Post on 09-Apr-2018

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Group 15 Sam Daysh

Craig Horide

Karan Purohit

Luke Jennings

Alex Pereyaslavets


Executive Summary

The task given was to create an autonomous SLAM robot to cover an area, avoid

obstacles and map the path taken. To achieve this, each sensor was calibrated

and the limitations were found. Optimal path planning was considered and an

inwards spiral was agreed upon. Sensor limitations and the desired route

requirements were taken into account and a sensor arrangement was designed. A

finite state machine was created to realise the robot’s movement. The software

was constructed and tested before to ensure each state in the finite state machine

was working and performing as intended before entering its next state. In the end,

the robot attempted to cover the area quickly and avoid obstacles, however it was

not successful on the day. An attempted implementation of the map of the

environment was also done.


Table of Contents

Executive Summary .................................................................................... i

Table of Figures ........................................................................................ iv

1. Introduction .......................................................................................... 1

1.1 Problem Description ........................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Specification ......................................................................... 1

2. Sensors and Calibration .......................................................................... 2

2.1 Arduino Mega 2560 ............................................................................ 2

2.2 SHARP Infrared Sensors ..................................................................... 2

2.3 HC-SR04 ITead Studio Sonar .............................................................. 4

2.4 InvenSense MPU ................................................................................ 4

2.5 Sensor Placement .............................................................................. 5

3. Motion and Movement of the Robot .......................................................... 7

3.1 Mecanum Wheels ............................................................................... 7

3.2 Speed and Aligning ............................................................................ 8

3.3 Rotating vs Strafing ........................................................................... 8

3.4 Path Planning .................................................................................... 9

3.4.1 Zig-Zag Method ........................................................................... 9

3.4.2 Outward Spiralling ........................................................................ 9

3.4.3 Inward Spiralling ........................................................................ 10

3.4.4 Full SLAM .................................................................................. 10

4. Software ............................................................................................. 12

4.1. Interface Library ............................................................................. 12

4.2 General Functions ............................................................................ 12

4.2.1 Millis ......................................................................................... 12

4.2.2 Ninety Turn ............................................................................... 12

4.2.2 Scanning ................................................................................... 13

4.2.4 Get Sensor Data ........................................................................ 13

4.2.5 Display Sensor Readings ............................................................. 13

4.2.6 Align to wall .............................................................................. 14

4.3 Finite State Machine ......................................................................... 14

4.3.1 Initialisation .............................................................................. 15

4.3.2 Initial Wall Find .......................................................................... 15

4.3.3 Moving to Wall ........................................................................... 16


4.3.4 Aligning to Wall .......................................................................... 16

4.3.5 Moving to Corner ....................................................................... 16

4.3.6 Running .................................................................................... 16

4.3.8 Object Detected ......................................................................... 17

4.3.9 Object Detected Forwards ........................................................... 18

4.3.10 Object Passing ......................................................................... 18

4.3.11 Re-adjusting ............................................................................ 19

4.3.12 Stopped .................................................................................. 20

4.4 Mapping ............................................................................................ 20

5. Testing and Results .............................................................................. 23

6. Discussion, Limitations and Improvements .............................................. 24

6.1 IR Sensors ...................................................................................... 24

6.2 Number of Sensors .......................................................................... 24

6.3 Motors ............................................................................................ 24

6.4 Limited Movement Directions ............................................................ 24

6.5 Servo Motor Usage .......................................................................... 25

6.6 MPU for Turning............................................................................... 25

6.7 PID Control ..................................................................................... 25

6.8 Fuzzy Logic ..................................................................................... 25

6.9 Active SLAM .................................................................................... 26

6.10 Finite State Machine ....................................................................... 26

7. Conclusion ........................................................................................... 26

Appendices............................................................................................. A-1

Appendix I – Sonar Mount Drawing ........................................................... A-2

Appendix II – MPU Mount Drawing ............................................................ A-3

Appendix III – Ninety Turn Code ............................................................... A-4

Appendix IV – Scanning Code ................................................................... A-5

Appendix V – Get Sensor Data Code .......................................................... A-6

Appendix VI – Align to Wall Code .............................................................. A-7

Appendix VII – Finite State Machine .......................................................... A-8


Table of Figures

Figure 1 - Arduino Mega 2560 ..................................................................... 2

Figure 2 - Medium Range Sensor ................................................................. 2

Figure 3 - Long Range Sensor ...................................................................... 2

Figure 4 - Long Range Measure versus Real Values ........................................ 3

Figure 5 - Medium Range Measure versus Real Values .................................... 3

Figure 6 - Sonar Range Finder ..................................................................... 4

Figure 7 - MPU 9150 ................................................................................... 4

Figure 8 - First Arrangement of Sensors ........................................................ 5

Figure 9 - Second Arrangement of Sensors .................................................... 5

Figure 10 - Final Arrangement of Sensors ..................................................... 6

Figure 11 - Basic Control System ................................................................. 7

Figure 12 - Mecanum Wheels Kinematics ...................................................... 7

Figure 13 - Zig-Zag Method ......................................................................... 9

Figure 14 - Zig-Zag Method with Obstacles ................................................... 9

Figure 15 - Outward Spiral Method ............................................................. 10

Figure 16 - Outward Spiral Method with Obstacles ........................................ 10

Figure 17 - Inward Spiral Method ............................................................... 10

Figure 18 - Inward Spiral Method with Obstacles .......................................... 10

Figure 19 - Scanning Function ................................................................... 13

Figure 20 - Basic Finite State Machine ........................................................ 14

Figure 21 - Initialisation Sequence ............................................................. 15

Figure 22 - Object Detected ...................................................................... 17

Figure 23 - Robot Strafing Left in Object Detected ....................................... 17

Figure 24 - Object Detected Forwards ......................................................... 18

Figure 25 - Object Passing ........................................................................ 18

Figure 26 - Object Re-adjusting ................................................................. 19

Figure 27 - Object Continuing on Path ........................................................ 19

Figure 28 - Final Finite State Machine ......................................................... 20

Figure 29 - Mapping Implementation .......................................................... 21

Figure 30 - On Day Results ....................................................................... 23


1. Introduction

Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping is a difficult problem which is key to

successful and effective autonomous robotics and entails generating a map of an

unknown environment while tracking the pose of the robot within it. The difficulty

lies in the circular dependency of localisation requiring a map to localise against,

and mapping requiring a known pose to accurately generate a map. If a SLAM

algorithm is successfully implemented, it can be used for many autonomous

robotics applications such as vacuum cleaning, generating maps of environments

too small for humans, and reef monitoring underwater.

1.1 Problem Description

With the intention of autonomous vacuum cleaning, the task given was to design

and create an autonomous SLAM robot using given sensors and chassis with

mecanum wheels. The robot was to navigate around an unknown area, whilst

avoiding an unknown number of obstacles of unknown size. It was also required

to output the map of the area and the path traversed. The success of the robot’s

operation would be measured by how fast the robot covers the area, how well the

robot avoids obstacles, and its mapping and localisation capabilities.

1.2 Problem Specification

The robot was given mecanum wheels for movement using VEX 2-wire 393

motors, a selection of range finding sensors including an array of infrared and a

sonar, an MPU-9150, and an Arduino Mega 2560 controller board for memory and

logic control. It also contained a Bluetooth module to communicate with a

computer for troubleshooting and mapping capabilities.


2. Sensors and Calibration

2.1 Arduino Mega 2560

The Arduino Mega 2560, shown in Figure 1, is a microcontroller board, with 54

digital I/O pins, 16 analogue inputs and its own 16 MHz crystal oscillator. It has

an 8 KB SRAM memory which is used for global variables and a 256 KB flash

memory. It is powered by a battery through USB port. It proves effective for the

purposes of SLAM on a small scale - if a more computationally difficult SLAM

algorithm was required, or a higher resolution map, it would not be sufficient.

2.2 SHARP Infrared Sensors

The Infrared (IR) sensors were manufactured by SHARP and the device numbers

are GP2D120XJ00F (short range), GP2Y0A21YK (medium range) and GP2Y0A02YK

(long range). As a result of these sensors having been used for the past five years

for similar projects, the factory specifications and voltage to distance conversions

were no longer as accurate as those specified in the data sheets. Additionally, the

range of the sensors has reduced significantly over time. The medium range IR

sensors, shown in Figure 2,have an effective range of 10 - 40 cm while the data

sheet specifies that they can measure up to 80 cm and the long range IR sensors,

shown in Figure 3, measure up to 80 cm while the data sheet specifies a range of

up to 150 cm.

Figure 2 - Medium Range Sensor

Figure 3 - Long Range Sensor

Figure 1 - Arduino Mega 2560


Each IR sensor had to be calibrated to gather meaningful data. This was done by

measuring the output of the sensors over a variety of measurements. These points

were then fitted to the smallest R squared curve relationship in Excel to form an

equation for each sensor. Calibration of these sensors also involved accounting for

a physical positional offset of the sensor. Each sensor was calibrated separately

as it was found there was variations of sensors within the same model. An example

calibration graph for long range is shown in Figure 4, and for the medium range

sensor in Figure 5. As a result of the limited range of the sensors, no short range

IR sensors were used. Three long range, and one medium range IR sensors were

attached to the robot and wired to analogue ports.

Figure 4 - Long Range Measure versus Real Values

Figure 5 - Medium Range Measure versus Real Values

y = 0.8018x + 2.747

R² = 0.9964








0 50 100 150


d (



y = 0.8755x + 1.6894

R² = 0.9952










0 10 20 30 40 50


d (




2.3 HC-SR04 ITead Studio Sonar

The HC-SR04 sonar range finder, in Figure 6, is manufactured by ITead Studio

was used to detect objects in front of the robot. The sonar sensor was the most

accurate of the sensors that were available. It also has the longest range

measuring up to 4 m. The sensor takes a trigger signal to initialise a pulse, and

the length of the high signal can be used to determine the distance an object is

from the sensor. The NewPing library written by Tim Eckel (Eckel, n.d.) was used

to interface with the sensor. This library uses the data sheets relationship between

the time that the signal is high and distance. This relationship was very accurate

and did not need any additional calibration like the IR sensors did, other than

defining the offset required.

2.4 InvenSense MPU

The InvenSense MPU-9150 in Figure 7 was provided, which can provide 9-axis of

fused data via a digital motion processor. These 9 axes consist of a 3-axis

gyroscope, a 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis magnetometer. The fused data,

however, could not be used as a result of the magnetic field produced by the Vex

motors interfering with the magnetometer. The fused data had significant drift

issues when measuring orientation angle. The most accurate representation of

changes in angle was experimentally found to be in the step before the data was

fused. This was read out of the m_dmpEulerPose variable. The accelerometer data

was tested for displacement measurement however, as this required the second

integral, it was found to be too inaccurate due to large noise issues. Hence, this

was not used. The gyrometer was used for the majority of code writing in

implementing turns and measuring the angles. However, upon testing, is was

found it had large inaccuracies and lag, and this function wasn’t used. The

gyroscope was used ultimately for counting the amount of turns carried out.

Figure 6 - Sonar Range Finder

Figure 7 - MPU 9150


2.5 Sensor Placement

There were several different sensor position concepts, which had positives and

negatives, and ultimately the sensor placement was decided by being the most

practical. The sonar was always placed in the centre facing forward, and the MPU

vertical behind the pins. The mounting structure drawings are attached in

Appendices I and II. The changes were due to the IR sensor usage and effective

range. All sensors are attached using VEX Robotics components which offer stable

and standard sizes.

The placement shown in Figure 8 was the first arrangement. The idea was to have

the Front Short Range (FSR) look for obstacles close, the Front Long Range (FLR)

to look for walls ahead in conjunction with the sonar, the Right Short Range (RSR)

to align to walls and be used for object avoidance, and the Left Long Range (LLR)

to be used for predicting what obstacles the robot will come across in the future.

After much deliberation, it was decided that it is more important to travel in a

straight path, than to have probability mapping. Hence, the LLR became the Right

Long Range (RLR) and the RSR became a medium range sensor - this is to ensure

walls were seen, and by having the medium range sensor it allowed acceptable

object avoidance. This layout is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 8 - First Arrangement of Sensors

Figure 9 - Second Arrangement of Sensors


The final arrangement, shown in Figure 10, moved the FSR to the back and made

it a long range as well. This was done as it was found the original FLR saw obstacles

as well as FSR - but with it being long range has the advantage of seeing walls as

well. There were flaws in this arrangement due to the limitation on the number of

sensors, however the practical impact of these were negligible.

Figure 10 - Final Arrangement of Sensors


3. Motion and Movement of the Robot

The robot’s motion is generated through four mecanum wheels attached to DC

motors which are powered by the 3.7V, 2000mAh rechargeable battery. The

Arduino Mega2560 board acts as a digital signal processor and drives the motors

individually. The basic control system is shown in Figure 11 with the output

being the desired motion.

3.1 Mecanum Wheels

The mecanum wheels have rollers around the circumference, which is an actuator

redundant system allowing 3 degrees of freedom motion. This allows the robot to

travel straight forward, reverse, strafe in both directions and rotate clockwise and

counter-clockwise. If correct values are set, the robot can also move in an

omnidirectional manner. For simplicity, functions which moved to robot forwards,

backwards, strafe left and right and rotated clockwise and counter-clockwise were

written. Each had an overload which could change the speed of the operation. The

task given did not require more complicated control of the robot's velocity and the

Figure 11 - Basic Control System

Figure 12 - Mecanum Wheels Kinematics


functions written provided full control of the robot's position in the three degrees

of freedom available.

The movement was set through inverse kinematics, as the code provides overall

movement required, and this is interpreted into angular velocities that are sent to

each wheel each wheel via their respective motor. The kinematics are shown in

Figure 12.

There are several risks with using mecanum wheels - this is due to mecanum

wheels slipping while running, and inefficient motors. This causes issues with

relying on the wheels for odometry which was found in mapping and in spiral


3.2 Speed and Aligning

As the speed of covering the area was a major part of the measure of success of

the robot, it was decided early on that the speed of the robot is essential. The

speed of each wheel was set to 200 mm/s, but this was found to have serious

veering off the straight path. After manual tuning, the speeds were adjusted to

match each other, allowing the robot to travel straight. When the robot is running,

its speed can be adjusted by a multiplier if a lower speed is required for a certain

purpose. It was also found through time trials that despite the lowest speed of the

wheels being set to 200 mm/s, the actual speed of the robot was about 150 mm/s,

proving that odometry straight from the wheels would not be possible for this


3.3 Rotating vs Strafing

As the robot can strafe and rotate the usage for both had to be decided to be most

optimal. There were two places where such decisions had to be made – for corners

and for obstacle avoidance. For corners, due to the fixed position of the sensors,

it was decided that turning would be the most optimal solution.

For obstacle avoidance, either turning or strafing could be used. The turning and

avoid method would require a more complex finite state machine as two types of

corner turning would be required – one for turning corners at the end of a length

and one for obstacle avoidance. An alternative method was to rotate at an obstacle

to confirm that it is an obstacle not a wall, and find a clear path to avoid the

obstacle, and then strafe around it. This method was decided to be slow, and

prioritising speed, it was discarded. The method that was ultimately chosen was

to strafe around the obstacles. This allowed the side with the most sensors, the

front, to be constantly searching forward for other obstacles, while the side

sensors detected when the object was passed.

For keeping aligned with the wall, the side sensors measured the distance from

the wall. The robot then strafed to avoid crashing into the wall. After strafing, the

robot would rotate to make sure it was parallel to the wall.


3.4 Path Planning

There are several ways that a robot can navigate through an environment and

each has its own benefits and weaknesses. The primary techniques that were

considered are described below.

3.4.1 Zig-Zag Method

The Zig-Zag method is implemented by the robot initially locating and driving to

a corner of the environment. Once the robot knows that it is in a corner, it begins

following the wall and upon reaching a second wall, which crosses the intended

path of the robot, the robot turns 90°, travels the length of itself, and turns 90°

once again. The robot is then able to traverse the length of the environment again

before reaching the end wall and repeating until the entire environment is covered.

This is shown in Figure 13. It avoids obstacles simply by going around them and

continuing, as shown in Figure 14.

Zig-zagging could also be implemented using strafing from wall-to-wall. This

eliminates the need to rotate and keeps the robot always facing forward. It

however requires more sensors as both sides have to be able to detect the wall.

The Zig-Zig method is a valid method however, if the robot starts on a short side

of the environment the time taken to cover the area will be very large due to the

constant turning required.

Figure 13 - Zig-Zag Method

Figure 14 - Zig-Zag Method with Obstacles

3.4.2 Outward Spiralling

The outward spiral method finds the centre by looking in two opposite directions

and finding the middle of them. The robot then rotates 90 degrees and repeats

the finding centre point to find the centre of the environment. It then travels while

mapping and rotates when it has ventured into an unmapped area. This is shown

in Figure 15. Its obstacle avoidance method is simply to go around the obstacle

and continue as shown in Figure 16. This method is good for stopping unnecessary

motion as a closed loop is formed. However, this method requires an active SLAM


algorithm which is undesirable on an Arduino Mega, as it doesn’t have enough

memory to handle such a process.

Figure 15 - Outward Spiral Method

Figure 16 - Outward Spiral Method with


3.4.3 Inward Spiralling

Inward spiralling is another method for path planning, as shown in Figure 17. It is

realised by finding a wall and then following it to a corner. A variable is set which

specifies the distance from the wall that each trajectory runs from the wall parallel

to it. Once this variable is set the robot can begin travelling along a wall until it

reaches a corner, where it will turn 90°. The robot will repeat this until it

approaches the initial corner. From the initial corner onwards, the robot’s distance

from the wall is incremented. Avoiding obstacles is the same as previous methods

– simply avoid, and then continue as though there was no interference, as shown

in Figure 18. The inward spiralling method was the one that was ultimately chosen

as it allows the fastest area coverage with minimal processing power. For

simplicity’s sake, it was decided to use the right hand coordinate system, meaning

that the robot will always turn counter-clockwise.

Figure 17 - Inward Spiral Method

Figure 18 - Inward Spiral Method with


3.4.4 Full SLAM

A full SLAM method would be able to begin at any point in the map, assess the

area, and proceed to decide on the best path to take to map the area. This would

require high processing power due to the necessity of running more powerful

filtering algorithms, such as a Kalman or a Particle Filter. It would also not be


efficient in area coverage, as there would be parts of the environment that do not

require to be entered into to be mapped, yet the requirements of the project would

require the path to cover this area. Full SLAM is overly complicated for such a

simple project, hence, it was discarded as an option for path planning.


4. Software

Once the electronics were set up and basic logic developed the code had to be

implemented. The running code was written mostly in C with inbuilt Arduino

functions, and the map display was written in C#.

4.1. Interface Library

The interface library is a header file which encapsulates all of the robots interfacing

with the outside world. The intention was to create a series of functions which

would incorporate the calibration of the sensors and motor and simplify the tasks

of moving the robot into simple and intuitive functions. The library sets the relative

speed for the motors and has the calibrated relationships for each sensor, as well

as the input from the MPU.

4.2 General Functions

There are several functions that are used by the whole code. These are

described below.

4.2.1 Millis

All timing is done through the function millis(). This is an inbuilt function in Arduino

that runs from the beginning of the program and returns the time in milliseconds.

The timing is done through comparing the current output of millis() with previous

ones set for individual purposes. Once this exceeds the acceptable limit, which is

different for each state, the state runs. This allows other states, such as object

avoidance, to be triggered, without leaving the current functionality.

4.2.2 Ninety Turn

The ninety turn function is used whenever a 90o turn is required, which is at every

corner and in finding the initial corner. Initially, through the use of the MPU

gyrometer, this function would take the robot's initial angle, and turn until the

initial angle plus ninety degrees was achieved. This proved to be inaccurate due

to lag when updating the read angle and inconsistencies with readings in different

battery charge levels. The MPU based function was replaced by timing a 90o turn,

and providing a counter-clockwise rotation for that length of time. The final ninety

turn code is attached in Appendix III.


4.2.2 Scanning

Scanning is a function used to determine whether the robot is facing a wall, an

obstacle or free space, and is attached in Appendix IV. All three of the front facing

sensors are used, each returning readings which can be plotted as three points. It

can be assumed that the three points will always form a triangle and the area of

this triangle can be determined. Theoretically, if the area of a triangle formed by

any three points is 0, then the three points are collinear. In the application of the

SLAM robot, if the three points are relatively collinear, the robot determines that

it is detecting a wall and returns a 0. If the robot sees an obstacle, which is

determined by having a large output area, the function returns a 1. Otherwise if

the robot sees no obstacles in front of it, the function returns a 2. The method

employed to detect whether the sensors are seeing a wall is quite robust as it

works in cases where the robot approaches the wall from a significant angle, as

shown in Figure 19.

4.2.4 Get Sensor Data

At early stages of the code, each of the states would make a call to read each

sensor individually and output the readings. This was taking up a lot of lines and

unnecessary repetition. To remedy the problem, this was split into two different

functions. The first function was get_sensor_data() which read values from the

sensor and output them as floats.

During testing it was found that the sensor readings fluctuated and some

functionality was added to increase accuracy of the readings. The final function

incorporated a filter which worked by summing up the values and averaging them.

To increase speed of the function, the filter length was kept low. This is displayed

in Appendix V.

4.2.5 Display Sensor Readings

The second sensor function to help readability of the code was for testing

purposes. display_sensor_readings() was used to identify the outputs given from

get_sensor_data(). As extra functions were added, display_sensor_readings() was

Figure 19 - Scanning Function


also used to output certain values to the serial port, such as the difference between

two sensors.

4.2.6 Align to wall

After testing the robot's movement, problems with accurate path following due to

drift and turning overshoots made it unable to correctly cover the given area. To

correct this, the function align_to_wall(), which is attached in Appendix VI, reads

the side sensors and adjusts the robot to realign itself parallel to the wall. When

the robot is in the centre this can prove to be problematic for the medium range

sensor, so only the long range data is effective. Thus, if the readings show that

the robot is far away from the wall, the function only makes choices based off the

long range sensor.

4.3 Finite State Machine

To realise the robot’s movements, a finite state machine was created that covers

each part of the movement, with a basic model shown in Figure 20. It begins at

initialising, finds the initial corner to use, runs through the inward spiral and avoids

Figure 20 - Basic Finite State Machine


obstacles, and ends with a stopped state. Every time a state loops, or another

state is called, the sensor outputs are read. If an object is detected the previous

state is noted, and object detection is executed. This allows obstacle detection to

be the highest priority state. The final Finite State Machine is shown at the end of

the section in Figure 28, and the code for the switching and the object detected

interrupt is shown in Appendix VII.

4.3.1 Initialisation

The initialisation sequence of the robot is primarily for setup. This is when the

robot can enable its motors, and test the sensors and MPU to ensure valid values

are being returned. It then passes to INITIAL_WALL_FIND.

4.3.2 Initial Wall Find

The INITIAL_WALL_FIND state is part of the initial corner finding, with the whole

sequence shown in Figure 21. It is used to begin the search for the initial corner,

from which spiralling can take place. The robot is moved forward from wherever

it is placed, checking whether a wall is in front of it. Once a wall is detected, it

passes to MOVING_TO_WALL. If it is headed into an object, the finite state

machine avoids the obstacle and continues.

Figure 21 - Initialisation Sequence


4.3.3 Moving to Wall

The MOVING_TO_WALL state allows the robot to approach the wall slowly. The

robot moves forwards while all the forward facing sensors give a reading of more

than 30 cm. When under this distance, the robot’s movement decreases to 70%

of the speed. Once any of the front sensor readings are below a calibrated

distance, in this case being 18 cm, the robot stops and returns


4.3.4 Aligning to Wall

In the ALIGNING_TO_WALL state the robot orients itself so that it is facing the

wall. This is done by comparing both of the forward-facing IR sensors and

determining which way the robot needs to rotate in order to face the wall. Once

the difference between the two sensors is below 3 cm the robot is determined to

be facing the wall. The robot then rotates counter-clockwise by 90° so that it will

be oriented parallel to the wall. Once this turn is complete the state changes to


4.3.5 Moving to Corner

The MOVING_TO_CORNER state moves the robot along the wall until it reaches

the first corner, which will begin the mapping sequence using the corner as a

definitive datum. When in this state, the robot will remains moving parallel to the

length of the wall until it reaches the corner, where it turns counter-clockwise by

90° and stop. If it begins to drift away or towards the wall, it realigns itself and

strafes back to the predetermined position using the align to wall function

discussed previously. Once the 90° turn is completed, the state is switched to


4.3.6 Running

The RUNNING state keeps the robot moving in a spiral motion. The robot’s

movement is checked every 500 ms, and it realigns to be going parallel to the wall

every 750 ms. The time between consecutive align to wall calls represents a trade-

off between positional accuracy and speed, as the functionality available to move

the robot is limited to one degree of freedom at a single time. At 750 ms intervals

there was a suitable compromise where the robot would be able to move fast

enough while maintaining a sufficiently uniform distance away from the wall.

If the robot sees a wall ahead, it increments the corner count. Once the corner

count reaches three, it means that the next iteration will have to stop earlier, so

15 cm is added to the value the robot looks for in front of itself. Once the corner

count reaches four it means the spiral is complete, and the distance that it keeps

away from the walls on the side increases appropriately.


4.3.8 Object Detected

To enter the object detected state, one of the forward sensors has to detect an

object in front of the robot, as shown in Figure 22. Using the scanning function,

the robot determines that the object is not a wall and it needs to avoid this object.

To ensure it is, in fact, an object that has been detected, the robot continues to

scan as it moves towards the anomaly. If it detects the object continuously it will

come to a certain pre-set distance and begin strafing left, as shown in Figure 23.

The time taken to strafe past the object is measured and stored in a variable called

“strafe_ticks” for the return strafe after it has passed the object.

Figure 22 - Object Detected

Figure 23 - Robot Strafing Left in Object Detected


4.3.9 Object Detected Forwards

Figure 24 shows the robot in the state of OBJECT_DETECTED_FORWARDS. The

robot can no longer detect the object and is clear to move forwards. It moves

forward while scanning ahead of it, allowing it to avoid another object if there is

another one ahead of it.

It identifies when it is passing the previously detected object as the sensor on the

side will give a sharp decrease in value. When this occurs it changes states to


4.3.10 Object Passing

Figure 24 - Object Detected Forwards

Figure 25 - Object Passing


Object Passing, displayed in Figure 25, is a short state in which the rear side

sensor can detect the object as it passes it. When the robot has passed the object,

the sensor will no longer be outputting a short value and change into the state


4.3.11 Re-adjusting

After the robot has passed the object it, it is off the intended pathing route. To

get back onto the route, READJUSTING strafes back for the same duration it

strafed in the Object Detected state, as shown in Figure 26. This means that if the

robot passed two objects, strafing left twice, it will strafe right the correct amount,

getting back onto the intended path it was originally on. After this process is

complete the robot will return to the state before the object was detected, and

continue on its path as in Figure 27.

Figure 26 - Object Re-adjusting

Figure 27 - Object Continuing on Path


4.3.12 Stopped

The STOPPED state is used to completely stop the robot. It is entered when the

robot detects it is low battery or is giving a fatal error. It is also called when the

robot has completed its intended task.

Figure 28 - Final Finite State Machine

4.4 Mapping

When deciding on possible implementations of mapping there was a great difficulty

when it was discovered that the MPU provides unreliable readings from the

accelerometer, so the odometry would either rely on the motors or on the sensors,

both of which were proven previously to not be ideal. It was decided that the map

will be set at a predetermined size, 50 by 50 bytes, and the resolution of each grid

square was 10 cm by 10 cm. This gives a large map, which will be able to handle

a maximum area of 5 m by 5 m.


A difficulty arose when trying to implement simple sensor odometry relying on the

front facing sensors. This idea was to use the original sensor reading at the start

of each length, relying mostly on the sonar. By subtracting the current sensor

readings, this would give the current position. The side sensors would give the

other coordinate. The problem arising was if an obstacle was in the current length

the front coordinate would be off, and hence the map would be plotted wrong.

The second method is relying on the wheels for odometry. The velocity for going

forward and strafing was measured, as well as the variations when lower speeds

were used for difficult manoeuvres. At the beginning of each length and

manoeuvre, a timer began, which when multiplied by the velocity output the

distance travelled. This was complemented with sensor readings for side

measurements. This method worked, however, the velocities varied greatly

depending on battery level. The robot was also found to not always be travelling

parallel to the wall as intended, which threw off the measurements.

The final mapping code was implemented in C# and was a basic scan matching

technique with an occupancy grid. It takes the sensor readings at each point and

compares them with the previous ones to see how far it has travelled. It also maps

where it sees obstacles.

In Figure 29 the green square represents the initial position of the robot with the

black lines representing the forward and sideways sensor readings. The sensors

are used to find the angles in X and Y directions, and they are projected to set a

grid square as occupied (as in wall or obstacle is present). The orange line

represents the movement to the t+1 position, with the new pose shown as the

Figure 29 - Mapping Implementation


orange rectangle. This pose also sets the obstacle grids. By comparing the current

and previous pose’s sensor readings, the correct movement is logged and the pose

is charted on the grid. The pre-move x and y coordinates are added to the

movement values, and then divided by 10 to put in the correct square.

A difficulty was discovered with interfacing the Bluetooth with C#. Despite

troubleshooting this was not fixed in time for the assessment. However, this code

worked with example values within the debugger.


5. Testing and Results

The robot did not perform as intended. During the demonstration runs the initial

aligned sequence was not completed accurately resulting a large error in the

direction which the robot was facing, as shown in Figure 30. Additionally, the

scanning algorithm picked up obstacles when it was in fact a wall was present.

This was likely due to variations in the IR sensors with respect to voltage levels

and other environmental factors. The algorithm for discerning between walls and

obstacles was extensively tested and proved to be working as intending. Despite

this there were instances in the demonstration where the robot did avoid obstacles

and detect walls correctly for reasonable amount of time.

While testing, a video was recorded proving the robot’s capability to spiral inwards

and detect walls. This can be found at The

differences added past this stage were changing MPU turning to time based turning

and obstacle avoidance integration.

Figure 30 - On Day Results


6. Discussion, Limitations and Improvements

6.1 IR Sensors

The infrared sensors had multiple problems throughout the project. The range of

the sensors was about half of the range specified on the data sheet. Additionally,

some of the sensors would have a large variation in their output as the battery of

the robot was drained. Over a day of testing the calibration set at the start of the

day would become increasingly meaningless. Not knowing this at the start of the

project was the cause of significant delays to the continuation of it.

6.2 Number of Sensors

If the project allowed more sensors, this would allow better position control and

more freedom of movement. The limited number of sensors resulted in a large

blind spot where an object or a wall could not be detected. Any objects behind or

to the left of the robot could not be seen.

6.3 Motors The motors, although similar, did not have the same performance at each speed

level. The back left motor would run slower than the rest of the motors. The slower

speed was accounted for by running that motor faster than the others. This

approximation was useful however, it did not fully account for all the error.

Ultimately the motors worked well enough over the small distance specified in this

project, but over longer distances it would be advantageous to implement a control

system and state machine to continuously adjust for the different motor


6.4 Limited Movement Directions The use of simple movement functions which simplified the movement to one

direction or rotation at a time was helpful during the initial stages of development.

As the project progressed and a more accurate movements were desired it became

apparent the full functionality was not being used. A good example of this was the

aligning to wall function. A more sophisticated implementation would be to

individually control each wheel to move the robot back into the correct alignment

with the wall. Instead the robot would stop, strafe and then rotate to align to the

wall. This takes significantly more time to complete than a more sophisticated

approach. The simplifications did however allow for better odometry. As the robot

would only be moving in exactly one direction the distance moved would be

directly proportional to the time taken. This relationship proved to be useful in the

obstacle avoidance states and helped to offset the changes in motor speed with

respect to battery voltage.


6.5 Servo Motor Usage

This project allowed the use of a servo motor for mounting a sensor of the group’s

choosing to be free to rotate as programmed. This was not an option that was

taken, as it was felt that all the required sides were covered. However, in

hindsight, it would have been beneficial to utilise the servo motor, as it would

provide angle measurement capabilities, and the use of one sensor for more

directions, aiding with the limitations of the sensor placement. It would also check

corners for obstructions, as it was found due to sensor placement if the robot was

approaching the wall at too steep of an angle, the sensors could not identify the


6.6 MPU for Turning

The MPU was originally used for completing 90 degree turns, but was taken out

due to the slow response of the MPU causing constant overshooting in the turns.

This was replaced with a timed implementation of the turn. Although, initially tests

were positive, due to the varying speeds of the motors depending on battery level,

this quickly became troublesome. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, this

wasn’t fixed in time for the demonstration, and the presentation suffered greatly.

Ideally, the MPU should have been used for turning with input from the sensors

and some sort of closed loop control for achieving the perfect 90 degree turn.

6.7 PID Control

A PID controller would have theoretically resulted in no error when turning to face

and align to walls. However, the sensor data and the calibration used was not

accurate enough for this to be the case. A bang-bang or hysteresis controller was

chosen over a PID controller because it would be similarly accurate and

significantly quicker.

6.8 Fuzzy Logic In writing code such as that for aligning to wall, envelopes were developed, within

which range readings from the sensors were deemed acceptable for the robot to

be in. This would have been much better implemented through fuzzy logic. This

would have been done through defining distance and angle in relation to wall sets.

The output sets would include strafing away or towards the wall, and the steering

angle to correct the movement. This would have allowed a much smoother

alignment, without considerable overshoot which occurred.


6.9 Active SLAM This solution used entirely passive SLAM. Mapping was not considered in the path

planning algorithms and overall code functionality. If the mapping capabilities

were completed earlier, the map could have been used to feed information back

into the path planner, and create a better algorithm. This would not limit the

processing power significantly, but would provide a superior path for area

coverage and time required.

6.10 Finite State Machine

The implemented finite state machine was simplified significantly. The obstacle

avoidance states were implemented poorly not allowing the obstacle avoidance

sequence to be broken out of back to the running state unless the obstacle had

been completely avoided. In the demonstration this proved to be a large issue

especially in the rare case when a wall was mistakenly classified as an obstacle.

The number and function of each individual state was not mapped out from the

beginning of the project. A more complete planning process would have likely

resolved a lot of the state switching problems that were encountered.

7. Conclusion The autonomous SLAM robot project provided a great learning opportunity. It

allowed for the integration of hardware, electronics and software. The robot used

a finite state machine for operation, with an inward spiral path, strafing for object

avoidance and an occupancy grid for mapping. Despite the robot not functioning

as intended in the final presentation, it had a lot of potential for functionality, and

with further development and more time, would have been very successful in its




Appendix I – Sonar Mount Drawing

Appendix II – MPU Mount Drawing

Appendix III – Ninety Turn Code

Appendix IV – Scanning Code

Appendix V – Get Sensor Data Code

Appendix VI – Align to Wall Code

Appendix VII – Finite State Machine


Appendix I – Sonar Mount Drawing


Appendix II – MPU Mount Drawing


Appendix III – Ninety Turn Code


Appendix IV – Scanning Code


Appendix V – Get Sensor Data Code


Appendix VI – Align to Wall Code


Appendix VII – Finite State Machine