Photoshoot Images

Photoshoot Images – Front Cover This is the image I used for my front cover. I chose this particular image because it looks quite strong but rebellious at the same time which fits in with my genre, which is R&B. Also, I chose this image because it links in with the stigma of R&B because of the snapback, tattoos and gold chains, this all shows how R&B is represented, and how rappers/singers normally dress. I feel like this type of image has a strong look and a kind of ‘gangster’ vibe to it, therefore this is why it would be perfect to use for my front cover as this is what I want to represent. I took the image as a mid – shot. This is because I think that everything above the waist is what matters for the front cover as that is what solely characterises the genre of R&B. also, I think using the mid shot worked well because you can see everything from a medium distance which I think goes well for the front cover. In order to improve my image, I started off by using the magic wand to erase any of the green screen background. I did this so I could use my own background and a good solid This is my finished product. I used the black and yellow background as I was influenced by vibe magazine, which featured drake. I used white and yellow text, for things like the pull quote, cover lines and any other additional text. This is because I didn’t want the yellow overpowering too much of the magazine because it would look a little tacky, even though I wanted the magazine to look cool and quite chilled out but I also wanted it to look formal as it is a magazine for people to read overall. I kept the text quite short and

Transcript of Photoshoot Images

Page 1: Photoshoot Images

Photoshoot Images – Front Cover

This is the image I used for my front cover. I chose this particular image because it looks quite strong but rebellious at the same time which fits in with my genre, which is R&B.

Also, I chose this image because it links in with the stigma of R&B because of the snapback, tattoos and gold chains, this all shows how R&B is represented, and how rappers/singers normally dress. I feel like this type of image has a strong look and a kind of ‘gangster’ vibe to it, therefore this is why it would be perfect to use for my front cover as this is what I want to represent.

I took the image as a mid – shot. This is because I think that everything above the waist is what matters for the front cover as that is what solely characterises the genre of R&B. also, I think using the mid shot worked well because you can see everything from a medium distance which I think goes well for the front cover.

In order to improve my image, I started off by using the magic wand to erase any of the green screen background. I did this so I could use my own background and a good solid colour to fit in with the house style of my magazine.

Then after this, I used the contrast and brightness on Photoshop to make my image appear brighter and stand out better so it doesn’t blend in too much with the background of my magazine, as most of the background is black.

However, I did have some trouble with increasing the brightness and contrast because my image was kind of bright already; it almost faded out the image once I changed the brightness up even more.

Therefore, I kept the brightness very low, so that my image was still viewable.

This is my finished product. I used the black and yellow background as I was influenced by vibe magazine, which featured drake.

I used white and yellow text, for things like the pull quote, cover lines and any other additional text. This is because I didn’t want the yellow overpowering too much of the magazine because it would look a little tacky, even though I wanted the magazine to look cool and quite chilled out but I also wanted it to look formal as it is a magazine for people to read overall. I kept the text quite short and snappy, as the front cover shouldn’t include that much text as the inside of the magazine will cover all that information. The front cover only features what will be included in the magazine, so people are willing to read the magazine and find out more about it.