ice-cold ethanol. Cells werethen stained for DNA content (propidium iodide) andBrdU incorporation with anti-BrdU rat monoclonal anti-body (MAS250, Harlan Sera-Lab) followed by fluoresceinisothiocyanate-conjugated goat anti-rat antibody (JacksonImmunoResearch). Flow cytometry analysis was then con-ducted to determine the distribution of cell cycle.

Survival assayRadiosensitivity and chemosensitivity were determined

by crystal violet assay (21). Cells were seeded onto 12-wellplates at 6� 103 cells/well (radiosensitivity) or 2� 104/well(chemosensitivity) and irradiated with IR or treated with

Wang et al.

Mol Cancer Res; 9(8) August 2011 Molecular Cancer Research1102

on June 24, 2018. © 2011 American Association for Cancer Research. mcr.aacrjournals.org Downloaded from

Published OnlineFirst June 21, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-11-0007

cisplatin, camptothecin (Sigma), paclitaxel (Sigma), orAZD2281 (Axon Medchem) at indicated doses. Afterincubation for 6 days (radiosensitivity) or 3 days (chemo-sensitivity), monolayers were fixed in 10% methanol con-taining 10% acetic acid. Adherent cells were stained with0.5% crystal violet in methanol. The absorbed dye wasresolubilized with methanol containing 0.1% SDS, whichwas transferred into 96-well plates and measured photo-metrically (595 nm) in a microplate reader. Cell survival wascalculated by normalizing the absorbance to that of non-treated controls.

Statistical analysisThe student's t test was used to evaluate the significant

difference between 2 groups of data in all in vitro experi-ments. The Pearson correlation test was used to analyze thecorrelation between H2AX and miR-138 expression inglioblastoma samples. A P value less than 0.05 was con-sidered significant.


miR-138 downregulates IR-induced histone H2AXphosphorylation and foci formationInitially, we conducted cell-based screening using IR-

induced gH2AX foci formation as readout. A library of 810human miRNA mimics was used to individually transfecteach miRNA into U2OS cells in 96-well format, followedby IR treatment (2 Gy). One hour after IR treatment,gH2AX foci were quantitated with an automated high-throughput fluorescence microscope equipped with anautomatic foci counter (Fig. 1A), based on our observationof rapid induction of gH2AX foci after IR (SupplementaryFig. S1A). Several miRNAmimics either reduced (Z-score <�2) or increased (Z-score > 2) IR-induced gH2AX foci(Fig. 1B and Supplementary Table S1). Validation of themiRNA mimics that inhibited gH2AX foci formationshowed that only miR-138 and miR-542-3p reproduciblyreduced the gH2AX foci formation (Fig. 1D and Supple-mentary Fig. S1B). In addition, both miR-138 and miR-542-3p substantially reduced gH2AX protein abundance(Fig. 1C). We focused on miR-138 in the following studies,because miR-138 had the most robust effect on gH2AXlevel and foci formation. The expression levels of miR-138in U2OS cells transfected with miR-138 mimics werevalidated by real-time reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR; Supplementary Fig. S2A). Consistent with the roleof gH2AX in regulating 53BP1 foci formation, overexpres-sion of miR-138 also inhibited IR-induced 53BP1 fociformation (Fig. 1D).

miR-138 negatively regulates the expression of histoneH2AXATM and DNA-PK are the major kinases that phosphor-

ylate H2AX after IR (22), but overexpression of miR-138had no effect on the expression of ATM and DNA-PK inU2OS cells (Fig. 2A). In addition, the phosphorylation ofATM and CHK2, another important substrate of ATM,

was unaffected in miR-138–overexpressing cells (Fig. 2Aand B), suggesting an intact ATM activation. In contrast,miR-138 overexpression significantly downregulatedH2AX protein (Figs. 1C, 2A and B) and mRNA levels(Fig. 2C), indicating that miR-138 decreases gH2AXmainly through downregulation of the expression ofH2AX itself. We also transfected U2OS cells with plasmidscontaining miR-138 genomic sequence from either of the 2genomic loci from which it is encoded, miR-138-1 (3p21)and miR-138-2 (16q13). Both constructs produced maturemiR-138 in U2OS cells (Supplementary Fig. S2B), andreduced H2AX phosphorylation and expression (Supple-mentary Fig. S2C).Because miR-138 is highly expressed in brain tissues (23),

we then examined the expression of miR-138 in 10 gliomacell lines. Normal brain tissue and several glioma cell linesexpressed higher level of miR-138 compared with U2OScells (Supplementary Fig. S3). U87 cells with the highestexpression of miR-138 had very low level of H2AX proteinexpression (Supplementary Fig. S3). Inhibition of miR-138with antisense inhibitor mildly but reproducibly increasedH2AX protein level in U87 cells (Fig. 2D), suggesting thatmiR-138 is one of the negative regulators of H2AX expres-sion at physiologic level. Consistently, a marginally signifi-cant inverse correlation between miR-138 and H2AXmRNA levels was observed in 26 glioblastoma tissue sam-ples (Pearson correlation test, r ¼ �0.38, P ¼ 0.053, 2-tailed; Fig. 2E). In addition, overexpression of miR-138 alsosignificantly reduced gH2AX and H2AX in 2 glioma celllines M059J and LN229 with low miR-138 expression and2 cervical cancer cell lines HeLa and SiHa (Fig. 2F and G),but had little effect in normal human foreskin fibroblastsand a breast cancer cell line, MDA-MB-231 (Fig. 2F).Thus, the regulatory effect of miR-138 on H2AX is notlimited to U2OS cells.

Histone H2AX is a direct target of miR-138The miRNA target prediction algorithm TargetScan 5.0

predicted that the 30-UTR of H2AX mRNA contains 1putative miR-138–binding site (Fig. 3A). This potentialbinding site and the flanking sequences are highly conservedacross mammals including human, monkey, mouse and rat(Supplementary Fig. S4). To determine whether miR-138regulates H2AX through binding to its 30-UTR, we insertedtheH2AX30-UTRbehind the 30 end of the luciferase gene ofpGL3 vector (H2AX 30-UTR WT) and transfected eitherthis construct or the parent luciferase expression vector,together with miR-138 mimic or negative control mimic,into U2OS cells. miR-138 mimic significantly downregu-lated the luciferase activity of the construct in which theluciferase gene was fused with the H2AX 30-UTR, while ithad no significant effect on the parent luciferase expressionvector (Fig. 3B). Mutation of the predicted binding site ofmiR-138 within H2AX 30-UTR (H2AX 30-UTR mut)abolished the inhibitory effect of miR-138 on luciferaseactivity (Fig. 3B). In addition, overexpression of miR-138by transfection of constructs expressing miR-138-1 or miR-138-2, the 2 genomic sequences from which miR-138 is

miR-138 in DNA Damage Response

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Published OnlineFirst June 21, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-11-0007

transcribed, had similar effects on the luciferase activity ofH2AX 30-UTR containing vector (Supplementary Fig. S5).Furthermore, in U2OS cells expressing Flag-tagged H2AXcDNA lacking its native 30-UTR, overexpression ofmiR-138could not reduce the expression of exogenous Flag-H2AX(Fig. 3C, lane 1 vs. lane 2, top band), while it downregulatedendogenous H2AX expression (Fig. 3C, lane 1 vs. lane2 andlane 3 vs. lane 4, bottom band). Taken together, these datasuggest that H2AX 30-UTR is a direct target of miR-138.

miR-138 reduces genomic stability and HR repairBecause miR-138 downregulated gH2AX, we asked

whether miR-138 modulates genomic stability. U2OS cellswere exposed to IR (2Gy) and then allowed to recover andarrest at the first metaphase following IR. miR-138–over-expressing or H2AX-knockdown cells had a significantlyhigher amount of chromosome breaks compared withnegative control transfected cells after IR (Fig. 4A andB). Thus, overexpression of miR-138 resulted in increasedgenomic instability after DNA damage.

H2AX knockout cells are deficient in HR (24) andsensitive to IR (9). Phosphorylation of H2AX on S139 isessential for the HR activity of H2AX (24). Therefore, weexamined the effect of miR-138 on HR repair activity bymonitoring the percentage of GFP-positive cells in U2OSDR-GFP cells, where the acquisition of GFP expressionreflects HR activity (25). Although depletion of BRCA2, acrucial protein for HR (26), substantially reduced the HRefficiency (Fig. 4C, 16% vs. 4%), overexpression of miR-138 more moderately but significantly (P < 0.05) reducedthe HR efficiency (16% vs. 10%), producing a reductionsimilar to that observed with knockdown of H2AX (16% vs.9.5%; Fig. 4C, D, and E). The data are consistent withprevious reports showing that depletion of H2AX by siRNAcauses a mild HR defect (27). In addition, overexpression ofmiR-138 had no strong effect on cell-cycle distribution inboth U2OS DR-GFP cells (Fig. 4F) and the parental U2OScells (Supplementary Fig. S6A), although it modestly inhib-ited cell growth (Supplementary Fig. S6B). Thus, the HRdefect in miR-138–transfected cells was not due to an

Figure 1. Identification of miRNAs that regulate gH2AX foci formation. A, scheme of miRNA gain-of-function screening for IR-induced gH2AX foci formation.B, Z-score plot of miRNA mimics in the regulation of IR-induced gH2AX foci formation. Several miRNA mimics were identified to positively or negativelyaffect gH2AX foci formation (Z-score >2 or <�2). C, U2OS cells were transfected with indicated miRNA mimics at 20 nmol/L. Forty-eight hoursposttransfection, cells were irradiated with 2 Gy IR and collected for Western blot analysis of gH2AX and H2AX 1 hour after IR. Immunoblots for actin served asloading controls. D, U2OS cells were transfected with negative control (miR-neg) or miR-138 mimics, irradiated with 2 Gy IR and then fixed forimmunofluorescent staining of gH2AX and 53BP1 1 hour after IR. The number of foci per nucleus was quantitated (mean � SD, n ¼ 3). Scale bar, 20 mm.

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Published OnlineFirst June 21, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-11-0007

alteration of the cell cycle and may contribute to theobserved genomic instability.

miR-138 enhances cellular sensitivity to DNA-damaging agentsNext we examined the effect of modulating miR-138 on

sensitivity of U2OS cells to DNA-damaging agents. H2AXsiRNA-transfected and miR-138 mimic-transfected U2OS

cells were both mildly sensitive to IR compared with controlcells (Fig. 5A and B), consistent with the role of H2AX indouble-strand breaks repair and radiosensitivity (9). HR-deficient cells are more sensitive than HR-proficient cells tocisplatin and PARP inhibitors (28–30). Consistent withthis, H2AX siRNA-transfected U2OS cells and miR-138mimic-transfected U2OS cells were sensitized to cisplatin(Fig. 5C) and a PARP inhibitor, AZD2281 (Fig. 5D).

Figure 2. miR-138 negatively regulates the expression of histone H2AX expression. A and B, U2OS cells transfected with miR-neg or miR-138mimics (20 nmol/L) were irradiated with 2 Gy IR, and harvested at 1 hour (A) or indicated time points (B) for Western blot analysis using indicated antibodies.C, expression levels of H2AX mRNA in miR-neg or miR-138–transfected U2OS cells were determined by qRT-PCR (mean � SD, n ¼ 3) and normalizedto the values of 18S rRNA. D, U87 cells were transfected with miR-138 inhibitors for 72 hours and harvested for Western blot analysis. Quantitation ofH2AX level was done with ImageJ Software. E, the expression levels of miR-138 and H2AX in RNA samples from glioblastoma tissues were quantitated withqRT-PCR and normalized to the levels of RNU24 and 18S rRNA. Pearson correlation test, r¼�0.38, P¼ 0.053 (2-tailed). F and G,multiple cancer cell lines andnormal human foreskin fibroblasts (NHFF) were transfected with miR-neg or miR-138 mimics (20 nmol/L), irradiated with 2Gy IR and harvested for Westernblotting and qRT-PCR analyses 1 hour after IR. miR-138 expression was assayed with qRT-PCR and normalized to that of negative control (miR-neg)transfected HeLa cells. *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01.

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Published OnlineFirst June 21, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-11-0007

Delivery of miR-138 using lentivirus expressing miR-138-1 from genomic sequence (pLemiR-138-1) efficientlyproduced miR-138 in U2OS cells (Fig. 5E) and alsorendered cells sensitive to both cisplatin and anotherDNA-damaging agent, camptothecin, compared with cellsinfected with control lentivirus (pLemiR-NSC; Fig. 5Fand G). Furthermore, pLemiR-138-1 also sensitized 2glioblastoma cell lines, LN229 and M059J, to cisplatinand camptothecin (Supplementary Fig. S7). In contrast,pLemiR-138-1 did not sensitize U2OS cells to paclitaxel(Fig. 5H), an agent that inhibits mitosis by stabilizingmicrotubules (31), suggesting that miR-138–mediatedsensitization to DNA damage agents was not a result ofgeneral cellular toxicity.Importantly, reintroduction of H2AX lacking 30-UTR

(Fig. 6A) significantly reduced the extent of miR-138–mediated sensitization to both cisplatin and camptothecinin miR-138–overexpressing cells (Fig. 6B and C), while ithad a minimal effect on drug resistance in the control cells.These findings suggest that miR-138 sensitizes cells to

cisplatin and camptothecin mostly by downregulatingH2AX.


We identified miR-138 as a potent negative regulator ofgH2AX foci formation. miR-138 overexpression directlytargeted the H2AX 30-UTR, reduced H2AX expression,induced genomic instability after DNA damage and sen-sitized cells to DNA-damaging agents. Other groups havealso reported that miRNAs regulate DNA damageresponse. For example, miR-421 induces an S phasecheckpoint defect by suppressing ATM expression (15).miR-16 controls Cdc25A and Wip1 phosphatases afterDNA damage, thereby regulating the ATM/ATR pathway(16, 17). miR-24 is upregulated during postmitotic dif-ferentiation of hematopoietic cells and directly down-regulates H2AX expression to inhibit DNA damageresponse and enhance chemosensitivity (14). However,miR-24 was not a strong hit in our miRNA library

Figure 3. H2AX is a direct target of miR-138. A, sequences of miR-138 and the predicted miR-138–binding site at H2AX 30-UTR [wild-type (WT) and mutant(mut), 921 to 944 nt of the H2AX 30-UTR]. B, wild-type or mutant H2AX 30-UTR (position 19–1,046) were cloned into the pGL3 vector, as 30 fusionsto the luciferase gene. U2OS were cotransfected with the indicated miRNA mimics and luciferase vectors. Luciferase activity was assayed 48 hourslater and normalized to that of negative control-transfected cells (mean � SD, n ¼ 3). C, U2OS cells stably transfected with empty vector or Flag-H2AXconstruct were transfected with miR-neg or miR-138. Expression levels of H2AX were then determined by Western blotting. The immunoblot for histoneH3 served as a loading control. *, P < 0.05.

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Figure 4.miR-138 affects genomic stability and homologous recombination repair. A and B, U2OS cells were transfected with miRNA mimics or H2AX siRNA,irradiated with 2 Gy IR, allowed to recover for 15 hours and then arrested at metaphase. Cells were harvested for metaphase spreading and analysis ofchromosome abnormalities. A, a representative metaphase spread image of U2OS cells overexpressing miR-138. Arrows point out the chromosomeabnormalities as indicated. B, statistical analysis of chromosome abnormalities (mean � SD, n ¼ 3). Other abnormalities included radial, dicentric, andrejoining chromosomes. C to F, U2OS DR-GFP cells were sequentially transfected with miRNA mimics or siRNAs and the pBASceI plasmid. Cells wereincubated for 48 hours, fixed and stained for HA-I-SceI expression and analyzed by FACS of GFP-positive cells in the HA-positive population (C andD; mean�SD, n ¼ 4), for Western blot analysis of BRCA2 and H2AX levels (E), and for cell-cycle analysis (F). *, P < 0.05; ***, P < 0.001.

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screening using U2OS cells (Z-score, �0.515 and�1.216) (Supplementary Table S1 and SupplementaryFig. S8). This discrepancy might be due to differentcell lines used in these studies. Function and targets ofmiRNAs can be context dependent (32), and accordingly,miR-138 had little effect on H2AX level in normal human

fibroblasts and MDA-MB-231 cancer cells. The mechan-ism of this context dependency is an important topic forfuture studies. Nevertheless, all these studies support thenotion that DNA damage response is controlled by miR-NAs, which may ultimately modulate genome stabilityand tumorigenesis.

Figure 5. miR-138 sensitizes cells to DNA-damaging agents. A to C, U2OS cells were transfected with miRNA mimics or siRNAs as indicated. Cellswere reseeded for Western blot analysis of H2AX level (A), IR (B), cisplatin (C), and AZD2281 (D) sensitivity assays (mean � SEM, n ¼ 4). E to H, U2OS cellswere infected with lentivirus producing nontarget small RNA control (pLemiR-NSC) or miR-138 (pLemiR-138-1). Cells were harvested for quantitation ofiR-138 level using real-time PCR (E) or seeded for chemosensitivity assays as indicated (F–H; mean � SEM, n ¼ 3).

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Expression levels of many miRNAs are altered in responseto DNA damage (16, 33–36). miR-138 level is not sig-nificantly altered upon IR treatment for up to 24 hours inIM9 B-cell lyphoblastoma cells (35, 36), or A549 non–

small cell lung cancer cells (35, 36). miR-138 level was onlyslightly reduced in U2OS cells after IR (SupplementaryFig. S9). In contrast, Weidhaas and colleagues found thatmiR-138 level was rapidly induced in response to IR inA549 cells and a HPV E6/E7-transformed lung epithelialcell line, CRL-2741 (34). This discrepancy might be due tothe dosage of IR and/or cell lines used by different groups.Interestingly, miR-138 is downregulated in a multidrug-resistant leukemia cell line HL-60/VCR compared withparental HL-60 cells, which is essential for the resistance tovincristine and cisplatin (37). In line with our findings, thisstudy highlights the important role of miR-138 in thedevelopment of drug resistance although whether H2AXis involved in the drug resistance of HL-60/VCR is notknown.miR-138 is broadly conserved among vertebrates (23).

It is highly expressed in brain tissues and is involved in thedevelopment of several organs (38–40). Two genomic lociencoding miR-138 (miR-138-1 and miR-138-2) havebeen identified. The miR-138-1 gene is located at chro-mosome 3p21, where allelic loss is frequently detected innasopharyngeal cancer (41, 42). miR-138 is frequentlydownregulated in several cancer types. miR-138 is down-regulated in anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, and downre-gulation of miR-138 is correlated with upregulation ofhTERT (43). miR-138 is also downregulated in metastatichead and neck squamous cell carcinoma (44, 45) and inhepatocellular carcinoma (46). Ectopic expression of miR-138 in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells leadsto cell-cycle arrest, apoptosis, and suppresses cell invasion(44, 45). However, given that in our work miR-138 hadno significant effect on the cell-cycle distribution of U2OScells, although it mildly inhibited cell proliferation, theeffect of miR-138 overexpression on cell cycle seemscontext dependent. miR-138–mediated cell growth inhi-bition may be a result of defective DNA repair due todownregulation of H2AX. Indeed, H2AX-deficient mouseembryonic fibroblasts exhibit impaired growth (10). Onthe other hand, loss of 1 H2AX allele enhances tumorsusceptibility in mice in the absence of p53 (47). There-fore, miR-138 overexpression may promote malignanttransformation due to genomic instability caused byH2AX downregulation, or may inhibit tumor progressionby slowing down proliferation. The fact that miR-138 isfrequently downregulated in several types of cancer sug-gests that downregulation of miR-138, which can lead toincreased cell proliferation and invasion, may be advanta-geous for cancer cell survival and growth.Considering the fact that 1 individual miRNA can target

multiple oncogenic pathways, restoration of miRNAsdownregulated in cancer has attracted a lot of attentionas a potential therapeutic option (48, 49). Our studysuggests that overexpression of miR-138 will sensitize tumorcells to DNA-damaging agents and that miR-138 is apotential therapeutic agent for cancer treatment. Futurestudy will address the possibility that miR-138 mimic maybe useful as a chemosensitizer/radiosensitizer in therapy forcertain types of cancer.

Figure 6. Reintroduction of histone H2AX attenuates sensitivity of miR-138 overexpressing cells to cisplatin and camptothecin. A to C, U2OScells stably expressing empty vector or Flag-H2AX were infected withlentivirus expressing nontargeting miRNA or miR-138 and seeded forWestern blot analysis of H2AX level (A), cisplatin (B), and camptothecin(C) sensitivity (mean � SEM, n ¼ 3). The immunoblot for histoneH3 served as a loading control.

miR-138 in DNA Damage Response

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Published OnlineFirst June 21, 2011; DOI: 10.1158/1541-7786.MCR-11-0007

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest

No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed.


We thank Drs. Maria Jasin, Koji Nakanishi, Guangwei Du, Matthew Fero, andDenise Galloway for reagents, Drs. Ryo Nishikawa and David James for clinicalsamples, the Imaging Facility of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center forscreening, and Dr. German Gomez and members of the Taniguchi Lab and TewariLab for technical support and discussions.

Grant Support

Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the NIH/National Heart, Lung and BloodInstitute (R21 HL092978 to T. Taniguchi), Fanconi Anemia Research Fund (to T.Taniguchi), Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, and Listwin FamilyFoundation funding (New Development funds to M. Tewari). Y. Wang is aresearch fellow supported by Canadian Institute of Health Research. J-W. Huangis supported by PHS NRSA 2T32 GM007270 from the National Institute ofGeneral Medical Sciences.

Received January 3, 2011; revised June 3, 2011; accepted June 15, 2011;published OnlineFirst June 21, 2011.

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