Mastering The Automotive Zero Moment of Truth

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Mastering The Automotive Zero Moment of Truth

Jim Lecinski’s new book “Winning The Zero Moment of Truth” is required reading for all dealership personnel. The free book can be downloaded electronically by visiting .

In the book, Lecinski outlines how the consumer shopping experience has changed as the Internet has evolved. Specifically he presents a data driven road map on how businesses should operate during a time period he defines as the “Zero Moment of Truth” (ZMOT).

Google research has shown that consumers shopping for a car are influenced by over 18 different online sources before they contact a dealership via phone, a lead form, or walk-in as an up. This period of time is called the Zero Moment of Truth.

For car dealers, understanding the Automotive ZMOT means that their attention must be equally focused on what is displayed online about their dealership as well as how their physical showroom looks and operates.

Online reviews are one of the most powerful influences during ZMOT yet many dealers have yet to inspect, respond, and promote online reviews. Reviews are important because when a consumer searches for a dealership name in Google, often multiple review websites are displayed on Page One.

TEN WAYS TO IMPROVE ZMOTDealers looking to leverage ZMOT for their dealership must first respect the power of the consumer. An individual that is not treated properly by a dealership has the power to blog, post a video, or record their experience on a review site for thousands of local car shoppers to see each month.

With a solid sales and customer service processes in place, a dealer that wants to dominate the Zero Moment of Truth can invest in a number of proven strategies to connect with online shoppers.

1. Inspect all popular review websites that list their business and respond to any negative reviews sincerely.

2. Start an in-store customer review process using mobile apps to collect reviews from customers before customers leave the dealership.

3. There are many 3rd party review websites, so start with Google Places and Yelp. These are the most influential and popular review websites and both have free mobile apps.

4. Create and publish customer testimonial videos on YouTube and other popular video sharing websites.

mastering the automotive

zero momentof truth

As consumer shopping habits change drastically, automotive marketers mustalso adapt - or perish by the wayside.

5. During the delivery process to take a photo/video of customers standing in front of their vehicle with their smart phone to post to their own Facebook account.

6. Write blogs and create videos that answer the most popular questions that car buyers have during the ZMOT. Lecinski lists them in his book.

7. Start a retargeting campaign that will follow consumers who visit your website with banner ads that reinforce a unique selling proposition. Do not follow consumers with banners that are focused on a sale price.

8. Ensure that your inventory vehicle descriptions, photos, videos, and pricing is the most complete and competitive in your market. Your vehicle detail pages on your website and third party classified websites are your “flypaper” for interested buyers.

9. Engage in social media to listen and communicate with your local community.

10. Record and publish online your work in the community, your charitable contributions, and any volunteering that your employees do in the community.

With increasing competition and lowered margins, dealers have to be the strongest and most attractive place to purchase a car during the Zero Moment of Truth. If dealers do not contribute to the 18+ influences that intersect car shoppers before they contact a dealer, they will lose market share and relevance.


BRIAN PASCHBrian is the founder and CEO of PCG Digital Marketing, an Inc. 500 digital agency headquartered in Eatontown, NJ. As the leading automotive ZMOT authority, Brian helps car dealers make the shift towards digital by carefully analyzing advertising budgets and making customized recommendations.




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