Mass Intentions Parish Calendarelebrant Fr. Gaston † Jenci Kocsis (4pm ... contact Erika Martinez...

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Transcript of Mass Intentions Parish Calendarelebrant Fr. Gaston † Jenci Kocsis (4pm ... contact Erika Martinez...


Pope Francis



Bishop Edward J. Burns

Mass Intentions

Saturday, October 20


Is. 53:10-11 / Heb. 4:14-16 / Mk. 10:35-45 or 10:42-45

5:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Delfin Margie Harris 7:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Gaston † Jesus Aguilera

Sunday, October 21


Is. 53:10-11 / Heb. 4:14-16 / Mk. 10:35-45 or 10:42-45

7:30 am Celebrant Fr. Delfin Pro-Populo 9:00 am Celebrant Fr. Gaston Jonathan Ferrer 11:00 am Celebrant Fr. Delfin Castillo Cuellar Family 1:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Gaston Mariela Gallardo

Monday, October 22—St. John Paul II, Pope Eph. 2-10-10 / Lk. 12:13-21

8:00 am Communion Service

Tuesday, October 23—St. John of Capistrano, Priest

Eph 2:12-22 / Lk. 12:35-38

6:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Gaston † Jenci Kocsis

Wednesday, October 24 —St. Anthony Mary Claret, Bishop

Eph 3:2-12 / Lk. 12:39-48

6:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Delfin Armando & Stephanie Espinosa

Thursday, October 25 Eph. 3:14-21 / Lk. 12:49-53

8:00 am Celebrant Fr. Delfin School Mass (6th grade) 6:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Gaston † Marie Antoinette Vera

Friday, October 26

Eph. 4:1-6 / Lk. 12:54-59

6:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Gaston † Mary Schroder 7:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Delfin † Francisco Bear

Saturday, October 27


Jer. 31:7-9 / Heb. 5:1-6 / Mk. 10:46-52

5:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Gaston † Mary Morris 7:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Delfin † Jesus Gonzalez

Sunday, October 28


Jer. 31:7-9 / Heb. 5:1-6 / Mk. 10:46-52

7:30 am Celebrant Fr. Gaston Pro-Populo 9:00 am Celebrant Fr. Delfin Maria Hernandez 11:00 am Celebrant Fr. Gaston † Eulalia Castillo

1:00 pm Celebrant Fr. Delfin Maria Montezuma

Parish Calendar Sunday, October 21 8:00 am Choir Practice (for 9am mass) Parish Center Rm. # 1

8:45 am Divine Mercy Rosary (Spanish) Church

10:30 am Magnificat (Spanish) Parish Center #4

10:45 am RICA Grand Salon

12:00 pm Choir Practice (for 1pm mass) Parish Center Rm. # 1

12:45 pm Rosary (Spanish) Church

5:00 pm RCIA Grand Salon

Monday, October 22 8:00 am School in Session Entire Bldg.

4:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Church

4:00 pm Adoration (4pm-5:30pm) Church

7:00 pm Hispanic Choir practice (1pm mass) Church

7:00 pm Jovenes para Cristo Cafeteria

7:00 pm Cursillistas Reception Rm

7:00 pm Wedding Rehearsal: Salas & Ramirez Church

7:00 pm Parent Workshop Parish Center

Tuesday, October 23 8:00 am School in Session Entire Bldg.

4:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Church

4:00 pm Adoration (4pm-5:30pm) Church

6:30 pm Women's Bible Study Work Sacristy

6:45 pm 1yr Confirmation Classes Parish Center

Wednesday, October 24 8:00 am School in Session Entire Bldg.

4:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Church

4:00 pm Adoration (4-5:30pm) Church

6:30 pm Divine Mercy Group Meeting (Spanish) Work Sacristy

6:45 pm Confirmation Classes Parish Center

7:00 pm Finance Board Meeting Library

Thursday, October 25

8:00 am School in Session Entire Bldg.

4:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet Church

4:00 pm Adoration(4-5:30pm) & (6:30pm-9pm) Church

6:45 pm Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church

7:00 pm Jovenes para Cristo P. Center / Rm# 6,7,8

7:00 pm Hispanic Pastoral Meeting Reception Room

Friday, October 26 8:00 am School in Session / Early Release Entire Bldg.

4:00 pm Divine Mercy Chaplet (Spanish) Church

7:00 pm Talleres de Oración y Vida Parish Center Rm. # 6

7:00 pm Voces del Verbi (Youth Group) Reception Room

7:00 pm Natural Family Class Grand Salon

Saturday, October 27 7:00 am Cleaning of the Church Church

10:00 am Baptisms (Spanish) Church

11:00 am Altar Servers Practice Church

12:00 pm Wedding: Salas & Ramirez Church

1:30 pm Altar Server Practice Church

4:00 pm Confessions Church

5:15 pm Choir Practice (for 7pm mass) Reception Room

5:45 pm 1st Communion 2nd yr. Classes Parish Center

6:45 pm Divine Mercy Rosary (Spanish) Church

Please pray for Silvestre Cornejo (10-7-18) Gonzalo Becerra (10-7-18) Paly Muñoz (10-7-18) Lupita Hernandez (10-7-18) Bernardita Calderón (10-718) Dottie Lawrence (10-7-18) David Garcia (10-7-18) Dolores Salines (10-7-18) Paola Spiers (10-7-18) Isabel Miller (10-7-18) Leona Castillo (10-7-18) Terry Watson (10-7-18)

our sick and homebound Silvano Garcia (10-7-18) Julieta Martinez (10-7-18) Lupe Becerra (10-7-18) Isabel Morales (10-7-18) Jorge Garcia (10-7-18) Jenoveva Castillo (10-7-18) Adolfo Martinez (10-7-18) Guillermo Duarte (10-7-18) Margarita Arriaga (10-14-18) Ester Hernandez (10-21-18) Pablo Vazquez (10-21-18) Guadalupe Vazquez (10-21-18)

Our love offering Weekend of October 13th & 14th


Mass Attendance

Actual Contributions

Projected Contributions

by Fr. Gaston

5:00pm Saturday 100 $ 1,635 $ 1,500

7:00pm Saturday 320 $753 $ 1,800

7:30am Sunday 91 $1,330 $ 1,000

9:00am Sunday 690 $2,928 $ 3,900

11:00am Sunday 268 $ 1,925 $ 2,900

1:00pm Sunday 700 $ 2,549 $ 3,900

TOTALS 2,169 $ 11,120 $ 15,000

Online contributions for the week of October 6th thru October 12th was $1,132.00

Second Collection: $1,488.00


Please note the due dates for any announcements in the bulletin.

Bulletin October 28 November 4 November 11

Due date October 17 October 24 October 31

Our St. Bernard’s Carnival Winners

Tomasa Diaz

Michelle Steakley

Alvaro Gonzalez

Judith Cardoso

Georgia Sutton

Miguel Mendoza

With the cooperation from the community by kindly donating items and from the support

we received from all the volunteers who contrib-uted their time, our Carnival was a SUCCESS, and A SPECIAL BIG THANK YOU to Juan

& Silvia Gonzalez for coordinating such an important event for our parish.

Always Report Abuse Please share this announcement in church bulletins throughout October and on

parish websites.

If you have been abused by a member of the clergy, or church personnel at any

point in your life, or know someone who has been, please report the abuse to law

enforcement or the Texas Department of Family & Protective Services at 1-800-252

-5400 or

You may also contact the Diocesan Victims’ Assistance Coordinator, Barbara

Landregan, at 214-379-2812. Let us always pray that God our Heavenly Father will

bring comfort and healing to all victims and their loved ones.

11th Annual Benefit Dinner

FEATURING Gianna Jessen – Abortion Survivor & Pro-Life Advocate

Thursday November 1, 2018 at the Royal Oaks Country Club 7:30 PM

Tickets can be purchased at

For questions or more information, call 214-824-5942

Or email

We are 100% funded by donations - be a saint and help support The

White Rose Women's Center!

Office of the Bishop

Dear Newlyweds,

The Diocese of Dallas has established a wonderful tradition of honoring couples who have been married twenty-five and fifty years with the celebration of the Silver and Gold Masses. These long-lasting unions are a living witness to the commit-ment of Christian marriage and life. I would like now to add to the tradition with a Mass honoring couples who are newly mar-ried. I will celebrate a Mass for Newlyweds on Saturday, No-vember 3, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. at the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe for all couples married in the Church since November 1, 2017. A reception will immediately follow the Mass in the Grand Salon. Along with fellowship, the dioce-san ministry offices will provide resources to help support your marriage and keep your love rooted in faith. I sincerely hope that you will be able to join us. In order that we may ade-quately plan for this event, please RSVP at by October 26. If you have any questions, please contact Erika Martinez at or 214-379-2878. Be assured of my prayers as you live out your vocation of marriage. I look for-ward to being with the two of you at the Mass for Newlyweds and reception on November 3. Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Edward J. Burns Bishop of Dallas

Novena of Masses

for All Souls

If you would like to commemorate your loved one in the Novena of Masses for All Souls, pick up an All Souls day Remembrance envelope, these are available at the church entrances. Please complete the infor-mation, and make a small donation, if you can. Give the envelope to an usher or put it in the collection basket. These will be placed on the altar on All Saints Day and will remain there for the rest of the week in Remembrance of All Souls.

Family Life General Meeting on Addictions

The Family Life Office would like to extend an invitation to the upcoming

Family Life Meeting on Addictions on October 24th from 9 am to 1 pm

at St. Michael the Archangel in Garland, TX. This invitation is open to all

Parish Family Life Directors and Coordinators. We have invited three

speakers to give a brief talk on addictions and several resourceful organ-

izations to hand out information to help those in need. Lunch will be

provided, please register at

SEVEN NEW SAINTS and the Encyclical “Humanae Vitae”

Last weekend, Pope Francis canonized 7 new saints: Pope Paul VI, Bishop Oscar Romero, Fr. Francesco Spinelli, Fr. Vincenzo Romano, Sister Maria Kathari-na Kasper, Sister Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa and the youth Nunzio Sulprizio.

We give special mention to St. Paul VI, on the 50th anniversary of his encyclical “Humanae Vitae” on the regulation of birth. It is good for us to review the main points of his teaching. The Church’s teaching is based on the natural law which is written by God in creation and in this document – specifically - on the nature of man and woman.

11. The Church teaches that each and every marital act must of ne-cessity retain its intrinsic relationship to the procreation of human life. 12. This particular doctrine, often expounded by the magisterium of the Church, is based on the inseparable connection, established by God, which man on his own initiative may not break, between 1- the unitive significance and 2- the procreative significance, which are both inherent to the marriage act.

If each of these essential qualities, the unitive and the procreative, is preserved, the use of marriage fully retains its sense of true mutual love and its ordination to the supreme responsibility of parenthood to which man is called.

Whatever opposes to these twofold significances, would be an intrin-sically evil act and is NOT to be practice by the faithful: - Against the unitive significance 1) procreation without union: in vitro fertilization... - Against the procreative significance 2) union without being opened to life: condoms, contraceptive pills, IUD, abortion, etc... Let us ask God, through the intercession of the newly canonized Saint Paul VI, for the sanctification of all married couples.

If you have any questions about these teachings, please don’t hesitate to contact me and we can discuss.

Fr. Gaston Giacinti

FAITH FORMATION MINISTRY / MINISTERIO DE FORMACION DE FE Elizabeth Torres: 214-321-1454 ext. 2008 or 2010 Mayra Puente:

Next Sunday, October

28th, 11:00 am Mass

Will be led by

St. Bernard School Students

MASS prepared by the School (All children will be dress as Saints)

From the Business Office

The 2017-2018 Financial Statements for both St. Bernard’s

Church and School are now available for you to look at on

their websites. The church’s website is:,

and the school’s website is: You may

also pick up a copy of these statements in the Parish office

during normal business hours. Thank You.

De la oficina de Finanzas

Los estados financieros 2017-2018 para la Iglesia y la Escuela

de St. Bernard ahora están disponibles para que los ver en sus

sitios web. El sitio web de la iglesia está es:,

y el sitio web de la escuela está es:

También puede recoger una copia de estas declaraciones en la oficina de la parroquia durante el horario de oficina. Gracias.







Thank you! To all the catechists, families and teen volunteers who made donations and served at the carnival this past weekend. It was a successful event thanks to you! Also we would like to thank the following businesses for

their contributions:

Walgreens (2301 Lakeland Drive), Nothing Bundt Cakes (Casa Linda), Trad-

er Joe’s and Chic-Fil-A!

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who wa-

ters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:25

Muchas Gracias! A todos los catequistas, familias y adolesentes que hicieron donaciones y

servieron durante el carnival este fin de semana pasado. Fue un triunfo gra-cias a ustedes! Tambien les damos las gracias a los negociosos que nos

apoyaron con contribuciones:

Walgreens (2301 Lakeland Drive), Nothing Bundt Cakes (Casa Linda),

Trader Joe’s y Chic-Fil-A!

"Quienquiera que traiga bendiciones será enriquecido, y el que riega será regado". Proverbios 11:25.


If you have not turned in your child’s

sponsor (Godparent) documentation

copy, please email, fax or come by to

drop it off as soon as possible.


AVISO IMPORTANTE Si no han entregado la copia del documen-to para el padrino/madrina de su hijo/a, por favor mandelo lo mas pronto possible. Pueden enviarlo por fax, correo electroni-co o visitor la oficina.


Family Event CONFIRMATION 2nd Year Wednesday Mass on

October 31, 7:30 PM Remember at least 1 parent must attend mass with their child but the whole family is encouraged to attend. You must arrive at 6:45 PM in the CHURCH.

Evento de Familias para los estudiantes de CONFIRMACION II

Misa el Miercoles 31 de octubre 7:30 PM.

Recuerden que debe de asistir minimo papa o mama (1). Pero toda la familia esta invitada. Deben llegar a las 6:45 PM en la IGLESIA.

Taller de Padres #2– El Credo

-22 de Oct, Primera Comunión II -29 de Oct, Confirmación II

*Todos los Talleres de Padres son el en Centro Parroquial a las 7:00pm. Recuerden traer su Tarjeta de


Parent Workshop #2– The Creed

-Oct. 22, First Communion II -Oct. 29, Confirmation II

*All Parent Workshops are held in the Parish Center

at 7:00pm. Remember to bring your Punch Card.

Siempre Reporte el Abuso

Si usted ha sido abusado por un miembro del clero o del personal de la iglesia en

algún momento de su vida, o conoce a alguien que ha sido abusado, le pedimos

que informe dicho abuso a las autoridades policiales o al Departamento de Ser-

vicios para la Familia y de Protección de Texas al 1-800-252-5400 o

También puede comunicarse con el Coordinador Diocesano de Asistencia de las

Víctimas, Barbara Landregan, al 214-379-2812. Oremos siempre para que Dios

nuestro Padre Celestial traiga consuelo y sanación a todas las víctimas y sus seres


Los Ganadores de Nuestro Carnaval

Tomasa Diaz

Michelle Steakley

Alvaro Gonzalez

Judith Cardoso

Georgia Sutton

Miguel Mendoza

Con la cooperación de la comunidad mediante donaciones y el apoyo que recibimos de todos los voluntarios que contribuyeron con su tiem-

po, nuestro Carnaval fue un ÉXITO y un AGRADECIMIENTO muy especial a Juan y Silvia González por coordinar un evento tan

importante para nuestra parroquia.

11a Cena de Beneficencia

PRESENTANDO a Gianna Jessen – Sobrevi-

viente de Aborto y Defensora de la Vida Jueves Noviembre 1, 2018 Royal Oaks Country

Club 7:30 PM Compra de boletos en

Para mayores informes, llame 214-824-5942

Or email Estamos 100% financiados por donaciones.

¡Sé santo y ayuda a apoyar el Centro de Mujeres White Rose!

Clase de Planificación Familiar

Se invita a todas las parejas y Jo venes mayores de 18 an os asistir a las

clases de planificacio n familiar que se estara n impartiendo aquí en

san Bernardo:

viernes 26 de octubre las 7:00pm en el gran salón del centro parroquial. No se permiten niños en la clase. Donación $10. Para mas informacio n y registracio n , favor de llamar a la oficina de la parroquia al 214-321-0454.

La Oficina del Obispo

Estimada Pareja de Recién Casados,

La Diócesis de Dallas ha establecido una maravillosa tradición de honrar a las parejas que han estado casadas a lo largo de veinticinco y cincuenta años con la celebración de las Misas de Oro y Plata. Estas uniones duraderas son un testimonio vivo de su compromiso al matrimonio y a la vida Cristiana. Ahora, me gustaría añadir a esta tradición una Misa en honor de las parejas de recién casados. Celebraré una Misa para los Recién Casados el sábado, 3 de noviembre de 2018 a las 5:00 p.m. en la Catedral Santuario de la Virgen de Guadalupe para todas las parejas uni-das en matrimonio en la Iglesia desde el 1ero. de noviembre de 2017. Inmediatamente después de la Misa, se llevará a cabo una recepción en el Gran Salón. Durante la convivencia, las oficinas diocesanas ministeriales proveerán recursos en apoyo a su mat-rimonio y para mantener su amor enraizado en la fe. Sincera-mente espero que pueda acompañarnos. Para que podamos planear debidamente este evento, le pedimos que confirme su asistencia en a más tardar el 26 de octubre de 2018. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Erika Martínez a o al 214-379-2878. Tengan la certeza que los tengo presentes en mis oraciones mientras viven su vocación al matrimonio. Espero contar con su presencia en la Misa para Recién Casados y en la recepción del 3 de noviembre.

Sinceramente suyo en Cristo, Excelentísimo Edward J. Burns Obispo de Dallas


Si a usted le gustaría conmemorar a su ser querido en la novena de misas para los difuntos, tome un sobre de conmemoración, éstos están disponibles en las entradas de las iglesias. Por favor complete la información, y haga una pequeña donación, si es posible. De el sobre a un acomodador o póngalo en la canasta de la colecta. Estos serán colocados en el altar el día de todos los Santos y permanecerán allí durante el resto de la semana en honor a nuestros difuntos.

SIETE NUEVOS SANTOS y la Enciclica ‘Humanae Vitae’

La semana pasada el Papa Francisco canonizo a 7 nuevos santos: el Papa Pablo VI, el Obispo Oscar Romero, P. Francesco Spinelly, P. Vincenzo Romano, Hermana Ma-ria Katharina Kasper, Hermana Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa y el joven Nunzio Sulprizio.

Requiere una especial mención el Papa Pablo VI y el 50 aniversario de su encíclica 'Humanae Vitae' sobre la regulación de la natalidad. Es bueno refrescar la memoria de los principales puntos de su enseñanza. La ense-ñanza de la Iglesia esta basada en la ley natural que es escrita por Dios en la creación, y aquí – específicamente – en la naturaleza del hombre y la mujer.

11. La Iglesia enseña que cualquier acto matrimonial debe quedar abier-to a la transmisión de la vida.

12. Esta doctrina, muchas veces expuesta por el Magisterio, está fundada sobre la inseparable conexión que Dios ha querido y que el hombre no puede romper por propia iniciativa, entre los dos significados del acto conyugal: 1- el significado unitivo y 2- el significado procreador.

Salvaguardando ambos aspectos esenciales, unitivo y procreador, el acto conyugal conserva íntegro el sentido de amor mutuo y verdadero y su ordenación a la altísima vocación del hombre a la paternidad.

Cualquier acto que se oponga a estos dos significados, seria un acto in-trínsecamente malo y NO debe ser practicado por los fieles: Contra el significado unitivo 1) busca la procreación, sin la unión:

fecundación in vitro…

- Contra el significado procreador 2) busca la unión, sin estar abierto a la vida: condón, pastillas anticonceptivas, iud, aborto, etc…

Pidamos por la intercesión del nuevo Santo Pablo VI por la santificación de todos los matrimonios.

Gaston Giacinti