Matt 5 images from the photoshoot

Post on 19-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Matt 5 images from the photoshoot

This image is good to use on the front cover as the model is smiling which gives the magazine a positive vibe. The model looks very relaxed and calm but this image would be hard to cut out because of the shadows surrounding the image, and also the model is too high up and the title could not go anywhere so this wouldn’t be a good image to use.

This image would be good to use because the model is looking straight into the camera and making direct address with the camera, which to the audience would make him look like a very happy and positive model. This image wouldn’t work on m front cover though because of the shadows surrounding the model. It would be difficult to cut it out because it blends in with the models clothes and makes the image look dark.

This image also is very positive and would fit the front cover of my magazine. However, the angle of the image makes the model fill the whole of the page, which would then be a problem when putting my title onto the page because the models face would be covered up. Also the model isn’t smiling which could give the magazine a negative sense about it. Therefore this image would not be used.

This image would look good as the front cover because of the way he is smiling making direct address with the audience and also his pose makes him look very relaxed and casual. This image would be the easiest out of the 5 to cut out, because the shadow isn’t as hard to see on this picture than the rest of them. Also the image is angled so that the title would fit above his head and look good positioned on the page.

I would consider this image to go as my front cover as the model looks very casual and relaxed. He is also smiling and looking into the camera making direct address with the audience. This would be considered for my photo shoot. Bit the image seems to be a bit out of focus, which makes the image look odd, so then I wouldn’t be able to use this as a front cover.

This is the image I have chosen to use. I have chosen this because the model looks very relaxed and casual. He also looks very friendly so then the audience might find they can relate to the model with the clothes and so this image would work well on the front of the cover which could then persuade people to buy the magazine. Also it would be the easiest image to cut out and use on my magazine to make the magazine look professional.