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Metagenomic analysis of a stabletrichloroethene-degrading microbial community

Vanessa L Brisson1, Kimberlee A West1, Patrick KH Lee1,2, Susannah G Tringe3,Eoin L Brodie4 and Lisa Alvarez-Cohen1,4

1Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA; 2School ofEnergy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong; 3Department of Energy Joint GenomeInstitute, Walnut Creek, CA, USA and 4Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,Berkeley, CA, USA

Dehalococcoides bacteria are the only organisms known to completely reduce chlorinated ethenesto the harmless product ethene. However, Dehalococcoides dechlorinate these chemicals moreeffectively and grow more robustly in mixed microbial communities than in isolation. In this study,the phylogenetic composition and gene content of a functionally stable trichloroethene-degradingmicrobial community was examined using metagenomic sequencing and analysis. For phylogeneticclassification, contiguous sequences (contigs) longer than 2500 bp were grouped into classesaccording to tetranucleotide frequencies and assigned to taxa based on rRNA genes andother phylogenetic marker genes. Classes were identified for Clostridiaceae, Dehalococcoides,Desulfovibrio, Methanobacterium, Methanospirillum, as well as a Spirochete, a Synergistete, and anunknown Deltaproteobacterium. Dehalococcoides contigs were also identified based on sequencesimilarity to previously sequenced genomes, allowing the identification of 170 kb on contigs shorterthan 2500 bp. Examination of metagenome sequences affiliated with Dehalococcoides revealed 406genes not found in previously sequenced Dehalococcoides genomes, including 9 cobalaminbiosynthesis genes related to corrin ring synthesis. This is the first time that a Dehalococcoidesstrain has been found to possess genes for synthesizing this cofactor critical to reductivedechlorination. Besides Dehalococcoides, several other members of this community appear to havegenes for complete or near-complete cobalamin biosynthesis pathways. In all, 17 genes for putativereductive dehalogenases were identified, including 11 novel ones, all associated with Dehalococ-coides. Genes for hydrogenase components (271 in total) were widespread, highlighting theimportance of hydrogen metabolism in this community. PhyloChip analysis confirmed the stabilityof this microbial community.The ISME Journal (2012) 6, 1702–1714; doi:10.1038/ismej.2012.15; published online 1 March 2012Subject Category: integrated genomics and post-genomics approaches in microbial ecologyKeywords: bioremediation; cobalamin; Dehalococcoides; metagenomics; reductive dehalogenation;trichloroethene


Chlorinated ethenes are common groundwater con-taminants that pose human health risks (McCarty,1997; Moran et al., 2007; US Dept. of H&HS, 2007).PCE (tetrachloroethene) and TCE (trichloroethene)are suspected human carcinogens (US Dept.of H&HS, 2005) that have been widely used for avariety of applications, including dry cleaning andmetal degreasing (Mohn and Tiedje, 1992; McCarty,1997). The partially dechlorinated degradationproducts of TCE, dichloroethene (cis-DCE andtrans-DCE) and VC (vinyl chloride), are also toxic,

and VC is a known human carcinogen (Kielhornet al., 2000; US Dept. of H&HS, 2005).

Although several groups of organisms canreductively dechlorinate PCE and TCE to the toxicintermediate DCE (Scholz-Muramatsu et al., 1995;Sharma and McCarty, 1996; Holliger et al., 1998;Luijten et al., 2003; Loffler et al., 2004), Dehalococ-coides (Dhc) species are the only organisms knownto dechlorinate these compounds completely to theharmless product ethene (Maymo-Gatell et al., 1997;Smidt and de Vos, 2004). Dhc are strictly anaerobicbacteria that use chlorinated ethenes and otherchlorinated organics as electron acceptors (Maymo-Gatell et al., 1997; Smidt and de Vos, 2004). Thesereductive dechlorination reactions are catalyzedby membrane-associated enzymes called reductivedehalogenases (RDases) (Smidt and de Vos, 2004).Genome sequencing of several Dhc strains hasrevealed a large variety of putative RDase genes.

Received 18 August 2011; revised 27 January 2012; accepted 27January 2012; published online 1 March 2012

Correspondence: L Alvarez-Cohen, Department of Civil andEnvironmental Engineering, University of California, 760 DavisHall, Berkeley, CA 94720-1710, USA.E-mail:

The ISME Journal (2012) 6, 1702–1714& 2012 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved 1751-7362/12

The complement of RDase genes varies greatlybetween strains and corresponds to variation indechlorination abilities (Kube et al., 2005; Seshadriet al., 2005; McMurdie et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2011).Further, the suite of Dhc RDase genes that have beentied to functional activity are far fewer, currentlynumbering six in all (pceA, tceA, vcrA, bvcA, cbrAand mbrA) (Magnuson et al., 1998, 2000; Krajmalnik-Brown et al., 2004; Muller et al., 2004; Adrian et al.,2007; Chow et al., 2010).

Dhc species have been found to grow morerobustly and reduce chlorinated organics moreeffectively when grown in mixed communitiesrather than in isolation (Maymo-Gatell et al., 1997;He et al., 2007). This may be due to Dhc’s stringentmetabolic needs. For example, in additionto requiring chlorinated organics as terminal elec-tron acceptors, all known Dhc species obligately usehydrogen as an electron donor and acetate as acarbon source (Maymo-Gatell et al., 1997; Adrianet al., 2000; He et al., 2003). Further, althoughcobalamin is a necessary cofactor for RDases (Smidtand de Vos, 2004), no Dhc strains have beenreported to be capable of synthesizing cobalaminde novo (Kube et al., 2005; Seshadri et al., 2005; Heet al., 2007). Previously sequenced Dhc strains havegenes encoding for enzymes in the second part ofthe cobalamin biosynthesis pathway, lower ligandattachment and rearrangement (Maymo-Gatell et al.,1997; Kube et al., 2005; McMurdie et al., 2009), butnot for the first part of the pathway, corrin ringsynthesis. Even when Dhc isolates are providedsufficient hydrogen, acetate and cobalamin, they donot grow or dechlorinate as robustly as when grownin mixed communities or defined consortia(He et al., 2007; Lee et al., 2011; Men et al., 2012).

The dechlorinating community studied here is anenrichment culture that has been stably dechlorinat-ing TCE to ethene for over 10 years. This culture wasderived from sediment collected at the AlamedaNaval Air Station and is referred to as ANAS(Richardson et al., 2002). The phylogenetic composi-tion of ANAS has been studied using clone libraries(Richardson et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2006), and the Dhcstrains in ANAS have been analyzed using quantita-tive PCR and whole-genome microarrays (Holmeset al., 2006; West et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2011). ANAScontains two Dhc strains, which have recently beenisolated (Holmes et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2011). Acomparative genomics analysis showed these strainsto have very similar core genomes, but different RDasegenes, with correspondingly different dechlorinationabilities (Lee et al., 2011).

Metagenomic sequencing analysis is used in thisstudy to examine the Dhc component in the contextof the ANAS microbial community. Metagenomicdata provide a broad view of the genetic composi-tion of a community, including information aboutthe identity and potential metabolic capabilities ofcommunity members. Metagenomic approacheshave been used to study a variety of microbial

communities, including those inhabiting termiteguts, human intestines, wastewater treatment plantsand acid mines (Tyson et al., 2004; Gill et al., 2006;Warnecke et al., 2007; Sanapareddy et al., 2009). Inthe case of dechlorinating communities, metage-nomic data can provide insights into the organismsthat support dechlorination activity (Waller, 2009).

In this study, we identify and examine DNAsequences of Dhc and other ANAS communitymembers from metagenomic sequence data. We alsofocus on three categories of functional genes relatedto dechlorination activity: genes for RDases, genesfor cobalamin biosynthesis enzymes and genes forhydrogenases. Cobalamin biosynthesis was targetedbecause cobalamin is a required cofactor for RDases(Smidt and de Vos, 2004). Hydrogenases, whichcatalyze the reversible oxidation of molecularhydrogen, were targeted because Dhc couple reduc-tive dechlorination to hydrogen oxidation (Maymo-Gatell et al., 1997; Adrian et al., 2000; He et al.,2003).

Materials and methods

ANAS enrichment culture and DNA samplepreparationCulture conditions and maintenance procedures forANAS have been described previously (Richardsonet al., 2002). Briefly, 350 ml of culture was grown at25–28 1C and 1.8 atm with a N2-CO2 (90:10) head-space in a 1.5 l continuously stirred semi-batchreactor. The culture was amended with 13 ml TCEand 25 mM lactate every 14 days.

Cells were collected from 30 ml culture samplesby vacuum filtration onto hydrophilic Duraporemembrane filters (0.22 mm pore size, 47 mm dia-meter (Millipores, Billerica, MA, USA)), and filterswere stored in 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes at �80 1Cuntil further processing. For PhyloChip experi-ments, samples were collected from the same timepoint (27 h) from three different 14-day cycles of theculture to achieve biological triplication. For meta-genomic sequencing, samples from the same timepoint (27 h) from four different feeding cycles werepooled to collect enough material for sequencing.Total nucleic acids were extracted from frozen filtersusing a modified version of the bead beating andphenol extraction method described previously(West et al., 2008).

Metagenome sequencing, assembly and annotationMetagenome sequencing, assembly and annotationwere performed at the Department of EnergyJoint Genome Institute (JGI). A combination of 454-Titanium sequencing (453 944 reads) and paired-endshort-insert Sanger sequencing (76 272 mate pairs,approximate insert size 3 kb) was used. 454-Titaniumsequencing reads were assembled into contiguoussequences (contigs) using Newbler (454 Life Sciences,Roche Applied Sciences, Branford, CT, USA).

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Those contigs were shredded to resemble over-lapping Sanger sequencing reads, which were thencombined into an assembly with the paired-endSanger sequencing reads using the Paracel GenomeAssembler (Paracel Inc., Pasadena, CA, USA).Similar methods have been used by other research-ers to combine Sanger and 454-Titanium sequencingdata (Goldberg et al., 2006; Woyke et al., 2009). Thecontigs resulting from this second assembly, as wellas Sanger reads and Newbler contigs that could notbe further assembled, were annotated through aversion of the JGI microbial annotation pipeline(Mavromatis et al., 2009) adapted to metagenomes,which includes prediction of protein coding andRNA genes and product naming. Annotation wasautomated and no manual annotation was pre-formed. Data were loaded into the IntegratedMicrobial Genomes with Microbiome Samples(IMG/M) database (Markowitz et al., 2010) and usedin the following analyses.

Analysis of metagenomic sequence dataIdentification of Dhc contigs by sequence similarity(SS). Dhc contigs were identified in a two-stage SSprocess. In the first stage, contigs were identified bycomparison to previously sequenced Dhc referencegenomes (Dhc strains 195, BAV1, CBDB1, VS andGT). Reference genome sequences were retrievedfrom the National Center for Biotechnology Informa-tion (NCBI) genomes database (, and blastn (Zhang et al., 2000)was used to compare the reference genome se-quences against a database of all metagenome contigsequences. For each reference genome, the top 250BLAST hit contigs were selected for the second-stage comparison (at this cutoff, additional contigsdid not expand the useful contig set), where theiridentities were checked by comparison with theNCBI genomes database using megablast (Zhanget al., 2000). All contigs whose top BLAST hit(lowest expect value) in the genomes database wasto Dhc were selected and expect values werechecked for significance. For all contigs identifiedas Dhc, the expect value of the identifying BLASThit was p 10�35.

Classification of ANAS contigs by tetranucleotidefrequencies (TF). ANAS contigs larger than

2500 bp were grouped by TF using a procedurebased on one described by Dick et al., (2009) withsome modifications described in the SupplementaryInformation.

Comparisons to reference genomes and identifica-tion of novel Dhc genes. To identify regions ofsimilarity and difference between a set of metagen-ome contigs and a reference genome, each contig inthe set was compared with the reference genomeusing blastn, with an expect value cutoff of 10�12

unless otherwise stated. Based on the results ofthese searches, aligning and non-aligning regionswere identified in the contigs and the referencegenome.

Two measures of overall similarity between con-tigs and reference are reported. The first, contigmatch, is the percentage of total bases in all contigsthat are part of an alignment to the referencegenome. The second, reference match, is thepercentage of bases in the reference genome thatare part of an alignment to some contig in the set.

To identify contig regions containing potentiallynovel Dhc genes, Dhc metagenome contigs werecompared with five sequenced Dhc genomes (strains195, BAV1, CBDB1, VS and GT) that were publiclyavailable in August 2010. Contig regions that werenot in alignments to any reference genomes andwere over 100 bases in length were investigatedfurther. A less stringent expect value cutoff (10�6)was used to ensure that only low similarity regionswere left unaligned and were included in theanalysis. All annotated genes contained in thenon-aligning regions, or overlapping the regions byat least five bases, were identified as novel.

Confirmation of novel Dhc genes in Dhc isolates fromANASSelected novel Dhc genes identified in the metagen-ome were amplified and sequenced from Dhc strainspreviously isolated from ANAS. Primers weredesigned based on the metagenome gene sequenceusing Primer3 (Table 1). PCR reactions were per-formed in 0.2 ml tubes in using Qiagen Taq DNAPolymerase. The thermocycler program was asfollows: 12 min at 94 1C; 40 cycles of 1 min at94 1C, 45 s at the annealing temperature (Table 1)and 2 min at 72 1C; 12 min at 72 1C. gDNA (genomic

Table 1 PCR primers and annealing temperatures

Target genename

JGI IMG geneobject ID

Primer sequences Annealingtemperature

for PCRForward Reverse


Abbreviations: IMG, integrated microbial genomes; JGI, Joint Genome Institute.

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DNA) from Dhc strains ANAS1 and ANAS2 wereused as templates for separate reactions. ANASmetagenomic DNA was used as a positive controltemplate and Dhc strain 195 gDNA was used as anegative control template. PCR products werevisualized on agarose gels and purified usingthe QIAquick PCR Purification Kit (QIAGEN Inc.,Valencia, CA, USA). Purified PCR products weresequenced by Sanger sequencing.

PhyloChip assessment of community compositionMetagenomic DNA and RNA extracted from ANASwere applied to separate PhyloChip microarrays toexamine the phylogenetic composition of ANAS. De-tails of the methods for these experiments are in theSupplementary Information and draw on severalpreviously published methods (Cole et al., 2004; Brodieet al., 2006; DeSantis et al., 2007; West et al., 2008).


ANAS metagenome overviewANAS metagenome sequences were assembled into26 293 contigs, totaling 41 065 977 bp of DNA se-quence. Contigs ranged in length from 78 bp to921 258 bp, with an N50 length of 2149 bp. A total of60 992 protein-coding genes and 565 RNA geneswere identified. The annotation is available throughIMG/M ( Object ID 2014730001) (Markowitz et al.,2008b).

Dhc in ANASIdentification of Dhc contigs. The SS methodidentified 301 contigs as Dhc. In the TF analysis,one class containing 45 contigs was identified asDhc, based on the presence of 16S and 23S rRNAgenes that were 100% and 99% identical to those ofDhc strain 195.

The Dhc contigs identified by SS and by TF werecompared to evaluate the two methods. Of the 301Dhc contigs (1 810 488 bp total) identified by SS, 49(1 643 099 bp total) were sufficiently long (4 2500 bp)for classification by TF. Of those, the TF methodclassified 45 as Dhc (the class of 45 identified above)and one (ANASMEC_C10442) as a Synergistete,leaving three (ANASMEC_C5086, ANASMEC_C818and ANASMEC_C10029) unclassified.

The four contigs identified by SS but not by TFwere further examined to determine possible rea-sons for the discrepancy. The BLAST alignmentsidentifying these contigs by SS covered 25% orless of each contig’s length. In the non-aligning seq-uence regions, two contigs (ANASMEC_5086 andANASMEC_C818) contained several phage-relatedgenes and recombinases, indicating possible hori-zontal DNA transfer, which could explainnon-Dhc TF classification of sequences from a Dhcgenome. The other contigs (ANASMEC_C10029 and

ANASMEC_C10442) did not contain genes that wereobvious indicators of horizontal transfer, althoughthis does not rule out that explanation. Mis-assembly may also be responsible for the presenceof both Dhc and non-Dhc sequence in these contigs.Given this uncertainty, the following analysesconsider contigs identified by TF and SS separately,and make special note when these four contigs arerelevant to a particular analysis.

Identification of novel Dhc genes. Of 406 novelgenes, 184 with annotated functions (Supplemen-tary Table S1), were identified on 26 contigs(15 identified as Dhc by both TF and SS, 4 identifiedby SS alone as described above and 7 that were tooshort for TF analysis but were identified by SS)(Figure 1). The most surprising finding was thepresence of nine genes predicted to be involved incorrin ring synthesis, the first half of the cobalaminbiosynthesis pathway.

The corrin ring synthesis genes are on contigANASEMC_C6240, which was identified as Dhc by

Figure 1 Alignment of ANAS metagenome Dhc contigs (identi-fied by TF and/or SS) to the Dhc strain 195 genome. The innercircle represents the reference strain 195 genome, with the originof replication at the top. Magenta areas indicate alignment toANAS metagenome contigs, whereas gray areas indicate regionswith no alignment. Each contiguous bar in the outer circlesrepresents a contig, positioned based on its aligning regions, withcontigs plotted on different circles to avoid overlap. Green areasindicate regions with no alignment to the reference genome,potentially containing novel Dhc genes (if they also do not align toother Dhc reference genomes).

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both SS and by TF. Eight of the nine genes areoriented in the same direction and appear to bein a single operon, along with seven genes for ABC-transporter (ATP-binding cassette transporter) com-ponents (Figure 2), some specifically annotated asABC-type cobalamin/Fe3þ -siderophore transportsystems components. All regions of this contigaligning to reference Dhc genomes aligned topreviously identified High Plasticity Regions, whichcontain much of the variation between sequencedDhc genomes (McMurdie et al., 2009). Based on theTF analysis, the region of this contig containing thecobalamin biosynthesis genes grouped with theDhc sequences and not with any other contig class(Figure 3).

PCR amplification and sequencing were used toconfirm the presence of three of the cobalaminbiosynthesis genes in Dhc strains previously iso-lated from ANAS. Genes tested included two fromthe apparent cobalamin biosynthesis operon (cbiDand cbiF) and the one from elsewhere on the samecontig (cbiC). All three genes were successfullyamplified and sequenced from gDNA from Dhcstrain ANAS2 as well as from ANAS metagenomicDNA but not from Dhc strain ANAS1 or strain 195.Sequences had 99.6–100% nucleotide identity withcorresponding metagenome sequences. Amplifica-tion with the primers for cbiF produced products ofa different size than the target sequence, whengDNA from Dhc strain ANAS1 or strain 195 wasused as the template. Sequencing of PCR productsconfirmed that these were a different sequence fromthe target, the result of non-specific primer binding.

Several other groups of genes are well representedamong the novel Dhc genes identified here. A totalof 15 novel genes for ABC-transporter componentswere identified, including 13 on the same contig asthe corrin ring synthesis genes. In all, 15 genes forphage proteins and 14 genes for recombinases were

also present. A total of 11 novel genes for RDaseswere identified. However, for one RDase, the first-third of the gene matched (98% ID) the Dhc strain195 gene DET0088, an RDase domain gene, which isapproximately one-third the length of a typicalRDase gene. Together with the remaining two-thirdsof the RDase gene, this appears to be a full-lengthnovel Dhc RDase gene in the ANAS metagenome.

Metagenome coverage of Dhc genes detected bymicroarray. Metagenome coverage of Dhc geneswas assessed by comparison with results from aprevious comparative genomics study performedwith microarrays targeting 98.6% of annotated genesin Dhc strains 195, BAV1, CBDB1 and VS (Lee et al.,2011). Coverage was evaluated by identifying Dhcgenes detected in ANAS by the microarray analysisand determining which of those genes were presentin the metagenome sequences (Figure 4). Presence ofDhc genes in the metagenome was determined byblastn comparisons of the genome sequences of Dhcstrains 195, BAV1, CBDB1 and VS to all metagenomecontigs (expect value cutoff of 1� 10�12).

The metagenome contigs contained 96.2% (1311of 1363) of the genes identified as present by themicroarray analysis. Another 3.4% (47 genes) werepartially present, overlapping the contig end. Only 5of the 1363 Dhc genes identified by microarray werenot found in any of metagenome contigs. These wereall genes from the Dhc195 genome, and include fabG(DET1277), nusB (DET1278) and three genes codingfor hypothetical proteins (DET0768, DET1405 andDET1406). Based on the alignment of the metagen-ome contigs to the Dhc 195 genome, these genesappear to fall in gaps between contigs. Blastncomparisons of these genes to the raw sequencingreads revealed that all five genes had significantalignments (expect value o 1� 10�50) to 454-Titanium sequencing reads but not to Sanger

Figure 2 Operon structure for genes for the first (corrin ring synthesis) part of the cobalamin biosynthesis pathway identified in anANAS metagenome contig associated with Dhc. Genes in white are the corrin ring synthesis genes, labeled with the gene name. Geneswith hatching are genes for ABC-transporter components.

Figure 3 Evidence for the association of contig ANASMEC_C6240 (containing cobalamin biosynthesis genes) with Dhc. (a) The top barshows how different segments of the contig were grouped with Dhc based on TF analysis, whereas (b) the bottom bar shows which partsof the contig aligned with previously sequenced Dhc genomes (magenta matches Dhc and green does not). The location of the apparentcobalamin biosynthesis operon is indicated and has a Dhc TF composition but does not align to previously sequenced Dhc genomes.

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sequencing reads, indicating that they were missedby Sanger sequencing.

Co-assembly of sequence from distinct Dhc strains.Comparisons to the previous comparative genomicsmicroarray analysis (Lee et al., 2011) were also usedto determine whether sequences from the twodistinct Dhc strains were co-assembled in the

metagenome. The presence of two different Dhcstrains (ANAS1 and ANAS2) in the ANAS commu-nity has been established previously (Holmes et al.,2006; Lee et al., 2011), and the previous studyidentified 60 genes distinct to ANAS1 and 36 genesdistinct to ANAS2 (Lee et al., 2011). The metagen-ome contigs containing these non-shared genes wereidentified using BLAST and identifications wereconfirmed by BLAST comparison of metagenomesequences to the NCBI non-redundant nucleotidedatabase. Although all genes analyzed had sig-nificant (expect value o 10�12) alignments in thecontigs, we also required alignment of at least 75% ofgene length for positive identification for thisanalysis. Five genes distinct to ANAS1 failed thisalignment length requirement and were not consid-ered. Six contigs, representing 541 431 bp combined,were found to be co-assembled because each con-tained at least one gene distinct to ANAS1 and onegene distinct to ANAS2. In total, 17 contigs con-tained genes distinct to ANAS1, and 15 contigscontained genes distinct to ANAS2.

ANAS community structureTF classification of metagenome contigs. TF wasused to analyze all contigs longer than 2500 bp,comprising 2323 contigs representing 46% of thetotal sequence length of all contigs. Of these contigs,95% were classified into 10 classes (Table 2).141 contigs were left unclassified because they didnot cluster with other contigs.

Based on 16S and 23S rRNA genes present on thecontigs, 7 of the 10 classes were attributed to thefollowing taxa: a Clostridiaceae, Dhc, Desulfovibrio(23S only), Methanobacterium, Methanospirillum, aSpirochete, and a Synergistete. The remaining threeclasses did not contain 16S or 23S rRNA genes.Notably, an additional contig (ANASMEC_C9204)

Figure 4 Comparison of metagenomic Dhc coverage with ANASgenes detected by microarray. Although the analysis wasperformed for genes from Dhc strains 195, BAV1, CBDB1 andVS, only results for Dhc strain 195 are shown here for simplicity.Circles represent the Dhc strain 195 genome, with the origin ofreplication at the top. The inner circle shows regions with ANASmetagenome / strain 195 alignments in magenta. The outer circleshows ANAS genes detected by microarray in blue-green.

Table 2 Classification of contigs by TF and identification of contig classes by 16S and 23S BLAST comparisons

Classa Numberof



length (bp)


length (bp)



Taxa 16S rRNA gene closest BLAST hitb

(23S when 16S not present)%ID ofclosest

BLAST hitb

Class 1 13 2 279 508 39 051 53 Clostridiaeceae Clostridiaceae bacterium SH021 95Class 2 45 1 483 420 14 384 39 Dehalococcoides Dehalococcoides sp MB and Dehalococcoides ethenogenes 195 100Class 3 77 2 654 085 27 104 18 Spirochaetes Spirochaetes bacterium enrichment culture

clone DhR^2/LM-B0292

Class 4 152 2 550 033 11 242 11 Methanobacterium Methanobacterium formicicum strain FCam 99Class 5 382 2 249 123 4714 8 Desulfovibrio Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. Desulfuricans str.

ATCC 27774c


Class 6 449 2 295 796 4122 7 unknown taxa no rRNA genesClass 7 550 2 732 616 3821 7 Synergistetes Synergistetes bacterium enrichment culture clone


Class 8 205 791 052 3346 6 Deltaproteobacterium no rRNA genesClass 9 191 675 183 3112 6 unknown taxa no rRNA genesClass 10 118 421 953 3156 5 Methanospirillum Methanospirillum hungatei JF-1 99Unclassified 141 864 492 3451All classes 2323 18 997 261 4003

Abbreviation: TF, tetranucleotide frequency.aClasses are ordered by average read depth.bIdentity and %ID are presented for the top 16S (or 23S) rRNA gene BLAST hit in the NCBI nucleotide database that was identified beyond‘uncultured bacterium’. BLAST searches were performed in August 2010.c23S rRNA gene was used for identification of the Desulfovibrio class because no 16S gene was present on those contigs.

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containing a set of rRNA gene sequences from aClostridium did not cluster with any contig class,although it was more similar to the Clostridiaceaeclass than to other contig classes. This 8722 bpcontig also contains genes for subunits of a type IIAtopoisomerase and a gene for a hypothetical protein.A partial 23S rRNA gene belonging to a Bacteroidesand a 16S gene belonging to a Desulfovibrio werealso identified, but were on contigs smaller than the2500 bp cutoff used for the TF analysis.

IMG/M Phylogenetic Marker clusters of ortholo-gous group (Markowitz et al., 2008a) were used totry to identify the remaining three classes. One classwas identified as a Deltaproteobacterium, likelyfrom the Desulfovibrionales order. Marker genes inClass 6 did not give a clear identification, and Class9 contained no marker genes.

Comparisons with previously sequenced referencegenomes. Contig classes were compared withrelevant reference genomes in the NCBI genomesdatabase (accessed September 2010). Desulfovibrioand Methanospirillum contigs were compared withfully sequenced genomes from the same genus.Methanobacterium contigs were compared withgenomes of members of the Methanobacteriaceaefamily. Clostridiaceae contigs were compared withClostridium genomes (most similar genus based on16S and 23S sequences). Comparisons were notperformed for the Spirochete, Synergistete, orunknown Deltaproteobacterium contigs becausesufficiently close relatives (same family or genus)could not be identified.

Dhc contigs had the most similarity to referencegenomes, whereas Clostridiaceae and Methano-bacterium contigs had o 4% contig match (percentof contig bases in alignments to reference genome)or reference match (percent of reference genomebases in alignments to contigs) (Table 3, Supple-mentary Table S2). For comparison, it is useful toconsider what these values are for a set of contigscompared with a reference genome that is notclosely related. A comparison of the Dhc contigsto seven Desulfovibrio reference genomes results incontig matches and reference matches of 0.1% to0.2%. For Methanospirillum contigs, the disparitybetween contig match and reference match isprobably due to poor sequencing coverage (0.5 Mbp

compared with 3.5 Mbp for Methanospirillumhungatei).

Metabolic functions in ANASMetagenome gene content overview. The ANASmetagenome contains 60 992 putative protein-coding genes. Of these, 36 101 could be assigned toclusters of orthologous groups, and 32 520 of thosewere assigned to categories beyond general functionprediction (Supplementary Table S3).

Three types of functional genes related to de-chlorination (genes directly involved in dechlorina-tion, genes involved in cobalamin biosynthesis andgenes involved in hydrogen production and con-sumption) were selected for further analysis becausethey may provide insight into the dechlorinatingabilities of this community and the interactionsbetween community members that result in anefficient dechlorinating consortium.

Reductive dechlorination. A total of 15 putativeRDase genes located on six contigs were identifiedin the JGI annotation of the ANAS metagenomecontigs (Supplementary Table S4). In addition, threeRDase genes identified by previous microarrayanalysis (Lee et al., 2011) but not annotated in theJGI annotation were found by BLAST search onan additional contig (ANASMEC_C7898) and geneidentities were confirmed by comparison to theNCBI non-redundant nucleotide database. Two ofthese were present as full-length RDase genes. Thethird, matching Dhc strain 195 gene DET1535, waspresent as two partial RDase genes disrupted by anapparent frame-shift mutation. Of the seven contigscontaining RDase genes, six were identified as Dhcby both SS and TF. The remaining contig (ANA-SMEC_C818), which contained only one RDasegene, was identified as Dhc by the SS method, butwas left unclassified in the TF analysis. This contighad significant SS to Dhc strain 195 over approxi-mately 25% of its length, including the RDase generegion. The non-aligning contig regions containedrecombinases and phage-related genes, indicatingpossible horizontal transfer and perhaps accountingfor the atypical tetranucleotide composition.

Of the 17 full-length RDase genes identified, 7were matched to putative RDase genes in the NCBInon-redundant protein database (X98% amino acid

Table 3 Comparison of ANAS contig classes to the most similar sequenced genomes

ANAS contig class Most similar reference genome basedon contig and reference match

Contigmatcha (%)

Referencematchb (%)

Dehalococcoides Dehalococcoides ethenogenes strain 195 81.7 82.2Desulfovibrio Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ATCC 27774 32.9 26.1Clostridiaceae Clostridium kluyveri NBRC 12016 1.1 1.1Methanospirillum Methanospirillum hungatei 46.5 6.1Methanobacterium Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus 2.1 3.2

aContig match is the percentage of total bases in all contigs in the set that are part of an alignment to the reference genome.bReference match is the percentage of total bases in the reference genome that are part of an alignment to some contig in the set.

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ID). Together with the partial RDase genes men-tioned above, which match DET1535 (97% aminoacid ID), these correspond to the eight RDase genesidentified as present in ANAS (or Dhc isolates fromANAS) by the previous microarray study (Lee et al.,2011). These include two (tceA and vcrA) that havebeen linked to enzymes with demonstrated RDaseactivity, and one (DET0088) that appears as atruncated RDase gene in Dhc strain 195, but whichis extended to a full-length novel RDase gene in theANAS metagenome as noted above. Of the otherten putative RDase genes, one had 91% amino-acididentity to another putative RDase, and the remainingnine had less than 70% identity to any sequences inthe NCBI protein database as of July 2011.

Cobalamin biosynthesis. In total, 20 genes alongthe first (corrin ring synthesis) and second (lowerligand attachment and rearrangement) parts ofthe cobalamin biosynthesis pathway were targetedfor analysis (Kanehisa and Goto, 2000; Warren et al.,2002). Near-complete cobalamin biosynthesispathways appear to be present in the Dhc, Methano-bacterium and Clostridiaceae classes (Table 4,Supplementary Table S5).

Genes for incomplete biosynthesis pathways wereidentified in both the ANAS Desulfovibrio andMethanospirillum contigs. However, the total se-quence length of these contig classes is significantlysmaller than would be expected for a full genome(Desulfovibrio contigs, 2249 123 bp total, represent43–78% of the length of sequenced Desulfovibriogenomes; Methanospirillum contigs, 421 953 bptotal, represent 12% of the length of the Methanos-pirillum hungatei genome), indicating incompletecoverage.

Hydrogen production and consumption. Hydro-genases, enzymes that catalyze the reversibleoxidation of molecular hydrogen, appear to bewidespread in the ANAS community, with 271genes annotated as hydrogenase components(Supplementary Table S6). Of those, 126 genes werepresent on contigs that were large enough forclassification by TF, spread across all classes exceptthe Methanospirillum class. However, this is likelya false negative result given the low coverage ofthis genome as described above. Methanospirillumare expected to have genes for hydrogenases used inmethanogenesis (Madigan et al., 2008). Of the126 hydrogenase genes in large contigs, the Methano-bacterium class had the largest proportion (36 genes),followed by the Desulfovibrio class (26 genes) andDhc (17 genes). The Clostridiaceae class containedonly three genes for hydrogenase components.

PhyloChip analysis of ANAS community compositionPhyloChip analysis of metagenomic DNA identified1056 bacterial and archaeal taxa in ANAS(37 bacterial phyla, 2 archaeal phyla) (Supplemen-

tary Table S7). Of these, 285 taxa were identified ashighly active by detection when hybridizing RNA tothe PhyloChip (29 bacterial phyla, 2 archaeal phyla)(Supplementary Table S8).

The community composition of ANAS as detectedby DNA PhyloChip experiments remained stablebetween the three feeding cycles sampled (meancoefficient of variation for normalized signal inten-sity: 0.083). The greatest variation was seen for taxawith the lowest average signal intensity. A total of11 taxa, all among the lowest 5% of average signalintensity, had coefficients of variation X0.20. Thehighest coefficient of variation (0.48) was for aMethanosarcinaceae.

The highly active taxa (taxa detected by RNAPhyloChip experiments) were also stable betweenthe three sampling time points (mean coefficient ofvariation: 0.085). Only four taxa, the four Methano-bacteriaceae detected, had coefficients of variation4 0.20 for the RNA PhyloChip experiments. Thesehad coefficients of variation ranging from 0.24 to0.36 and fell within the lowest 15% of signalintensity.

For all contig class taxa (Clostridiaceae, Dhc,Desulfovibrio, Deltaproteobacteria, Methanobacter-ium, Methanospirillum, Spirochetes and Synergis-tetes) except for Methanospirillum, representativesof the same taxa were detected as both present andactive by PhyloChip experiments using DNA andRNA, respectively. Representatives of all bacterialcontig class taxa were among the highest 10% ofaverage signal intensity in DNA PhyloChip experi-ments, consistent with these taxa being dominantmembers of the community. However, all Methano-bacterium detected were among the lowest 15% ofsignal intensity, and Methanospirillum were notdetected by the PhyloChips. In the RNA PhyloChipexperiments, Dhc was the only contig class taxaamong the top 10% of signal intensity, althoughseveral Clostridiales not identified as Clostridiaceaewere also in this most active group. One Spirochetealso appeared in the top 15% of signal intensity.


In this study, metagenomic sequencing and analysiswere used to examine the phylogenetic compositionof ANAS and the genes present in the dominantcommunity members, with a focus on Dhc.Although Dhc and non-Dhc metagenome contigswere classified based on TF, an alternative SSapproach was also used to identify Dhc contigs.Both approaches have advantages: SS can identifysmaller contigs, whereas TF works even whenclosely related reference genomes are unavailable.

Metagenomic analysis has provided some insightinto the functions and interactions of differentcommunity members in the context of overall TCEdechlorination activity. The widespread presence ofgenes for hydrogenases emphasizes the importance

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of hydrogen metabolism in this community. In theANAS bioreactor, lactate is fermented to acetate andhydrogen, which are used by Dhc and by otherorganisms. Because hydrogenases can catalyze boththe formation and degradation of molecular hydro-gen, the presence of hydrogenase genes does notdifferentiate the organisms that are producinghydrogen from those that are consuming it. Basedon knowledge of other organisms in these taxonomicgroups, however, the Clostridiaceae, the Desulfovi-brio and the Spirochete are potential fermenters thatproduce hydrogen, although some may also behomoacetogens, consuming hydrogen and carbondioxide to produce acetate (Leadbetter et al., 1999;Madigan et al., 2008). The methanogens likelyconsume hydrogen as an electron donor, competingwith Dhc (Madigan et al., 2008). These differenthydrogen producers and consumers (fermenters,homoacetogens, reductive dechlorinators andmethanogens) have different thermodynamicrequirements and different hydrogen thresholds.However, in this community, they appear to havedeveloped working syntrophic relationships, allow-ing stable long-term dechlorination activity.

With respect to dechlorination reactions,although other organisms are known to reductivelydechlorinate TCE to DCE in many environments(Scholz-Muramatsu et al., 1995; Sharma andMcCarty 1996; Holliger et al., 1998; Loffler et al.,2004), the association of all RDase genes in themetagenome with Dhc contigs implies that Dhc isthe dominant, and possibly sole dechlorinator inANAS. Previous studies have indicated that ANAScontains two distinct Dhc strains (Holmes et al.,2006; Lee et al., 2011). Consequently, we analyzedthe metagenomic data set to determine whethersequences from these strains were co-assembled.Although co-assembly at the domain level has beenreported for both real and simulated metagenomicdata sets, these errors are expected to be rare andeasy to identify (DeLong, 2005; Mavromatis et al.,2007). Co-assembly of closely related species orstrains is more common and more difficult to detect(Mavromatis et al., 2007; Kunin et al., 2008). In thisstudy, co-assembly of sequences from the two Dhcstrains was detected for at least six contigs,representing 541 431 bp. Considering the similaritybetween these two strains (Lee et al., 2011), thisamount of co-assembly is not surprising. However, itis worth recognizing as one characteristic of thisapproach and highlights the importance of parallelsequencing of isolates and/or single cells to meta-genome studies.

Because the medium provided for ANAS containsonly 2 mgl�1 cobalamin, a lower than optimal con-centration for Dhc (He et al., 2007), cobalaminsynthesis in the bioreactor is likely necessary tosupport the observed dechlorination abilities.Several community members, including Dhc, appearto have genes for complete or near-completecobalamin biosynthesis pathways. Although some

genes appear to be missing, not all genes identifiedin the pathway are necessary for de novo cobalaminsynthesis. For example, Hodgkinia cicadicola, anendosymbiont of cicadas with a highly streamlinedgenome, retains cobalamin synthesis capabilitiesdespite its lack of several of the enzymes in thepathway (Table 4) (McCutcheon et al., 2009).

As previously sequenced Dhc do not have thesegenes and Dhc are assumed to obtain this cofactorfrom other organisms, the association of genes forcorrin ring synthesis (the first part of cobalaminbiosynthesis) with Dhc was unexpected (Kube et al.,2005; Seshadri et al., 2005; He et al., 2007). Thecontig regions containing the corrin ring synthesisgenes have TF compositions that were grouped withthe Dhc sequences and not with any of the othercontig classes (Figure 3), implying that these geneswere not recently horizontally transferred to Dhc,but have been maintained in the ANAS Dhc forsome time. Given that Dhc are known to haverelatively streamlined genomes (Kube et al., 2005;Seshadri et al., 2005; McMurdie et al., 2009), it isinteresting that the ANAS Dhc appear to be main-taining genes for this pathway even though othercommunity members appear to be capable ofsupplying this cofactor and cobalamin has beensupplied in the medium, albeit at a low level, forover 10 years. As PCR amplification and sequencinghave confirmed the presence of these genes inDhc strain ANAS2, the functionality of the Dhccobalamin biosynthesis pathway is currently beinginvestigated in that strain.

The description of the community compositionderived from metagenomic analysis is generallyconsistent with those of previous 16S clone librarystudies (Richardson et al., 2002; Lee et al., 2006) andthe PhyloChip study presented here. Overall, datafrom the clone libraries and metagenome sequencingagreed on the most abundant bacterial taxa, whichwere also detected by the PhyloChip. The Phylo-Chip also detected many other taxa because it ismore effective at detecting low abundance organ-isms (Brodie et al., 2006; DeSantis et al., 2007). Thisis because the PhyloChip is less sensitive to randomsampling effects that impact sequencing-basedapproaches (Zhou et al., 2008, 2011). With theexception of Methanospirillum, the archaeal taxadetected in the metagenome were also detected bythe PhyloChip, along with several other archaea.No archaeal clone libraries have yet been preparedfor ANAS.

One notable discrepancy between the bacterialclone libraries and the metagenome was in therelative abundance of taxa detected by the twomethods. Specifically, the Spirochete exhibited onlylow abundance (1–2% of clones) in both clonelibrary experiments (Richardson et al., 2002; Leeet al., 2006). Based on the median contig length andaverage read depth of Spirochete contigs (Table 2)however, the Spirochete appears to be one of themore abundant organisms in ANAS. Studies of other

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Dhc-containing dechlorinating microbial commu-nities have also detected Spirochetes (Gu et al.,2004; Macbeth et al., 2004; Duhamel and Edwards,2006). Based on what is known of Spirochetes ingeneral, they may be fermenters or homoacetogensin these communities (Leadbetter et al., 1999;Madigan et al., 2008). Clone libraries are known tobe susceptible to PCR and cloning biases (vonWintzingerode et al., 1997), and some studies havefound Spirochetes in particular to be underrepre-sented in some clone libraries (Campbell and Cary,2001; Hongoh et al., 2003). However, recent studiessuggest that estimates of relative abundance basedon metagenomic sequencing read depth are alsobiased (Amend et al., 2010; Morgan et al., 2010).

The notable discrepancies between the metagen-ome and the PhyloChip results were with themethanogens. The PhyloChip did not detect anyMethanospirillum, and although the read depth andcontig length of the Methanobacterium contigsindicates that they were dominant communitymembers, their low signal intensity using thePhyloChip suggests otherwise. Because theseexperiments involved amplification of 16S genesprior to PhyloChip hybridization, the low signalintensity may be due to poor amplification. Metha-nogens had the highest coefficients of variation inboth the PhyloChip DNA and RNA results, lendingweight to the explanation that the methanogenpopulation is less stable than the rest of thismicrobial community.

In this study, we also compared the metagenomesequences with a previous comparative genomicsstudy that used microarrays to detect known Dhcgenes in ANAS (Lee et al., 2011). The agreementbetween the two approaches in detecting Dhc genes(Figure 4) confirms that the coverage of Dhc in themetagenomic sequence data was very high. Mostdifferences between the results of the two methodsare regions of the reference Dhc genomes for whichno genes were detected in ANAS by microarray, butwhich had an alignment in the metagenome contigs.This highlights the specificity of the microarrayto detect only very closely matched sequences.Alternatively, metagenomic sequencing allows thedetection of somewhat more divergent versions ofgenes as well as unexpected or novel genes.

This analysis of metagenomic sequence data hasadvanced our understanding of this dechlorinatingmicrobial community. The phylogenetic composi-tion of ANAS described by metagenomic sequencinggenerally confirms the composition described byPhyloChip and previous 16S clone library studies,with a few discrepancies in the relative abundancesof some taxa and possible variability in the metha-nogen population. More importantly, our analysis offunctional genes relevant to dechlorination providesinsight into the capabilities of microbial communitymembers. Dhc appear to be the dominant reductivedechlorinators in ANAS, as all RDase genes identi-fied were associated with Dhc. Genes related to

the synthesis of cobalamin, an important cofactor forreductive dechlorination, are present in severalcommunity members, including Dhc, highlightingthe importance of this cofactor in the function ofANAS. This is the first time that genes for the firstpart of the cobalamin biosynthesis pathway havebeen identified in a Dhc strain, further highlightingthe unique adaptation of the ANAS strains toreductive dechlorination, but also suggesting thatthe non-Dhc community members likely haveadditional important roles beyond cobalaminbiosynthesis.


This research was supported by the Strategic Environ-mental Research and Development Program (SERDP)through grant ER-1587 and the NIEHS Superfund BasicResearch Project ES04705-19. We are grateful to staff at theDOE Joint Genome Institute for the sequencing andannotation work carried out in this project and to theDepartment of Energy Office of Biological and Environ-mental Research for funding sequencing under the JGICommunity Sequencing Program. Part of this work wasperformed at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab supportedby the Office of Science, US Department of Energy underContract No. 470 DE-AC02-05CH11231.


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