May STRESS REPORT 2009Stress is like a speeding car bearing down on you. If you can't step out of...

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Transcript of May STRESS REPORT 2009Stress is like a speeding car bearing down on you. If you can't step out of...

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    WARNING...Make sure you read the whole of this report.

    If you only read the first part then all you will have achieved is to fill

    your life with a lot of scary facts and figures.

    This is not the aim of this report.

    Read all 10 pages to discover what you can do to make certain

    you don’t become a victim of stress, depression, anxiety, worry, low self esteem etc...

    ...In SPITE of the current global situation…

    P.T.O .

    Here’s The Latest Research On The Physical Effects Of Stress… You Will

    Be Shocked!


    SS RE



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    Let’s Face It, These Are...

    Dear Friend,

    I can hardly stand to look at

    a newspaper these days, or

    watch a news program. The

    world seems to be coming

    apart at the seams, with more

    bad news every day. The

    mortgage crisis, global

    warming, human rights

    violations, credit crisis, higher

    food prices, higher utility bills,

    higher unemployment, Swine


    ...The list goes on and on.

    I hate to say this, but we

    are in a time of mounting

    troubles, increasingly negative

    social mood - and greatly

    increased stress. This type of

    negative social mood comes in

    cycles, and we’ve only just

    entered into a new cycle.

    Events beyond the control of

    any one person are unfolding,

    and the consequences could

    be huge.

    As bad as things are (and

    experts believe they will get

    worse before they get better),

    Expensive Gas, Giant Bankruptcies, The Housing Crisis, Recession, Mass

    Redundancies, Global Warming, Problems in Afghanistan, Swine Flu...

    First, read the latest research on the destructive mental, emotional and physical effects of stress...and how Shaolin Qigong protects you.

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    this, too, will pass, but it may take years.

    How can you prepare for - and even thrive -

    during such times?

    This letter contains some incredible

    information about stress and it's effects on

    your mental, emotional and physical health.

    First, though, here's another important

    consideration. I have the good fortune to spend

    time with some of the most spiritually advanced

    people in the world - 4th Generation Shaolin

    Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit, for instance and

    spiritual teachers such as Paul Gorman, Sifu

    Kai Uwe Jettkandt, Sifu Emiko Hsuen, Sifu

    Robin Gamble and others like them.

    Amazingly, these people seem unfazed by

    the problems I’ve described. Certainly they see

    that the world has terrible problems. And they

    see that many are suffering. They are

    concerned, as I am, and are taking steps to

    help, but they are not personally disturbed.

    In other words, these problems do not affect

    the underlying experience of inner peace and

    happiness of these spiritually aware people. I

    have to confess that I feel the same way.

    In one sense all these problems are part of

    the human condition. As a wise person once

    said, "Shit Happens." Certainly we all want to

    do what we can to have LESS shit happen, but

    much of it, we have to beyond our

    individual control.

    So the question becomes, "What can you

    do when shit DOES happen, when the world

    seems out of control?" If the world does get

    worse, as it periodically does, how can you

    cope with the stress, and even feel peaceful

    and happy?

    In other words, how can you be more like

    Grandmaster Wong, Paul Gorman, and other

    unflappable, spiritually advanced people -

    those who remain peaceful and happy

    regardless of circumstances?

    I know it definitely IS possible to be happy

    and peaceful, regardless of what is happening

    around you. In fact, I think this way of living is

    more possible - for you - than you might think.

    Quite frankly, it's rare that anything going on

    in the world or in my own life upsets my own

    inner peace. I assure you however that I haven't

    always been this way. I used to be one of the



    significant I've


    Is That Even Possible?

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    most reactive, anxious, stressed out people

    you’ll ever meet. I can become one of those

    people who remain unflappable, who remains

    peaceful and happy even in the face of great

    stress... can too.

    I want you to know that there's nothing

    special about me, other than the steps I've

    taken to become such a person. And there's

    nothing preventing you from taking the same


    As we enter what just might be one of the

    toughest periods of our lifetime, I want to help

    you get through it with the least amount of

    mental, emotional and physical damage.

    So what's the answer?

    It's probably no surprise to you that I think

    Shaolin Qigong is THE most powerful way to

    raise your resistance to stress sky high and

    develop the ability to remain peaceful and

    centred regardless of whatever is going on

    around you.

    I'm in the process of developing a new

    course that will help you steer a safe path

    through these trying times. I've a ton of the

    most powerful material gathered whilst

    Grandmaster Wong taught me Qigong Therapy

    back in April 2008.

    Now, Let's Look At The Huge Price You

    Pay For Being Stressed...

    Stress is like a speeding car bearing down

    on you. If you can't step out of the way - as the

    Grandmaster's and Paul Gorman's of the world

    do - the results can be devastating.

    George Chrousos, M.D., of the National

    Institute of Child Health and Human

    Development has spent his career studying

    stress. He describes the stress problem in this


    A threat to your life or safety that triggers a

    primal physical response from the body, leaving

    you breathless, heart pounding, and mind


    From deep within your brain, a chemical

    signal speeds stress hormones through the

    blood stream, priming your body to be alert and

    escape from danger. Concentration becomes

    more focused, reactions become faster and

    strength and agility increase. When the stressful

    situation ends, hormonal signals switch off the

    stress response…

    But in our modern society, this stress

    response often won’t switch off! Many of us

    harbour anxiety and worry about world

    problems, personal relationships, job

    performance, money and the future. Instead of

    feeling stress only about real dangers

    happening NOW, we feel stress about things

    that haven’t happened yet, may never happen,

    and certainly don’t require the physical

    readiness that stress hormones were designed

    to create!

    And Your Body Returns To Normal

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    As a result, stress hormones…

    ...never leave our bloodstream, tissues or


    This creates many profoundly negative


    • Continual high levels of one stress

    hormone, cortisol, increases appetite

    and leads to weight gain. Overeating at

    night is also common among people

    who are under stress and leads to many

    serious health problems. Cortisol also

    creates a whole range of serious health

    problems by switching off disease

    fighting white blood cells.

    • Stress hormones create digestive

    problems, inhibiting the release of

    stomach acid and emptying of the

    stomach and directly stimulating the

    colon, speeding up the emptying of its

    contents. This, too, creates health

    problems, some of them major.

    • Stress suppresses the reproductive

    system at various levels, directly

    inhibiting the testes and ovaries,

    hindering production of the male and

    female sex hormones testosterone,

    estrogen and progesterone. This, too,

    leads to many health problems.

    • Stress interacts with the immune

    system, making you more vulnerable to

    colds and flue, fatigue and infections - or


    One particularly damaging characteristic of

    chronic stress is melancholic depression. The

    body turns on the "fight or flight" response I

    mentioned above…

    This produces constant anxiety and over

    reaction to stimulation followed by the

    paradoxical response called “learned

    helplessness”, in which victims apparently lose

    all motivation. Hallmarks of this form of

    depression are anxiety...loss of appetite...loss

    of sex drive...rapid heartbeat...high blood

    pressure...and high cholesterol and triglyceride


    Long term stress can also lead to anorexia

    nervosa, malnutrition, obsessive compulsive

    disorder (OCD), anxiety disorder, alcoholism,

    poorly controlled diabetes, and


    Excessive stress-induced cortisol is

    responsible for many other symptoms


    • Sleep disturbances...loss of

    libido...loss of appetite…

    • Increased risk of accumulating

    abdominal fat...hardening of the arteries

    and other forms of cardiovascular


    • Suppression of the thyroid hormones

    and the immune system.

    All of this has contributed, in the last eight

    ...but is prevented from

    turning it off again.

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    year period to a stunning 1,444,920 new

    cancer cases in the U.S. alone, causing…

    What's more, 79.4 million people - 37.1% of

    Americans - suffer from cardiovascular disease,

    leading to 871,500 deaths!

    There were also 5.7 million strokes, causing

    150,100 deaths. Every three minutes in the

    United States someone dies of a stroke.

    IN the same period, 72 million Americans

    suffered from high blood pressure, causing

    54,200 deaths, while 105,200 Amercians had

    high cholesterol readings.

    Finally, 19.7 million Americans suffer from

    chronic pain - often related to stress - and 4.9

    million of them don't respond to pain


    Keep reading! Stress-caused emotional

    problems are even worse!

    In any given one-year period, 9.5% of the

    population - about 20,900,000 American adults


    ...suffer from a depressive illness.

    • 26.2% of Americans over 18 - 57.7

    million - suffer from mental disorders.

    45% have more than one...21.4 million

    suffer from serious psychological distress


    • 40 million Americans over 18 -18.1%

    - have anxiety disorders. 20.9 million

    have mood disorders. 14.8 million have

    a major depressive disorder.

    • 3.3 million have chronic, mild

    depression, while 35.1 million in any given

    year have had at least one major

    depressive episode. 5.7 million have

    manic depressive disorder. What’s more,

    32,439 persons died by suicide in 2004 -

    ant it’s getter worse, faster.

    • 6 million people suffer from panic

    disorders...2.2 million from (OCD)...and

    7.7 million from post traumatic stress


    • 6.8 million suffer from generalised

    anxiety disorder...15 million from social

    phobias…and 1.8 million suffer from

    agoraphobia - fear and anxiety of places

    or situations where escape might be

    difficult. 19.2 million people have phobias

    involving specific objects or situations.

    • 4.1% of adults have attention deficit

    hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

    • There are 19.1 million illicit drug

    users...6 million abusers of

    psychotherapeutic drugs...55 million binge

    drinkers...and 22.5 million people over age

    12 are substance dependent or substance


    Stressful times can kill us, or drive us out

    of our minds! If you don’t take definite steps

    to become more resilient, hard times can

    send you over the edge.

    559,650 deaths.

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    Luckily you can become one of the resilient

    ones, and Shaolin Qigong is one of the most

    powerful antidotes to stress. In a nutshell,

    Shaolin Qigong is the art of deliberately

    managing your vital energy. Vital energy is what

    keeps you alive, and allows you to do

    everything that you do. Qigong is similar to

    Yoga but less strenuous. It's like Tai Chi but

    easier to learn and requires zero athleticism.

    How does Shaolin Qigong affect the

    destructive effects of high cortisol? From the

    Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approach

    to health and well being there is only 1 illness.

    Regardless of the physical, emotional or mental

    symptoms, it comes down to a lack of

    harmonious energy flow through the energy

    channels (meridians) of your body.

    Because your physical, emotional and

    mental health is the result of harmonious energy

    flow, anything that affects this harmonious flow

    will impact your whole experience of life. This is

    why it is important to learn how to manage your

    own energy system.

    The following comments reflect the

    impressions and conclusions of Kenneth M.

    Sancier, Ph.D. in a scientific report, "Medical

    Applications of Qigong", published by

    Alternative Therapies in January 1996:

    • Stroke and Mortality Rates Decrease

    - in a study of hypertensive patients,

    the mortality rate in the Qigong group

    was nearly half of the group who did

    not practice Qigong.

    • Blood Pressure Stabilises - Over a 20

    year period, blood pressure of the Qigong

    group stabilised, whereas that of the

    control group increased.

    • Sex Hormone Levels Improve -

    Estrogen imbalances "can be reversed

    by Qigong exercise"

    • Bone Density Increases - bone density

    increased in men who practiced Qigong

    for one year. It is likely Qigong therapy

    would help restore bone density in women

    as well.

    • Cancer And Drug Treatment Improve

    - patients with "medically diagnosed

    malignant cancer" were divided into

    two groups. All received drugs, but one

    group also practiced Qigong. "Both

    groups improved, but the [Qigong]

    group showed improvement in strength,

    appetite, freedom from diarrhoea, and

    weight gain four to nine times greater

    than the control group".

    • Senility Symptoms Improve - After six

    months, eight of the 14 main clinical signs

    and symptoms in the Qigong group had

    improved more than 80%, whereas no

    symptoms in the control group had

    improved more than 45%.

    Shaolin Qigong is a

    simple, direct & effective way to

    manage your vital energy

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    • Blood flow To Brain Increases.

    Memory Improves, Insomnia,

    Numbness, Vertigo, Headaches, and

    Cholesterol Decrease - Two studies

    show Qigong increases blood flow to

    the brain.

    • Combination of Qigong and Drugs Is

    Superior To Drug Therapy Alone -

    Research shows "Qigong is believed to

    relax the body, promote the flow of Qi

    (energy), blood, oxygen and nutrients to all

    cells of the body and promote the removal

    of waste products from cells."

    • Alpha Brain Waves Increase - Alpha

    brain waves are the key to stress relief,

    health, vitality and longevity.

    Shaolin Qigong contains three core

    elements that make it one of the most powerful

    types of Qigong you can learn today:

    • Enter a Qigong State of Mind - You

    learn how to attain a higher state of

    consciousness, demonstrated by being

    relaxed and focused. This skill alone

    allows you to relax physically, emotionally

    and mentally like never before.

    • Energy Flow - Flowing Breeze,

    Swaying Willows occurs when you are

    totally relaxed and your energy (Qi) flow

    inside makes your body sway gently. For

    centuries this has remained a closely

    guarded Shaolin secret.

    • Standing Meditation - Many people in

    the West today mistakenly believe that the

    only way to meditate effectively is in the

    seated Lotus position. For beginners, the

    physical discomfort commonly

    experienced in this position makes it

    difficult to achieve mental stillness.

    Standing Meditation allows you to access

    the benefits of meditation quickly and


    Meditation dramatically lowers stress and

    stress related physical and emotional problems,

    say research scientists in thousands of


    • The National Institute of Health

    reports that regular meditation can

    reduce chronic pain, anxiety, high blood

    pressure, cholesterol, substance abuse,

    post traumatic stress response and

    blood levels of stress hormones.

    • Frank Treiber, Ph.D., of the Medical

    College of Georgia, says that meditation

    lowers blood pressure, even for healthy

    young people, creating a 12.5% lower risk

    of stroke or coronary mortality in



    main conclusion

    from many studies is that

    Qigong enables the body to

    heal itself - Almost everyone

    can learn Qigong exercises

    for maintaining health

    and self healing"

  • [9]

    • Researchers at University of

    Maryland School of Medicine report

    meditation relieved stress, reduced

    rheumatoid arthritis symptoms,

    reduced cardiovascular risk factors,

    decreased psychological distress,

    improved sleep patterns.

    • Studies at University of Toronto,

    Oxford University and Cambridge

    University found that 66% of those

    recovering from depression who

    meditated remained stable (no relapse)

    over a year.

    • Dr Herbert Benson of Harvard

    Medical School found that mediation

    releases tension, creates the will power

    and consciousness to be in control of

    one’s life, and alleviates depression,

    loneliness, hopelessness and despair.

    • Dr Adrian White, University of Exeter

    reported that meditators showed

    increased activity in the frontal part of the

    brain associated with lower anxiety and a

    more positive emotional state.

    But nowhere near as dramatically as

    Shaolin Qigong

    Every time you practice Shaolin Qigong you

    are also practicing (and get the benefits of)

    meditation, but Shaolin Qigong is so much

    more than meditation. This is one reason why

    long term Shaolin Qigong practitioners have the

    same response to stressful situations (being

    largely unaffected by them) as Grandmaster

    Wong, Sifu Emiko Hsuen, Sifu Robin Gamble -

    and me.


    Your secret weapon against anxiety,

    depression, stress and worry

    In April 2008 I had the great fortune to

    attend an "Invitation Only" Qigong Therapy

    course taught by 4th Generation Shaolin

    Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit (or Sifu as I call

    him). Sifu spent a lot of time during this course

    teaching me to understand how anxiety,

    depression and worry work (from the Traditional

    Chinese Medicine TCM perspective) and a

    number of simple, direct and effective methods

    to treat them.

    If you lack energy, suffer from the blues,

    constantly feel 'stressed out', lack confidence

    or find it hard to stop worrying all the time then

    Shaolin Qigong has much to offer you.


    has a dramatic and

    positive effect on stress

    and the physical and

    emotional problems

    caused by stress...

  • [10]

    Understand This:

    Stress is a sign of life - I don't believe it is

    possible or healthy to live a stress free life. But

    you can definitely increase your resistance to

    stress and learning how to calm the mind is

    scientifically proven to help reduce anxiety and

    worry. The world won't change if you learn

    Shaolin Qigong, things will still happen that you

    would prefer didn't and some people will still

    behave towards you in ways you don't deserve.

    No, the world won't change after you learn

    Shaolin Qigong, something even better

    happens: You change (for the better!)

    There is a science behind Shaolin Qigong.

    Scientific laws that govern whether you are -

    healthy or ill, energised or tired, articulate or

    confused, happy or sad - and they are just as

    exact as those that govern our universe. Learn

    to use them and you will be happy, healthy,

    energised, articulate and better at everything

    you choose to focus on, just as certainly as the

    force of gravity holds you to the earth.

    When I first encountered the research in this

    letter about the effects of Qigong and

    meditation on stress and stress induced

    physical and emotional problems, I knew it was

    important that you know about it, and that I

    offer you a solution to this

    problem. You see most people will never know

    that they can learn how to be happy, healthy

    and full of vitality and that it is no more difficult

    than learning how to brush your teeth. Please

    learn how to apply Shaolin Qigong to "stress

    proof" your life during these stressful times.

    Given the darkening world situation, we all

    need to become more resilient, more stress-

    resistant. The evidence is clear: Shaolin Qigong

    is the best of all the available stress busting

    tools. Traditional mediation is difficult. It's a lot

    of work and it takes a long time to learn to do it

    well and even longer to get the positive results.

    Shaolin Qigong, on the other hand is simple,

    direct and effective

    Marcus Santer:

    Is the author of Shaolin Chi Kung: 18

    exercises to help you live a longer,

    healthier and happier life. He is the most

    senior student in the UK of 4th Generation

    Shaolin Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit and

    has been teaching Shaolin Arts for 5


    Big Thanks To:Bill Harris of Holosync for the data in this


    NEXT BE HAPPY WORKSHOP:Please visit:

    Is Stress Ruining Your
