Methods of Training 2.3 Witness the Fitness. The Methods of Training refers to the type of training...

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Transcript of Methods of Training 2.3 Witness the Fitness. The Methods of Training refers to the type of training...

Methods of Training2.3 Witness the Fitness

The Methods of Training refers to the type of training we participate in.

The type of training used should be based on the fitness demands of the activity.


Specific fitness training methods are predisposed to developing specific components of fitness. The coach/trainer must choose the method that best suits the requirements. Fitness Components



Muscular Endurance


Anaerobic Capacity




Skill (sport related)

Circuit Training

Interval Training

Flexibility Training

Continuous Training

Resistance Training


SAQ Training

Fartlek Training

CONTINUOUSContinuous training involves continuous

activity at an intensity where a person can keep performing without fatiguing rapidly.

Various forms of continuous training include: Running, Swimming, Cycling, Power Waking, Rowing, Paddling.

To achieve aerobic benefit, a person should

aim to work with their heart rate elevated to a steady state for at least 20 MINUTES and should aim for at least 3 sessions a week.


Zone Lower THR Upper THR

1 – Beginner50% - 60%

2 – Average60% - 70%

3 – Advanced70 % - 80 %

4 – Anaerobic System

80% - 90%

INTERVAL Interval training involves having alternate

work and rest periods . To make the best use here you have a

structured programme with set work times or distances and set rest times. You can vary the work outs to suit your own goals or current fitness levels as there are many variable factors. You could change the

Length of the work sessionThe length of the rest periodThe intensity during the work periodThe number of repetitions

Long Interval essentially has longer work periods, but at a lower intensity. As the work period is at a lower intensity, the work/rest ratio is less.

Short Interval is basically sprint training at maximum intensity, with a higher work/rest ratio.

Compare & Contrast:Long


IntervalWork period 15 sec – 3 min 1 – 15 sec

Intensity of work

70% 100%

Recovery time

30 sec – 3 min 1 -2 mins

Work/rest ratio

1:1 – 1:2 1:5 – 1:10

Repetitions 3 to 20 5 to 15

Examples4 x 800m in 2.20

with 3 mins rest in between

10 x 40m sprints with start every


CIRCUIT Circuit training uses the work / rest theory but

consists of a series of different exercises that concentrate on different muscle groups.

This works very well in a gym with large numbers of participants able to use the equipment and space well, while still allowing individuals to work at their own level.

The workout can be varied greatly to suit the aims of the participants, whether their goals are geared mainly towards strength, power or muscular endurance, even endurance to a lesser extent.

You could even build in components such as

agility or sports skills.

FARTLEKFartlek is a Scandinavian word which means

‘SPEED PLAY’ and involves continuous activity, but with bursts of speed added in.

It can also involve changing the terrian and

conditions in which you train. Obviously it primarily works the aerobic system, but also brings in the anaerobic systems.

Activity: Design a Fartlek session for a Triathlete who is in week 7 of a 10 week training programme.

RESISTANCE (WEIGHT) TRAININGThis involves using weights and

machines to provide extra resistance, and enables a person to target specific muscle groups.

The equipment varies from ‘free weights’ to sophisticated machines that vary the resistance or difficult muscle groups. Weight training can be used to develop

Strength PowerMuscular endurance

CALISTHENICS Calisthenics are essentially exercises that do

not require equipment.

Easy examples are things like press ups, sit ups and squat thrusts.

The advantage of a planned programme of calisthenics is that it can be done anywhere as there is no equipment required.

PLYOMETRICSPlyometrics are essentially

jumping or ‘bounding’ exercises that use the natural ‘stretch reflex’ within the muscle to recruit all muscle fibres for a maximal contraction.

They are particularly good for developing explosive actions and therefore for developing power.

The exercises include such things as ‘depth jumps’ and bounding.

FLEXIBILITY Flexibility training is stretching to increase the

resting length of muscles and improve the extent of a joint movement. Flexibility training is most effective and best done when the muscle is warm.

There are three types of flexibility training - static, dynamic and PNF.

1. Static, as the name suggests, is holding a muscle at its full length without moving. You need to hold this full stretch for at least 10 seconds.

2. Dynamic is moving, where you take a joint or muscle to its full stretch, but keep moving. There is a danger here that you could move too quickly or strongly and take the stretch beyond the limit and damage a muscle or ligament about a joint.

3. PNF (Proprioceptor Neuro-Muscular Facilitation) tries to slowly overcome the stretch reflex and take the muscle fractionally beyond its accepted length. It involves taking the muscle to its full stretch, then slowly building tension against a resistance. After several seconds of strong pushing, relax and take the muscle to a slightly greater stretch. This can be repeated several times.

Homework Task

Consider the fitness requirements for the 5km Run (2.4 Practical Performance) and identify the Methods of Training you will need to employ to improve in these areas.