TOTP Contents Page Analysis - Word

The target audience is the audience that the magazine is targeted towards. The target audience for this magazine is young or preteen, middle class girls who are interested in pop music and pop artists. This is a niche market as it is aimed at a very specific group of people including their interests. The masthead is the title of the magazine.has been abbreviated to TOTP is very small and has been placed in the top right corner. This is part of the house style and helps the audience to recognise the name of the magazine. This is part of the brand identity , which is the features that are specific to the magazine, making it more memorable for the audience. The main heading is the main title of the page. It is extremely large and bold. It takes up the whole of the top of the page, and is very eye catching. It uses a very bright pink which will have been used to attract the target audience of young girls, as pink is considered to be a stereotypically ‘girly’ colour. Bright blue and green colours have also been used which are also effective as they connote happiness and innocence, which emphasises the target age range. The subheadings are the different categories that the article titles fall into. They are also pink, which again will help to attract the target audience. They are quite large, which makes them eye attaching and very easy to read. The font used looks handwritten, however it also looks very neat and cursive. This is effective as girls stereotypically have neater handwriting than boys, and so it seems more personal four the target audience. The article titles are the title of the articles inside the magazine. They are all written in black, as this colour contrasts strongly with the white background. The key words in the titles are all in bold, which makes them more noticeable. For example Alfie Deyes and Ed Sheeran’s names are in bold, which will attract the target audience. Grab quotes are quotes from the actual articles placed underneath the article titles. The grab quote “I was mute” is used to shock the audience and make them want to read more to find out what happened. The selection of images used on this page are all photos of the artists and celebrities mentioned in the articles, and so link to the article titles mentioned. This will attract the target audience as they will most likely be fans of these celebrities and so will want to read about them. There isn't really a main image on this page, which is unusual. The main image is the image that is most prominent on the page. However the fact that a lot of the images are about the same size implies that all of the content is just as interesting and important. Most of the people in the images are looking directly at the camera, which seems more welcoming for the audience. Most of the shot types on this page are medium shots, which



Transcript of TOTP Contents Page Analysis - Word

Page 1: TOTP Contents Page Analysis - Word

The target audience is the audience that the magazine is targeted towards. The target audience for this magazine is young or preteen, middle class girls who are interested in pop music and pop artists. This is a niche market as it is aimed at a very specific group of people including their inter-ests.

The masthead is the title of the magazine.has been abbreviated to TOTP is very small and has been placed in the top right corner. This is part of the house style and helps the audience to recog-nise the name of the magazine. This is part of the brand identity, which is the features that are specific to the magazine, making it more memorable for the audience.

The main heading is the main title of the page. It is extremely large and bold. It takes up the whole of the top of the page, and is very eye catching. It uses a very bright pink which will have been used to attract the target audience of young girls, as pink is considered to be a stereotypically ‘girly’ colour. Bright blue and green colours have also been used which are also effective as they con-note happiness and innocence, which emphasises the target age range.

The subheadings are the different categories that the article titles fall into. They are also pink, which again will help to attract the target audience. They are quite large, which makes them eye at-taching and very easy to read. The font used looks handwritten, however it also looks very neat and cursive. This is effective as girls stereotypically have neater handwriting than boys, and so it seems more personal four the target audience.

The article titles are the title of the articles inside the magazine. They are all written in black, as this colour contrasts strongly with the white background. The key words in the titles are all in bold, which makes them more noticeable. For example Alfie Deyes and Ed Sheeran’s names are in bold, which will attract the target audience.

Grab quotes are quotes from the actual articles placed underneath the article titles. The grab quote “I was mute” is used to shock the audience and make them want to read more to find out what happened.

The selection of images used on this page are all photos of the artists and celebrities mentioned in the articles, and so link to the article titles mentioned. This will attract the target audience as they will most likely be fans of these celebrities and so will want to read about them. There isn't really a main image on this page, which is unusual. The main image is the image that is most prominent on the page. However the fact that a lot of the images are about the same size implies that all of the content is just as interesting and important. Most of the people in the images are looking di-rectly at the camera, which seems more welcoming for the audience. Most of the shot types on this page are medium shots, which show from the waste of the models upwards. This gives the reader an impression of what clothing the models are wearing whilst also showing them the facial expressions. These are both aspects of mise-en-scene, which is all of the aspects in the shot. This includes costume, lighting, posture, makeup, props and setting. All of the costumes seem very casual which both make the magazine seem less sophisticated, and make it seem more laid-back and fun. These things would probably both appeal to a younger audience, and so will help to at-tract the target audience of young girls. Most of the images on this page have pink borders around them, as this helps to make the images stand out against the background. The fact that these bor-ders are pink will help to tract the target audience as the colour pink holds connotations of ‘girli-ness’ and innocence.

Captions giving more information about a certain article have been placed in images that also link to that article. This is used as is gives the reader a higher insight into what they can expect in that article, and so this would attract the target audience as they would be fans of whatever the article was about.

The page numbers included are the pages that the reader should turn to for that specific article, and they are placed next to the article titles and also next to some of the images as this makes it easier for the reader to navigate through the magazine.

Page 2: TOTP Contents Page Analysis - Word

An editorial letter has been included, which is a letter written to the reader by either the editor or a writer in the magazine. It includes more information about whats included in the magazine. The fact that this text is in the form of a letter makes it seem more personal to the reader, as it seems as though it’s been written especially for them. It also contains the names of pop artists and bands, which would attract the target audience as this is what they would be interested in.

The date and issue number have been cut off from this scan, but there are there to allow readers to know how recent the information is, and also to make it easier for people who collect the maga-zine to know which edition is which. The issue number is also used by the publishing company to know which issues sold more.

The fonts are the style of writing used for all of the texts on the page. used on this cover are again, mainly sans serif. This makes it look less sophisticated, highlighting the age range that Top Of The Pops is targeted towards. Many of the fonts appear to be handwritten, and this makes it seem as though the magazine has been written specifically for the reader, making it a lot more friendly and personal.

Columns have been used to organise the different information on this page. The page has been split into two different columns, one slightly thicker than the other. This makes the page look a lot neater and is more visually appealing, despite how busy the page appears to be.

The rule of thirds is where the page is split into thirds both vertically and horizontally, and key fea-tures are positioned where the lines intersect. This rule has been applied on this page as main fea-tures such as the article titles, some of the images and the editorial letter all are all positioned. This makes them more noticeable to the audience, as their eyes will look here first.

The colour scheme is the set of colours that are repeated over the page. For the contents page, it is again very bright. There is a lot of pink used as this colour is stereotypically very feminine. Bright greens and blues have also been used, and these colours have connotations of the perfect sum-mer’s day, making them seem very friendly and innocent. This emphasises that the magazine is aimed towards young girls, not women. White and black have also been used as these colours contrast well. The colour scheme is part of the house style. This is the features that are consistent throughout the different issues of the magazine, which helps to make the magazine seem more memorable.

The mode of address is how formal or informal text is. The language used is very colloquial, which makes it very formal. Examples of this are ‘mag’, ‘ hey’, ‘celebs’ and ‘brill’. Colloquial lan-guage is usually only used in speech, and so this makes the text seem a lot more personal.

The overall impression of this page is very busy, but also very fun and friendly, which will help to attract the target age range. The use of bright colours also makes it look like there is a lot going on and this implies that there is a lot if content.

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Page 4: TOTP Contents Page Analysis - Word

Main heading

Page numbers


Article titles


Letter from the writer