Metering aggregation guidance -

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Transcript of Metering aggregation guidance -

Version 2.1

September 2020

Metering aggregation guidance


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DisclaimerThis document has been prepared by National Grid Electricity System Operator Limited (NGESO) and is provided voluntarily and

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expressed or implied is made as to the accuracy or completeness of the information that it contains and parties using information within

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In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between this document and the Capacity Market Rules, the Electricity Capacity Regulations

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ConfidentialityThis guidance document, and its contents should be considered as confidential in nature, and this document is supplied on this basis.

No part of this document may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying and restoring in any medium or electronic

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Copyright National Grid 2019, all rights reserved.


Version control

The table below will record the page numbers of any new changes to the document for each version. The

new changes will be highlighted in yellow throughout the guidance document.

# Changes Pages Date

1.0 Original document - 08/07/2019

2.0Changes to Meter aggregation overview and Meter

aggregation submission 5, 6, 9 & 16 16/08/2019

2.1Changes to improve the understanding of the


6, 7, 8, 9,




1. Metering aggregation overview

2. Submission of Meter aggregation

3. Adding new component (system overview)

4. Amend Metering aggregation details (system overview)

5. Metering Assessment overview

6. Metering Assessment deadlines

7. Metering Test Certificate deadline

8. Delivery Body assessment timeline

9. FAQ section

10. Contact details


1. Metering aggregation overview (1/11)

Introduction of metering aggregationThis change has come into effect to simplify the existing process.

All CMU types must provide accurate Metering Data data before the start of

Delivery Year.

The CM Settlement Body will review all Metering Data information submitted by

a participant.

No offline spreadsheets to be provided. Metering aggregation to be submitted

via EMR DB Portal.

Further EMRS guidance related to Metering can be accessed here.

Please note - National Grid ESO, in its role as Delivery Body, is continuing to

administer the capacity market and as part of this shall support capacity providers with

meeting their current obligations. However, capacity payments shall not be made to

capacity agreement holders by the Settlement Body (the Electricity Settlements

Company) until State aid approval has been granted. Continuing to meet obligations

under existing capacity agreements will enable capacity providers to be in a position to

be eligible for any deferred payments due in relation to the standstill period should

State aid approval be granted.

What has changed?

• ART (aggregation rule

template) will no

longer be submitted


• The Metering Data

must be provided

before the start of the

Delivery Year and the

submission of


Performance Days

• EMRS will be able to

view and process the

ART via the EMR DB



1. Metering aggregation overview (2/11)

Meter aggregation Rules and entity identifiers

Meter aggregation Rules are used by the EMRS Settlement system to calculate the Metered Volumes per Capacity

Market Unit (CMU). The Rule is based on CMU components which are made up of an Approved Metering

Configuration Solution. Each CMU is made up of one or more CMU components, which can be made up of one or

more Metered entities. The output of the aggregation Rule is used to determine whether the CMU has met their

Capacity Obligation.

Depending on the type, classification and Connection Arrangement of a CMU, the required Meter aggregation fields

differ and is requested in system accordingly.


1. Metering aggregation overview (3/11)

Meter aggregation details

as per the CMU


• Blue highlighted cells are Meter

aggregation fields

• Yellow highlighted fields are

the ‘Meter Configuration’

dropdown which user can

select as per the CMU Meter


- M = Mandatory field for the

selected ‘Meter Configuration’


- N/A = Not applicable Meter

aggregation field for the selected

‘Meter Configuration’ dropdown

• Actual field validations are

highlighted in columns with

amber headers



(CMRSDi st ri bution)


( NonCMRS-Di st ri bution)


( Transm

i ssion)




BMU+MSID(Di st ri bution)(CMRS)

BMU+MSID(Transmi ssion)(CMRS)

S ing le/m ultiple Input type

Formatva lidation

Lengthva lidation Value validation

M ete r S h a r e M M M M N /A M M M M Multiple Text boxF loating point(Numeric)

4 decim alplace

0 < x <= 1 or -1

B M E ID N /A M M M N /A N /A M M MMultiple(Max 10)

Text box VarcharUp to 18max

Alpha numericcharacter w ith _and -

Meter PointAdm inistratio

n Number

M N /A N /A N /A N /A N /A M N /A N /AMultiple(Max 10)

Text box Numeric 13 numeric

B M U ID N /A N / A N /A N /A N /A M N /A M MMultiple(Max 4)

Text box VarcharUp to 11max

Alpha numericcharacter w ith _and -

B ou n d a r y

M P A NN /A N / A M N /A N /A N /A M N /A N /A

Multiple(Max 10)

Text box Numeric 13 numeric

B ou n d a r y

B M U ID (M S ID )N / A M N /A M N /A N /A N /A M M

Multiple(Max 10)

Text box VarcharUp to 11m ax

Alpha numericcharacter w ith _

and -

I n te r c on n ec to r

I DN / A N / A N /A N /A M N /A N /A N /A N /A S ing le Text box Varchar Up to 10

Alpha numericcharacter w ith _and -

D istr ib u tor I D

( LD S O ID )N / A M M N /A N /A N /A M M N /A


(Max 10)Text box Varchar Up to 4

Alpha numeric


L L FC I D - S V A N / A N / A M N /A N /A N /A M N /A N /AMultiple(Max 10)

Text box Varchar Up to 3Alpha numericcharacter

M S ID N /A M N /A N/A N /A N /A N /A M N /AMultiple(Max 10)

Text box Varchar Up to 13Alpha numericcharacter


1. Metering aggregation overview (4/11)

Multiplier Information

The multiplier will be:

▪ 0.00<x< 1.00 for a shared demand circuit

▪ +1.00 for everything else (apart from non-CM generation that needs to be netted off, e.g. ineligible low

carbon generation, then it would be -1.00)

▪ Auxiliary Load must be a proportion of a HH Metered Volume (e.g. a BMU or MPAN) or separately

Metered (i.e. a Bespoke Meter)

▪ NB: Multiplier can also be referred to as the meter share – you can have between 0 to 1 for

Components where a CMU is made up of Components all behind a single Boundary Point Metering

System and the Boundary Point Metering System is being used to identify the Net Output of the CMU

Distributor ID

The distributor ID is a four character reference to identify the distributor of the Boundary Point Metering

System and is only required for Bespoke or Balancing Services Metering option


1. Metering aggregation overview (5/11)Line Loss Factor (LLFC)

The Line Loss Factor Class (LLFC) ID is dependant on whether the CMU component connected to the Distribution

system is registered in CMRS (Central Meter Registration Service – i.e. a BMU) or SMRS (Supplier Meter Registration

Service – i.e. an MPAN

▪ CMRS (i.e. an Embedded BMU ‘E_’) is a four digit reference that identifies the central volume allocation

(CVA) Metering System and this identifies the Line Loss Factor (LLF) to be applied to Metered Volumes

▪ SMRS (i.e. an MPAN) is a three character reference that identifies the LLF to be applied to Metered


▪ Only required for Bespoke or Balancing Services Metering Option

Boundary Point MPAN/BMU ID

▪ Only required for Bespoke or Balancing Services Metering Option that are within a site connected to a

Distribution system

▪ In CMRS (i.e. an Embedded BMU ‘E_’), the BMU ID should be used

▪ In SMRS (i.e. an MPAN), the core MPAN (13 digit number) should be used

Note: Each MPAN under a CMU should have LLFC IDs and a Meter Share


1. Metering aggregation overview (6/11)

Metering System identifiers: CVA/BMU

CVA sites are always BM Units

▪ The Metering System identifier is a BMU ID

▪ The aggregation Rule will consist of BMU IDs

▪ There can be multiple BMU IDs making up a CMU

▪ Transmission connected BMU IDs begin with T_ and Distribution connected BMU IDs begin with E_

▪ A CMU can consist of T_ and E_ BMU IDs, for example if there is a Distribution connected Demand


▪ There can be a multiplier applied to Demand BMUs that are used by separate Generating Units in

different CMUs

▪ Any CMU that is splitting a BMU becomes a Bespoke Metering Configuration Solution and requires

a Metered entity identifier


1. Metering aggregation overview (7/11)

Metering System identifiers: SVA/MPAN

SVA sites always have an MPAN

▪ The core MPAN is a 13 digit number

▪ An MPAN is unique to a Metering System and the direction of energy flow

▪ One Metering System (i.e. one Meter) can have an import MPAN for Active Energy import and

another MPAN for Active Energy export

▪ Components can just have an import MPAN

▪ Components can just have an export MPAN

▪ We need to know what MPANs relate to each other (i.e. the import MPAN related to the export

MPAN for the Metering System)


1. Metering aggregation overview (8/11)

Metering System identifiers: Non-BSC

Balancing Services and Bespoke sites always have a non-BSC Metered Entity identifier (MEID)

▪ The ID is an up to 18 alphanumeric character code and should be unique to a Metering System

(and direction of energy if submitted separately)

▪ MEID is also referred to as BME ID in the EMR DB Portal

▪ One Metering System (i.e. one Meter) can have an import MEID for Active Energy import and

another MEID for Active Energy export

▪ We need to know what MEIDs relate to each other (i.e. the import MEID related to the export

MEID if submitted separately for the Metering System)

▪ The MEID must match what is used in the defined CSV file submitted and validated as part of the

Metering Test

▪ They will have a Boundary Point MPAN or BMU ID depending on whether the Boundary Point

has been registered in SMRS (SVA) or CMRS (CVA)


1. Metering aggregation overview (9/11)

Non-BSC Metering Configuration Solution

Capacity Market Register specifies Metering option as type C for Balancing Services or type B

for Bespoke

▪ The MEID will be included in the header of the CSV file used to submit Metered Volumes to


▪ The MEID must match what is used in the defined CSV file submitted and validated as part of the

Metering Test

▪ The Metered Volume can be submitted as a net figure or separate for AI and AE, in which case

two MEIDs would be needed

The Boundary Point MPAN or MSID (BMU ID) has to be included to validate LLF

▪ This is dependant on whether the CMU Component connected to the Distribution System is

Registered in CMRS (i.e. a BMU ID) or SMRS (i.e. an MPAN).


1. Metering aggregation overview (10/11)

For a SMRS site:

▪ The Distributor ID can be identified from the first two digits of the Boundary Point MPAN

▪ The Line Loss Factor Class ID can be identified from the bill of the Boundary Point Metering System

▪ The Boundary Point MPAN is the core 13 digit number

For a CMRS site that is connected to a Distribution System:

▪ The Distributor ID can be found from the Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) name in

the table on the next slide. The LDSO name can be confirmed by the site the Component is within

▪ The Line Loss Factor Class ID is the MSID (4 digit number) of the CVA Metering System and can be

provided by the Meter Operator for the Boundary Point Metering System the Component is within

▪ The Boundary Point MSID is the BMU ID (i.e. E_####)


1. Metering aggregation overview (11/11)

The Distributor ID can be identified from the first two digits of the MPAN

- Distributor short code is the first two digits of the MPAN – updated

Distributor Short Code Distributor ID LDSO

10 EELC Eastern Power Networks

11 EMEB Western Power Distribution East Midlands

12 LOND London Power Networks

13 MANW SP Manweb Plc

14 MIDE Western Power Distribution West Midlands

15 NEEB Northern Powergrid (Northeast) Ltd

16 NORW Electricity North West Ltd

17 HYDE Scottish-Hydro-Electric Power Distribution Ltd

18 SPOW SP Distribution Ltd

19 SEEB South Eastern Power Networks

20 SOUT Southern Electric Power Distribution Ltd

21 SWAE Western Power Distribution (South Wales) Ltd

22 SWEB Western Power Distribution (South West) Ltd

23 YELG Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) plc

24 IPNL Independent Power Networks Ltd

25 LENG ESP Energy Ltd

26 GUCL Energetics Electricity Ltd

27 ETCL The Electricity Network Company Ltd

28 EDFI EDF Energy (IDNO) Ltd

29 HARL Harlaxton

30 PENL Peel Electricity Network Ltd

31 UKPD UK Power Distribution Limited

32 UDNL Energy Assets Networks Limited

33 GGEN Eclipse Power Networks Ltd

34 MPDL Murphy Power Distribution Limited

35 FEAL Fulcrum Electricity Assets Ltd

36 VATT Vattenfall Networks Ltd


2. Submission of Meter aggregation

Meter aggregation

data can be submitted

for CMU(s) during pre

qualification. This is

not mandatory,

however is required

to be updated before

the start of the

Delivery Year.

1) During CMU creation/

cloning against each


It is recommended that you do

not add any metering information

during your CMU creation or


Note: If there has been changes

to an Existing CMU, you will

need to clone your CMU

2) Once the Application is

submitted via the ‘Amend

Metering Data’ button

Note: ‘Amend Metering Data’

tab will only be available once

your application has been


The user will be able to

add/update Meter aggregation

data, which will then be sent to

the Settlement Body for review

and approval.


3. System Overview (1/19)

Log into the EMR DB Portal at with your username and password


3. System Overview (2/19)

Navigate to the ‘My EMR’ home page and click on ‘My CMUs’


3. System overview (3/19)

Click on ‘View’ for current CMUs otherwise, add a new CMU


3. System overview (4/19)

If creating a new CMU, select the relevant technology class from the dropdown menu


3. System overview (5/19)

Scroll down the main page of the CMU to the ‘Classification of the CMU’ field


3. System overview (6/19)

Choose the relevant ‘Classification of CMU’ either CMRS or Non CMRS from the dropdown menu


3.1 System overview – Meter Configuration (1/5)

The Meter Configuration dropdown options applicable to Existing Generating CMUs


3.1 System overview – Meter Configuration (2/5)

The Meter Configuration dropdown options applicable to New Build Generating CMUs


3.1 System overview – Meter Configuration (3/5)

The Meter Configuration dropdown options applicable to Refurb Generating CMUs


3.1 System overview – Meter Configuration (4/5)

The Meter Configuration dropdown options applicable to Existing, New Build and Refurb Interconnector CMUs


3.1 System overview – Meter Configuration (5/5)

The Meter Configuration dropdown options applicable to Proven and Unproven DSR CMUs


3. System overview (7/19)

Choose the relevant Connection Arrangement Declaration


3. System overview (8/19)

Choose the Meter Configuration from the dropdown menu. You can also leave this section blank and submit the details

after the Application has been submitted. The details can be entered after submission using the ‘Amend Meter Data’ tab


3. System overview (14/19)

Meter Configuration option - MSID


3. System overview (15/19)

Meter Configuration option – BMU ID (CMRS)


3. System overview (16/19)

Meter Configuration option – BMU + MSID


3. System overview (17/19)

Click on ‘Add New Component’


3. System overview (18/19)

Complete the fields in the ‘Add New Component page’ depending on which technology type you are


3. System overview (19/19)

Once all of the fields have been completed, select ‘Save’ to save the component details. The details can also be

cancelled if any information is incorrect or you would like to restart

Amend Metering data aggregation details


4. System overview (1/4)

Log into the EMR DB Portal, click on ‘My CMUs’ and then select ‘Amend Metering Data’ on the relevant CMU to amend

the required data


4. System overview (2/4)

If any CMU components are required to be amended, select ‘Edit’


4. System overview (3/4)

Once the information has been amended, select ‘Save’ to save the CMU component changes


4. System overview (4/4)

Select ‘Save Metering Data’ if you wish to further edit your amendments at a later stage. Select ‘Submit Metering Data’

once you are ready for DB/EMRS to review your amendments


5. Metering Assessment overview

A New Build Generating

CMU or DSR CMU may

notify the Delivery Body

of a change of address

(sometimes referred to

as change of location)

provided that they are

Capacity Committed

(have a Capacity

Agreement Notice in

place) and meet all

eligibility criteria

What is a Metering Assessment?

During the Prequalification Application process, it is no longer a

requirement for CMUs to complete the Metering information. If Metering

information is to be entered then it must be completed in full as per the


All CMUs that are awarded a Capacity Market Agreement will need to

complete a Metering Assessment. The Metering Assessment determines

the requirement for a Metering Test based on the metering arrangements

on site.

With the new functionality for reallocation, upon filling in the Metering

Assessment questions, Applicants will be able to see whether or not the

CMU will need a Metering Test before the assessment is submitted.

After Metering Assessments are completed via ‘My CMUs’, you will be able

to see if a Metering Test is required after completing the assessment.

Failure by a CMU to complete the Metering Assessment shall result in

Termination (CM Rule 6.10.1 (ha)).


All assessments must


- Answers for all relevant

Metering Assessment


- Detailed line diagram(s)

showing electrical

configurations and Metering

sites at which the Generating

Units or DSR Components

are located or at which the

Interconnector CMU is



6. Metering Assessment deadlines

Metering Assessments during Prequalification

If CMUs would like to complete the Metering Assessment during Prequalification, this must be done within

the Prequalification submissions window, either while creating the CMU (for new or cloned CMUs) or using

the ‘EDIT AFTER PQRD’ button (for current CMUs that are being re-used). If the CMU has already

completed the Metering Assessment, the answers will be automatically populated in the Application and

the assessment will be reviewed as part of the Prequalification process.

All CMUs have the option to defer the Metering Assessment at Prequalification. The deferral period is

determined by the CMU type and Auction type.

Further Prequalification guidance for Metering Assessments will be available in version 2 of the document

which can be found here (will be published on 19th July 2019).

You can also refer to the Capacity Market Deadlines Tool here.


7. Metering Test Certificate deadline

Not all CMU’s will require a Metering Test.


All CMUs entering into Prequalification have the option to upload their existing Metering Test Certificate at

the point of submitting their Application, if the CMU has not changed its configuration from a previous

Delivery Year. This must be done within the Prequalification submissions window either while creating the

CMU (for new or cloned CMUs) or using the ‘EDIT AFTER PQRD’ button (for current CMUs that are being

re-used). Please note, the Delivery Body will not review the Metering Test Certificate if the Metering

Assessment has not been completed.

All Metering Tests will be undertaken by EMRS.

Deferring the submission of a Metering Test Certificate

All CMUs have the option to defer the Metering Assessment at Prequalification (CM Rule 3.6.4(b)), and as

such, the requirement to provide a Metering Test Certificate can be deferred to a later date. The deadline is

determined by the CMU type and Auction type.

You can also refer to the Capacity Market Deadlines Tool here.


8. Delivery Body assessment timeline

CP submits Metering


DB has 5 Working Days to review

Approved –main admin

receives email notification

Main admin to check in EMR DB Portal under ‘MY

CMUs’ if Test Certificate is


Test Certificate undertaken by EMRS

If Delivery Body rejects the Metering Assessment, the main admin will receive a notification via

email. The EMR DB Portal will reopen and allow resubmissions until the relative deadline. If failure to

provide by the deadline date, this can result in the CMU being terminated as per Rule 6.10.1(a)).


9. FAQ section

Could checks be performed on both

the MPAN and Asset number?

Can we upload all data records to

avoid email?

Checks can be performed at multiple stages of the

Component Reallocation process. While the asset number

does not form part of our checks, fields that are included are:

MPAN, BME ID and BMU IDs. Although we intend to add this

functionality by the end of this calendar year. l

I regularly experience problems with

Egress, must I use it for Component


The Component Reallocation interactions between the Delivery

Body and capacity providers will be conducted using the EMR

DB Portal. This extra functionality will significantly minimise the

use of Egress.

It is now possible to upload all Metering data within the EMR

DB Portal e.g. Metering Test Certificates and single line


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