Matthew’s Musings · jects that are not in his job description. I am delighted to announce...

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Transcript of Matthew’s Musings · jects that are not in his job description. I am delighted to announce...

The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection April 2015


I am delighted to announce an-

other transition in the leadership of

our parish. Our new rector’s warden

is JoAnn Geier, a member of our

parish since before I got here.

I should begin with a word of ex-

planation. It is the practice of the

Episcopal Church to follow a long

tenure of a leader with a shorter one.

For example, after the leadership of

a rector who has served for longer

than ten years or so, the parish will

generally call an interim rector. This

practice allows the interim to make

the needed changes from the previ-

ous administration. When the vestry

calls the next rector, she or he will

be able to set the agenda for the par-

ish less encumbered by the practices

and habits of the previous rector of

longstanding and beloved tenure.

This is much the case in the rec-

tor’s warden. Galib had served so

generously and energetically for

over 17 years in the position. He has

accumulated and taken on many pro-

jects that are not in his job description.

While it was convenient for the parish

and vestry to have the confidence that

he would take over any project that

nobody else wanted to lead, it was sim-

ply unfair to ask Galib to continue in

the role of rector’s warden with the

dozens of projects he had taken on. I

gave him a much needed break last


When I talked to Stephen about tak-

ing on the position of rector’s warden

to follow Galib, I was clear that his

role was to be for a considerably

shorter tenure. Stephen has a take

charge personality and is driven to ac-

complish his goals. At the time we

were considering investing as a con-

gregation in the weekly bingo fund-

raiser. I needed Stephen’s assertiveness

and strong communication skills to

spearhead its implementation.

A year has now passed with

Stephen as rector’s warden. We both

knew that his tenure was to be short, as

the demands of his job became press-

ing. The circumstances for which I

hired Stephen were no longer present,

Continued on page 2

The monthly



Copley Parish,

located at

Bridge and

Anchor Drives

Joppatowne, MD

410-679-8700 (O)

443-610-8533 (C)


“A Bridge to the

Future, Anchored in the


Sunday Worship:

8 AM

Holy Eucharist

Said Service

10 AM

Choral Eucharist and

Sunday School

Tuesday Worship

7 PM

Office Hours:

Wednesday and Friday,

9 to noon

Epistle Editor

Dani Rice



Deadline for

May 04/20/15

April 2015

The Church of the Resurrection (Episcopal)... where everybody is someone and Jesus is Lord

Matthew’s Musings

April 2015 The Church of the Resurrection The Epistle


Mathias on Bel Air Road, her previous parish (We

received her Letter of Transfer in 2013), held

many leadership positions with distinction, includ-

ing service on the Vestry. She has served liturgi-

cally at St. Mathias as well as at Resurrection, so

she is a familiar face at our 10 am service.

I am delighted that JoAnn has consented to

serve as Rector’s Warden and I am sure that the

congregation will embrace her leadership. Many

people in the parish have already shared with me

that they find JoAnn to be compassionate, loving

and easy to talk with.

Warmest wishes to all for a blessed Eastertide!



as our investment in weekly Bingo as a fundraiser

was discontinued. After many transitions in the par-

ish, much of my agenda is complete and I no longer

needed a Rector’s Warden who was so assertive. It

was time to turn to a Rector’s Warden whose skills

and gifts were very different.

I am delighted that JoAnn has accepted the posi-

tion. I asked JoAnn for many reasons. I have col-

laborated with her already on several Outreach

Ministries, including the Redner’s Canned Food

Drive. She shares my commitment to reaching out

to the needy in our community and we have shared

already many brainstorming sessions for further

outreaches. I found JoAnn to be an effervescent,

upbeat, positive, open personality. She owns and

operates her own business in Joppa, so JoAnn

brings a business sense as well as a conciliatory

personality. She was raised Episcopalian and, at St.

continued from page 1

Matthew’s Musings II

The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection April 2015


Jim Rice and Ye Editor made a trip to North Carolina in late Feb-ruary and early March. The main reason for the trip was to get started on new shoes for Jim, but we also got to visit all of his surviv-ing sisters. And then he finished off the trip with a rather frightening four day’s stay in the hospital. Ye Editor is still recovering. Speaking of recovering - Janis

Johnson is at home following a stroke. She does not need custo-dial care, so her insurance will not cover having anyone come in, but she sure gets lonely. If you can spare a day or two a month to play cards, take her shopping, or just have a cuppa and a good chat, it would be much appreciated. Con-

tact Judy or Ye Editor to get in touch with Janis’ daughter Ria. Herb Baker is also stuck at home, and would appreciate a visit from some of his old golfing bud-dies - or anyone else who’d like to come by and chat for a while.

Speaking of Judy - her grand-daughter, Autumn just turned 21! She and her Aunt Courtney spent a “wild” day on the town to cele-brate. Autumn’s mom, Casey, is Judy and Galib’s oldest daughter, and has the same birthday as Au-tumn. Talk about a gift that keeps on giving! Just a reminder, Pentecost is May 24th. Brush up on your French, German and Spanish, and ask Fr. Matthew to find you a spot in the service. (Invite your friends; you do get Episcopalians speaking in tongues every week.)

Don't forget!

Holy Week is com-

ing up, we will need

help for Maundy

Thursday service, as

well as Good Fri-

day, Holy Saturday

and Easter. (More

costume changes

than an IceCapades


Also April 4th is

set up and decorate

for Easter service

day. If there is to be

a "Grubby Sunday”,

it will be announced

in church.

Please consider

joining the Altar

Guild. We have lost

a few members in

the last few years,

and could use some

help. If you are in-

terested let me

know. I promise

you, it is a self re-

warding service to

your church.


Pat Rawlings

On April 11, from 10 AM to 1 PM,

the Phoenix Wildlife Rescue is bring-

ing three owls to Wild Birds Unlimited

(near Wegman’s) for you to visit, and

get to know. There is no charge for this

event. And there will be food!

On Saturday, April 18th, at 7:00 pm,

The Maryland Center for the Perform-

ing Arts will present "Principally

Harps!" features Mindy Cutcher and

Janet Witman, two of America's excep-

tional harpists, performing stunning

adaptations of great "hits" from opera,

ballet, and orchestral repertoire on

grand concert harps. The concert will

be 90 minutes long and will include a

question and answer session. The

concert will take place at Bel Air

United Methodist Church. Tickets are

$15 for non-members, and $13 for

members. Those under 12 are

admitted free.

Mindy is a former member

of Christ Church, in Forest


Harford County Happenings

Parish News and Notes

April 2015 The Church of the Resurrection The Epistle


say I gave up my independence on In-

dependence Day!

Mark and I own a regional technol-

ogy firm in Joppa called J&M Sys-

tems, LLC. Mark launched J&M in

1983, and we became business partners

in 1994. At J&M, we sell and service

computer systems for specialty retail

stores across the United States.

Listening. In the coming months I

will be listening to the Vestry, to the

congregation, and to Matthew to be-

come better acquainted with our mem-

bers and our mission in the commu-

nity. Join me in looking forward to a

little joy for the journey, and to grow-

ing in faith with our church family.


First, please allow me to thank Fr.

Matthew for his confidence and for

appointing me to Rector’s Warden. I

am humbled and honored to serve our

Rector, Vestry and Congregation.

For those who do not know much

about me, I attended Holy Trinity Epis-

copal Church in Essex as child with

my Dad, Donald Dennis. Dad is a life-

long member of the Episcopal Church

and currently serves on Vestry at

Church of the Holy Spirit in Ocean

City, Maryland.

In 1985 I became a member of St.

Matthias Episcopal Church in Overlea.

I served at St. Matthias for over 15

years in a variety of areas including

Vestry, Choir, Outreach Committee,

Evangelism Committee, Search Com-

mittee, Sunday School and Nursery.

Mark and I were married at St. Mat-

thias on the 4th of July 1987. I like to

Everything is Coming

Up …


sprung and the

church gardens will

be growing.

On Saturday,

May 2, we will be

cleaning out the

garden debris, trim-

ming and weed-

ing. We need your

help. Please join us

for this effort.

Mark your calendar.

Wear old clothes

and garden gloves.

Bring garden tools

if you have them as

our supply is very

limited. Last year

we planted tons of

daffodils and they

are already peeking

up through the soil.

We would love

any donations of

summer bulbs or

divisions for fall

plants. So when

you “dig to divide”

plants, please think

of the church gar-

dens. We already

have plenty of daf-


Carole Kehring

From the Rector’s Warden

Blessing of the Knitting Machine

On March 1, Fr. Matthew blessed a

new knitting machine, which was pur-

chased by donations from members of

the group, and the congregation at

large. This machine will enable the

ladies of the church to turn out Prayer

Shawls much more quickly.

The machine is not difficult to use,

but it did come with an instructional

CD, so each member of the Knitting

group will have a chance to take it

home and use the CD with their own


The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection April 2015


April 2015 The Church of the Resurrection The Epistle


...for St. George’s Pantry

Join us!

Saturday, April 11th from 10 am to 1 pm at Redner’s Market in Joppatowne.

We are collecting dry goods, canned goods and other food items for our friends

& neighbors in need. Volunteer to help with the food collection for 1, 2 or 3

hours. See JoAnn Geier or Galib Kawaja for details.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave

me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes

and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you

came to visit me.’

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and

feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a

stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see

you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of

these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ -Matthew 25:35-40



Please consider

serving the Lord,

and this congrega-

tion, as a Lay Eu-

charistic Minister,

or LEM.

At the moment,

we are down to two

full-time servers-

JoAnn Geier and

Dani Rice. Dulcie

and Ken fill in when

they can, but that’s


It’s rather ironic;

women fought for

years to be able to

serve in this capac-

ity, but we really

didn’t think you

men would simply

walk off and leave

us to do it all!

Speak to Fr.

Matthew if you are


things into consideration: Does this

student benefit from adult/book inter-

action? Does he/she need reading

practice? Can we foster a love of read-

ing by encouraging exposure to

books? And more….Please contact

Carol at home 410.679.9524. after the

10 am service or, via cke- The children are


“It’s not about teaching the child to

read. It’s about teaching the children

to love to read.” By Dr. Dahlia Hall.

(Thanks to Kathy Grumbach for the





No appli-

cation, skills,


required. If

you can read,

you can be-

come a Reading Buddy. Riverside

Elem. School is just a few miles from

our church off Joppa Farm Road.

Teachers appreciate the extra time

“their kids” get when an adult spends

time with a child. The first and second

graders are chosen for this activity by

classroom teachers who take several

Reading Buddies

Spring Food Drive...

The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection April 2015


Service Rota - April 2015 Altar Guild - Nancy Anderson & Pat Rawlings

If you are unable to serve on your assigned Sunday, it is your responsibility to find a substitute and

contact the church office (410-679-8700) so the correct name will appear in the bulletin.

Acolyte Head: Ken Hawley 410-852-0003 Chief Usher: Jim Rice 410-679-4249

Lay Readers: Dani Rice 410-679-4249

April 5

Easter Sunday

Crucifer: Paula Sanders

O.T. Christine Moser

LEM JoAnn Geier

LEM Ken Hawley

Prayers Ken Grumbach

Ushers Albert & Clara Lema

April 12

Crucifer: Dani Rice

O.T. Christine Moser

LEM Dani Rice

Prayers Kathy Grumbach


A note to the folks who read

The Prayers of the People:

A copy of the Prayers, with all the blanks filled

in, can be found on the

Welcome Table in the narthex,

to the right of the large cross.

To find out what you will be reading go to:

Use the RCL list.

April 19

Crucifer: JoAnne Geier

O.T. Marge Murray

LEM JoAnn Geier

Prayers Dorian Burton

Ushers Bill Murray & Mary Lou Sieber

April 26

Crucifer: Ken Hawley

O.T. Dani Rice

LEM Ken Hawley

Prayers Gene Wilkinson

Ushers Jim & Dani Rice

May 3

Acolytes: Paula Sanders

O.T. Dorian Burton

LEM Dulcie Carie

Prayers Ken Grumbach

Ushers Albert & Clara Lema

April 2015 The Church of the Resurrection The Epistle


April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat




2 Kathleen




Thursday 7


Good Friday

Noon and 7


Easter Vigil

7 PM

(incense, no



8 & 10 AM




7 8




Vestry 6 PM

10 11Food

Drive 10 - 1


Bingo 6 PM

12 13 14 15

Karen Hawley

16 17

18 Craig





(see pg 3)

19 20 21 22 23 24 25



5:00 Lema


26 27

Ed Miller





Linda Bullock

Karen Webb




The Church of the Resurrection (Episcopal)


Office Hours Wed & Fri 9- noon

Tuesday 7 PM HC - Said Service

Sunday 8 AM HC - Said Service

10 AM - Choral Eucharist

The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection April 2015


Old Man Winter has certainly

done a number on our budget over

the last few months.

In January, we paid out

$1,156.87, and in February the bill

was $1,599.89. We expect this

month’s bill to be the same, if not

larger. By contrast, our bills for Oc-

tober and December were roughly

$600, and the one for November

was only $233.25.

Please do your part by shutting

doors, turning lights off when you

don’t need them, and so forth. All

the things you do at home to keep

down expenses, please do at church.

Fortunately, our income has

been holding steady. We are one

quarter of the way through the year,

and our income is 23% of the

amount pledged. Believe me, there

are plenty of churches that would

envy our stewardship.

So turn down the thermostat, and

keep up the good work!

Betty Bennett

Money, Money

We are in need of desserts of all sorts for the Spa-

ghetti Bingo on April 11th. Break out your cook-

book, dust off the ol’ rolling pin and have at it. We

need sheets cakes, pie, cookies, and there’s a rumor

that somebody in the parish is very fond of banana

pudding. Dinner starts at 6:00, so you can bring

your desserts any time after 4:30.

April 2015 The Church of the Resurrection The Epistle


The Epistle The Church of the Resurrection (Episcopal)

Bridge and Anchor Drives

P.O. Box 222

Joppa, MD 21085-0222