Media homework totp 1

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Media homework totp 1



MAST HEAD:The title of the magazine, very girly font and connotes what the magazine is about.

CENTRAL IMAGE:The main image of the magazine, iconic representation ( a band most of the target audience would know. Also connotes what the main story of the magazine is.

PUFF:Additional offers within the magazine generally used to entice the target audience.

COVER-LINES:Additional features and stories located within the magazine, entices the target audience again and also again connotes what genre of music the magazine covers.

SPLASH:The main story of the magazine, Again entices the target audience and shows what genre of music is covered.

MODE OF ADDRESS:The magazine addresses the target audience directly via the usage of “YOU” , Makes the audience feel directly involved with the magazine.


TOP OF THE POPS CONTENTS PAGE:On the contents page of this magazine there is a letter from the editor of the magazine which is directly addressing the target audience which is teenage girls, the mode of address that is used is informal and direct with use of words such as “YOU’RE” which is directly addressing the audience and “PROB’S” which is a form of informally addressing the audience as well.There is a small scale image of the front cover which is then labelled to show what page you’ll find a certain aspect of the front cover on.There are also subheadings which show what else is found through out the magazine, the subheadings make the magazine easier to read.The house colour is carried on from the front cover with many different shades of pink which also connotes again that this magazine is quite girly aimed towards young teenagers.There is a use of images which connotes what the magazine also contains, the images connote it is a very girly magazine which covers girly topics such as boy bands and fashion etc.

DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD ANALYSIS:The house style has been continued through the magazine emphasising on the girly nature of the magazine, also the topic of this double page spread connotes the femininity of the magazine. This double page spread has a large central image of the topic and a strap-line which is an extra introduction to the topic. This double page spread is in the form of a interview , with questions and answers, this makes it easier to read for the audience.