Member Recognition. Appreciation Service Leadership Accomplishments.

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Member Recognition. Appreciation Service Leadership Accomplishments.

Member Recognition

Appreciation Service Leadership Accomplishments

Each FACS teacher nominates an FCCLA member. Each nominee received a bag of M&Ms. The FCCLA

member of the month is chosen from the nominees and is

given a larger bag of M&Ms and a certificate.

Display member of the

month Showcase award winners Highlight service projects Announce club activities Show goal progress Outline program of work Announce scholarship winners

Take advantage of Social Media

Remember, you may need a social media release

Send a tweet about student achievements

Create and FCCLA Facebook page – if your school permits this

Post achievements on your school’s web page

Some schools allow student to letter in extra-curricular activities other than sports. Check with you school administration.

2.0+ FACS credits 3.5+ FACS GPA 3.0+ Cum. GPA Passed Skills Tests Active FCCLA member

Cord for meeting FCCLA / Enhanced Diploma requirements

Medallion for completing a FACS Pathway