Message from Ms Rabia Jones - Australian International Academy€¦ · 1. Recite the Holy Quran....

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Transcript of Message from Ms Rabia Jones - Australian International Academy€¦ · 1. Recite the Holy Quran....

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3 May 20193 May 2019

Message from Ms Rabia Jones

Being eSmart

Parents need to understand that thegreatest risk that our children face online isbeing denied access. The Internet isessential to our children's education, futurecareers and lives. But even the mostexperienced Internet user doesn'tunderstand how children use the Internet

and how to help them have a safer and more enjoyable surfingexperience.

At school, our internet is restricted. Students cannot accessinappropriate sites- particularly sites such as Facebook, Twitterand TIK TOK. When online children can come across threekinds of risks: content, contact and conduct.

It is important to go online with your child, role model safeinternet use and talk to your child about online behavior. Trustbetween you and your child helps keep your child safe online.

Research indicates that 75% of children aged 8-11 years havea social media profile. Schools can struggle to deal with all ofthe issues that this can bring and we do want to ensure thatpupils learn about social media, enjoy the positive outcomes ofcommunication but stay safe at the same time.

If your child is eager to start tweeting, posting or sharing andyou feel that they are not ready to use social apps because oftheir age, then there are a number of alternative social networksmade for children that you can point them to.

These offer child friendly features like games and contests butalso give you a chance to use them as a teaching tool to getthem sharing safely.

One of a number of organisations that can provide a safe socialmedia platform for schools is ChatFOSS (Friends Only StaySafe). ChatFoss is the first social network designed specifically

for under 13’s. If you want to find out more, look at theChatFOSS website below or email

To find other child friendly social networks go to Google.

Ms Rabia JonesActing Head of Primary


The Australian International Academyof Education declares and affirms thatschool programmes and leadingpractices embrace the followingimportant principles:

1. The promotion of peace, harmonyand understanding throughintercultural interactions.

2. All Australians have equal rights before the law.We reject any form(s) of discrimination based onrace, religion or gender.

3. The rule of law and respect for the rights ofothers.

4. The values of fairness, openness, sharing andgiving a hand, looking after neighbours, tolerance,understanding and acceptance.

5. People are free to choose and practice theirreligions. But we reject those who preach violenceand hatred in the name of any religion.

6. The right of individuals to enjoy freedom ofspeech, expression and association. But we rejectverbal and written abuses and transgressionsagainst others under the cover of freedom ofspeech and expression.

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This document was created with Prince, a great way of getting web content onto paper.

7. The Australian system of democratically electedgovernments and councils is the best that servesthe interest of all Australians.

Mr. Salah SalmanAcademy Head

Message from Mr Hassan Ellhabi

Attendance and Punctuality

At the Australian International AcademyKing Khalid Coburg Campus, we arecommitted to giving your child the besteducational experience possible. We feel toensure this happens, regular attendanceand punctuality is essential.

When a child attends school on a regular basis, they take animportant step towards reaching their full potential, and aregiven the greatest opportunity to learn new things and developtheir skills.

It is ok for your child to be absent from school if they have asickness or have an infectious illness that could be passed onto others. If your child has an illness, they should NOT return toschool for at least 48 hours after it stops being infectious.

Children have a bad start to the day when they arrive late andfeel embarrassed if they enter the classroom late when theirfriends are learning. They also miss valuable morning instructiontime and disrupt the remainder of the class.

To help your child’s punctuality you can:

Don’t keep your child at home:

Mr Hassan EllhabiDeputy Principal

Arabic/Quran DepartmentDear Parents, Guardians and Children;

Now that Ramadan is coming up I’d like togive you some hints or perhaps goals to setfor this incredibly rewarding month.

Make an achievable plan for this month,there’s no point in making it extremelydifficult for yourself. Make one and stick to


The school Mosque will be open for Isha and Taraweeh prayers.The prayers start at 7.30 pm sharp.

Finally, I’d like to wish you all a very blessed month of Ramadanfull of worship, goodness and forgiveness of sins.

Nasrallah Chaarani.Primary Imam & Religion Coordinator.

• Ensure your child is organized in the morning.

• On the first day of absence, contact the school asearly as possible.

• Try and arrange medical appointments outside ofschool hours. We understand that there are timeswhere this is not possible.

• If they have dry coughs or sneezes

• If they are tired

• If their siblings are not well

• If you are not well

1. Recite the Holy Quran.Ramadan is the month of the Quran so let’s try toread as many pages as we can, preferably one Juzto get the blessings and the rewards from Allah (swt).

2. Memorize 4 new suratsMemorizing the Quran seems hard for some people.But the key is doing it in small bits. Since there arefour weeks in Ramadan, try to memorize one newsurat each week.

3. Go to Tarawih prayersAfter Iftar, the first urge is to sleep after an exhaustingday. But try your best to head out to the Mosque forIsha and Tarawih prayers. Praying alone is good, butdoing it in congregation is fantastic.

4. Eat, drink and be moderateAlmost all of us do it- once Iftar time hits, we justkeep on stuffing ourselves with food and drink untilit’s hard to move afterwards. However, this is totallycontrary to the spirit of Ramadan through whichwe’re supposed to learn self-control. Let’s try to stickto the prophetic rule on eating: fill our stomachs withone third food, one third water and one thirdbreathing space, even in Ramadan.

5. Stop backbitingIn Ramadan we want to build our spirituality, we’vegot to stop all of our bad habits especially backbitingabout someone to our family and friends. But we allknow that this is Haram and not allowed at all.

6. Make DuasTry to always remember Allah’s name when you’refasting, and the best way to do it is through duas.Ask Allah for anything you want but the best thingyou can ask Allah for is Jannah (Paradise) and tosave you from Jahannam (Hell). You can also askAllah to keep you on the right path and to forgiveyour sins.


Prep News

Well it’s been a busy start to the term but the Prep classes havecome back refreshed and settled and it’s a pleasure to watchthem go about their daily routine with an eagerness to learn.They experienced many wonderful opportunities in Term 1 andInshallah, we look forward to sharing many more this term.

Library NewsWelcome back to Term 2 which promises to be full of excitingevents! In the library we welcome the IBC Book Fair duringthe month of Ramadan. This will take place in Week 6 fromMonday 27th May until Friday 31st May. We ask each childto bring some money to spend during this week. They will bevisiting the book fair during their library time-table and it will beopened after school for parents and others to visit until 2:30pm(Ramadan time-table) Please check your Compass messagesfor details of when your children attend library to ensure theyare prepared to visit as to avoid any disappointments.

We will also host the Simultaneous Storytime in May. This year’sbook which will be highlighted and shared is called: “Alpacaswith Maracas” by Matt Cosgrove in which lots of rhyming funwords are explored and enjoyed!

Do remember to ask your child if they are ready for their libraryvisit by ensuring they have their library bags and books returnedon time. Your support and encouragement is muchappreciated.

I take this opportunity to wish you all Ramadan Mubarak onbehalf of the primary library staff.

Sick Bay NewsWelcome back to Term 2! I hope everyonehad an enjoyable break!

I wanted to take this opportunity to talkabout this year’s Flu Season and preparingfor it.

The flu season will be upon us soon. Pastseasons have shown us that influenza is

highly contagious, debilitating and in some cases fatal. And itcan strike without warning.

Here are some quick facts:

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptoms of the flu are the suddenappearance of a high fever (38°C or more), a dry cough, bodyaches (especially in the head, lower back and legs) and feelingextremely weak and tired (and not wanting to get out of bed).

Symptoms of the flu hit very quickly and may last for weeks.

The flu doesn’t discriminate, and anyone can be affected, that’swhy it is so important that everyone in the community protectsthemselves against the flu this season and takes some easysteps to help stop the spread of the flu.

Can the flu illness be treated?

The best things you can do to look after yourself if you have theflu are:

Helping stop the spread of flu is as simple asfollowing three simple steps:

cough or sneeze into your elbow

• Influenza is a viral infection spread through contactand breathing contaminated air.

• There are many strains of the influenza virus and itmutates quickly. The dominant strain in the lastseason was Influenza A.

• The flu season in Australia runs between May andOctober, peaking in August and September.

• Data shows that very young children (under 5) andolder people (over 75) are most vulnerable toinfluenza.

• In Australia, it is the influenza A, B and C strainswhich are most common. Type A is the mostinfectious, with severe symptoms, Type B is less so.Influenza C is a bit kinder, causing milder symptomsand is less infectious.

• Rest – you will probably feel very weak and tired untilyour temperature returns to normal (about threedays) and resting will provide comfort and allow yourbody to use its energy to fight the infection.

• Stay at home – stay away from work or school andavoid contact with others as much as possible whilethe infection is contagious. The period during whichadults are contagious is usually around 3–5 daysfrom when the first symptoms appear, and up to 7days in younger children.

• Drink plenty of fluids – extra fluids are needed toreplace those lost because of the fever (throughsweating).


wash your hands regularly

don’t forget your flu shot

And remember, if you’re sick, stay home.

Please look after yourselves and the children this winter season.

If you have any concerns or questions, do not hesitate tocontact me.

Thank you!

Kerstin VillanuevaSchool Nurse.

Year 1

In mathematics, the Year 1 students explored the use ofhands-on activities to support their learning.

Students used manipulatives to create their own patterns andsort and classify shapes and objects.

They also had fun creating 2D houses using shapes. They wereexcited to discover that shapes are all around us.

They are consolidating their learning of bonds to 10 usingnumber lines, counters and dice to record number sentences.

The Year 1’s also explored the concept of length and had funmeasuring everyday items to support their understanding of theconcept.

Australia’s Biggest Morning TeaWe would like to thank all the amazingparent volunteers, who came to our schoolto help us chop up lots and lots of fruit,toast oats in our not so big electric oven,and then carefully divide this into bowls,spoons and yoghurt, all amongst almost600 students!!

It was an amazing effort ladies and wewould like to sincerely thank-you all and let you know that yourefforts and support is truly appreciated.

Our list of AMAZING volunteers:

Ms Randa GhandourMs Amina BonMs Aziza Abou-ZeidMs Denise TemerMs Ellen E OsmanMs Fadwa El AchkarMs Feride RamaihiMs Lena El SheikhMs Melinda BaariniMs Rana MariamMs Zahra HammoudMs Zainab MerhiMs Nada El-HayekMs Syeda NaseemMs Zeenath Mohsina Khatoon


This event could not be successful without you all… Thank-you!

We would also like to acknowledge the volunteering intentionsof Ms Abir Taleb and Ms Eman Saad… hopefully next timeInsha’Allah

We had the pleasure of welcoming some special guests.

Mr Todd Harper, the CEO from the Cancer Council, MaryChackola from the Cancer Council, Dougal the Bear (themascot for the Cancer Council), the Moreland Mayor NatalieAbboud.

Our School Captains Amr Ahmed, Roqaya Al-Musawy, AquibMohammad Mughal and Sara Ustuner had the honour ofwelcoming them all to our school.

We were also given amazing support from the following:

Coles in Gaffney Street,

Woolworths in Coburg,

Lomabards had provided us with the bowls, spoons andyellow table cloths at a very low cost for us.

Ms Melinda Baarini had donated to us a couple of bags of oats,which then sparked me the idea of using that particular brandof oats, whereby Ms Evelina had kindly donated a further 20bags!!!

Green Apple fruit shop, generously provided us with so muchdelicious fruit for free! And they are located at 250 SomertonRd, Roxburgh Park VIC 3064


70 kgs of Yoghurt was also generously donated to us byParamount Fire Protection headed by Mr Hussain Fattal. Theycan be located at Unit 26/10 Cawley Rd, Yarraville VIC 3013

Let’s all support our Supporters!

We will still be collecting donations until the end of the day onFriday 3rd May and we will let you all know the final tally viaCompass by the end of next week Insha’Allah.

On behalf of my co-host Ms Hala Faraj, thank-you all for yoursupport, for sending your child to school with something yellowand giving a donation to a worthy cause, the Cancer Council.

Ms Iman Habboucheh – Cohost of Australia’s Biggest MorningTea 2019, AIA Style.

Woolies Earn & Learn

Woolworths Earn & Learn 2019


From Wednesday 1st May and Tuesday 25thJune 2019 or while stock lasts, when staffand parents shop at Woolworths you can collect WoolworthsEarn & Learn Stickers from the checkout operator, via teammembers at the self-service checkout or through an onlineorder and place them on a Woolworths Earn & Learn StickerSheet. There will be one Woolworths Earn & Learn Sticker forevery $10 spent.

Once completed, simply place the Sticker Sheet in theCollection Box, either at our school located in the front officeor at our local Woolworths (we have a box ready for you at theCoburg Station Woolworths store).

We thank-you for your amazing support.

Kindest regardsMs Iman - Woolworths Earn and Learn Coordinatorfor AIA King Khalid Primary School Campus Coburg

Parent VolunteersDear Parents,

AIA is seeking parent volunteers to assist children with readingArabic. All volunteers will need to obtain a Working withChildren Check through the following website:

Interested parents can pick up a parent volunteer form from theschool office and will be informed about when they are requiredto start. You will need to be available to volunteer for a minimumof 2 days per week in order to be considered.

Thank you

Ms Hala Ibrahim


Transitioning to a Plastic FreeWorld

As of the beginning of 2018, China hasstopped accepting plastic waste fromforeign countries including Australia. Thismove has resulted in tons of plastic wastewhich we thought we were responsiblyrecycling, ending up in landfills across our

country along with our general waste. Or worse still, beingdumped in south-east countries like Malaysia.

Undeniably, plastic is a part of our daily lives. We have reacheda point where we can’t fathom life without them, but the world ismoving in a direction where we must question our dependenceon the convenience of plastic.

At AIA, we aim to make the next generation aware of theenvironmental impact that the frivolous use of plastic has hadup to now and the effects it may have if it continues. But thereis only so much of an impact that we as teachers can make ifthis philosophy is not followed through at home.

Parents, your most important role is to be mindful when packingyour child’s lunch. However this could be extended to youreveryday choices. Understandably, going plastic free is a bigstep for many, so here are five simple steps towards plastic-freeliving that will help you transition into a plastic-free world. Everyregular change you undertake makes a significant impact.We’ve observed that many parents are already implementingmany of these ideas, we appreciate your efforts!

Ms Derya OnderAIA Sustainability Coordinator

1. Buy snacks in bulk. Not only will this reduce theamount of waste you produce but save money too.

2. Choose reusable cloth sandwich/snack bags overplastic baggies.

3. Choose stainless steel food storage containers andreuse plastic containers you already have.

4. Give up bottled water and bottled drinks, use a BPAfree water bottle.

5. Give up plastic utensils, cups and straws.


After School CareDear Parents

Assalamu Alaikum,

I would like to wish you a very holy andblessed Ramadan this year and to let youknow that the After School Care service willcontinue from after school dismissal time(2:00pm) till 5pm SHARP.

Please make sure that you send some light food/drink with yourchild even if he/ she is fasting.

Thank you

Lobna El-SaafinAfter School Care Supervisor

Children’s Lunches During RamadanDear Parents,

We ask that all parents provide some type of snack and a waterbottle in their children’s lunchboxes even if they are fasting. Ifthey cannot continue fasting for any reason we will ask them toeat from what has been packed for them.

The snack can be a piece of fruit, yoghurt, rice crackers,chopped carrots/cucumbers etc.

Thank you

Office Staff

Lost ShoesDear Parents,

We have a female student who lost her Nike 270’s shoes onMonday after the photo session. The shoes were all black incolour and a Size 4.

If there are any parents or children that may have picked it upby accident if you can please inform the school office.

Thank you

Parents and Staff CarparkDear Parents,

Please use the parent’s car park to drop off your children andonly in designated car parking areas for the drop off and pick upof your children. As well as it being illegal and may incur a fineit is also unsafe for all drivers and pedestrians trying to accessthe school. Please be mindful of the rights of our neighborsand refrain from obstructing/parking in private driveways orproperties.

You may also now be aware of our new parking and drop offguidelines for the Rogers St car park.

Purely for the safety of ALL the children, the parking area in frontof the office, which was also used by parents to drop off theirchild/ren is no longer an option.

We have observed a number of instances where children werenot looking and parents in cars being too busy to notice eachother. We are trying to avoid accidents between children andcars as best we can.

We are sure that you will agree that the safety of the childrenis much more important than the inconvenience of having towalk a little further.

If you are dropping your child off at the Rogers St carparkafter 8.40am please ensure that:

The Roger St Carpark gates will now be closed from8.00am – 3.30pm. The gate for pedestrian access will onlybe open from 2.45pm. Any access before that time will onlybe given if you press the intercom outside the gate.

Picking Up Your ChildDear Parents,

If you would like to pick up your child early please do so before3pm as any pickups after 3pm is discouraged as this maydisrupt your child’s classroom and learning. Please keep thisin mind when organising your child’s appointments with thedoctor, dentist etc.

Due to parents being unable to enter classrooms duringteaching time the office staff will kindly arrange for your child tobe released from class.

Before and After School SupervisionParents please be aware that for the safety and wellbeing ofyour child the school grounds will be supervised from 8.00am.If you choose to bring your child earlier please be aware thatthere will be no supervision until 8.00am.

After school all children will only be supervised until 2.30pmwithin the quadrangle. Any children not collected by 2.30pm willbe taken to after school care where they will be supervised until5.00pm. If you know you are going to be late you can call theschool office during the day to let us know you would like yourchild to go to after school care.

Parents please ensure that you and your children use theschool crossing at all times when coming into and leaving theschool grounds. Talk to your children about the importance ofusing the school crossing and the correct and safe way to crossthe road in order to prevent any accidents.

• Both you and your child use the pedestrian entrywalkway to avoid children walking behind carsand running in front of cars driving through thecar park.

• Do not leave your car stationed in front of theoffice entrance while you attend to your children.You will need to park your car in one of theparking bays to avoid blocking traffic flowthrough the carpark.


Important Dates to Remember

6th May Ramadan Commences (TBC)

13th May Scholarship Applications Open

14-16th May Year 3-5 NAPLAN

27th -31st May IBC Book Fair Begins

5th June Eid-Ul-Fitr (tbc)

10th June Queen’s Birthday

17th June Report Writing Day (no students)

28th June Scholarship Applications Close

28th June Last Day of Term 2 for Students

1st July -19th July Term 2 Holidays