Medical Diary for the ensuing Week

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Transcript of Medical Diary for the ensuing Week


good to meet with ease the present high cost of labour, andit is felt that judicious cultivation of drug plants shouldresult in quite adequate profits. In connexion with labour,it is possible that disabled sailors and soldiers coulcl do agreat deal of the work required. The leaflet gives usefulhints as to methods of cultivation, choice of crops, andthe marketing of the same, and suggests that the plantswhich are likely to be most in demand and to be easilysaleable during the coming season are belladonna, henbane,foxglove, thorn-apple, valerian, poppy, aconite, blessedthistle, dandelion, and chamomile.


SIR,-Could any of your readers possibly give me someinformation relative to the following?

1. I find under an entry in an old Medical Directory:Mem. New Syd. Soc." Please tell me for what this is anabbreviation, is such a society still in existence, and whetherit is or was a medical society.

2. Can you tell me from any old Medical Directory orRegister that you have the Christian name or names and degree or diploma of Dr. Sanders (or Saunders)-I havebeen given to understand that the tormer was the correctspelling-who from about 1817-1823 was a medical practitionerin York and Lord Mayor of that city?

3. From similar or other sources can you give me anydetails regarding one Dr. Pope, who I am told was afavourite Court physician of Princess Amelia, daughter ofGeorge III. ?The information that I desire is for literary purposes, and

perhaps you may be good enough to suggest to whom Ishould apply, or any likely books that might contain thedetails, at either the Advocate’s or University Librarieshere. I am, Sir, yours faithfully,Edinburgh, April 27th, 1916. FAMILY HISTORIES.

*** In regard to the first question, our correspondent willfind in THE LANCET of July 29th, 1911, p. 302, a review of abook containing a short account of the New SydenhamSociety.-ED. L.


F. W. writes: A letter has appeared in several newspapersrecently containing some interesting details of the life of aBritish officer at an out-of-the-way and unnamed spot, andintroducing the amusing tale of a hospital signboard. Theletters of the signboard were constructed of snail shells,believed to be empty, but an hour or two later the Englishinscription had assumed a Greek or cuneiform character,for the component parts of the letters had migrated as thesnails awoke from their torpidity. Not long ago the actionof the snails might have been attributed by the mystical-minded to "animal magnetism"; the snails would havebeen credited with purposeful action. A story which hada great fascination at the time for the students of " animalmagnetism" is related in his book on the subject by Dr.William Gregory, F.R.S.E., in the following words :-

" It has lately been stated by M. Allix, on the authorityof M. Benoit in Paris, and of another discoverer (also, Ibelieve, a Frenchman, who is now in America), both ofwhom, during the last ten years, have been employed inworking out the discovery, which they had severally andindependently made, although they are now associated towork it out, that this magnetic sympathy is remark-ably developed in snails; that these animals, after havingonce been in communication or in contact, continueever after to sympathise, no matter at what distance theymay be. And it has been proposed to found on this fact amode of communication between the most distant places.Nay, M. Allix describes with care and judgment experi-ments made in his presence in which, the time having, ofcourse, been fixed beforehand, words spelled in Paris byM. Benoit, and also by M. Allix himself, were instantlyread in America, and as instantly replied to by wordsspelled there, and real in Paris....... It would appear thatevery letter has a snail belonging to it in Paris, while inAmerica each letter has also a snail, sympathetic withthat of the same letter in Paris, the two snails ofeach letter having been at some period, and by someprocess, brought into full sympathy, and then separatedand marked. There is, of course, a stock of sparesnails for each letter, in case of accidents, but it is foundthat these animals will live for a year without food,should that be necessary. When a word is to be spelledin Paris, the snail belonging to the first letter is broughtby some galvanic apparatus, not yet fully described, intoa state of disturbance, with which his fellow in Americasympathises. But this requires to be ascertained ; whichis done by approaching, in America, to all the snailssuccessively, a testing apparatus, not described, whichhowever includes a snail. On the approach of this, thesnail whose fellow in Paris has been acted on, exhibits

some symptom, which is not exhibited by any other, andthe corresponding letter is noted down. This is done witheach letter, and thus the word is finally spelled."

YY. E. C. Hanbury.-(1) "A Text-book of Practical Thera-peutics." By Hobart Amory Hare, M.D. HenryKimpton (263, High Holborn). 1914. Pp. 998. Price 21s.(Reviewed in THE LANCET, June 19th, 1915.) (2) " Diseasesof the Skin." By James H. Sequeira, -M.D., F.R.C.P.,F.R.C.S. With 48 plates in colour and 238 figures in thetext. London: J. and A. Churchill (7, Great Marlborough-street). 1915. Pp. 650. Price 25s. net. (Reviewed inTHE LANCET, Sept. 18th, 1915.) (3) A " General Catalogueof Medical Books" is published by P. Blakiston’s Son andCo., 1012, Walnut-street, Philadelphia. This containsEnglish and American books, and a few translated foreignones. There is also " The Guide to Current MedicalLiterature" (described as "An Index Medicus of theWorld’s Literature "), published by the American MedicalAssociation, 535, Dearborn-avenue, Chicago, in Januaryand July, for 50 cents a copy, or 75 cents for the year.Useful catalogues are published by Messrs. Butterworthand Co., 4, Bell-yard, Temple Bar, London, W.C., and byH. K. Lewis, 136, Gower-street, London, W.C. Applicationmight also be made to Messrs. W. B. Saunders Company,9, Henrietta-street, Strand, London, W.C.

M.R.C.S., L.S.A.-There is, we believe, no apparatus that isgenerally useful, every case having to be met with a specialcontrivance. We will obtain further information.

COMMUNICATIONS not noticed in our present issue willreceive attention in our next.

The following magazines, journals, &c., have been received:-The Shield. Dominion Medical Monthly, Canadian Practitioner,American Journal of Obstetrics, Man, British Journal of DentalScience, American Medicine, Archives of Internal Medicine,Pediatrics, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, InterstateMedical Journal, American Journal of Rcentgenology, Revued’Hygiène, Medical Journal of South Africa, New Zealand MedicalJournal, India-Rubber Journal.

Medical Diary for the ensuing Week.SOCIETIES.

ROYAL SOCIETY, Burlington House, London, W.THURSDAY.-Papers:- Major P. A. MacMahon: Seventh Memoir on

: the Partition of Numbers. A Detailed Study of the Enumerationof the Partitions of Multipartite Numbers.-Prof, A. Dendy:On the Occurrence of Gelatinous Spicules and their Mode ofOrigin in a New Genus of Siliceous Sponges.-Mr. E. S. Good-rich : On the Classification of the Reptilia.-Dr. R. McCarrison :On the Experimental Production of Congenital Goitre (com-municated by Sir Victor Hors’ey). 4 P.M., Election of Fellows.


Wednesday, May 10th.SURGERY: SUB SECTION OF PROCTOLOGY (Hon. Secretaries-P. Lockhart Mummery, W. Sampon Handley): at 5.30 P.M.Annual General Meeting.-Election of Officers and Council for

Session 1916-1917.Papers :Lieutenant Colonel Cuthbert Wallace: Rectal Wounds in the

Present War.Mr. P. Lockhart Mummery: Injuries of the Rectum resulting

from the War.Cases.’ :Mr. P. Lockhart Mummery: Shell Wound of Rectum.Mr. Aslett Baldwin (communicated by): Gumma of Rectum mis-

taken for Malignant Disease.Lieutenant-Colonel Gordon Watson: Three Cases of Injury to the

Rectum from Bullet Wounds.


road, W.MONDAY.-2 P.M., Medical and Surgical Clinics. X Rays. Mr. Gray:

Operations. Mr. B. Harman : Diseases of the Eye.TUESDAY.-2 P.M., Medical and Surgical Clinics. X Rays. Mr.

Addison: Operations. Dr. Banks Davis: Diseases of the Throat,Nose, and Ear. Dr. Pernet : Diseases of the Skin.

WEDNESDAY.-10 A.M., Dr. Saunders: Diseases of Children. Dr.BanksDavis: Operations of the Throat, Nose, and Ear. 2 P.M., Medicaland Surgical Clinics. X Rays. Mr. Pardoe: Operations. Dr.Simson: Diseates of Women.

THURSDAY.-2 P.M., Medical and Surgical Clinics. X Rays. Mr. Gray:Operations. Mr. B. Harman : Diseases of the Eye.

FRIDAY.-lO A.M., Dr. Simson: Gynaecological Operations. 2 P.M.,Medical and Surgical Clinics. X Rays. Mr. Addison: Opera-tions. Dr. Banks Davis: Diseases of the Throat, Nose, and Bar.Dr. Pernet : Diseases of the Skin.

SATURDAY.-10 A.M., Dr. Saunders: Diseases of Children. Dr. BanksDavis: Operations of the Throat, Nose, and Ear. Mr. B. Harman :Eye Operations. 2 P.M., Medical and Surgical Clinics. X Rays.Mr. Pardoe: Operations.


NORTH-EAST LONDON POST-GRADUATE COLLEGE, Prince ofWales’s General Hospital, Tottenham, N.MONDAY.-Clinics:-10.30 A.M., Surgical Out-patients (Mr. B.

Gillespie). 2.30 P.M., Medical Out-patients (Dr. T. R. Whipham): .Gynæcological Out-patients (Dr. Banister). 3 P.M., MedicalIn-patients (Dr. R. M. Leslie).

TUESDAY.-2.30 P.M.. Surgical Operations (Mr. Carson). Clinics:-Medical Out patients (Dr. A. G. Auld); Surgical Out-patients(Mr. Howell’ Evans) ; Nose. Throat, and Bar Out-patients (Mr.0. H. Hayton). Radiography (Dr. Metcalfe). 3.30 P.M., MedicalIn-patients (Dr. A. J. Whiting)

WEDNESDAY.-Clinics :-2.30 P.M., Throat Operations (Mr. C. H.Hayton). Children Out-patients (Dr. T. R. Whipham); Eye Out-patients (Mr. R. P. Brooks); Skin Out-patients (Dr. H. W.Barber). 5.30 P.M., Eye Operations (Mr. R. P. Brooks).

THURSDAY.-2.3O P.M., Gynæcological Operations (Dr. A. E. Giles).Clinics:-Medical Out-patients (Dr. A. J. Whiting) SurgicalOut-patients (Mr. Carson) ; Radiography (Dr. Metcalfe). 3 P.M.,Medical In-patients (Dr. R. M. Leslie).

FRIDAY.-2.3O P.M., Surgical Operations (Mr. Howell Evans).Clinics:-Medical Out-patients (Dr. A. G. Auld); Surgical Out-patients (Mr. B. Gillespie); Eye Out-patients (Mr. R. P. Brooks).

THB THROAT HOSPITAL, Golden-square, W.MONDAY.-5.15 P.M., Special Demonstration of Selected Cases.THURSDAY.-5.15 P.M.. Clinical Lecture.

ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN, Albemarle-street,Piccadilly, W.MONDAY.-5 P.M., General Meeting.THURSDAY.-3 P.M., Sir Ray Lankefiter, X.C.B.I Flint and Flint

Implements. (Lecture IL)SATURDAY.-3 P.M., Prof. W. H. Bragg X Rays and Crystals-

First Results and their Applications. (Lecture II.)For further particulars of the above Lectures, dcc.,eee advertisement Pages.

METEOROLOGICAL READINGS.(Taken daily at 8.60 a.m. by Steward’8 Instruments.)

Communications, Letters, &c., have beenreceived from-

A.-Ardath Tobacco Co., Lond.;Messrs. Arnold and Sons, Lond.;Messrs. Allen and Hanburys,Lond.; Mr. Allanack, Southport;Ahmedabad Medical Society,Hon. Secretary of; After-CareAssociation. Lond., Secretary of;Sir Clifford Allbutt, Cambridge;Dr. H. G. Adamson, Lond.;Mr. E. Arnold, Lond.

B. -Brazil Press Association, Lond.;Messrs. Butterworth and Co.,Lond.; Bombay Medical Union,Hon. Secretary of; Messrs.W. H. Bailey and Son, Lond.;Surgeon-General G. Bainbridge,I.M.S.; Mr. E. Ball, Lond.;Mr. B. Bysack, Khetri; Mr.A. A. Bradburne, Southport;Birmingham Daily Post : Dr.S. K. Basa, Sutrapur; Mr. C.Brownfield. Lond.; Lady Beatty,Lond.; Mr. James Berry, Lond.;Bolton Infirmary and Dispensary,Secretary of; Captain St. J. D.Buxton, R.A.M.C. ; Bootle

Borough Hospital, Secretary of.O.-Dr. S. D. Clippingdale, Lond.;Messrs. Cassell and Co., Lond.;Messrs. J. and A. Churchill,Lond.; Dr. A. Caddy, Calcutta;Mrs. M. Cornwall, Bridge ofAllan; Mr. V. B. Clark, Slough ;Dr. H. B. Carlill. Lond.

D.-Messrs. Down Bros., Calcutta;Messrs. W. Dawson and Sons,Lond.; Captain R. Dudsneld,R A.M C.; Dewsbury Corporation,Town Clerk of; Dorset CountyCouncil, Dorchester, Clerk to;Mr. F. M. Doubleday, Lond.

E.-Mr. E. L. M. Emtage, Lond.;Dr. F. W. Edridge-Green, Lond.;Mr. Leoline Edwards, Lond.;East Sussex Hospital, Hastings,Secretary of.

F.-Mr. L. Fenner, Eastbourne ;Dr. R. Fortescue Fox, Lond.;Free Eye Hospital, Southampton,Secretary of.

G.-Dr. Major Greenwood, Lond. ;MajorE. W. Hey Groves.R.A. M.C. ;Glasgow Corporation, City Cham-berlain of; Sir James Grant,Ottawa; General Medical Council,Lond., Acting Registrar of.

H.-Dr. John Haddon, Denholm ;Dr. F. G. Hopkins, Cambridge;Messrs. A. Heywood and Son,Manchester; H.M. StationeryOffice, Lond., Superintendent ofPrinting; Mr. W. E. Cecil Han-bury, Driefontein ; Messrs. C. J.Hewlett and Son, Lond.; Pro-fessor Arthur J. Hall, Sheffield ;Dr. C. W. Hutt, Brighton ; Fleet-Surgeon W. E. Home, R.N.

I.-Industrial Waste Eliminators,Ltd.. Lond.; Invalid Children’sAid Association, Lond., Secre-tary of.

J.-Jessop Hospital for Women,Sheffield, Secretary of ; Mr. WalterJessop, Lond.; Dr. F. H. Jacob,Nottingham; Dr. Lemuel L.Joshi, Bombay.

K.-Lieutenant A. M. Kennedy,R.A.M.C.; Kent Education Com.mittee. Maidstone, Stores Super-intendent of ; Dr. J. C. Kham-batta, Edinburgh; Mr. J. F.Kempson, Sheringham; Messrs.Keymer, Son, and Co.. Lond.

L.-Lieutenant D. M. Livingstone,R.A.M.C. ; Lewisham Borough,Town Clerk of ; Leeds PublicDispensary, Secretary of ; Messrs.Lee and Nightingale, Liverpool ;Local Government Board, Lond.; ,Messrs. H. K. Lewis and Co., ,Lond.; Captain A. H. Lowe, R.A.M.C.(T.); Lawrence Patent Water Softener and Sterilizer Co., Lond.

M.-Miss Ida Meller, Lond. ; ,Mr. J. E. R. McDonagh, Lond.;Dr. 1. B. Muirhead, Lond.;Mr. H. L. Martyn, Eton; Medical Review, Lond., Manager of; Messrs. Mace and Haldane, Lond.;Messrs. C. Mitchell and Co.,Lond. ; Medical Society of London, !Registrar of ; Lieutellant-ColonelC. C. McCulloch, U.S.A., Wash.ington ; Major F. W. Mott, Lond.;Dr. H. A. Macewen, Southport; Mr. D. A. MacAlister, Lond. ; IMessrs. J. Menzies and Co., Edinburgh.

N -Messrs. Neyroud and Son’!,Lond.; Mr.. Reginald Nitch- ISmith. Lond. ; National FoodReform Association, Lond.

O.-Lieutenant T. H. Oliver,R.A.M.C., Aldershot ; Mr. JosephOffor(l, Lond.; Dr. C. O’Gorman,Batli

p.-Dr. M. Paterson, Llanybyther;Dr. G. L Preston, Edinburgh;Mr. C. Arthur Pearson, Lond.; Dr.L. A. Parry, Hove ; Lieutenant-Colonel D. N. Parakh, Poona. ]

R.-Regulin Syndicate, Lond. ;Rochester and Chatham Printing Co ; Rontgen Society, Lond.;Royal Society of Arts, Lond.;Mr. R. P. Rowlands, Lond.; IMessrs. Richardson and Co.,Lond.; Captain T. Russell Ritchie, IN.Z.M.C., Lond.; Royal Insti-tute of Great Britain ; Mr. R. H.Rowell, Jesmond.

S.-Smith’s Advertising Agency,Lond. ; Dr. A. N. Sen, Kandi;Mr. T. Waddelow Smith, Not- 1tingham ; Messrs. Smith, Elder,and Co., Lond.; Mr. J. D.Staple. Lyme Regis ; Lieutenant-Colonel W. E. Scott-Moncrieff,I.M.S.; Mr. Stoke. Middles-brough ; St. Giles CamberwellGuardians, Clerk to the ; Messrs. JW. H. Smith and Son, Sheffield;Colonel F. M. Sandwith, A.M.S.; ;Messrs. Spiers and Pond, Lond.;Surgical Manufacturing Co.,Lond.; Dr. Harold Spence, Lond.; ]Messrs. G. Street and Co., Lond.;Messrs. W. H. Smith and Son,Lond. ; Professor G. Elliot ]Smith, Manchester; Dr. W. II. B.Stoddart, Lond.

T.-Sir StClair Thomson, Lond.;Mr. H. M. Traquair, Edinburgh ;Mr. H. W. Thorpe-Wood, Edin-burgh ; Trimurti Co., Lond.;Dr. C. Gurney Thompson, Lond.;Mr. R. Thorburn, South port ;Messrs. Thew, Hooker and Gilbey,Buckingham ; Dr. H. NevilleTaylor, Ebbw Vale ; Dr. JamesTaylor, Lond ; Mr. 0. T. Taylor,Birkenhead ; Messrs. C. Tuckeyand Co., Lond.

V.-Dr. C. S. Vale, Chalet la Roche-foucauld ; Verkehrsverein, Davos;Dr. T. A. Venema, Groningen;Vaccination Enquirer, Lond. ;

W.-Dr. J. Horne Wilson, Loud.

West Ham and Eastern GeneralHospital, Stratford, Secretary of ;Messrs. A. J. Wright, Lond.;Messrs. J. Wright and Sons,Bristol ; Messrs. Willing, Lond.;Messrs. Wm. Whiteley, Lond. ;Mr. R. L. Wason, Chew Magua;Captain A. G. Whitehorne-Cole,R.A.M.C., France: West LondaaMedico-Chirurgical Society, Hon.Secretaries of ; Mr. H. C.Woodridge, Taichow, China ;Dr. R. C. Wingfield, Lond.;Mrs. N. G. Wood, Lond.;West London Post-GraduateCollege, Dean of.

Z.-Messrs. Zyrot et Cie, Lond.;Dr. T. Zangger, Ziirich.

Letters, each with enclosure, are alsoacknowledged from-

A.-Messrs. T. and M. Armstrong, Lond.; Messrs. Adlard and Sonand West Newman, Lond.;Sergeant J. C. Anthony, Rams-gate,

B.-Captain Baragar, C.A.M.C.;Messrs. Brown and Sons,Douglas;Miss Blake, Manchester; Mr.L. M. Bowen-Jones, Carmarthen ;Buxton Hydropathic, Manager of;British Oxygen Co., Lond.; Lieu-tenant E G. Barker, R.A.M.C.,France; Colonel Ballance, A. M.S.;Captain R. L. Barwick, R.A.M.C.;Dr. W. Blaydes, Lyndhurst;Dr. D. F. Bilpodiwala, Aden.

C.-Dr. L. G. Cheng, Penang; Mr.A. G. Cribb, Millthorpe, Australia; IMessrs. J. and A Carter, Lond.;Messrs. Carnrick and Co., Lond.; IMessrs. Carnrick and Co., Lond.;Messrs. T. Christy and Co., Lond.; Cafolin Co.. Lond.; Dr. G. L. Cox, Preston; Mr. J. T. Clarke, Ipoh ; Chesterfield and NorthDerbyshire Hospital, Secretary of; Dr. H. T. Chiang, Tayeh,China.

D.-Messrs. Duncan, Flockhart, and Co., Edinburgh.

E.-Edgar Allen Institute, Shef-field, Secretary of; Mr. E. Evans,Felinfach.

F.-Dr. W. M. Fletcher, Lond.;F. W. L. !

G.-Dr. J. W. Grange Manchester; = iDr. A. G. M Grant Grange-over-Sands ; Dr. S. Gill, Formby; IMr. J. F. Gell, Nottingham ; ICaptain P. A. Galpin, R.A.M.C.,Lond.

H.-Mr. H. S. Harron, Toronto;Messrs. Hogg and Co., Lond.;Mr. C. H. Hough, Ambleside; . Dr. H. E. Haynes, Brentwood ; IHerefordshire General Hospital,Hereford, Secretary of ; ProfessorHewlett, East Grinstead.

I.-Dr. K. F. Ibrahim, Zeitoun; I. D.

J.-Dr. R. De L. Johnson, Rich- mond, Canada; Mr. I. H. Jones,I,ond.; J. F. M. M.; J. R. G. C. L.

K.-King Edward VII. Hospital,Cardiff, Secretary of ; KreochyleCo., Lond.

1.—Lysol, Ltd., Lond.; Leith Cor-poration. Chamberlain to the;Messrs. E. and S. Livingstone, I

Edinburgh; ’L. V. F.; L. B. S.;Messrs. Lever Bros., Port Sun-light ; Dr. T. Lumsden, Lond.

M.-Messrs. R. and A. Main, Lond.;Mr. J. G. Margenout, Twicken-ham ; Manchester Guardians,Clerk to the; LieutenantL,S.Machado, I.M.S., Egypt Messrs.Mayer and Meltzer, Lond.; Mr.J. P. Lockhart Mummery, Lond,;Mr. D. A. MacAlister, Lond.;Mr. J. B. Macalpine, Manchester;Manhu Food Co., Liverpool ;Mrs. Myers, Great Shelford ;Maltine Manufacturing Co.,Lond.; Captain W. Morrison,R.A.M.C., France.

N. -North Manchurian Plague Pre-vention Service, Harbin, Directorof; 2/3 North Midland Field Am-bulance, 0,/C to the; CaptainJ. F. Nattrass, R.A.M.C.;NationalBank of India, Lond., Managerof.

P.-Mr. J. E. Passmore, Hinckley;Lieutenant E. H. Paddison,R.A.M.C.; Mr. C. W. Purves,Sandy; Mrs. Priestley, Norwich;Messrs. Porteous and Co., Glas-gow ; Plympton House, Plymp-ton, Medical Superintendent of;Messrs. Pollard and Bird, Edin-burgh.

R.-Reuter’s Telegram Co., Lond.;Dr. H. W. B. Ruxton, Brentford;Royal Surrey County Hospital,Guildford, Assistant Secretaryof; Mrs. Rea, Windermere;R. N. B.

S.-W. B. Saunders Co., Lond.;St. John Ambulance Association,Lond., Accountant to the; Mr.F. W. Sears, Lond.; L. A. M. 0.;St. Andrew’s Hospital, North-ampton, Accountant to the;Lieutenant T. S. Saatry, I.M.S. ;Dr. W. Shackleton, BiJIerieay;Mr. D. Sen, Midnapur.

T.-Messrs. Thacker and Co., Lond.V.-Mr. W. F. Vickers, Leeds;

Messrs. Van Houten, Lond.W.-Dr. P. Wilmot, Plymouth;Wallsend Education Committee,Secretary of ; Warneford Asylum,Oxford, Medical Superintendentof; Dr. Helen Wakefield, Lond.;Mr. G. T. Wilkinson, Torquay;West Kent General Hospital,Maidstone, JSecretttry of.